SVR: American PMCs began recruiting drug cartel militants in US prisons to send to Ukraine

SVR: American PMCs began recruiting drug cartel militants in US prisons to send to Ukraine

The United States is trying to turn the tide in the Ukrainian conflict by sending mercenaries to Ukraine, but due to the lack of a large number of volunteers, the turn came to members of the Mexican and Colombian drug cartels. According to the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, American PMCs are trying to recruit militants serving sentences in US prisons.

The Ukrainian army may be replenished with a large number of representatives of the drug cartels of Mexico and Colombia, who will be asked to replace serving their sentences by participating in hostilities in Ukraine. The Americans cannot increase the number of the Armed Forces in any other way. And with this method, not everything is as good as it seemed, the whole point is that not a single member of the gang will cooperate with the American authorities unless permission is given by the “boss”. And they demand large “payoffs” from the US authorities for their “soldiers”.

According to information received by the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, (...) American PMCs under the leadership of the Drug Enforcement Administration and the US FBI began to recruit representatives of Mexican and Colombian drug cartels serving sentences in American prisons to participate in the Ukrainian conflict on the side of the degrading Kyiv regime

- said in the message SVR.

The first batch of several hundred former fighters from Mexico and Colombia is due to leave for Ukraine this summer. If “successful,” the experiment may spread to prisons in other countries, where the crime situation is also “complicated.” In general, the West wants to flood the Armed Forces of Ukraine with “multinational rabble.” It is doubtful that drug cartel militants have any understanding of military operations at the army level.
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  1. +6
    April 9 2024 19: 59
    Some kind of duck. A street huckster is never a soldier.
    1. +5
      April 9 2024 20: 03
      Some kind of duck. A street huckster is never a soldier.
      ...maybe not a soldier...but how do you like four thugs killing 150 people in Moscow...and if there are hundreds or even thousands of them...there is something for the Ministry of Internal Affairs to think about
      1. +9
        April 9 2024 20: 05
        in Moscow.
        We are talking about replenishment in the form of soldiers for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Terrorists enter Russia without a visa.
        1. +2
          April 9 2024 20: 09
          Drug dealers will bring a lot of coke to the greenies and ukrovoyaks..
          1. +1
            April 9 2024 20: 32
            I think on the contrary, they will “eat up” the doses of ukrovoyak, but of course they will not touch what is intended for the green ones - this is not the level of “tolerance”.
          2. +2
            April 9 2024 22: 24
            Unfortunately, they will have to switch from coke to combat drugs - but this is unlikely to help! They will be of little use as warriors, their task is to “get over” something like the term of the contract and go home to their dear boss, where they can live beautifully on drug dollars and mayhem for their own pleasure! They will replenish the barrier detachments as much as possible - but no more!
        2. +5
          April 9 2024 20: 21
          We are talking about replenishment in the form of soldiers for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
          ... did you believe yourself?... you have to fight a war for something... either for an idea or for money... for money, the prospects are so-so... looting, violence and so on... and fighting under constant shelling... by the way, the macaroni wants to deal with his scum in the same way... not warriors... but a huge army of shahids
          1. 0
            April 9 2024 20: 25
            macaroni wants to deal with his waste in the same way
            Did he tell you about this himself?
            1. +4
              April 9 2024 20: 31
              Did he tell you about this himself?
              ... you don’t need seven spans in your forehead to understand this ... another foreign legion is being prepared, but with an emphasis on the east
              1. 0
                April 9 2024 20: 33
                .another foreign legion is being prepared
                Do you remember how many years ago the Foreign Legion was created?
                1. +3
                  April 9 2024 20: 36
                  Do you remember how many years ago the Foreign Legion was created?
