Peskov: Belousov’s appointment will not affect the military component of the Ministry of Defense; Chief of General Staff Gerasimov remains in his post

Peskov: Belousov’s appointment will not affect the military component of the Ministry of Defense; Chief of General Staff Gerasimov remains in his post

The decision to change the Minister of Defense was made by Vladimir Putin; he decided that the department should be headed by a civilian, not a military man. This was stated by presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov.

According to Peskov, Belousov's appointment as head of the military department should help open the ministry to innovation and advanced ideas. And the most important thing is the need to integrate the economy of the power bloc into the country’s economy, with which Belousov can help. However, this appointment will not affect the military component in any way; Chief of the General Staff Valery Gerasimov will continue his activities.

As for the military component, this appointment will in no way change the current coordinate system, the military component has always been the prerogative of the Chief of the General Staff, he will continue his activities, no changes are envisaged in this regard yet

- said the representative of the Kremlin.

Former Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu has already been appointed to the post of Secretary of the Russian Security Council, which Nikolai Patrushev left. Shoigu will also oversee the work of the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation, which was removed from the leadership of the Ministry of Defense and reassigned directly to the president. Shoigu will be responsible for the work of the FSMTC.
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  1. -14
    12 May 2024 22: 21
    There is a good saying about horses and crossing
    But ok, let's see how and what will change
    Moreover, nothing depends on us at all
    Let's hope that the steps are correct and will really change something
    1. -42
      12 May 2024 22: 29
      Shoigu and his team closely interacted with the military-industrial complex. He traveled to factories all the time, set tasks, and, if necessary, strictly asked representatives of the military-industrial complex. He said what and how many times more was needed. He had political weight. And who will do this now? At least he should leave the team who specifically dealt with these issues. They are aware so as not to waste time. I am afraid that the Army will lose close contact with the military-industrial complex. And this is very important in the conditions of the Northern Military District.
      1. -19
        12 May 2024 22: 35
        In continuation of the post.

        What I mean is that there are no new problems, and very significant ones at that.
        1. +2
          12 May 2024 23: 20
          Finally. Now it’s Gerasimov’s turn with the parquet floor workers!
          1. +7
            12 May 2024 23: 54
            Quote: Nikolay S.
            Finally. Now it’s Gerasimov’s turn with the parquet floor workers!
            Yes. But you can’t bring Prigozhin back.
          2. -3
            13 May 2024 10: 21
            Quote: Nikolai S.
            Finally. Now it’s Gerasimov’s turn with the parquet floor workers!

            There is a Ministry of Defense, but there is no Ministry of Victory. request
        2. +3
          13 May 2024 00: 16
          if necessary, he asked harsh questions from representatives of the military-industrial complex.
          that’s right, yes, but any production has a ceiling on products - time, people, machines, premises and timely deliveries of everything necessary.
      2. +10
        12 May 2024 22: 37
        Well, maybe now, on the contrary, the military-industrial complex will start to be kicked in full and will be asked for all sorts of things that have no analogues in one copy, about which for years they sang and sawed to the song.
        1. -15
          12 May 2024 22: 39
          The military-industrial complex has been kicked quite well before this. This will be brought to fruition, this will be brought to fruition. The main thing is that promising and necessary projects are not closed for the sake of savings. That’s what I’m afraid of. The same GZUR Gremlin.
        2. +6
          13 May 2024 05: 21
          Guys, guess what? Time will tell. Although I am sure that the Ministry of Defense should be led by a military man with combat experience..
          1. +2
            13 May 2024 07: 23
            Time will tell, that’s for sure, but waving a saber is not moving sacks.
            If the minister performs functions unusual for him, pulling the flight control levers, then the device can be driven into a dive. The main thing now is that the General Staff does not have a fever and that the tandem works. Belousov is a smart guy, he won’t do any harm
          2. -1
            13 May 2024 09: 36
            Quote from: dmi.pris1
            Although I am sure that the Ministry of Defense should be led by a military man with combat experience...

            It would seem that Taburetkin's example should have been beneficial...
            I wonder if the generals in the Defense Ministry will also change, or will the old ones remain? wink
            Dear young!
          3. 0
            13 May 2024 10: 35
            Quote from: dmi.pris1
            Guys, guess what? Time will tell.

            I agree. I would like to note Putin's analytical group, they work well. The Ministry of Defense is a complex mechanism that rejects "outsiders". Therefore, Belousov can be compared to the trainer from the movie "Striped Trip" who was put in a cage with tigers by the crew. He will position himself correctly - he will work for a while, if he gives in - they will "eat him up". Someone is pushing Surovikin to the top, using the media crowd, in whose interests is this being done, and for what purpose? Are the "women" stirring things up again? hi
      3. +6
        12 May 2024 22: 41
        What does Shoigu have to do with it? PR.
        Military-industrial complex near Chemezov and Manturov.
        1. -20
          12 May 2024 22: 43
          Well, after all, he knew from the military what exactly they needed and how much he demanded from the military-industrial complex. It accelerated the military-industrial complex, let's say. As an example, I set the task of resuming production from scratch of the T-80BVM with a new engine. Who will also be able to convey the military-industrial complex's requirements to the military-industrial complex and set specific tasks with specific deadlines? Chemezov and Manturov are only fulfilling the tasks assigned to them .Who will now become the link between the requests of the Army and the military-industrial complex?
          1. +16
            12 May 2024 22: 59
            All contract work and government orders - Chemezov.
            And Chemezov is Putin’s colleague in the GDR. We sat in the same office, lived in the same house and were family friends. In terms of influence, Chemezov is steeper than Mishustin.
            And Putin will not allow any outsiders into the financial flow, the arms market.
            However, the oil and gas market is also under Putin’s control. His people are Miller and Sechin, Transneft - the main oil pipeline - is Tokarev, who was Putin’s boss in the GDR.
            1. +4
              12 May 2024 23: 24
              Quote: Factor
              His people Miller and Sechin

