The Verkhovna Rada called Belousov’s candidacy for the post of head of the Russian Ministry of Defense “tragic” for Ukraine

The Verkhovna Rada called Belousov’s candidacy for the post of head of the Russian Ministry of Defense “tragic” for Ukraine

In Ukraine, they are making it clear that the Russian President’s nomination of Andrei Belousov for the post of Defense Minister came as a complete surprise to Kyiv. There, if anyone gave their forecasts regarding the composition of the power bloc of the Russian government, then no one definitely considered Belousov’s candidacy. Now there is a stream of comments and assessments about the new minister.

The Verkhovna Rada, commenting on the changes at the top of the Russian Ministry of Defense, said that “these are bad news for Ukraine".

The situation is commented on by different factions of the Verkhovna Rada. Thus, Tymoshenko’s Batkivshchyna party stated that “Belousov’s appointment is tragic for Ukraine.”

Representatives of the Kyiv regime give such assessments due to the fact that they are confident in a new stage of increasing production volumes weapons and military equipment in Russia. Even her opponent considers Belousova to be a strong business executive.

The official himself has repeatedly proven that he is capable of giving impetus to the development of the industry he undertakes.

In Kyiv they say that Belousov will now begin to work “with triple activity” with military-industrial enterprises, which will lead to a sharp increase in the output of military products. In principle, the deputies of the Verkhovna Rada are hardly far from the truth here. The candidacy of Andrei Belousov is connected precisely with the fact that the military industry will develop more significantly, pulling with it a number of other sectors of the economy.
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  1. +11
    13 May 2024 06: 18
    Well... Let's wait for the steps of the new Minister of Defense!
    1. +20
      13 May 2024 06: 23
      The main thing is that the new defense minister’s deputies do not turn out to be the same as the first deputy. Shoigu Ivanov.
      Cadres decide everything.
      We'll see what happens.
      1. +18
        13 May 2024 06: 27
        This is natural, not even negotiable, you are right. But everywhere there are their “Ivanovs”. Wherever you throw it, there’s a wedge. SMERSH needs a very “sick” punishment for its actions... But there are none. This is my personal opinion and it may differ from yours.
        1. +6
          13 May 2024 07: 32
          What, SMERSH was involved in ministers?
          1. +3
            13 May 2024 07: 59
            And that Comrade Stalin’s ministers were spies?? Other departments of the NKVD probably looked after them, and did the right thing.
            1. +4
              13 May 2024 08: 08
              Quote: pin_code
              And that Comrade Stalin’s ministers were spies??

              So how should we understand your post?

              But everywhere there are “Ivanovs”. Wherever you throw it, there’s a wedge. SMERSH is needed
              1. -2
                13 May 2024 08: 12
                Here you are disingenuous. Where is Comrade Stalin and where is the current government? Although... SMERSH is more suitable for today's people. Can anyone else explain why?
                1. +1
                  13 May 2024 08: 17
                  You don’t even understand what I’m writing to you about? And don’t you see any logical inconsistencies in your text? What kind of mess is in your head... wassat
                  1. -5
                    13 May 2024 08: 36
                    Anyone who wanted to understand understood. And if this is not given to you, alas, I am powerless here hi
                    1. -2
                      13 May 2024 08: 43
                      Quote: pin_code
                      Anyone who wanted to understand understood. And if this is not given to you, alas, I am powerless here

                      Well, yes, Klitschko, too, probably someone understands... hi
                      1. -3
                        13 May 2024 08: 46
                        I hate that you compare yourself to Klitschko. But I can't help you, unfortunately. hi
                    2. +3
                      13 May 2024 08: 46
                      You write SMERSH, so at least take the time to find out what it is? Otherwise, they say, it’s just a beautiful word!.. wassat
                      1. -5
                        13 May 2024 08: 48
                        Death to Spies. I've known it since childhood. Does it change anything??
                      2. -1
                        13 May 2024 11: 27
                        How SMERSH corrupts everyone. I will survive your disadvantages, you bad people. Do they pay well at least?? A? Not a comrade..
                    3. -1
                      13 May 2024 09: 28
                      Nobody wanted to. It’s not interesting to build the logic for you. Moreover, she is somehow alarming.
                      1. 0
                        13 May 2024 11: 34
                        You are responsible for yourself, not for everyone. And why are you so worried about my logic and SMERSH? Is your butt covered?
                      2. 0
                        19 May 2024 05: 27
                        How do you manage to refer to the image of a butt in the second phrase?)) What’s wrong with your worldview? Actually, I wrote that it’s not interesting to build logic for you. It doesn't scare you, it's not noticeable. Is the difference clear?
                2. -3
                  13 May 2024 08: 47
                  SMERSH and SMERSH - and in SMERSH, whose sidekicks and relatives will there be and who... will they be? After all, it’s not 1943, and people aren’t of the same caliber!
                  1. -7
                    13 May 2024 08: 51
                    This is what’s interesting! That's true for me. Don't you?
                3. -2
                  13 May 2024 09: 59
                  What about you, what were you living at that time? I don’t know whether they stole from the treasury under Stalin or not, but there was enough chaos and disorder in the national economy and in the army. An example of this is the Finnish company, the beginning of the Second World War and collectivization.
                  1. 0
                    13 May 2024 14: 25
                    Are you completely weird? Or how? Let's start with the 1st treasury: who stole from 35-38, and found his bullet (just don’t blame everything on Stalin and Beria). 2nd, they brought order to the national economy and even exported grain (just don’t sing about the Holodomor in Ukraine - I’ll bite it with my teeth when I meet you; my great-grandmother died of starvation in Kurgan at that time). 3e - in the army, yes, there were excesses when the Red Army, instead of field maneuvers, built dachas for the marshal and generals (for example, in the Far Eastern Military District).
                    1. -1
                      13 May 2024 17: 18
                      At the same time, those who did not put a state penny in their pocket found their bullet. How many smart officers and military commanders passed through the camps? And how many did not return from there? All the cream of Soviet science, including those who were involved in military developments, visited either camps or charazkas. At the beginning of the war, almost all the planes at our airfield were left to the Germans, only because they could not find anything to supply fuel. And there was a lot of such carelessness. My grandmother told me how collective farms were organized under Stalin. People's livestock was taken away, but no feed was prepared. Then they came and said, “Take the cattle for the winter, otherwise they will die.” The cows were no longer able to stand on their feet from hunger. They were tied to the ceiling. The women stood and cried looking at them. They didn’t pay for work on the collective farm either. My grandfather brought a salary on his shoulders for the whole summer - a third of a bag of grain. At that time, you would have had something to love Stalin for. The peasants began to live as human beings only under Brezhnev. That's who we need to thank.
                      1. 0
                        13 May 2024 19: 09
                        How many bullets did the real enemies of the people find? Do not know? I can answer - not enough! And I’ll write again - Comrade Beria did not kill many. Mr. Khrushchev signed much more execution lists. So you can still guess who shot whom and why.
            2. +1
              13 May 2024 10: 49
              Quote: pin_code
              And that Comrade Stalin’s ministers were spies?

              It’s just that in the late 30s and early 40s there was no SMERSH - otherwise, rest assured, it would have been SMERSH who dealt with them. And Tukhachevsky, and Yezhov, and Blucher, and Yagoda...
              But after 43 and until 46, all ministers and ministerial positions who were repressed - such as People's Commissar Shakhurin and Air Force Commander-in-Chief Novikov - were dealt with by SMERSH.
              1. 0
                13 May 2024 14: 12
                Quote: Peter_Koldunov
                But after 43 and until 46, all ministers and near-ministerial positions who were repressed - such as People's Commissar Shakhurin and Air Force Commander-in-Chief Novikov - were occupied by SMERSH.

                And then they all had to be rehabilitated.
                1. 0
                  13 May 2024 14: 24
                  Quote: DenVB
                  And then they all had to be rehabilitated.

                  So it’s not about that :)) But about who was involved in them...
                  1. 0
                    13 May 2024 14: 51
                    Quote: Peter_Koldunov
                    So it’s not about that :)) But about who was involved in them...

                    But it makes you think.
              2. -1
                13 May 2024 14: 56
                It’s just that in the late 30s and early 40s there was no SMERSH - otherwise, rest assured, it would have been SMERSH who dealt with them. And Tukhachevsky, and Yezhov, and Blucher, and Yagoda..."" "I wrote about these comrades, in general. Novikov and Shakhurin... Maybe they caught something on them? And Mikitka (Khrushchev) later released them. Alternatively, this is my personal opinion and it may differ from yours.
          2. +1
            13 May 2024 14: 13
            The FSB should deal with ministers. And ideally, some kind of secret service that reports directly to the director. SMERSH must counter spies and saboteurs.
          3. +1
            13 May 2024 16: 10
            Quote from: AllX_VahhaB
            What, SMERSH was involved in ministers?

            But no one is saying that we should make a copy of that organization. We must take the best, expand the powers and subordinate it directly to the Supreme. So that every dog ​​knows that its entire “roof” can easily become a dead poultice...
        2. +9
          13 May 2024 07: 42
          Is there a FSB DVKR that will change the name? Look back, the police became the police, did that change anything? Personnel decide everything, but the current system rejects decent and passionate people. The same Ivanov stole billions and counterintelligence did not notice it? I’ve probably seen everything, these schemes have been known for a long time, but wow!
          1. -1
            13 May 2024 07: 56
            You understood what I wanted to say. I understood your position and... Our positions are drawn somewhere along the same line.
          2. +4
            13 May 2024 08: 18
            Counterintelligence is engaged in the fight against espionage within the country, and the prosecutor's office and the police are engaged in theft.
            1. +3
              13 May 2024 08: 42
              Cartographer: It happens that these two concepts are interrelated. And the country’s defense ability depends on this. After all, the bastards steal from the army, but it still fights. Maybe “Ivanov” should still anoint his forehead with green paint?
            2. +3
              13 May 2024 10: 09
              Since 2000, corruption has also been the responsibility of counterintelligence. Ivanov is exactly that.
            3. +1
              13 May 2024 10: 43
              There is already information that this Ivanov, when traveling abroad, had dubious contacts with representatives of Western intelligence agencies, and most likely shared information with them; it is generally unclear how leaders of such rank, connected with state military secrets, can freely travel abroad, to countries of a military bloc hostile to us.
              1. 0
                13 May 2024 15: 42
                Quote: sgrabik
                In general, it is not clear how leaders of this rank are connected with the state. with military secrets they can freely travel abroad, to countries of a military bloc hostile to us.

                What do you want if the entire General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, the First Person of the State, the highest category of access to state secrets... the last years of his life lived in Germany, in the country of a military bloc hostile to us!
            4. +1
              13 May 2024 14: 16
              This is wrong. The police do not have access to the leadership of the Ministry of Defense. You came up with this. They, the Moscow Region even have their own traffic police
            5. +1
              13 May 2024 16: 15
              Quote from Cartograph
              Counterintelligence is engaged in the fight against espionage within the country, and the prosecutor's office and the police are engaged in theft.

              lol You made a subtle point about the prosecutor’s office and the police. good , not in the eyebrow but in the eye! Yes, I wish I could give them something stronger!!! am
        3. +1
          13 May 2024 08: 58
          Quote: pin_code
          But everywhere there are their “Ivanovs”. Wherever you throw it, there’s a wedge. SMERSH needs a very “sick” punishment for its actions...

