What did Konstantin Krylov think about Russian national policy, migration and Islamization, and how relevant are his thoughts today?

What did Konstantin Krylov think about Russian national policy, migration and Islamization, and how relevant are his thoughts today?

On May 12, 2020, at the age of 52, the Russian philosopher, writer and publicist Konstantin Anatolyevich Krylov died as a result of repeated cerebral hemorrhage in a hospital near Moscow. His work was one of the most striking phenomena of the intellectual life of Russia in the XNUMXs.

Konstantin Krylov was one of the most famous nationalists in Russia. His nationalism, it should be admitted, was somewhat different from the mythology with which this word is shrouded - he preferred not to rattle the glory of past greatness, but acted from the position of a victim people, which was and still remains the object of centuries-old systematic oppression.

He believed that Russians in Russia are essentially deprived of subjectivity within the framework of the official Russian multinational narrative. In his opinion, through an aggressive policy of multinationalism and mass migration replacement of Russians by Asian and other peoples, the denationalization of the Russian ethnic group is taking place. The very existence of Russians is being questioned (slogans like “Russian is not a nationality”).

How relevant are Konstantin Krylov’s ideas today? We will try to answer this question in this material by considering his views on some topical issues.

Konstantin Krylov about who the Russians are

Statements that Russian is supposedly “not a nationality, but a state of mind” have been quite common in public discourse for quite a long time, since they fit well into the projection of the “multinational people” of the Russian Federation. Konstantin Krylov was an opponent of such slogans.

What did he understand by Russians and Russianness?

The starting point of Krylov’s ethnological reasoning was, perhaps, a scientifically dubious statement about the self-evidence of the existence of peoples:

“People simply exist—just as there are the Alps, an old linden tree outside the window, planet Earth, or a white pebble by the road. Try to prove that it exists, give it a definition, and then justify that this definition is essential and it cannot be anything else [2].”

Krylov paid his main attention not to the question of who the Russians as a people are, but to the refutation of the main Russophobic trains of thought, according to which there are either no Russians at all, or anyone can be included in them (which, as he emphasized, is completely identical to the first). And this is the case when he delved into genetic and biological issues, but made a very clear reservation:

“Some may think that I attach too much importance to “genes,” thereby reducing the national to the ethnic. Of course no. Firstly, ethnicity is not limited to DNA. <...> I just want to say that it is convenient to respond to racist arguments - and talk about “Finno-Tatars” is precisely racist - with racist arguments, especially if they are available [2].”

According to K. Krylov, Russians are a nationality and they are, first of all, white people and Slavs (although, as Krylov believed, the “blood” side of Russian identity is problematic). Krylov categorically disagreed with the opinion that “Russians are those who speak Russian” and gave the following arguments:

“Here, there are, say, Abram and Rustam. Abram speaks excellent Russian, he has a larger vocabulary than any Russian. And Rustam speaks poorly, but the way he draws is like Aivazovsky, some kind of Repin, and the way he embroiders with satin stitch will catch the nose of any Russian craftswoman. This means that they are Russian, and even better Russian than some “Russians themselves”... However, “Russian Rustam” always remains a Caucasian and turns on this option when he wants. But the last thing is taken away from the Russian - after all, Rustam turned out to be “the best Russian [1].”

Indeed, recently State Duma deputy Sultan Khamzaev proposed recognizing the Russian people as “all national groups living in Russia" At the same time, he himself emphasized that he “Russian Avar" They say that in Dagestan he is an Avar, in Moscow he is a Dagestani, and abroad he is Russian. That is, he still has a certain national identity and emphasizes it. At the same time, it turns out that he denies such rights to Russians in traditionally Russian territories, for example in the Smolensk region. Russians, in his understanding, do not exist, there are only “multinational people.”

That is, there is clear confusion here between the concept of a political nation, the presence of citizenship of the country (Russians, citizens of the Russian Federation) and nationality. What consequences does this lead to? K. Krylov wrote about this:

“If you play the “definitions” game, then you can choose a definition that will allow anyone to be considered “Russian,” including an elderly black man who has somehow learned the word “hello”... A community where you can arbitrarily enroll anyone is not a community at all , since its composition can be changed to any other at any time [1].”

Mere “involvement in Russian culture,” in itself, according to Krylov, also cannot be a sign of Russianness.

“Let’s start from the beginning – that is, with the topic of “involvement in Russian culture.” What it is? Maybe this is knowledge of Russian culture - that is, knowledge of the Russian language, awareness of Russian events stories, good understanding of realities, etc.? In this case, the best Russian will be some CIA analyst from the “Russian department”, who laid down his life for the destruction of Russia and the destruction of the Russian people [1].”

Thus, Krylov considered Russians to be a nationality that has certain characteristics, and it is difficult to disagree with this. A Russian, first of all, must not only speak Russian, know Russian culture, etc., but also identify himself only as Russian. Since there are no “Russian Tuvans,” there is a Russian Tuvan, a citizen of the Russian Federation, but he cannot be Russian, since he identifies himself primarily as a Tuvan.

Krylov on migration and Islamization

The denial of the existence of Russians as a nationality and the fight against Russian nationalism is accompanied by the massive importation of migrants and the creeping Islamization of Russia. This topic was also repeatedly raised by Konstantin Krylov.

He noted that the fight against any manifestation of Russian national consciousness, as Krylov noted, “partly copied from the post-war ideology of Germany, based on the recognition of “German guilt”“, only the Germans could be accused of specific actions, and the Russians, at best, of “criminal intentions.” For this reason, those who oppose migration are often accused of “xenophobia”, “fascism”, etc.

Krylov refuted the myth that the Russian economy would collapse without migrants, noting that a huge number of Russian citizens would like to take the jobs now filled by migrants.

“Residents of depressed Russian regions, where the standard of living is terribly low, would willingly work in Moscow in the same places where guest workers from the South work. However, the existing registration system, coupled with employer preferences, prevents this. At the same time, the use of unused labor resources would solve many difficult problems, including regional ones” [3],

- noted Krylov in an interview back in 2008.

He emphasized that one of the most developed countries, Japan, does not accept migrants at all: Japanese legislation makes their work economically unprofitable for the employer. However, the birth rate in Japan is very low. But this does not prevent Japan from remaining the third largest economy in the world and one of the most politically stable states.

Krylov noted that the crime rate among migrants is always very high, and explained this as follows:

“Migrants make no effort to accept Russian culture and living standards. They don’t need it, and they don’t want it... Migrants do not feel part of the society in which they live. They do not feel responsible for the country they came to to work; they do not care about its future. They are indifferent to the well-being of its inhabitants - after all, it is not their well-being. They came here for money - and criminal businesses are very profitable. Migrants have more opportunities to escape punishment, hide, and go to their homeland than local residents - so they are less afraid of committing crimes. Thus, they have much less incentive to be law-abiding – and much more reason to do something illegal [3].”

In addition, existing world experience shows that the descendants of migrants, even having mastered the language and culture of the society that has adopted them, do not become part of it. This makes them constant sources of tension in society, an eternal problem, an unhealing ulcer.

“Russia is a multinational country even without migrants. Our land is inhabited by small indigenous peoples who do not have their own statehood. They, like us, have no other homeland except Russia. They need both protection of their cultural identity and integration into Russian society,”

- said Krylov.

In parallel with mass migration to Russia, mainly from the countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus, the Islamization of the country is taking place, which Konstantin Krylov also drew attention to. He noted that the authorities, it seems, not only do not interfere with this, but are even interested in it.

“Now Islam is being propagated in several directions. The first and main thing is demonstrative over-patronage of Islam and Islamists, frantic advertising “how good it is to be a Muslim,” etc. However, contact with real bearers of the Islamic worldview causes rejection, therefore the number of Russians who converted to Islam “directly” is small, and mostly these are women who have fallen into one way or another of dependence on a Muslim man. The second is the creation of “Islamic Russian culture,” that is, Islam that does not cause immediate rejection among Russians at the cultural level,”

- wrote Krylov.


In addition to the above issues, Konstantin Krylov also raised others, no less relevant - for example, the problem of demography and abortion.

