Russian tactical nuclear weapons: now it’s really scary

Russian tactical nuclear weapons: now it’s really scary

Didn't live up to expectations

The inauguration of the Russian president on May 7 did not live up to the expectations of the most militant Bandera elite. Even the rain was unable to spoil the event, but only added color to it. But what could the Kiev regime arrange? For example, in the minutes when Vladimir Putin reads the presidential oath, send a swarm of Storm Shadow and ATACMS to the Kerch Bridge. If you fire the entire stock of data missiles, then one or two could have hit. Or even more. The nationalists would have danced with joy all summer long. Of course, they attacked a priority target on the day of Vladimir Putin's inauguration. But it didn't work out. Even terrorist attacks on Russia's border regions did not take place. If you recall, it was with such raids that the Kiev regime tried to disrupt the presidential elections. But on May 7 there was relative silence, or rather, routine military actions along the entire contact line.

The two main culprits of the “triumph”

Here it is impossible not to note the activity that the Russian authorities showed to stop the threats. And the threats were truly impressive. On May 2, British Foreign Office chief David Cameron decided to probe the situation and told Reuters that the Ukrainian Armed Forces had given permission to carry out strikes on Russian territory. Of course weapons made in UK. Great Britain just allocated an impressive package of military assistance to Ukraine, which included those same Storm Shadows. In the matter of escalation of events in Ukraine, this is another and serious step. Reuters was well aware of the situation and hastily removed the article from the site. But on May 3 they returned it again and did not change anything. Cameron's phrase "Ukraine has this right“What was said regarding possible attacks by British weapons on Russian territory remained unchanged.

It was expected that the Russian Foreign Ministry would express yet another concern, trample on the reputation of the British bosses and calm down. But not at this time. To briefly summarize the response of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Russia reserves the right to retaliate against British targets. Targets may be located in Ukraine or beyond its borders. To do this, the British only need to allow the Ukrainian Armed Forces to strike with their weapons on Russian territory. The threat (and this is a direct and obvious threat) will remain in effect until the UK officially disavows the words of its Cameron. They haven’t disavowed it yet, but there were no enemy missiles for Putin’s inauguration. Such a good slap on Bandera’s face.

Western countries, apparently encouraged by the American tranche for Ukraine, have recently become especially militant. The notorious probing of the opinions of the Kremlin and society goes beyond all limits. And it’s not even about the tired “red lines”, but about the lack of self-preservation instinct that European leaders demonstrate. They seemed to have begun to forget about the importance and potential of the nuclear deterrent arsenal. First, Macron talks about the hypothetical involvement of NATO in the conflict, vaguely hinting that not everything has yet been finally decided. The term "strategic uncertainty" is better suited here.

The best way to combat such uncertainty is with specific and simple messages. Cameron said about permission to use British missiles on Russian territory - in response, a warning about retaliatory strikes. And again “strategic uncertainty”. What does the Russian Foreign Ministry mean when it talks about Russian territory? Of course, every Russian understands the country’s borders after September 30, 2022. But the British now have a dilemma: is it now possible to launch missiles at Crimea? Or across new territories of Russia?

2000 tactical nuclear charges

Exercises based on a scenario aimed at ensuring the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Russia. Thus, the purpose of the maneuvers to test the use of tactical nuclear weapons sounds. When, where and in what quantity is not reported. Macron’s beloved “strategic uncertainty” is in all its glory. Only now Western military leaders are speculating about the development of events. And the Ministry of Defense will help with the solution, informing that “The nuclear exercises are being conducted in response to provocative statements and threats made by some Western officials against the Russian Federation.”

Unlike strategic weapons, tactical weapons are very difficult to track and understand where they are coming from. The most accurate direction for Europeans is from somewhere in the east. At the same time, the power range of special ammunition varies from one to fifty kilotons. 50-kiloton ammunition is only called tactical. Compared to the 15 kiloton bomb dropped on Hiroshima, it is quite strategic. Considering that Russia has about 2000 tactical nuclear warheads, a serious apocalypse will happen in Ukraine and Europe. By the way, the F-16, which is a potential carrier of nuclear weapons, was also targeted during the exercises. Unambiguous signals came from Russia that each such aircraft would be considered with a nuclear bomb under its belly. With corresponding organizational conclusions.

NATO really became scared. Corriere della Sera reports that at the next summit of the North Atlantic Alliance, the organization's bosses may approve a ban on sending troops to Ukraine. Documented and signed by everyone. Macron, I think, will be among the first. If this happens, it will mean a death sentence for the Zelensky regime. Even if not in 2024 or even in 2025, the gradual decline of the military power of the Armed Forces of Ukraine will be inevitable. The documented ban actually disavows Macron’s words about options for sending NATO troops into Ukraine. The first is a breakthrough of the front and the rapid advance of the Russian Army to the west. The second is the involvement of Belarus in the conflict. How do the bellicose statements of the French president contrast with the previous one:

“We are not at war with Russia or the Russian people.”

Just yesterday he openly declared that he was ready to send his soldiers to kill Russians, and now into the bushes. The statement came after a threat to destroy British military installations and right in front of Xi Jinping. It’s hard to imagine greater humiliation. And to top it off, the French ambassador arrived at the inauguration of President Putin. He was, of course, invited in accordance with protocol, but he was certainly not expected.

The Kerch Bridge in early May turned out to be not a priority target for the Ukrainian Armed Forces. No matter how funny it may sound, this is exactly the case. Right during the presidential inauguration, the Independent urgently wrote an article about how military cargo had not flowed across the bridge to Crimea for three months. Two signals at once. The first for Zelensky is that now all attacks on the Kerch Bridge will be considered as attacks on a civilian object. The second signal is clearly conciliatory and was intended for the Kremlin. The Crimean Bridge is considered inviolable for some time. However, trusting the NATO clique is a thankless task. But the Independent signal is still worth taking into account.

One of the carriers of Russian special ammunition

An ordinary European, and especially an American, does not want to die for the interests of some kind of Ukraine. Literally and figuratively. The leaders of states that we usually call unfriendly also do not want to die. Everyone understands perfectly well that Russia has no ambitions west of Ukraine. The Kremlin does not pose an existential threat to the Western way of life. Not allowing Russia to win is solely a matter of prestige and mutual respect within the Western community. It's always unpleasant when you are put in your place. To bring them to their senses in such cases, tough decisions are required. Exercises involving the use of tactical nuclear weapons are part of this series, and they seriously sobered up the hawks in Washington, London and Paris. And they not only sobered me up, but also humiliated me. And this is good.
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  1. +67
    11 May 2024 05: 01
    Never trust the British, especially when they claim to be peaceful. The only time you can trust them is when they say they want to kill you. This is always true with them.

    I believe this Irish axiom applies to all arrogant Saxons
    1. +13
      11 May 2024 08: 30
      I suppose this Irish axiom applies to all Anglo-Saxons. As the Indian said. About flying to the moon. Don't trust them, they will come to your lands and take everything.
    2. +2
      11 May 2024 19: 34
      I can’t say anything about the Irish. Biden is also from an Irish family, but as you can see, he plays dirty tricks with the British.
  2. Msi
    11 May 2024 05: 02
    2000 tactical nuclear charges

    The author writes. The only thing I don’t understand is where the figure came from.
    Here are the other numbers.
    For example, the Federation of American Scientists (FAS) suggests that the Russian armed forces have almost 6 thousand tactical nuclear weapons. The total stockpiles of tactical nuclear weapons in NATO countries are at approximately the same level.
    1. +5
      11 May 2024 05: 31
      Quote from Msi
      The only thing I don’t understand is where the figure came from.

      There are currently approximately 13 nuclear warheads in the world, with Russia having the largest number (080), followed by the United States (6), a reduction from the peaks of the Cold War...
      Russia currently possesses the largest number of nuclear weapons, with an estimated total of 6257 warheads. Of these, 1458 are actively deployed (the current START II treaty caps the total number deployed by both the US and Russia at 2), 1550 are inactive but could be activated, and 3039 are decommissioned and awaiting dismantlement.
      1. +6
        11 May 2024 06: 13
        Of these, tactical? Strategic ones are taken into account. The number is 2000 (TNW) strategic uncertainty; there may be more.
        1. +1
          11 May 2024 15: 28
          while the largest amount is in Russia (6 257),

          Quote: Ezekiel 25-17
          Are they tactical? Strategists are taken into account.

          I think these numbers also include tactical ones. At least, I have not come across reliable statements (i.e., officials) that these are only strategists, and supposedly no one considered tactical ones at all. Usually, numbers are given without the words “only so many strategic ones.”
    2. +6
      11 May 2024 06: 07
      There is no exact data on tactical nuclear weapons, there is data only on strategic weapons and that is already a little outdated.
      Regarding US tactical nuclear weapons, there is more or less accurate data on the “European component” - about 200 B61 bombs. But this data concerns only those weapons that are planned to be transferred directly to the Europeans for use. “Tie” them with a “military atom,” so to speak.
      1. +4
        11 May 2024 19: 58
        Quote: Wildcat
        There is no exact data on tactical nuclear weapons, there is data only on strategic weapons and that is already a little outdated.
        Regarding US tactical nuclear weapons, there is more or less accurate data on the “European component” - about 200 B61 bombs. But this data concerns only those weapons that are planned to be transferred directly to the Europeans for use. “Tie” them with a “military atom,” so to speak.

        I have numbers for the strategic YaBZ at the beginning of 2023:
        Russia and the United States, which account for 90% of the world's nuclear weapons stockpiles, increased the number of deployed nuclear warheads in 2022. Washington increased them to 1770 units (from 1744 in 2021), Russia - to 1674 units (from 1588).
        To this should be added
        According to the study's authors, "Russia's nuclear arsenal includes approximately 4 warheads, and an 'additional' 489 strategic warheads, along with 999 non-strategic warheads, are kept in reserve."
        Everything became foggy when the United States and the Russian Federation stopped submitting data to SIPRI on their nuclear arsenals of strategic nuclear forces.
        1. ANB
          11 May 2024 21: 55
          Everything became foggy when the US and Russia stopped submitting data to SIPRI on their nuclear arsenals.

          Nothing was transmitted via tactical nuclear weapons. The quantity and readiness of almost any weapon is data classified as of particular importance. Nobody will tell us them. And it is right.
          I personally have not been to the storage facility. Those colleagues who were there simply said that there was a lot there. And this is one repository.
          1. 0
            11 May 2024 22: 15
            Quote: ANB
            Nothing was transmitted via tactical nuclear weapons. The quantity and readiness of almost any weapon is data classified as of particular importance. Nobody will tell us them. And it is right.