          In fact, such matters were dealt with not by SMERSH, but by OBKhSS. In my opinion, both SMERSH and OBKhSS are needed. Time itself is crying out for this. For them it is not a “plowed field” of work.
          And regarding the appointment of Belousov..., honestly. the word surprised. But that’s why he is the Darkest, to surprise, and not only me, I’m sure. When I saw that Manturov had replaced Belousov, I was extremely annoyed. We know little about Belousov, but where he appeared in the media, he acted as a patriot of Russia. Maybe it was just my imagination? Maybe. So we'll see. I flatter myself with hope. I believe that Gerasimov should also be removed for his opposition to Prigozhin. Prigozhin could not come to Gerasimov to talk, but Gerasimov could.
          1. 0
            13 May 2024 10: 21
            The OBKhSS dealt with this in the national economy, in the military sphere it was dealt with by “special officers” (counterintelligence), the investigation was conducted by the military prosecutor’s office and judged by the tribunal.
            1. +1
              13 May 2024 11: 20
              Quote: KLM77
              The OBKhSS dealt with this in the national economy, in the military sphere it was dealt with by “special officers” (counterintelligence), the investigation was conducted by the military prosecutor’s office and judged by the tribunal.

              Yes, I admit my mistake.
              But, you see, we also really need an analogue of OBKhSS.
              1. -1
                13 May 2024 14: 08
                It’s hard to imagine... The Department for Combating the Theft of Socialist Property.... property is now private! State structure for the protection of private property? How is this.....
                1. 0
                  13 May 2024 14: 40
                  Well, OBKhSS can be called differently, and believe me, the essence will not change. You can’t steal big from a private owner, but they steal from the state, they steal often and it happens a lot. And without officials you can’t steal... Give an estimate, put a stamp, inflate additional work... So much for your tithe (or even more). This is my personal opinion and it may differ from yours.
                2. +2
                  13 May 2024 16: 18
                  Quote: saygon66
                  It’s hard to imagine... The Department for Combating the Theft of Socialist Property.... property is now private! State structure for the protection of private property? How is this.....

                  There is no need to imagine anything. The very privatization of socialist property is already a reason for opening a criminal case, after which many questions regarding “private” property will disappear by themselves!
              2. -2
                13 May 2024 14: 42
                Yes, there is no mistake, and there is no need to admit it!! You are absolutely right! We need an analogue of the organization!
              3. 0
                13 May 2024 17: 33
                There is such a structure, OBEPiK, but it is of no use...
          2. -4
            13 May 2024 15: 51
            Quote: Krasnoyarsk
            I believe that Gerasimov should also be removed for his confrontation with Prigozhin. Prigozhin could not come to Gerasimov to talk, but Gerasimov could.

            What, master? Private Military Company must at will, freely to To the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation come in? Can you still open the door with your foot?
            The times of the Seven Bankers are over, so...
            Here is a clear example of how you can promote anyone! Even such a shady type as Prigozhin. And the population doesn’t give a damn about a black cash of several billions and even the fact that its mercenaries during the “march to Moscow” shot down several aircraft and killed, at the same time, more than a dozen active servicemen of the Russian Armed Forces!
            Hmm ... wassat
            1. 0
              13 May 2024 16: 07
              Quote from: AllX_VahhaB

              And what, the owner of the Private Military Company should, at his own request, freely contact the Chief of the General Staff

              I understand that you don’t know how to read, or understand the meaning of what you read? please read again -
              Quote: Krasnoyarsk
              Prigozhin could not come to Gerasimov to talk, but Gerasimov could.
              1. -2
                13 May 2024 16: 11
                That's right! And any owner of a PMC should not, at his own request, come to the Chief of the General Staff! But the Chief of the General Staff can come to the owner of the PMC! laughing
                What don't you like? Do you want the opposite? What would private business be more important and significant than the State?
                1. +2
                  13 May 2024 16: 25
                  Quote from: AllX_VahhaB

                  What don't you like? Do you want the opposite? What would private business be more important and significant than the State?

                  For the last time I suggest you read and finally (!) understand what you read -

                  Quote: Krasnoyarsk
                  Prigozhin could not come to Gerasimov to talk, but Gerasimov could.
                  For the especially gifted - Gerasimov COULD!!! come to Rostov and meet and talk with Prigozhin. But he didn't. Why? Did the general's swagger not allow it or something else?
                  Well, for Gerasimov Prigozhin - no one can even call him, but with Utkin, the immediate commander, in terms of the number of members no less than a division, he could talk?
                  1. -1
                    13 May 2024 16: 32
                    Do you think that the Chief of the General Staff, during a military mutiny, can voluntarily go or not go to the leader of the rebels? Besides the Supreme?
            2. -1
              13 May 2024 16: 15
              Quote from: AllX_VahhaB
              that his mercenaries during the “march to Moscow” shot down several aircraft and killed, at the same time, more than a dozen active servicemen of the Russian Armed Forces!

              And why didn’t they say a word about these “several aircraft” firing at the camp of these “mercenaries”, who had just emerged from heavy fighting a few days ago, and killing innocent Wagnerites? Or, according to the Khokhlyak habit, is this something else?
              We all regret that this happened, but we should blame not those or others, but the Ministry of Defense and the NGSH
              1. -1
                13 May 2024 16: 27
                Quote: Krasnoyarsk
                And that these “several aircraft” fired at the camp of these “mercenaries”,

                Was it fired from an IL-22? Or maybe with the Mi-8MTPR?
                Quote: Krasnoyarsk
                who just a few days ago emerged from heavy fighting and killed innocent Wagnerites, why didn’t they say a word?

                And what if they came out of difficult battles? They are, in fact, marching towards the Capital armed! And this is an armed rebellion and treason! At all times this is the death penalty!
                But, apparently, you don’t care at all that armed private soldiers are roaming around the country and shooting down Air Force aircraft. So soon the private security company will begin to bring down the police wassat But everything will be fine if their owner is promoted in the media...
                Quote: Krasnoyarsk
                Or, according to the Khokhlyak habit, is this something else?

                Quote: Krasnoyarsk
                it is not one or the other that should be blamed, but the Ministry of Defense and the NGSH

                Well, yes, yes ...
                1. -1
                  13 May 2024 16: 34
                  Quote from: AllX_VahhaB

                  But, apparently, you don’t care at all that armed private soldiers are roaming around the country

                  Didn’t they come to your apartment for an hour? wassat
                  Have you not noticed that private owners stole the entire heritage of the USSR, destroyed all the factories and committed many other crimes, how many people died in the process. Or is this something else again?
                  1. -1
                    13 May 2024 16: 39
                    Quote: Krasnoyarsk
                    Have you not noticed that private owners stole the entire heritage of the USSR, destroyed all the factories and committed many other crimes, how many people died in the process. Or is this something else again?

                    You are absolutely right! And Private Military Companies contracted by the Ministry of Defense are a consequence of the very events you are writing about! Only on an even darker branch. And the fact that the Private Media so promoted the Private Military Company in general and its owner in particular is in itself very significant! Soon every oligarch will have his own pocket army! What does this lead to, I think there is no need to clarify?
                    1. -1
                      14 May 2024 09: 08
                      Quote from: AllX_VahhaB

                      You are absolutely right! And Private Military Companies contracted by the Ministry of Defense are a consequence of those same

                      Chess. word, you are already tired of your black and white. But there are also other colors.
                      How would the Defense Ministry feel in Syria if there were no PMCs there?
                      Who promoted Russia's interests in Africa? Is it really the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?
                      Or maybe the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the help of PMCs?
                      If it weren’t for the SVO, the PMC would not be here. The PMC made a significant contribution to the Northern Military District despite the intrigues of the Defense Ministry.
                      And they, Prigozhin, spoke about this publicly, but they were not heard (or did not want to hear?), and when they took a desperate step, they were declared traitors and criminals.. But Lukashenko turned out to be smarter than our Defense Ministry and sheltered them.
                      All. This is where I stop arguing with you. hi
                      1. 0
                        14 May 2024 12: 05
                        Quote: Krasnoyarsk
                        Who promoted Russia's interests in Africa? Is it really the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?
                        Or maybe the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the help of PMCs?

                        Interests of Russia or interests of Russian private Capital? Well, when oligarchs confuse their pocket with the state’s, it’s understandable, but where are you going?
                        What did you personally get from the fact that in Niger a Russian capitalist took over a uranium mine from a French capitalist? Maybe your mortgage interest rate has been reduced? Or have utilities become cheaper? Or has the retirement age been reduced? Or are you just pleased that the next mega-yacht will be bought not by the conventional Perrodo and Arnault, but by the conventional Potanin and Alekperov? Does this make you feel patriotic?
                        Quote: Krasnoyarsk
                        The PMC made a significant contribution to the Northern Military District despite the intrigues of the Defense Ministry.
                        And they, Prigozhin, spoke about this publicly, but they were not heard (or did not want to be heard?)

                        And you know all this from private media! wassat
                        Quote: Krasnoyarsk
                        and when they took a desperate step, they were declared traitors and criminals...

                        And armed rebellion is treason and crime!
                        Quote: Krasnoyarsk
                        All. This is where I stop arguing with you.

                        So stop... hi
        4. -1
          13 May 2024 11: 45
          ...and I think so!
          And, by the way, it would be necessary to quickly condemn this thief Ivanov and his entire gang according to the laws of war!!!!!!!!!!!
        5. -2
          13 May 2024 11: 46
          And my opinion is the same!!!
      2. +4
        13 May 2024 08: 13
        Quote: Lech from Android.
        We'll see what happens.
        I can’t say anything on my own about the new minister, but “a beaten cat is afraid of its own tail.” We are too scared of one “business executive” in the Ministry of Defense. Whether we like it or not, the projection of what has already been seen is still going on today.
        God grant that our best hopes come true. If something goes wrong, let’s hope that the Supreme Commander knows what he is doing and that “relative grabbers” will not be at the helm of the Moscow Region in such a difficult time; “witches with dogs” will no longer be in charge. Now this is deadly.
        We'll see ...
        1. +7
          13 May 2024 08: 49
          Greetings, Igor.
          Everyone has their own opinion, but I expect from the new minister a major and thorough audit of the funds spent, major arrests and major confiscations.
          Usually, when there is a change of leadership, there is a big cleaning of the apparatus. Good luck to him.
          As for his military skills, they are no worse than Serdyukov’s and Shoyganov’s. The main thing is to choose the right deputies.
          1. +8
            13 May 2024 09: 03
            Quote from Aken
            Who cares, I expect from the new minister a large and thorough audit of the funds spent, large landings and large confiscations.
            Well, with imprisonments and confiscations, this may be unlikely. Because, although, of course, they will “clean up” the personnel, there are also few people willing to sweep up the garbage for the whole world. And God bless him, with the stolen goods - we have a lot... This is our first time, or what?... am If only they wouldn't steal anymore, they could cut their hands a little.
            And in today’s circumstances, not only direct sabotage is dangerous, but simply sitting quietly, not doing what you should do, is no less dangerous than direct betrayal.

