Footage of the Z-STS “Akhmat” armored car, clad in all-round anti-drone protection, has been published.

Footage of the Z-STS “Akhmat” armored car, clad in all-round anti-drone protection, has been published.

Footage has been published online showing the Z-STS Akhmat armored car, equipped with almost total all-round anti-drone protection. The entire surface of the combat vehicle is completely covered with a grille designed to protect against possible FPV attacks.drones the adversary.

The Z-STS armored vehicle is designed to transport personnel and military cargo in conditions of active fire from the enemy. This armored vehicle is capable of protecting the crew, passengers and transported cargo from the fire of weapons up to and including heavy machine guns, as well as from the scattering of shell fragments and mines.

3-STS "Akhmat" has a 6x6 wheel arrangement and is designed for operation at ambient temperatures from minus 50 to plus 50 degrees, including in mountainous terrain at an altitude of up to 4,5 thousand meters.

Earlier it was reported that the head of the Russian Ministry of Defense Sergei Shoigu was presented with a line of Russian UAVs and anti-drone small arms weapons. Moreover, all presented drones, as well as the payload, are created from domestic composite materials and components. The payload of domestically produced drones varies from 10 to 200 kilograms.

The Minister of Defense set the task of providing all assault groups of the Russian Armed Forces with weapons designed to effectively destroy enemy FPV drones, as well as creating a research and production center for UAVs and robotic systems.

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  1. +8
    April 24 2024 11: 17
    Until FPV drones land on the ground, we will not see such designs.
    1. +5
      April 24 2024 11: 24
      Until FPV drones land on the ground, we will not see such designs.

      A real mosquito mask for an armored car... And it looks like a beekeeper's headdress with a net... The main thing is that the "dronopiyets" don't break through, and the appearance... Who cares... I'd rather not live on fat... I remember how at first everyone made fun of our "barbecues" on tanks, and now they've hung them on their own...
      1. -1
        April 24 2024 11: 38
        They always bully. At first they laughed at the remote control on an armored personnel carrier/infantry fighting vehicle, at the gratings made of anything, at the dropping of grenades from copters, at an RPG grenade on a copter, at a pair of RPGs or a machine gun on a copter, and so on and so forth. That's how people are built.
      2. +1
        April 24 2024 12: 21
        Quote: Lev_Russia
        A real mosquito mask for an armored car... And it looks like a beekeeper’s headdress with a net...

        We protected ourselves from drones, but how to shoot if the car was immobilized and the “partners” ran towards the car?
        1. -2
          April 24 2024 12: 27
          We protected ourselves from drones, but how to shoot if the car was immobilized and the “partners” ran towards the car?

          Well, firstly, this mesh is designed to prevent the car from being “immobilized”... And secondly, next to an immobilized car there is no shit to do when the so-called “partners” “run” to it, and there are probably doors or passages in the net... Well, or you can always get out from under the net and shoot...
    2. +2
      April 24 2024 11: 36
      Well, what can we say about those who put up this defense - WELL DONE. good
      While the domestic military-industrial complex and engineering have not come up with anything more advanced than this body kit, fighters on the front line have the right to protect themselves and their equipment by all available means, and this is one such example. soldier
      1. +2
        April 24 2024 12: 18
        We almost made it to the Mad Max movie....
        1. 0
          April 24 2024 12: 47
          Ehhh... the times of force fields will come.... That's what I mean... oh yes... life is such a bastard - it's painfully short recourse

          The problem is actually superconductivity... if they came up with room temperature... then you can generate an arbitrarily powerful magnetic field (well, within reasonable limits, of course)
  2. +1
    April 24 2024 11: 20
    It’s okay that it’s shaggy and scary, the main thing is the result.
    1. +4
      April 24 2024 11: 31
      Quote: Roust
      It’s okay that it’s shaggy and scary, the main thing is the result.

      Perhaps someday, when the protection against drones reaches such a level that you put a small box inside the car and not a single one will fly up - then maybe we will laugh at this “cunning design”.
      In the meantime, if it works, then it must be done.
      Quite recently they laughed at “barbecues” - but now they come from the factory.

