The Roscosmos State Corporation has approved a preliminary design of a promising domestic orbital station

The Roscosmos State Corporation has approved a preliminary design of a promising domestic orbital station

The state corporation Roscosmos has approved a preliminary design of a promising domestic orbital station, which is expected to become the base of Russian cosmonautics after the completion of the ISS. The deployment of the station is planned for the period from 2027 to 2032.

A key feature of the new station will be its open modular architecture. The design is based on a node module with six docking ports to which other modules will be connected. If one of the modules completely exhausts its resource, it can be removed from orbit and replaced. With well-organized logistics, the service life of the new station can be extended for decades as necessary.

Another important point in the design of the new station will be the polar orbit in which it will fly around the Earth. While the ISS's orbital inclination does not exceed 52 degrees, the new station plans to increase it to 97 degrees, making it possible to provide visibility of the entire earth's surface, including the Northern Sea Route, which is strategically important for Russia. Currently, cosmonauts aboard the ISS can see about 60% of the earth's surface, of which only 10% is Russian territory.

In addition, the Russian orbital station will receive guaranteed stable communication with the ground control complex. Unlike the ISS, the new orbital station will be able to operate in visiting mode and will not require the constant presence of astronauts.
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  1. +9
    April 2 2024 19: 58
    The deployment of the station is planned for the period from 2027 to 2032.

    As I understand it, by 2027 everything will be over with Ukraine and the Northern Military District...??? Well, at least you can hope for it...???
    1. -6
      April 2 2024 20: 13
      There will be no such word “ukra”... The whole world will forget about the Bolshevik Geographical Discrepancy...
      1. +9
        April 2 2024 23: 31
        Judging by the sketch, they did not copy the ISS docking nodes, but took the Soviet MIR station as a basis.
        Very similar, who remembers.
        I remember, when its main unit was just launched, in the magazine Young Technician, which my parents subscribed to me, there were many pictures with different combinations, which stations could be assembled based on it.
        This pin in the middle on the model is 5 more docking nodes, for further expansion if the station is successful
        1. +2
          April 3 2024 00: 26
          I remember when its main unit was just launched, in the magazine Young Technician,

          This reminded me of yesterday’s article about how Japan has been unsuccessfully trying to complete a spent nuclear fuel reprocessing plant for more than 30 years.

          And I immediately remembered, also from childhood, another story about the Japanese who subscribed to tons of Soviet periodicals, both strictly scientific and for children, from where they “got” valuable information for themselves, on the basis of which they created their ingenious inventions.

          That source of free ideas has long been gone and suddenly, for no apparent reason, the Japanese idea generator stopped working.

          But just a few decades ago, the Japanese economy was among the strongest in the world. The whole world knows such companies as Nintendo, Mitsubishi, Toyota, Panasonic and many others, all of which are from the Land of the Rising Sun.

          Over the past 20 years or so, not a single large and world-famous company has appeared in Japan.

          What's the problem? And I suddenly thought, was it the Soviet press that was the reason for their success?

          Below is a wonderful video on this topic - Why Japanese companies are DEAD.

          1. 0
            April 3 2024 00: 29
            But just a few decades ago, the Japanese economy was one of the strongest in the world

            She's still coming in, make no mistake.
            1. +2
              April 3 2024 02: 36
              Have you read this article?

              Does this mean anything to you? It is included in the 20th, and in the 7th (formerly 8th) and even in the 5th.

              But the real Japanese “economic miracle” occurred in the period from 1955 to 1973.
              Throughout the 1990s, the Japanese economy was in recession.
              At the turn of the century, Japan managed to bring its economy to a stable, but very moderate pace of development.
              And in 2008, the Japanese economy was again shaken by serious problems. According to the country's officials, the economy has again entered a recession, as negative economic growth rates were recorded.

              And yet, in 2014, every sixth Japanese was considered relatively poor. And since then there has been no significant improvement in the situation.

              Also, one should not lose sight of the acute demographic problem in Japan, the cause of which is not only the fact of population decline due to low birth rates, but also its accelerated aging. The reasons for the demographic decline include a stressful lifestyle (long working hours and therefore little time to raise a family) and the ever-increasing cost of living.