“The Russian Federation ranks first in the world in the number of abortions, as well as infant mortality, abandoned children and much more. This is not a championship worth being proud of. From a historical perspective, Russia (more precisely, the former Russia, that is, the USSR) was the first state in the world to legalize abortion. This happened in 1920. Moreover, abortion could actually be done “simply at the request of the woman.” Then the right began to be limited and from 1936 to 1955 abortions began to be performed only for medical reasons. Then they allowed it again. Now abortions are included in the compulsory medical insurance package – that is, they are done free of charge and at will” [4],

— he wrote in 2013.

He also proposed measures to reduce the number of abortions

“Abortion should become less accessible, not so much that it’s “not possible at all” or “only by decree of the Federation Council,” but rather “somewhat less”... And it doesn’t have to be done through money, say, for married women, confirmation of consent to an abortion from the husband it would not hurt."

Of course, there was something in Krylov’s work and publications that could cause rejection (for example, an extremely gloomy view of Russian history, which one cannot agree with), however, to summarize, it should be noted that many of the questions that Konstantin Krylov raised were certainly are still relevant today.

Использованная литература:
[1]. Krylov K.A. Who are the Russians? // Issues of nationalism. 2013. No. 4 (16). P. 21.
[2]. Oleg Nemensky. The Russian people and the Russian state in the political thought of Konstantin Krylov” // Questions of nationalism. — January 2021. — No. 1 (31).
[3]. Krylov K. Migration: simple answers to difficult questions // Russian Observer. 2008.
[4]. Quote from: Krylov K. A. To be Russian. – M., Book World, 2023.
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  1. +18
    12 May 2024 05: 21
    — “Russians! I am now addressing all Russians, the residents of Ukraine and Belarus in the Balkans are also considered Russians.
    Look at us and remember - they will do the same to you when you become disconnected and give in.
    West - a chained mad dog will grab you by the throat...
    (Slobodan Milosevic)
    1. +30
      12 May 2024 06: 27
      A beautiful quote, but the West is in the Kremlin.
      1. +22
        12 May 2024 07: 59
        I am Russian. This is my nationality. I'm proud of it!

        And I don’t like the government’s support for migrants and people of other faiths.
      2. +12
        12 May 2024 08: 04
        That’s right. We shouldn’t look for enemies in the West, they are behind us, unfortunately..
      3. -14
        12 May 2024 08: 42
        Our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory is ours!

        Quote: Gardamir
        A beautiful quote, but the West is in the Kremlin.

        In this case, I would like to know your opinion: what is the goal of the “Kremlin” conducting the SVO and what is the goal of the West taking an active part in this?
        Are their goals really the same? What exactly?
        I recall:
        - The goal of the West is to destroy Russia.
        - the goal of the “Kremlin” is set out in a message to the West on December 15.12.2021, XNUMX.
        In response to this message, the Finns and Swedes were accepted into NATO...

        Quote: Ilya-spb
        I am Russian. This is my nationality. I'm proud of it!

        I am also Russian and I am proud of it. Please give a definition: who are the Russians?
        1. +9
          12 May 2024 14: 35
          I am also Russian, a Great Russian. Why don't you ask a Hungarian, a Han, a Bengali, a German such a question? I am Russian because I belong to this ethnic group, recognized by everyone in the world, including ethnologists. Why don't you demand proof of belonging to these peoples from an Avar, a German, a Romanian? Why should I, a Russian, prove my ethnicity to someone and give a definition of the concept "Russian"?
        2. +3
          12 May 2024 19: 07
          Please give a definition: who are the Russians?

          I like the definition given by Rasul Gamzatov.

          Rasul Gamzatov said about himself: “In Dagestan I am an Avar, in Russia I am a Dagestan, and abroad I am Russian.”

          I am Chuvash.
          1. +1
            15 May 2024 13: 52
            AA17. (Alexander Anatolyevich). 12 May 2024 19:07. New. yours - "...
            I like the definition given by Rasul Gamzatov.

            Rasul Gamzatov said about himself: “In Dagestan I am an Avar, in Russia I am a Dagestan, and abroad I am Russian.” good
            I am Chuvash. good

            You are right. Russia is OUR home of all the indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation. And we DON'T NEED a mattress boiler. Every indigenous person has their own parents. ancestors and their children and grandchildren have something to be proud of. which Russia should inherit. And whoever is squandering THIS HERITAGE by selling citizenship to migrants and planting a landmine under our common security - these are FOREIGNERS (from the natives - degenerates and Judases) and enemies. bully am It makes no difference which natives are white or red. pessimists or optimists. The indigenous people will not squander their own and the inheritance of their children and grandchildren like that. : No.
            Therefore liberals - often thick, bushy guys They talk about the terrible nationalism of the natives, but they encourage imported ethno-Nazism and imported ethno-terror in the world and inside the Russian Federation. am bully . At the same time, nationality was removed from passports in the Russian Federation. so that in a couple of generations one could say - YOU WASN’T HERE, HOW TO PROVE IT!!! bully and well-trained visiting multinationals with higher education about “xenophobia and Nazism. laziness and drunkenness. stupidity” of the indigenous. TSo it’s easier to import and cover up terrorism and criminalization of guests...
        3. 0
          13 May 2024 03: 39
          I am also Russian and I am proud of it. Please give a definition: who are the Russians?

          I’m afraid that only all Russians should fall under Krylov’s definition, no matter what views they adhere to. And there is no particular difference between him and Ilyin. They just lived at different times.
          But what about those Russians who were ready to serve the Entente, Hitler, who destroyed the country to please the West, and others who now continue to serve him?
          1. 0
            14 May 2024 16: 04
            But what about those Russians who were ready to serve the Entente, Hitler, who destroyed the country to please the West, and others who now continue to serve him?

            And write them down as Germans, Chinese, etc. - there are many peoples and nationalities... - there is a wide choice. But, however, seriously, the picture must be complete... otherwise you will live in the kingdom of distorting mirrors...
      4. +4
        12 May 2024 15: 18
        The current imposed concept of “Russian” (in the distorted form described above) is very close to the concept of “American”... Calques from the West can be clearly seen.
        But there, ALL of them, several generations apart, were emigrants who left their native lands, grabbed a piece of someone else’s land - and in this they were equal!
        And as soon as life becomes tasteless and unprofitable, unrest and contradictions begin in America.

        With us, everything is different, the Russian people are the core of our Russian Civilization, therefore, in difficult times, unity and mutual assistance are manifested. And letting us turn into an amorphous mass is simply a crime, one and all individually. We have already experienced the collapse of the Union, when everyone later said: “What am I? I just lived... Where was the KGB, etc.”

        The question is raised correctly. Our future is in our hands, “ours” will not come. OURS ARE US!
  2. +3
    12 May 2024 05: 25
    - “My father was a purebred Finn, my mother was a Moldavian, I myself was born in Tiflis, in its Armenian part, but was baptized into Orthodoxy... Therefore, I am a natural hare!” ...
    Naval Minister of the Russian Empire (1860–1874) Nikolai Krabbe
    1. +4
      12 May 2024 08: 39
      Quote: Vladimir Vladimirovich Vorontsov
      - “My father was a purebred Finn, my mother was a Moldavian, I myself was born in Tiflis, in its Armenian part, but was baptized into Orthodoxy... Therefore, I am a natural hare!” ...
      Naval Minister of the Russian Empire (1860–1874) Nikolai Krabbe

      ... Exceptions are not confirmed by the rules ... A certain gentleman was lying in the Moscow Psychiatric Hospital, whose mother was a turf and father Niga. He considered himself a Frenchman. Napoleon, oh
    2. +4
      12 May 2024 14: 36
      These are just beautiful words. He was not a natural Russian, of course, but a Russified foreigner.
      1. +1
        12 May 2024 18: 49
        Not so simple. If he is taken for a Russian by his appearance, and he does not associate himself with or maintain ties to Finns and Moldovans, then he can very well be considered Russian. Especially if his last name is corrected and made Krabbov or Krabbin. Although in the Soviet system he would have to choose the nationality of one of his parents for his passport.
  3. +5
    12 May 2024 05: 56
    There was a time when Pavlovsky and Co., then Surkov, tried to create “managed right-wing discourse.” Like left-wing fans of Marx are controlled to the left, Ilyin and Solzhenitsyn are controlled to the right. Neither one nor the other, whether controllable or not, have become communities producing real meanings. Right-wing nationalists and various monarchists have never been able to explain what they want to build. “We are Russians - God is with us,” this is the maximum and only in the best case. As a result, the crunch of the French bread was still heard throughout the entire right-wing discourse. The left did not go much further; some “Marxists” went straight to France to chew a loaf of bread.
    1. +4
      12 May 2024 09: 06
      As a result, the crunch of the French bread was still heard throughout the entire right-wing discourse. The left did not go much further; some “Marxists” went straight to France to chew a loaf of bread.

