Khazin on the abolition of personal income tax for the poor: there should be no exceptions regarding the payment of taxes

Khazin on the abolition of personal income tax for the poor: there should be no exceptions regarding the payment of taxes

Just yesterday, Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said that his department would consider the issue of progressive taxation. At the same time, reforms in the field of personal income tax in Russia have been discussed before. In particular, a proposal was voiced to introduce a progressive scale for the rich and exempt the poor from paying taxes.

Regarding the last proposal, Russian economist Mikhail Khazin expressed his opinion during a conversation with journalist Evgeny Maystruk.

According to the expert, any tax breaks will certainly be taken advantage of by scammers.

As an example, he cited the individual entrepreneur regime, which is used not only by small and medium-sized businesses, but also by large ones. In particular, if the annual income of the owner of such a business exceeds the upper limit of the above-mentioned tax regime, then he opens two, three, or even ten different individual entrepreneurs, performing the so-called splitting.

Thus, according to Khazin, all citizens without exception should pay the tax. However, additional assistance from the budget can be provided for low-income Russians.

For example, as the expert put it, payments for children could be increased. At the same time, he emphasized that in this case, a child born in Russia and both parents must have Russian citizenship. Then this will eliminate fraud on the part of migrants who come to our country to give birth to a child, process payments and go back.

In general, according to the Russian economist, reforms in the field of taxation are needed. But the complete abolition of personal income tax could open a “window of opportunity” for all sorts of scammers.

There should be no exceptions regarding the payment of taxes

- Khazin summed up.

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  1. 13+
    15 May 2024 11: 36
    Of course, they will take advantage, most people do not want to part with their money, but here we need to follow the example of the USA, where robbers are more afraid of the tax office.
    The punishment for fraud and tax evasion should be dire and inevitable.
    But this needs to be done, and this cannot be allowed. It's easier to ban.
  2. 17+
    15 May 2024 11: 38
    That is, this predictor of a “left turn” is not embarrassed by the cheating with taxes of businesses and oligarchs, but the fact that people with poverty-stricken incomes will not pay personal income tax is terrible... It’s clear...
    1. +2
      15 May 2024 12: 29
      This is what people with poverty-stricken incomes will not pay personal income tax - this is terrible... I see... lives on my street LEGALLY unemployed since 1993. Receives benefits and subsidies as a low-income person. 2 children.
      Doesn't pay taxes - no money, no income. .
      An apartment in Bulgaria in a village on the seashore, purchased in 2019, is registered for the mother-in-law.
      KAMAZ for a dead man in Dagestan - the local gays used to have such a feature there.
      He scolds the oligarchs... When I tell him that he is the same as Chubais, a thief who only stole less, he gets offended

      It is people like him - the "poor" type - and also people like M. Baghdasaryan - who will be LAW exempt from paying personal income tax.
      And yes, there are also shift workers of all stripes - receiving black/gray salaries.
    2. +7
      15 May 2024 12: 32
      Quote: Nikolay310
      but the fact that people with miserable incomes will not pay personal income tax is terrible...

      People with miserable incomes under the bourgeoisie will always pay. And Siluanov, who together with Nabiullina squandered $300 in foreign currency reserves, can say about the abolition of personal income tax for the poor:

      By the way, no one asked the question why, given the high cost of housing and utility services, they charge us 20% VAT?
  3. -11
    15 May 2024 11: 40
    Wow, something adequate from Khazin!
    1. +2
      15 May 2024 11: 46
      Your concept of adequacy is interesting....
      1. -2
        16 May 2024 23: 31
        It’s not clear that the more tax evaders there will be. The higher the taxes themselves will be) and only honest taxpayers will suffer.
  4. +7
    15 May 2024 11: 47
    All for friends, law for enemies.
  5. +3
    15 May 2024 11: 49
    Well, if we draw an analogy that some people get behind the wheel when they are drunk, then based on Khazin’s logic, it is necessary to take away everyone’s driver’s licenses and cars and completely ban the production and sale of alcohol.....
    1. +2
      15 May 2024 12: 27
      Participants in an accident who were drunk are deprived of their right to drive a car for a certain period of time. At the same time, the driver has the right to use it if he is simply in a car in which, for example, the battery has been removed. The third capture of a drunk driver should turn him into an eternal pedestrian...
  6. 0
    15 May 2024 12: 05
    It's simple. The foreign specialists needed for Russia will find some homeless person and arrange everything through him.
  7. +3
    15 May 2024 12: 17
    Just yesterday, Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said that his department would consider the issue of progressive taxation.