              By the way, a good question
              Either Miller and Sechin are Putin’s people
              Either Putin - Miller and Sechin
              The question is: do we have business under politics, or politics under business?
              1. -1
                12 May 2024 23: 29
                If you type in Google - Mikhail Ivanovich Putin, i.e. Where the presidential path begins, a lot becomes clear.
              2. +2
                12 May 2024 23: 40
                Quote from sdivt
                The question is: do we have business under politics, or politics under business?

                Now we will look at one example and you will answer your own question.
                Who in the new government will deal with migrants?
                A burning question in our reality, isn’t it?
                The government will not have a new Ministry for Migrant Affairs, which has been discussed a lot in connection with the aggravation of the migration problem. Powers for social and cultural adaptation and integration of foreign citizens were transferred from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the Federal Agency for Nationalities Affairs (FADN) back in 2017. At the same time, the Ministry of Internal Affairs retained the function of accounting and registration.
                The work of FADN will fall under the purview of Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova. laughing It will be like with medicine!!!
                The fact that FADN will now go under Golikov only speaks of the prevailing opinion in the government that the approach to migrants should be liberal. They believe that they should be pitied, and that their benefits outweigh their potential danger.
                Migrants are needed at construction sites, in delivery and trade, and for street cleaning. They provide economic benefits to certain oligarchic groups.
                And the beneficiaries are openly slowing down and sabotaging the modernization of legislation relating to migrants. They lobby for a soft migration policy.
                And they “do” all this through the government, the parliamentary corps, and the so-called senators.
                1. 0
                  12 May 2024 23: 54
                  Quote: kapitan92
                  Who in the new government will deal with migrants?

                  A very good and correct question. There is a rumor on this topic:
                  1. There is no structure yet that will deal with migration.
                  2. Now the structure will be created. From scratch. With direct subordination to GDP.
                  3. The plan for its creation is already ready and the GDP has approved it.

                  The next good question is who will lead this structure?
                  1. A person must be uncompromising towards corruption.
                  2. Understand the strategic importance of this topic for the country.
                  3. Be on good terms with all intelligence agencies.
                  4. Have sufficient political weight so that the bigots from the CIS and beneficiaries in the Russian Federation do not even try to put pressure on him.

                  Who do you think it could be? wink
                  1. +6
                    13 May 2024 00: 58
                    Who do you think it could be?

                    Is Patriarch Kirill suitable? laughing
                    1. +1
                      13 May 2024 01: 02
                      He has his own, important job. wink
                      What, there are no other versions?
                      LADIES are not suitable right away. laughing
                      1. +5
                        13 May 2024 01: 06
                        What, there are no other versions?

                        Yes, you put forward demands there that are fit to be canonized during your lifetime.
                      2. 0
                        13 May 2024 01: 09
                        Let's start from the beginning then.
                        Have you heard about the new structure that I talked about?
                        Do you agree that creating a system of proper migration is a strategic task?
                      3. +4
                        13 May 2024 01: 21
                        No, I haven't heard... Moreover, I have no idea which groups of bourgeois from the Forbes list use which levers to control Russia. And most importantly, it's a shame to waste the remaining time trying to understand this crap.
                      4. 0
                        13 May 2024 01: 24
                        Well then, all the best and have a pleasant sleep! wink
                      5. 0
                        13 May 2024 10: 45
                        Quote: Alex777
                        Do you agree that creating a system of proper migration is a strategic task?

                        No! I don't agree. Migration is regulated by the Law, and no matter who you assign control over its implementation to, you'll get corruption. request The strategic task is to force people to honestly implement the Law, but this is impossible. hi
                      6. 0
                        13 May 2024 09: 44
                        Then, only...Khusnullin..Well, no one else. The bench is over.. am
                      7. 0
                        13 May 2024 11: 17
                        Quote from: dmi.pris1
                        Then, only...Khusnullin..Well, no one else. The bench is over.. am

                        Khusnullin is in his place.
                        GDP, by some miracle, was able to solve 2 problems that were unsolvable for the USSR. Agriculture is on the rise and construction is difficult, but has begun to be completed on time.
                        Let these shots stay there. Restoring 404 is a huge task and we will have to solve it.
                        I unsubscribed above who I wouldn’t be surprised to see. We wait. hi
                  2. -1
                    13 May 2024 01: 36
                    Patrushev. Sufficient political weight.
                    1. -2
                      13 May 2024 01: 38
                      Quote: MstislavHrabr
                      Patrushev. Sufficient political weight.

                      That's what I think about him. All we have to do is wait for the news. hi
                  3. BAI
                    13 May 2024 06: 04
                    . A person must be uncompromising towards corruption.

                    This cannot happen in the government. Basically. The system will either eat you or spit you out.
                    1. 0
                      13 May 2024 11: 10
                      Quote: BAI
                      This cannot happen in the government.