      Maybe because neither one nor the other were...? And now you can’t look at their representatives without tears and laughter at the same time. "Ward number 6", but under strict control and with very specific goals...
      1. 0
        12 May 2024 14: 09
        In general, I believe that the story of the creation of the Ilyin School is a bait to pierce the left with a “loyalty test.” If the monarchists and their associates would like to create a conservative right-wing school, they would not create the Ilyin school, but the Katkov school.
        1. -2
          12 May 2024 16: 07
          test the left with a "loyalty test"

          This is the extent to which one must despise the left in order to throw in such a character as a “test”...
          1. 0
            12 May 2024 17: 01
            Well, this is cynicism, of course. Leftists took this bait in vain. But they took the bait. This means that political cynicism works. It’s like there - ethics is a thing needed for purely management. If they talk to you about ethics in politics, run away, they really want something from you))
            1. -2
              12 May 2024 17: 56
              But they took the bait

              I really don’t want to think so, but the first thing that comes to mind is that such leftists are such a bait...
              1. +2
                12 May 2024 17: 59
                The disciplinarian Marxism of the brain is no better than other forms of “isms” of the brain. In the place of left-wing students, before studying the creations in political philosophy from the same Gramsci, it is advisable to study the entire complex in the subject “history of economic doctrines”, tracing the entire chain.
  4. -4
    12 May 2024 06: 07
    I haven’t read Krylov’s articles, I even knew about him in passing. But I already wrote about the fact that the concept of RUSSIAN is something that is in the soul. Can the characters who fled the country be considered “Russian”? Not even in quotation marks. But for example, the Buryats on the “tigers”, firing at the guns with a machine gun, are those same RUSSIANS
    1. +12
      12 May 2024 06: 33
      each generation has its own. Some of the whole country rushed from the USSR, others were brainwashed. that the Motherland is not important, now these same washers need “patriots” to go to the front.
      And you can consider the Buryats to be anyone, but they will speak Buryat and celebrate Sagaalgan.
      1. +2
        12 May 2024 07: 47
        Well, let them talk among themselves. But they are assimilated, they accept the “rules of the game.” They understand what and how. These are not Tajiks and Azerbaijanis
      2. -2
        12 May 2024 15: 13
        Nationalism is always a tool for dividing the people. Although it is always presented with the declared goal of “uniting the nation.” Therefore, anyone who talks about the nation is always an enemy of the people! Yes
        1. +4
          12 May 2024 15: 29
          Quote: BMP-2
          Therefore, anyone who talks about the nation is always an enemy of the people!

          And we even know which people. laughing
          1. -1
            12 May 2024 15: 48
            He who knows does not speak. Speaker - doesn't know (c) laughing
            1. +2
              12 May 2024 15: 51
              Quote: BMP-2
              He who knows does not speak. Speaker - doesn't know (c)

              Therefore - shh! Whoever needs it will understand. Those who don't understand don't need to. wink
              1. -3
                12 May 2024 16: 25
                Yes, we Tatars don’t care! laughing
                1. +1
                  12 May 2024 16: 37
                  Quote: BMP-2
                  Yes, we Tatars don’t care!

                  But for us, the boyars, no. hi
        2. +1
          14 May 2024 05: 00
          Quote: BMP-2
          Nationalism is always a tool for dividing the people.

          The tool for dividing people is language. That is why the Tower of Babel collapsed... This was one of the reasons for the collapse of the USSR...
          1. -1
            14 May 2024 11: 00
            There are a great many tools that can be used to create disunity. Of course, language, religion, political views, and even gender can be used for this. It’s just that nationalism is the most vile of them. The only thing worse is Nazism, into which nationalism easily degenerates. And language is primarily a means of communication. I hope you are not calling for abandoning the use of language just because it can be used to divide people? hi
            1. 0
              14 May 2024 11: 43
              Ps: surprisingly, in Switzerland, where there are four official languages, for some reason there is no disunity among the people, and nothing is collapsing...
        3. 0
          14 May 2024 16: 42
          Therefore, anyone who talks about the nation is always an enemy of the people!

          And the one who speaks about the people is also always an enemy of the people?
          Nation - from lat. natio “tribe, people”, YOU GET A TRANSLATION:
          Therefore, talking about PEOPLE - this is always the enemy of the people!
          - very cleverly, it should be noted, it turned out... In Russia there are no Latin/ancient roots, so there is often confusion and confusion with the attribution of sinister meanings to borrowed Latinisms, which in fact do not exist... for example, nationalism translated as populism... but, for example, according to some definitions,
          in the conditions of Russia the nation will be only Russians, as in Switzerland - the Swiss: German-speaking, Italian-speaking, etc.
          1. 0
            14 May 2024 17: 24
            Thank you for your sarcastic assessment! Yes
            In fact, the West often has difficulties translating from Russian, which is accompanied by attributing evil intentions and characteristics to Russians that do not actually exist. And this really leads to confusion, when they do not see the obvious. In this situation, there are only two possible ways out: 1) try not to attribute your own meaning, but to understand the essence of the speaker's speech. Can you give at least one historical example where nationalism would act as a positive phenomenon? Can you give an example of at least one more country where the term "populism" would mean "the rapprochement of the intelligentsia with ordinary workers" and "movement towards socialism"? Then on what basis do you conclude that the meanings of the words "nationalism" and "populism" coincide? 2) if you want to understand Russians correctly, learn Russian! hi
            1. -1
              14 May 2024 17: 30
              Then on what basis do you conclude that the meanings of the words “nationalism” and “populism” coincide?; 2) if you want to understand Russians correctly, learn Russian

              based on translation from Latin into Russian... in Latin
              the original, unfortunately, does not have the meanings that you attribute to it, and do not confuse Nazism with nationalism...
              1. 0
                14 May 2024 17: 34
                That is, if there is something missing in Latin, then the Russians are immediately to blame? Why from Latin? Translate from the language of the Mayan Indians - there will definitely be ancient roots there. It’s you who are ascribing, but I’m just using the interpretations of concepts that are well-established in the Russian language. And yes, from nationalism to Nazism is one step.
                1. -1
                  14 May 2024 17: 50
                  so you’re translating from Maya... actually, you used the Latin term natio... and not the May term, you have pearl after pearl ..

                  but, you see, Russian Latin is an old Tatar language, it performed in the Horde, and later in the Kingdom, functions similar to Latin in Europe, excluding the function of the language of science... Russian interpretations are, of course, a distortion
                  1. 0
                    14 May 2024 17: 52
                    I see that your desire to put an owl on a globe is ineradicable! laughing Well, as you know. The giraffe is big. hi
                    1. 0
                      14 May 2024 18: 08
                      you don’t see or know anything EXCEPT GIRAFES, but enlighten yourself:

                      Rafael Khakimov: “In the Golden Horde and Rus', the Tatar language served as an international language” https://news.rambler.ru/science/45330238/?utm_content=news_media&utm_medium=read_more&utm_source=copylink
                      1. 0
                        14 May 2024 19: 44
                        Is that what they told you on the news? laughing My dear, it seems to me that you do not see the difference between scientific hypotheses and scientific knowledge. But don’t be upset, for “in much wisdom there is much sorrow” (c)!
                      2. 0
                        14 May 2024 20: 20
                        You are getting into an area in which, excuse me, you don't understand - Nikitin's Voyage Beyond the Three Seas is full of Tatar vocabulary and correctly constructed sentences, there are Kasimov Chronicles in Tatar, and what international language do you think could have been in the Horde, if not Tatar? I suspect, write and make me laugh, that it was Russian or Latin, right? Still, express your opinion, if, as you think, you understand scientific knowledge and scientific hypotheses

