Information war against Russia

Information war against RussiaThe phenomenon of information warfare is not something new for humanity: if the guns sometimes still subsided, the verbal battles between the countries never stopped. More ancient authors in detail tell about sophisticated campaign companies, with the help of which the politicians of antiquity tried to weaken their opponents and demoralize them.

Modern Russia, occupying one eighth of the land of the globe and possessing the second most powerful army in the world, is involved in a whole series of information conflicts with various countries. Our main opponents are the so-called “Western countries”, of which the US and the UK should be particularly emphasized.

Objectives of the information war

The benefits of introducing pro-Western Russophobic ideas into the minds of Russians are quite tangible and tangible. As we could observe in the nineties, the West managed to extract the following profit from the information war against Russia:

* Free delivery of resources;
* Huge, unprotected Russian market;
* Consent on all foreign policy issues;
* Elimination of competitor in many markets;
* The flow of smart and educated migrants;
* Unilateral disarmament of Russia;
* Payment of financial tribute.

Most importantly, all these important political and economic goals are achieved by infusing relatively little money and energy into campaigning. While the information war against Russia is spent annually on only hundreds of millions of dollars, in the nineties the profit from the robbery of Russia lying in a knockdown was measured in hundreds of billions.

The main anti-Russian memes

Anti-Russian agitation consists in trying to convince Russians of the truth of a number of ideas advantageous to the West. Some of these ideas are frankly false and ridiculous, others are a qualitative distortion of real facts. The introduction of enemy memes is made by their repeated repetition through various channels of information submission. Here are the main points of propaganda.

Russia is wretched and shameful

The idea is simple and intuitive: Russia is hopelessly miserable in absolutely all matters of its existence. Russian goods are bad and uncompetitive. Russian officials are lazy and thievish. Russian children are morons, Russian adults are drunks, Russian old people are poor zombies. Russian roads and cars ... oh, what can we say. In Russia, everything is absolutely bad, shameful Russia can cause a normal person unless bitter laughter or fastidious sympathy.

This idea is one of the basic ones: its carriers become much more susceptible to all other Russophobic ideas.

West is incomparably better than Russia

The idea is that the West is infinitely more developed and civilized country than Russia. There is more freedom, more order, more money and even more kindness. Western goods are by default better than domestic ones, and Western politicians are more honest and smarter than Russian ones.

The benefit of this meme is extracted in several directions at once: this and the support of other ideas emanating from the wise West, this is the desire to “vote with your feet” by emigrating to some western country.

Patriotism - for fools and scoundrels

The bottom line: patriotism is outdated, a normal person should be a cosmopolitan, a citizen of the world. Say, one should not confuse the state with the country: abstract Russia can be loved, but its concrete representatives should be scolded and hated. In any case, human values ​​are most important.

The task of the meme is clear: to convince dissidents that they are not traitors, but noble revolutionaries. The true traitors are the patriots of Russia, who betray human values ​​for the sake of their selfish interests.

Russia is heading for the abyss

Now living in Russia is bad, but it’s still flowers: it will be even worse. Russia is dying, it is impoverished, dying out and depleting its natural resources. No exit. A little more, and the real disaster will come.

Conclusion? It is necessary either to get out of this doomed place to the West, or to start a struggle against the leading Russia in the abyss of the Kremlin.

Russia has no enemies

Very important technical meme, which is necessary for the promotion of other Russophobic ideas. Its essence is that Western countries wish Russia only good, and that Russia’s only enemy is itself.

According to this memo, when someone claims that Russia - deserving destruction, is not finished, he just honestly tells us fair things about our shortcomings - for our own good. Moreover, he does not pursue any personal gain.

And, on the contrary, only paranoids or regular Kremlin propagandists can speak seriously about the enemies of Russia.

The task of the meme is transparent - to increase confidence in the information coming from the West and to discredit in advance the attempts to expose Russophobic lies.

Kremlin zombies cattle

The essence of the meme is that the majority of Russians are close-minded cattle, whose opinion should not be taken into account, since it is formed by total censorship in the media and the brazen lies of the First Channel.

The tasks are to divert the attention of the bearers of the idea from the fact that they are Western zombies, to create an image of an evil and powerful totalitarian Kremlin, to give reason to ignore the will of the people.

Russia needs a revolution

This meme is pedalized or attenuated depending on the current Russian policy for the West. In the years when Russia meekly gives the West everything that it asks for from it — from oil to political concessions — revolution is not needed. When Russia begins to remember its own interests, the West immediately starts talking about the need to overthrow the undemocratic "tyrant."

State is your enemy

According to this memo, officials, politicians and civil servants are enemies of the people. Thus, carriers of memes consider it right to support any actions against the state: up to and including terrorist acts.

Another consequence of this meme is the idea of ​​a strong official as a bad official. Ideally, the official should be the lackey of the liberal media and resign at their first request.

The meme's task is transparent: the weaker the power, the less public support it enjoys, the easier it is for the West to break through its goals in Russia.

Orthodoxy - evil

The idea is that the Church is a corrupt and outdated entity that “zombies” the population and hinders the development of science. As an alternative, the ROC offers progressive tolerance and political correctness.

The goal of introducing this idea is clear: to reduce the influence of the pro-Russian ROC and increase the influence of pro-Western human rights organizations.

Russia is for russians

At first glance, this is even a pro-Russian thesis. However, it simply spins up to “Russian people are insulted in the Caucasus,” “enough to feed the Caucasus,” and, finally, to the natural “We don’t need a Caucasus.”

The point is to inflate separatist sentiment and weaken Russia with ethnic hatred. Ideally, dismember Russia into several smaller countries, as was done in the 1991 year with the USSR.

History conflict development

Snow-covered Russia has never been a full member of the European family of nations. Europeans could be friends with Russians, cooperate with them, even fight with Russians side by side against a common enemy. However, at the same time, Russia has always been perceived as a “stranger” - a kind of big, uncut bears, which have no place in a bright and clean European home.

A significant proportion of Western propaganda of the last centuries was directed at rooting in the minds of this conviction. The beginning of the current revolution of the information war can be considered the 1953 year, when the Americans launched the Radio Liberty project, which serves for the ideological support of Soviet dissidents. Actually, it was the Americans who headed the information crusade against the USSR.

In Khrushchev and Brezhnev times, American agitation was successfully restrained by an iron curtain and censorship. Relatively few dissidents were quite harmless, a significant part of them worked for the KGB.

In the Gorbachev period, however, the course taken on "publicity" and "restructuring" opened the way for the Americans to the defenseless brains of the Soviet people. It took only a few years for real revolutionary fermentation to begin in the USSR. Their result was the collapse of the Soviet Union and the de facto subordination of the authorities of the newly formed Russia to good American advisers.

In the wild nineties, the western point of view on Russia became generally accepted and almost official. The federal TV channels almost Russia called Russia a shameful country of unfortunate non-people, who should be ashamed of the very fact of its existence.

The turn for the better happened in the zero years, when Vladimir Putin, who replaced Yeltsin, “ravnoudadil” the most odious oligarchs and took from them part of the power levers. Official TV channels reluctantly, but began to express at least a formally pro-Russian point of view on current events. Nevertheless, radio stations, newspapers and, of course, the Internet retained almost unconditional loyalty to the West.

In the 2011 year, after Putin’s decision to participate in the 2012 presidential election of the year, informational pressure on Russia has dramatically increased. The White Ribbon collaborationist movement was created, the one hundred thousandth pro-Western meetings in Moscow were organized. A full-scale harassment of the Russian authorities unfolded on the Internet, which even overshadowed the traditional harassment of Russia and the Russians themselves.

At the same time, pro-Russian communities and the media began to gain momentum. Russia even managed to launch a fairly successful counterattack using the strategic offensive channel Russia Today.