            And yes.
            Quote from Aken
            As for his military skills, they are no worse than Serdyukov’s and Shoyganov’s. The main thing is to choose the right deputies.
            At the age of fifteen I heard the phrase: “A good leader is not the one who has seven spans in his forehead, but the one who has seven deputies. Each with one span.”
            As a manager, I can say that for a team of more than 20-30 people, one manager, even with “seven spans,” is not enough. He'll get tired of dragging everything alone. Even managing three or four objects alone is already becoming unrealistic. What if there are hundreds or thousands “underneath you”? And there are not two or three objects and directions, but hundreds? We need middle and lower level managers, we need smart department heads. If he manages to build a system, everything will work. If he fails, there will be “some in the forest, some for firewood.” But the leader himself, without support, no matter how smart he is, will not do anything with his two hands and having only 24 hours in a day.
            1. +3
              13 May 2024 09: 10
              I agree about sabotage. Unlike direct sabotage, it is more difficult to detect. But in business there are certain tools. They are not applicable for commanding a battalion, but they are quite suitable for determining the effectiveness of leadership, including deputies.
            2. 0
              13 May 2024 15: 03
              Above, soldier A... It’s “painful” to drag even 3 objects alone, especially if you’re one of the 3 who works for them. I don't write the rest. Two of them are general contracting and each object is like a thesis. Something like this..
            3. +1
              13 May 2024 15: 22
              Absolutely rightly noted!
          2. +1
            13 May 2024 09: 47
            The military budget exceeded 7% of Russia's annual GDP.
            And this is already dangerous for the economy as a whole.
            For this reason, they chose the Minister of Defense - an economist.
            1. +2
              13 May 2024 11: 22
              Defeat will cost more.
          3. +2
            13 May 2024 11: 18
            Cleaning up and changing the leadership of the Ministry of Defense is simply necessary, many have already stayed too long there, we need talented military generals capable of fighting competently and effectively, and not these parquet characters who are wasting their chairs in the offices of the Ministry of Defense.
          4. -1
            13 May 2024 14: 32
            You are probably one of the few who understood the appointment of the new Minister of the RF Armed Forces. This is how to investigate and imprison (not SMERSH and shoot) hi wassat
        2. +2
          13 May 2024 12: 39
          There was another “business executive” as Minister of Defense, albeit in the USSR - D.F. Ustinov. From the beginning of June 1941 - People's Commissar of Armaments (at 33 years old!), and remained so until the end of 1957. The military also did not like that a “business executive” became the Minister of Defense, but D.F. Ustinov. He proved himself very worthy in this position.
          1. +4
            13 May 2024 13: 17
            Quote from shikin
            There was another “business executive” as Minister of Defense, albeit in the USSR - D.F. Ustinov.
            That “business executive” is a “business executive” from another era and another country. When there were no offshore companies, but there were executions for theft and sabotage, which can be regarded as treason.
            Everyone has their own opinion, but I was also brought up by that country, I took the oath in it, fought for it, my father, grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought for it. Therefore, my conversation about "businessmen" is not about that Great Country, but about today, when some individuals consider it normal to steal a piece of bread from a soldier, steal tanks-guns-airplanes, and then eat up that money in Miami.

            Hence the fears after well-known events, when a “business executive” appears in the Ministry of Defense.
            1. +1
              13 May 2024 15: 59
              I also took the oath in that country, although I didn’t have to fight - my classmates were in Afghanistan from the very beginning, and I was the only one left. Nowadays no one will get into power without the “ability to earn money”; times are different, of course. But let's hope the reviews of the new appointee are good so far. Under the same Catherine 2, both the Orlovs and Potemkin were also not without sin in this regard, but they did the job.
          2. -1
            13 May 2024 15: 26
            Ustinov, both as economic minister and as defense minister, had his own problems.
      3. -1
        13 May 2024 08: 41
        All of Russia rests on the Ivanovs...
        1. +3
          13 May 2024 08: 48
          And also the Petrovs. Well, the Bashirovs, lately! laughing
        2. 0
          13 May 2024 11: 21
          But not like this stolen corrupt ghoul, Ivanovs are also different, some Ivanovs are different from each other.
        3. 0
          13 May 2024 13: 29
          The leadership rests on such Ivanovs. And Russia is closer to people like Belousov.
      4. The comment was deleted.
      5. 0
        13 May 2024 13: 25
        Usually good things lead to good things, and crap to crap.
      6. -1
        13 May 2024 15: 11
        The main thing is that the new defense minister’s deputies do not turn out to be the same as the first deputy. Shoigu Ivanov.
        Where can they go? All are the same, except for one, and remain.
      7. 0
        14 May 2024 06: 49
        so that the deputies of the new Minister of Defense do not turn out to be the same as the first deputy. Shoigu Ivanov

        Like attract their own kind, since Shoigu had a thief as his deputy, then he himself was not without sin...
      8. 0
        14 May 2024 12: 03
        Sorry, wearing a uniform and having your hands in your pockets is a violation of the regulations.
      9. 0
        14 May 2024 14: 58
        What do you mean "didn't turn out to be"? Shoigu himself brought him to him. People are not hired from the street for such positions and such positions are not opened on
    2. 0
      13 May 2024 06: 56
      “The proposal to appoint Andrei Belousov to the post of Russian Defense Minister is “bad news” for Ukraine. Ukrainian economist Alexey Kushch said this on May 12.”
    3. +2
      13 May 2024 10: 02
      If Dugin is right, then checks will begin now. This will be good. And then the enemies even made their way onto TV Star
    4. 0
      13 May 2024 16: 06
      Quote: pin_code
      Well... Let's wait for the steps of the new Minister of Defense!

      It was difficult for Shoigu to adapt to the demands of modern war, well, let him now drive deer in the Security Council so that they can do things better...
      1. 0
        13 May 2024 16: 19
        There are rather wolves there, in the Security Council. And yet the deer gnawed at his treasury... Like rats.
  2. Msi
    13 May 2024 06: 19
    The Russian President's nomination of Andrei Belousov for the post of Defense Minister came as a complete surprise to Kyiv.

    And who among Russians expected such a candidacy? Who predicted it?
    1. -32
      13 May 2024 06: 25
      I assumed that Shoigu would remain, because he is, after all, a military man! A questionable decision during war to put a civilian at the head of the Ministry of Defense.
      1. Msi
        13 May 2024 06: 27
        The dubious decision to put a civilian at the head of the Ministry of Defense during the war

        That's how they steal money. And this man knows how to talk to oligarchs very well. First he “cowarded” the civilian oligarchs, now let him coward the non-civilians.
        1. +2
          13 May 2024 07: 38
          Even in the USSR, the Ministry of Defense was not always headed by a professional military man, remember Ustinov. Only he had Stalin’s temperament, that’s why he did so much for the army. Today's optimizers have no qualities other than the firm belief that money decides everything.
          1. -8
            13 May 2024 07: 59
            Quote: bug120560
            Only his tempering was Stalinist

            what And this is precisely why he, together with Andropov, surrendered the USSR?
            1. -7
              13 May 2024 08: 12
              What you were doing at that time - could you tell us more about this and about yourself? How much rottenness has grown up, judging everything and everyone for themselves!
              1. +1
                13 May 2024 08: 17
                Quote: vik669
                What I was doing at that time

                You won’t believe it, my friend, he defended his homeland from the Bosporus to Angola. What can you brag about?
                1. 0
                  13 May 2024 08: 59
                  And why did he betray everything and everyone from the Bosphorus to Angola and now "the soldiers remembered the days gone by and the battles that they had lost together" - I silently did my job from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok from Komi to Kara-Kum and never looked for the scapegoats and did not assign the guilty because...!
                  1. -2
                    13 May 2024 09: 23
                    Quote: vik669
                    I silently did my job from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok from Komi to Kara-Kum and never looked for the extreme and did not appoint the guilty because...!

                    You silently swallowed the death of the Union, and now you’re trying to whitewash yourself or what?
                    1. -1
                      13 May 2024 17: 35
                      Quote: Serg65
                      and now you’re trying to whitewash yourself or what?

                      Is this to whitewash yourself before someone?
              2. 0
                13 May 2024 09: 27
                If the question is for me, please, from 1979 to 1981 I served in military service where I was called up from the Rostselmash Production Association, and returned there after finishing my service.
            2. 0
              13 May 2024 08: 49
              Judging by your question, you are a "product" of the notorious "Bologna education system", do not worry - you can study independently, if you want to. For your information, Ustinov was the Minister of Defense of the USSR from 1976 to 1984. Andropov was the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee from 1982 to 1984. And "by a strange coincidence" it was at this time that the USSR had a powerful and truly ocean-going fleet (the aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov", the missile cruisers "Admiral Nakhimov" and "Pyotr Velikiy" are its fragments), it was at this time that those very strategic systems and air defense systems were developed and adopted for service, modifications of which are in service with our army today. The USSR as a single state ceased to exist in 1991 - so that it was "surrendered" by completely different people.
              1. 0
                13 May 2024 09: 12
                Quote: bug120560
                you are a “product” of the notorious “Bologna education system”

                what What is it?
                Quote: bug120560
                For your information, Ustinov was the Minister of Defense of the USSR from 1976 to 1984. Andropov was the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee from 1982. to 1984

                I’ll even complement you, Andropov has also been the chairman of the KGB since 1967! wink
                Quote: bug120560
                “by a strange coincidence” it was at this time that the USSR had a powerful and truly ocean-going fleet

                Oh, what are you talking about, well, I didn’t even know!
                Quote: bug120560
                the aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov", the missile cruisers "Admiral Nakhimov" and "Peter the Great" are its fragments

                And that’s 50 pennants for 4 fleets! Indeed, a powerful fleet!
                Quote: bug120560
                He was “surrendered” by completely different people.

                And they were all protégés of Andropov, or not?
                1. 0
                  13 May 2024 09: 18
                  In regards to the education system, this is the one where knowledge testing has been turned into a lottery - guess/not guess (sorry, into testing). Otherwise, study history, if you are really interested, of course.
                  1. -1
                    13 May 2024 09: 21
                    Quote: bug120560
                    For the rest, study history, if it’s really interesting, of course.

                    My dear Bug, I studied the History of the CPSU twice and what kind of history do you want to tell me?
                    1. 0
                      13 May 2024 09: 37
                      Sergey, judging by your comments, you have in your head quite a mess of scraps of information that got there at the moment when you woke up during lectures or stopped skipping them. You can listen to the course on the history of the CPSU ten more times with equal success, only when it flies into one ear and immediately flies out of the other, it does not bring knowledge.
                      1. 0
                        13 May 2024 10: 20
                        Quote: bug120560
                        judging by your comments, you have a fair amount of scraps in your head

                        You are an interesting person, my dear! are very similar to modern emo-communists, if your interlocutor does not agree with you, then he must definitely be accused of stupidity! For the first time, I studied the History of the CPSU, Political Economy and MLF at a military school, so your insinuations on the topic of “oversleeping”, “strolling” fly by! Moreover, I was also a Komsomol organizer for the course for three years. hi
                        And to you, as a history buff, I can suggest reading the History of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) and comparing it with the History of the CPSU!
                      2. -2
                        14 May 2024 12: 52
                        Sergey. Firstly, I didn't even think of accusing anyone of stupidity, secondly, personally for you, I repeat, even having a dozen diplomas does not guarantee the literacy of their owner. This is in response to your question about the education system. But in general, it is rather stupid to deny the achievements that the great country had thanks to the same Ustinov, it is like denying the victory over fascism, citing the fact that you don't like Stalin.
                      3. 0
                        15 May 2024 08: 40
                        Quote: bug120560
                        It’s pretty stupid to deny the achievements that a great country had

                        My soul, don’t tell me.....where exactly did I deny the achievement of my country?!
                        Quote: bug120560
                        don't like Stalin

                        Well, about “I don’t like Stalin” where do I have it???
                        I respect Stalin, but I don’t idolize him! Joseph Vissarionovich was an intelligent, perspicacious and cunning leader, although without shortcomings. It was these shortcomings that ultimately destroyed both him and the power he built!
                        Quote: bug120560
                        thanks to the same Ustinov