                        “The Tatar language was for some time the language of diplomatic relations between Russia and Persia,” wrote V.V. Bartold.
                        You have no idea who Barthold is
                      3. 0
                        14 May 2024 21: 59
                        Opinion about what? About your stream of consciousness? Why, what will this change? You don’t want to focus on the essence of nationalism, but are increasingly pulling irrelevant links and quotes by the ears. So, sorry, I'll abstain. laughing
                      4. 0
                        14 May 2024 22: 05
                        So it hasn't occurred to you that nationalism is a derivative word from the Latin natio "people" - this is the essence, language and culture that are enriched by borrowings and cannot influence the source language with their exotic inventions... for you this is great news and a discovery, of course...
                      5. 0
                        14 May 2024 22: 08
                        Replaced links and quotes with platitudes? Well, that's a weak move. So - you can't win! laughing Although yes, neither victory nor truth are important to you. The only thing that matters is your own Ego. Well, then talk to yourself! wassat
                      6. 0
                        14 May 2024 22: 18
                        and ignorance is invincible - I know this, and I do not strive for it, Russian linguists believe that the word "nationalism" in the Russian language acquired a negative connotation during the Soviet period.. what does it have to do with the Latin language, like, Latin word creation during the Soviet period is a very exotic new formation in the modern history of the country, where Latin was almost never used and Latinisms are borrowings from modern European languages, explain?
                        And don’t evade the answer, otherwise it’s really time to finish
    2. +4
      12 May 2024 07: 51
      Quote from: dmi.pris1

      Can the characters who fled the country be considered “Russian”? Not even in quotation marks.
      But for example, the Buryats on the “tigers”, firing at the guns from a machine gun, are those same RUSSIANS

      Then we are all Buryats, those who remained in the country! Why not? What do you have against the Buryats?

      Krylov was debunking such myths and was engaged in refuting the main Russophobic lines of thought, according to which:
      . there are either no Russians at all, or anyone can be included in them (which, as he emphasized, is completely identical to the first)

      . If you play the “definition” game, you can find a definition that will allow you to consider anyone “Russian”, including an elderly black man who has somehow learned the word “hello”... A community where you can arbitrarily write down anyone is not a community at all, because its composition can be changed to any other at any time
      1. 0
        12 May 2024 08: 23
        Well, if you consider yourself a Buryat, then for God's sake. Previously, both enemies and friends of the inhabitants of our country, with the exception of Caucasians and Balts, for some reason considered us Russians. And only now have they begun to differentiate. But the authorities are primarily to blame for this. Divide and rule! And many from below understood this literally. Especially those same Caucasians and Central Asians
        1. man
          12 May 2024 09: 29
          Previously, for some reason, both the enemies and friends of the inhabitants of our country, with the exception of the Caucasians and the Balts, were considered Russian..
          I don’t know who they considered, but they called absolutely all Soviet people Russian, including the Baltic states and Caucasians smile
        2. +1
          12 May 2024 14: 21
          Quote from: dmi.pris1
          Well, if you consider yourself a Buryat, then for God’s sake.

          And then you don’t want to be a Buryat? Strange! Why then do you propose to rewrite the Buryats as Russians? Do the Buryats want this? Why do you decide for them, you don’t seem to be drilling?

          What does it mean, in your opinion, that Buryats can be rewritten as Russians, but there are no more Russians as Buryats? Why such national selectivity? Are you a Nazi? I'm sure not. So you're just a mess in your head. This is despite the fact that on other issues I usually completely share and respect your opinion. hi
          1. -1
            14 May 2024 05: 05
            Quote: Stas157
            And you yourself, it means you don’t want to be a Buryat? Strange!

            Some people claim that man descended from apes. Let the one who descended from a monkey stand up!

    3. +3
      12 May 2024 08: 41
      Are you confusing the terms “Russians” and “Russians”? ...By the way, if the Buryats who fight in the North Military District are the same Russians, and let’s say the Chechens who fight in the North Military District are also Russians, then can we consider that the Buryats are Chechens? Or are you a Nazi and don’t think so?
      1. -1
        12 May 2024 08: 56
        I consider everyone who fights for our Motherland to be Russian. You can call me a Nazi, I don’t care. By the way, have you noticed that in America, which we all dislike, those people who live according to the laws of the country are Latinos, black, and call themselves Americans. And yes, I’ll also note about the “Russians”... From the lips of EBN. This sounds kind of crooked
        1. man
          12 May 2024 09: 37
          By the way, have you noticed that in America, which we all dislike, those people who live according to the laws of the country, Latinos, blacks, call themselves Americans. And yes, I’ll also note about the “Russians”...From the lips of EBN. It’s something like that sound crooked
          If people living in America call themselves Americans, then it is logical that people living in Russia call themselves Russians. I don't understand why you don't like this word? And nothing “straight” sounded from the mouth of the fucker...
          1. 0
            12 May 2024 11: 01
            people living in Rus' call themselves Russians
            And so? By the way, if you forget English pronunciation for a while, then how to read Russia? I think it reads like Rus'.
            1. man
              12 May 2024 11: 08
              Quote: Gardamir
              people living in Rus' call themselves Russians
              And so? By the way, if you forget English pronunciation for a while, then how to read Russia? I think it reads like Rus'.

              Come on, I don’t believe that you really don’t know how to read and pronounce Russia
              1. -2
                12 May 2024 14: 14
                This is if we take English pronunciation. But here’s how the Spaniards pronounce it

                For example, I read Biden's name as Joseph
    4. +3
      12 May 2024 14: 40
      These are Buryats, respected representatives of one of the peoples of Russia. But they are Russians, Buryats, but not Russians. I do not deny that there may be Russians with Buryat roots, but they do not consider themselves Buryats and do not know the Buryat language. It is necessary to distinguish between the Russified representatives of different peoples of the Russian Federation, some of whom can be considered Russian. But those who have preserved their language, culture, and religion are still not Russians, but Russians of different nationalities.
    5. 0
      12 May 2024 15: 12
      They are Russians in the state sense, worthy citizens of Russia, but they are Buryats. What's bad about it? Is being a Buryat bad? There is a problem with this, because after Yeltsin’s drunken face, even Russians themselves don’t want to be called “Russians” (I don’t), as a result, Russian has become both a nationality and citizenship at the same time. We need a worthy replacement for the compromised word - Russian. For now they are trying to make do with the phrase “citizens of Russia,” but this is too long and prim for simple speech.
      1. -1
        12 May 2024 15: 14
        And I meant statehood... hi
  5. 0
    12 May 2024 06: 13
    The question is of course ambiguous, but still the relevance of K. Krylov’s work is very doubtful.
    Of course, thanks to him for fighting for the interests of the Russian people, against Russophobia of all stripes. He was against the replacement of Russians and against Islamization. All this is good. But his creative agenda is worse. Archaic primordialism (the idea of ​​nationality as something originally given and eternal) a la 19th century, refusal to try to formulate the concept of the Russian people, chaotic mixing of different entities and problems - Islamization, migration and Russophobia. Strange "refutations" of ideas about the Russian people as a cultural phenomenon that ended with a definition through self-identification, that is, through culture. The traditional perception of Russianness (usually unconscious) was derived from the concepts of Motherland and Fatherland. The people are a supra-personal and "eternal" community of all those who considered themselves children of the Motherland and the Fatherland.
    The defender of the Russian people, Krylov, doesn’t know this? Let him try to insert “CIA analyst” here.
    Further, the image of the “victim people,” although better than the image of the “oppressor people,” is no less ahistorical.
    In real life, although he hinted that the policy of migration, Islamization, etc. comes from the current authorities, he did not even make any attempts to practically comprehend the issue of fighting them or attempting to transform them.
    And so we can go through each issue - for example, migration. After all, Belarusians are now also migrants, should they not be allowed in too? If he thinks of the borders of historical Russia in its current form, then it turns out - yes, and if not, then where are its borders? Or the idea of ​​replacing migrants with residents of the depressed hinterland - how is that? After all, now is not socialism with full employment, how are we going to "use unused resources" and then it turns out that he is not against the very situation generated by the market economy of the Russian Federation, in which most of Russia is dying out, and several cities are getting fat. Well, etc., etc.
  6. -3
    12 May 2024 06: 21
    Both Stolypin and even earlier K. Aksakov spoke about the weak national self-awareness of Russians and the apoliticality of Russians.
    Conclusion: something that has not developed over hundreds of years is unlikely to develop “suddenly” today in a short period of time.