            Yes, regarding tactical nuclear weapons everything was based on value judgments, leaks in the media during interviews with officials, but mainly on intelligence data. And you are right, the latter was not published.
            Regarding strategic nuclear forces, in accordance with START III, we notified the enemy and informed the relevant committee at the UN and the UN Security Council. Then, during the inspection of individual objects, the accuracy was checked. But everyone was cunning in their own way: the Yankees welded the lids on 4 SSBN silos, but did not remove the filling, a number of ground-based silos were transferred to “training” aircraft, aircraft capable of carrying up to 20 ALCMs were considered 1 nuclear warhead... Therefore, some kind of “chimera” for a while it acted as a limiter, and then the Yankees got tired of pretending to be white and fluffy and they didn’t care about decency. They openly declared their desire to inflict a strategic defeat on us. We have suspended our participation in the agreement, but we comply with it on a voluntary basis. Now it’s DSRD’s turn. And ahead is space.
            1. 0
              12 May 2024 19: 37
              And how were they cunning in the Russian Federation? Surely they took similar steps
        2. 0
          11 May 2024 23: 29
          These are warheads that were counted under “strategic” treaties.

          Nobody knows anything about tactical charges, “and whoever says the correct answer will get 10 years.”

          Information was leaking on US B61 charges, which were supposed to be used by special squadrons of Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy and, it seems, Turkey. There were about 200 of them.

          IMHO, the “American Federation of Scientists”, which “leaks” data on US nuclear weapons, is a “drain tank”. In “hardcore times,” when the ATS numerically outnumbered NATO in the theater of operations, it was tactical nuclear weapons that NATO considered as a necessary means. And NATO had this tactical nuclear weapons like a fool (including backpacks with mines), and now it is proposed to believe that most of it has been “dismantled.”

          After 1991, when all sorts of perverts like Angelina Jolie and Barack Obama began to demand complete nuclear disarmament from the military, the US military stopped discussing tactical nuclear weapons altogether and there is no data from them. At all. The "American Federation of Scientists" as a source of data on tactical nuclear weapons is as reliable as the "Solnyshko" kindergarten from some Novo-Kukuev.

          Everything became foggy when the United States and the Russian Federation stopped submitting data to SIPRI on their nuclear arsenals of strategic nuclear forces.
          Nobody transmitted anything to SIPRI, the UN and Eurovision, the parties simply exchanged data and checks. The United States posted the data openly on the State Department website, IMHO.
          1. 0
            12 May 2024 10: 37
            Quote: Wildcat
            Nobody transmitted anything to SIPRI, the UN and Eurovision, the parties simply exchanged data and checks.

            They definitely did not transmit it to Eurovision. They informed, showing good will, at the request of the Swedes and the IAEA (on nuclear fuel, plutonium production). The data was the same as that shown during the exchange with the Americans.
    3. 0
      11 May 2024 07: 03
      In addition to charges, carriers are needed...
      And how many of them?
      1. +8
        11 May 2024 10: 10
        Quote from tsvetahaki
        In addition to charges, carriers are needed...
        And how many of them?

        Russia has a full-fledged nuclear triad, so there will be enough carriers to deliver any “gifts” - from land, from water and from air. Yes
        1. +1
          11 May 2024 15: 47
          Quote: Nyrobsky
          Russia has a full-fledged nuclear triad, so there will be enough carriers...

          But what does the triad have to do with it if the article is about tactical nuclear weapons? Carriers - airplanes, Iskanders, and other small missiles. The 152 mm shells probably no longer exist; they say they were disposed of back in the 1990s after their expiration date.
          1. +3
            11 May 2024 17: 23
            Quote: MBRBS
            Quote: Nyrobsky
            Russia has a full-fledged nuclear triad, so there will be enough carriers...

            But what does the triad have to do with it if the article is about tactical nuclear weapons? Carriers - airplanes, Iskanders, and other small missiles. The 152 mm shells probably no longer exist; they say they were disposed of back in the 1990s after their expiration date.

            Are you confused by the word triad? So in this case it only means that strikes with tactical weapons can be delivered from the air, from land and from the sea. There will be enough carriers. That's all. What's wrong?
            Naturally, we are not talking about intercontinental missiles, but since this is what you are hooked on, then I will explain for you personally that what is in the silos will, of course, still remain on standby until such time as initiative idiots from the West ask for it, having learned our hints with tactical nuclear weapons, in accordance with our military doctrine.
            In order to eliminate further unnecessary correspondence, here is the path to the truth, everything is well described there regarding tactical nuclear weapons and methods of their use.
            1. +3
              11 May 2024 17: 30
              Nyrobsky, from Wikipedia, if anything:
              “Nuclear triad” (from the Greek τριάς, [1] gen. τριάδος - “trinity” [2]; English Nuclear triad) is a generally accepted international term denoting those equipped with nuclear weapons strategic armed forces of the state, which includes three components:

              in the same place:
              Tactical nuclear charges not included into the nuclear triad,

              those. The point is not whether it’s enough or not, but that it’s kind of out of place to mention the triad here :) Sorry for being boring, I won’t do it anymore.
        2. -1
          11 May 2024 23: 29
          Quote: Nyrobsky
          Quote from tsvetahaki
          In addition to charges, carriers are needed...
          And how many of them?

          Russia has a full-fledged nuclear triad, so there will be enough carriers to deliver any “gifts” - from land, from water and from air. Yes

          It would be nice - but be more specific. As I understand it, the Iskanders will not return to reload. laughing
          I don’t want to croak, but in terms of business, it looks like the planes after the bombing are similar to the SVO.
          So what is the possibility of a simultaneous salvo? As for the repeat, there are many doubts...
          The point of firing 152mm nuclear weapons into the field against infantry... I don’t know.
          Tactical weapons are strategic weapons with a short (relatively) range of action. Factories, large warehouses, airfields, nuclear storage facilities...
      2. +5
        11 May 2024 12: 15
        The carriers can be...even missiles for air defense systems, starting, in my opinion, with the S-200.
        Moreover, they are of interesting quality, the so-called neutron special heads.
        They were also developed against a massive raid by American bombers covered by fighters. Rockets are blown up in the area where an armada of planes is moving - and the penetrating radiation kills the pilots right at the combat post, heroically! And then the air fleet of the dead flies. As drones.
        1. +2
          11 May 2024 12: 44
          There were even special combat units S-25 "Berkut"
        2. +5
          11 May 2024 16: 53
          Quote: faterdom
          The carriers can be...even missiles for air defense systems, starting, in my opinion, with the S-200.

          The S-25 already had nuclear warheads. I served, sir, I know. wink
        3. +2
          11 May 2024 18: 17
          The carriers can be...even missiles for air defense systems, starting, in my opinion, with the S-200.
          Moreover, they are of interesting quality, the so-called neutron special heads.
          Well, the S-200 may have had neutron ones, but the old stationary Berkut complex had the S-25, it seems, with an increased output of hard X-rays, which caused irreversible damage to attacking nuclear warheads.
        4. -6
          11 May 2024 23: 43
          Quote: faterdom
          The carriers can be...even missiles for air defense systems, starting, in my opinion, with the S-200

          And what, the main thing is to fire and explode? So it’s possible - someone from above suggested - in general, to blow up the rest in Siberia without leaving the cash register...
          I don't see the point in tactical weapons that don't reach nearby states. Kill the infantry in Ukraine? Breathe their radioactive ashes?
          The point of using it in our time is to be the same strategic, but with a medium range of action. And the goals are the same - factories, warehouses, airfields, critical infrastructure.
          And firing anti-aircraft bullets would only make a bang - for lovers of radioactive fireworks.
          1. +2
            12 May 2024 01: 53
            Are you not going to be a lawyer?
            You are talking about Thomas, and you are talking about Yerema...
            If you don’t understand the meaning of what was stated, re-read it again, it didn’t help - again...
            It didn’t help again - no need to comment. Well, if only you get paid for the lines....
    4. -9
      11 May 2024 07: 15
      The exact figure is generally unknown, but we have more than 6 tactical nuclear weapons...
      There is a high probability that the first application will be in the Pokrovsk region or in Western Ukraine, as an option - a tunnel in the Carpathians...
      1. +5
        11 May 2024 10: 03
        And then where will the radioactive cloud fly, maybe onto the towers? What kind of manic desire to shoot a loaf of bread at your territory? The Seluks are strangers to us, but the land is ours, conquered with blood.
        1. +6
          11 May 2024 10: 47
          And then where will the radioactive cloud fly, maybe onto the towers?
          What about the cloud? There is almost no fallout from the right ammunition, everything turns into explosion energy, and even those that exist consist of short-lived isotopes. The devil is not as scary as he is painted.
          Another thing is that the application is a Pandora’s box, everyone will immediately ask the question “is that also possible?” and temptations will appear.
          There was information that Borya Johnson, while he was prime minister, practically agreed to transfer a dozen special ammunition to Kyiv. They turned him down just in time.
          But after use they may give it, not immediately, but after a couple of months.
          1. +3
            11 May 2024 10: 52
            Will the precedent lead to widespread use? Such a scenario is not excluded. It is not desirable for Russia to become the country that opened the notorious box. But on the other hand, what should we do? How can we successfully complete this SVO?
          2. +3
            11 May 2024 11: 00
            I agree with the arguments. My opinion is that if tactical nuclear weapons had immediately been thrown at Rzeszow, there would not have been so many deaths on both sides, and NATO would have been wiped out, there is no doubt about that at all. And the mattresses wouldn't stick out. Vova mumbled, this has long been obvious...
            1. +5
              11 May 2024 11: 23
              Quote: Mikhail-Ivanov
              if they had immediately shied away from tactical nuclear weapons at Rzeszow...NATO would have wiped itself out

              If they are so hard-pressed for Ukraine, which is not even a member of NATO, not a member of the EU, what reason is there to believe that for Poland (which is both NATO and the EU) - they will simply give up?
              Well, really, name at least a couple of reasons why such conclusions come from?
              Is it because we want to think so...
              1. -10
                11 May 2024 12: 24
                I'll call them fakie! After it was announced that tactical nuclear weapons would be used, exercises were indicated, and the strike on the Crimean bridge was canceled.
                1. +7
                  11 May 2024 12: 39
                  Quote: Mikhail-Ivanov
                  After it was announced that tactical nuclear weapons would be used... the strike on the Crimean bridge was canceled

                  Why did you suddenly decide that the strike was cancelled?
                  Attacking the Crimean Bridge is a fixed idea for Ukraine, like a red rag for a bull, and they will never give up this idea, the only question is the timing of the implementation of attempts at the next attack, and waiting for a convenient moment for them.
                  The fact that these attempts do not exist today means absolutely nothing.
                  To think that they abandoned this idea is, at the very least, naive.
                  1. -3
                    12 May 2024 02: 38
                    What does it mean? The strike was being prepared for the May holidays and this has long been known. The goal was to spoil things before Putin’s inauguration. After the offer to try tactical nuclear weapons on ourselves, the strike did not take place. It is a fact. And what will happen in the future depends on our actions. Let's continue to chew, they'll put us in jail at the Hermitage, they don't care if we break it.
            2. bar
              11 May 2024 17: 11
              Quote: Mikhail-Ivanov
              NATO would have lost its way, there is no doubt about that. And the mattresses wouldn't stick out.

