Head of the Ministry of Defense Shoigu: The Ukrainian army has lost almost half a million soldiers since the beginning of the Northern Military District

Head of the Ministry of Defense Shoigu: The Ukrainian army has lost almost half a million soldiers since the beginning of the Northern Military District

Russian troops have the initiative along the entire line of combat contact, continuing to push Ukrainian units out of their occupied lines. Sergei Shoigu stated this at a meeting of the board of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

The Russian army has the initiative along the entire front line; as a result of active military operations, the Russian Armed Forces liberated Pervomaiskoye, Bogdanovka and Novomikhailovka, and Berdychi and Georgievka are next in line. Units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, unable to further restrain the advance of Russian troops, are forced to leave their positions. Ukraine’s sponsors from the United States urgently approved the allocation of additional funding to Kyiv to save the situation, but this will not help the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

In total, since the beginning of the Russian military special operation, the Ukrainian army has lost almost half a million military personnel. These figures were cited by the head of the military department, speaking about the failure of the Ukrainian army’s offensive. However, he did not specify exactly what losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces he was talking about.

From another, no less important point: the Russian military-industrial complex has increased the production of military products, fully providing the troops in the Northern Military District with everything they need. At the same time, the pace of production of the most popular weapons is increasing.

In connection with the resumption of military supplies by Western countries, the Russian Armed Forces will increase the intensity of strikes on logistics centers and storage bases for Western weapons. Kyiv has already announced an increase missile strikes on rear areas, especially in Western Ukraine. As British intelligence had previously reported, Russia had stockpiled a great many missiles and drones-kamikaze.
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  1. +7
    April 23 2024 13: 38
    Well, on the other hand, Zaluzhny settled down well in London, and Ukrainians apparently also died for him and his well-being. The wife of Zaluzhny, now the Ambassador of Ukraine to Britain, Elena Skripchenko, (44 years old) still an employee of Ukrgasbank, purchased a townhouse in the London area of ​​Bailgravia (London Rublyovka) for almost 3 million British pounds sterling. Before this, Zaluzhny, under the protection of the Britons, received a waiver in the form of 5 million pounds sterling upon dismissal. And you, Mikola, continue to fight. Well, if your brain is still more or less normal, then it’s better to go over to the side of the Russians immediately upon arrival at the LBS. No one needs you. Ukrainians, except Russians.
    1. +6
      April 23 2024 13: 55
      Well, Zelensky loves to hold this or that settlement at any cost, as well as carry out suicidal counterattacks one after another, so there is nothing surprising here. It seems to me that the half a million voiced is still the most conservative estimate. The Ukrainian Armed Forces fight with reserves, that is, in numbers, and not by skill. Catch mobilized ones for meat. We’ve run out. Catch them again and again for meat, and so many times. Zelensky’s pride costs Ukraine dearly. Here is an example. And there are a lot of such examples. So one should not be surprised.

      . 07.00 In unsuccessful attempts to regain lost positions in Ocheretino (DPR), Ukrainian troops have lost up to three platoons of personnel since Monday evening. “A significant part of the enemy troops fled from this village on the morning of April 22. They tried to transfer reserves to the place of the fugitives and even counterattack. No result!” — Advisor to the head of the DPR Igor Kimakovsky told a TASS correspondent.


      If you fight like this for every village, then no mobilization will help the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
      1. +2
        April 23 2024 13: 58
        Yes, absolutely right, but there’s just one thing I don’t understand - they are given something to drink or feed, so that they so humbly go to the slaughter for the sake of the financial wealth of Zelensky, Zaluzhny, Danilov, etc.?
        1. +1
          April 23 2024 16: 28
          Quote: oleg-nekrasov-19
          Yes, absolutely right, but there’s just one thing I don’t understand - they are given something to drink or feed, so that they so humbly go to the slaughter for the sake of the financial wealth of Zelensky, Zaluzhny, Danilov, etc.?