                        But don’t confuse state property with personal property!
                        Ustinov model 1940-1953, that’s one thing! But Ustinov 1960-1984 is completely different!!!!
                      4. -2
                        15 May 2024 18: 56
                        Sergey, you are so persistent in your judgments about Ustinov that the thought involuntarily arises that you have personal hostility.
                        So, for you personally, if you didn't know this - it was thanks to Ustinov and his support in the government that the USSR acquired weapons that the enemy didn't even come close to at the time (and some models don't even exist now), namely landing craft on an air cushion, combat and landing ekranoplans, strategic aviation aircraft, modifications of which are still in service. And if you are interested in my opinion - unfortunately, today Russia does not have a statesman of such a scale.
                      5. 0
                        16 May 2024 07: 58
                        Quote: bug120560
                        The USSR now had weapons in its arsenal that the enemy didn’t even have at that time (and some samples don’t exist even now), namely air-cushion landing ships, combat and landing ekranoplanes,

                        My friend, could you, as a person who knows much more than me, explain to me why the types of equipment you listed were needed, and what their combat value is in the event of the outbreak of hostilities?
                      6. 0
                        20 May 2024 10: 51
                        Sergey, firstly, I have never claimed to know more than others. I simply try to learn as much as possible about certain issues that are truly interesting to me. Secondly, I did not cite as an example all that our army had thanks to Ustinov, as the Minister of Defense and the man responsible for the country's military-industrial complex. And thirdly, do you really think that ships like the Pyotr Velikiy, capable of smashing almost all NATO naval bases in Europe with 2-3 salvos without leaving their territorial waters, have no combat value? And all this based on the fact that they did not participate in a real war?
                        And what about the MiG-25/31 interceptor fighters? And have you heard anything about the Lira-class submarines? These boats were created as "killers" of aircraft carrier formations and strategic submarines; in terms of characteristics such as speed and maneuverability, they have no equal even today; according to NATO experts, not a single boat even today has such a level of automation. And what about the Antares-class patrol ships? I'm not even talking about the Lun and Orlyonok ekranoplans. Your logic is strange.
                      7. +1
                        20 May 2024 13: 01
                        My friend, I am not a supporter of fiery speeches and stormy applause turning into prolonged applause. Therefore, I will reveal to you all the ins and outs of this topic and let’s end this butting!
                        After the Cuban Missile Crisis, it turned out quite "by accident" that the USSR Navy did not have any more or less modern ocean-going ships, in particular, universal destroyers and missile cruisers. As always, ships were needed urgently! So two ugly ducklings were born, a Project 58 missile semi-destroyer and a Project 1134 sub-cruiser. How to get out of this interesting situation? As we usually do - through the back door! We begin urgent work on creating other types of cruisers and destroyers! At the same time, we practically discard the RKR 1134, although the project itself is excellent, but not in the cruiser version. Project 1134 had great potential for modernization, but the military-industrial complex was not interested in this, as a result, the Project 956 destroyer was born, the ship itself is not bad, but with a bunch of birth injuries. One of these injuries was the inability to combat enemy submarine forces, and as a result, instead of one universal ship, we get two highly specialized units... namely, the destroyer of project 956 and the large anti-submarine ship of project 1155! In total, we have two types of large anti-submarine ships and one type of destroyer in service, but there could have been one type in two guises!
                      8. +1
                        20 May 2024 13: 39
                        Almost the same story with the cruisers pr. 1164 and 1144! The fleet needed inexpensive and mass-produced missile cruisers like air, but the secretary of the CPSU Central Committee became incredibly itchy at one hint....should we build a nuclear surface fleet!!! And so we begin to think about a nuclear-powered BOD, a nuclear-powered missile cruiser and a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier! It didn’t work out at all with the BOD, with the aircraft carrier there was a lot of hemorrhoids, but with the cruiser everything worked out more or less successfully! Well, we can’t wait, and instead of solving the hemorrhoidal problems of the aircraft carrier and somehow inventing a nuclear-powered universal destroyer, we rushed like crazy to build nuclear-powered cruisers to the detriment of the needs of the fleet! Everything would be fine, but the lead Oralan was laid down in 1973, and the aircraft carrier Ulyanovsk, the AUG of which should include that same Orlan, was laid down in 1988! Those. by the time Ulyanovsk enters service, two Orlans will already require major repairs and modernization!!! As a result, by the end of the 80s we have 3 nuclear-powered missile cruisers and 3 missile cruisers......for 4 fleets!
                        Quote: bug120560
                        "Peter the Great", capable of destroying almost all NATO naval bases in Europe in 2-3 volleys without leaving their territorial waters

                        This is your deep delusion! The range of the Granite anti-ship missile system is 625 km!
                        Quote: bug120560
                        Your logic is strange.

                        Well, yes, strange logic.... I agree! And all because the logic of the Politburo and the Central Committee of the CPSU differed greatly from the military reality of that time..... and yes, my logic is based on the reality of that time, because I myself took part in those events as an officer of the glorious Red Banner Black Sea Fleet!
                        Let's finish with this! hi
                      9. 0
                        20 May 2024 19: 16
                        Dear officer of the glorious Red Banner Black Sea Fleet (this is without any sarcasm or mockery), please forgive my obsession, but pick up a map and look at how far from our territorial waters in the North, on the Pacific Ocean, on the Black and Baltic Seas these very notorious bases are located . In addition, it is very interesting where did you get the information that the cruisers of Project 1144 "Orlan" were built to operate as part of the AUG? This project was even called a multi-purpose project, and according to the NATO classification, "Eagles" is a battle cruiser, designed to operate both as part of squadrons and independently.
                      10. 0
                        20 May 2024 19: 46
                        And once again, I apologize for being intrusive, but you probably don’t know when the 10 Nimitz-class aircraft carriers were commissioned, and you probably don’t even know that they are all operational today?
                      11. +1
                        21 May 2024 08: 24
                        Quote: bug120560
                        I apologize for the intrusiveness

                        I'm wildly sorry, but this conversation is not about anything, just go through the number of watercraft on a calculator and compare can't even imagine the depth of the problem of confrontation between the two systems in those days! If you want to chat about this topic, write in a personal message!
            3. +1
              13 May 2024 08: 52
              he and Andropov surrendered the USSR

              Actually, Ustinov died in 1984.
              1. -1
                13 May 2024 09: 14
                Quote from Aken
                Actually, Ustinov died in 1984.

                So Andropov died in 1984, so what?
                1. 0
                  13 May 2024 09: 30
                  Nothing. The USSR surrendered a little later.
                  1. +1
                    13 May 2024 10: 29
                    what And are you brut?
                    Who exactly passed it? Who brought these dealers into the upper echelon of power? Under whose wing did comrades Chubas, Popovs, and Gadars grow up?
                    Name, brother, name????
                    1. 0
                      13 May 2024 11: 31
                      Ustinov definitely has no relation to Chubais. In 1984, Chubais worked in the Politburo commission. This commission was created after Andropov's death by the Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers Tikhonov.
                      Here's your name, brother. As you asked.
                      At that time, Popov was teaching at Moscow State University.
                      1. 0
                        13 May 2024 12: 05
                        Quote from Aken
                        Ustinov definitely has nothing to do with Chubais.

                        I don’t even argue that Ustinov is related to Andropov... just like Chubais and Popov!
                        Quote from Aken
                        In 1984, Chubais worked on the Politburo commission.

                        I'm so sorry, but what did Chubais have to do with the affairs of the Politburo? How did a young Leningrad dissident end up on the Tikhonov-Ryzhkov commission?
                        And yes, the Tikhonov-Ryzhkov commission was created on the direct orders of Andropov in December 1982.
                        Quote from Aken
                        Popov was teaching at Moscow State University at that time.

                        Have you ever heard of such an institution as VNIISI? What about Jermen Gvishiani?
                      2. -1
                        13 May 2024 12: 17
                        “As a partial change to the decisions of the CPSU Central Committee of February 23, 1984 and March 7, 1984, to form a permanent Commission of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee for improving management, consisting of: vol. Tikhonova – chairman, Gorbachev, Aliyeva, Romanov, Dolgikh, Kapitonov, Ryzhkova.”. Here are some more names of the accomplices.
                        The involved Chubais is the chairman of the Council of Young Scientists of LIEI. A young talent, a candidate for the Soviet elite. Everything is according to Feng Shui.
                        I haven’t read VNIISI, but I condemn it.
                      3. 0
                        13 May 2024 12: 23
                        Quote from Aken
                        Here are some more names of the accomplices.

                        Here are Ryzhkov’s own memories of the creation of that same reform commission hi
                      4. 0
                        13 May 2024 12: 26
                        All this, of course, is wonderful. But we have deviated greatly from the topic. In light of the above, what do you have to present to Ustinov?
                      5. 0
                        13 May 2024 12: 41
                        Quote from Aken
                        What do you have to present to Ustinov?

                        Lobbying together with Andropov for the entry of troops into Afghanistan.
                        Lobbying the interests of the military-industrial complex to the detriment of the USSR Defense Ministry and the financial and economic state of the state.
                        A surge in hazing and hazing.
                        Reorganization of the army and navy to the detriment of the country's defense capability.
                        Is that enough?
                      6. -1
                        13 May 2024 12: 50
                        It’s good that you no longer blame him for the collapse of the USSR.
                        Regarding lobbying, there is a saying: I wish I were as smart now as my wife will be later.
                        I won’t even ask about how Ustinov enforced hazing.
                        After what was done to the army in the 90s, any of his mistakes look like childish pranks.
                      7. 0
                        13 May 2024 13: 17
                        Quote from Aken
                        It’s good that you no longer blame him for the collapse of the USSR.

                        Not at all, his actions indirectly led to the collapse!
                        Quote from Aken
                        About lobbying

                        Lobbying of the military-industrial complex took place before my eyes and I was not married then!
                        Quote from Aken
                        how Ustinov enforced hazing

                        Naturally, he did not plant it, but it was under him that it blossomed with scarlet roses!
                        Quote from Aken
                        After what was done to the army in the 90s, any of his mistakes look like childish pranks.

                        I agree, I don’t even argue! But again, where did these craftsmen in the army come from? Not from Mars!
                        You praised a certain Gdlyan a little the beginning of September 1991, we came from military service to Sevastopol and to a place of rest, spent a week and a half under a written agreement not to leave, all this time we were interrogated by this very gentleman you mentioned. The purpose of the inquiry was how the officers reacted to the State Emergency Committee and what actions the crew carried out at that time! And we have no idea what the State Emergency Committee is and what they even want from us.....but all because Mr. Gdlyan in one fell swoop beheaded the Black Sea Fleet, putting its entire leadership under arrest!
                      8. -2
                        13 May 2024 16: 20
                        Indirectly, anyone can be held guilty.
                        It was possible not to lobby, but as Taburetkin wanted to order from the West. We should ride Abrams now.
                        And besides hazing, drug addicts appeared during Ustinov’s time.
                        I remembered Gdlyan for a completely different matter.
                        By the way, what actions did the crew take during the State Emergency Committee? The matter is past, statute of limitations and all that. Tell me...
                  2. 0
                    13 May 2024 10: 32
                    Yes, here is a man of modern detective stories and political investigations who read a lot last night. So he says that he remembers. I graduated from college in 1985; neither Ustinov nor Andropov were alive anymore, and nothing foreshadowed the collapse of the Union. Andropov’s only fault is that, being at the head of the KGB for so many years, he did not consider the lousy insides of many party geeks, such as Yeltsin and Gorbachev. But under Andropov, they themselves were afraid of their own filthy thoughts.
                    1. 0
                      13 May 2024 11: 34
                      I have the same memories. Plus I remember measures to strengthen labor discipline and the Cotton Business.
                  3. -1
                    13 May 2024 13: 30
                    Quote from Aken
                    But nothing

                    So this is a national, centuries-old pastime - to wipe the feet of the dead, judge them and appoint them guilty of all the past, present and future troubles of one’s bad head!
                    1. -1
                      13 May 2024 16: 11
                      If someone tries to do this when the accused is at the bottom, they will wipe the accuser’s feet. And then they’ll bury it too. We have to wait.
                      Such is life.
          2. 0
            13 May 2024 16: 24
            Only there is the cruiser "Marshal Ustinov", but now (maybe for now) there are no such individuals. But I just want to screw in the furniture boat at least...
        2. 0
          13 May 2024 07: 51
          But I'm worried about something else. Not what kind of person he is, but whose person he is. Which clan of billionaires put him there, and which group of oligarchs Shoigu represented. It's possible that they are the same people. And the reshuffle is, well, to save face and calm the crowd in the hall. There are no random people there, everyone works for one of the fat cats.
          1. -5
            13 May 2024 08: 13
            Where have you seen a cat that was interested in what mice had to say about it?
            1. +1
              13 May 2024 08: 22
              Well, cats are not afraid of their own mice, but of other people's cats and their mice. They can remove the skin. So you have to listen to the mice, because mice, not cats, fight and feed.
      2. +18
        13 May 2024 06: 53
        Shoigu, after all, he is a military man!

