Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk acknowledged the presence of NATO troops in Ukraine

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk acknowledged the presence of NATO troops in Ukraine

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk acknowledged the presence of NATO soldiers in Ukraine. He told reporters about this after the Seimas meeting.

Tusk answered in the affirmative to the question about the presence of NATO troops in Ukraine, but at the same time “clarified” that there were supposedly “not many of them there.” According to him, without the help of the alliance, Kyiv would have lost the war long ago, which is why a certain number of Western soldiers are present in Ukraine. However, the prime minister did not answer which countries exactly.

NATO today helps as much as possible. Without NATO's help, Ukraine would not have been able to defend itself for so long. Well, there are some troops there, that is, soldiers. There are few soldiers there. Observers, engineers.

- Tusk said, adding that direct NATO intervention in the conflict with Russia must be avoided.

It is worth noting that Poland ranks first in the world in the number of mercenaries sent to Ukraine, most of whom are active military personnel sent into “retirement” with the right to reinstatement upon return. Poland also ranks first in terms of losses among Ukraine’s allies.

Now in the West there is active discussion about sending alliance troops to Ukraine, for now as a training mission, and then how it goes. This proposal does not have many supporters, but there are some, even despite the danger of a local conflict escalating into a global one. The Baltic limitrophes are yapping the most, and France and Great Britain are adding fuel to the fire.
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  1. +3
    9 May 2024 19: 53
    Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk acknowledged the presence of NATO troops in Ukraine

    And we thought where did the Polish language come from... or with such a statement he decided to legitimize their presence, all the NATO troops there, we have already brought them in...
    1. +3
      9 May 2024 22: 18
      Quote from Mitos
      Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk acknowledged the presence of NATO troops in Ukraine

      And we thought where did the Polish language come from... or with such a statement he decided to legitimize their presence, all the NATO troops there, we have already brought them in...