    If Jewish or Caucasian already have a lot by birth from the fact that they were born Jews or Caucasians, then a Russian has nothing from the fact that he was born Russian. This is an irrefutable fact.
    This means that for Russians there is no benefit at all from the artificial introduction of ideas of nationalism. For a Russian, this is just nonsense, from which the Russian will still get nothing but problems.

    It makes more sense to be a conductor of the ideas of internationalism. And it is natural to spread them among all nations - in the Russian language and within the framework of Russian traditions. This is how it was done in the USSR. I have never seen anything more reasonable in our history.
    1. +5
      12 May 2024 06: 32
      Quote: ivan2022
      If a Jew or Caucasian already has a lot by birth from the fact that they were born Jews or Caucasians, then a Russian has nothing from the fact that he was born Russian. This is an irrefutable fact.

      This is what we need to fight against.
      1. 0
        12 May 2024 06: 42
        We’ve been fighting for three decades now!
        The Russian nationalists Yeltsin and Solzhenitsyn began to fight this in the late 80s with their slogan “stop Russians feeding the republics.”
        And the Russian people could not do anything except come up with the answer that Yeltsin is a Jew. And this idea really helped the Russians?

        The correct decision - to restore order and ensure Soviet legality in the USSR - never occurred to anyone.
        1. -1
          12 May 2024 06: 46
          Quote: ivan2022
          We’ve been fighting for three decades now!
          Russian nationalists Yeltsin and Solzhenitsyn began to fight this in the late 80s with their slogan “enough of Russians feeding the republics.”

          Are Yeltsin and Solzhenitsyn Russian nationalists? And the fact is that all the republics lived well at the expense of the RSFSR and the BSSR.
          1. Msi
            12 May 2024 07: 17
            pure nationalist.
            And the fact is that all the republics lived well at the expense of the RSFSR and the BSSR

            Yeah, again. belay Stop feeding the outskirts? fool and the outskirts in response. We feed Moscow. And bang...the country was gone.
            1. +1
              12 May 2024 09: 57
              Quote from Msi
              pure nationalist.

              Who did everything to please the USA. Will there be more fairy tales?
              Quote from Msi
              Yeah, again. belay Stop feeding the outskirts?

              That is, there are no objections.
              1. Msi
                12 May 2024 10: 30
                Who did everything to please the USA.

                You know, some of our nationalists walked around with Hitler posters. Maybe you forgot? Take a look on the Internet; not many years have passed since then.
                That is, there are no objections.

                Yeah. And now you don’t want to feed the outskirts? Do you want to become Muscovy?
                1. 0
                  12 May 2024 13: 15
                  Quote from Msi
                  You know, some of our nationalists walked around with Hitler posters.
                  Such individuals also occur. But there are no objections to Yeltsin?
                  Quote from Msi
                  Yeah. And now you don’t want to feed the outskirts?
                  Before the revolution we somehow managed without it
                  Quote: Dart2027
                  And the fact is that all the republics lived well at the expense of the RSFSR and the BSSR.
                  and nothing.
          2. -4
            12 May 2024 07: 34
            Flaunting facts without understanding their meaning will not lead to the truth.

            If "all the republics of the USSR lived richer than the RSFSR" (which, by the way, is a lie), then is this according to the laws of the USSR or was it an admitted crime against the laws of the USSR?
            What if we put things in order? What if we enforce the laws?.....

            Heh... heh.... this is where the snout of the serfs comes out. Laws alone are not enough for them, they also need a Good Master who will make these laws work....they can’t do that themselves.. laughing . .. Then why laws?

            Let there be just one Master. But to be kind...
            Then let's live like under serfdom in the 17th century, let there be a "good Orthodox Russian Tsar and landowners..."
            Here he prays, Yaphet has power, well, Ham... naturally works. Lepota... According to Senka and the hat!
            1. +2
              12 May 2024 09: 59
              Quote: ivan2022
              which, by the way, is a lie
              Oh really.
              Quote: ivan2022
              then this is - - according to the laws of the USSR or was it a committed crime against the laws of the USSR
              That is, the USSR lived contrary to its own laws for most of its existence? Well, wow country.
              Quote: ivan2022
              Heh... heh.... this is where the snout of the serfs comes out. Laws alone are not enough for them, they also need a Good Master who will make these laws work....they themselves cannot do that.
              Well, have you personally made many laws work?
    2. +7
      12 May 2024 07: 37
      Quote: ivan2022
      in Russian and within the framework of Russian traditions. This is how it was done in the USSR. I have never seen anything more reasonable in our history.

      I am a Soviet person, but the national policy of Tsarist Russia is closer to me when there were no national republics. By giving priority to national republics instead of provinces, the USSR dug its own grave at birth.
      1. Msi
        12 May 2024 07: 44
        The USSR dug its own grave at birth

        The USSR corrected the mistakes of others. The USSR collected the fragments of the empire. The country no longer existed. Before blaming the USSR for mistakes, we need to understand the situation that existed in the country at that time.
        1. +2
          12 May 2024 07: 49
          Quote from Msi
          Before blaming the USSR for mistakes, we need to understand the situation that existed in the country at that time.

          When the USSR was created, there were many Trotskyists in the leadership of the party and the country, who had a leading role in organizing the Union.
          1. Msi
            12 May 2024 07: 51
            During the creation of the USSR, in the leadership of the party and the country, there were many Trotskyists who had a leading role in organizing the Union

            Yeah. And what? I read somewhere that Stalin wanted to abolish the national republics after the war. Sounds like a good idea to me.
            1. +2
              12 May 2024 10: 03
              Quote from Msi
              Stalin wanted to abolish the national republics after the war

              After the war, I don’t know, but he was initially against their creation, and in principle this point of view was predominant. If it were not for Lenin’s personal intervention, there would have been a single state, without national republics.
              1. Msi
                12 May 2024 10: 32
                he was initially against their creation, and in principle this point of view was predominant

                Why didn't they change the state? device when did he come to power then?
                1. +2
                  12 May 2024 13: 22
                  Quote from Msi
                  when he came to power then

                  We are unlikely to know for sure, but if we assume, then it seems to me that there was simply no time for it. Can you imagine what a large-scale process this is, because you will have to completely rebuild the entire state apparatus, rewrite the ideology again, and all this at a time when war is about to start and the country urgently needs to be prepared. So the system went as planned and arrived. Yeltsin tried to do a similar thing, with his “take as much sovereignty...”, but fortunately he didn’t have time.
              2. +1
                12 May 2024 14: 51
                Stalin, being the People's Commissar for Nationalities, was one of the ideologists of the creation of national republics. But as part of the RSFSR, with the rights of autonomous republics. Stalin can be considered the founding father of Tatarstan, Bashkiria and many other autonomous republics of the RSFSR. But he sharply criticized the idea of ​​the Austrian Social Democrats about national-cultural autonomy.
                1. +1
                  12 May 2024 18: 14
                  Quote: Sergej1972
                  But as part of the RSFSR, with the rights of autonomous republics.

                  Yes, but it's not the same as what they did in the end. Actually, before the revolution there was something similar - the kings did not meddle much in the internal affairs of different nations.
            2. 0
              12 May 2024 14: 52
              He didn't intend to do this.
            3. 0
              13 May 2024 17: 52
              Quote from Msi
              I read somewhere that Stalin wanted to abolish the national republics after the war.

              What was done during the formation of the USSR, even after the war, could not be changed.
        2. +3
          12 May 2024 14: 47
          Why was it necessary, after the creation of the USSR and shortly before that, to give up vast territories with a population of millions to other union republics or to form new union republics from parts of the RSFSR? After all, the Bolsheviks had already collected these territories as part of the RSFSR?
      2. 0
        12 May 2024 19: 06
        Not this way. There were also unique republics there, the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Finland.
        1. 0
          12 May 2024 22: 08
          After the suppression of the second uprising, the Kingdom of Poland did not have any real autonomy; it was rather a territory with a special order of governance. Finland really had great independence. A number of authors even argue that it was not even autonomy, but a real union.
      3. 0
        12 May 2024 19: 20
        The national policy of Tsarist Russia was closer when there were no national republics.
        Ukraine separated de facto and de jure even under the Provisional Government; no provincial division of the Republic of Ingushetia prevented this. And they (the Verkhovna Rada) signed their Brest Treaty with the Germans a month earlier than Soviet Russia.
    3. +1
      12 May 2024 07: 39
      It makes more sense to be a conductor of the ideas of internationalism.