         the moment this is no longer important, it’s the quality of’s important to create hemorrhage near the borders of the Russian Federation with the help of rabble...that’s all
          2. 0
            April 9 2024 20: 57
            "looting, violence, etc...."©
            And who will be looted and raped? I suspect that citizens of Ukraine...
            1. -3
              April 9 2024 21: 03
              And who will be looted and raped? I suspect that citizens of Ukraine...
              ....and who was moraded, raped and killed the Basai in yourself can remember...or tell me
              1. 0
                April 9 2024 23: 47
                And what does Basayev and Budenovsk have to do with it if we are talking about Ukraine? How long have you been a partisan in Crimea? Is the roof ok?
          3. 0
            April 10 2024 18: 03
            There are no martyrs there. But the Sonderkommando will be assembled. And more than a dozen. That they will destroy all living things without hesitation.
      2. +4
        April 9 2024 20: 23
        And what does it have to do with 4 thugs with machine guns and hundreds of unarmed people? There's a lot of intelligence there, no need to play around in a circle... But in war this trick won't work. There, professionals fight with all types of weapons. This type of “warrior” in an intense battle on the front line will survive no more than half an hour, or even less.
        1. -1
          April 9 2024 20: 34
          . But in war this trick will not work.
          ...why do they need war....remind Budyonnovsk!!!! how a couple of hundred thugs killed a bunch of people and left with impunity... there will be tens of times more of these, if not hundreds
          1. +1
            April 9 2024 20: 37
            Well, if their task is to be punitive in the rear, then any of the half-witted fanatics will do for this role; it doesn’t make much sense to bring prisoners from the Pendos camps so far...
            1. -3
              April 9 2024 20: 44
              Well, if their task is to be punitive in the rear,
              ...their task will be terrorist acts like Crocus but on a much larger scale, much larger than Budyonnovsk, Kizlyar, Beslan....Crocus and all the listed terrorist acts will simply pale in brutality...mark my words...gender scum have simply gone crazy in their impunity
              1. 0
                April 9 2024 21: 28
                .gender scum are simply stubborn in their impunity
                You dropped soap in the communal shower wassat ?
                1. +1
                  April 9 2024 21: 53
                  Did you drop soap in the wassat shared shower?
                  ...oops...why is there a shared shower??? I didn’t know, there was a bathhouse, but what if there was a shared shower......nonsense
          2. +2
            April 9 2024 23: 13
            Mexicans? They will learn a lot of new things, but this will not last long. :)
            I think they'll run out quickly.
      3. +1
        April 9 2024 23: 10
        It’s one thing to fire machine guns at a crowd, another thing to fight with our guys. They'll hide here and won't notice.
      4. +3
        April 9 2024 23: 28
        They killed unarmed people. I think the courage would sharply decrease if the crocus wore, for example, a teaching staff outfit. And the drug addicts can hardly imagine what kind of carnage is going on in dill. This is not hiding in the jungle with drugs. Stripes need meat for the first line and they won't care what happens to them.
      5. +3
        April 10 2024 01: 09
        maybe not a soldier....but how about four thugs killing 150 people in Moscow....and if there are hundreds or even thousands of them...then the Ministry of Internal Affairs has something to think about

        They killed 40 people. The rest died because fire regulations were violated. With these four, put in the same cell those who built and signed the commissioning of this complex.
        1. +1
          April 10 2024 09: 45
          They killed 40 people. The rest died because fire regulations were violated.
          ....and this is not important, what is important is that these 4 thugs with weapons penetrated and committed a's good that they were idiots...they could have taken hostages, they would have easily been safe and sound in Kyiv...let me remind you that the bloody tour of Basayev's gang ended...Basayev had no losses...and then after this campaign the shameful Khasavyurt think about it...what if there are hundreds of such gangs...
      6. 0
        April 11 2024 21: 57
        Quote: Crimean partisan 1974
        Some kind of duck. A street huckster is never a soldier.
        ...maybe not a soldier...but how do you like four thugs killing 150 people in Moscow...and if there are hundreds or even thousands of them...there is something for the Ministry of Internal Affairs to think about