              That's far from a fact. At first they were very cheerful, they were sure that they would beat us to the punch. And if there had been a vigorous loaf, they would undoubtedly have responded. The understanding that the guts for this are thin came over time, when reserves began to run out. The guarantor did everything right.
          3. +1
            11 May 2024 12: 32
            Yes, the RA charge is minimal with an air explosion, but for a tunnel you need a ground explosion.
            1. +1
              11 May 2024 13: 14
              Quote: stankow
              RA charging is minimal for an air explosion, but for a tunnel a ground explosion is needed.

              For a tunnel, underground is highly desirable.
          4. -1
            11 May 2024 13: 03
            But after use they may give it, not immediately, but after a couple of months.

            In fact, there is a treaty regime on non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. They gave it to Ukraine, but they can also give it to Syria and Iran. Considering that the Anglo-Saxons are controlled by Jews, no one will give anything (nuclear weapons) to anyone.
            There is almost no fallout from the right ammunition, everything turns into explosion energy, and even those that exist consist of short-lived isotopes. The devil is not as scary as he is painted.

            The right ammunition certainly matters, but the type of explosion matters more:
            - in elevated air conditions there is practically no radioactive contamination;
            - with air - low, which disappears within a few hours or days;
            - in case of ground - significant which lasts for a long time;
            - during the explosion of a nuclear reactor at a nuclear power plant - very strong, which lasts for a very long time: decades, centuries.
            There were no fools at the USSR General Staff when they ordered tactical nuclear weapons to the Ministry of Medium Machine Building. Before this, it was tested, including with troop maneuvers.
            1. -1
              11 May 2024 13: 25
              Quote: Alexey Lantukh
              - in case of ground - significant which lasts for a long time;

              This is why you mainly need to hit with ground explosions. Contamination of the area is an additional damaging factor that makes it difficult to use the facility even after a nuclear weapons strike.

              For example, the Starokonstantinov airfield, which we have been hitting with missiles for two years now, and planes continue to fly from it. A ground explosion with good surface contamination will discourage the enemy from using this airfield for a long time.

              Well, a plus - the stronger the local contamination, the less radiation goes into the atmosphere, reducing contamination of adjacent and remote areas. Simply put, more radiation will remain in Banderlogiya, less will fly to us with the wind.
              1. 0
                11 May 2024 15: 01
                According to this logic, the entire western border of Ukraine needs to be treated with tactical nuclear weapons.
                1. 0
                  11 May 2024 15: 08
                  Quote from voffka
                  According to this logic, the entire western border of Ukraine needs to be treated with tactical nuclear weapons.

                  This is too much. The main transport hubs in the western regions are possible.
            2. bar
              11 May 2024 17: 13
              Quote: Alexey Lantukh
              In fact, there is a treaty regime on non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. They gave it to Ukraine, but they can also give it to Syria and Iran. Considering that the Anglo-Saxons are controlled by Jews, no one will give anything (nuclear weapons) to anyone.

              Do you still believe in contracts?
              1. -2
                11 May 2024 17: 16
                I don’t really believe in treaties, but Jews are involved here. If Russia gives nuclear weapons to Iran, then Israel will be under the threat of a nuclear strike. Therefore, American Jews will not allow nuclear weapons to be transferred to Ukraine.
                1. bar
                  11 May 2024 17: 19
                  Too ornate. Iran will probably soon have nuclear weapons, if it hasn't already. Even without Russia. And he already has delivery means. And no Jews will do anything about it.
                  1. -2
                    11 May 2024 17: 21
                    Who knows? Who knows? But most likely not this year or next year.
                    1. bar
                      11 May 2024 17: 32
                      Here it should also be noted that Benya Netanyahu with his war has greatly spoiled the Americans in their policies in the Middle East, Ukraine, and China. Now the Jews are like a suitcase without a handle to the White House, and their influence on Americans has greatly diminished.
                      1. -1
                        11 May 2024 17: 46
                        Personally, I believe that a strong Jewish lobby has great influence on US politics.
                      2. bar
                        11 May 2024 17: 52
                        Jews are different, including in the lobby. There are those who support Israel, and there are those who initially do not support it. But Benya’s tyranny is not particularly liked by either one or the other. Bidon has already announced a reduction in military assistance to God's chosen ones.
          5. ANB
            11 May 2024 23: 13
            . and those that exist consist of short-lived isotopes

            What about induced radioactivity?
      2. 0
        11 May 2024 17: 36
        There is a high probability that the first application will be in the Pokrovsk region or Western Ukraine

        The Yavorovsky training ground is just asking for a demo blow. Mirnyak is not there, it’s 40 km from Lviv - the flash and the mushroom should be visible :)
    5. +2
      11 May 2024 09: 07
      .2000 tactical nuclear charges

      The author writes. The only thing I don’t understand is where the figure came from

      These seem to be “deployed”, that is, already installed on the media. There are more than 6000 warheads in total. And the uranium or pluton that is currently used there was again going to be increased for weapons use. Most likely the number is now increasing
      1. 0
        11 May 2024 17: 46
        2000 tactical nuclear charges

        Quote: igorbrsv
        These seem to be “deployed”, that is, already installed on the media. There are more than 6000 warheads in total.

        NOT, unexpanded. We simply don't have 2000 speakers. Yes, and behind the deployed “an eye and an eye is needed.” Some Iskanders, some in the navy, and missile defense missiles - that’s all deployed.
        1. 0
          11 May 2024 17: 56
          I meant something like warheads attached to missiles. Which can only be hung or loaded. Well, those who are on duty. The rest are simply stored separately. Not "screwed" anywhere. I don't know the terminology. I can't express myself more clearly. There seem to be about 600 of those on duty. I also don’t know where this information came from. request
          Well, I think 600 is enough for them for the first time...
    6. +4
      11 May 2024 19: 43
      Quote from Msi
      2000 tactical nuclear charges ---
      The author writes. The only thing I don’t understand is where the figure came from.

      This figure is taken from a review of “American nuclear scientists”:
      The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (also running the Doomsday Clock project) published an "open data-based" review and analysis of Russia's nuclear weapons in 2023 amid discussions about a nuclear strike.
      According to the study's authors, "Russia's nuclear arsenal includes approximately 4 warheads, and an 'additional' 489 strategic warheads along with from 1816 non-strategic are kept in reserve."
      Earlier, Mr. Viktor Esin, speaking at the international conference on nuclear weapons, named the numbers: 500 TYAZ for the USA and 2000 TYAZ for the Russian Federation. This is where they dance.
      1. 0
        12 May 2024 13: 45
        Sanya, hello. In fact, everything is worse than many imagine. We do not have a single "deployed carrier" equipped with a nuclear munition with a range of 0 to 5500 km. That is, they exist, but they are considered "non-deployed". There are only strategic intercontinental ranges of 5500 km, permitted by START-3. Now, as for the INF Treaty, for some reason no one even bothered to read this treaty, and in it, not only ballistic missiles and cruise missiles with a range of 500 to 5500 km fall under restrictions, but also aircraft with the same range, or rather radius of action, capable of carrying nuclear weapons. But here the Americans have not observed the INF Treaty for a single day. Yes, they removed all B43 and B57 aerial bombs from their aircraft carriers, because their carriers - A-6 and A-7 - fell under the treaty figures - a range of 500 to 5500 km. But these 180 B61-3/4 aerial bombs deployed at six NATO air bases in Europe and their F-16 carriers, and now F-35, remained "deployed". Add to them the French and British forces. Ours either pretended not to notice the violation of the treaty by the American side or .....
        1. 0
          12 May 2024 21: 33
          Sergey, good afternoon! Let's define the definitions. MSRD systems that have nuclear safety systems are considered deployed. In Europe, 180 nuclear warheads (B61/3-4-12) for 6 AvB of 5 states are in storage. They are not submitted to media. We have an ally - RB with Iskanders. Our nuclear warheads were supplied to them. But they are also not submitted to this RK (the heads are not docked). The French have Rafales (41 units) - carriers of nuclear warheads. They list them in the strategic nuclear forces, but for us and the United States these are tactical nuclear weapons, because D is less than 5500 km, even with air refueling. (2R= 2000+2000 & 600 for ARMPA total: 4600 km). The British, until the Yankees returned the nuclear warheads, only SSBNs carry Tr2 SLBMs with nuclear warheads. Aviation is still out of the question, but the F-35 can easily carry 2 nuclear warheads.
          Now about A-6 and A-7. You are right. They were also pulling for the "INF Treaty"... The range of the A-6 Intruder attack aircraft with 2 "Harpoon" anti-ship missiles was more than 800 km. But with the drop tanks, it was a "flyer". (with 1 × 944 kg Mk43 AB and 4 × 1135 l drop tanks: 1432 km; with 4670 kg combat load and 2 × 1135 l drop tanks: 724 km)
          A-7 Corsair: MAX.D = 1981 km with full fuel reserves in internal tanks. Combat load MAX = 6800 kg. Could carry up to 4 nuclear warheads (B28, B43, B57, B61 or B83), but then without drop tanks. But they are gone. They were replaced by the F-35.
          And we fully compensated for all these threats with our tactical nuclear weapons. The USSR had about 13000 of them, or something like that. But now you need to “think hard” before sitting down at the negotiating table with the Anglo-Saxons.
          1. +1
            12 May 2024 23: 41
            Sanya, good evening. I have already outlined the general picture in my articles: their F-16 aircraft are parked in covered protected hangars, these hangars are not very well protected, but they are protected from the shock wave from the use of conventional aerial bombs. In the aircraft parking spaces, strictly under the first and second pylons (inner underwing) of the F-16, WSV containers for storing and feeding B61 ​​ammunition are mounted in the concrete floor, these containers have serious protection from excess pressure of the shock wave of a nuclear explosion (all this is in detail in my articles), the containers are equipped with elevator lifts. The standard for feeding ammunition is less than 15 minutes - this includes opening the container, lifting the ammunition, removing the code lock of the charge, connecting the SR-s, and the elevator lift inserts the bomb directly into the pylon, all that remains is to click the locks, all procedures are extremely automated and mechanized. Now, what do we have - here one TsIPS member, a certain Lozovik tried to convince me otherwise, even posted a satellite image (look at the forum under one of my articles). There the distance from the warehouse to the runway with aircraft is more than 12 km. That's not so bad, but in the Southern Military District from the warehouse near Voronezh (the closest one) to the Missile Brigades working in the SVO zone (the 1st and 12th, if my memory serves me right) is generally under 1000 km. So, they have these 180 munitions - "deployed", and we have what to call all this mess - I don't know, well, probably - "not deployed", that's the mildest definition.
            Yes, by the way, we need to correct the knowledge gaps of most forum members, otherwise it hurts the eyes. "Non-strategic" nuclear weapons and "Tactical" are not synonyms. "Non-strategic" is an American term, it appeared during the "Cold War" and means weapons that are not intercontinental, that is, with a range of less than 5500 km, the term is used only within the American military press. In our country, tactical weapons are weapons with a range of up to 100 km, operational-tactical weapons are from 100 to 1000 km, from 1000 km it is already strategic, divided into two sub-ranges - medium-range - from 1000 to 5500 km and intercontinental weapons - from 5500 km. The Americans have it a little more complicated - there, medium-range weapons are divided into two sub-ranges and intercontinental weapons are also divided into two sub-ranges.
            1. 0
              13 May 2024 00: 00
              And that's not all - imagine: the beginning of the conflict, F-16 aircraft roll out of the hangars, we can see this picture with our satellite reconnaissance, but we cannot see the bombs already suspended under the wings. That is, the whole procedure will go unnoticed for us in any way, and now how it is with us, honestly, I'm already tired of writing about it. These 30 warehouses of the 12th GUMO are hung with American satellites, they monitor every truck driving up to or leaving the warehouse and in general this entire process of delivering ammunition is in full view of them, and the time? I also have the feeling that someone specially arranged everything this way to prevent the Russian armed forces from using their weapons. How long will it take to deliver ammunition by truck 12 km or 1000 km?
              1. +1
                13 May 2024 01: 38
                Sanya, just that on Vladimir Solovyov’s show, General Evgeniy Buzhinsky repeated verbatim my post that I wrote to you two hours ago - that these 180 B61 bombs in Europe can be considered “deployed”, he completely agrees with me, and He also repeated my theses about the harmfulness of centralized storage in the warehouses of the 12th GUMO of all non-strategic nuclear weapons. Thank God I have allies “at the top,” which means measures will be taken.
              2. +1
                13 May 2024 15: 45
                Serge, you are saying everything correctly! But there are nuances.
                1. Lavrov stated that we will consider all F-16s, regardless of modification, as carriers of nuclear weapons. Although the carriers are equipped with C, D, E/ modifications.
                2. Our RTR satellites carry sensors for ionizing radiation. They are very sensitive and are able to detect the presence/absence of radiation over a long distance. If the carrier suddenly “fails” and the caponier stops == an unambiguous conclusion will be drawn, perhaps even in automatic mode. And raising/lowering the level will also be a problem. The system will work.
                3. About the time of delivery of nuclear warheads to carriers. The forces of BS and BD are already with them. All ICBMs/SLBMs/DS at airfields are with them.
                Those who are included in the "use" plan are given nuclear weapons by a special command under the BG MILITARY DANGER. This is a very serious degree of the BG of the Armed Forces. This is 24 hours before the start of the combat action. Therefore, I believe that in the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and in the 12th GUMO, those responsible for the security of the country receive their rations deservedly.
                But what the Yankees screamed about until they were blue in the face was that we had introduced a system of transferring the Armed Forces to the BG grade “by administrative order.” Those. "no noise and dust"! - as Lyolik said in “The Diamond Arm”. And apparently, we were ahead of them in the deployment of forces and means. Therefore, your “indignation” is purely at the level of the emotional background of the average person, but not a professional. Sorry.
                Somehow, though. Yeah.
                1. 0
                  13 May 2024 19: 02
                  Sanya, hello. Yesterday Buzhinsky made a sensible proposal - after the exercises, leave most of the SBCh on the carriers, and not return them to the warehouses. It would be good, like in Soviet times, for example, in each UVP with eight "Kalibr" or "Tsirkon" on ships, install SBCh on two of them, let them stand "just in case", they don't ask for food, and the remaining six - regular ones, for consumption on the SVO or in the anti-ship version - 3M54, also in missile brigades - one APU with two missiles with SBCh, drive it into a box, post a guard and let it stand there, and use the remaining 11 PUs for their intended purpose in regular equipment. Well, at least that way. In Soviet times, the "Pioneer" regiments - from three divisions, one was always on the BD in readiness for launch, then the divisions were rotated. Of the 270 "Pioneers" in the western part of the country, 90 are always ready for launch, and that's 270 warheads with a capacity of 400 kt, ready to fall on the heads of NATO servicemen in 15 minutes. What are our "bosses" thinking about now? Do they think at all? And the main question is - is there anything to think about?
            2. 0
              13 May 2024 21: 58
              Quote from sergeyketonov
              It is necessary to correct the knowledge gaps of the majority of forum members, otherwise it hurts the eyes. “Non-strategic” nuclear weapons and “Tactical” are not synonymous.