              As Forbes writes ( at the end of last year, the Japanese economy unexpectedly went into recession, losing the title of the third largest economy in the world to Germany, due to a decline in consumer spending and business activity, and the ultra-loose monetary policy of the Bank of Japan. Which raised the key interest rate for the first time since 2007 and it is now in the range from 0% to 0,1% per annum, and previously it was minus 0,1%. And Japan “moved down” from third place against the backdrop of the fact that it was “overtaken” by Germany, whose economy itself is already “breathing its last breath.”

              Among the world's largest economies in terms of GDP (PPP), Russia is still in fifth place by the end of 2023, right behind Japan, but in a year it could become fourth.

              So I don’t see any particular reason to be happy for Japan. Since Japan's government debt reached a record high of 2023 trillion by the end of 1286,4. yen (about $8,6 trillion).
          2. -1
            April 3 2024 11: 25

            Over the past 20 years or so, not a single large and world-famous company has appeared in Japan.

            What's the problem? And I suddenly thought, was it the Soviet press that was the reason for their success?

            Below is a wonderful video on this topic - Why Japanese companies are DEAD.

            Ahahaha laughing this is a new trend of jingoistic thought wassat The economic miracle of Japan is based on the fact that they subscribed to the magazine "Young Technician" in the USSR laughing
            I am under the table good
        2. 0
          April 3 2024 02: 13
          Yes, but it is. Why invent something new if there are already developed docking modules from the times of the USSR, moreover, at the Mir station.
          In addition to a solar power generation panel, it would not be a bad idea to have a small nuclear installation. And everything is fine.
        3. 0
          April 3 2024 09: 27
          Quote: Shurik70
          This pin, which is in the middle on the model, is another 5 docking nodes

          Of all the concepts, we chose this one as probably the most classic one, which stretches lengthwise and crosswise, joining specifically through the docking nodes that hold the station’s load, but it’s probably impossible to create an assembled station that is too long.
          There are other concepts based on the ROF (Russian Orbital Truss) truss, where the base is a central module (which can be replaced over time) in a truss-type structure and modules are docked to it, but the truss itself can be docked to another truss (expanding the entire station) without loads on the docking nodes and withstands part of the loads of the entire common station.
          You can dock 10 modules to one farm at once, 6 of them through docking nodes and 4 to uninhabited modules such as automatic machines, all sorts of satellites, and so on.
    2. +2
      April 2 2024 20: 23
      It is highly likely that transfers will begin, so 2027 is a provisional date. Look at how many times the launches of the Nauka, Luna-25, Orel (aka Federation) modules, etc. were postponed.

      In general, the station is primarily needed to preserve the domestic manned space program after the completion of operation of the ISS.
      Remote sensing satellites provide much better and cheaper coverage of the surface. All that remains is experiments in weightlessness, and Varda Space showed with the example of its W-Series 1 satellite that even here it is possible to do without a person.
      The project of the cislunar station LOP-G looks more interesting; its modules are already assembled, but they left the project at the beginning of 2021 (well, or we were kicked out, as others write). There is also a similar project with the Chinese, but, as I understand it, it is still in its infancy.
      1. -3
        April 2 2024 20: 27
        Quote: Infinity
        (well, or we were kicked out, as others write).

        They left, Rogozin slammed the door to the media very loudly. Stating that our share there is too small and in general they should pay for everything, and we should do everything.
        1. +3
          April 2 2024 21: 46
          Quote: BlackMokona
          Quote: Infinity
          (well, or we were kicked out, as others write).

          They left, Rogozin slammed the door to the media very loudly. Stating that our share there is too small and in general they should pay for everything, and we should do everything.

          About "paying for everything" - there was no such thing. The gateway and docking module, previously developed by RSC Energia for the Getuvei station, will be used in the ROS design.
          1. -2
            April 3 2024 09: 01
            Quote: slipped
            There was no such thing about “paying for everything.” The gateway and docking module previously developed by RSC Energia for the Getuvey station will be used in the design of the ROS.

            Cough cough. That is, our station will operate according to American standards? Otherwise, one of Rogozin’s claims was that they required a gateway module laughing
            1. +1
              April 3 2024 22: 05
              Quote: BlackMokona
              Cough cough. That is, our station will operate according to American standards?

              We have our own Russian standards, which are much better and more effective than American ones. Is that clear?

