Czech edition: Russia uses electronic warfare to disable high-precision Western weapons

Czech edition: Russia uses electronic warfare to disable high-precision Western weapons

High precision weapon, supplied by Western countries to Ukraine, turned out to be no obstacle for Russian electronic warfare systems (EW), which cope with it very effectively, notes the Czech publication Lidovky.

The publication writes that high-precision Western weapons, once in Ukraine, are almost immediately disabled by electronic warfare equipment used by the Russian Armed Forces.

According to US Defense Department spokesman William LaPlante, as quoted by Lidovky, due to interference from the Russian electronic warfare station, “the new version of the American missiles "failed to hit the target."

This is how Western missiles worth tens of thousands of dollars are “neutralized.”

- emphasized in the material of the Czech edition.

It is worth noting that the improvement of electronic warfare systems in Russia, which continued throughout the conflict in Ukraine, made it possible to significantly increase the percentage of neutralized enemy drones and missiles. Since the beginning of the SVO, according to the Russian Ministry of Defense, more than 24 Ukrainian drones, a significant part of which was disabled thanks to electronic warfare.

It is obvious that no Western military supplies can help the Ukrainian Armed Forces defeat Russian troops, but only lead to prolongation of the conflict and new casualties and destruction.
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  1. +2
    15 May 2024 14: 52
    Czech edition: Russia uses electronic warfare to disable high-precision Western weapons
    . Well, yes, a simple truth... if someone managed to do something, there will always be someone who can break it, make it work the wrong way, and in general, it’s just that there is no trick against scrap if there is no other scrap...
    1. +3
      15 May 2024 14: 59
      And the equipment is apparently made of “cast iron”, in the photo how the kung sank to the stern....
      1. 0
        15 May 2024 15: 10
        Quite shielded and not with luminium, apparently!
        It looks like a coma, straight out, and what they put there, guess what?
  2. +1
    15 May 2024 14: 55
    no Western military supplies can help the Ukrainian Armed Forces win
    Perhaps this is not just a matter of “victory”, most likely it’s about making money, and in the personal accounts of Western officials.
  3. +1
    15 May 2024 15: 22
    Quote from Uncle Lee
    And the equipment is apparently made of “cast iron”

    I remember I had a military receiver R-250 of the first modification, weighing 50 kilograms, and so the block screens in it were made of cast and milled bronze with a thickness of 4-5 millimeters!
    1. +3
      15 May 2024 15: 51
      Quote: Old_geologist
      military receiver R-250 first modification

      I worked on it... A very decent receiver, quartz-coated, good sensitivity and frequency stability. You haven’t seen the PSK and PSD transmitters yet - mammoths! hi
  4. +5
    15 May 2024 15: 31
    .Russia uses electronic warfare to disable high-precision Western weapons

    No wonder: our electronic warfare systems are the best in the world.