Situation on the fronts

At present, the forces are still unequal: pro-Western Russophobic ideas dominate on almost all fronts. Nevertheless, the protest movement for 2012 year strongly swept and seriously discredited. Many ardent supporters of Western ideas removed the rose-colored glasses of revolutionary euphoria from their eyes and took a more moderate position "a plague on both of your houses."


Despite the Russophobes actively pedaling the slogan “The First Channel is lying” and the active persecution of the main presenter News - Ekaterina Andreeva - The first channel can be called the “information mouthpiece of the Kremlin” except as a joke. This is an ordinary large entertainment channel that covers current events sluggishly, without a twinkle and with a clear bias towards a pro-Western point of view.

Another TV channel of ours - selected at the time from the enemies of NTV - recently quite cheerfully began to slacken the belolentochny opposition: for example, in the series “Protest Anatomy”. Nevertheless, its non-political programs remain largely chernushny, showing life in Russia from the most unattractive sides.

Definitely pro-Russian is Russia Today headed by Margarita Simonyan: it is quickly building up the audience of Western viewers and gives a lot of headaches to the enemy propagandists, who have been weaned from a serious rebuff. Residents of the West value RT as the only major TV channel that shows an alternative point of view on the humanitarian bombardment by NATO troops of oil-bearing countries and on other democratic achievements. Unfortunately, this channel almost does not look inside Russia.

The second uniquely pro-Russian TV channel is relatively small

On the other hand, the barricades as a frankly Russophobic self are positioned only by the official opposition television channel Dozhd. Most of the remaining channels retain formal neutrality, which, however, does not prevent them in passing to throw out such prominences of hatred towards modern Russia, to which even Valeria Ilyinichna Novodvorskaya would not have fallen.

It is needless to say that the largest Western television channels, such as CNN, BBC and FoxNews, also carry out massive artillery support for our fifth column. Fortunately for us, these channels are aimed at an unassuming western viewer. Therefore, they regularly discredit themselves by frank crap, a famous example of which was non-existent palm trees on the streets of Moscow, allegedly overwhelmed by unrest.

Thus, the telefront in general can be described as moderately Russophobic.


The official state station, Radio Mayak, shows on the air an unseen, transcendent Russophobia, which, characteristically, is not the initiative of the hosts, but is supported by their leadership.

A slightly lower level of Russophobia is demonstrated by the official opposition radio station, Ekho Moskvy. A lot of negatives about Russia can be heard on the “business” radio Business FM.

The calm pro-Russian position is expressed by Vesti-FM. Entertaining radio stations are trying not to go into politics and avoid sharp corners: nevertheless, even at entertainment radio stations, it is customary to petrosyan in the key "well, what else can we expect from our nasty rashki."

In general, the airwaves are anti-Russian.

Paper media

The range of opinions of serious paper media ranges from neutral (“Vedomosti”) to underlined Russophobic (“Novaya Gazeta”). The editorial policy of the majority of the business press (Kommersant, Expert, Vlast) tends to moderate Russophobia.

The yellow press sometimes allows itself to express the pro-Russian point of view, but the general emphasis on the dill with success devalues ​​these timid attempts.

Thus, on the paper media front, the situation is again far from being in our favor.


The Internet is currently the main breakthrough sector for Western propaganda. Some sites of the Runet (, Newsland) are captured by Russophobes entirely, others (LiveJournal, Facebook) retain the appearance of neutrality, even though Russophobes have an overwhelming advantage on them.

A huge number of secondary sites - such as comments on the articles of most online media - are tightly occupied by liberal bots, automatically leaving responses in the key "rise up for the revolution, oppressed people" and "when this damned country dies."

Starting with 2011, high-quality pro-Russian resources began to appear on the Internet on a massive scale (However, Ipolk, Made-in-us).

In general, however, the Internet is now purely anti-Russian.


Moods of society are formed over the years. They are influenced both by the general background of the positive changes taking place in Russia and the tireless work of Russophobic sources of information.

The overwhelming majority of Russians are quite skeptical and critical towards modern Russia, however, there is no longer a humiliated crawling in the mud in front of everything western that could be observed in the nineties: now for the reason that foreigners are now not associated with pot-bellied bourgeois in tuxedos , and with dark-skinned wipers in orange vests.

As a reliable indicator of the attitude of Russians towards the state, the presidential elections that took place in 2012 year can serve. They voted for Putin 64% of Russians.

The composition of the enemy troops

The army of Russophobes is motley and poorly organized. However, it does not make it any less dangerous. Here are the main groups of people acting against Russia.

Western politicians

Strangely enough, this is almost the only category of Russophobes that allows itself to speak directly: yes, Russia is our enemy and we try to spoil it in every way. John McCain, Michael McFaul, Hillary Clinton: all these people can be trusted when they report their dreams about the American puppet in the Kremlin. The role of Western politicians in the information war against Russia is the allocation of financial and other resources to wage this war.

Western media

“Free” Western media, like Western politicians, are primarily focused on the Western audience. Therefore, they speak not so much about Russia, and when they say - they drive the transcendental cranberries and hack-work, such as an illustration of a rally about the abolition of time zones by recording from the procession of nationalists.

Russia in their reports acts as a mean and greedy enemy, who then attacks defenseless Georgia, then extorts money for gas from a helpless Ukraine.

Westernized NGOs

Western military non-profit organizations are divided into two types - rating agencies like Transparency International, which put Russia on the last places in their ratings, and opposition troughs like USAID, in which prominent representatives of our fifth column get paid. Both types of activities are very important, and if we recently threw out grantors from the country, we still cannot counteract the lies of “independent agencies”.

Agents of the West

The Russian opposition who receive salaries in the West — such as Ponomarev or Alekseeva — organize various kinds of actions to spread Russophobic ideas. Their activities and motives are completely transparent: they are allocated money for pro-Western propaganda, they are working out the organization of opposition rallies, working in the media and in the blogosphere and other obvious ways.

Applicants for the title of agents can be attributed to this group: activists like Naganov, who at first for some time conduct free propaganda campaigns, and only then stand up for a full monetary allowance.

Liberal Journalists

Strangely enough, most of the Russophobic journalists shame us completely disinterestedly, without any financial support from the West. Historically, 95% of journalists and media editors hold a more or less Russophobic point of view.

Media owners do not always share this position of journalists, however, as a rule, the owners have no determination to break staff across the knee: if only because Russophobia is a relatively simple way to keep high ratings.

As a classic example, one can cite the same Mayak radio, which theoretically belongs to the state, but in practice allows the hosts to promote transcendent Russophobia on the air.


For people with an active civic stand, propaganda of Russophobic ideas is a natural place to apply forces. Fighting with their own country, they think that they are engaged in an extremely important matter for society - and at the same time, what is important, the activists feel the full support of the public in this.

As a rule, activists begin with some neutral topics - such as, for example, the fight against flashing lights, corruption, or even juvenile justice. However, soon enough, the information background pushes them first to the conclusion that “the state admits this problem”, and then to the vicious idea “we must fight the authorities, now this is more important and necessary than my small concrete cases.”


Not all emigrants are able to cope with a sense of resentment towards the country they left. Many of them find outlet in the conduct of Russophobic activities on the Internet. This gives them the opportunity not only to "revenge" Russia, but also to assert themselves at the expense of "poor" Russians.

Also, some of our compatriots make a small identification on services leaving the country: for them, Russophobia serves as a kind of beacon that attracts potential emigrants.

In a separate category of Russophobes can be identified numerous citizens of Ukraine, who for several reasons consider participation in the information war with Russia almost as their sacred duty.

Led people

The “dark mass” of Russophobes is made up of ordinary people, who at some point found themselves immersed in the Russophobic information field. Man is a social animal, so at the moment when he realizes that his colleagues and his friends on the Internet are Russophobes, he immediately accepts this ideology and begins to spread it further as far as his modest forces are concerned.