                      There are people who have so much money that they don’t know where to spend it.
                      There are people who want to make history.
                      There is a combination, when both are together.
                      Everyone's motivation is different. Although basically you are right.
                      That's why such amazing appointments happen.
                      No one represented Belousov in the Moscow Region. And the solution is interesting.
                    2. 0
                      13 May 2024 12: 11
                      I will say more - betting from the system means still developing the system. People of the same breed and the same mental sharpening create the same thing. No one will say “no”, much less do it.
                      Cancerous tumors are usually excised rather than cropped for the purpose of further manipulation in it and around its perimeter. In the hope that it will become benign, and in the future it will completely resolve.
                      The body will die from intoxication, or the consequences of the problem (new problems) will emerge in completely different areas.

                      And they don’t go into the forest to negotiate so that the animal (game) itself comes to the table, skinned and with a set of spices.
                      And during the hunt itself, it is somehow not customary to negotiate with a wild animal. Either he will break you, or you will remain alive.
                    3. 0
                      13 May 2024 14: 46
                      Here's what his enemies write about Belousov:
                      The British Financial Times writes (, citing its sources, that the new Russian Defense Minister, Andrei Belousov, has zero tolerance for corruption. Well, let the British be jealous.

                      I don’t remember anything bad about Patrushev. request
                      Although, of course, I didn’t follow him closely.
                    4. 0
                      13 May 2024 21: 28
                      The system will either eat you or spit you out.
                      Yes, but this is if this is a person of the system.
                      In principle, in the government, state structures (such as Rosatom, RAO UES, Russia, etc.) there will definitely be a person of some kind in leadership positions.
                      But Belousov is an exception.
                      In 1999, he became a member of the board of the Ministry of Economy[19][20]. He acted as a consultant to a number of heads of the Russian government: Evgeny Primakov, Sergei Stepashin, Mikhail Kasyanov and Mikhail Fradkov (he worked with Kasyanov and Fradkov in the status of a freelance adviser)
                      Prime ministers changed (who belonged to different systems and clans), but everyone left Belousov as a consultant.
                      Belousov is the case when it is not a person who needs a system, but a system that needs a person (professional).
                  4. +1
                    13 May 2024 12: 45
                    Who do you think it could be?

                    Patrushev is the best choice winked
                    1. +1
                      13 May 2024 14: 49
                      Quote: flicker
                      Patrushev is the best choice

                      Today there was a message that:
                      The appearance of Nikolai Patrushev in the government as Deputy Prime Minister is being discussed.

                      If this is what I think it is, then the status is appropriate.
                2. +2
                  13 May 2024 09: 14
                  kapitan92 (Vyacheslav)
                  In modern economic policy, the “migrants” cluster is deliberately left in the zone of liberal influence.
                  because They try to assign 2 functions to it:
                  1. influence on the level of income of the population, with the aim of reducing - as a counterbalance to the growth of wages
                  2. creating social tension

                  There is no need to write about the 3rd function, such as increasing demographics and developing the economy. There has been no policy in this direction over the past 20 years. the mechanisms are not set up.
                  1. The comment was deleted.
                3. -3
                  13 May 2024 09: 42
                  The issue has long been resolved. Putin dragged Russia not only into the WTO, but also into the International Migration Organization, where the Judeo-Anglo-Saxons rule.

                  We are following the path of eliminating the indigenous, state-forming people in the state. Let’s see how the process is going on in the West. Russia is only repeating this path along the same pattern.

                  Putin will not break the rules of international migration and strictly filter migrants.

                  And pretentious slogans are just for tinsel.
          2. +3
            12 May 2024 23: 14
            Shoigu and his team closely interacted with the military-industrial complex. He traveled to factories all the time, set tasks, and, if necessary, strictly asked representatives of the military-industrial complex. He said what and how many times more was needed...
            Well, after all, he knew from the military what exactly they needed and how much he demanded from the military-industrial complex...
            Don't worry about this:
            ... At the same time, Shoigu will be Putin’s deputy in the commission on the military-industrial complex, which monitors the pace of implementation of state defense orders, the development and introduction of promising types of weapons. He will also oversee the federal service for military-technical cooperation.
            1. +13
              12 May 2024 23: 19
              Dmitry Medvedev retained the position of administrator of the telegram channel laughing
              1. 0
                12 May 2024 23: 45
                Quote: Black
                Dmitry Medvedev retained the position of administrator of the telegram channel laughing

                He takes away Peskov’s bread. laughing
        2. -3
          12 May 2024 23: 06
          Quote: Factor
          Military-industrial complex near Chemezov and Manturov.

          Near Manturov and half of Gelendzhik! wink
          1. 0
            13 May 2024 09: 17
            Nikolaevich I (Vladimir)
            that’s what’s sad. that the southern people are not ripe for castling.

            because under 1/2 of Gelendzhik - it could have been Manturov.
      4. +14
        12 May 2024 22: 48
        To write about such issues, you need to know your inner workings, it seems to me. I don’t think anyone present here can boast of this.
      5. +5
        12 May 2024 22: 57
        How many AWACS planes are there, for example, in all of Russia - 8 pieces? Like in tiny Israel. Why the hell did Shoigu need them all these years? It's the Americans before each strike Ukrainians reconnaissance aircraft, manned and unmanned, are being sent across Crimea.
      6. +1
        13 May 2024 00: 47
        Yeah, that's true, it happened when a roasted rooster didn't just peck at my ass, but pecked me until I bled. And in fact, he was a civilian, no matter what epaulettes they put on him, and a civilian came.
    2. +7
      12 May 2024 22: 47
      There is a good saying about horses and the crossing.
      But ok, let's see how and what will change...