        Since when did a builder and politician in a general's uniform become a military man?
        1. -3
          13 May 2024 07: 07
          Well, why are you so strict with the ex: I also didn’t expect such a castling, but I like the Darkest’s way of thinking.)
        2. -2
          13 May 2024 08: 15
          The construction battalions are such beasts that they are not even given weapons.
      3. +8
        13 May 2024 06: 54
        I assumed that Shoigu would remain, because he is, after all, a military man! A questionable decision during war to put a civilian at the head of the Ministry of Defense.

        Shoigu has never been a non-military person. Just like the previous two. Don't look at the uniform, you could dress a bear in it. laughing
        Since 2001, we have had a civilian Minister of Defense, i.e. This is Putin’s principled position. The army we have is their way of looking at things.
        This doesn’t work in Russia, they simply won’t be able to speak the same language with Belousov, he’s like an alien to the army environment. Just like the previous ones. wink
        1. +2
          13 May 2024 07: 19
          In response to your comment, I will say this - everything is possible! After all, everything depends on the person, his qualities, intelligence and view of certain things (at least). And in any case, we will either look at all the actions of the authorities from the gallery (let it be VO), or from the stage (on the front line). This is my personal opinion and it may differ from yours.
          1. +1
            13 May 2024 08: 26
            Quote: pin_code
            In response to your comment, I will say this - everything is possible! After all, everything depends on the person, his qualities, intelligence and view of certain things (at least).
            I will support you - no one, at one time, imagined that an inconspicuous person carrying a briefcase behind Sobchak would turn out for Russia to be what we have been seeing for the last 25 years and with which the West is so dissatisfied - they made a mistake in choosing a successor. After all, there was an opportunity to install whoever they wanted to break Russia - they missed it.
            A simple example - show me an empress who is more Russian in spirit than the princess from the German outback, Sophia Augusta Frederica of Anhalt-Zerbst...
            1. +1
              13 May 2024 08: 57
              Sophia Augusta Frederica of Anhalt-Zerbst...

              Enemies slander that her real father was the Russian ambassador.
            2. +1
              13 May 2024 10: 33
              I will support you - no one, at one time, imagined that an inconspicuous person carrying a briefcase behind Sobchak would turn out for Russia to be what we have been seeing for the last 25 years and with which the West is so dissatisfied - they made a mistake in choosing a successor. After all, there was an opportunity to install whoever they wanted to break Russia - they missed it.
              A simple example - show me an empress who is more Russian in spirit than the princess from the German outback, Sophia Augusta Frederica of Anhalt-Zerbst...

              Is not a fact. Look at Lukashenko, he held the country together without resources. Many people are jealous. Yes
              1. +1
                13 May 2024 10: 48
                Quote: Arzt
                Look at Lukashenko, he held the country together without resources.
                Can I, out of respect for Belarusians in general and Lukashenko specifically, not talk about his “resources” that allowed him to “hold the country”?
                When he, with his “multi-vector” ability, tried to sit on two stools, we talked about them here. Now, I think there is no need.
                1. 0
                  13 May 2024 10: 49
                  Can I, out of respect for Belarusians in general and Lukashenko specifically, not talk about his “resources” that allowed him to “hold the country”?
                  When he, with his “multi-vector” ability, tried to sit on two stools, we talked about them here. Now, I think there is no need.

                  He didn’t try, but sat there. And he still sits. This is called competent diplomacy.
                  1. -1
                    13 May 2024 10: 53
                    Quote: Arzt
                    He didn’t try, but sat there. And he still sits. This is called competent diplomacy.
                    He's sitting on one now. Correct.
                    1. +2
                      13 May 2024 10: 56
                      He's sitting on one now. Correct.

                      Yes, now he has little choice. But we have changed too. I think now we are more in line with his views. Although there is still a lot of work. wink
          2. +1
            13 May 2024 09: 26
            In response to your comment, I will say this - everything is possible! After all, everything depends on the person, his qualities, intelligence and view of certain things (at least). And in any case, we will either look at all the actions of the authorities from the gallery (let it be VO), or from the stage (on the front line). This is my personal opinion and it may differ from yours.

            Well, I’ll give you an example from my profession.

            Imagine, you have appendicitis (God forbid), they take you to the operating room, and there are already your acquaintances, an accountant, a physical education teacher and an operating nurse - a cook, standing there, washed in scrubs. They are preparing to operate on you. wink
            All people are high-quality, intelligent, with their own views on certain things.

            But for some reason everything is simple with the military; any economist, it turns out, can even be the Minister of Defense.
            My opinion on this issue still coincides with the opinion of my friend Muravyova.

            1. 0
              13 May 2024 09: 49
              Quote: Arzt
              Imagine you have appendicitis

              I didn’t quote further - it’s funny. Your mistake is that you do not know the responsibilities of the Minister of Defense. The planning of military operations is carried out by the National General Staff, and their execution by the appointed commander of the group of forces.
              So, the appendix will be removed by a surgeon, not a cook.
              The Minister of Defense has completely different tasks. These are all directors of defense and other factories, this is all design bureaus, this is technical intelligence - what new weapons have appeared in foreign armies or their developments. And much, much more.
              1. +2
                13 May 2024 10: 09
                I didn’t quote further - it’s funny. Your mistake is that you do not know the responsibilities of the Minister of Defense. The planning of military operations is carried out by the National General Staff, and their execution by the appointed commander of the group of forces.
                So, the appendix will be removed by a surgeon, not a cook.
                The Minister of Defense has completely different tasks. These are all directors of defense and other factories, this is all design bureaus, this is technical intelligence - what new weapons have appeared in foreign armies or their developments. And much, much more.

                Well, yes, that’s roughly what they’re thinking at the top, which is why in some places we already have chief doctors who are biologists. You have no idea what they are doing. We are looking forward to the chief economists. laughing
        2. +1
          13 May 2024 07: 54
          Quote: Arzt
          This doesn’t work in Russia, they simply won’t be able to speak the same language with Belousov, he’s like an alien to the army environment. Just like the previous ones.

          The Ministry of Defense is not only the Army, it is much more.
          1. +1
            13 May 2024 09: 32
            The Ministry of Defense is not only the Army, it is much more.

            Agree. The Central Bank is also a colossus. Let's put Surovikin at the helm there. laughing
            1. +3
              13 May 2024 11: 28
              Quote: Arzt
              The Ministry of Defense is not only the Army, it is much more.

              Agree. The Central Bank is also a colossus. Let's put Surovikin at the helm there. laughing

              If Surovikin is given a Mauser and a couple of boxes of ammunition, then I don’t mind.
              1. 0
                13 May 2024 11: 33
                If Surovikin is given a Mauser and a couple of boxes of ammunition, then I don’t mind.

                The problem is that as Minister he would have access to a Mauser. Apparently that's why they appoint an economist. laughing
              2. 0
                13 May 2024 15: 42
                No objections, I support...
        3. 0
          13 May 2024 08: 02
          Quote: Arzt
          The army we have is their way of looking at things.

          It's not just in the eyebrow, but in the eye! And the army that we had in 1994 and 1999, is this the generals’ view of their army?
          1. 0
            13 May 2024 09: 02
            It's not just in the eyebrow, but in the eye! And the army that we had in 1994 and 1999, is this the generals’ view of their army?


            For example, the generals of 1994 had a thieving rear. Yes, the army was supplied centrally, but the rear staff carried stewed meat from warehouses, which is unacceptable.

            A.E. Serdyukov had his own view on this problem, reduced the Armed Forces Logistics, removed the uniforms from the rear personnel, and increased the salaries of those who remained.
            The rear guards, who were stunned at first, first by inertia still wore it to the offices of their commanders, and then they realized that in outsourcing the uniform was not obligatory and they dressed up in tailcoats.

            It’s good for the soldiers too, now they have the opportunity to buy a NATO-sized uniform, a cauldron and a barbecue instead of an outdated field kitchen, and even a nimble Niva for their company, instead of the bulky and power-hungry AS-66.

            The population is also at work, weaving mask networks and sculpting drones.

            This view is quite workable and has a right to life; the Roman army was also supplied with sutlers. hi
            1. 0
              13 May 2024 09: 45
              Quote: Arzt
              This view is quite workable and has a right to life; the Roman army was also supplied with sutlers.

              Well, now I would like to hear from you a comparison of the Russian army of 2008 and the same army of 2014.... for completeness, so to speak, the picture!
              1. +1
                13 May 2024 09: 58
                Well, now I would like to hear from you a comparison of the Russian army of 2008 and the same army of 2014.... for completeness, so to speak, the picture!

                In 2008, the old army of Georgians rolled out a thin layer at a time. Even without the participation of the General Staff.

                I can’t give a complete comparative picture; I need to work here for a month.
                I'll try it on a small private example.

                In the old army, in the Central Hospital of the military branch in which I finished my service, there were 124 officers on staff. In the new one, Serdyukovskaya, 13. Shoigu increased it to 17.
                It seems like a good deal, saving money, but he’s a doctor, whether in uniform or not, a doctor.

                But then, suddenly, the SVO happened and it turned out that you couldn’t really send a civilian on a business trip to Krynki. Especially considering that all the former retired intelligent colonels long ago found warm jobs in civilian life, and a quarter of the current military are ladies. laughing

                As a result, the remaining soldiers die and try to jump off with all their might, but they don’t know how. bully
                1. -2
                  13 May 2024 10: 35
                  Quote: Arzt
                  In 2008, the old army of Georgians rolled out a thin layer at a time. Even without the participation of the General Staff.

                  Without the participation of the General Staff, how is that? They personally rushed to Georgia at the head of their commander on the lead armored personnel carrier???
                  1. 0
                    13 May 2024 10: 45
                    Without the participation of the General Staff, how is that? They personally rushed to Georgia at the head of their commander on the lead armored personnel carrier???

                    Exactly. He was even wounded.
                    Read Khrulev.

                    “And after the North Caucasus District almost single-handedly carried out an operation in South Ossetia, its actions were voluntarily crossed out, called unsuccessful and adjusted to plans for future reform. A number of loud statements were made that the war against Georgia revealed the inconsistency of the existing military structure tasks and that it was this that was the last straw that forced the start of military reform."