              Serge! If according to science, then nuclear weapons (nuclear warheads) have nothing to do with the concepts of “strategic/non-strategic” nuclear weapons are divided according to the degree of impact, not the target according to power!!! Ultra-low power - less than 1 kt, small - 1-10 kt, medium - 10-100 kt, large - 100 kt - 1 Mt, super-large - more than 1 mt.
              But the CARRIERS of this nuclear weapons (NUW), depending on the range of use, are still divided into Tactical - up to 400 km, Small D = 500-1000 km, Medium D = 1000-5500 km, Intercontinental D - more than 5500 km. This is in terms of range.
              And according to their purpose, they are divided into Tactical, Operational-Tactical and Strategic. And this classification has nothing to do with nuclear warheads! These are CARRIERS!!!
              The confusion occurs due to the authors' too free treatment of special terminology related to the field of strategic weapons.
  3. 0
    11 May 2024 05: 20
    Now all that remains is to wait for some kind of provocation, a nuclear response and “the whole world is in ruins”, and not sometime “later”, the prospects are emerging “already now”.
    1. +10
      11 May 2024 06: 37
      There have been worse times. But it wasn't mean
      The further you go, the worse it gets. A time terrible in its hopelessness, when all the most negative prophecies can come true.
      1. +6
        11 May 2024 07: 35
        There have been worse times. But it wasn't mean
        The further you go, the worse it gets.

        Such are the people, such are the times...
      2. man
        11 May 2024 08: 27
        Quote: vladimirvn
        There have been worse times. But it wasn't mean

        How did this not happen? And Gaidar’s price increase in January 92?! With an average salary in the country of 250 rubles, butter - 200 rubles, meat - 200 rubles, the cheapest sausage - 60 rubles, and this is without any wars, in peacetime! And at the same time, in interviews with newspapers, officials told how hard it was for them to live on their salaries! am
        People took on any job to feed their children, to feed them, not to feed them... am
        You either have poor memory or are young and don’t know...
        1. +1
          11 May 2024 08: 36
          “How could this not happen? And Gaidar’s price increase in January 92?!.....” Today is “a time terrible in its hopelessness...”, when there are no longer any red lines left. I'm scared for my children and grandchildren.
          But I remember Gaidar’s times. During the day in the service, at night working part-time for merchants. We passed. Survived.
          1. man
            11 May 2024 08: 47
            “a time terrible in its hopelessness...”, when there are no more red lines left. I'm scared for my children and grandchildren.
            Yeah, and at that time inspiration descended on us! And when already insane prices are rising EVERY DAY (!!!), isn’t it scary for the children???
        2. +1
          11 May 2024 16: 16
          Quote: mann
          How did this not happen? And Gaidar’s price increase in January 92?

          What does this have to do with it? Comrade vladimirvn Wrote:
          A time terrible in its hopelessness, when everything the most negative prophecies can come true.

          We're talking about probability here. Armageddon, and not about food and clothes.
          1. man
            11 May 2024 17: 48
            There have been worse times. But it wasn't mean
            I was responding to this quote from Nekrasov’s “Contemporaries” and only to it. I believed and still believe that the 90s were the apogee of meanness and hypocritical cynicism of power! Then we lived in a country virtually occupied by liberals, who turned out to be much more dangerous than the fascists! And thank God, the current government is far from this... at least for now
          2. man
            11 May 2024 17: 56
            Here we are talking about the likelihood of Armageddon, and not about food and clothes.
            what the hell clothes, there was no time for clothes back then...
            I'm surprised how short people's memories are...
    2. +7
      11 May 2024 06: 43
      Let me remind the author that the oil depot was attacked by Western-made missiles (at least this is on this site). And? Oh, exactly! They are not British, but American! Curtain.
      1. +9
        11 May 2024 07: 03
        Well, yes. And before this, of course, neither Storm Shadow nor scalps or attacks were hit on the territory of the Russian Federation. Or is this something else? Our mid has some kind of double standards. Or is Crimea, DPR, LPR and Kherson with Zaporozhye not Russia anymore?
        1. +3
          11 May 2024 09: 17
          Everyone has already been beaten. And there will definitely be F-16s. And the General Staff has no doubt about this. And foreign soldiers have been in Ukraine for a long time. And ours have been beating them for a long time, and knocking them down. Everyone knows that there are no “red lines” and no one drew them. Just mutual threats like Khrushchev’s “shoe on the table” and “Kuzkin’s mother.” Just threats to each other and statements to the people. But there is a world war, whether there will be or not, it depends on who is afraid. Meanwhile, ours continue to “pinch” ukrov and are not going to stop. And no statements will affect this. SVO will continue - at least I'm sure of it
          1. 0
            11 May 2024 10: 06
            It will continue until the money runs out.
            1. +2
              11 May 2024 10: 20
              Not only money, but also resources. And who knows who will run out of money faster? laughing
              Whoever has the resources has the money.
              And the PMC “Ukraine” will run out of people even faster laughing
              1. -1
                11 May 2024 10: 25
                The main buyer of gas, who gave a good price, refused it. A turn to the East means a significant loss of income, the eastern “allies” are twirling their hands with the price tag and taking advantage of the moment. There were heaps of grain at the market, they were ready to give it away for free. And the wrestlers have nowhere else to get. Real money is needed, hypothetical resources do not play here.
              2. man
                11 May 2024 18: 42
                Not only money, but also resources. And it’s also unknown who will run out of money faster laughing
                Whoever has the resources has the money.

                Sorry to interrupt, but then it turns out very badly. Because our resources, although abundant, are still finite. And staffers can print dollars endlessly...
                And the PMC “Ukraine” will run out of people even faster
                But they are successfully replaced by professional NATO military personnel plus the rabble they recruited sad We are inferior to them here too, we cannot collect so much, and the Chinese and Indians will not fight for us... request sad
                1. -2
                  11 May 2024 18: 54
                  Well why? We have more people who have completed compulsory military service than all of Europe. Resources... what
                  Possibly finite. But we still have to collect scrap metal from the fields. Thanks to nuclear power plants, our energy is “infinite.” We will fuse the metal. Mobile resource is greater than Europe. Well I do not know. I think we will have enough for tens of years of war. By the way, gold and foreign exchange reserves are still growing, despite the spending. Who will last longer?
                  1. 0
                    12 May 2024 10: 42
                    Quote: igorbrsv
                    Mobile resource is greater than Europe.