It takes considerable courage and very thick skin to go "against the stream" for a long time. Therefore, even if a white patriotic crow is found in a group of Russophobes, she usually prefers to keep quiet about her unconventional views.


People chronically dissatisfied with life find in Russophobia an excellent explanation and justification for their failures. Since free time - as well as unspent anger - is usually a lot of losers, it is not surprising that they are distinguished by enviable fecundity in terms of creating Russophobic posts and comments.

A typical example of such a Russophobe-loser can blogger asocio.

Liberal bots

An important role in the dissemination of Russophobic myths is played by liberal bots and teams of botovods. Some bots are used for promotion of pro-Western bloggers, others work “by area”, creating a Russophobic information background in the comments to thousands of small forums and the media. Separate teams of high-level botovodov are used to point the seizure of power on key resources of the Runet (a classic example is the occupation of

Current balance of power

Despite the overwhelming superiority of the enemy in numbers and skill, the situation is not so hopeless as it may seem at first glance.

The state, though slowly, is beginning to call to order the media belonging to it. More and more pro-Russian bloggers and public figures appear. Many people have an overdose of Russophobia: they are bored with streams of dirt that pour from all the cracks into their country. Finally, people are becoming more experienced: after a short period of blind euphoria, they begin to see inconsistencies and distortions in enemy agitation.

Many already understand that a real information war is being waged against Russia, and they are not going to take part in this war on the side of the enemy. Pro-Russian discussion participants, hardened in unequal battles, acquire invaluable skills in countering indiscriminate crowds of Russophobes.

Finally, we are on our territory, and our opponent is forced to wield on someone else's: he doesn’t understand our realities very well, and regularly makes painful miscalculations because of this.

In general, a change in our favor is planned in the information war. In the coming years, we have quite good chances to take away a significant part of the information field from rofosobov.
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  1. Atlon
    13 February 2013 13: 11
    ABOUT! And I thought they would not publish! True, the picture was changed ... Well, I'm not greedy, it does not matter who wrote it, the main thing is that everyone will read it!
    1. +10
      13 February 2013 16: 02
      That's right, the article is zachotny, but it surprised and pleased that the author Fritz Moiseevich Morgen ... (I respect Wasserman!)
      1. +2
        13 February 2013 20: 44
        surprised and pleased that the author Fritz Moiseevich Morgen ... (I respect Wasserman!)

        FMM - Makarenko Oleg Alexandrovich. And where does Wasserman?
        Yes, and why surprise? The author, as far as I know, is a pro-Russian liberal. The article is precisely in his spirit - pro-Russian.
        I just do not quite understand your words, maybe I don’t know)
    2. NKVD
      13 February 2013 16: 13
      It is better to be a citizen in "zachukhonnaya" Russia than a "common man" in Geyrop or USayke .... If we have an information war, why are there no prisoners? Where are the special services that are supposed to captivate the Internet pro-Western riffraff ???? am
      1. lechatormosis
        14 February 2013 04: 32
        here such obscurantists must be sent BACK to GEYEVROPU.
    3. Orthodox warrior
      13 February 2013 17: 08
      Thank you, Pavel, for the article! Maybe she will open her eyes to someone. For Russophobes appearing on the site, it will be a red rag, but "doubters" should think about an article. And look at everything in a new way ...
      1. lechatormosis
        14 February 2013 04: 34
        RUSOPHOBAM will always find the answer.
    4. YuDDP
      13 February 2013 18: 12
      Quote from the article: "The 2012 presidential elections can serve as a reliable indicator of the attitude of Russians to the state. 64% of Russians voted for Putin. "

      The author, obviously, does not live in Russia and has not seen any electoral fraud. I had a chance to participate in local elections from the Communist Party. In those elections there was a "Mavrodi carousel" - United Russia won. And in the presidential elections at our precinct, 10 times more voters took part in voting at home than in those locals. Where did such a number of feeble grandparents come from? Forgery, manipulation, etc.

      That is, as in the old film: "Grandpa, I want a pipi. - Comrade driver, stop. Shura, Yurik, go write. - Grandpa, but I don't want to. - Grandpa knows better ..."

      Our grandfather also knows better that the country will be better if he is president.
      1. Atlon
        13 February 2013 18: 25
        Quote: YuDDP
        The author, obviously, does not live in Russia and has not seen election fraud.

        Yes, drop it! Already not original ...
        1. YuDDP
          13 February 2013 19: 14
          not original, but unfortunately a fact
          1. Atlon
            13 February 2013 19: 23
            Quote: YuDDP
            not original, but unfortunately a fact

            To your deepest regret, not a FACT, but a Fake. wink
            1. +3
              13 February 2013 20: 37
              And the fake is just this one with an incomprehensible English nickname ... He pretended to be a communist, and the face is liberoid-liberoid! "I can smell these creatures a kilometer away! We were choking them, choking them!" (from the immortal novel, unknown to the liberoids - they still don't read them because of their hatred of everything Rashkovsky). Why did he get here? Masochist? Shall we give him "pleasure"? It has been a long time since such an inexperienced and naive specimen has not come across such an inexperienced and naive specimen, and it has already begun to get bored -))))))).
              1. YuDDP
                13 February 2013 21: 03
                Yu - Yu - Young
                D - D - friend
                D - D - daughters
                P - P - Colonel
                this is from the time when he looked after his future wife
                since you are an aksakal, you must know the abbreviations - yunnat and UDP
                1. +4
                  13 February 2013 21: 31

                  And you are also fool !!
                2. YuDDP
                  2 March 2013 01: 45
                  what annoys anyone, huh?
            2. YuDDP
              13 February 2013 21: 01
              I repeat again: I ran for deputies from the Communist Party in local elections. I know my site by heart. I met with voters. And I imagine the number of weak grandmothers who really need to vote at home. In the presidential election, the number of these grandmothers has grown significantly. The numbers are visible on the website of the election commission.
              1. wax
                13 February 2013 23: 58
                I sympathize with the Communist Party of the Russian Federation - with such activists the path to a dead end will continue.
              2. +1
                14 February 2013 00: 08
                I ran for deputies from the Communist Party

                All clear lol
                City Council, they did not give money, heels of voluntary assistants, out of the bottom 3 - old men, one newspaper "Iskra" for all, a couple of leaflets like "Lenin writes from Zurich", work "door to door" or, at worst, "yard to yard ".
                Have you earned 15 interest?
          2. +3
            14 February 2013 00: 03
            unfortunately fact

            The site number where you "found the fraud"?
            I will not say that there were none at all, but what you are talking about is liberal nonsense. It is impossible to throw in more than 15% of ballots at all stages (and this is "chain", "carousel", "basketball", "at home" and "blind bookkeeper"). At home, a maximum of 100 people vote per polling station with 2000 voters. Can you check how much one will "bypass" per day? Maximum 50 people if in high-rise buildings. That's all the arithmetic. So you don't need to justify your defeat with the intrigues of your enemies.
      2. +4
        13 February 2013 18: 32
        Dear .... All this mess with "carousels" was "invented" over the hill ...... Don't you know this ?????
        Come out !!!!!!
        1. YuDDP
          13 February 2013 19: 14
          I don’t know where the carousel was invented, but they use it in the ruling party, because without its chairman the commission cannot be carried out.
          I hear from the Pharisee. You hypocrite, submariner !!! Probably they also cheerfully supported the "Indestructible Bloc of Communists and Non-Party People" and branded the renegades. We had such a Komsomol organizer at one time. He was already crying when he sneered from the podium ...
          1. +5
            13 February 2013 20: 50
            - finally, the liberoid mug climbed! That pretended to be a communist, but got to the Komsomol -))))). Moreover, in terms of pouring mud. Yudpp, how much is the homeland today? Is the price the same? The same thirty? Or have speculators changed prices on exchanges? Not cheap? Is he sleeping soundly? Or does Putin keep him awake? This macho is bored strongly in a dream? It is strange that it seems like you in the West are being taught to tolerate attempts on this part of your body - tolerance for sexual minorities is called. There it is considered the norm ... And what are you, these lectures were skipped? Not good, Gaps in knowledge can be seen right away
            1. YuDDP
              13 February 2013 21: 08
              aksakal, sracha will not be. The last word is yours. You are well done!
          2. +1
            13 February 2013 21: 36
            In my life, I did not manage to become a communist .... I was just a Komsomol member .... and even then I was accepted from the 3rd time ...... fought often .... and this is very good. bad ... and still could not explain to the Komsomol organizer such a thing as "DEMOCRATIC CENTRALISM" .... still in a blunt !!!!
            Who remembers, he will understand ...
            So on my own behalf I say, I DO NOT judge others !!!
          3. -2
            14 February 2013 00: 17
            I don’t know where the carousel was invented, but they use it in the ruling party, because without its chairman the commission cannot be carried out.