        Of course we need to think about... passing on a proposal to the drug lords that if they surrender, the drug fighters will be sent back to Colombia, or at their discretion, if they destroy equipment and personnel of the Ukrainian Armed Forces - a separate bonus.
    2. 0
      April 9 2024 20: 04
      Principle: The index finger on the hand can press the trigger forward
      1. +3
        April 9 2024 20: 09
        the trigger can be pulled forward
        If this is not a canard, then the proposal “kill the officer, surrender and fly home via Istanbul” will be very popular. They will need the Orinoco communication channel.
        1. +1
          April 10 2024 00: 10
          Quote: Bolt Cutter
          the trigger can be pulled forward
          If it's not a duck, then
          . They will need the Orinoco communication channel.
          Then it's better Rio Bravo del Norte - given the presence of Mexicans, who will be the majority.
          1. -3
            April 10 2024 00: 17
            Mexicans, who will be the majority.
            There will be very few Mexicans there; their life is quite acceptable. The majority will likely be Nicaraguans, Salvadorans and Venezuelans.
            1. +1
              April 10 2024 00: 33
              Quote: Bolt Cutter
              Mexicans, who will be the majority.
              There will be very few Mexicans there; their life is quite acceptable. The majority will likely be Nicaraguans, Salvadorans and Venezuelans.
              Then we'll talk more about MS-13 = Mara salvatrucha = "Salvadoran brigade nomadic ants" is the largest street gang in the United States, with roots growing from El Salvador. According to the FBI, the number of "ants" in the United States 10-15 Thousands.
              1. -3
                April 10 2024 00: 36
                They have many worthy rivals in this field, but yes, there will be these. But it seems that these tattooed devils cannot be made into soldiers, and what’s the use of meat? Equip him, feed him, and he will die in the first battle.
                1. +3
                  April 10 2024 00: 45
                  Quote: Bolt Cutter
                  . But it seems that these tattooed devils cannot be made into soldiers, and what’s the use of meat? Equip him, feed him, and he will die in the first battle.
                  The same benefit as the "cannon fodder" that was supplied to the front before.
                  Only after the first losses will the “ants” send news to their “homeland” about how things are going with the new job - and the flow of “recruits” will stop - the “ants” are living well in US prisons too.
                  1. -4
                    April 10 2024 00: 47
                    Ants will not make meat, no matter how hard you try. They will run away.
      2. +7
        April 9 2024 20: 19
        It's impossible to pull the trigger, but yes... winked
    3. +2
      April 9 2024 20: 10
      and where did you get the idea that he’s a street huckster? In Mexico, drug cartels stage shootouts in broad daylight; there, everything is in order with the training of militants
      1. +2
        April 9 2024 20: 16
        In Mexico, drug cartels stage shootouts in broad daylight
        Mexican militants are not in American prisons; they are mostly scum distributors and couriers. He can shoot a pistol at point-blank range, but does he need it to attack under fire?
    4. +7
      April 9 2024 20: 11
      All the scum and dirt that was caught and collected in American prisons for many years, and to Ukraine... A great gift for the khokhlopiteks!!! And getting rid of such prisoners, unloading overcrowded prisons, sending these drug degenerates for disposal in a foreign country, is genius!!! American cynicism and pragmatism have no limits... Maybe that's why they put half the world in a pose...??? Well, and the khokhlopiteks with such a wonderful acquisition...!!! am
    5. +4
      April 9 2024 20: 42
      Quote: Bolt Cutter
      A street huckster is never a soldier.