              Quote: BlackMokona
              Otherwise, one of Rogozin’s claims was that they required a gateway module laughing

              You have some kind of vassal-American thinking. Why do we need a gateway module for American spacesuits? If we have our own wonderful spacesuits? Rogozin was talking about this. And we were not going to be contractors in Getuway, like the same TAS, what is unclear? It is precisely because the Americans wanted to be the sole owners of LOP-G that we refused to participate in this program. Now we will make a lunar station with China. A joint one. laughing Five years left before the start.
      2. -5
        April 2 2024 21: 09
        Quote: Infinity
        The project of the lunar station LOP-G looks more interesting; its modules are already assembled

        This station is a little delayed, like the entire American lunar program. And in general, the purpose of orbital stations is unclear, the new science ended with them in the 90s, they learned to wash themselves in space, tomatoes too, and now orbital stations are needed “too bad.” I don’t remember any science from them
      3. +9
        April 2 2024 21: 43
        Quote: Infinity
        It is highly likely that transfers will begin, so 2027 is a provisional date. Look at how many times the launches of the Nauka, Luna-25, Orel (aka Federation) modules, etc. were postponed.

        Not necessary. MLM "Nauka" and AMS "Luna-25" were developed during a period of chronic lack of money, and production began at the beginning of sanctions. Hence the delays in their launch.

        Flight design tests of the PTK NP (the Lunar version is called "Eagle") redirected from ISS to ROS. At the moment, ground-based bench testing of ship models is underway. Launches are planned AFTER the launch of the first ROS elements. In total, up to 10 PTK-S flights are planned during the station assembly period.

        Quote: Infinity
        In general, the station is primarily needed to preserve the domestic manned space program after the completion of operation of the ISS.

        In general, the station is needed first of all to continue Russia's expansion into deep space, as well as new technological opportunities in the field of remote sensing and space science.

        Quote: Infinity
        Remote sensing satellites provide much better and cheaper coverage of the surface.

        That is why new space technologies for these satellites will be developed at our new station, which will also serve as a port for them.

        Quote: Infinity
        All that remains is experiments in zero gravity, and Varda Space showed with the example of its W-Series 1 satellite that even here it is possible to do without a person.

        For highly specialized research in microgravity conditions, Russia has experience in many years of operation special automatic platforms "Bion-M" and "Foton-M". The next launch of Bion-M No. 2 is this summer, the spacecraft is now being prepared. In addition, the new Russian station will have a free-flying module for industrial production, experimental work on which is currently being carried out at MLM Nauka.
        1. +1
          April 2 2024 22: 44
          The international lunar station project has simply been forgotten.
          1. +3
            April 3 2024 02: 36
            So that Russia will once again play a secondary role, or even a third one under the auspices of the mattress makers???
            Stop dealing with this crap, it’s time to be independent, and we have become, as the late V.I. Sevastyanov said, cab drivers and plumbers.
            1. 0
              April 3 2024 08: 49
              This is not the kind of station that the Americans make. Read the link.
              International Scientific Lunar Station (ISS) is a planned inhabited (permanently or intermittently) station on the surface of the Moon or in its orbit. Construction of the station is scheduled for 2031-2035. This project between China and Russia is open to the participation of other countries that are ready for equal cooperation.
              The station must be prepared for long periods of operation and without the presence of people[1]. It is planned to be equipped with several lunar rovers and a jumping robot[2].
    3. 0
      April 2 2024 22: 02
      Everything has already been written before us:
    4. -3
      April 2 2024 23: 03
      We'll be there by 2025; God willing.
  2. -7
    April 2 2024 20: 11
    How will the new station differ from the old one? Will there just be no mattress pads? The dimensions seem to be the same; there is no increase in living space for astronauts.
    1. +6
      April 2 2024 20: 20
      from which old one? From the World? Well, probably what will happen.
    2. +6
      April 2 2024 20: 22
      . How will the new station differ from the old one? Just won't there be any mattress pads? The dimensions seem to be the same, there is no increase in living space for astronauts.

      I’m embarrassed to ask, but did you draw these conclusions based on the photo of the layout? Then all that remains is to take off your hat to a specialist of such a high level
      1. -2
        April 2 2024 20: 30
        How do you determine?
        1. +5
          April 2 2024 20: 34
          . how do you determine this?

