Shock wave of various ammunition: radius of guaranteed destruction
Modern body armor can provide reliable protection to a soldier not only from bullets fired from small arms weapons certain calibers, but also from fragments resulting from the explosion of shells and mines.
Meanwhile, in the case of the latter, the greatest danger to manpower is posed not so much by fragments as by high-explosive effects, from which body armor is not capable of protecting, regardless of its class.
True, it is worth noting here that the radius of damage of the shock wave, which can kill or cause concussion, is much smaller than that of fragments. Its range is directly related to the mass and composition of the explosive in a particular ammunition.
Typically, the radius of damage from the shock wave is equal to the cube root of the TNT equivalent of the explosion power. Consequently, to double the radius of destruction by a shock wave, the amount of explosive in the projectile must be increased eightfold.
Now about the ammunition. The smallest of those that can kill a fighter with a blast wave is the F-1 grenade, widespread in the post-Soviet space, which contains 60 grams of explosives.
Such ammunition is guaranteed to kill with a shock wave within a radius of 0,63 meters. At the same time, the high-explosive effect of the F-1 is not lethal even at a distance of 2,5 meters from the epicenter of the explosion. At the same time, concussion can be avoided at a distance of 5,5 meters.
In turn, the RGD-5 grenade is guaranteed to kill with a shock wave at a distance of 0,81 meters.
The 82-mm mortar mine, widely used during air defense, can contain from 413 to 450 grams of explosive. In this case, the high-explosive effect is guaranteed to be fatal to manpower within a radius of 1,7 meters. Such a mine (we are talking about a shock wave) at a distance of 7 meters will not kill, but concussion can be avoided by being 12 meters from the epicenter.
Regarding the projectile for 122-mm howitzers under the symbol OF-56, which is filled with 4050 gr. hexal, its shock wave will definitely kill at a distance of 4,2 meters. At the same time, the high-explosive effect of this ammunition becomes non-lethal at a distance of 17 meters from the epicenter of the explosion, and concussion can be avoided at a distance of 28,5 m.