          They are the descendants of Russians, that’s why they fight well, but they lost one chromosome somewhere along the way to get their panties, that’s why they go to slaughter. Pigs also grunt calmly when they are taken to the slaughter station...
          1. +2
            April 23 2024 16: 36
            The chromosome was most likely cut out by the Anglo-Saxons with the help of “true history” and signs of a good life
      2. +9
        April 23 2024 15: 39
        Nobody knows the real numbers of Ukrainian losses. It is impossible to count them now. I think that after the war not all those killed will be counted.
        But here’s what I’m sure of: the figures from Shoigu are underestimated by at least 250 zhmur.
        1. +3
          April 23 2024 16: 07
          Ukrainians in London talk about their losses as 1000+ per day. Everyone knows at least one person who went to Bandera.
        2. +2
          April 23 2024 16: 33
          It’s scary to imagine the number of our losses... Afghanistan will seem like flowers after the X century... hi
        3. +1
          April 24 2024 20: 59
          Mikhail-Ivanov, I agree with you, but not entirely. Our Defense Ministry only counts losses that it sees or accepts. Let's remember the German mobile crematoriums that worked almost around the clock, wounded organs, self-burials that no one dug up. I think the figure will be more than a million human lives. And this is only conjecture.
    2. +1
      April 23 2024 14: 05
      Well, Zaluzhny has settled down well in London
      According to rumors, he is under arrest. According to rumors
      1. +1
        April 23 2024 14: 06
        I heard that too. Two or three days ago, Zaluzhny refused to go as ambassador to London and, on Zelensky’s order, the SBU arrested him. Zelensky is afraid of a military rebellion.
        1. +4
          April 23 2024 14: 13
          yes, this information was deliberately thrown into the information space, in fact they live happily ever after, “martyrs of the regime”
      2. +2
        April 23 2024 14: 10
        according to rumors, and disbanded by them themselves, they are all (Reznikov, Danilov, etc.) according to rumors "in disgrace", but in fact they were evacuated in a timely manner, the nit, and Reznikov is most likely a banal "wallet" of the nit
    3. 0
      April 23 2024 15: 36
      Zaluzhny didn’t get a job in London! He refused to go there and sits under the control of the SBU in Ukraine.
  2. +5
    April 23 2024 13: 40
    In total, since the beginning of the Russian military special operation, the Ukrainian army has lost almost half a million military personnel. These figures were cited by the head of the military department, speaking about the failure of the Ukrainian army’s offensive. However, he did not specify exactly what losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces he was talking about.
    Probably about general losses.

    In fact, few people are interested in the losses of Ukrainians, even the Ukrainians themselves.
    1. -4
      April 23 2024 13: 54
      Usually they exaggerate the enemy's losses by three to four times and underestimate their own by three to four times. But Zelensky has his own mathematics - he reduced it by three times four or, perhaps, by four squared. Of course, 31 thousand by 16 is a little more than Shoigu’s numbers, but closer to the truth.
      1. +2
        April 23 2024 15: 08
        I have always said that you can trust Okraintsev’s numbers. Only with odds.
        We need to take the reported losses of Russia and divide by 10. Then take the reported losses of the Outskirts and multiply by 15.
        Today I was convinced that my assessment was quite reliable.
    2. +2
      April 24 2024 10: 54
      Quote: Arzoo
      Probably about general losses.