      The Russian people fully felt the ideas of internationalism in the 90s in the Caucasus and Central Asia.
      There is no internationalism...do not deceive people with empty slogans...there is a balance of interests of different peoples on the basis of which they unite.
      1. -5
        12 May 2024 08: 12
        Yeah..." All troubles come from the ideas of justice and friendship of peoples." - In general, something needs to be corrected at the conservatory... laughing There are too many bandits and thieves...

        The savages also had no internationalism. And wow, how wonderful we lived! No Christianity or Marxism with their internationalism.. Just kill the stranger and OK! .

        . For some dancers, it's not just the internationals that get in the way, but their own balls get in the way. But their scoundrels, thieves and traitors never interfered. diagnosis: brains in the head upside down. It won't last long, it's forever hi
        1. +3
          12 May 2024 08: 30
          You definitely noticed about the diagnosis of the brain... for some people, internationalism has covered their eyes like foam... point blank they can’t see what their neighboring brothers are doing.
          Do you seriously think that Tajiks, Uzbeks and other people go to work in Russia out of a sense of internationalism?
          I'm not even talking about what individual representatives of these peoples do to our citizens... one Crocus is enough.
      2. man
        12 May 2024 10: 23
        The Russian people fully felt the ideas of internationalism in the 90s in the Caucasus and Central Asia.
        Stop repeating liberal hyperbolic tales!
        Am I the only one who noticed how vile liberal journalists back in the 90s
        tried to set the Russians at odds with everyone else, including the Ukrainians (!), which seemed unthinkable then?
        There is no internationalism...
        Indeed, the under capitalism There can be no internationalism! Because under capitalism people are competitors, unlike socialism, where people are united by one goal! Ideally, of course. But I still managed to catch this time in the 60-70s and even in the pre-Gorbachev 80s, then partly by inertia...
        The nightmare of the bourgeoisie is a repetition of October 1917! They would rather die than let him in!
    4. -2
      12 May 2024 07: 40
      The most interesting thing is that the biggest nationalists are always not the indigenous people. Nationalists in both the good and bad senses.
    5. +5
      12 May 2024 09: 29
      For a Russian, this is just nonsense, from which the Russian will still get nothing but problems.

      This is exactly what he gets into trouble when he tries to defend himself from the migrant worker evil spirits who are trying to rip out his guts or cut his throat. As a rule, from our unfinished state he faces sanctions provided for in the criminal code.
    6. man
      12 May 2024 09: 48
      If a Jew or Caucasian already has a lot by birth from the fact that they were born Jews or Caucasians
      Well, it’s clear what the Jews have, but what do the Caucasians have, besides the poorly concealed hatred of the rest of the Russian population, may I ask?
      1. 0
        12 May 2024 19: 09
        Is Crocus City Hall owned by an Azerbaijani not a strong enough argument for you?
        1. man
          12 May 2024 22: 13
          Quote: Sergey Alexandrovich
          Is Crocus City Hall owned by an Azerbaijani not a strong enough argument for you?

          What does the rest of us get from this? Do you really think that he shares with them? smile
    7. +7
      12 May 2024 09: 53
      If a Jew or a Caucasian already has a lot by birth from the fact that they were born Jews or Caucasians, then a Russian has nothing from the fact that he was born Russian. This is an irrefutable fact.

      Oh really? Does a Russian person really have nothing to gain from the fact that he was born Russian? Really?
      It has! Here's how much a Russian has:

      “The number of deaths in January-February 2024 exceeded the number of births by 1,6 times, RTVI found after studying Rosstat data. Natural population growth was observed in only nine regions: Dagestan, Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Chechnya, Tyumen region, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug , Tyva and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).
      In 61 Russian regions, the number of deaths exceeded the number of births by more than 1,7 times..." (C)
      I especially emphasize:
      “In the Oryol, Novgorod, Tver and Vladimir regions, 2,9 times more people died than were born. In the Pskov and Smolensk regions, this ratio was 3,1 times.” (C)
      What is it, huh?!?
      This is what a Russian person has, living in Russian regions, which from time immemorial have been subjected to merciless economic and military exploitation...
      - Ivan, take off your shirt! Rafshan needs to be given a gift! So that he becomes ours or at least depicts something like that... You say, the last one? Are you not conscious? Are you going against the tsar (the general secretary, the party line, the president’s line, underline as necessary)?!?... To his wall!
      I haven't started saying this yet. I'm keeping quiet for now.
      1. +1
        12 May 2024 14: 55
        But, by the way, in the Tyumen region and its constituent Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the Russian, Slavic population predominates.
    8. +2
      13 May 2024 14: 25
      It makes more sense to be a conductor of the ideas of internationalism. And it is natural to spread them among all nations - in the Russian language and within the framework of Russian traditions.

      I wonder if maybe you should try to implement your ideas now, it’s easy to travel to Central Asia, you don’t need visas, you can even take a bus with former Central Asians who are valuable specialists going on vacation...
  7. Msi
    12 May 2024 06: 59
    I am Russian. I'm lucky. I was born Russian. On my paternal and maternal sides, I don’t know any other nationalities in my family. But raising a national question, measuring now, at this moment, who is “more Russian,” is enormous stupidity. Such discussions are now completely irrelevant. And they can help our enemies.
    About abortion. The right to abortion is a woman's right. And it’s up to her to decide. Certainly not for our bureaucrats. Create conditions for people to give birth. We found a way out of banning abortion. fool Can they provide free housing for children? Like in the USSR. This will not solve the issue, of course, but it will help stabilize the situation.
    1. -3
      12 May 2024 07: 39
      In the USSR, nothing was given to anyone for nothing. Get in line and wait.
      1. Msi
        12 May 2024 07: 41
        In the USSR, nothing was given to anyone for nothing. Get in line and wait.

        Horrible... laughing Am I ready to wait until they give me a three-room apartment? I have two children of different sexes. Yes
        1. +1
          12 May 2024 08: 29
          Get in line. Someday they will.
    2. 0
      12 May 2024 07: 47
      Quote from Msi
      On my paternal and maternal sides, I don’t know any other nationalities in my family.

      But I was unlucky, I am a quarter Pole, 10% Tuvan.
      1. Msi
        12 May 2024 07: 49
        But I was unlucky, I am a quarter Pole, 10% Tuvan.

        Happens. I'm not a nationalist. I have nothing against other nationalities.
      2. +3
        12 May 2024 14: 57
        How did you determine 10 percent? A person may have half, a quarter, one eighth, one sixteenth of different nationalities, but not 10 percent.
  8. +5
    12 May 2024 07: 14
    Krylov stood for everything “good” and against everything “bad”. The creation of a Russian national state, democratic transformations in Russia, independence of the courts, protection of private ownership of the means of production, decentralization of the state according to constitutional norms, restriction of migration to Russia, organization of civil society. A kind of modernized USA, with Russian national characteristics. Almost everything that the “democrats” proposed in the late 80s and early 90s, his political views intersected in many ways with the political program of the NTS.
  9. +2
    12 May 2024 07: 37
    Some people began to call all those who philosophize philosophers. These are not philosophers, but simply writers, etc.
    Philosophy is the science above the sciences. What's going on here? I write what I want. Kant, Hegel - philosophers. Marx, by the way, too. And the Krylovs, Berdyaevs, Ilyins, Dugins, etc., etc., etc. - what the hell are philosophers?
    1. +1
      12 May 2024 08: 45
      And the Krylovs, Berdyaevs, Ilyins, Dugins, etc., etc., etc. - what the hell are philosophers?
      They, just like Kant and Hegel, tried to answer ideological questions on a scientific basis about whether the world is knowable, about the purpose of man and his origin, about the very beginning of Genesis, etc.
  10. +4
    12 May 2024 08: 44
    Quote from: dmi.pris1
    Can the characters who fled the country be considered “Russian”? Not even in quotation marks.

    ...And, by the way, do you have any evidence that all those who fled the country were ethnic Russians? Can I see this evidence?
  11. +1
    12 May 2024 08: 55
    I didn’t know that.
    But for sure, according to Lenin’s dialectic, he has sound thoughts (given) and unhealthy thoughts (silenced)
    So far, in fact, Internationalism has achieved more - the 2nd economy in the world, Gagarin, Nuclear energy, etc.
    When Armenians married Azerbaijanis, and Russians married Ukrainians.