                    Europe has 500 million people, we have 140 million
                    1. 0
                      12 May 2024 10: 46
                      Which one of them served? And who is ready to serve? There have been Arabs there for a long time
                      1. +1
                        12 May 2024 10: 48
                        Quote: igorbrsv
                        Europe has 500 million people, we have 140 million

                        As if to conduct service and spread the ideas of militarism for a long time in our turbulent information world. The war has been going on for several years and clearly will not stop anytime soon. If everything turns into an extremely long confrontation, they will put on stream the creation of new soldiers.
                      2. 0
                        12 May 2024 10: 52
                        I think that then the confrontation will reach a new level if it comes to war. I meant to increase the army to prevent war. So that any Poles there don’t even think about sacrificing themselves with the hope of victory over us
                      3. 0
                        12 May 2024 10: 57
                        Quote: igorbrsv
                        I think that then the confrontation will reach a new level if it comes to war. I meant to increase the army to prevent war. So that any Poles there don’t even think about sacrificing themselves with the hope of victory over us

                        Do we have resources to increase the army? The budget is already in deficit; no one is going to lend us money at normal interest rates. Any increase in military spending will increasingly drive us into debt. That's all. There is as much as there is.
                      4. 0
                        12 May 2024 11: 00
                        There is money and resources. Zvr increase. A budget deficit is normal. Again, I'm not an economist request
                      5. 0
                        12 May 2024 11: 07
                        Quote: igorbrsv
                        There is money and resources. Zvr increase. A budget deficit is normal. Again, I'm not an economist

                        There is just no money and resources. Therefore, the budget is in deficit and we have to borrow money. If there were, then what would be the point of collecting debts? And at a high interest rate too? winked
                      6. 0
                        12 May 2024 11: 12
                        According to the Bank of Russia, the external debt of the Russian Federation as of October 1, 2023 amounted to USD 329,5 billion, having decreased by USD 2023 billion, or 54,1%, since the beginning of 14,1.
                      7. 0
                        12 May 2024 11: 15
                        Quote: igorbrsv
                        . According to the Bank of Russia, the external debt of the Russian Federation as of October 1, 2023 amounted to 329,5 billion US dollars, having decreased by 2023 billion US dollars, or 54,1%, since the beginning of 14,1.

                        Because they don't give it. From what external debt turns into internal. And at a higher percentage winked
                        Due to the growth of borrowings and an increase in their cost, including due to rising rates, the cost of servicing the public debt will double, the Ministry of Finance predicts.

                      8. 0
                        12 May 2024 11: 19
                        .... Two "financiers" clashed laughing the fight has begun laughing
                        Okay, let's leave this matter to the central bank and the general staff, otherwise think everything for them laughing
                      9. 0
                        12 May 2024 11: 20
                        Quote: igorbrsv
                        Okay, let's leave this matter to the central bank and the general staff, otherwise think everything for them

                        We don’t think for them, we just look at the situation and chat. But in fact, as you can see, the costs of the government debt are growing rapidly, so no additional soldiers without cuts in other places. And education, healthcare, etc. are already extremely optimized.
                2. -1
                  11 May 2024 19: 05
                  Well, Europe will step on a rake at some point. At some point, the third world war will begin if they do not lag behind our conflict. And there is a different level of war. And who is for whom is unknown. This is still impossible to predict. But I think China will eat up the rest of the United States
                  1. man
                    11 May 2024 19: 39
                    But I think China will eat up the rest of the United States
                    China is too far behind the states in nuclear weapons. stop
                    1. 0
                      11 May 2024 19: 40
                      So he will finish eating after we fumble laughing
          2. +8
            11 May 2024 10: 24
            Quote: igorbrsv
            Just mutual threats like Khrushchev’s “shoe on the table” and “Kuzkin’s mother”

            Sorry, but Khrushchev actually brought missiles to Cuba, and actually burned the Tsar Bomba for everyone to see. Our strategists are only drawing lines, and they have completely refused to test nuclear weapons until the amers start. There is a difference!
            1. 0
              11 May 2024 11: 20
              Well why? Exercises with tactical missiles with the ability to install nuclear warheads were still announced. I think the next stage, if anything, is just around the corner. Also a kind of “Kuzka’s mother”
  4. +16
    11 May 2024 05: 24
    If after such warnings (about an attack by GB or British targets) nothing follows, then the words spoken can be perceived as ordinary chatter.
    On the contrary, adequate answers will restore Russians’ trust in both the president and the Russian government.
    Those same Russians whose relatives and friends are being killed with these foreign weapons...
    1. +14
      11 May 2024 07: 36
      the words spoken can be perceived as ordinary chatter.

      This is exactly how they are perceived by adequate people in our country and by the instigators of conflict in their country.
      1. -4
        11 May 2024 09: 42
        If after such warnings (about an attack by GB or British targets) nothing follows, then the words spoken can be perceived as ordinary chatter...

        We’ll soon find out whether this is chatter or whether it’s really the firm determination of the Russian Government to use tactical nuclear weapons.
        First of all, this will be indirectly indicated by an increase or decrease in the number of visits by Russian citizens to European countries.

        In the meantime, despite the conduct of the SVO by the Russian Government, we have information that causes bewilderment:

        ...According to the mobile operator, the flow of tourists to European countries during the holidays increased by 8,5%. Among the EU countries, the best dynamics were demonstrated by Italy (+47%), Germany (+34%), France (+27%). In terms of year-on-year growth, Iceland leads among European countries - it was visited by 3 times more Russians...
        1. +2
          11 May 2024 13: 41
          A person with a foreign passport is at least unreliable :)
          1. man
            11 May 2024 18: 56
            Quote: fsvlad
            A person with a foreign passport is at least unreliable :)

            I confess, I have and I even went with him to Kyiv in 2005. request smile
            But if the Motherland demands it, I will burn it! laughing
            I just warn you in advance that I refuse to recognize VO visitors as authorized by the Motherland laughing
            1. Msi
              11 May 2024 20: 16
              I confess, I have it and I even went with it to Kyiv in 2005

              Was he really needed to visit Kyiv in 2005? hi
              1. man
                11 May 2024 20: 23
                Quote from Msi
                I confess, I have it and I even went with it to Kyiv in 2005

                Was he really needed to visit Kyiv in 2005? hi

                I don’t remember anymore, but I took smile By the way, I was delighted with Kyiv and the people of Kiev, with their cordiality, although it was the height of Yushchenko’s reign... Eh...
                The feeling that another solution could have been found instead of war cannot leave me... but why guess now... it’s too late...
                1. Msi
                  11 May 2024 20: 27
                  I don’t remember anymore, but I took

                  We have operas in 2010. the group went to apprehend the killer, who fled to Kharkov. Left the Belgorod region.
                  What kind of foreign passport was it at that time? fool Everyone and everyone went to the market in Kharkov...
                  1. man
                    11 May 2024 20: 35
                    Quote from Msi
                    I don’t remember anymore, but I took

                    We have operas in 2010. the group went to apprehend the killer, who fled to Kharkov. Left the Belgorod region.
                    What kind of foreign passport was it at that time? fool Everyone and everyone went to the market in Kharkov...

                    I lived in Kharkov for three months in 1978, two in practice, plus a month I just stayed with the guys on the campus of the local Gigant polytechnic... Can you imagine my feelings when I saw photographs of the ruins of Kharkov...
                    1. Msi
                      11 May 2024 20: 40
                      Can you imagine my feelings when I saw photographs of the ruins of Kharkov.

                      Hmm... How do you feel about the destruction in the Belgorod region? Find a photo and look. Kharkov was much more destroyed during the Great Patriotic War. Rebuilt. Now I seriously doubt that the damage is comparable.
                      1. man
                        11 May 2024 21: 04
                        Quote from Msi
                        Can you imagine my feelings when I saw photographs of the ruins of Kharkov.

                        How do you feel about the destruction in the Belgorod region?

                        You see, the photos of the ruins of Kharkov were the first ones I saw. Before this, I hoped that the entry of our troops would take place a la Crimea, of course, in a slightly harsher form, but relatively bloodlessly. It was after Kharkov that it dawned on me that this would last for a long time and there would be a full-fledged war...
          2. +1
            11 May 2024 20: 14
            Quote: fsvlad
            A person with a foreign passport is at least unreliable :)

            I would say differently: A person with DUAL CITIZENSHIP will definitely betray him under favorable conditions and go over the hill if there is a danger to the host country. am
            Give examples or will you believe it?
            1. man
              11 May 2024 20: 48
              Quote: BoA KAA
              Quote: fsvlad
              A person with a foreign passport is at least unreliable :)

              I would say differently: A person with DUAL CITIZENSHIP will definitely betray him under favorable conditions and go over the hill if there is a danger to the host country. am
              Give examples or will you believe it?

              I, I have two citizenships, the USSR and the Russian Federation, and if the USSR returns, forgive me, but " and if only I can escape to which port, I will escape, I will escape, I cannot be stopped!!! "
              1. 0
                11 May 2024 22: 25
                Quote: mann
                I have two citizenships, USSR and Russian Federation

                Well, yes, well, yes... Now try using a USSR passport to register your vehicle or housing, land plot or something else...
                About "escape". A.M. Gorky, in the play "At the Lower Depths" (if I'm not mistaken), through the mouth of Satin, recited one very clever thought: - Let Dunka go to Europe.... You won't go far in the carriage of the past! Yes
                - Don’t believe me? Take the play, see for yourself... Or try your luck at the police department, the registry office or some other government agency... with a USSR passport. sad
                1. man
                  11 May 2024 22: 31
                  Quote: BoA KAA
                  Quote: mann
                  I have two citizenships, USSR and Russian Federation

                  Well, yes, well, yes... Now try using a USSR passport to register your vehicle or housing, land plot or something else...
                  About "escape". A.M. Gorky, in the play "At the Lower Depths" (if I'm not mistaken), through the mouth of Satin, recited one very clever thought: - Let Dunka go to Europe.... You won't go far in the carriage of the past! Yes
                  - Don’t believe me? Take the play, see for yourself... Or try your luck at the police department, the registry office or some other government agency... with a USSR passport. sad

                  You didn't understand anything...
                2. man
                  12 May 2024 01: 32
                  Quote: BoA KAA
                  Quote: mann
                  I have two citizenships, USSR and Russian Federation

                  Well, yes, well, yes... Now try using a USSR passport to register your vehicle or housing, land plot or something else...
                  About "escape". A.M. Gorky, in the play "At the Lower Depths" (if I'm not mistaken), through the mouth of Satin, recited one very clever thought: - Let Dunka go to Europe.... You won't go far in the carriage of the past! Yes
                  - Don’t believe me? Take the play, see for yourself... Or try your luck at the police department, the registry office or some other government agency... with a USSR passport. sad

                  You, apparently, simply haven’t read Mikhalkov’s poem “Dream”:
                  I had a dream that I was floating -
                  I swim in a dream, as if in reality:
                  To a distant land, to a foreign land,
                  On an ocean ship.
                  They're taking me, they're taking me there
                  To stay there forever!

                  Alien people on deck -
                  Walking, smoking, eating and drinking,
                  A foreign flag is on the mast
                  And I hear a foreign language
                  And everything around me is wrong
                  How I love,
                  As I'm used to.

                  I didn't buy a ticket
                  On this boat!
                  Why in some regions
                  He's taking the boy!