      No. The general ones are much more. “Close sources” say that the Ukrovermacht’s combat losses in dead + irreparable losses (no arms, no legs, etc.) amount to 700 thousand.
  3. +10
    April 23 2024 13: 57
    Even if our losses are 2 times less, which is doubtful, the numbers are still terrifying.
    1. +6
      April 23 2024 15: 12
      When two years ago they announced our losses at 3,5 thousand, I checked them and I got the same. Back then, the lists of the dead were still officially published.
      But since then the military cemetery in my district center has grown by an order of magnitude, if not more. I'm not ready to name the number. I need to go and count.
      1. +1
        April 24 2024 00: 08
        As I have said more than once, and Putin's fans are downvoting me - May will come, we will go to the cemeteries of our relatives to visit - then we will see our flags with our own eyes and count them. This is not propaganda, this is not discrediting, this is just a fact. Everyone will come to their local cemetery and see everything with their own eyes. And by the scale of their village-town-city they will understand our real losses. And from the voiced 1 to 10 of Marshal Shoigu they will seem the same as they really are.
  4. -1
    April 23 2024 13: 59
    US losses in World War II in all military theaters are 407. It's time for Ukraine to think.
    1. +2
      April 23 2024 14: 15
      It would be something to think about, they would probably think about what they are fighting for, for whom they are fighting and, finally, with whom they are fighting.
    2. +1
      April 23 2024 14: 17
      They (Ukrainians) ruined history and rewrote it from the ground up, they did it on purpose and now we see the result.
  5. -1
    April 23 2024 14: 00
    Sure sure.
    And we are going into the fourth year of something.
  6. +3
    April 23 2024 14: 04
    The clown begged his owner for new help, which means the rocks need to prepare for new losses
  7. +2
    April 23 2024 14: 08
    Quote: OrangeBigg
    The Armed Forces of Ukraine fight with reserves, that is, with numbers, not with skill. Catch mobilized people for meat. They’ve run out. Catch them again and again for meat, and so many times

    And in which army and in which war is it different? How many of those who started the war in June 1941 reached Berlin? In war they die, not reproduce.
    1. -4
      April 23 2024 14: 26
      Quote: Tire fitter
      And in which army and in which war is it different?

      One where people are not expendable. They tell you about skill. Before sending them to the front line, it is advisable to teach people the basics. In Ukraine, they prefer to use most of the meat and only a few undergo training. And for especially “combat” comrades, you don’t have to fight, but go to give interviews on UkroTV about what kind of winners they are, you can let your mobilized ones go ahead of you, and you yourself stand in the barrage detachments, sit out in the TCC and row people from the street, maiming them in the process. Now ask, in which army is it different?
    2. 0
      April 23 2024 16: 10
      My grandfather started the war in Finland and ended in Berlin.
    3. +2
      April 24 2024 00: 15
      I agree.
      Many people don’t think about this, or are too smart to understand it.
      my two grandfathers - one in 1941 after the first battle, when the million-strong army near Kiev surrendered, was captured and spent 4 years in concentration camps with the Germans, then 3 in ours, as a traitor who surrendered.
      The second one started in 1942 as a lieutenant, went to Warsaw + Japan, and was seriously wounded three times. Five orders, a dozen medals, graduated as captain. If it weren't for the wounds, maybe he wouldn't have existed. In his words, 1990+, when he was still alive, his squad was renewed by half when he returned from injuries.
      I have his Order of the Red Star, which is half broken - hit by a German bullet. The order was broken, but saved my grandfather’s life.
      It was these "nuances" that saved them. And this is what we need to remember and understand when we think about how many never returned and how many potential people and citizens of Russia we lost, who were not born. It's a shame, there is a great shortage of smart people.
      and the jingoistic patriots who draw arrows and don’t understand that everyone who died on our side means dead future children, future generations. And to replace our Russian guys, Putin imports migrants. And we’ll have to unravel all this later.
  8. +3
    April 23 2024 14: 33
    We are running out of slaves, and that's great.
    We also need to thin out the Banderovkas.
  9. +4
    April 23 2024 14: 39
    Head of the Ministry of Defense Shoigu: The Ukrainian army has lost almost half a million soldiers since the beginning of the Northern Military District
    Well... I don’t want to upset anyone, but the Khokhlov have the same numbers regarding our losses.
    And they also “puff up” with them...
    And there is no end in sight to this idiocy.
    If everything was as bad for the “Germans” as the Solovyovs tell us... we would have already completed the process of filtering the “brotherly people” and the Kolyma region would have flourished again!
    However... no matter how “additional funding could help the Ukrainian Armed Forces,” it will increase the number of our losses.
    We shouldn’t pretend that we don’t care!
    After all, in truth, nothing had even begun. And it is inevitable.
    It's time to strike first!
  10. -1
    April 23 2024 14: 41
    Most likely these are the confirmed 200th without taking into account the “missing” ones. In reality, the figure has already exceeded 1 million, if we count all irretrievable losses, including cripples and prisoners.
  11. +2
    April 23 2024 14: 48
    Quote: suhorukofal
    Before sending them to the front line, it is advisable to teach people the basics. In Ukraine, they prefer to use most of the meat and only a few undergo training.