      Well, Stalin didn’t know about this.
    3. 0
      12 May 2024 23: 48
      So Belousov was found. I immediately started looking for him
      Yesterday, 20: 04
      Mikhail Mishustin submitted a new composition of the government to the State Duma for consideration
      Quote: Ilya-spb
      Again the same... For the most part... Siluanov - very bad. And Manturov, Khusnullin with Reshetnikov ((((

      However, Patrushev’s growth is interesting. Successor?

      And - there is hope for the governors. Young, successful! Let them grow!

      Where is Belousov on this list?
      1. 0
        13 May 2024 00: 07
        Why did the boys downvote me yesterday (even the day before yesterday)? request After all, it was clear with Surovikin, in the post of minister, like fish on ice. Yes

        11 May 2024 20: 09
        Mikhail Mishustin submitted a new composition of the government to the State Duma for consideration
        Quote from gms
        well, no gurulev, surikin - idk. someone wrote that Dyumin can sit in a chair

        Surovikin is also not ripe for the Minister. There you need to have experience interacting with governors and ministers. It’s not every occasion that you run to the President...
    4. -1
      13 May 2024 08: 49
      We have been fighting this saying for three years now. And the prospects are getting more and more foggy.
  2. -8
    12 May 2024 22: 24
    Why wasn’t Golikova appointed? The General Staff would have remained in place.
    1. -6
      12 May 2024 22: 31
      Why wasn’t Golikova appointed? The General Staff would have remained in place.

      Golikov will not be able to sort out the Augean financial stables that the previous one left behind. laughing
      1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +2
      13 May 2024 00: 11
      Quote from Sanktperburg1812
      Why wasn’t Golikova appointed? The General Staff would have remained in place.

      And how will you answer such a wise question?
  3. -1
    12 May 2024 22: 31
    Well, was Shoigu really pushed... I thought this would never happen... But it’s not clear who was put in his place and why...
    1. -7
      12 May 2024 22: 48
      What exactly did Shoigu not like? Here you go in more detail, except that he is not a staff member.
      1. +1
        13 May 2024 00: 13
        Quote: Sergey Alexandrovich
        What exactly did Shoigu not like? Here you go in more detail, except that he is not a staff member.

        In simple words, Shoigu in this post was unable to restructure the work according to the logic of constructive transformations!
        1. +3
          13 May 2024 00: 17
          Oh really? What is behind the florid speculation about the logic of constructive transformations? Is it really your lack of clear arguments?
          1. +1
            13 May 2024 00: 22
            Quote: Sergey Alexandrovich
            Is it really your lack of clear arguments?

            It’s possible, my inquisitive fellow, and more clearly: “Shoigu, where are the shells!”
            1. 0
              13 May 2024 01: 32
              “Shoigu, where are the shells!”

              Like where are they in warehouses...suddenly there is war! And we spent them on SVO! laughing
            2. 0
              13 May 2024 02: 42
              Shoigu and resolved the issue with them by traveling to the DPRK. Since then, there seems to be no shortage of artillery and rocket shells of all calibers in the Russian army.
              Before the SVO, the emphasis in the world in military affairs was on advanced technology and precision-guided ammunition. If professional military men believed that the army needed armata, Su-57s and calibers with zircons and Poseidons, then Shoigu simply listened to the general opinion. It is interesting that before World War I, Russian generals believed that 1000 rounds of ammunition per soldier and 100 shells per gun were required, but it turned out to be the opposite and the Russian army was faced with a shortage of shells (memoirs of A.N. Krylov).
              1. 0
                13 May 2024 08: 57
                Well where are OUR
                Before the SVO, the emphasis in the world in military affairs was on advanced technology and precision-guided ammunition.
                ? .The same KABYs began to be molded in an emergency mode AFTER the start of the SVO and shooting from NURSs with pitching. What about long-range artillery? Are the Armata armadas already trampling the steppes of Ukraine? Encrypted communication systems, reconnaissance UAVs. Counter-battery radars. High-precision shells. Where is all this?
                1. 0
                  13 May 2024 10: 09
                  What about long-range art? Are the Armada armadas already trampling the steppes of Ukraine? Encrypted communication systems, reconnaissance UAVs. Counter-battery radars. High-precision projectiles. Where is that all?

                  This is another topic. They say everything was stolen. Even uniforms and bulletproof vests.
              2. 0
                13 May 2024 13: 41
                Shoigu and resolved the issue with them

                It was not he who decided, but the Supreme One who went and decided, but Shoigu poorly saved them in advance and did not count how many of them we need for the war...
                In general, he didn’t really prepare the army for the Northern Military District very well, he didn’t profit from being unmanned, he learned little about the enemy, he didn’t accept long-range artillery, he even started riveting gliding bombs along the way... I’m generally silent about communications and satellite reconnaissance. The fleet hid with him too, I won’t say where in front of people!
                Such a good minister, but what did he guess with? Even the size of the army is no good for the Northern Military District, not to mention equipping the forces with all kinds of ammunition.
                1. 0
                  14 May 2024 14: 16
                  And People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR S.K. Did Timoshenko guess a lot in 1941?
                  Are your expectations regarding the now former Minister of Defense Shoigu too high?
                  1. 0
                    14 May 2024 20: 56
                    Are your expectations regarding the now former Minister of Defense Shoigu too high?