    And now: who remembers that Leshchenko, back in 14, sang the song “Shall we really point a gun at our little Ukrainian wife”?
    And earlier, “They announced to us that Kyiv was bombed, and it began...”
    But now it’s impossible, the deadline...(Leshchenko won’t be imprisoned, of course, but others...)
    1. -2
      12 May 2024 12: 32
      Until they came up with the idea of ​​Russians-Ukrainians-Belarusians, no one even thought of dividing anything. Only sugar manufacturers, like Tereshchenko and a few other fat idiots. And then in 1918 this whole idea failed miserably. And before that there was the hussar of the Akhtyrsky Sumy Regiment Denis Davydov and the sailor Pyotr Koshka, all the way from Vinnitsa. And Gogol (Ukrainian (from the Latin reading). And Witte. And it never even occurred to any of them to consider themselves Russian. As soon as they started dividing, it was divided. And man is such a monkey - everyone from the neighboring tree is no longer one of his own.
      1. +1
        12 May 2024 19: 21
        One of the reasons for the death of the Russian Empire is precisely inattention to this issue or insufficient attention.
        The same, now living, Ukrainian nationalist Korchinsky openly claims that they (apparently the Ukrainians and Poles) destroyed the state. If at one time they had openly paid attention to the origins of the terrorist Zosulich, history could have gone differently.
  12. 0
    12 May 2024 09: 10
    I think that the main conductor of our nationality will be our beautiful Russian language. This is what needs to be protected. If you take the outskirts of our country, then many nationalities are mixed there. And yet they are considered Russian. Grigory Melekhov is Russian. And Turkish is also mixed in it, and God knows what kind of blood. But nevertheless, he remains Russian. Many famous people had not only Russian roots, but we consider them Russian. If we consider nationality only from the nationalist side, then we can go too far. See the division by nationality in Nazi Germany.
    1. +1
      12 May 2024 19: 25
      Sorry, but how do you know what Grigory Melekhov has mixed up? This is a literary and, most likely, fictional character. I haven’t met a single Turkish surname in our Cossack cemeteries. There are only Russians and exclusively Russians there. When you bring a Turkish monument to one of the farms, I’ll take a look.
      It looks very interesting when your little hands reach out to the Don Cossacks.
  13. +1
    12 May 2024 09: 23
    In no country of the “civilized West” does a debate arise about who is English, German, French, or even think of a definition of who is a Spaniard or an Italian. There is no such discussion in China, or India, countries with the largest population in the world. And only in Russia do discussions periodically arise about who the Russians are, what Russia is, and whether it is too big. Then they begin to delve into the history of the country, look for contradictions and begin to highlight them in every possible way, provoking a search for right and wrong, dividing society into whites and reds, true believers and Muslims. Isn’t it clear that all this “digging into oneself” is aimed at creating discord in society leading to a split in the country for various provoked reasons. Divide and conquer is as old as time.
  14. 0
    12 May 2024 10: 21
    The deceased was a great dreamer and science fiction writer. His ideas should not be taken seriously.
  15. +2
    12 May 2024 11: 11
    Let's finally figure it out.
    We have oligarchic capitalism, therefore the highest stage of imperialism. As a result, the government realizes the interests of big capital by ignoring the interests of the working sections of the country's indigenous population. And to make this possible, millions of migrants are imported and, in violation of all rules, urgently passported, for whom the customs, cultural and scientific achievements of the local population are not just an empty phrase, but a real subject of interethnic competition. For this culture, science, technological achievements and urban way of life were not created by them, migrants, and could not be created by them due to their centuries-old backwardness and therefore are the subject of fierce hatred. This is all clear.
    At the same time, the main task set for migrants by our government as an order from large capital is to play the role of strikebreakers, ready to share their salaries with the employer and thereby maintain a corrupt environment. Which, in a situation of complete collapse of official trade unions, makes hiring them preferable to the excessive, in the employer’s opinion, demands of the indigenous people. Especially in the original Russian regions. To do this, it is necessary to prevent or, through intimidation, suppress the indignation of indigenous people against migrants. Hence the increased criminalization of the migrant environment.
    Where does it take place?
    Try, migrant, to have fun in Chechnya! Or in Tatarstan... Or maybe you can have fun in Tuva? Some desperate migrants tried it in Yakutia, and got a slap in the face. So why, migrant, is your criminal spree possible in the traditionally Russian regions? And why did you, Russians, decide, the migrant says, that these are your regions? Where is it written? Now they are common! And then -- they were yours, and now they are ours, because capital doesn't care about the national composition of the hired contingent. Oh, you're not happy? Well, then show us where your Russian republic is and give us a slap in the face. Ah-ah-ah, it doesn't exist! It turns out that you are homeless... Well then, don't yelp, get a slap in the face from us!
    There is no republic, but the Russians exist and blather. Patiently ignoring accusations not only of nationalism and fascism, but now in the wake of a bus falling into the river in St. Petersburg - of racism (BRIEF telegram noted).
    As it turned out, Russian communities are being created throughout the country. The Russian folk community "Espaniola" has a state license. The “Northern Man” community is famous. The wonderful Russian community “Peresvet” operates and restores order in St. Petersburg - what warriors there are in it! Delight. Because even the police are tired of migrants and lawlessness, and in the government there were people with brains who understood that there will be no Russians, there will be no country, and without a country, no one needs them (the police and a government of this quality).
    There is no republic, but there are Russians, and they, the police and someone from the government, still need us. We, Russians, need smart people too. Hope for mutual understanding.
    1. +1
      12 May 2024 19: 29
      So why, migrant, is your criminal rampant possible in the original Russian regions?
      Lyudmila Yakovlevna, not so long ago events in Kondopoga showed that there is an antidote to this.
      1. +1
        12 May 2024 21: 24
        There is an antidote to this.

        Sergey, that’s what I say - solidarity!
        But our problem is that, although not completely, we are still an urban civilization. This means that we have weak horizontal ties and it is very difficult for us to oppose the effective solidarity of a large number of Russian people to the strong kishlak adhesiveness of newcomer Asians. And they are always in sync with each other. All it took was a call on a cell phone, and now a hundred of them came running, ready to lie, shield their guilty party, and attack an innocent Russian. This means that we need to unite not on occasion, just like in Kondapoga, but on any occasion. The urban type of organization of our life teaches us from childhood to turn for help not to friends, but to our uncle, a policeman, now a policeman. And he, the uncle policeman, submits to his superiors, who are in sync with the diaspora, and, as they say, he himself walks under God.
        Will the Russian people's community solve this problem? The head of the St. Petersburg community "Peresvet" with the call sign Artist appealed to all Russians in the country - unite into regional and local communities!
        But, again, the peculiarity of already existing Russian communities is that they are something like a people's squad, they work within the framework of the law and in conjunction with the police, and the police... I spoke about them above. Well, maybe it will work out, we need to do something, start somewhere. And then some people here tell us that we Russians not only have to, but are obliged to be universal people, although Asians and Caucasians do not at all intend to be such in any of the subsequent generations. It's up to us! And if our priority is our own, Russian, then the stigma of “fascist and racist” is guaranteed. People are afraid of this.
        I stopped being afraid of the stigma many years ago - after a conversation with one enlightened Abkhazian.
        I’ve already talked about this incident here on VO, but who remembers! I’ll repeat it. This person said:
        - Two people will drown, a Russian and an Abkhazian. You are rumored to be a good swimmer. Which of the two will you save?
        As a Soviet person, I answered without hesitation:
        - Weaker.
        “No,” my enlightened and educated counterpart confidently objected to me, “you will save a Russian!”
        I was speechless, but a moment later, as if lightning had struck me, my consciousness changed, and subsequently, when Russian houses began to burn, and Russian people were tortured and killed, and then my father was killed, the change in consciousness was cemented forever. I will save the Russian!
        1. +1
          12 May 2024 21: 53
          my enlightened and educated counterpart confidently objected to me,
          This is the problem, that these “enlightened and educated” natives have inflated their exclusivity. In fact, they turned out to be wild monkeys. Even Fazil Iskander, whom I previously respected, is also an Abkhaz. However, the Russians Solzhenitsyn, Astafiev, etc. turned out to be the same. I hate people like that.
          1. +1
            12 May 2024 22: 31
            In fact, they turned out to be wild monkeys.