      The time will come, and it will definitely come, when you Tusk admit your guilt in court.
      1. +1
        9 May 2024 23: 20
        There will be no trial, our government is still ready to negotiate when everything is obvious, and when these people want negotiations, ours will happily agree and a lot of concessions will be made.
  2. +8
    9 May 2024 19: 55
    The Baltic limitrophes are yapping the most, and France and Great Britain are adding fuel to the fire.
    From the very beginning it was clear that this was another campaign to the east...
    As for the form, there’s also nothing particularly new.
    There are nuances and even a problem of global significance... I hope no one dares to go so far and disastrously.
  3. +7
    9 May 2024 19: 55
    That’s when he discovered America. Yes, since the age of 14, these brothers have been hanging around there, earning their living. soldier
  4. +3
    9 May 2024 19: 58
    Who can explain what is happening to Europe, on the one hand there is rabid Russophobia and on the other hand there are actions worthy of respect. I advise you to read today's posts on the Telegram channel Voice of the Norwegian Fjords, very interesting facts - it turns out that in Oslo there is a war monument to the partisans who died in Norway, the nationality of the partisans is Yugoslavs. Where did they come from?
    1. +4
      9 May 2024 21: 20
      We are talking about 3 thousand Yugoslav partisans who died in captivity in German camps in Norway.
      1. +2
        9 May 2024 21: 27
        Thank you Sergey, I didn’t think about this option.
        1. +5
          9 May 2024 21: 37
          In Mesopotamia (Murmansk region) there is also a monument to the Norwegian partisans. Today it has fresh carnations.
          1. +3
            9 May 2024 21: 56
            During the occupation of Norway by Germany in 1940, socialist and communist workers fled to the USSR from a sawmill in Jacobsnes, near Kirkenes, and other places in Sør-Varanger (more than 100 people, with families), from among whom they formed resistance units on Soviet territory. After receiving special training, groups of agents were dropped into Eastern Finnmarken. The first group of 13 people was transferred to the submarine in August 1941; her actions were considered unsuccessful (losses - 4 people). In 1942, group landings (now in small numbers - 3 people each, including the radio operator) continued. Information about the movements of German ships transmitted by groups was assessed as important. The scouts spent a long time in extreme conditions (in caves). In the summer of 1943, German intelligence services carried out punitive operations: 18 agents were killed, 23 resident informants were executed, 30 people. sent to concentration camps. Subsequently, it was not possible to restore the same volume of demolition work.
          2. +2
            9 May 2024 22: 18
            Valery, thank you, I know where this Mesopotamia is, I lived in Murmansk for 40 years. hi
          3. +4
            9 May 2024 22: 34
            Valery, in Kirkenes (Kirsanovka) today there was a wreath laying ceremony led by the Russian consul and Russian residents of Kirkenes and Murmansk. Pay attention to the photo, on the minibus in Kirsanovka there is one harmful “chubby” standing in ambush.
    2. 0
      10 May 2024 23: 31
      In Europe, military cemeteries are not destroyed. This doesn't occur to anyone. There are cemeteries from the First World War here, so the cemeteries of Soviet soldiers are still preserved in good condition, which cannot be said about the victims of Stalin's repressions on Russian lands...
      1. 0
        10 May 2024 23: 34
        Poland, the Baltic states, the Czech Republic are not Europe anymore? Your child should go to Ukrainian school tomorrow. laughing
        1. 0
          10 May 2024 23: 39
          Go to Google and enter, for example, in Polish: “cmentarze radzieckie w Polsce” and see for yourself what Soviet cemeteries in Poland look like. In the Czech Republic there are monuments with T-34 roadzettes... what you are offering is propaganda, and you can check it directly through Google Maps
          1. 0
            10 May 2024 23: 47
            I saw how monuments to Soviet soldiers were destroyed. And when was Google Maps last updated?
            1. 0
              11 May 2024 01: 14
              You are confusing the concepts: a monument is a monument, and a cemetery is a cemetery. In many countries, such monuments symbolized Russian imperialism. It was an exchange of one occupier for another, equally cruel. Monuments to the Red Army symbolized subordination, poverty, backwardness... so it is not surprising that all such elements were happily dismantled. Another thing is cemeteries, and although you can blame the Soviet state, you cannot blame the people who died in battle... There are also cemeteries of Hitler’s troops, and this is also not surprising. In European culture, every soldier deserves a grave, because soldiers did not cause wars, but died in them. Here are photos of a cemetery in my city, I took them about a month ago at the request of a user of this site.
              1. 0
                11 May 2024 01: 22
                First part of photos
                1. 0
                  11 May 2024 01: 23
                  Second part of photos
                  1. 0
                    11 May 2024 01: 40
                    First, the West tears down monuments to Soviet soldiers, and when we defeat NATO in Ukraine, it will tear down cemeteries of Soviet soldiers out of anger. Go and put some flowers for the Polish "vacationers" who died in Ukraine, they are not to blame for fighting against the Russians on the side of Nazi Ukraine for Western values ​​and the Polish state did not send them there.
                    1. 0
                      12 May 2024 23: 42
                      If you start to fight with NATO, you will find out about it quickly and painfully. Ukraine does not have even 0,01% of NATO's capabilities. Just because it has modern NATO elements doesn't mean it can fight them. You don’t read, so you don’t understand how and with what the “struggle” is being waged in the West. There is no point in discussing why Russia has no chance in a conventional war, but a nuclear war will end the same way. for all. Propaganda turns your brain to mush, which makes us laugh because we can distort reality in this way. You are fighting against a system from the First World War, and the “West” has long gone much further in tactics, so the clash with NATO will be short and painful, like in Iraq.
              2. 0
                11 May 2024 01: 23
                Monuments to the Russian army symbolized the victory over fascism and what the Soviet people paid for it. What kind of poverty are we talking nonsense about? The West has only broken away in prosperity since the 70s, not counting America of course. And now we will eradicate fascism in Ukraine and restore all the Soviet monuments and return the old names to the streets. And I don’t think that the West will have the desire to seriously attack Russia.
                1. 0
                  13 May 2024 00: 14
                  I remind you:
                  Before World War II, the German army trained at Soviet training grounds. The USSR had a significant influence on the military power of Hitler, Stalin's friend.
                  The Second World War began thanks to Stalin and the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. You were tenants as cruel as the Nazis. I remember the joint victory parade of the Soviet and Nazi armies in Brest.
                  After the defeat of Hitler by the United States and its allies, with the participation of Russia, the Soviet army destroyed and plundered all territories that did not belong to Russia before the war. All possible factories were exported to Russia, and those that were not exported were nationalized and subordinated to the local occupation authorities. The communists were not a voluntary choice of Polish society, but a system of oppression imposed by the next invader. Over many decades of Russian rule, Poland was squeezed like lemon... There was some progress, of course, but compared to the progress of Western countries, it was negligible.