                    I can’t judge Timoshenko, he is no longer alive, he answered Stalin, but Shoigu’s activities can be described in one word: failure.
    2. 0
      13 May 2024 09: 22
      Shoigu's appetite was cut in the areas of economics and finance.
      As can be seen from the official vector, the direction is construction.

      And besides this, there is also the State. procurement in the areas of defense and industrial complex, military-industrial complex. And the whole “property kitchen”. In general, there are still enough places to look for, clean, and plant.
  4. +6
    12 May 2024 22: 31
    It’s interesting, did this deputy who is imprisoned for bribes get it to the top or what?
    1. -1
      12 May 2024 22: 36
      M.b. did you deliver? ...................................
      1. +2
        12 May 2024 22: 42
        M.b. did you deliver?
        laughing exactly..
    2. +2
      13 May 2024 00: 24
      Quote from JÜRGEN WEGNER
      It’s interesting, did this deputy who is imprisoned for bribes get it to the top or what?

      He had an auto payment enabled from a Sberbank card. laughing
    3. 0
      13 May 2024 06: 58
      It's a pity they didn't open a criminal case against him, there would be no less screw-ups there than with Ivanov! After all, he is a higher-ranking official, to whom everything flowed up the career ladder (figuratively speaking - money was driven by the trainload). But there is a nuance - he is a political heavyweight and an old-timer in this system, since the time of EBN in power and you can't take such a shark with your bare hands, his influence and connections are, so to speak, serious...
      He will calmly live out his retirement in a “warm place” like Medvedev, sit and not give a damn in a useless department created for pocket people.
      Just like Serdyukov was not imprisoned and Chubais was released into free swimming - our system is favorable and unpunished for successful scoundrels and bribe-takers!
  5. +6
    12 May 2024 22: 33
    I think Shoigu will easily work with Medvedev. Both of them are handsome.
    1. +4
      12 May 2024 22: 36
      Quote: Cat Alexandrovich
      I think Shoigu will easily work with Medvedev. Both of them are handsome.

      Kot Alexandrovich would not be Kot Alexandrovich if he had not made a comment in his usual style with a trick. I was waiting for this, and Kot Alexandrovich did not disappoint. Yes
    2. +13
      12 May 2024 22: 46
      To be honest, I don’t understand at all what the Security Council is doing. It seems that this is some kind of sinecure for officials sent from previous positions. Correct me if I'm wrong...
      1. +12
        12 May 2024 22: 52
        A fictitious, invented position is still fucking for the swan... who gave him his votes in 96, so that he could continue to drink beautifully... until his kidneys and heart began to fail.
        Anyone who passed 1 Chechen test was considered that the swan passed on virtually everyone and signed the humiliating Khasavyurt.
        Z.Y. You can throw minuses, but you can’t remove the words from the song - that’s how it all happened.
        Quote from Pharmacist
        What does the Security Council do?

        Quote from Pharmacist
        Correct if I'm wrong ...
        1. -1
          12 May 2024 23: 28
          He also considered Lebed a traitor, for Khasavyurt. But then I adjusted my opinion a little.
          1. +1
            12 May 2024 23: 38
            What was the reason? If it's not a secret, of course, colleague! soldier
            I didn’t hold a candle in the first one... my brother was in Rokhlinskaya... and I know a lot of his colleagues and I was with them in the second one, although of course we were scattered... request
            1. +3
              12 May 2024 23: 57
              Actually, the attitude towards Lebed has not changed much. But some, individual, results of Khasavyurt turned out to be unexpected. The established borders did not suit, of course, but what began to happen beyond them was sincerely surprising. It turned out that a warrior nation in principle cannot live peacefully with itself. The Chechens are a warrior nation without a doubt and this can have an amazing reverse side.
              It’s like 30 years later it suddenly became clear that independent Ukraine cannot be peaceful and will inevitably become Nazi.
              1. +2
                13 May 2024 00: 04
                Well, about the Chechens... the Vovchiks were not particularly allowed into the villages, many of them were treaty negotiators... we simply guarded them. Unlike 1... the main backbone was the Vovchik detachments, Arab mercenaries... many had Khattab curators, etc. This is no longer a secret.
                In general, the main military operations took place in Grozny, Shali, Duba-Yurt, etc. in fact, January 2000... even if not everything was successful on our part, but nevertheless. Komsomolskoye was the finale... you know who was there and what happened in the end. I won’t retell it... after which everyone broke up into small partisan units of up to 40-60 militants and went into the mountains to the south and to the border with Dagestan. This was already another war... with the sake of feces, who in fact were not ideological... but simply Arab mercenaries for this very feces - i.e. money and it is perfectly clear who paid for this banquet and why.
                1. +1
                  13 May 2024 00: 55
                  Komsomolskoe was the finale... you know who was there and what happened in the end. I won’t retell the story... after which everyone split into small partisan units of up to 40-60 militants and went to the mountains

                  Oh damn, how was it yesterday...
                  Gelayev, how he felt that the artillerymen had run out of light mines at night...
                  The confusion with the assault on Goi-Chu (Komsomolskoye) was specific.
                  We chased him for a long time
                  1. +1
                    13 May 2024 01: 00
                    Quote: Terenin
                    Oh damn, how was it yesterday...