      shoot can mean they can be used as meat
    6. -2
      April 9 2024 21: 32
      So in Mexican “families” there are many former military and police officers.
      They can recruit such people.
      And I think they will scrape together Colombians with military training.
      1. -2
        April 9 2024 21: 36
        Mexican "families" have a lot of former
        They are not in American prisons; they are happy in Mexico and have plenty of work.
    7. +1
      April 9 2024 23: 51
      Quote: Bolt Cutter
      Some kind of duck. A street huckster is never a soldier.
      Soldier or not, they'll do for meat. But what language should they be commanded in? They certainly won't understand the state language. Unless you shoot them in the back with a gun. But that's a good idea, rather than keeping them at taxpayers' expense, it's better to dispose of them, anywhere. It's better not to take them prisoner.
      Maybe the Ukrainian Armed Forces will also accept American citizens who belong to a certain 13% of the population for disposal? They will be cheaper, and there will be no need to pay the boss a bribe. The American people will say to them a completely sincere "Thank you very much!" And it is better not to take these people prisoner either.
      1. -3
        April 9 2024 23: 56
        It will do for meat.
        But they obviously don’t want meat themselves; taking into account the mentality and language barrier (not every translator will understand their Spanish), a riot is guaranteed. But all this is most likely a canard.
        American citizens belonging to a certain 13% of the population?
        Throw a couple of basketballs at their position and you can take them all without a fight in 5 minutes laughing .
        1. +1
          April 9 2024 23: 58
          Quote: Bolt Cutter
          Throw a couple of basketballs at their position and you can take them all without a fight in 5 minutes
          And what to do with them then? No, if they're going to be disposed of, then they're going to be disposed of.
          1. -3
            April 10 2024 00: 04
            what to do with them then?
            Distribute it among sports clubs, let them play for rations.
    8. +1
      April 11 2024 06: 53
      Wagner's experience does not agree with you.
      1. -2
        April 11 2024 09: 12
        They didn’t seem to take drug criminals there, nor did they take rapists. In addition, the Wagnerites were not Mesicans, but still Russians.
    9. 0
      6 July 2024 00: 01
      Quote: Bolt Cutter
      Some kind of duck

      Not a duck. Back in December 2023, when the Russian Federation adopted a law against LGBT people, the Americans raised a cry at a specialized forum and sent approximately a battalion of gay fighters from the Mexican cartels to Ukraine.
      Then there was an interview with a Ukrainian that “”, that is, Mexican LGBT volunteers, are digging very deep dugouts, covering them with boards.
      And finally, the whining of an American veteran on one forum that the admins of a gay forum tried to get him to help with the purchase of equipment for free, but he refused
  2. +6
    April 9 2024 20: 02
    Not a single member of the gang will cooperate with the American authorities unless permission is given by the “boss.”

    The bosses can send you...on a business trip to establish new sales. They will be successful. Only for a very short time.
  3. +3
    April 9 2024 20: 04
    It could happen. A "Storm Z" of ex-convicts will clash with ex-American convicts. "What will their squads be called? "US Assault"? bully
  4. +3
    April 9 2024 20: 08
    Two of the Tsapkov gang are already free. They returned as heroes to their native Krasnodar after participating in the Northern Military District.

  5. +4
    April 9 2024 20: 09
    It must be done exactly as a mirror image. Many more people have a grudge against America than against Russia.
  6. +1
    April 9 2024 20: 17
    The Ukrainian army can be replenished with a large number of representatives of the drug cartels of Mexico and Colombia

    Now the drugs will trample on Ukraine, not only Zele, but there will be enough for everyone.
    1. +4
      April 9 2024 20: 43
      Quote: carpenter
      The drugs will trample on Ukraine

      the problem is that not only there
  7. +3
    April 9 2024 20: 25
    Quote: Bolt Cutter
    Some kind of duck. A street huckster is never a soldier.