      I remember that we, although winged, were still infantry, also laughed at our “tractor drivers” that they almost fought for every log that was scarce in the mountains and immediately adapted it to armor. And then one day we talked to the boys who were driving the Shilkas - and they stopped laughing.
  3. +4
    April 24 2024 11: 21
    People are just trying to protect themselves as best they can and carry out a combat mission...!!! They also laughed at the "grill"... Soon ships will be sailing like in the First World War (with anti-torpedo) with anti-drone fencing.
    1. +2
      April 24 2024 11: 23
      Soon ships will sail like in the First World War (with anti-torpedo) with anti-drone fencing
      Unmanned boats have already appeared, and anti-boat fencing will also appear wink
  4. +2
    April 24 2024 11: 26
    You look at this human genius and an idea immediately matures... To build technology, like the chitinous cover of insects, which replaces the skeleton...! Something like remote booking...
    1. 0
      April 24 2024 12: 00
      There is already a Tsar-Mangal tank in the amount of 2 units.
  5. 0
    April 24 2024 11: 29
    What are the chains on the front for? What is their purpose?
    1. +1
      April 24 2024 12: 19
      Quote: was_bornin
      What are the chains on the front for? What is their purpose?

      mine antennas provoke an explosion, just like magnetic antennas on metal.
    2. 0
      April 24 2024 23: 02
      “What are the chains on the front for? What is their purpose?"©
      It makes a menacing sound when moving...request
  6. +1
    April 24 2024 11: 32
    With such overhangs, in the front, in the back, and on the sides... unless you only move along the highway.
    On any off-road, these overhangs will come off at the first bump.
    And the big question is the possibility of urgently leaving the car in case of an unexpected event.
    1. +3
      April 24 2024 11: 53
      Do you think the “homemade” people on the front line don’t know the problems of off-road conditions, mines and evacuation? This means they are trying to protect themselves from more real threats, even at the expense of something else.
  7. -2
    April 24 2024 11: 36
    Why wasn’t a hangar built around it? Is it so fashionable now?
  8. -1
    April 24 2024 11: 37
    If they hit a mine, how can we save the soldiers?
  9. +2
    April 24 2024 11: 50
    armored vehicle Z-STS "Akhmat", equipped with almost total all-round anti-drone protection.

    With all due respect. I remember the cartoon was like this: “The Cage”
    It's not just The Simpsons that predicts the future...
  10. -1
    April 24 2024 11: 56
    Footage of the Z-STS “Akhmat” armored car, clad in all-round anti-drone protection, has been published.

    Maybe, at last, the ostentatious parades of military equipment will stop - it is unsightly to release such a high-tech product on Red Square...
    * * *
    The Minister of Defense set the task of providing all assault groups of the Russian Armed Forces with weapons designed to effectively destroy enemy FPV drones, as well as creating a research and production center for UAVs and robotic systems.

    What about the various microwave-laser weapons capable of “welding” any electronics of any drone? Or are there some new physical principles of wrestling?
  11. +2
    April 24 2024 11: 57
    This will protect you from one. And a few will try to make a hole.

    A new era has arrived. Surely crime will also adopt drones, and scammers, and authorities, and officials. There will be no protection for the common man.
  12. -1
    April 24 2024 13: 07
    It looks more like a “chicken coop”, and all that remains is to let the “birds” inside the cage. wassat
  13. +1
    April 24 2024 13: 12
    You can drive on the highway in this grid without any problems. And on a rural road? On the field? Where does the car move from side to side and from bow to stern? Protect yourself from a drone, but get stuck or roll over because the grille is caught on something? And then get out of a stuck car right under enemy drones?
  14. 0
    April 24 2024 13: 24
    damn, I think parking will be inconvenient :)
  15. 0
    April 24 2024 13: 43
    designed for transportation of personnel and military cargo under conditions of active fire from the enemy... in mountainous terrain.

    Until the first tubercle. The nets will bend, the doors from them will jam and it will be a problem to leave the car, especially under fire.
    No wonder he was photographed on a flat area
  16. -1
    April 24 2024 14: 34
    The Minister of Defense set the task of providing all assault groups of the Russian Armed Forces with weapons designed to effectively destroy enemy FPV drones, as well as creating a research and production center for UAVs and robotic systems.

    Setting a task is not enough. We also need to create a technology for rapid advancement of promising designs. And the minister must oversee how these things are progressing.
  17. +1
    April 24 2024 14: 39
    For rides on the field it’s quite good. And somewhere, in the forest, or in urban areas? It will catch on everything and everyone, or it will break off, or it will get stuck somewhere...