    Why are you so worried about them?? The less trained they are, the fewer of our soldiers will die at their hands. And where does such detailed information about the internal kitchen of the Ukrainian Armed Forces come from? This is very suspicious
    1. 0
      April 23 2024 15: 01
      Quote: Tire fitter
      Why are you so worried about them??

      And where did you see them, these experiences?
      Quote: Tire fitter
      And where does such detailed information about the internal kitchen of the Ukrainian Armed Forces come from? This is very suspicious

      Very suspicious. It’s also suspicious that they voluntarily surrender and talk about this very kitchen, that there are radio interceptions. Yes, only GUR spies have such knowledge, call the FSB immediately, you have exposed me, I give up.
  12. -2
    April 23 2024 15: 20
    At this rate, the long-haired people will have enough meat for at least another 5 years.
  13. +1
    April 23 2024 15: 38
    In war, the motivation is simple - to survive. And to do this you need to kill the enemy before he kills you, so that both sides are on an equal footing. I’ll even say that for Ukrainians it’s easier, like, defending the homeland, but for us the main ideas are more complicated, “denazification” and “demilitarization” are not very suitable for this role. Personally, my question is “why is this all for?” It’s sounding louder in my head, especially against the backdrop of the accelerated growth in the wealth of the oligarchs and the replacement of our dead guys with migrants
    1. +1
      April 23 2024 15: 54
      I actually laughed out loud, it’s just a really neat manual in its purest form. Of course, the fighters have all sorts of moods, war is war. But I liked this:
      Quote: Burer
      Ukrainians have it easier, like, they defend their homeland

      Those who are caught on the street, beaten and then taken to the front line are especially eager to defend their homeland. The times of motivation in the form of concern for the Motherland are over for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Without a doubt, there are still some who are ideological and motivated, but many times less than before, at least from the video where they shoot their own people in order to escape.
      Quote: Burer
      against the backdrop of accelerated growth in the wealth of oligarchs

      "Katz suggests surrendering." Yeah, it’s better not to fight and surrender to the mercy of the European noble gentlemen, then we’ll live, just as Ukraine was promised. They certainly won’t rob, they’ve never done that.
      Quote: Burer
      "why is this all for?"

      Why do you think wars are fought? Why is NATO constantly expanding?
  14. -3
    April 23 2024 16: 44
    Give me your fifth year.
    1. 0
      April 23 2024 16: 50
      I wonder why this is?
  15. -4
    April 23 2024 16: 51
    Quote: suhorukofal
    I wonder why this is?

    Few people die.
    1. -1
      April 23 2024 17: 41
      How can I say it? As the article says, and I agree, the war is escalating. I think most 200 went after our aviation started working. That is, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are gradually weakening, our industry is growing, the United States, of course, has allocated a tranche, but to what extent it will affect the course of the database there is no consensus yet. Here, in general, it’s somehow difficult to talk about little/too much; the Ukrainian “authorities” don’t really decide how their master will decide and how ours will react.
      Well, in general, 500 died in the war alone, how many more left/escaped and definitely will not return, it’s difficult to calculate everything. This is a huge loss for the country
  16. -3
    April 23 2024 17: 01
    Quote: suhorukofal
    I wonder why this is?

    Yes ...
    They conceived it to destroy beings with consciousness and reason...
    But...there is one point - how will the war be fought?
  17. +1
    April 23 2024 17: 39
    Shoigu named the total losses.
    I wonder how many of them are irrevocable and how many are sanitary?
  18. 0
    April 24 2024 20: 56
    Let’s ask the richest of the ministers about the financial losses caused by his protégé Timurchik laughing
  19. 0
    April 25 2024 10: 21
    Shoigu didn’t say anything about meat assaults?
    What about our losses?
    About losses similar to those of the enemy?
    About unjustified losses?
  20. pop
    April 25 2024 11: 05
    Divide by 3 and get our losses
  21. pop
    April 25 2024 11: 05
    Divide by 3 and get our losses