    Several years ago, I came across an article, study or investigation from a publication from the USA. That the gangs sent their “fighters” to serve in the US Army with a subsequent deployment to Iraq. To gain experience. Characteristics were also given there: that these fighters behaved more confidently and more fearlessly in situations and under fire, according to the commanders. You can look where you read it, but it’s stuck in my memory.
    1. 0
      April 9 2024 20: 36
      Maybe there was an experiment, but war is different, here they will not have art and air support on order, as well as technical superiority over the Papuans in slippers. In such conditions, they should think three times. Well, or upon arrival they themselves will go to the EU as quickly as possible.
    2. -3
      April 9 2024 20: 40
      these fighters behaved more confidently and more fearlessly
      They were trained and equipped according to all the standards of the US Army, and they fought against an unequal enemy. This is unlikely to be the case this time. In addition, these people were born US citizens and fought for their country, and this is an important factor.
  8. +1
    April 9 2024 20: 34
    We also “recycle” in Ukraine, the corrupt rabid Ukraine.
  9. +1
    April 9 2024 20: 47
    And with them, just like with us, the idiot wants to fight, get out of jail?
  10. +1
    April 9 2024 20: 53
    Such experience already exists in Russia and Ukraine. Why can't the US use it at home? From anywhere in the world, you can assemble a shock corps, just bring in bags of money. request
    1. +2
      April 9 2024 21: 36
      Just bring in bags of money. request
      They have no problems with this, the machines operate in three shifts, paper and paint are always available.
  11. +1
    April 9 2024 20: 54
    representatives of the drug cartels of Mexico and Colombia, who will be asked to replace serving their sentences with participation in hostilities in Ukraine.

    I doubt that it will be better under the conditional Avdeevka than in the prison...
  12. +2
    April 9 2024 20: 55
    Well................... the place is a shit hole, a little more shit, in a big pile of shit, never hurt anything.
  13. +1
    April 9 2024 20: 59
    I wonder if their boss will also shout “OO-O-STI-I-N! SNA-R-R-I-POISONS!!!”
  14. +1
    April 9 2024 21: 03
    Another year or two of such talented leadership and the SVR will report on mobilization on the planet Nibiru.
  15. +1
    April 9 2024 21: 12
    According to information received by the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, (...) American PMCs under the leadership of the Drug Enforcement Administration and the US FBI began to recruit representatives of Mexican and Colombian drug cartels serving sentences in American prisons to participate in the Ukrainian conflict on the side of the degrading Kyiv regime

    - said in the message SVR.
    Who has visited the Ukrainian fields? I would not be surprised that after the elections of the 47th administration, the United States will begin to send illegal migrants from Latin America when the Colombian and Mexican “collective farmers” run out due to the change in party preferences of American society.
  16. +1
    April 9 2024 21: 18
    I think that the moratorium on the death penalty should certainly not apply to such “soldiers”... And they should absolutely not be taken prisoner....
  17. -5
    April 9 2024 21: 22
    Or maybe there was no need to attack Ukraine and no one would have sent soldiers
    1. +2
      April 9 2024 22: 56
      Ukraine didn’t need to shell and bomb Donbass with aircraft, then Ukraine wouldn’t have been bombed either.
    2. +1
      April 9 2024 23: 11
      Let them go, it won’t save the poor. 3 ton bombs on their souls. Nothing will save Sector U, even just stupidly, if Russia destroys the energy sector of Sector U, as it has already begun to do, and winter will come in 2025, armageddon is guaranteed there...
  18. +1
    April 9 2024 21: 49
    Such people cannot be captured immediately on the spot, and it is better to destroy them on the way!
  19. 0
    April 9 2024 21: 52
    The US PMC is copying us.
  20. +1
    April 9 2024 21: 59
    Most likely, many will agree with the expectation that they will then be able to quickly escape back from Ukraine, but most likely it will be a one-way road. It should be noted that the Americans themselves are not the best warriors, and the bandits are never warriors at all
  21. +3
    April 9 2024 22: 17
    I haven’t heard of drug cartel units larger than 1-2 platoons in size. And they somehow don’t have enough armored vehicles (and therefore little experience in handling them).
    They can terrorize the civilian population, but I doubt they can act against regular troops.
    1. +2
      April 9 2024 23: 12
      Quote: Rostislav Prokopenko
      They can create nightmares for the civilian population. I doubt going against regular troops.