                    Quote: Terenin
                    The confusion with the assault on Goi-Chu (Komsomolskoye) was specific.

                    You know, there was enough chaos everywhere... alas....
                    Quote: Terenin
                    Gelayev, how he felt

                    He is not Vanga... everyone knows why he left... am
                    Quote: Terenin
                    For a long time we will then replace and chase

                    Apparently the radicalism is over feel
                    1. +2
                      13 May 2024 10: 16
                      Some people downvote us simply for our memories... request
                      1. +2
                        13 May 2024 10: 19
                        There is such a thing, I have noticed it more than once. request Just a minus without discussion and desire to express your point of view. fool
              2. The comment was deleted.
      2. +1
        12 May 2024 23: 29
        What did the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee do? Approximately the same advisory body.
      3. 0
        13 May 2024 00: 19
        Quote from Pharmacist
        To be honest, I don’t understand at all what the Security Council is doing. It seems that this is some kind of sinecure for officials sent from previous positions. Correct me if I'm wrong...

        Don't be naive. 120 percent right!
        No normal ruler would let government officials who possess state secrets of "special importance" "float freely".
        Here, my dear, is an office, a telephone - a turntable (or a Kremlin phone), a secretary, a car and security (aka a convoy!)
        1. -1
          13 May 2024 05: 21
          And Red? (bored with short text)
          1. +2
            13 May 2024 10: 01
            Quote: Vinnibuh
            And Red? (bored with short text)

            What secrets could a preacher of the Western financial concept in Russia have from the Anglo-Saxons?
            And than... winked raven raven eye...
  6. +4
    12 May 2024 22: 36
    Well, Belousov seems to have shown himself so far to be by no means a liberal, and in general a rather tough guy. War is very, very expensive, and it’s probably necessary to carefully control the economic component somehow. Otherwise, no treasury will be enough. As well as kicking the military industry, and hitting some of the raking paws... The conduct of military operations is one hell of a thing for the General Staff, and Shoigu seems to have shown himself to be a crisis manager of the military commissariat. So, we’ll see, but probably the appointment is quite appropriate..
  7. -4
    12 May 2024 22: 39
    All the miracles, and the miracles... The sum does not change by changing the places of the terms.
    1. +2
      13 May 2024 00: 15
      We need to look from the other side, from the side of the Barclay-Kutuzov ligament. Barclay chose the right strategy, but was extremely unpopular among the troops and at court. Kutuzov continued Barclay's strategy, but was popular among the troops.
  8. +2
    12 May 2024 22: 39
    Unexpectedly, however. Belousov is a definite plus, but Patrushev’s departure is a definite minus. Now Shoigu is over the FSB and other security forces, it is clear that the collapse of the Timurov team will begin. Patrushev took Ivanov during Shoigu’s absence in Moscow.
    The “family” continues to put pressure on President Putin. Well, then agreements with the world synagogue will begin.
    1. +4
      13 May 2024 00: 08
      Quote: Factor
      Belousov is a plus

      I agree.

      Quote: Factor
      Patrushev's departure is a definite minus.

      To make such an assessment, you need to know where he went.
      I believe his appointment will please no less than the previous one.

      Quote: Factor
      Now Shoigu is above the FSB

      Now he is a horse in a coat. Without a real apparatus and powers.

      Quote: Factor
      The “family” continues to put pressure on President Putin.

      If she had had the same strength, Shoigu would have remained a minister.

      Everything that is done is for the better. Yes
      1. +2
        13 May 2024 10: 04
        Quote: Alex777
        If she had had the same strength, Shoigu would have remained a minister.

        Everything that is done is for the better.

        Already this morning, officers congratulate each other on the unexpected holiday winked
        1. +1
          13 May 2024 11: 42
          Quote: Clear
          Already this morning, officers congratulate each other on the unexpected holiday

          I learned about this news from the front yesterday.
          They noticed it there earlier. Then I read it myself. hi
      2. -2
        13 May 2024 10: 44
        The head of the Security Council is a potential candidate for the presidency of Russia. This is exactly how Patrushev was viewed.
        But the “family” pushed Shoigu to become a successor and from the post of Minister of Defense. And Medvedev is still sitting out in the Security Council.
        The topic of a successor has not gone away. It will only get worse.
  9. +4
    12 May 2024 22: 52
    Gentlemen and comrades of the forum. You can minus it, only over the last few years the crowding in the deck has started to get boring. The same faces. "Guarantor" - he scolded, they took him under the hood, but in reality it was nothing. And no one is to blame hi
    1. -2
      13 May 2024 05: 23
      Why downvote you if you are completely right.
  10. +5
    12 May 2024 23: 01
    Quote: Sergey Alexandrovich
    What exactly did Shoigu not like? Here you go in more detail, except that he is not a staff member.