    The Ministry of Finance remains under the control of Anton Siluanov, who has until July 31 to prepare the personal income tax reform that Putin spoke about a long time ago.
    What principles should lie in the sphere of reform? The most predictable thing is that the “rich” should pay more. How much more? What part of the “blood and sweat” obtained should be shared with the state by those who were “lucky” to grab a thick and fatty piece of the Soviet pie?
    It would not be entirely correct to talk about half of the income if we did not remember the seventy-five percent tax rate in the United States under Roosevelt. Nothing happened, no one snapped so hard as to break their neck. Moreover, tax evasion in the United States is considered one of the most serious crimes and is punishable by serious penalties. But it is unwise to turn a blind eye to businessmen who increase their own capital by billions of dollars when the country raises money for SVO and the treatment of sick children through voluntary donations.
    Before introducing all reforms, the Minister of Finance must define what should be considered wages and what bonuses are. I believe that an employee has the right to receive a fixed amount for his work, specified in an individual contract, which does not mean that there should not be any penalties for gross violations of the labor code. Moreover, the fine cannot be higher than 10% of the established salary.
    Bonuses can be paid based on work results if a profit is made. Moreover, the size of the bonus should depend on the size of the employee’s salary.
    There should be no “golden parachutes”, no “rest benefits” and no sanatorium-resort benefits under special headings.
    At each enterprise, the salary of the manager (executive director) should not exceed ten times (20 times can be provided) the minimum wage rate.
    In the public sector, the salaries of “servants of the people” should not be higher than 10-20 times the minimum wage established by law.
    Employees whose monthly income does not exceed two minimum wages are entitled to zero personal income tax.
    Those whose income is no more than 3 minimum wages must pay personal income tax in the amount of 5%.
    Income 4 minimum wages - 10%. 5-10 minimum wage - 15%. Next comes progress: monthly income up to 50 minimum wages - 20%; up to 100 minimum wages - 25%; up to 200 minimum wage - 30%; over 400 minimum wages - 35%.
    (You can revise the indicators)
    The Ministry of Finance must determine the legality of dividend payments from various joint-stock companies, so that those who still have Chubais’s “two Volgas” do not puzzle over how the owners of factories, newspapers, and ships appeared in the country.
    Are the Russian bourgeois gentlemen ready for such reforms?
    Is the Ministry of Finance ready to track cash flows and not be surprised how an employee (official) has more cash in his cottage than his entire family could earn in 300 years?
    If you need motivation, incentives for information about non-payment of taxes, the creation of additional fiscal units in territorial administrations, United Russia has a constitutional majority in the State Duma. They will pass any law on command from above.
    If there is any semblance of such changes, we are always “FOR”!!!
    1. 0
      15 May 2024 12: 35
      Employees whose monthly income does not exceed two minimum wages are entitled to zero personal income tax.
      Those whose income is no more than 3 minimum wages must pay personal income tax in the amount of 5%.
      Income 4 minimum wages - 10%.