                    The General Staff had no time for the Georgians at that time; he fought with Serdyukov. And the Moscow Region moved.laughing
                    1. -1
                      13 May 2024 11: 26
                      Quote: Arzt
                      The General Staff was not interested in the war at that time; he fought with Serdyukov.

                      Eh, I would believe it if I didn’t know all the ins and outs of the army! what bully
                      Quote: Arzt

                      Interesting reading, somewhat similar to a supporting document!
                      Quote: Arzt
                      Exactly. He was even wounded.

                      If the commander of the army, a whole lieutenant general, has no one to lead the advanced BTG, then excuse me, of course, this is a failure, a specific failure!!!!
                      Well, from the actions of the 58th Army in South Ossetia in the initial period, I remember here in VO, people fainted from an excess of feelings!!! wink laughing
                      1. 0
                        13 May 2024 12: 31
                        Eh, I would believe it if I didn’t know all the ins and outs of the army!

                        What do you know, do you have doubts about this? Especially with the ins and outs. Look for a list of retired senior officers. He honestly said, let’s get rid of everyone who remembers the USSR.

                        If the commander of the army, a whole lieutenant general, has no one to lead the advanced BTG, then excuse me, of course, this is a failure, a specific failure!!!!

                        There are such situations, he explained, if you read.
                        Well, from the actions of the 58th Army in South Ossetia in the initial period, I remember here in VO, people fainted from an excess of feelings!!! wink laughing

                        Yeah, but now everyone is completely delighted.
      4. +7
        13 May 2024 07: 34
        Why is Shoigu afraid of a military man?
      5. +5
        13 May 2024 08: 37
        How scared is he to be a military man?!
        He did not serve in the army and did not graduate from military schools.
        Even when I was the Minister of Emergency Situations, I was a lover of beautiful reports and slides.
        So, he is a civilian like Belousov.
        It’s another matter for literate people to sit in the GSRF, and not parquet mummers, and also have normal deputies.
        In general, time will tell what the appointment of a new defense minister will bring.
      6. +4
        13 May 2024 08: 55
        I assumed that Shoigu would remain, because he is, after all, a military man!

        My condolences to you.
        And if you didn’t know, Shoigu is not a military man. He is from the party nomenklatura.
      7. 0
        13 May 2024 09: 04
        [quote=Fyodor Sokolov]I assumed that Shoigu would remain, because he is, after all, a military man! [/quote]
        Shoigu is a military man?!! Did I miss something?
        [/quote]It’s a questionable decision to put a civilian at the head of the Ministry of Defense during a war.[/quote]
        The MoD does not plan or conduct military operations. He is engaged in the development of the defense industry.
      8. +1
        13 May 2024 16: 15
        Quote: Fyodor Sokolov
        Shoigu, after all, he is a military man!

        Who is a "military man"?? Shoigu??
        Not only does he not have a military education, but he didn’t even serve in the military!
        Builder by training. The “Prince of Blood” from a young age received a ministry created especially for him (Ministry of Emergency Situations) and was promoted by all state and paid media. Who also has more civilian “generals” in his deputies than people with military education. Which became famous for the "Main Temple of the Army", biathlons, parades and corruption scandals. Who has his favorite deputy. not only an agent of Mosad, but also of all the “best intelligence services in the world.” The minister who failed the “partial mobilization”, allowed (or took part in?) the theft of mobilization warehouses. Failed to rearm the Army, equip it with communications, reconnaissance and target designation equipment... The mobilized (and career military) were forced to purchase uniforms, shoes, equipment, first aid kits, civilian quadcopters, sights and thermal imagers at their own expense... cowards (!!!) the people purchased vehicles for their army (!) ... and what did the minister and his deputies answer to the questions “why are you so little respected and don’t listen to the needs of the warring Army, they answered WHAT?
        That's right - the same thing: "The Army has everything it needs!" .
        But only the minister and his deputies had everything they needed.
        Who in every possible way prevented the timely conduct of mobilization back in the spring of 2022?
        He. They. "Generals" without military education. "General" Ivanov - as a mirror of clan-corporate kleptocracy.
        And what kind of horror and disorganization did the military registration and enlistment offices of citizen Shoigu show in the fall of 2022?
        Who ordered to bomb highways, blow up bridges and oil depots, dig up roads?.. in Russia last year?
        And once again - how did it turn out that Shoygi's "beloved deputy" is a spy and an agent of enemy intelligence... who also has four bags/packets of state awards? Who awarded the spy and for what?
        Belousov is not just an administrator and confidant of the president, but also a scientist, a manufacturer who knows the military-industrial complex well. So the appointment is as unexpected as it is justified. Who else should clean up the "Augean stables" of the two previous ministers if not the former vice-premier?
    2. 0
      13 May 2024 06: 29
      No one! A very unexpected decision by the Commander-in-Chief...
    3. +3
      13 May 2024 06: 36
      I assumed that he would be turned away.. Ivanov, of course, set him up specifically
      1. +9
        13 May 2024 07: 56
        Quote: Anh Han
        I assumed that he would be turned away.. Ivanov, of course, set him up specifically

        Did Ivanov set him up? belay So you want to say that the boss is not aware of what his deputies are doing? Well then it's very, very, VERY bad leader! This is practically complete professional unsuitability!!!
        1. 0
          13 May 2024 09: 42
          Of course I know, and everything would continue like this... but as usual - Cherche la femme)
          1. -1
            13 May 2024 11: 31
            Quote: Anh Han
            but as usual - Cherche la femme)

            Well, I know that Serdyukov got burned out on this. Now what is the topic?
  3. +1
    13 May 2024 06: 22
    How is the Moscow Region now without Tengri (? Tragedy, tragedy))
  4. +1
    13 May 2024 06: 23
    Well, let’s hope that there won’t be another Serdyukovism.
    1. +5
      13 May 2024 06: 31
      Belarusov is considered a patriot and an honest person. In any case, we can only observe.
  5. 0
    13 May 2024 06: 24
    “This is bad news for Ukraine” -

    — There shouldn’t be any good news for Svidomo from Russia at all...
  6. +2
    13 May 2024 06: 27
    In Soviet times, the ministry was normally led by Dmitry Fedorovich. And he was, first of all, a business executive. He was responsible for the arms industry since the Great Patriotic War. Vannikov’s successor
    1. 0
      13 May 2024 06: 38
      “In Soviet times, the ministry was normally led by Dmitry Fedorovich” -
    2. +1
      13 May 2024 08: 04
      Quote from: dmi.pris1
      In Soviet times, the ministry was normally led by Dmitry Fedorovich

      Excuse me, did you serve in the army? In that one, Ustinovskaya?
      1. +2
        13 May 2024 08: 05
        Yes, MVO. Balabanovo, Kaluga .1982-84..
        1. -1
          13 May 2024 08: 15
          Those. I don’t need to tell you about the increase in hazing and hazing!? Then I can tell you how TurkVO units were introduced into Afghanistan, how warships were built and handed over to the fleet, I can tell you about ostentatious exercises, how the same warships were destroyed in the South Atlantic, about the suicide crews who served on the 68-bis cruisers and Project 56 destroyers!
          1. 0
            13 May 2024 09: 14
            Quote: Serg65
            Then I can tell you

            Well, tell me. We read your confession with interest.
            The Secretary of Defense is not involved in the design and construction of ships, nor is he in charge of discipline in the army. He is engaged in the defense industry, so that the army has everything it asks for, and in creating conditions for the development and introduction of new types of weapons and equipment.
            1. -1
              13 May 2024 09: 18
              Quote: Krasnoyarsk
              The Secretary of Defense is not involved in the design and construction of ships, nor is he in charge of discipline in the army. He is engaged in defense industry

              It is the modern minister who is doing this, and Comrade Ustinov was involved in the military-industrial complex from 1941 to 1976, and it is precisely for this reason that under him the USSR Ministry of Defense became an appendage of the USSR military-industrial complex!
              1. 0
                13 May 2024 09: 29
                [quote=Serg65][quote=Krasnoyarsk]The Minister of Defense is not involved in the design and construction of ships, nor is he involved in discipline in the army. He is engaged in the defense industry[/quote]
                [quote=Serg65]It’s the modern minister who is doing this,[/quote]
                Didn't understand. Is he building ships? Minister of Defense?
                [quote=Serg65] Ustinov was involved in the military-industrial complex from 1941 to 1976, and it is precisely for this reason that under him the USSR Ministry of Defense became an appendage of the USSR military-industrial complex![/quote]
                Those. Did the Minister of Defense begin to report to the directors of defense factories? Did I understand you correctly? I hope I was wrong.
                1. -1
                  13 May 2024 09: 47
                  Quote: Krasnoyarsk
                  I made a mistake.

                  You were mistaken, the military-industrial complex and the Moscow Region began to submit to one person, and the military-industrial complex was a higher priority than the Moscow Region!
                  1. +1
                    13 May 2024 09: 55
                    Quote: Serg65
                    Quote: Krasnoyarsk
                    I made a mistake.

                    You were mistaken, the military-industrial complex and the Moscow Region began to submit to one person, and the military-industrial complex was a higher priority than the Moscow Region!

                    And again I didn't understand. What is MO? Has the Minister of Defense subordinated the Ministry of Defense to himself? How is that? Was the jacket put on a person?
                    From your words it is difficult to understand what you mean. hi
                    1. -1
                      13 May 2024 10: 45
                      Quote: Krasnoyarsk
                      It's hard to understand what you mean by your words

                      Probably yes, it’s difficult to understand, I agree! Even now I can’t understand why we were frightened when we signed the acts of acceptance of what was essentially an unfinished ship under the Christmas tree! recourse Although I understand that workers, engineers, designers, directors of several hundred factories involved in the construction of this ship want to receive a bonus, salary, certificates, orders...... but how can you accept a warship into service, knowing that it is not will be able to perform more than one combat mission....I still don’t understand!
                      I won’t even mention the epic of 4...FOUR Main Battle Tanks of the SA USSR, like many other epics that are so necessary for our native, Soviet military-industrial complex!
                      1. +1
                        13 May 2024 11: 50
                        Quote: Serg65
                        ship under the Christmas tree! Although I understand that the workers, engineers, designers, directors of several hundred factories participating in the construction of this ship want to receive a bonus, 13th salary, certificates, orders...

                        Everything is much more complicated.
                        Look, all the workers in the main production workshops of the plant (there are also auxiliary workshops, but this does not apply to them) work on a piece-rate wage.
                        What it is? At one time, piecework prices (consider piecework wages) were cut by 40%, but this 40% will be returned in the form of a bonus for fulfilling the plan and without comments from the quality control department.
                        And so it turns out that the shipbuilders worked and worked, but were unable to complete the task due to a shortage of components or materials from subcontractors. They didn’t stand idle, they moved to another object of the next month’s plan. But they did not fulfill the current plan! Therefore, they lose 40% of the bonus. Fair?
                        Quote: Serg65
                        .but how can a warship be commissioned, knowing that it will not be able to complete more than one combat mission....I still don’t understand!

                        And what is unclear here? Neither tomorrow nor in a month this ship will receive a combat mission. And during this time the ship will be completed.
                        In principle, I completely agree with you, but life dictates its own conditions. Therefore, it is very important when management reacts to this in a timely manner and makes informed decisions. hi
                      2. -1
                        13 May 2024 12: 16
                        Quote: Krasnoyarsk
                        Neither tomorrow nor in a month this ship will receive a combat mission.