            Dear friend of my daughter ... "Carousel" is used to control marginalized segments of society. You take the ballot, into the car with him, there the elder puts a daw and gives it to the next one. He throws that filled-in ballot, takes out a new one. Why do you need your own chairman of the election commission?

            "Chain" - people from another area come up to their member of the commission, he gives them ballots for those who will definitely not come (sick, left, etc.). Quite dangerous with normal observers - I myself caught a PEC member by the hand. He turned out to be (you will not believe) from the Communist Party. Here, too, the chairman is not needed, only interferes.

            So you don’t need to say smart words here, it’s better to read something pro-choices (Matveycheva, for example).
            1. YuDDP
              2 March 2013 01: 48
              the first carousel is given two ballots, then the deputy. Chairperson Announces Announced Bulletin
          4. +2
            14 February 2013 02: 14
            Quote: YuDDP
            I don’t know where the carousel was invented, but they use it in the ruling party, because without its chairman the commission cannot be carried out.
            I hear from the Pharisee. You hypocrite, submariner !!! Probably they also cheerfully supported the "Indestructible Bloc of Communists and Non-Party People" and branded the renegades. We had such a Komsomol organizer at one time. He was already crying when he sneered from the podium ...

            Well. Now for the Communist Party, now against the "bloc of communists and non-party people."
            So who are you for, dear? "For the Bolsheviks, or for the Communists?" (C)
      3. 0
        14 February 2013 10: 56
        So, like you, I always ask one question - why did the election results, in principle, coincide with the results of countless pre-election polls, studies, calculations and other things, conducted, again, by countless different agencies, funds, centers as state (Russian, pro-Russian) , and Western and just Russophobic? No one has ever answered plainly and reasonably! Although violations and fraud, of course, there were. But even on the website of the openly anti-Russian "voice", a month after the elections, the number of violations, in their opinion, was about 400. Now compare with the number of electoral districts in Russia. Clave to unsubscribe on this topic ...
    5. Grishka100watt
      14 February 2013 00: 06
      Perfectly laid out and explained point by point. THX)
  2. lechatormosis
    13 February 2013 13: 24
    The situation is far from so bad as all kinds of LIBERAS BLOGERS are trying to impose on us there.
    Fundamental to me is my MOTHERLAND, FAMILY, PARENTS, children FINALLY.
    And while I am alive, I will always and everywhere advocate this.
    CANNOT BE A VALUE FOR HUMAN any liberal or democratic ideals out there are all an empty phrase.
    And this is from me to Mr. PUTIN - if you sign the law on juvenile justice, YOU WILL LOSE ALL RESPECT FOR YOURSELF AND FROM ME AND FROM MANY millions of RUSSIAN citizens with the ensuing consequences.
  3. +3
    13 February 2013 13: 43
    Good article. Correct.

    PS: You need to create your own memes against their memes.
  4. Atlon
    13 February 2013 14: 09
    Strange, the article is not reflected in the feed, you can get to it only from the page:
    "Analytical program" However "with Mikhail Leontyev on February 12, 2013"
    I have 9 publications written in my office, but there are actually 8, but this article is not ... I don’t understand what’s the matter.
    1. +2
      13 February 2013 16: 08
      Quote: Atlon
      Strange, the article is not reflected in the feed, you can get to it only from the page: "Analytical program" However "with Mikhail Leontyev on February 12, 2013" -12-
      fevralya-2013.html I have 9 publications written in my office, but there are actually 8, but this article is not ... I don’t understand what’s the matter.

      Probably agents of the West work! Under cover! wink
      Thank you for the article !! Maybe all the same it will come to someone that not everything is so bad as it is drawn !!!!!!!
    2. +2
      13 February 2013 16: 13
      Pavel, hi.
      And who is this Fritz Moiseevich Morgen?
      Not Atlon, by any chance?
      1. Atlon
        13 February 2013 17: 21
        Quote: Igarr
        And who is this Fritz Moiseevich Morgen?

        At the end of the article, there is a link to the source. This is a blog. Among the dominance of Russophobian resources, it burns with hot iron! I did not find the real name of the author.
        1. +2
          13 February 2013 18: 22
          Then - no words.
          It seems to me - an avatar .. Onotole Wasserman.
          And if not, it’s even worse.
  5. Svarog
    13 February 2013 16: 03
    I haven’t read it yet, I will definitely do it, but the "roofovers" at the end are delivered :)
    1. +2
      13 February 2013 16: 08
      yeah ....... and Fritz Moiseevich (named after the German-Jewish friendship), damn natural m wassat article plus
  6. +4
    13 February 2013 16: 06
    Russia needs a revolution
    Or maybe there will be enough shocks already, ate something like that, since they are screaming, then we are on the right track!
  7. +5
    13 February 2013 16: 09
    First of all, I was interested in the author. And I drew attention to F, I, O, amazingly, one gets the impression that the author is Russian in his soul and in self-consciousness. The person is sincerely "sick" and worries about the integrity and future of Russia. That's how it should be, nothing more , only "naked" facts and analysis. Everything is written down to the smallest detail.
    He recalled that in his student years, the head of the department of the history of state and law. Reading lectures at one time said referring to the formula of ancient Roman lawyers. In order to understand the essence of events and give an analysis, you don’t have to answer a lot of simple questions and get an exhaustive answer.
    1. What happened.
    3. When.
    4. Why.
    5. Why.
    6. For what purpose
  8. +4
    13 February 2013 16: 12
    I didn’t learn anything new. But I read it with pleasure. Thanks to the author
  9. +2
    13 February 2013 16: 22
    The Yeltsin era is bearing fruit. A generation has grown. Bubbled on advertising chewing gums got to the helm so far only a small one. Open a modern school textbook on history or literature. You will be horrified. Looking into the future is even worse.
    1. 0
      13 February 2013 18: 17

      Do not panic!
  10. +2
    13 February 2013 16: 23
    There is a saying: "You cannot enter paradise on someone else's hump." So America received from ........ (I will not say who, so there is a warning) Humpbacked, Ebna so much that it was possible to make the country (in the sense of their America) a blooming paradise, but no more and this will burst America is like a bubble. Why is this so? Is there really nothing under the heart, those people who decide all issues in the United States have nothing? So proud of their mlyn American dream sniffed, but themselves .... Maybe it's aliens, huh?
    1. +1
      13 February 2013 18: 52
      They all the way believed that paradise is when there is a lot of free then. And they completely realized all this. Now they look at the hordes of fat-assed people with no signs of a head at all, and a skinny, infinitely vicious, vile and mean-spirited minority are dumbfounded and climb into the dust - what did we do wrong ?!
      1. Atlon
        13 February 2013 18: 59
        Quote: Mikhail3
        Now they look at the hordes of fat asses