      Я damn bureaucrat I raise both hands BEHIND!!! - - I get 34 and according to your scale I will pay only 000% instead of 5
      And our girls, grade secretaries who receive 20 after all the promotions, will pay 000, grand zero....
      1. 0
        15 May 2024 12: 37
        Quote: your1970
        I'm a damn bureaucrat

        Quote: ROSS 42
        (You can revise the indicators)

        Quote: ROSS 42
        If it will be semblance of such changes - we are always “FOR”!!!
        1. -1
          15 May 2024 12: 49
          Quote: ROSS 42
          (You can revise the indicators)
          - to the side cuts? And so people don’t break into government agencies...
          To the side increase? Again I am FOR!!! - but very unlikely.
          There's a little higher
          In the public sector, the salaries of “servants of the people” should not be higher than 10-20 times the minimum wage established by law..
          Such salaries are received by managers at the regional level, no lower.
          Do you feel dead end?
          If I pay less, I won’t pay taxes, if I pay more so that I pay taxes, I will support the regional authorities (and they have more responsibility, despite their lack of love for them)
          1. 0
            15 May 2024 12: 51
            Quote: your1970
            If I pay less, I won’t pay taxes,

            Quote: ROSS 42
            Moreover, tax evasion in the United States is considered one of the most serious crimes and is punishable by serious penalties.

            Quote: ROSS 42
            If you need motivation, incentives for information about non-payment of taxes, the creation of additional fiscal units in territorial administrations, United Russia has a constitutional majority in the State Duma. They will pass any law on command from above.
            1. -2
              15 May 2024 13: 03
              Do you even read THEIR!!!! posts

              Employees whose monthly income does not exceed two minimum wages are entitled to zero personal income tax.

              And that's why I NOT I will pay taxes - if I reduce it below my 34, it will be less than 000 minimum wages. wassat
              And not because I don’t want to recourse
              And I like your scale - I will pay pennies on it because they will never pay us 100 salaries
          2. 0
            20 May 2024 04: 34
            Quote: your1970
            And so people don't break in to government agencies...

            Quote: your1970
            but much hardly.

            Would you improve your literacy...
            I will or I won’t...Who would ask you if you had the levers of power? Would work for 6 months
            “forced” and would become more flexible.
            * * *
            I can’t understand what you are trying to achieve by expressing your thoughts to me? I don’t make laws, I build a hypothetical line of development (solving a problem). And it is true and confirmed by the economic development of both the USSR and today's developed countries...
            And our economy is structured, in all likelihood, only so that a small group of people can appropriate the production capacities and natural resources that once belonged to the people (the people’s state) and turn the country’s population into “uncomplaining cattle.” And nothing changes. And democracy in the country is somehow one-sided.
            And who are you “in” with? Those brothers from the 90s or those who eat a horse in a ravine?
            The bourgeoisie will never become my own... Just like the chronic parasites...
            1. 0
              20 May 2024 12: 31
              I will or I won’t...Who would ask you if you had the levers of power? Would work for 6 months
              “forced” and would become more flexible.

              And for the hundredth time - for you, the Chinese and the USA I will repeat - YOU proposed scale - tax rate for ME installed personally YOU - 0(zero!!!!)
              Grand zero.....
              Exactly according to Your scale - I won’t pay taxes because YOU They decided not to tax such poor government employees.
              And not at all because I don’t want to pay taxes or evade paying them
    2. 0
      19 May 2024 22: 43
      Back to normal again.
      What is good and how will most people accept it?
      It depends on upbringing. Inertia of a large system.
      What's bad? Equal budget expenditures of Moscow and the Pskop and Penzyukovsk regions.
      1 person = 1 vote = 1 cost unit from the budget
  8. +4
    15 May 2024 12: 24
    However, additional assistance from the budget can be provided for low-income Russians.

    Well, yes.
    Like they will take advantage of the relaxations, but not this one...
    (and not all low-income people have children)

    It would be better if idiocy in budget offices like “half-time work” (essentially the same work for half the salary) was banned.