                        Those. Is it quite normal for a useless unit to be in service? So useless that another, combat-ready unit, closes all course tasks, covering its eyes in shame, and kicks this combat unit into the sea, despite the pre-emergency condition of this unit! And they kick you out because there is no one else to carry out the decisions of the party and government in the area of ​​vital interests of the country!
                        Quote: Krasnoyarsk
                        And during this time the ship will be completed.

                        At times this lasted up to 5 years, while nominally performing a “combat” mission, taking with him a huge bunch of factory specialists from all over the Union!
                        Quote: Krasnoyarsk
                        It is very important when management reacts to this in a timely manner and makes informed decisions.

                        I completely agree with you here!
                      3. -1
                        13 May 2024 16: 47
                        I apologize for interfering in your dialogue with Krasnoyarsk (I don’t know his name), but... it’s better to have 4 different MBTs in storage warehouses (many thousands) than to have absolutely nothing.
                      4. +1
                        14 May 2024 07: 57
                        Quote: pin_code
                        It’s better to have 4 different MBTs in storage warehouses (many thousands)

                        Those. 4 different types of tanks, much better than one type? 4 tank factories make their own type of tank; for each type of tank, dozens more related factories are tailored. Each type of tank requires only a crew tailored for it, each type of tank requires its own spare parts, its own tank repair field workshops and its own tank repair factories.....I'm wildly sorry, but can you imagine what it will look like, God forbid, if tomorrow there is a big war? ?? Well, now let’s consider the moment when all 4 factories make the same type of tank... the state spends huge budget money to satisfy the worthless pride and self-importance of the chief designers, at the same time the state buys wheat abroad (in the budget there is no money to increase subsidies for the Ministry of Agriculture), purchases CNC machines (there is no money in the budget for long-term investments in R&D for modern machine tools), purchases large-diameter pipes (there is no money in the budget for long-term investments in R&D for modern machine tools..... sorry ....for the production of these same pipes) and so on ad infinitum......and all this so that the Monster called the military-industrial complex does not stand idle!!!
          2. +1
            13 May 2024 09: 47
            But I know something else. At that time, our enemies were afraid of our Soviet Army, which means they respected us... Yes
            1. -1
              13 May 2024 10: 22
              Quote from: dmi.pris1
              Then our enemies were afraid of our Soviet Army, which means they respected it

              How do you know this? Have you ever encountered enemies?
          3. -1
            13 May 2024 09: 54
            Judging by what you have to say, it seems that you yourself are a participant in everything and everywhere, and it is strange that you survived or, more likely, mastered the ABCs and read a lot of inscriptions on fences, and I am one of those who in December 1979 were preparing to fly to Mary "for training", but I am not talkative, unlike ... and I perceive life as it is, and sometimes it hits you in the head!
            1. -1
              13 May 2024 10: 25
              Quote: vik669
              I am one of those who in December 1979 was preparing to fly to Mary “for exercises”, but I am not talkative, unlike

              Well, yes, right now every second person declares his participation in the assault on the Taj Beg! Your own lard. you don't care.... hi
              1. -1
                13 May 2024 17: 42
                OdVO Martynovka Mig-27 - in January the flight was cancelled so we did not participate and did without us!
    3. 0
      13 May 2024 08: 04
      Quote from: dmi.pris1
      In Soviet times, the ministry was normally led by Dmitry Fedorovich

      Demobilization became a day shorter,
      Demobilizers - good night!
      Let them dream of a house by the river,
      Naked woman on the stove
      A sea of ​​vodka, a basin of beer,
      And Ustinova - an order!

      Inspired laughing
      1. 0
        13 May 2024 09: 19
        Quote from: AllX_VahhaB


        Everything has been erased from my memory, but I remember the last line -
        "And may the Blessed Virgin Demobilization protect you!" laughing laughing
        And we treated such rhyming with a certain amount of humor.
        Oh, what a good time it was.
  7. +1
    13 May 2024 06: 28
    Panic, why are you panicking?
    The question is... what is all this for?
    Guess what will happen, we'll see.
  8. +6
    13 May 2024 06: 31
    Throw slippers at me, but I somehow imagined that an economist and a "strong manager" would be more appropriate at the helm of the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Industry, and not the Ministry of Defense. As a result, there is the General Staff, there is the Security Council, there is the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, and the Minister of Defense will be an economist. The devil himself cannot understand the intricacies of the military leadership. And there are also "related professions" - the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the SVR... belay
    1. +1
      13 May 2024 06: 36
      Perhaps there is someone to command, but there is no one to count the money. As an option...
      1. -1
        13 May 2024 08: 06
        Quote: pin_code
        Perhaps there is someone to command, but there is no one to count the money. As an option...

        Yes, there is someone to count the money. Only they consider them all in their favor... laughing
    2. -2
      13 May 2024 06: 37
      Reply to your comment above
    3. 0
      13 May 2024 06: 41
      So what if the Minister of Agriculture will now also be an economist? And judging by the responsibilities of the Minister of Defense. he is more of an administrator than a military man.
      1. +1
        13 May 2024 09: 02
        The Minister of Defense should be a military man.
        And the Minister of Agriculture is a combine operator.
        1. +2
          13 May 2024 09: 39
          Agree. But not with the one who still prays to the West.
        2. -1
          13 May 2024 11: 40
          Quote from Aken
          The Minister of Defense should be a military man.
          And the Minister of Agriculture is a combine operator.

          One combine operator brought the USSR to collapse. There is no need for a second one.
          The manager must have specialized education and experience in the industry.
          1. 0
            13 May 2024 11: 42
            If the relevant experience is in the agricultural sector, then who? Agronomist, reseller, collective farm chairman?
        3. 0
          13 May 2024 11: 55
          Quote from Aken
          The Minister of Defense should be a military man.
          And the Minister of Agriculture is a combine operator.

          Why not a milkmaid? With all due respect to them.
          1. 0
            13 May 2024 12: 03
            She is raising children.
    4. 0
      13 May 2024 07: 06
      pharmacist Maybe his task will be to find ways to save money in the military sector, which is now eating up a third of the budget. That's why they appointed an economist. This is alarming
    5. -1
      13 May 2024 09: 59
      So it’s a people’s army - so you can stay barefoot, where can they throw all the bast shoes at you?
    6. +1
      13 May 2024 10: 10
      Perhaps with the appointment of Belousov, the country will be prepared for a full-fledged war, with the economy being transferred to a war footing...
  9. +1
    13 May 2024 06: 33
    The Verkhovna Rada, commenting on the changes at the top of the Russian Ministry of Defense, said that “this is bad news for Ukraine.”

    well, well-known disinformers, if the enemies say that “this is bad for them,” then it’s probably the other way around
    1. -2
      13 May 2024 06: 45
      Well, damn, well-known disinformers

      Finally, you, the idiot from “Moscow,” admitted this with your own comment.
  10. -2
    13 May 2024 06: 34
    The fact that Shoigu was finally “removed” is a big plus. Next, we’ll see... Now the “Kharkov offensive” is underway, at least the media is trumpeting about it or not. And somehow a new “civilian” Defense Ministry at such a time...
  11. +4
    13 May 2024 06: 48
    What is the question, gentlemen, alarmists? The war is led by the Chief of the General Staff. This is not within the competence of the Minister of Defense. He has other tasks.
    1. -2
      13 May 2024 07: 36
      What is the question, gentlemen, alarmists? The war is led by the Chief of the General Staff

      there are no questions, ngsh is the same, so everything that happens is the optimization of budgets and the redistribution of financial flows...
  12. +1
    13 May 2024 06: 50
    Probably the Supreme Commander talked with Belousov more than once to make such a decision. The end result is important. And he will definitely enter the Moscow Region not alone, but as a team. And why they are so alarmed in Ukraine, it is not they who should be excited, but their owners.
    1. 0
      13 May 2024 07: 23
      Most likely you are right. Someone was recalled from far away and it’s most likely for a reason.
  13. +4
    13 May 2024 06: 50
    The main tragedy for Ukraine was not Belousov, but the fact that Shoigu “left”.
    Belousov: Scientist. After Rosneft and Russian Railways - Moscow Region. Furniture maker already.
    The first marker is whether T. Shevtsov will remain deputy. If it remains, it will only get worse. If he removes it, “we’ll see...”
    1. -2
      13 May 2024 07: 34
      Shoigu’s deputies must be removed wisely, just like during the USSR.
      1. +2
        13 May 2024 07: 39
        Shoigu’s deputies must be removed wisely, just like during the USSR.

        How is it?
        1. +1
          13 May 2024 08: 06
          Place the calves where Makar didn’t graze! wassat
  14. 0
    13 May 2024 06: 58
    If Belousov manages to push through the urgent construction of megafactories for the production of IDP drones, missiles for Iskander and Daggers, Tornado-S and other consumables, that will be great.
    This is what bothers me:
    According to Peskov, Belousov's appointment as head of the military department should help open the ministry to innovation and advanced ideas. And the most important thing is the need to integrate the economy of the power bloc into the economy of the country, What can Belousov help with?

    What does it mean? Does the economy of the military-industrial complex now not fit into the economy of the country? Does this mean that Belousov will be tasked with “optimizing” military spending, i.e. cut? This might suck.
    1. -2
      13 May 2024 07: 12
      This is what is frightening, that the task of the new Ministry of Defense can only be “optimization of military expenditures.” We know very well how Shoiga “wasted” the military budget, and not a small one. At least this can be seen from the results of his “activities”. But “optimization” in our country is also scary.
    2. -1
      13 May 2024 07: 27
      Can it attract more contractors and raise their level to the desired level? And have more precision and knowledge-intensive industry enterprises as an option?
    3. -3
      13 May 2024 07: 31
      If Belousov manages to push through the urgent construction of megafactories for the production of IDP drones, missiles for Iskander and Daggers, Tornado-S and other consumables, that will be great.

      in the third year of the war, start building factories using “valuable specialists”, in the absence of our own machine tool industry?!....reminds us of a cunning plan!!!
      1. -4
        13 May 2024 07: 57
        Just about, under the guise of war, steal more and not make a splash like Ivanov.
  15. +1
    13 May 2024 07: 05
    Even her opponent considers Belousova to be a strong business executive.
    The official himself has repeatedly proven that he is capable of giving impetus to the development of the industry he undertakes.

    They didn't mix him up with anyone, I wonder? Andrei Belousov seems to have never been a business executive and never headed any industries.
    But maybe it’s for the better, he was a “strong business executive” before this.
  16. +1
    13 May 2024 07: 09
    The fact that Shoigu was removed is already progress. He became too unpopular. And the SVO showed that the army had turned into a Potemkin village and a commercial organization devouring a lot of funds with scanty combat effectiveness. Prigogine talked about all this and even organized a march of justice.
    1. -1
      13 May 2024 07: 58
      Who is this unpopular with? The liberals of Russia? Concerned only with how to steal more during such a wonderful period.
      1. -2
        13 May 2024 08: 07
        Well, of course, gestures of goodwill, regroupings, difficult decisions as a result of the Russian army’s unpreparedness for such operations made him very popular.
    2. +1
      13 May 2024 08: 17
      Quote: Glock-17
      Prigogine spoke about all this and even organized a march of justice.

      A so-so example... Prigozhin himself was a businessman, and even with a criminal past, who organized a "march of justice" in the midst of military actions in the rear, with the seizure of the headquarters of the Southern Military District. This example showed that such "Prigozhins" themselves should not be allowed within cannon shot of financial flows. And especially not to armed structures.
      1. -2
        13 May 2024 08: 30
        Prigozhin saved the front from collapse after the Kharkov regrouping. Thanks to the Bakhmut meat grinder operation, it was possible to gain time and build the Surovikin line, thereby disrupting the summer counter-offensive of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The march of justice took place when Shoigu simply tried to take Wagner away from him. I don’t completely justify him, but I can understand his indignation.
        1. -1
          13 May 2024 09: 54
          Quote: Glock-17
          Prigozhin saved the front from collapse after the Kharkov regrouping.