  11. avt
    13 February 2013 16: 24
    Test + Even if they start drooling with saliva, all the same, at least a few think about it. And the inclusion of the brain in a case for its intended purpose is already good for a person and usually leads to correct and meaningful actions.
  12. +2
    13 February 2013 16: 25
    Yes, the struggle is not equal. USA + 27 EU countries + NATO countries + Arabian Peninsula + offended (former Soviet republics), if their
    The media will publish at least one Russophobic article per month - to resist
    this, archi is difficult. The worst thing is that this is a young rummaging.
    1. krisostomus
      13 February 2013 17: 40
      So why not knock out the base for the "information war" from the ideological enemy? Build normal roads, which, alas, leave much to be desired. Start producing good cars, since domestic ones also leave much to be desired. To expel all government officials, embezzlers from service. Here are half of the "arguments" of the "Russophobes" and will not.
      Secondly, it seems that many "patriots" are in many respects in solidarity with "Russophobes", because at every step they say that the curriculum is bad and educate young people. Moreover, the author himself considers the people because he believes that "the brains of the Soviet people were defenseless" late 80s early 90s. Is it the most well-read people in the world?
      The same "patriots" at every step claim that there are only traitors and traitors in the leadership of the country since the time of Khrushchev, ministers are thieves and so on. And such a patriotic event as the Assembly of Officers generally called the Duma illegitimate and decided to imprison Prime Minister Medvedev. Well, what kind of order in the country can we talk about if the legislative branch is illegitimate, and the Prime Minister is a potential criminal? Yes, "Russophobes" are just resting.
      1. +4
        13 February 2013 21: 07
        - there is a certain logic in your words, but only partially ... Excuse me, but to produce a good car, in your opinion, it farted twice in a puddle and two fingers on the asphalt - and the most advanced car in the world is ready? Or is it all the same, if it is from steel for a couple of generations, is it easier to buy some kind of staggering "Opel" thread? Remind you who prevented you from buying this "Opel"? And even at a loss? Who prevented the purchase of Alitalia? And you do not have an explanation why they didn’t let you buy it? And from here you still don’t see the flaw in your statement, like, fix it, and everything will be ok, are these two fingers on the asphalt? As for the bureaucrats of embezzlers - in the previous thread, a scientist - an economist from Neocon explained everything in a popular way, it is enough to read not only those passages about Putin - usually those who are sick about Putin selectively read only these passages, skipping the main part of the article, in which all meaning and all context. It is clearly written there - embezzlers took power in the 90s and built a new state for themselves, loved ones. And you can't change such a device with a snap of your fingers either. The only thing I can agree with is that patriots, in a fit of emotion, negotiate right up to liberoid positions, or even further!
        1. krisostomus
          14 February 2013 02: 25
          My position, perhaps "flawed", but destroyed to the ground Germany and Japan somehow managed to "fart" on the "asphalt" and are now producing first-class cars. You can also give the example of South Korea, which back in the 50s only traded in mats and had no idea about the automotive industry. The government managed to concentrate capital, formulated tasks, provided assistance and preferences, but also asked hard from producers. The result is that South Korea is the largest car exporter today. Do you propose to fix the gap in "two generations" forever?
          If, as you say, "bureaucrats with embezzlers" took power in the 90s and built a "state for themselves," then what is left to do for the rest? Wait until they voluntarily surrender this power with the "treasury"? Has this ever happened anywhere in the world?
      2. +2
        13 February 2013 22: 38
        krisostjmus, Even if within two years we build and do everything for ourselves as you say, and even if our standard of living is higher than in the most prosperous country in the world, the war against us will not end, but only intensify. We are not like them and this is our cross. Neither Europe nor the United States will ever accept us in their shobla. They will always strive to destroy us, to kill our statehood. Only we can resist them and we need to learn this constantly. And we also need inner cohesion.
        1. krisostomus
          14 February 2013 03: 58
          This is a typical xenophobia - the result of many years of drumming into the consciousness of the "electorate" of its "peculiarity" and the presence of enemies around them. And if you remember history, then the Russian Empire regularly "hung out" with someone from this "shobla", against someone else from the same "shobla". They are very fond of talking about the aggressiveness of France and Napoleon's attack on Russia, but they completely forget about Suvorov's Italian campaign preceding this, when Russia in a coalition opposed revolutionary France. Russia and the Entente were "friends" against Germany in the First World War, which in general was to get into it, especially since nothing threatened Russia at all.
          Well, after the revolution, it was Soviet Russia that declared capital and private property the main enemy and promised to drive the last nail into the coffin of capitalism, that is, into the whole, as you call it, “shobla”. It would be strange to say the least if this "shobla" did not try to counteract this. So both the USSR and the "shobla" undermined the power of each other as best they could and wherever they could, the USSR just ran out of strength earlier.
          If the United States and Europe wanted to destroy Russia, they would have done so long ago, and in the early 90s there were no better conditions for this. Moreover, in the Second World War, both the United States and Britain could calmly watch from the sidelines as Stalin and Hitler were killing each other. For some reason, they provided assistance to the USSR, and even very significant. And nearly half a million high-quality cars - this is not a cat who cares. It would be necessary to either carry everything on the hump or find resources for their production. And millions of tons of products, hundreds of thousands of tons of metals, explosives and gunpowder and much more. There was nowhere to take all this and the war would have taken on an even more protracted character, and there was practically no one to be drafted into the army - in 1944, the guys born in 1927 were called up, that is, minors. And the Germans had the same picture. So "shobla" could not help, but simply wait until the USSR and Germany exterminate each other. This is somehow not very similar to the desire to exterminate Russia.
      3. +5
        14 February 2013 02: 31
        Quote: krisostomus
        So why not knock out the base for the "information war" from the ideological enemy? Build normal roads, which, alas, leave much to be desired. Start producing good cars, since domestic ones also leave much to be desired. To expel all government officials, embezzlers from service.

        Have you had your cars in the Baltics for a long time? Or maybe they are in Poland, Portugal or there, Norway? Nope. Or have you been able to build roads well from time immemorial? Who taught? Or maybe embezzlers are rare? Do you specially grow officials in test tubes? I don’t think so. I had to be in your area. Those. - "arguments" are exactly the same. But there are no "estonophobes" or "romanophobes" there. This is all nonsense, sorry. The bad can be found everywhere and always. There would be a goal.
        Sly, dear. Oh, cunning. There is no problem there. Russia is hindered by some simply by the fact of its existence, and also by a load of historical grievances. But, as you know, they carry water on the offended. So give the deadline. We will harness still :))))
  13. Vadik
    13 February 2013 16: 36
    Now, if Dad hadn’t told me so much about our country, then I would have become a Russophobe. When he tells something, I even freeze and listen carefully. Most of my acquaintances are Russophobes. They had a powdery head. How insulting .... recourse
    But I love my country, I know its history and cultural values. I will not betray Russia soldier
    1. Atlon
      13 February 2013 17: 28
      Quote: Vadik
      Now, if Dad hadn’t told me so much about our country

      You have a good dad! Correct! And understanding will come to everyone sooner or later. I remember myself in the 90s. How rejoiced freedom and Sneakers ... Yes, yes! So, in one row, FREEDOM and SNICKERS. laughing This now came the understanding that we were i-di-ots, and then, the head was intoxicated by euphoria, and the thought of "beautiful" Western life. Naive youths ... lol
    2. SEM
      13 February 2013 22: 27
      The most important thing is that you are not alone. There are a lot of such people.
    3. +1
      14 February 2013 00: 22

      Live calmly, your friends will envy you.
    4. +2
      14 February 2013 02: 41
      Well done, Vadik! Keep it up! Russia rests on patriots and honest, kind, and conscientious people.
  14. Elliot
    13 February 2013 16: 42
    Interesting article, thanks

    The idea is that West is infinitely more developed and civilized countrythan Russia.
    I never heard of such a country))
  15. +5
    13 February 2013 16: 44
    The essence of the idea is simple and intuitive:
    Russia is hopelessly wretched in absolutely all matters of its being.