          For nothing. But I don’t draw any conclusions
          1. -2
            April 2 2024 21: 13
            I agree. You're just being sarcastic, nothing more.
            1. +2
              April 2 2024 21: 21
              . I agree. You're just being sarcastic, nothing more.

              Agree . Moreover, there is something to do.
    3. 0
      April 2 2024 21: 02
      The sealed volume of the Russian orbital station is 450 cubic meters, twice the size of the Russian part of the ISS today. And even 20% more than the volume of the Mir station.
      The pressurized volume of Musk's reusable Starship is 1000 cubic meters and is suitable for long-term accommodation of 40 astronauts.
      In fact, Starship will replace the ISS for Americans.
      1. +4
        April 2 2024 21: 11
        Quote: Cympak
        1000 cubic meters and is suitable for long-term accommodation of 40 astronauts.

        Excuse me, but how is Musk doing with the habitable part of the ship? As far as I remember, the cargo dragon was brought to a residential form for 10 years
    4. KCA
      April 2 2024 21: 12
      The fact that it is newer, the fact that the orbital inclination angles are different, the flight is mainly over the territory of the Russian Federation and especially over the Arctic, so that it is planned to be used mainly automatically with visits by astronauts. and not living them for a year and a half
      1. +2
        April 2 2024 23: 49
        because it is planned to be used mainly automatically with visits by astronauts. and not living them for a year and a half

        Uh-huh.. Why? Evil tongues say that because it is impossible to live permanently in such an orbit.
        1. KCA
          April 3 2024 09: 11
          Maybe I haven’t heard, but if people can’t stay for long, how will electronics work? Or is it made using lamps?
          1. 0
            April 5 2024 17: 37
            Well, electronics generally need electricity, not people, for it to work. But overall, the idea with this non-standard orbit is not entirely clear. And the station is visited occasionally.

            Wouldn’t it be more logical to undock the existing relatively new modules, the same science, from the ISS and, on its basis, complete the station at normal latitudes?
            1. KCA
              April 5 2024 18: 56
              How about dragging modules into a new orbit? Progress for each? Then their resource does not last forever, how is compatibility with the new module? Or is 30-year-old technology just right?
              1. 0
                April 7 2024 22: 52
                How about dragging modules into a new orbit?

                Why drag them into a new orbit? How new? Maybe it’s possible to stay in the area of ​​the old orbit?
                Progress for each?

                Hmm.. In terms of progress for each, how much is this? Maximum 2 progress, or even one to cope with “science” and the node module.
                Or is 30-year-old technology just right?

                Are there any others? Maybe more advanced? Those that do not even allow the construction of a permanently inhabited station?
                1. KCA
                  April 8 2024 09: 17
                  To a new one for the reason that the current ISS orbit is nothing for Russia, read on this topic. How are you going to drag 5 modules with two Progresses? Why a permanently inhabited station if a visited station will solve most problems? You will also write that technology does not allow us to build a sufficient number of aircraft, combat vehicles and boats, so we have to make unmanned ones
                  1. 0
                    April 8 2024 11: 22
                    Why a permanently inhabited station if a visited station will solve most problems?

                    I would start with a simple question. What are her tasks?
                    - experiments? - permanently inhabited seems to be better.
                    - surface overview? - Do you really need a station for this?
                    - maintaining competencies? - well, yes, there may be enough people here.
                    - Perhaps, let's figure out some work on servicing the satellite constellation? Or a transit point for longer missions? again, the inhabited station is better.
                    the current ISS orbit means nothing for Russia

                    What does "nothing" mean? What kind of orbit does Russia actually need and why? See the task section.
                    How are you going to drag 5 modules with two Progresses?

                    What are the other 5 modules? “Science” is relatively new and also theoretically capable of being operated independently and “Mooring” on this science. That's all. “Zvezda” has already served its purpose; “Zarya” generally belongs to Boeing. There are some other small things, such as storage and docking modules. There won’t be five suitable for long-term use there.
    5. +4
      April 2 2024 21: 55
      Quote: SKVichyakow
      The dimensions seem to be the same; there is no increase in living space for astronauts.