    Khazin is delusional as always. But with a smart look, you can’t take it away. laughing
  9. +3
    15 May 2024 12: 29
    Khazin is talking nonsense. Standard tax deductions, as they are called, already exist, but the amounts are ridiculous. For example, 1400 rubles per month for a child. They should have made at least 14000, you bastards.
  10. +2
    15 May 2024 12: 50
    Maybe they’ll jail people from the top more often; there’s plenty of money for everyone
  11. +3
    15 May 2024 12: 52
    As an example, he cited the individual entrepreneur regime, which is used not only by small and medium-sized businesses, but also by large ones. In particular, if the annual income of the owner of such a business exceeds the upper limit of the above-mentioned tax regime, then he opens two, three, or even ten different individual entrepreneurs, performing the so-called splitting.

    It’s time to close these loopholes long ago. You make a purchase in a hypermarket or at a gas station, and you see that the receipt was issued from some individual entrepreneur.

    And Khazin comes up with the following logic: this is where businessmen evade taxes, but the poor cannot be allowed to evade taxes too.
  12. +4
    15 May 2024 13: 35
    Look what the “patriots” of Russia tell us:
    The decision of the Perm Territory court to confiscate shares of the Solikamsk magnesium plant in favor of Russia could create a dangerous precedent for the economy and lead to an outflow of capital abroad, said the head of the Central Bank, Elvira Nabiullina, RIA Novosti reports.

    In 2022, the court satisfied the request of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation to seize in favor of the state more than 89% of the shares of SMZ owned by Pyotr Kondrashev, Sergei Kirpichev, Timur Starostin and Igor Pestrikov. It was established that these shares “were removed from the ownership of the Russian Federation in violation of the privatization legislation in force in 1992–1996.”

    But Nabiullina continues:
    The head of the Central Bank Nabiullina said that such a verdict calls into question the protection of the rights of investors and “bona fide purchasers of shares through organized trading.” Without these guarantees, in her opinion, “it is impossible to talk about any doubling of market capitalization.”

    At the same time, Elvira Sakhipzadovna did not bother to explain how, as the head of the Central Bank, she allows the withdrawal of capital and through which banks licensed by her?
    And what did conscientious investors invest there and what are organized trades and what is the integrity of these organizers?
    * * *
    Maybe she considers herself and Siluanov to be conscientious financiers? It's time to check her psyche...
    1. 0
      17 May 2024 09: 25
      Quote: ROSS 42
      bona fide investors

      Sounds just like: a cannibal vegetarian.

      Quote: ROSS 42
      conscientious financiers? It's time to check her psyche...

      Giving money on interest is a mortal sin!
      What is needed here is not psychiatrists, but executioners. am
  13. +2
    15 May 2024 13: 36
    All this is unreleased.
    “introduce a progressive scale for the rich and exempt the poor from paying taxes.” - has long been in effect in the West.
    I read that in “Northern socialism” the poor pay no tax up to 2000 euros, while the rich pay about 70%.
    But as Putin said, this cannot happen here (not verbatim).

    As they milk, so will they milk
  14. +3
    15 May 2024 20: 23
    The thieves' propagandists will always justify the inviolability of their income.

    Meanwhile, we have experience in reducing taxes for certain categories. For example, income tax benefits for parents of minor children. Nothing prevents the same “deductible” of tax-free income in the amount of the subsistence level from being provided to the entire population of the country, regardless of their income level. As a result, someone receiving 20 will not pay anything, and someone receiving 000 will experience almost no tax reduction.
    But... then there will be nothing to cut. And nothing will break off for Khazin; he will have to stand up at the factory to the machine.
  15. +3
    16 May 2024 23: 07
    This Khazin is a shameless liar. The number of tax breaks is off the charts. Yes, even the exclusion of part of the parents’ income from taxable amounts is not a precedent? What about benefits for the purchase of housing and other goodies for the rich? So there is no sacredness in personal income tax.
    Why not deduct at least one cost of living from the tax base every month for everyone, regardless of income level? It’s easy to administer and benefits the people.
    One problem. The Khazins' feeding trough will become scarce.