    Russian products are poor and not competitive

    There is such a thing. Infovoyna need to lead in this way, build, modernize. Pipes for gas transit began to be produced near Chelyabinsk — they killed the pipe industry of Japan! —May — and so on !!

    Russian officials are lazy and thieving.
    With rare exceptions, the second is 100%. The first - controversial, in your pocket, very active, enterprising. Again, the info-war is useless - you have to plant and shoot.

    Russian children are stupid people
    So far, no worse than their children, but no better. With the introduced education system, this is the way to go !!!! Infovoyna is to blame, or maybe they themselves ???

    Russian adults - drunks,
    ABSOLUTE LIE !!! People who have a job prefer it. Here, perhaps I will agree - the state needs to fight and "show and forge" the FACE OF THE CITIZEN of Russia

    Russian old men are poor zombies.
    True, it does not hurt.
    About a week ago (a car broke down), I sat in a trolley bus, turned my head, deja vu, the population of 82 was looking at me. The same clothes, the same eyes.
    Many make ends meet.

    Russian roads and cars ... oh, what can I say.

    True, it is not necessary !!!! - It is necessary to do them, and not to fill the stabilization fund.

    Everything is bad in Russia,
    But for this, informational resources of the state are needed. Only now he has neither desire nor skill.
  16. +4
    13 February 2013 16: 45
    I did not understand some of the "Main anti-Russian memes."
    1. The state is your enemy - and who? Serdyukov, Fursenko, Chubais, Golikova, etc., luminous figures, are my friends or what? Another question... Did they come to us from Mars? Did you come across these posts on your own? They sat at their posts for several years and played cases in public as much as they could. Name me at least one reform that would be crowned with success? Okay, let me simplify the task... At least not harm the country? What about immigration policy? What about industry? If you list all the jambs, then you need to write a new article.
    2. Russia is rolling into the abyss - in the given state of affairs, yes, it is rolling. Who does not catch up with something, see p1.
    3. Russia is not for Russians, for Central Asians and Caucasians ... Notice that I did not mention anything about the Bashkirs, Tatars, Yakuts, Mansi, Khanty, etc., etc. peoples and nationalities inhabiting our Motherland. Russia is a multinational country. When they say “Russia for Russians”, adequate people mean the following: home Tajik-Uzbek-Kyrgyz, no Caucasian bespridel and remember that Russians also live in this country, sorry it just happened. wink The remaining semantic loads are destructive and will lead to the collapse of the country.
    I understand that the information war is underway. And how long. And very serious. But what is our government doing about this? Where are the adequate reforms? Where are you doing, things aimed at the long-term development of the state?
    One chatter only and a couple of indicative TV coverage ...
    Well, there would be things ... Let's dream ...
    Our “leader” would come out tomorrow and say, they say so and so, I did not have the opportunity to restore order in the country for the previous two terms, because liberal democrats did not allow ... there was no one to lean on ... the receiver turned out to be completely nothing ... let's finally restore order in the country! I suggest this and that ... I’ll tighten the nuts by the ass, I earnestly ask you not to give in to the provocation of the liberalism mentioned above ... There will be no 37th year, but everything will be in accordance with the legislation, which we will change so-and-so then ... Here is my program, here are the deadlines ... The country needs to be saved !!!
    And then, in a week, the nanoprivatizators with stool and end would go on the nightingales. And other measures to return freshly-made..x state money ... and planting, planting ... And in parallel new reforms ... smart ... in the Stolypin genre, not Golikova
    And it seems to me that nothing would have happened, for any money, no anti-state propaganda would have done to the people ...
    And a rating of 95% would not be far-fetched ...
    But unfortunately these are only dreams ...
    1. Atlon
      13 February 2013 17: 34
      Quote: Goodmen
      1. The state is your enemy - and who? Serdyukov, Fursenko, Chubais, Golikova, etc., luminous figures, are my friends or what?

      The state is like an apparatus, not like people.

      Quote: Goodmen
      And in parallel, new reforms ... smart ... in the Stolypin genre, not Golikova

      Remember what happened to Stolypin? The same will happen. The reaction is still too strong. Here so far only by "rolling", not washing. Silently. There is no other way. Sudden movements will lead to an explosion.
      1. 0
        13 February 2013 19: 57
        <<< Remember what happened to Stolypin? The same will happen. The reaction is still too strong. Here so far only by "rolling", not washing. Silently. There is no other way. Abrupt body movements will lead to an explosion. >>>
        You're right! The rampant 90s that laid the foundations for liberal-market mafia-oriented structures oriented to the West will hiccup for us for a long time to come. Adherents of western geymocratic values ​​are frank and hidden literally everywhere: in the media, in business, and, most dangerous, in power and in power. This explains Putin’s policy, which seems hesitant, but otherwise DON’T JUST GO!
      2. 0
        14 February 2013 00: 24
        Here so far only by "rolling", and not washing

        100%, dear! We have a lot of fans with a head against breaking a wall, and then in a tavern - celebrating a great break. From Pikul.
        1. +1
          14 February 2013 11: 17
          Great victories are sometimes born from the ability to endure and wait in the wings. (V.S. Pikul)
          I completely agree. Only I'm afraid that in the case of a protracted waiting for the hour, as if we all do not pass the "point of no return".
      3. -1
        14 February 2013 11: 10
        Maybe ... but:
        The army is now correcting some of the stool errors ... And no explosion !!!
        If the Unified State Exam is canceled, the people will run to the Kremlin, shouting "We want ignorant children!" ?
        or if the prices for gasoline are made adequate, crowds of motorists will advocate "We are for expensive gasoline!"
        In general, our people are sadomasochists? Yes? For paid medicine and education? :))) with such and such "little things" what prevents to start?
  17. 0
    13 February 2013 16: 47
    each thesis is brief and understandable, and, most importantly, accurately describes the situation
  18. +3
    13 February 2013 16: 54
    Our country is the best in the world, no Western propaganda can convince me, and I teach my children love for the Motherland. We are the most free in the world. By the way, the Russian channel is shown in English (we have at least) and we are in the language of a potential adversary do not speak and do not understand, unfortunately.
  19. Tsoi is alive
    13 February 2013 17: 08
    In general, however, the Internet is now purely anti-Russian.

    I'm wondering, but how does this site position itself? request
    1. Atlon
      13 February 2013 17: 37
      Quote: Choi is alive
      I'm wondering, but how does this site position itself?