                  Now we have been chasing the “West” for 30 years and are not going to stop. There will be no “Russian world” promoted by tanks and missiles. We will no longer be part of your sphere of influence, and the nonsense told by Lavrov only causes empty laughter in society...

                  ...well, that's why we demolished all the monuments to the Red Army, which for us was no different from the German Nazis. Stalin and Hitler are the same, just as ruthless and equally condemned in normal countries. By the way, you still worship him, although he killed more Russians than all the wars combined... you love your executioners.
  5. +3
    9 May 2024 20: 01
    The mother of many children admitted that she is not a girl. laughing
    1. +1
      9 May 2024 22: 19
      Quote: Captive
      The mother of many children admitted that she is not a girl. laughing

      An accurate portrait of all these tusks. Yes
  6. -2
    9 May 2024 20: 05
    A little more red line politics and NATO will officially introduce its troops. And then it will be too late to strike with TNW to sober up. One step will remain or the whole world will be in pieces or paws up. The second option for today's Russia with the number of people looking to the West is the most likely. Well...
    1. -4
      9 May 2024 20: 08
      some more red line politics

      Some people expect that there will be enough Russian soldiers until 2030, and they are not interested in what will happen then...
      1. -3
        9 May 2024 20: 13
        Probably counting on the fact that “women are still giving birth”... From anyone. Question.
        1. -1
          10 May 2024 06: 24
          From whom only. Question.

          From rapists from the southern republics. There will be no Russian men, there will be no one to protect them.
  7. +7
    9 May 2024 20: 12
    They say in Poland, near Warsaw, they will open a new special cemetery for the military named after. Donald Tusk. . . winked
    1. +5
      9 May 2024 20: 35
      Let them plow up all of Poland for a cemetery, let them do something useful.
  8. 0
    9 May 2024 20: 20
    who cares where these guys are from, they put a 152mm high-explosive fragmentation grenade in one place
  9. +3
    9 May 2024 20: 25
    NATO today helps as much as possible. Without NATO's help, Ukraine would not have been able to defend itself for so long. Well, there are some troops there, that is, soldiers. There are few soldiers there. Observers, engineers.

    - Tusk said, adding that direct NATO intervention in the conflict with Russia must be avoided.
    And as always, during exercises in the Polish Republic, military personnel continue to die, as if by accident. As a rule, two at a time, whether it’s a coincidence is unknown. It looks like a Polish national tradition... But what is typical is that the tanks from South Korea were purchased on credit... request recourse
    1. +2
      9 May 2024 20: 38
      What a coincidence?! Soon Yuziki and Tomashi will begin to move their horses during childbirth or die from the fall of a meteorite!
      1. +4
        9 May 2024 20: 42
        So die without entering!!! Is work over in apple orchards in Poland?! In military units, there is no need to sweep the Polish parade ground?! Isn’t it necessary to manually pull weeds at Polish training grounds?! The Polish lady misses a cup of coffee! It’s okay to climb into (on) without asking!!!
        1. +1
          9 May 2024 20: 47
          What if it’s more pleasant for them to glue their flippers to a Russian bullet? Let be. Their choice.
          1. +1
            9 May 2024 20: 56
            That is why Ukrainian refugees from Poland and Germany will go back! By the way, in the Republic of Moldova and Romania the cost of issuing passports has increased significantly!
            1. 0
              9 May 2024 21: 02
              The Gypsies will not miss theirs. At least get it this way, since they don’t know any other way. sad
              1. 0
                9 May 2024 21: 03
                On the other hand, Romania and Moldova are improving their demographics in this way.
                1. +1
                  9 May 2024 21: 05
                  Numerically yes, qualitatively... what They'll cry some more.
                  1. +2
                    9 May 2024 21: 09
                    If only on our Central Russian plain they didn’t start crying earlier from Ukrainian folk “creativity”. Especially children in schools from Ukrainian national superstitious traditions. By the way, it’s worse than Caucasians and Asians. The appearance is Slavic, but the mentality of the gypsies is worse, taking into account the Chernobyl past.
                    1. Msi
                      9 May 2024 22: 30
                      from Ukrainian national superstitious traditions. By the way, it’s worse than Caucasians and Asians. The appearance is Slavic, but the mentality of the gypsies is worse, taking into account the Chernobyl past.