                  Do not know how,
                  I do not know where
                  I got into this hold
                  But I only know: to be in trouble!
                  And now I'm lost -
                  Without mom and dad
                  Without friends,
                  Without my motherland!

                  Someone laughs at me
                  "Got it, pioneer!"
                  And I want to go home!
                  Home in the USSR!!!

                  And if only I can
                  To escape in a foreign port, -
                  I will run away!
                  I will run away!!
                  Can't hold me back!!!

                  And suddenly over your head
                  Such a familiar sound:
                  The alarm clock is ringing, but it’s not your own! -
                  He saves me...

                  How good it is that in reality
                  I don't live in America!
                  1. +1
                    12 May 2024 10: 24
                    Quote: mann
                    How good it is that in reality
                    I don't live in America!

                    Great poem! But still - “you can’t go far in the carriage of the past!” And that's a fact. I also come from the USSR. I sincerely feel sorry for my Motherland. But history does not have a subjunctive mood. That's why:

                    We cannot cross out what happened / No matter what they say / The new princes...
                    In the same way, morning comes to our cities / And the big Sun shines as always / And the streets are still full of people / Why are you lying, as if I don’t have a COUNTRY!!!
                    Long live the country, my beloved RUSSIA,
                    Live in the country where my mother and I celebrated the dawn
                    Live in the country where I fell in love under the blue sky
                    And don't listen to those who say no.
                    And we will certainly rebuild the EMPIRE, which was pro...ed by cosmopolitans, burry degenerates. With clear goals and a strong ideology of the UNITY OF THE MULTINATIONAL RUSSIAN PEOPLE.
                    1. man
                      12 May 2024 10: 32
                      "You can't go far in the carriage of the past!"
                      I would dare to add Gorky:
                      but without analyzing the past you won’t find the right path
                      1. +1
                        12 May 2024 10: 40
                        Quote: mann
                        but without analyzing the past you won’t find the right path

                        This is true. But it’s even more true: without a scientifically based, clear program for building the future, without a unifying idea, you cannot pave the road to the future!
                      2. man
                        12 May 2024 10: 45
                        Quote: BoA KAA
                        Quote: mann
                        but without analyzing the past you won’t find the right path

                        This is true. But it’s even more true: without a scientifically based, clear program for building the future, without a unifying idea, you cannot pave the road to the future!

                        Under capitalism, people are competitors and unifying ideas can only be temporary, during a war, for example, alas..
                      3. 0
                        12 May 2024 10: 50
                        Quote: mann
                        Under capitalism, people are competitors

                        And under capitalism people remain people! Everyone, except for notorious scoundrels, is drawn to the good, the bright, the good.
                        This is inherent in human nature.
                      4. man
                        12 May 2024 11: 04
                        Quote: BoA KAA
                        Quote: mann
                        Under capitalism, people are competitors

                        And under capitalism people remain people! Everyone, except for notorious scoundrels, is drawn to the good, the bright, the good.
                        This is inherent in human nature.

                        Look around, you are wishful thinking, to my deep regret...
                        Other generations have grown up, cynical and ready to do anything to achieve their goals. Our old people are much more romantic than our young people request This is absurd, because it should be the other way around! Some exceptions, like my youngest daughter, don’t make a difference. The Internet has done a bad job... sad
                    2. man
                      12 May 2024 10: 37
                      Great poem!
                      I'm very glad you liked it. I remember him often...
    2. +3
      11 May 2024 09: 19
      You hit the nail on the head and summed up the politics of powerlessness well. If the West is deceived by such teachings, any subsequent ones will be laughed at or completely ignored.
  5. +11
    11 May 2024 05: 24
    Well, okay, they threatened - well done. What if the threats don't work? What if F-16s do appear in the skies of Ukraine or if attacks begin on the bridge? What then? Will the scenario (in relation to the West) that Dmitry Anatolyevich promised work? Or won't it work? The question, as I understand it, remains open.
    1. +6
      11 May 2024 05: 49
      There is about a month left until the F16 appears. Bridge any day.
    2. -9
      11 May 2024 06: 16
      The F-16 will take off from the territory of Ukraine: its problems...
      1. +6
        11 May 2024 06: 49
        Yes, a lot of things take off from this territory. And highmars and scalps and more... And? It seems that all the hope is in nuclear weapons. Since we are fundamentally conventional, we either can’t, or we don’t have enough, or who knows what else
        1. +1
          11 May 2024 08: 26
          Quote from: dmi.pris1
          It feels like all hope entrusted on nuclear weapons, once conventional nothing cardinal do or we can't, or his missing, or who knows what else

          And nuclear weapons were created so that the USSR Armed Forces could resist the power of the West. It is this that gives a radical superiority over the mass of conventional weapons and superiority in manpower.
          I can only assume that the necessary conventional weapons are not enough, and we have tensions with intelligence about the deployment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and their movements.
          1. man
            11 May 2024 21: 41
            And nuclear weapons were created so that the USSR Armed Forces could resist the power of the West.
            The question is whether the pampered West could have resisted the might of the USSR Armed Forces without nuclear weapons...
            1. +1
              12 May 2024 16: 51
              No: all military plans, games ended the same way: Soviet tanks entered operational space, NATO responded with tactical nuclear weapons, the USSR responded and then an exchange at the level of strategic nuclear forces. No one would dare to contradict or be rude to either Brezhnev or Andropov.
    3. 0
      11 May 2024 08: 17
      Quote: Stas157
      Will the scenario (in relation to the West) that Dmitry Anatolyevich promised work? Or won't it work? The question, as I understand it, remains open.

      It's hard to say anything definitive. Everything here will depend on the scale and intensity of the attacks...
    4. +4
      11 May 2024 10: 33
      What if F-16s do appear in the skies of Ukraine or if attacks begin on the bridge?

      What does the F-16 and the damned bridge have to do with it? BELGOROD is shelled almost daily, people are dying. UAVs are flying all over European Russia. I'm not even talking about “new territories”. And in general, how long are we going to fight with NATO? Until 2030 or until 2045?
      It is necessary to increase nuclear escalation, and for this, at least arrange fireworks on Novaya Zemlya, and in the atmosphere! Of course, not 58 Mt, but at least 100 kt. To SEEN it!
      1. 0
        11 May 2024 15: 41
        "We need to increase the nuclear escalation" - this is not to our advantage. The locations of American nuclear warheads may already be 300 km from St. Petersburg and 600 km from Moscow. Our targets in the States are much further away. They can easily overload our air defense with conventional cruise missiles and then throw in TNW. To reach them, we only need SNW. Alas, the States "have done a good job" and can strike from our borders with any weapon.
        1. 0
          11 May 2024 16: 06
          Quote: Ivan F
          “We need to increase nuclear escalation,” - This is not beneficial for us.

          Well, then I don’t know. We will threaten the strategic ones on the submarine. I just don’t see any other option for ending the NWO (if nothing changes with the arrival of Trump) than to bring the world to the brink of nuclear war. We will be pressed ad infinitum, both in the economy and on the battlefield. Otherwise, at least only sanctions will remain if, out of fear, they stop supplying Ukraine with weapons.
          I think we should officially declare that we are incapable of confronting Western military might with conventional means, so excuse me, we are preparing for a full-scale nuclear war. And not just declare it, but start restoring old bomb shelters and building new ones, and at Stalin's pace. Let them scratch their heads wondering whether we are serious or bluffing.
          1. -2
            11 May 2024 16: 24
            "if they stop supplying Ukraine with weapons out of fear" - I think they will never stop. Here is another question - if military actions stop right now, say after a TNW strike, then today's Ukraine will definitely become the tip of NATO's spear against us and this is very, very dangerous. And in the end they will pump it up with weapons so much that it will be difficult for us to counter them with anything.
            I don't see any other way out except to continue to press - destroying the infrastructure and waiting for the current leadership to flee or "die", or for some kind of internal Ukrainian "conflict" to start which will lead to this. Everything else is working against us now.
      2. +1
        13 May 2024 09: 49
        You are modest and compassionate: it is necessary to destroy the logistics of Ukraine and decapitate it, and to do this in one day, and for this you need at least 100 units of tactical nuclear weapons. No one will believe fireworks on Novaya Zemlya; time has been lost (this is my personal opinion, which may not coincide with the opinion of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief).
    5. -4
      11 May 2024 13: 49
      Quote: Stas157
      What if the threats don't work? What if F-16s do appear in the skies of Ukraine or if attacks begin on the bridge? What then?

      Then, most likely, the Houthis will have missiles that will reach some ship of the manufacturers or former owners of missiles and aircraft.
      This is for starters. Further, depending on the reaction of the adversaries.
  6. +10
    11 May 2024 05: 32
    Nothing will happen, if there was a will, they would immediately apply 404 in the west, now everyone understands that there will be no application.
  7. +1
    11 May 2024 05: 50
    Threats are probably not bad, but it would be better to launch a real tactical nuclear strike on the Novaya Zemlya test site, for example, on a model of the British Parliament or the Reichstag, or something French bully .
    And make an educational and propaganda film.
    1. +2
      11 May 2024 06: 50
      I am also a supporter of the demonstration. Only at the moment it most likely will not work. The flywheel has been launched
    2. +4
      11 May 2024 09: 55
      Quote: V.
      it would be better to launch a real tactical nuclear weapon at a test site on Novaya Zemlya, for example, using a model of the British Parliament or the Reichstag

      If this had happened in 2022, when the president ordered the strategic nuclear forces to be brought into a special combat mode + real military response measures would have followed against NATO countries (Poland, the Baltic states - attacks on warehouses/transport hubs), then apart from helmets and armored personnel, this would be no further story went... there would be no weapons/equipment, etc.

      And now we are at the point where even testing tactical nuclear weapons on Novaya Zemlya may yield nothing. because there is a flow of weapons, specialists from NATO countries have been present in Ukraine for a long time and participate in battles in various capacities (maintenance/logistics/training - after all, someone gives target designation to Western systems, but how many attack aircraft are there under the guise of mercenaries? How many career military personnel are there? Poland participating in the battles in Donbass?), Denmark plans to transfer the F-16 next month and the rest will follow... well, NATO forces can be built up unofficially, vacationers/mercenaries - there is no need to declare this to the West.
    3. -1
      11 May 2024 14: 22
      You read the commentators, but what if, if only, but you don’t understand, and so on. They have unconscious cowardice in their minds. I served on the Stiletto and the slightest trembling of my hands and you lay down the sleepers at BAM. What is stopping us from dropping and launching a 50 megaton bomb on Novaya Zemlya like N.S. did? Khrushchev? And if now TYAB (This is a grain for an elephant)? This will show the morale of the army.
      Or in the Northern Military District, wipe out several brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces together with mercenaries from NATO, those who can not be taken prisoner according to international laws.
    4. +1
      11 May 2024 14: 56
      Quote: V.
      on Novaya Zemlya it would be better, for example, according to the layout of the British Parliament or the Reichstag...