      "Opinions" rubric: Here are laid out completely different opinions, articles of visitors to the site, as well as articles from other sites for discussion. The site administration may have an opinion on this news that is different from the opinion of the authors of the materials."
  20. +3
    13 February 2013 17: 15
    It is time to finally understand that the information war is not less, but even more terrible, than usual.
    So for the homeland of brothers and sisters !!!
  21. djon3volta
    13 February 2013 17: 19
    and you know how many double-faced double-faced changers on this site? uuu ... if you read comments on politics on this site, or God forbid about Kvachkov or Serdyukov ... I’ll not be more honest, if you don’t like Putin and his policies, then you’ll have to he’ll laugh, you won’t wait in the wings. There will be elections in 2018, and yes, Putin will rule the country in 2018!
    1. anchonsha
      13 February 2013 17: 57
      I apologize - by chance your comment is negative.
      1. wax
        14 February 2013 00: 08
        anchonsha (2)
        Corrected your mistake.
  22. rereture
    13 February 2013 17: 24
    Another slogan of Russophobes that I frankly got hold of: "The standard of living in Russia has dropped several times in comparison with the 90s (zero)." How could the standard of living have dropped if almost everyone has a computer, smartphone (phone), Internet access, and a car?
    As for the children, too, is not true. The school gives that minimum of knowledge which is enough for admission to universities and universities, among other things, the study of history, a foreign language, computer science starts from the second grade (I studied only foreign from the second). The USE is not as bad as they say about him, but there are flaws, and corruption in district schools, but it allows a more or less gifted child to enter a normal university (university).
    Those who say that where to work (especially in the province) are very lazy people. Mother Russia is full of great work.
    1. redwolf_13
      15 February 2013 12: 42
      Forgive me where this vulgar wording (PROVINCE) is already enraging. Only from her you hear it. When did you manage to conquer all of Russia. For the word “province” came to us from Rome, where this word was used to refer to the ruined territories of Rome. Well, that's not the point. You will roll back 40-70 km from the MKD and look at the villages of the city. Feeling like after 43g. the front has just left. And the work remained only with you, but at every step yelling "the city is not rubber. Come in large numbers here" If people are so lazy as they forged their homeland for 70 years ??? AS? There were factories, there were factories, people worked, worked and enjoyed life. And now throw everything and rush to Moscow and St. Petersburg. So there is nothing to throw. We are not a nomadic tribe. And to the question of education, so that the child would pass the USE, many hire tutors. And then they climb into Kabolda to the "Jewish" banks to educate the child. About housing, you can say the truth. And the standard of living is not measured by the phone and the computer. Although you know better there in Muscovy.
  23. +4
    13 February 2013 18: 02
    I don’t care! I am at home in Russia, and though these craps may even be obsessed, I will not indulge my Russia for anything.
    1. Komodo
      13 February 2013 22: 19
      I fully support and join. Who is there barking at us ??? Show me this nonsense and I will cripple his brains ..
  24. anchonsha
    13 February 2013 18: 05
    Their people became more skeptical because of officials, because of the very big difference in incomes between oligarch bankers, billionaires and ordinary people. And they will never forgive the same Prokhorov of the billionaire who plays the good uncle and promises to abandon the loot he has only when he is elected president.
  25. 0
    13 February 2013 18: 20
    in the "composition of the enemy troops" for some reason there is no so-called "elite" and enemies of the liberals who surrounded Putin and feed in Russia, maybe they are for us, but we do not understand this? belay
  26. +4
    13 February 2013 18: 26
    Article is good! Thanks to everyone who expressed their opinion above!
    From myself I want to add a little joking style-
    I know for sure: the water is wet, the earth is round, the demolition is inevitable as the collapse of capitalism, and the summer will be !!!!!!
    Everything will be fine with us !!!

    Clinton's already had a hit ..... and all other Judas awaits the same ......
  27. +3
    13 February 2013 18: 36
    "Slander. Sweet at first
    A little breeze flutters
    And as if in stealth
    Human hearing barely caresses
    And babbling like a brook ...
    Gradually to all people
    Mind and heart fills
    And word of mouth flies
    Like a learned lesson ...
    And like a bomb, bursting,
    All slander shocks
    And the earthly world shakes ... "
    (opera barber of seville)
    All the same, you need to study the classics well! Then you won’t lead to anything!
    1. wax
      14 February 2013 00: 16
      I hate gossip as versions
      Worms of doubt, honors needle,

      Against lies, we have a great antidote - the truth and the right judgment about everything

      Lucian, XNUMXnd century A.D.
  28. +2
    13 February 2013 18: 41
    Article +, immediately shortly and practically everything is clear in directions, media, etc.
    But sometimes the authorities can be scolded if an official of some sort, a state employee does not want to move his buttocks ... You can speak out. But to say everything is bad, it is not good. Compare the 90s ... Everything is known in comparison ...
  29. NikitaURUS
    13 February 2013 18: 44
    Russia rises after the 90s. Look around - how much the standard of living has improved!

    The most offensive, a lot of our compatriots are convinced that in the West is not life, but Paradise.
    1. rereture
      13 February 2013 18: 54
      In the West, it’s not any better, there is as much corruption, and society is turning into an asexual mass.
  30. Irek
    13 February 2013 19: 34
    So I will remain a "fool and scoundrel" ...
    all "citizens of the world" who came without an invitation, welcome to hit in the face angry
    1. Atlon
      13 February 2013 19: 55
      Quote: Irek
      So I will remain a "fool and scoundrel" ...

      We, "Putin's cattle", declare with full responsibility:
      We are many, and we are in quilted jackets! fellow
  31. spy master
    13 February 2013 20: 05
    I will not say much new, but still to the question of our capabilities to counter information wars.
    In the early 1970s, a certain "Institute of Sociology" was created in the United States, which, in fact, was engaged in studying and inventing the so-called "information weapon". A separate circle of people counts. that it was the fruits of this work that became one of the reasons for the collapse of the USSR and the corruption of the Russian people. These methods, however, were also known in our country. The problem is that they were used to a greater extent to train officers of the Military Intelligence, the KGB and special forces (for example, the Vympel special forces could carry out a coup d'etat in a small country in 3-4 months ... and don't be confused by the word - "small"; and in the early 1990s, a GRU spetsnaz company, crossing the border at night in 2 weeks, suppressed the revolution without losses and with single casualties (if my memory serves me, it was 1992, I do not remember the place). This should be taught to everyone, but I mean that it would be worth at least to notify the population about the existence of methods by which the West can deceive and mislead the same population - this could at least slightly prepare the protective functions of the consciousness of Soviet people to counteract the information flow that rushed after disappearance of the “Iron Curtain.” My opinion is that it was necessary to tell at least a little truth about the West and in the right light, that is, not to say that everything is bad in the West, but to compare be. That is - in the West, work for years and buy an apartment, but here just do your job honestly and you will get it ... but these are not mansions, but "Khrushchevs", but this is yours and over time, it seems to me that "Khrushchevs" "(or by that time, probably, already" putinks ") would have become more spacious and comfortable. Then the person of perestroika would think first of all not about the fact that the capitalist has 3 apartments, but about how much he plowed for this.
    In our time, knowledge about information wars began to pour out into the masses. One of the evidence of this is various literature (for example, a series of books by anonymous authors "Project Russia"). However, the enlightenment of the population in this area and the use by the state of methods of information education of the population is not as high as we would like. Of course, our mentality, in some sense, is more resistant to this kind of weapon (informational). But please remember that if you hammer with a knitting needle at one point on the wall, then a dent will appear there too ... or even a crack will not God forbid.
    It seems to me that the GRU, the FSB and other special services should use information technology for the benefit of the security of their country - of course, the FSB is primarily concerned, since they are the first who are engaged in KONTR reconnaissance in the country (maybe they should even have a separate group of people or a separate department dealing with this particular issue). But the rest should not neglect knowledge and experience in this area.
    Such is the personal opinion on this issue.
    PS: Sorry for the volume - it is boiling.
  32. Guun
    13 February 2013 20: 55
    I’m looking at many Putin’s huts, and in Kazakhstan we respect Putin, they say he’s rooting for something. On our border with (friendly) neighbors, so many of our citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan are sitting in places of detention, and Nazarbayev did not even say a word, crying of wives, children and parents of which our state abandoned, seep into the media. The military even sits in our prisons, Turkmenistan sits, in Uzbekistan, they say they crossed the border, and so on. Damn WELL FROM FAT FREAK! Take Nazarbayev and give us Putin! By the way, if in a public place he spoke poorly about Nazarbayev, then everyone can put him in jail.
    1. +3
      13 February 2013 22: 52
      We ourselves need Putin!
    2. lechatormosis
      14 February 2013 04: 25
      Putin is not blamed but fairly criticized.
      I just got a few questions for him that I hope
      he answer going down from OLYMPUS OF SUPREME POWER.
      Why did Mr. Serdyukov atrocify in the Army for so long?
      Why is the fight against Wahhabis emissaries so weak?
      Why are attempts to introduce Juvenile Justice in Russia not thwarted?
      Such why you can ask plenty more to him.
  33. 0
    13 February 2013 22: 42
    Well done Fritz Moiseevich! More to such articles. There is an ideology - the ideology of Russon hatred, but we do not. Hence the atrophy of national identity and as a consequence of foreign policy.
  34. 0
    13 February 2013 22: 50
    Thanks to the author, it's nice to read the one who is for Us!
  35. 0
    13 February 2013 23: 45
    Jambs in the Russian Federation before ... (some to the waist), some of them are fixable right now, which only requires the courage to admit that they are wrong. And many other problems of the country are unsolvable as long as our reserves are hidden in US dollars and receipts ... For example, they cannot send VTOs, they can freeze the stabilization fund too, they have to think before they send it.
    Now, I’m printing and thinking: Putin doesn’t want to change something or maybe?
  36. Mr.Q
    14 February 2013 00: 09
    Registered just for the comment. At the beginning of the article, the author mentions the information war and the article itself is a prime example! For example, I personally am Russian, was born in Russia, I love my homeland, but not the state, in a word, a nationalist.