      The hermetic volume of each large module is ~90 m3. The total volume is ~ 667 m3, which is more than that of the ISS RS.
  3. +3
    April 2 2024 20: 12
    Who are they writing this for? Few people watch TV, now we'll be reading this crap here. Do something!!!! And keep quiet!!! And then show the result, if there's no stamp on it!
    1. +2
      April 2 2024 21: 22
      We promised to promise to the promised today, we will re-promise tomorrow, but this is not exactly moving the deadlines to the right, hurray.
  4. +4
    April 2 2024 20: 12
    Ich finde es auf jeden Fall eine gute Idee, sich komplett von allen Beschränkungen und Intrigen der einseitig nur dem westlichen Vorteil verschriebenen ISS zum frühest möglichen Zeitpunkt zu verabschieden...!!!
    Good by Ami...!!!
  5. +1
    April 2 2024 20: 13
    The rotating greenhouse is gone again. Horror what
  6. -5
    April 2 2024 20: 20
    Shaw, again or again?!
    Where did the ROSS station go?
    1. -1
      April 2 2024 20: 28
      I look at the book and see nothing. wassat
  7. 0
    April 2 2024 20: 22
    This is a real solution for the Russian Federation
  8. +4
    April 2 2024 21: 03
    “The text of your comment is too short and, in the opinion of the site administration, does not contain useful information.” Stupid administration.
  9. KCA
    April 2 2024 21: 06
    The news is fresh, the preliminary design is already many years old, 5-7, the first module is 70% ready, Rogozin also talked about it on the First Space Channel and showed cartoons
    1. +4
      April 2 2024 22: 07
      Quote: KCA
      The news is fresh, the preliminary design is already many years old, 5-7, the first module is 70% ready, Rogozin also talked about it on the First Space Channel and showed cartoons

      Wrong. The EP was completed just this year. The NEM module is 40% ready and was waiting for the completion of the EP for the new station.
  10. 0
    April 2 2024 21: 11
    Unlike the ISS, the new orbital station will be able to operate in visiting mode and will not require the constant presence of astronauts.

    I certainly doubt this. What about external repairs and maintenance? Are you ready to launch robots into orbit? Well if so, then yes..
  11. -2
    April 2 2024 21: 26
    If we just made a sketch, then of course we will overtake and surpass everyone, and we will fly to Mars in about 50 years.
  12. +2
    April 2 2024 21: 31
    We should now be more interested in military astronautics
    If, of course, we plan to survive and oppose NATO on equal terms
  13. +4
    April 2 2024 21: 40
    In addition to the general abstractness of the entire project as before, this issue with “periodic attendance” has long bothered me. This is some kind of frankly dumb decision from the old eras of stations like "Salut". Within the framework of a relatively small station, organizing “occasional visits” without significant drawdowns in its real usefulness is a utopian task. If the station has significant practical exhaust, then it will have to be driven stupidly, not to the tail but to the mane. And these are either not “episodic” visits, but stupid shifts of 2-3 cosmonauts taking turns, or this station should be larger - this means internal modular volume and not length-width. Within the framework of a larger internal volume, it is theoretically possible to organize high-quality operation of automatic or remote devices so that the benefits do not sag and there is no need for the constant presence of people. That is, conditionally, large modules in which there is a conveniently organized and large space for experiments served by robotic arms, there are internal autonomous transport systems, the ability to automatically support operational processes and all the tasks that astronauts perform while on board. Within the current scope of modules, such a system cannot be adequately organized - it will either be extremely conventional or inconvenient for visits. We need large launchable modules where it is possible to organize such work and there will be volumes that create better conditions for advanced activities than on the ISS. Otherwise it will be a regression to the level of the “World”.
    We will not be able to launch such modules without a superheavy - "Angara" in terms of carrying capacity is approximately the same as a "Proton" and, therefore, the modular dimension will remain practically unchanged, since we do not have a superheavy and the project for the "Yenisei" or "Phoenix" is like there they renamed it again - it was frozen and postponed for an indefinite period. Considering how quickly such projects are developing in our country even in a neglected state, we can safely say that there will be no super heavyweight according to ROSS.
    Well, and accordingly, this is where my misunderstanding of how they will make a real station comes from, both with work and with occasional visits. Either there will be work for show or a narrow spectrum, and overall it will be a regression of our cosmos. activities, or it will be an ordinary visited station without all these perversions, but still inferior to the ISS in terms of functionality (size of modules).
    Until now, I generally have skepticism about ROSS itself, even abstracting from the oddities of the current project and its abstractness in many details. But even if it takes place, I would assume that they will abandon the idea of ​​​​its “partial attendance”. The state of the quality of our autonomous systems is quite depressing, many here probably remember the embarrassment with “Fedor”, which was sent to the ISS. For partial autonomy, orders of magnitude more reliable systems will be required, among other things.
    1. amr
      April 2 2024 23: 43
      I absolutely agree with you, but I would clap my hands if our Roscosmos really thought in your images and at the same time launched the presented station from the beginning in the form of the revived MIR station and at the same time developed a project in the direction that you are talking about. If our Roscosmos immediately follows your path, I am 101% sure it will be a fiasco even at the start of the project, our cosmonautics first needs to achieve the competence and power of the Soviet cosmonautics, and only then set “great goals”, I’m not saying that it would be good in parallel with the restoration of the MIR station, launch a reconstruction project for the Energia-Buran project, and only then lunar and automated stations.
      1. +3
        April 3 2024 01: 00
        Well, the thing is that we don’t need “Mir”, we have long outgrown this format. Even on the old Mir and on the ISS - in fact, this is approximately the same available experimental space, but we need a breakthrough for space to really become a growing part of the national economy. Growing crystals in zero gravity in volumes that are of interest to our needs, ultra-pure materials, biological and selection experiments, creating unique conditions for creating nanostructures, and so on. In the future, a hub for long-distance missions - to the Moon, to Mars, to distant bodies of the system - I mean unmanned missions to everything except the Moon. We still have no success in Phobos missions; we have already lost 2 vehicles that flew no further than orbit. So the presence of a hub station for such missions in our case is not superfluous, and in principle it fits well with our project such as an orbital tug with nuclear launchers. We also need a site for testing a small nuclear reactor in zero gravity and a means of compensating for the destructive effects of microgravity on the body. All this requires space, we should look a little further than our nose and not waste money on something that tomorrow will have to be redone, as in the case of the same "Angara", which was 15 years late.