      The mobilized Ukrainians perform, and nothing happens. True, not for long.
  22. 0
    April 9 2024 23: 08
    By the time the cold weather arrives, and it’s not like sitting under a palm tree, here in a trench knee-deep in water they won’t last long, they don’t have the patience, they can just wave their arms and yell like gypsies
  23. -1
    April 9 2024 23: 13
    The first of April passed 9 days ago. And the American court system doesn't work that way.
  24. +3
    April 9 2024 23: 37
    Simply transferring it into a full-fledged war will allow for military tribunals. Hang any people who do not have Russian or South Russian language skills.
  25. 0
    April 9 2024 23: 44
    Abschaum rekrutiert Abschaum...!!!
    Wie ich den Tag herbeisehne, an dem Washington und London endlich knietief im eigenen Blut baden...!!!
  26. +1
    April 9 2024 23: 52
    SVR: American PMCs began recruiting drug cartel militants in US prisons to send to Ukraine

    Soon they will start recruiting in Guantanamo as well. laughing
  27. 0
    April 10 2024 00: 02
    I don't want to discuss whether this news is true or not. However, what is the essence of the scandal? When criminals were recruited by Wagner or Storm Z, it was completely normal. Now that the Ukrainians were able to do it, isn't it normal?? I could quote many colleagues with phrases like “it’s better for them to die on the battlefield than to eat in the heat in prison at the expense of the State” and other pleasantries. request
  28. 0
    April 10 2024 01: 23
    “Fresh food, but hard to get gray,” as they say.
    that is, the SVR missed the preparations for the mass execution in Moscow, but do you know what the CIA is doing in American prisons? yeah, yeah. we believe we believe
  29. 0
    April 10 2024 01: 38
    The first batch of several hundred former fighters from Mexico and Colombia is due to leave for Ukraine this summer.
    Everyone needs to be given a bucket of coke, otherwise horseradish (table) will go to war! laughing
  30. +1
    April 10 2024 03: 00
    Well, these bastards will grab it in full. This is just a rabble that killed ordinary unarmed people. And these bastards will encounter completely different people. In short, these are already corpses, but they don’t know it yet
  31. The comment was deleted.
  32. +1
    April 10 2024 13: 02
    Quote from nordscout
    I think that the moratorium on the death penalty should certainly not apply to such “soldiers”... And they should absolutely not be taken prisoner....

    In international law, mercenaries are persons (usually citizens of other states) who voluntarily enter into armed struggle on the side of one of the participants in the armed conflict in order to receive material compensation. A mercenary is not entitled to the status of a combatant or prisoner of war, is not a member of the armed forces of a party to the conflict, and is not sent by a State that is not a party to the conflict to perform official duties as a member of its armed forces. .

    According to Art. 47 Additional Protocol 1 of 1977 to the Geneva Conventions for the Protection of Victims of War of 1949, a person who: 1) is specifically recruited locally or abroad in order to fight in an armed conflict; 2) actually takes direct part in hostilities; 3) takes part in hostilities motivated primarily by the desire to obtain personal gain, and who is in fact promised by a party or on behalf of a party to the conflict, material remuneration substantially in excess of the remuneration promised or paid to combatants of the same rank and functions included in the conflict; personnel of the armed forces of this party; 4) is neither a citizen of a party to the conflict nor a person permanently residing in the territory controlled by a party to the conflict; 5) is not a member of the armed forces of a party to the conflict; 6) is not sent by a State that is not a party to the conflict to perform official duties as a member of its armed forces.
  33. 0
    April 10 2024 13: 35
    Drug cartel fighters often join the army to gain experience and skills so that they can sell their services at a higher price. But where will they then use these acquired skills? Rhetorical question...
  34. 0
    April 10 2024 14: 05
    Quote: Bolt Cutter
    They fought for their country, and this is an important factor.

    Quote: Bolt Cutter
    They fought for their country, and this is an important factor.

    I probably didn't write clearly. Let me try again: it was written that the gangs purposefully sent their “fighters” to the US Army to gain experience. And that these fighters initially showed themselves better than the conditional non-bandit recruits.