                      You are right, Ukrainians are much more dangerous...
              2. +1
                9 May 2024 21: 07
                By the way, about the Gypsies as well as about the Gypsies. In the Russian Federation there are now many former Ukrainians, and now Russians with passports of citizens of the Russian Federation who have quietly changed their place of residence, but the mentality with the Chernobyl echo is difficult to change.
        2. 0
          9 May 2024 23: 32
          You decide, dear, in Russian or Ukrainian. It will be correct on the outskirts.
          1. +1
            10 May 2024 00: 35
            You decide, dear, in Russian or Ukrainian. It will be correct on the outskirts.
            We're not really winked feel It is written in (on) more than correctly, but who and how reads the reader has problems understanding what is written, dear wink love
  10. +5
    9 May 2024 20: 32
    "Hug and cry. Polichinella has woken up." Since 2014, they have been making trouble near the DAP, they didn't throw our guys into a pit at the Kramatorsk airport? No, didn't "Givchik" multiply these "impudent knights" by 0? Near the DAP, in August 2014, the "poles" were "definitely"
    1. -2
      9 May 2024 21: 35
      No, it wasn’t these “greyhound knights” that “Givchik” multiplied by 0? Under the DAP, in August 2014, the “psheks” were “intended”

      Where are they all? What's wrong with them? They were multiplied in 94-99-08-01-14... and even now...
      1. Msi
        9 May 2024 22: 28
        Where are they all? What's wrong with them? They were multiplied in 94-99-08-01-14... and even now...

        Most likely they have already rotted in the ground. Much time has already passed since the dates you indicated.
        1. 0
          10 May 2024 14: 32
          Much time has already passed since the dates you indicated.

          Where were the authors of this in those days? Well, now let's multiply.....
          1. Msi
            10 May 2024 15: 44
            Where were the authors of this in those days? Well, now let's multiply

            At home now. On those dates. We studied at school, then at college, served in the army and were back home again.
  11. +1
    9 May 2024 20: 45
    Incendiary attacks on the tailheads.
  12. +4
    9 May 2024 20: 46
    Well, there are some troops there, that is, soldiers. There are few soldiers there. Observers, engineers.

    - Tusk said, adding that direct NATO intervention in the conflict with Russia must be avoided.

    Interesting wording. It seems that NATO soldiers are on the territory of the Ukrainian Reich, but don't worry, there aren't many of them. Yes, we are fighting, but slowly, and in general, we are mainly engineering and observing. In short, the Russian Federation has no reason to prepare for a serious confrontation with NATO and warn the alliance countries about possible consequences. That is, their servicemen are, in fact, part of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, there is a creeping escalation of their presence, but at the same time NATO plans not to bring things to a direct conflict. Are they seriously hoping for this? Do they realize that it is impossible to climb a Christmas tree and not get a jab?
  13. +1
    9 May 2024 21: 14
    There is such a term "illegal combatant". In particular, those who are not dressed in a uniform with insignia of a warring party. And if the insignia (in particular the Polish flag) refers to non-belligerent parties, it is the same as the absence of insignia. And such, according to conventions adopted before the First World War, and still in force, can be hanged on the spot without trial.
    1. +1
      9 May 2024 21: 35
      In general, it’s time to revive this tradition. And then sending a message to the family, saying Mrs. Itsykova, your husband is strung up like a bandit.
  14. +1
    9 May 2024 21: 17
    And in the photo there is a fighter with a Polish flag from at least last summer. It’s just not known where he stands.
    But this is not as important as the illustration will do. )))
  15. -4
    9 May 2024 21: 21
    Masochist like hu---yknint about everything.
    1. -1
      9 May 2024 21: 25
      Hooray and the Poles are adequate?
      1. -1
        9 May 2024 21: 28
        Let's hold the flag! Cossack flag!
  16. -2
    9 May 2024 21: 47
    Quote: Montezuma
    NATO plans not to bring matters to direct conflict. Do they seriously hope so?