        Our elite, apparently, do not like space and are not sick of it, for them this is at most (it feels like) some kind of military spin-off and “like prestige”. Meanwhile, in addition to a lot of benefits, space is also a lot of money if it is monetized correctly. The same Musk is an example of such activity with 0. In the case of state resources, something like this could be achieved faster and on a larger scale - there would be an approach and desire. Even in these difficult times.

        In terms of goals, you need a reusable heavyweight, a nuclear tug and at least one worn-out Mars rover. I don’t even think about the Moon, although if there are successes in the field of commercial thermonuclear, missing the Moon could cost us dearly. But the issue with AMCs in our case is already burning with a blue flame and something had to be done in this field the day before yesterday - and done successfully. The story with Phobos and the failure of Luna-25 shows that we have lost our competencies catastrophically; in a number of ways, we have already been significantly surpassed by the Japanese, Chinese, and Indians. Now we need to catch up and take niches where this is still possible.
        1. +1
          April 3 2024 22: 13
          The funniest thing about your speeches is your conclusions against the backdrop of complete ignorance of the essence of the issue. laughing So. They picked up the tips, but missed the point. I strongly advise you to first understand what ROS is. laughing
          1. 0
            April 3 2024 22: 39
            Ah, Comrade Slipped) Well, as usual, we’ll see how it turns out. If ROSS is built in the foreseeable 50 years, of course. What point did I miss there? What does “Soviet mean excellent?” I seem to be speaking from a critical position here, and these are usually fact-based positions. What is ROSS, yes, I confess, I still don’t understand))) But I suppose I’m not alone here - the people who are moving it now also don’t really understand how it is and where. So far, all the information about ROSS is a collection of fairy tales that combine maximum abstraction and a big swing. Will you enlighten me as usual? Clear the fog and mirrors around this enterprise. hi
            1. +1
              April 3 2024 23: 11
              Quote: Knell Wardenheart
              Ah, Comrade Slipped) Well, as usual, we’ll see how it turns out.

              The first module of the station will be launched in 2027. It is now in a fairly advanced state of assembly.

              Quote: Knell Wardenheart
              If ROSS is built in the foreseeable 50 years, of course.

              Much earlier. laughing

              Quote: Knell Wardenheart
              What point did I miss there?