      No, it’s better to take to the training ground all the damaged equipment that was demonstrated to Muscovites, and ours at the same time. Then there will be an excuse as to why they are conducting air tests and not underground tests - to determine the resistance of equipment to the damaging factors of modern Russian nuclear weapons :))
      And make an educational and propaganda film.

      Western journalists will be invited and ten films will be made at once about the recklessness of the Russians. It’s even better to test ALL models of nuclear weapons in service to check their performance. We are under sanctions, they don’t sell us supercomputers, so we are trying it on the ground.
      I wonder if you detonate 100 ktn at an altitude of 10 km, will the glow from the flash be visible in the British Isles or not?
  8. 0
    11 May 2024 05: 58
    An ordinary European, and especially an American, does not want to die for the interests of some kind of Ukraine. Literally and figuratively. The leaders of states that we usually call unfriendly also do not want to die.
    We must honestly admit that the author is right in this part. But, having recognized this, we must honestly understand that a “European, and especially an American,” may come up with a very simple answer to the question “how not to die.”

    And here the author should think about drawing red lines, which “Europeans, and especially Americans” have regularly managed to cross in recent years without consequences. In the case of drawing such lines with the help of tactical nuclear weapons and the question “does a European, and especially an American, not want to die at all?” Well, what could go wrong?
    The options are:
    1. NATO will finally move beyond the 1991 borders.
    2. NATO will launch a pre-emptive disarming strike.
    3. NATO will launch a pre-emptive decapitation strike.
    4. P 2 and 3.
    5. NATO will wait for tactical nuclear weapons to fall from the skies onto NATO.
    6. Other.
    1. +8
      11 May 2024 06: 20
      Quote: Wildcat
      . NATO will wait for tactical nuclear weapons to "rain" down on NATO from the skies.

      The problem is that this is not expected in the West. That's why the red lines are crossed.

      Why not wait?
      Su-24 shot down by the Turks - they responded with tomatoes.
      The helicopter shot down by the Azerbaijanis was left unanswered.
      Threads - no answer.
      Flagship Moscow - no response.
      Supplies of sensitive weapons to Ukraine and even participation in hostilities - no response.

      The maximum that the West allows is a tactical nuclear weapons attack on the territory of Ukraine. But the West is not particularly afraid of this. Just like the Bandera attacks on the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant.
      1. 0
        11 May 2024 13: 12
        And there is.
        Clarification - “a strike from tactical nuclear weapons on the territory of Ukraine” will change the situation for everyone, not for the better.
        But this does not mean that there will be no tactical nuclear weapons strikes.
  9. -6
    11 May 2024 06: 09
    The collective West (I’ll call it that) now considers it extremely unlikely that Russia will use tactical nuclear weapons.
    From a military point of view, it was necessary to use tactical nuclear weapons at the beginning of the Northern Military District. As we know, it was not used.
    1. +8
      11 May 2024 07: 42
      From a military point of view, it was necessary to use tactical nuclear weapons at the beginning of the Northern Military District.

      That's right... The problem is that the conflict is going according to a scenario written overseas, and the preservation of the entire top after the old new elections confirms this!
      1. -4
        11 May 2024 13: 49
        sho Volodya and the script were given to you to read, but the high-flying bird on VO started up
  10. +3
    11 May 2024 06: 12
    The policy is to give the right answer to every challenge. This practice has existed for centuries.
  11. +5
    11 May 2024 06: 18
    All the talk about the use of nuclear weapons irresponsibleIt is not a panacea for all the problems associated with the provision of the so-called SVO.
    An ordinary European, and especially an American, does not want to die for the interests of some kind of Ukraine. Literally and figuratively.
    But ordinary citizens of Russia, they just burn the desire to burn in a nuclear apocalypse, by the way, too not entirely clear goals SVO, is this how we should understand the authors? In WWI, the Germans tried to solve the problem, the first using chemical weapons of mass destruction. And what did they decide? After a short time, all countries participating in the war began to use gases. So did the use of tactical nuclear weapons by the Russian Federation at once will lead to the appearance of the same weapons in Kyiv. The nuclear weapons deterrent factor and all talk about its use are alarming.
    His words instilled such fear that that night no one slept in the Voronya Slobodka. Dunya tied things into bundles, and the rest of the campers scattered to spend the night with friends. During the day, everyone watched each other and removed property from the house piece by piece. Everything was clear. The house was doomed. He couldn't help but burn. And, indeed, at twelve o’clock at night it burst into flames, set on fire at six ends at once.
  12. +2
    11 May 2024 06: 47
    An ordinary European, and especially an American, does not want to die for the interests of some kind of Ukraine.
    If only someone else in European governments had asked for their consent.
    1. +1
      11 May 2024 09: 14
      People's consent is asked only in the only free country in the world! And there has never been a case in history when the people did not give it
  13. +7
    11 May 2024 06: 54
    Clearly the wrong people got Soviet nuclear weapons.
  14. +9
    11 May 2024 07: 13
    Draw at least a conditional portrait of Victory in outlines. Two years ago, it was said about demilitarization and denazification of ALL Ukraine. We are not overthrowing Zelensky's regime. And now what are the goals and objectives? Simple arithmetic. If in two years of the SVO, 3 regions of Ukraine have been almost liberated, and Ukraine has 23 regions, how many years will it take to denazify and demilitarize all of Ukraine.
    1. 0
      11 May 2024 08: 19
      Quote: parusnik
      and Ukraine has 23 regions, how many years will it take to denazify and demilitarize all of Ukraine.

      you forgot to put a question mark smile I answer - to resolve the issue you voiced, it is necessary to defeat NATO on the territory of Ukraine wink
      1. +2
        11 May 2024 10: 57
        we need to defeat NATO on the territory of Ukraine wink
        Yes, without question, we have the fifth economy in the world, the first or second in Europe, as those at the top say. “Why should we build a house? We’ll draw it, we’ll live.” (c)
    2. +7
      11 May 2024 08: 29
      Draw at least a conditional portrait of Victory in outline.

      I communicate with many people who are firmly convinced that the war will end with the surrender of Ukraine.
      I'm trying to figure out what their confidence is based on. I also give them numbers, facts, statements.
      But at least henna. Russia will win, period.
      1. 0
        11 May 2024 11: 03
        Russia will win, period.
        On a wide plain there is a mighty country of Chudoslavia. In this country there are millions of heroes, and among them is the famous fighter, the valiant Vanya Vasilchikov, who defeated the beast kingdom of Svirepeya, led by Barmaley.
        "Barmaley was dumbfounded, dumbfounded
        And Barmaley turned white as chalk,
        And Barmaley burst into tears,
        And Barmaley fell before Vanya:
        "Don't destroy me,
        Don't cut me down
        Have pity on me, have pity!" (c)
        K. Chukovsky. Let's defeat Barmaley.
    3. -1
      11 May 2024 08: 29
      There is a concept of critical losses, which are significantly lower than the total number of enemy armed forces. At a certain point, the shortage of units will be 30 percent or more, after which their combat effectiveness will sharply decrease throughout the entire line of contact. And then the pace of progress will also change greatly.
    4. +2
      12 May 2024 05: 30
      If in two years the Northern Military District, 3 regions of Ukraine are almost liberated, and Ukraine has 23 regions, how many years will it take to denazify and demilitarize all of Ukraine.

      Three more terms for GDP in power...
      In the 40s, oil and gas reserves in Russia will dry up and the “Russian gas station” project will become of little interest to the world oligarchy....
      A poor, resource-less territory, 2/3 populated by Central Asian migrants, will be of no use to anyone...
  15. -17
    11 May 2024 07: 38
    Some spies ran into the comments, one definitely needs to know how many tactical nuclear charges the Russian Federation has, the other how many carriers - don’t worry, there’s enough, more than enough for you and your masters.
  16. +8
    11 May 2024 07: 51
    Every single Russian general, minister, and deputy has children in England, wives and lovers in France, and real estate in Spain. Are you saying something about nuclear strikes on Europe???
    1. -1
      11 May 2024 11: 58
      Quote: Ruslan Smorodin
      Every single Russian general, minister, and deputy has children in England, wives and lovers in France, and real estate in Spain. Are you saying something about nuclear strikes on Europe???
      Your information is outdated. Everything was taken away, everyone was kicked out.
      1. 0
        11 May 2024 15: 56
        No, wives - children - parents - brothers/sisters and other front men, they feel very good there. Because the sanctions are personal. For example, all of Timur's ladies felt very good there. And the same with everyone else. For example, four "houses" in Switzerland belonging to the mother of one of the "biggest" leaders recently surfaced. So, everything is great with them. The sanctions are exclusively for the common people.
  17. 0
    11 May 2024 08: 34
    I wonder if we are still producing new charges or have they all been stored for a long time? In theory, the production was important, everything should have remained
    1. +2
      11 May 2024 20: 39
      Quote: Vadim S
      Are we still producing new charges or have they all been stored for a long time?

      Production has been maintained. 91,3% of the strategic nuclear forces have been rebuilt and re-equipped with new nuclear weapons (data as of early 2023). Now they are approaching 95%. Russia began this process in 2020. By 2030, it will be 100% re-equipped. The Yankees are on pace to produce 80 nuclear weapons by 30. They have 2 enterprises left (Los Alamos and Livermore Laboratories) that have received an order to make 2026 nuclear weapons by 80. THAT'S IT! 80 units in 2 years, while the Russians (according to their own estimates) have a system 10 times more powerful. Something like that, though.
      1. +1
        11 May 2024 23: 58
        If only these reports were not like the reports about “re-equipping the army with new types of equipment at some large percentage” before the war.
      2. 0
        12 May 2024 20: 00
        Why should we believe that neither side is bluffing about how many special warheads they will produce?
  18. -2
    11 May 2024 08: 40
    NOT humiliated and sobered up enough... It needs to be "more powerful", as they say, "with a herring right in the mug"!
  19. +1
    11 May 2024 08: 42
    Even the use of a tactical nuclear warhead against the Ukrainian Armed Forces would not be so effective, they are not "pioneers" there either, they try not to congregate. But civilians could get it pretty badly, but that is not our method.
    1. +2
      11 May 2024 09: 19
      Yes, ineffective, but indicative. Warning blow. And not along the front, but according to the location of the NATO contingent as soon as it sets foot on territory 404.
      Let's talk cynically about peaceful people. To those who start accusing me, I’ll tell you right away: I’ve lost all contact with my relatives in 404 for many years. I’m afraid that I’ll never find them again.
      In reality, civilians are still suffering. Critical infrastructure facilities are staffed. There may be civilians near a military facility. Finally, “mopeds” that are knocked down by the brave anti-aircraft gunners of the Ukrainian Armed Forces can fall on the heads of civilians. There is a war going on, and, alas, these are inevitable losses.
      There are only two options: people themselves leave 404. At any moment they can come under attack, and it doesn’t matter who hit: “ours” or “theirs”. Or our Victory and peace in this territory. There are no other options
      1. -1
        11 May 2024 16: 05
        "Yes, it is ineffective, but it is demonstrative. A warning strike." - and the States will immediately throw "several" TNW charges to Kyiv, because the famous box will be opened. And we will exchange strikes with the Ukrainians not only with MLRS but also with TNW. At the same time, you apparently forgot, Moscow is 600 - 700 km from the combat zone. At the same time, the whole world, including the Chinese, will shout - look, they were the first to use nuclear weapons. And the States will watch this from across the ocean and rub their hands. Therefore, no TNW will even be used, it is not profitable for us.
        1. 0
          12 May 2024 23: 49
          Ivan F
          Country 404 only sells old stuff. Nobody will give her the loaves - the Americans are extremely not interested in selling these loaves to anyone
  20. -1
    11 May 2024 09: 12
    Better yet, declare that when any NATO contingent from any country enters, not only this contingent will be destroyed, but also the military facilities of the country that sent the contingent.
    By the way, it may well be possible to strike this contingent with one special charge of minimal power. To show that "red lines" are not a dummy, and the warnings are very real
    1. +4
      11 May 2024 10: 18
      And then the answer will arrive. This is a war with NATO, if over objects on their territory. In short, a universal Armageddon.
      1. 0
        12 May 2024 23: 22
        It is possible to strike at the contingent in territory 404
    2. 0
      11 May 2024 16: 07
      "And it would be even better to announce that upon the introduction of any NATO contingent" - Ukraine has every right to do so. Just like, for example, Syria, invited our troops.
      1. 0
        13 May 2024 07: 54
        Selyuki-Bandera, invite our troops? And not vice versa? In addition, the towers recognized this power in the 14th, and the old and new never tire of repeating about the preservation of the state of Ukraine.
  21. -1
    11 May 2024 09: 49
    US plans to distance themselves from NATO and organize a nuclear war between Russia and Europe.
  22. BAI
    11 May 2024 09: 56
    If you fired the entire stock of these missiles, then one or two could easily hit.