    I think thanks to his deputy minister. Superiors must be held accountable for such subordinates.
  11. +7
    12 May 2024 23: 07
    Somehow the logic is already collapsing. No, I understand that Belousov is a good man.
    But let me. Why then do we each study for some specialty? All sorts of universities, institutes, etc. have existed for hundreds of years.
    An engineer learns to deal with technical things and manage accordingly. An economist deals with the economics of an enterprise or works in a bank. A military man immediately after school goes to military school and barracks, study, service. Etc.
    It turns out there is no point in mastering the relevant professions?
    Then they would have created an institute with the faculty “Head of Everything”.
    And then they would be assigned in shifts to the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Finance. Take turns.
    - Ivanov!
    - Starting tomorrow you will rule the Ministry of Finance.
    - I was already driving.
    -Then it’s your turn, Sidorov.
    In general, it’s somehow strange, to put it mildly. Moreover, the Ministry of Defense of the Army that is fighting.
    1. +3
      12 May 2024 23: 23
      Well, Shoigu was not a military man, he did not serve in the army. Serdyukov is also a civilian, Sergei Ivanov was a KGB officer. Now Belousov. By and large, Putin has no confidence in professional military personnel.
      1. +4
        12 May 2024 23: 37
        Quote: Factor
        By and large, Putin has no confidence in professional military personnel.

        Yes, professional deformation - security guards do not like the military. But to dislike the military SO much that you won’t give them a normal minister for decades is nonsense.
        1. +2
          13 May 2024 00: 35
          I think here, first of all, is the fear of the military seizing power, especially against the backdrop of the not so brilliant SVO. For the same reason, Zelensky pushed Zaluzhny.
      2. +2
        13 May 2024 10: 10
        Quote: Factor
        Well, Shoigu was not a military man, he did not serve in the army. Serdyukov is also a civilian, Sergei Ivanov was a KGB officer. Now Belousov. By and large, Putin has no confidence in professional military personnel.

        Under the USSR, not all defense ministers were military men. Dmitry Ustinov is an engineer by training.
    2. +5
      12 May 2024 23: 40
      The selection criterion is based on loyalty and family-friendship relations, and not on professional qualities. That's the system.
    3. -1
      13 May 2024 01: 41
      Somehow the logic is already collapsing.

      So you can’t understand Russia with your mind...
      So what’s not clear here. The warriors are often thieves and swindlers... No offense to them, but even the deputy there was a big stealer and apparently blabbed out of fear about his boss...
      And since this department has a vertical structure and complete subordination, they all stole at once!
      So they invited outsiders to cut down on waste. There is not enough money, and the oil refineries are burning... And Belgorod is in pain! And it’s still a long way to Kuev!!!
      Now think about logic!
      1. 0
        13 May 2024 08: 01
        The “stealing warrior” warrior is exactly the same civilian as the already former Minister of Defense. Look at the composition of the leadership under Shoigu. Half are civilians
    4. -1
      13 May 2024 01: 51
      Quote from Sanktperburg1812
      Institute with the faculty "Head of Everything".
      Those. "effective manager"! lol
    5. 0
      13 May 2024 08: 00
      Ustinov was not a military man either.
      1. 0
        13 May 2024 08: 31
        Ustinov was not a military man either.

        Ustinov fought in the Civil War. Served in the Army. Then he was People's Commissar of the Defense Industry. A tough technician by training.
        To put it mildly, a different background.
        1. 0
          13 May 2024 08: 40
          Serving as a private in the army does not make a person a military man. Ustinov was not a commander in the army.
          Ustinov was an organizer of production, and Belousov is also an organizer of a producing economy.
          1. 0
            13 May 2024 10: 08
            . Serving in the army as a private does not make a person a military man.

            Military service gives a person invaluable experience for life. Which you can’t gain over years of desk work and tourist trips.
    6. +1
      13 May 2024 09: 14
      funny, but to the point! It very much reflects today’s Russia, when students, having completed their studies at universities, go to work outside their specialty. It turns out this way not only for students
  12. -3
    12 May 2024 23: 09
    Who will be able to host the parade next year? Shoigu performed it professionally.
  13. +2
    12 May 2024 23: 10
    Shoigu will also oversee the work of the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation, which was removed from the leadership of the Ministry of Defense and reassigned directly to the president. Shoigu will be responsible for the work of the FSMTC.
    Is it really work on the African continent and beyond? Cooler than just the RF Ministry of Defense. Scope, space for creativity and implementation of ideas. And it becomes clear who needed Evgeniy Viktorovich’s departure more or less in fact.
  14. 0
    12 May 2024 23: 26
    It’s scary to give an analysis to a person who has been in the economic bloc all his life (predicted the crisis, but did not correct it) since the 90s, the word MEMBER of all kinds of advice and not only about him. Let's see, MO is an interesting structure that requires interaction with many structures and industries.
  15. -3
    12 May 2024 23: 31
    One civilian was already in the Defense Ministry, and this one was also an economist.
    I think they are hiding Shoigu to take “unpopular measures.”
  16. +2
    12 May 2024 23: 39
    But Kuzhegetovich will go straight to retirement and settle down. Let him at least work, and let Gerasimrva be an adjutant
  17. 0
    12 May 2024 23: 39
    Let's see what happens next in six months to a year!
  18. +2
    13 May 2024 00: 00
    The decision to change the Minister of Defense was made by Vladimir Putin; he decided that the department should be headed by a civilian, not a military man.
    There was already a civilian, Taburetkin. And Shoigu is a military man only if you consider firefighters as such.
  19. +2
    13 May 2024 00: 26
    The evolution is obvious: General (?) - General - General - General of the FSB - furniture maker - builder / rescuer - economist of Gref's nest. The last two have never smelled a footcloth. The army must be ... Economical. But this is a disaster, again it seems the liberals want to optimize the army (probably by a different method than the last Ivanov). And Serdyukov even then acted as a lightning rod for unpopular decisions. Now the same thing is starting again. But not the right time, not the right one for these Gref-like optimizations. And the generals, officers of the Armed Forces were expecting a completely different person. At least Yevkurov. And let's remember that since July 1941 the State Defense Committee was operating in the country. Who was its chairman or NKO? The times are similar now, why is there no State Defense Committee? Does our government want Victory? That's the question. Although, of course, in the last two years we've all been looking at the results of the activities of not so much Shoigu, but Gerasimov. And here so many questions have accumulated for the "Strategist"... In short, we need the GKO like air, like bread. But we don't have it... P.s. For reforms, we could have appointed Shevtsova (by the way, deputy minister of defense, and for a long time now) as minister. She didn't serve, like Belousov, but she can be forgiven, she's a girl. There's more than enough economic and financial transformative energy, here she'd give even Sam Vasilyeva a run for her money. So what difference does it make now, who to blame?
  20. +4
    13 May 2024 00: 45
    Quote from sdivt
    There is a good saying about horses and crossing