            Yes, monkeys both on our side and on their side. This is where you need to understand what is happening. The formation of nation states necessarily goes through a stage of rabid nationalism, which in some notorious cases turns into fascism. But as soon as a national state is created, nationalism begins to impede the development of the economy due to the impossibility of normal ties with other countries - they categorically do not want to communicate, and sooner or later nationalists are sure to be put under the knife - either the state itself does this, or the neighbors help. It's like a revolution that devours its children.
            But in our case, there is one thing I don’t understand. Why do Asians display such rabid nationalism towards us on our own territory? Are they building their own national states here, with us? Is that how it works? It would be funny if it didn’t imply displacing us, Russians, to where? Is that what the importers of foreign labor thought about? I suppose so. Abroad, or to wasteland. And migrant workers miraculously turn out to be residents of large Russian cities that they didn’t create (they categorically don’t want to plow or sow wasteland, and there’s no need for that when agriculture is transitioning to an industrial basis) — residents of cities, mind you, predominantly Russian. This looks like a deliberate policy of the state itself, unfriendly towards the nation that forms the state. And so, in us, Russians, a responsive national consciousness awakens, which has been dormant for centuries. After all, as the saying goes, where you were born is where you’re needed. And Solzhenitsyns are an inevitable cost of rubbing your eyes after a century of sleep. A speck of dust.
            1. +1
              12 May 2024 22: 44
              And migrant workers miraculously turn out to be residents of large Russian cities that were not created by them
              Lyudmila, it’s all about Russian capitalism. In Belarus, where I have been several times, it is essentially also capitalism, but state-owned. And the office that invites gasters to work bears full responsibility for them. The director of the state farm at the head of the country wins in all respects, you know who.
              1. +3
                12 May 2024 23: 49
                The director of a state farm at the head of the country wins on all counts, you know who.

                I’m not ready to talk about this yet. I am more concerned that Golikova has joined the new government. She recently spoke decisively about the need to abolish pensions. This is something I shared with great concern last year. Like, there are such plans. Golikov in the government is a signal! A signal of sustainability of intentions.
                The pension reform, which has been in development since 2016, is not yet complete. And now, after Golikova's decisive statement, it is becoming clear that new generations of pensioners will have to contribute money to the bank for their pensions themselves. There will be no more joint pensions. And this will lead to a sharp reduction in the Russian population of the country. Indeed, given that the salaries of ordinary Russians are clearly insufficient for such contributions, future pensioners, having quickly squandered their savings, will lose their housing due to the impossibility of paying for it at draconian rates, will go hungry, some will manage to get a job in our disgusting nursing homes, where they will quickly end their days, others will end up homeless and simply die. The young will not be able to support the elderly because of the need to save for their own pension, or they will have to cut back so much that combining the presence of an elderly person in the family and a child will be impossible, childbearing will be even more reduced... In general, if the government does not take additional measures to support the population, we, Russians, will die out. The Caucasus and passported Asians will somewhat reduce their reproduction. But both have a greater chance of survival, because the traditional rural way of life and a bunch of relatives of each will support survival and reproduction, none of them will end up on the street or die of hunger - such is the solidarity of survival of nationalities, and we have such prospects that have a 100% guarantee of coming true. It is as if the government does not know that Russians are the bearers of an urban way of life, excluding extensive family ties.
                1. +4
                  13 May 2024 07: 53
                  I agree that Golikova is death to our people. So far, this has not dawned on our balancing act, the creator of “checks and balances.” Probably this is a class interest. However, if a politician pursues a reasonable policy, he goes along with history, if the policy is unreasonable, history drags him along.
  16. 0
    12 May 2024 18: 07
    Has anyone heard about this Krylov - I don’t even ask - have you read? tongue
    1. +3
      12 May 2024 19: 43
      Krylov was among the leaders of LiveJournal and was read, much more famous than Ilyin, who has completely lost relevance in our time.
  17. +1
    12 May 2024 18: 31
    Another, along with the LDPR, was an unsuccessful KGB/FSB project to create a socio-political organization for the petty-bourgeois environment of Russian cities, called the National Democratic Party, of which K. Krylov was a member. I saw them in Moscow, at the Polytechnic Museum, in the early 1990s, at the presentation of Rodionov’s book about the Far Eastern “partisans”. Fiery security officers and the AP, once again, “played” with politics, with a predictable result, showing everyone that they want and can, these are phenomena of a different order (. To Konstantin, “rest in peace”...

    PS For anyone interested in national democracy, I suggest you “Google” about another organization that was registered in the summer of 1997 as a socio-political organization in Moscow and the Moscow region called the National Democratic Party. And read the works of S.V. Gorodnikov or watch his lectures on Youtube. The Internet remembers everything)...
  18. +1
    13 May 2024 14: 18
    Quote from Msi
    They found a way out - banning abortions. Maybe they should give free housing for children. Like in the USSR.

    abortions are one of the reasons why our country and the Russian people will disappear from the face of the earth in the near future... just imagine - supposedly we are protecting someone in well-known events, but on the other hand we are killing a completely defenseless life within ourselves...
  19. +1
    13 May 2024 14: 42
    Quote: depressant
    The formation of nation states necessarily goes through a stage of rabid nationalism, which in some notorious cases turns into fascism. But as soon as a national state is created, nationalism begins to impede the development of the economy due to the impossibility of normal ties with other countries - they categorically do not want to communicate, and sooner or later nationalists are sure to be put under the knife - either the state itself does this, or the neighbors help. It's like a revolution that devours its children.

    Well, not necessarily rabid. Countries that went through this stage in the distant past - France, the Netherlands - avoided "frenzy" on national grounds, but Spain did not.

    An interesting example is Austria, which shrank from an empire to a national country and even at one time was part of Germany

    Russia has not passed this stage at all and it is not a fact that it will pass at all. We were an empire, now we have become a federation without "Russian land" as such. The collapse of Russia may lead to the formation of one or several "Russian lands", but I am not sure that the collapse of Russia is inevitable. Perhaps we will disappear as a nation as a result of urbanization, and the question of a national state will disappear.
    1. -2
      13 May 2024 18: 11
      Nationality, People and Nation are specifically the historical states of ethnic groups. We Russians, in my opinion, are no longer an Orthodox feudal-peasant people, but have not yet become an urban, that is, bourgeois Nation - an urban political Society of corporate masters and owners. Although the overwhelming majority moved to the cities. And between the People and the Nation there is an abyss of History, which each ethnic group overcomes through a “leap over the abyss” - social revolution and National Reformation, changing the social consciousness, culture, ethics and morality of the state-forming ethnic group. The consequence of the formation of the Nation as a political-economic subject is the formation of “different” nationalisms: the nationalism of large owners (fascism and its derivatives), the nationalism of the middle property strata of the townspeople (national republic) and the most social nationalism of the petty-bourgeois producing middle class (national democracy). What is and will always be the result of an uncompromising and brutal class struggle of interests, goals and objectives of the political classes of various “police” owners: the five-hundred-medium “aristocracy” and the oligarchy, “horses” and “zeugites”. I think that Russia, that is, we do not have any “special path”. And our future, in the near future, will be the future of the results of such a class struggle.
  20. 0
    13 May 2024 20: 51
    Quote from: dmi.pris1
    By the way, have you noticed that in America, which we all dislike, those people who live according to the laws of the country, Latinos, blacks, call themselves Americans. And yes, I’ll also note about the “Russians”...From the lips of EBN. It’s something like that sound crooked

    You're right. Living in the USA according to the law, Latinos call themselves Americans. But they don’t call themselves Germans, Poles, etc. And they themselves do not renounce their nationality. And the word “American” describes state affiliation, not nationality.... And if you don’t like the word “Russian”, then few people don’t like it. This is not a reason to give the word a different meaning...
    P.S. The word "Russian" appeared at the beginning of the 16th century. EBN was still a long way off.
  21. -2
    14 May 2024 13: 06
    A black man of his youth once came to Russia, and his grandson took him and created the modern Russian language!
  22. 0
    19 May 2024 22: 01
    Krylov, look how he mutilates his opponents - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1xWZPHo8kY
  23. 0
    20 May 2024 18: 56
    Author. Are you still alive? Otherwise, somehow it doesn’t turn out like Russian - you are for one thing, and your power is for another. You will burn in heaven))