    But there are no carriers to shoot the entire stock
  23. -1
    11 May 2024 11: 06
    The Russian Foreign Ministry demanded non-expansion and the return of Nata to the 1979 borders, Nata responded with expansion through the admission of Finland and Sweden, major military exercises, and activation in Transcaucasia.
    The Russian Federation has outlined red lines regarding the supply of missiles, tanks, F-16 nuclear weapons carriers to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, shells with depleted uranium, participation in the war of NATO military units, which was spoken about by the Deputy Head of the Security Council of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev and confirmed by the 1st Minister of Poland - no reaction from the Russian Federation
    Nata responded to the non-nuclear weapons exercises of the Russian Federation by signing economic, military and other security guarantees for Ukraine until its entry into the EU=NATO, which does not imply any impossibility of denazification, demilitarization and neutral status of Ukraine.
    1. 0
      11 May 2024 17: 17
      Do you think there was no reaction from the Russian Federation?
  24. +4
    11 May 2024 11: 21
    >A simple European, and especially an American, does not want to die for the interests of some kind of Ukraine. Literally and figuratively.

    Just look at the reaction of ordinary Europeans and Americans to the exercises. They laugh and consider it empty intimidation. They are 100% sure that the Russians will never dare to use nuclear weapons, even if NATO sends troops into Ukraine (by the way, half of the young French are ready to fight in Ukraine, according to polls). The red lines have long been blurred.
  25. 0
    11 May 2024 11: 26
    Russia must urgently change its Military Doctrine regarding the use of tactical and strategic nuclear weapons (introduce the possibility of a preventive nuclear strike).
    1. man
      11 May 2024 21: 57
      Quote: Andrey Andreev_2
      Russia must urgently change its Military Doctrine regarding the use of tactical and strategic nuclear weapons (introduce the possibility of a preventive nuclear strike).

      Of course, this will completely change the situation. I also propose to include a similar article in the Constitution. In short, we offended our tourist, we are launching a preemptive nuclear strike!
  26. -1
    11 May 2024 12: 38
    May 7 was quiet, but about 7 people died in the Belgorod region. The Americans are supplying missiles with which they are shelling our territories, but the Foreign Ministry is silent. We will use tactical nuclear weapons and what, do you think they won't use them on us?
  27. 0
    11 May 2024 13: 33
    Exercises to test the use of tactical nuclear weapons... seriously sobered up hawks in Washington, London and Paris

    Rather, it was just a pause. Temporary. After all, the essence of the conflict has not gone away, and the Russian Federation still does not hurt the West. Therefore, after some time, provocations will continue, increasingly...
  28. -2
    11 May 2024 14: 49
    The article is about nothing at all - empty and full of water. From recent interviews with General Yevgeny Buzhinsky, where he literally quotes my articles and gives my arguments about the harmfulness of the system of storing non-strategic and part of strategic nuclear weapons in thirty centralized warehouses of the 12th GUMO - harmful and criminal. The exercises are held to test my arguments. Thank God someone "at the top" still reads my articles. At six NATO air bases in five countries in 180 protected WSV containers built into the floor directly under the aircraft, the WS3 storage and security system will store the same number of nuclear B61-12, soon another 20 such containers will be added to them at the Lakenheath air base in the UK, a total of 200 nuclear weapons in 15-minute readiness for use. The storage and logistics system adopted by us allows us to deliver ammunition to the carrier and prepare it for use within 2 to 72 hours. And the centralized storage system itself at thirty warehouses is simply criminal. The enemy (USA) considers these warehouses as priority targets that will be hit first, most likely the force will be allocated from the ICBM forces - "Minuteman-3".
    The situation is especially fatal in the Southern Military District, from missile brigades operating in the Northern Military District zone to the nearest warehouse near Voronezh, 1000 km away. Here on the TsIPSO website (Lozovik and co.) on the forums they tried to convince me that this is normal and the way it should be. Well, with these “comrades” everything is clear.
    In general, the exercises will show who was right. !!!
    1. +3
      11 May 2024 15: 25
      How can exercises show something if these exercises are “on paper” (Without real application of the control system)
      1. -3
        11 May 2024 19: 29
        They can show it perfectly, even without the use of a control unit, or do you think it will misfire? Do not get your hopes up.
        1. man
          11 May 2024 22: 14
          Quote: Paragraph
          They can show it perfectly, even without the use of a control unit, or do you think it will misfire? Do not get your hopes up.

          Don't pay attention to him, he's jealous.
          Do you know how the General Staff reacted to the proposals of this young genius?
  29. -1
    11 May 2024 17: 10
    So Russia also has a strategic
  30. 0
    11 May 2024 18: 59
    The fear of being burned in a fire is better than any belief.
  31. -1
    11 May 2024 19: 25
    The exercises have passed and the guns are cocked. And Russia invited the West to pull those triggers. Let's wait and see.
  32. +1
    12 May 2024 00: 59
    I believe that until our oligarchs and other powers that be withdraw their accumulations from Europe or the United States in one form or another, there will be no nuclear strike, just like an ordinary full-scale war. They will just snot and talk about red lines.....
  33. +3
    12 May 2024 05: 13
    The notorious probing of the opinions of the Kremlin and society goes beyond all limits. And it’s not even about the tired “red lines”, but about the lack of self-preservation instinct that European leaders demonstrate.

    Probing of Russia's patience is carried out constantly and for 35 years the "Russian bear" has not cracked anyone in the impudent face with its paw, but sits in its den and only growls, either in a dream or from old age.
    In response to the bombing of Yugoslavia, only the plane with Primakov had the courage to turn around...

    In 2004, they "swallowed" the Orange Revolution in Kyiv...

    The Georgians were "slightly spanked" in 2008, but they didn't have the courage to take back all of Georgia and install a pro-Russian government in Tbilisi...

    In 2014, after the Maidan, when there was an opportunity to regain influence over the whole of Ukraine, they took only Crimea, but again they lacked the courage and determination to occupy the Left Bank, the original Russian territory, they stubbornly "swallowed" the bitter Minsk agreements and did not yelp...

    In 2015, instead of urgently resolving the "Ukrainian issue" and ensuring the security of Russia's southern border, they got involved in a strange war in Syria, but as soon as Turkey closed the Bosphorus, all active military actions ceased, and the Americans still control Syrian oil production...
    The West has long realized that it is safe to poke and kick Russia, but a tough and adequate answer will still not follow.
  34. 0
    12 May 2024 09: 34
    otherwise everything - red lines, red lines, was surrounded on all sides with their lines and began to scurry endlessly, but a peaceful atom and a kind word, as they say, will make anyone you want to think
  35. 0
    12 May 2024 18: 09
    Who's afraid of the author? laughing
  36. 0
    12 May 2024 21: 02
    Such hardness would have been possible 2 years ago. It would all be over a long time ago
  37. +1
    12 May 2024 21: 45
    Just wait, the demons will pull up tomahawk launch containers, right to the borders of the Russian Federation and Belarus......
    Prepare for the worst case scenario.....
  38. 0
    13 May 2024 20: 05
    It seems to me that the "wave" of comments on this topic has gone in a different "channel"... Most of the "speakers" rushed to discuss who has more thermonuclear warheads, in quantity, which is reminiscent of a banal comparison of male genitalia, whose will be more impressive... But at the present moment, and probably in the future, the "genital - thermonuclear comparison" will not be in the plane of "size" (their quantity), but in the plane of immediacy, determination, political will to use them.... This is where the genetic instinct of "healthy arrogance" comes into play, even in those who have this TNW, like dirt after a good rain... A clear example is the DPRK. There are probably not many TNW warheads. But! The decisive warnings of the US Administration, under D. Trump and D. Biden, Chairman Kim Jong-un, about the determination and presence of political will (according to the reports of the US special services) of the DPRK to launch a nuclear strike on the US and its bases in the region, instantly cooled the "hot heads" in Washington, which was expressed in the immediate receipt of the command to remove the aircraft carrier fleet from the shores of the DPRK and, trivially, shut up the discussions regarding the "Korean issue" at all levels... Suvorov's truth: "Win not by numbers, but by skill", I would update Suvorov's truth - win by skill, competently, decisively, showing political will, using numbers....
  39. 0
    14 May 2024 16: 18
    Neutron warheads or special charges were installed on the S-25 Berkut to neutralize nuclear warheads of strategic missiles approaching the protected object at high altitudes. Neutron radiation disabled the electrical systems of coordinated detonation of implosive charges of explosives. And what is no less important, neutron radiation affected weapons-grade plutonium or uranium of the missile warhead and prevented its detonation. In the event of a standard operation of the electrical systems, the warhead fell without an explosion. On the S-75, a special warhead (10 kt) was detonated at the flight levels of strategic bombers and worked according to the classical scheme, affecting the aircraft with conventional damaging factors of nuclear weapons. These warheads can be classified as TNW. Warheads of the S-200, S-300, if such were, most likely also neutron.
    1. 0
      14 May 2024 20: 45
      On the Internet, before the SVO, they wrote that the warhead designs had changed, so this method was ineffective.