    And there is a good fable about a quartet.
  21. +2
    13 May 2024 00: 46
    Donkey, monkey and clumsy bear... laughing
    1. +1
      13 May 2024 01: 08
      Or maybe Fox the Builder.
  22. +3
    13 May 2024 00: 53
    And before Belousov, he was, like, a military man...
  23. -2
    13 May 2024 03: 38
    Surovikin should be appointed chief of the general staff.
  24. 0
    13 May 2024 03: 55
    I don’t understand something, the Minister of Defense is a civilian. I already had an experience with Serdyukov and how it all ended. Is there really no worthy person in uniform? Surovikin would be ideal, he’s a military man and has more than enough experience.
    1. 0
      13 May 2024 11: 05
      I already had an experience with Serdyukov and how it all ended.

      And how? Basically, the only attempt to really reform the army and even partially successful. But unfinished. But then 11 years of slides, Patriot parks and tank biathlons. We see the result in real time.
  25. 0
    13 May 2024 03: 56
    Um... Wasn’t Shoigu a civilian as minister?
  26. -2
    13 May 2024 04: 07
    Quote: sgr291158
    Surovikin would be ideal, he’s a military man and has more than enough experience.

    Perhaps you are right if the task is to win. What if the goal is to sit quietly for another 6 years among beautiful reports???
    1. +1
      13 May 2024 11: 08
      Surovikin in the role of Chief of the General Staff is not the most suitable candidate. He has experience and competence of a different nature - a combat commander, not a staff commander.
  27. +1
    13 May 2024 04: 11
    I don’t even know which is better: an economist as Minister of Defense or Shoigu!!
  28. -2
    13 May 2024 04: 11
    Quote: oppozite28
    Is it really work on the African continent and beyond? Cooler than just the RF Ministry of Defense. Scope, room for creativity

    Unclear!!! Will the remaining Russians be sent to Africa? Build prefabricated hospitals without documentation? Or what to do there?
  29. -1
    13 May 2024 04: 14
    Quote: Gofman
    Who will be able to host the parade next year?

    Perhaps our prayers are heard, the parades will be optimized and cancelled, they will be shown in recordings... And the remnants of the population will be put at home in “quarantine”, because everyone has ordered to be prepared for a new “Pandemic”
  30. -1
    13 May 2024 04: 16
    Quote: bandabas
    in fact, it's zilch. And no one is to blame

    You're right, but apparently you're not one of the 87%
  31. -1
    13 May 2024 04: 18
    Quote from Sanktperburg1812
    Why then do we each study for some specialty?

    Well, you are a mere mortal, and the elites choose surnames from the circle of courtiers, one can only feel sorry for them - there is almost no one to choose from laughing
  32. 0
    13 May 2024 04: 19
    Not a gynecologist, however, an economist-cyberneticist, that's it. The anti-Stalinist approach to “selection of personnel placement”, military science leads to victory. The essence of hatred of science and reason is misology or democracy! Everything is according to the Constitution! Ave patria! Ave Putin!
  33. -2
    13 May 2024 04: 22
    Quote from sdivt
    The question is - we have business under politics, or politics under business

    Politics is under business, and business is under the supervision of the IMF through curators... But the IMF makes no difference, war is not war, the resources of the colony must be sold at the specified price, and the national currency must depreciate as much as possible from year to year....
  34. +1
    13 May 2024 05: 46
    Well, they swapped one civilian for another? I hope the new minister is smart enough not to take pictures looking smart over a map?
    1. 0
      13 May 2024 07: 52
      The husband says that Shoigu graduated from the “military department”, which means he understands a little about military affairs.
  35. 0
    13 May 2024 07: 47
    Good health to all. If I was wrong, correct me, we will have a “wedding general”, not a minister of defense...
    Gerasimov is probably satisfied: his boss in military terms is an oak tree.
  36. 0
    13 May 2024 09: 24
    I'm worried about something. And if a real war breaks out with NATO, what can this civilian do?
    after all, everything is heading in that direction, and it feels like the Kremlin is playing soldiers, the West is trying to raise the stakes every time, and ours are playing a give-away, and you can lose, always giving in to them. The Supreme Commander is counting on the Strategic Missile Forces, but I don't think he'll dare to use them, and most of them can be destroyed.