    About "The main anti-Russian memes"- with the first three and 5th points I agree 100% that it is! But then ... no words ...

    According to the author, it turns out that Russia is not currently plunging into the abyss, but what then happens to the country now? In Russia now, of course no unemployment, poverty, price increases suit everyone.... The fact that RUSSIAN land for sale right and left, too, no one cares, right? The fact that The Far East and Eastern Siberia are given into the hands of some dubious company with a western name also does not bother anyone?

    Further, "Russia needs a revolution" - but doesn't it? Are you satisfied with everything?

    "The state is your enemy" - is it not? Fiddling bureaucrats are our best friends, huh? Those. adopted laws, for example: Magnitsky, free donation - it's all nishtyak yes? All support state. project Childhood 2030 Yes? Well, super ... no words! And the fact that the army is in decline, to whom I thank you for saying this?

    "Orthodoxy is evil, the Church is a corrupt and outdated entity ..." but why isn't that so? It seems that the author does not live in Russia and is far from a Russian person, but some kind of Jew.

    Further, about the church, which is a relic of the Middle Ages and one of the control authorities, also does not bother anyone. Although I, as an atheist, probably don’t understand the herd of faith ... and it’s better not to chew about it - they still don’t understand ... And to say that cultural and leisure complexes, parks, on the site of which are built demolitions probably not worth it, as well as what kind of "lighting" incense for new almshouses father takes 1500000 rubles... lepotaaaaa, and also probably you should not go into history and say that it is not our religion and by what methods over the course of 2000 years it went to what it has achieved now?

    "Russia for Russians" - why don't you agree with that? You are satisfied with migrants whose influx has increased in recent years order? I went to Moscow - visited the Caucasus ... The fact that in Russia now the demographic crisis also does not bother anyone ... Of course !!! TOLERANCE! Love everyone and everything ... only with such love for 2016 in Russia there will be no Russians.

    Further: “the fight against flashing lights, corruption or even juvenile justice. However, soon enough the information background pushes them first to the conclusion“ this problem is allowed by the state ”, and then to the vicious idea“ we need to fight the authorities, now it is more important and necessary more than my small specific cases. " - i.e. turns out Do you need to fight at all? Do you have to trust the authorities, pray and kiss the ass of GDP? Juvenile justice is good, right? Do you have children? If so, didn’t you try to take them away? ....

    In general, after reading the double opinion: I agree with some points, while others resemble the Jewish zombies, that everything is good and beautiful!
    1. 0
      14 February 2013 08: 06

      Registered just for the comment

      So it was not necessary, they spat - leave.
    2. Atlon
      14 February 2013 19: 19
      Quote: Mr.Q
      Registered just for the comment.

      Not worth it ... Would you go yourself ... more ... negative
    3. redwolf_13
      15 February 2013 12: 54
      Wrote well good I agree with many things. Here's another question about the state foolishness. As the law on demonstrations so for 3 days as the law on smoking so for a week. And as a complete law on "the fight against corruption" so already 4 years and it seems about it already forgotten.
  37. wax
    14 February 2013 00: 27
    Three statements on the topic:
    the result can be achieved by carefully dosing the truth

    Lies have short legs, but tireless

    our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours
  38. +1
    14 February 2013 01: 19
    A good article, everything is intelligible, everything is on the shelves ... Thanks to the author for his work. It’s only a shame that such articles are mainly read by those rational people who understand all this Russophobic crap and don’t bite Goebbels propaganda!
    People need to open their eyes more actively, to select TV channels from the trash of this pro-Western!
  39. sham55555
    14 February 2013 02: 42
    I found my site and my associates, the best site Military Review
  40. +1
    14 February 2013 04: 08
    Quote: sham55555
    I found my site and my associates, the best site Military Review

    Welcome, I’ve been here for a year, the opinion is the same and does not change! wink

    The article is super, thanks to the author. My only question is - how can we, patriotic realists, pick up the same powerful "memes" (attitudes) against these bots, poravalitics and other Russians who hate their own country? To keep it short and powerful ?!
    And then they got me in a normal life. And, what is interesting, these Russian haters of our country, for some reason, the crowd begins to pounce on me, and the patriots are silent bashfully!
    1. lechatormosis
      14 February 2013 04: 19
      Well, nothing like the dear MAGADAN.
      I often disappear at work, so I do not always have the opportunity to support you.
      As for the crowd of Russian so-called LIBERASTS who hate their own MOTHERLAND, well, imagine that this is crap ... my toilet will be much easier to FIGHT them even if there are a million of them (although I think there are very few of them)
  41. +1
    14 February 2013 06: 27
    I agree with the author of the article that there is a turning point. In my opinion, this is largely due to the fact that many people are tired of endless lies and took a neutral position. Now the authorities must, even must, drag this neutral electorate to their side (pro-Russian).
  42. +2
    14 February 2013 11: 13
    The most interesting thing is that the Soviet Union had a very effective mechanism for countering the information technologies of the West. Yes, the same Soviet media showed the truth about the Western way of life. And the terms "Progressive world community" and "Democracy" had their real meaning, and not the one they have now. Moreover, for me in the early 90s, the words democracy and the United States were combined only in the phrase "the United States is the strangler of democracy", and nothing else (and now I think the same thing).
    The turning point was brought by Gorbachev. With his "dry law" began the "sinking" of the people!
    The suggestion that the people are drunk And it started ... Still not stopping!
    And yet, we all listened to "Voice of America", "Free Europe", etc.
    And they didn’t get any ideas from there, so additional information ... sometimes they tell the truth, well, the shows are musical, but they’re more fucked up ... Because we knew how to think, analyze ... And they believed their country because they didn’t lie to us. .. (about what was bad in the media was not reported). And if everything was said in the USSR, and what’s good with us and what’s bad, then hell would you take us ...
  43. Atlon
    14 February 2013 19: 56
    Thanks to everyone who spoke out!
  44. 0
    17 March 2022 15: 33
    In fact, there is no information war, all this is fiction and conjecture. the motivation of the military involved in the hot phase is unshakable. How can there be a loss in the "info-war" if, after a victory in the hot phase and another "Nurberg", the loss suddenly turns into a gain? How can you trust someone who has lied at least once? Will you go to the "doctor" a second time with a diploma from the transition? And why do you believe those who have already "crap themselves"? and continue to read everything with the persistence of a moron and believe in it! and for especially media, there are fire weapons that fall into the "window" and knife switches.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"