    They don’t hope, they know it... The “elites” are on their hook, nothing serious threatens them...
  17. +2
    9 May 2024 22: 03
    Now in the West there is active discussion about sending alliance troops to Ukraine, for now as a training mission, and then how it goes. This proposal does not have many supporters, but there are some, even despite the danger of a local conflict escalating into a global one. The Baltic limitrophes are yapping the most, and France and Great Britain are adding fuel to the fire.

    So, in order not to keep warming the frog, you need to launch a test ground nuclear strike of decent power with an eastern wind at the Yavorovsky test site. Radioactive dust will clear the minds of presidents who want to continue the war between Ukraine and Russia.
  18. 0
    9 May 2024 22: 04
    Ich bin ganz sicher, dass erst wenn eine 50 Kilotonnen schwere, taktische Atombombe für alle sichtbar und noch den letzten dementen Idioten wachrüttelnd, vorzugsweise auf polnischem Territorium einschlägt, werden SIE jammernd um Frieden betteln...!!!

    Von mir aus kann es auch sehr gerne Paris, allerdings noch lieber LONDON sein...!!!

    Russland kann den Dritten Weltkrieg nur verhindern, indem es sich endlich entschlossen und mit aller Härte als das verhält, was es ist:

    Eine Atom-Macht...!!

    Die Bilder von Hiroshima und Nagasaki müssen ins kollektive Gedächtnis des Westens, aber auch in Japan wieder zur Erinnerung gebracht werden, denn sie scheinen nach all den Jahren trotz all des Entsetzens vollkommen vergessen worden zu sein...!!!
    1. -1
      9 May 2024 22: 52
      Quote: 1erWahrheitsMinister_1984
      Die Bilder von Hiroshima und Nagasaki müssen ins kollektive Gedächtnis des Westens

      Hoffen wir, dass die russische Führung einen Weg findet, dem Westen die kollektive Erinnerung an die traurigen Folgen des Einsatzes von Atomwaffen zurückzugeben.
  19. Msi
    9 May 2024 22: 25
    Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk acknowledged the presence of NATO soldiers in Ukraine

    They throw a test ball. They will be waiting for our reaction...
    1. +1
      9 May 2024 22: 44
      Quote from Msi
      They throw a test ball. They will be waiting for our reaction...

      In this case, you can expect a reaction from the other side. The French have already expressed a negative attitude towards the ideas of their fighting cock, now it’s the Poles’ turn, given that:

      Poland also ranks first in terms of losses among Ukraine’s allies.
  20. +1
    9 May 2024 22: 42
    Who would doubt it - cemeteries in Poland are growing. But the impudence does not diminish, we note. I wouldn’t be surprised if Poland, like Ukraine, disappears from the maps.
  21. 0
    10 May 2024 10: 35
    Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk acknowledged the presence of NATO troops in Ukraine, but the main headquarters of the Russian Armed Forces does not believe that, as they threatened, if NATO took part in the war, they would strike Poland with tactical nuclear weapons
  22. +1
    10 May 2024 13: 44
    In fact, it has long been established that all fighters of the Ukrainian Armed Forces

    1. Submit to NATO command.
    2. Funded by NATO countries.
    3. Armed and equipped by NATO countries.
    4. They fight for the interests of NATO.

    Thus, they are all essentially NATO military personnel.