          Was he given command of the front in the Kharkov direction? wassat
          Quote: Glock-17
          Thanks to the Bakhmut meat grinder operation, it was possible to gain time and build the Surovikin line, thereby disrupting the summer counter-offensive of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

          This is just an episode along the entire front in the plans of the group's command. "Wagner" was entrusted with a certain area for proactive actions with the aim of tying down enemy troops. Prigozhin's merits as a "commander" are of no use here. He was given a "commercial contract" for the work of professionals in a specific area with a specific task.
          Quote: Glock-17
          The march of justice took place when Shoigu simply tried to take Wagner away from him. I don’t completely justify him, but I can understand his indignation.

          I have a general question: how did this “Wagner” end up in the hands of a businessman, and even with a criminal past?
          But I thought that such structures should work under the roof of the Foreign Intelligence Service under the control of retired PROVEN professionals. Such a “proxy special forces” under the guise of a commercial organization.
          1. 0
            13 May 2024 10: 19
            Wagner was not created at all for such tasks as SVO. This is a PMC without heavy weapons. The fact that they decided to use it and seriously arm it speaks of the desperate situation at the front at that time.
            1. 0
              13 May 2024 11: 02
              It wasn't just Wagner that operated near Bakhmut. Its flanks were supported by other units of the Russian Armed Forces. No one is belittling the importance of the PMC, but this is not Prigozhin's personal merit. The operation in Bakhmut was developed by Surovikin with Wagner commanders. Prigozhin played the role of manager - intermediary in the interaction between the PMC and the Ministry of Defense.
              1. -1
                13 May 2024 11: 23
                He and Utkin enjoyed enormous prestige among Wagner’s fighters, and that’s a lot. Don’t forget that there were moments when these same flags were simply thrown under the pressure of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and Wagner himself plugged the holes. And Wagner’s victories were often attributed to the paratroopers.
                1. 0
                  13 May 2024 11: 44
                  Quote: Glock-17
                  Don’t forget that there were moments when these same flags were simply thrown under the pressure of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and Wagner himself plugged the holes. And Wagner’s victories were often attributed to the paratroopers.

                  These facts from Prigozhin’s WORDS are from the same opera as the shelling of Wagner’s positions and the mining of their communications on orders almost from the Ministry of Defense and Shoigu personally. As well as the supposedly artificially created “shell hunger” for Wagner.
                  But the military in the neighborhood, who at that moment had already become a semi/criminal “Wagner,” are talking about something else, that it was this “partisan” unit that blocked access to its location to the military prosecutor’s office, which arrived to analyze the situation with the captured commander of the 72nd brigades and investigations into other cases of war crimes. For example, theft and hijacking of military equipment from neighboring units of the Russian army.

                  Quote: Glock-17
                  He and Utkin enjoyed enormous prestige among Wagner’s fighters, and that’s a lot

                  For the time being... After his demarche, many Wagnerites did not want to participate in his adventure and went their separate ways.
  17. 0
    13 May 2024 07: 10
    Maybe it’s good that Belousova replaces Shoigu. request
    It’s just that the last time he was presented with a robot with a grenade launcher and a machine gun, and he said - he needs a 12,7 machine gun request
    1. -1
      13 May 2024 07: 23
      Assault robot. Ready. Didn't accept
  18. 0
    13 May 2024 07: 16
    It is tragic that the Verkhovna Rada still exists, as does the state of Ruin 404.
    Moreover, she even starts commenting on things that are none of her business.
    I hope General Surovikin “Armageddon” will bring them to the desired state and result.
    Reset country 404.
    Work brothers !!!!
    1. -4
      13 May 2024 07: 34
      I hope General Surovikin “Armageddon” will bring them to the desired state and result.

      Excuse me please, but in our reality (not in the alternative) Surovikin is in Africa!
  19. 0
    13 May 2024 07: 29
    as it says, “for war you need 3 main resources: money, money and money” (c)...
    and since the “non-partners” clearly indicate their readiness to “support Ukraine indefinitely,” it is vitally important for us to ensure a strategic balance and renewability of our resources in order to live and develop “despite”, even if it lasts at least a few more years...
    in this sense, Mr. Belousov, as a system architect and strategist, may turn out to be surprisingly appropriate...)
  20. -5
    13 May 2024 07: 51
    Quote: deathtiny
    Mr. Belousov, as a system architect and strategist, may be surprisingly relevant

    Explain to me, ignorant, please, what are the real (!) merits of Mr. Belousov??? He has been in the echelons of power for about 4 years! The fact that the balabol Khazin praised him doesn’t count!
    p.s. Is it really true that the majority of fellow citizens live by myths about “statists” who “are fighting the heirs of the 90s and the oligarchs” laughing
  21. 0
    13 May 2024 07: 53
    Unfortunately, this is a characteristic vice when business and the civil service are one element of corruption for the current government. “And you, friends, no matter how you sit down, you’re still not fit to be musicians.”
  22. -3
    13 May 2024 07: 55
    Even her opponent considers Belousova to be a strong business executive.

    Is it so important what the enemy thinks? Joke! But to me, it looks like an ordinary parquet shuffler. A sycophant and a pleaser.
  23. +2
    13 May 2024 08: 01
    One thing can be said with confidence - none of the commentators know whether it is good or bad. They knocked me out of my mind. Judging by experience: it will be good for a certain group, but for the rest it will either not be good or will be completely missed.
  24. -1
    13 May 2024 08: 08
    It seems that there was already a furniture maker and accountant. By the way, who appointed Serdyukov? Also, by the way, they talked about “a brilliant solution and a strong business executive” then.
  25. -1
    13 May 2024 08: 18
    Still, I think that the head of such a ministry should be a military man. It has its own specifics. Let Belousov be the 1st deputy, let him have special powers, but there is no combat general to lead the RF Ministry of Defense?
    1. 0
      13 May 2024 08: 35
      The question is the specifics of the tasks, not the title of the position. In my opinion, in theory it should be headed by a warring military man (like Surikin or Teplinsky), but apparently the Minister of the Year has been involved in military economics since 2008 - there have been no wars and functionally this has become the main task, now they have decided not to change this division - accordingly, the person for these tasks picked up.
  26. +2
    13 May 2024 08: 30
    The enemy saw that VVP is not sleeping, not sitting with a book by the fireplace - he wants to win, is looking for options, naturally this is bad for the leaders of Ukraine.
  27. 0
    13 May 2024 09: 00
    Nooo, comrade commentators, this is not a business executive.
    This is a workhorse in the segment of economics, computer technology (methods and principles of calculation) and economic analysis, scenarios, forecasts.

    We can objectively say that by exchanging his right boot for his left, Belousov complements Chernyshenko in his role.
    Whose activities (the latter) are largely supervised (within the framework of his trend-tasks in social engineering) - Comrade. Kiriyenko.
  28. +1
    13 May 2024 09: 41
    There should be enough weapons to wipe out not only Ukraine, but also Europe and the United States from the face of the Earth.
  29. -1
    13 May 2024 09: 47
    We will increase it, but at what cost? I tried to get a job at one plant here. Everything was fine, except for the schedule. 12 hours a day a week, one day off, and again 12 hours at night. There were no other schedules. People come, work for a month or two and leave, no labor efficiency, no improvement in skills, etc. And we drive equipment to the front, which can practically fall apart in the first battle or fail, but it is important to fulfill the plan, to produce the required number.
  30. -2
    13 May 2024 10: 06
    What will happen? The army has been reformed, and now it will be completely reformed.
    Stalin's methods of industrialization and management model were rejected. But the Chinese, under new conditions, improved the methods of Joseph Vissarionovich and his student Mao.

    The USSR was armed. And Russia is disarmed and taken over by infidels.

    Back in December 2022, Belousov said that he saw no point in creating a mobilization economy. “There is no mobilization economy. There is a concept of a mobilization society. The mobilization economy is part of the concept of “mobilization society,” he said in an interview on the Rossiya 24 TV channel. And as an example of this kind of economy, he cited the 30s of the 30th century in Russia. Just for reference, the 1928s went down in history not only with industrialization (1940-1928), but also with collectivization (1933-1932), the famine of the autumn of 1933 - spring of 1936, the Great Terror (1938-1939), the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, the Soviet -Finnish War, annexation of the Baltic states, Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina to the USSR (1940–XNUMX).
  31. +2
    13 May 2024 10: 37
    Any abuse by superiors extinguishes the initiative and patriotism of subordinates. I wish the new minister to send all the thieves from the ministry to penal battalions and thereby raise the morale of the army and liberate the energy of the masses. And continue to constantly cleanse the department of thieves and traitors.
    Everything else is secondary:
    Organize a collection of ideas on new technology.
    Create new design teams for new projects. The old ones, as in the case of combat robots, are no good for anything: they have become too ossified and have learned to steal. For them, a cheap combat robot is a loss and a petty issue.
    Don't forget Lavochkin's example. It was only under the threat of losing the plant and status that he took up the creation of the La-5. The same is true with current designers: if you can’t, make room and personnel for others.
    Dispossess Nabiulina.
    The experience of the North Military District showed what kind of weapons the army needs. But behind all the drones and other things, we must not forget that victory is determined by the number of tons of cast iron and explosives brought down on the enemy’s heads. Of course, we need to invest several tens (or hundreds) of millions in drones (optics and communications too), but without 10 shells per month, we have nothing with which to destroy even visible targets, not to mention those scouted deep in the enemy’s defenses.
  32. -1
    13 May 2024 10: 48
    So, in our case, this appointment is a complete surprise for almost everyone. Putin's coma, probably.
    1. 0
      13 May 2024 10: 54
      The new minister is certainly not associated with internal competing factions within the Moscow Region. And this is very good. The position “above the fray” is always advantageous
  33. 0
    13 May 2024 11: 41
    Not so simple.

    Belousov was sent to mobilize money for the war.

    And Shoigu was saved from the consequences of the “Timurovites” case. Only the naive would believe that Shoigu did not know what Ivanov was doing, biting off sweet pieces of the Moscow Region budget pie.

    But the post of Secretary of the Security Council is usually underestimated, since the general public simply does not really understand its real weight and significance.
    And - yes, this post was occupied by very respected people, to put it mildly.

    In general, less emotion and more substance, experts advise.

    In fact, Shoigu went from being a member of the government to becoming Putin’s deputy (the Security Council is headed by the president).
  34. -1
    13 May 2024 16: 27
    Quote from lako
    What about you, what were you living at that time?

    No, I didn't have to, although I was born under Stalin, but the information about a participant in collectivization, the Finnish campaign, and World War II is very interesting, especially since I had the opportunity to closely communicate with participants in collectivization and participants in the Finnish campaign and participants in World War II and with virgin land workers and many others, and even a participant in the Russian-Turkish war for Crimea, but they personally went through it, and as they say, the main thing is to crow, and then at least ... ???!!!
  35. 0
    14 May 2024 15: 02
    Before we had time to take it off, a wave began to appear. Otherwise, for the past 20 years, no one directly knew that his wife’s company is the exclusive supplier to rescuers and the military of many things from the list. There was the same tandem as at Luzhok. Meadow simply presented itself everywhere as a successful businesswoman...
  36. 0
    14 May 2024 15: 21
    What is tragic for Ukraine is not so much the appointment of Belousov, but the removal of Shoiga, with whom it was possible to fight endlessly