              To put it very briefly and in a nutshell - ROS is no longer MIR or RS ISS. This is a completely new concept for an orbital station - the world's first fourth-generation station. Even the future cislunar LOP-G and today's Chinese Tiangong are third-generation stations.

              Quote: Knell Wardenheart
              What is ROSS? Yes, I confess, I still don’t understand)))

              I agree, as I wrote above. laughing

              Quote: Knell Wardenheart
              Will you enlighten me as usual? Clear the fog and mirrors around this enterprise. hi

              The point is that scientific equipment complexes are not located in the hermetic volume of the station, but outside - in a vacuum. Accordingly, some of the equipment operates in space, some on Earth. All machinery is serviced by robotic systems, including copying types, and cosmonauts are employed on a rotational basis for biomedical research, including deep space, and work where human presence is required, for example, when repairing and refueling spacecraft in a slipway module . These spacecraft themselves are cloud systems associated with ROS.
              1. 0
                April 3 2024 23: 28
                Optimism is a vanishing commodity these days and worthy of all respect. So we'll just wait here. Yes, let's wait until 2030. And let's see how it will be in 2030 if we all live to see it, of course am
                P/s from the copying type machinery I actually got a major erection. You should push all this on TV, they are completely withered there, killer whales in terms of imagination and lighting.
                1. +1
                  April 3 2024 23: 46
                  Quote: Knell Wardenheart
                  Optimism is a vanishing commodity these days and worthy of all respect. So we'll just wait here

                  Waiting for? laughing Well wait. In the meantime, we have not yet tested the SAS of our new modules on the ISS RS. Many more new experiments remain to be performed at the current station.

                  Quote: Knell Wardenheart
                  Yes, let's wait until 2030. And let's see how it will be in 2030 if we all live to see it, of course am

                  What does 2030 have to do with it? I already explained to you above that the first flight module is in high factory readiness. We were only waiting for the approval of the electronic document for the new station, in order to conclude government contracts for its retrofitting with new systems.

                  Quote: Knell Wardenheart
                  P/s from the copying type machinery I actually got a major erection.

                  Happens. We have been using TORU for half a century now. Both on Lunokhods and on Progress. They ate the dog, Koreans won't let you lie laughing , since we learned to rethink the saying about their national dish. laughing However, as before the Chinese and the Indians.
  14. +1
    April 2 2024 22: 24
    Large dynamic loads on the central node will probably be better if the station in space has the shape of a cube.
    Don't they want to do it with a moving element to create a semblance of artificial gravity?
    1. The comment was deleted.
  15. +1
    April 2 2024 23: 45
    Rogozin has already flown to the moon... blah blah blah. It won't go further than mock-ups.
    1. +1
      April 3 2024 22: 14
      Quote: Sergeant_1989
      Rogozin has already flown to the moon... blah blah blah. It won't go further than mock-ups.

      I'm late. There, the first flight module is already being assembled on the slipway. laughing
      1. -2
        April 18 2024 00: 08
        Did you see it yourself? In the USSR, if they started, they finished it, but now the money will be stolen and the module will remain on the slipway. I won't believe it until it flies.
        1. +1
          April 22 2024 00: 11
          I saw it myself. It will fly and will not go anywhere. laughing
          1. -2
            April 23 2024 21: 20
            Everything is correct, the main thing is to believe when the budget is being cut.
            1. +1
              April 24 2024 21: 16
              When it flies, I advise you to hang yourself. laughing
  16. +4
    April 3 2024 00: 15
    Why not make at least a triangle in the base. Three identical modules, or four, let it be a square, and volume and redundancy and replaceability as they wear out. Why again the same rake in the form of one basic module. Catch orbital debris and goodbye...
  17. +2
    April 3 2024 00: 37
    For some reason I remember the prison warden from the movie "All In 2". wink
  18. 0
    April 3 2024 12: 58
    Quote: 75Sergey
    Large dynamic loads on the central node will probably be better if the station in space has the shape of a cube.
    Don't they want to do it with a moving element to create a semblance of artificial gravity?

    If the station is built according to an alternative ROF concept, then some of the problems you described can be eliminated. A special frame (truss) takes the load on itself, and the modules are rigidly attached to it and can even be rotated around the center of mass, which will create a slight gravity from the rotation.
    1. 0
      April 3 2024 17: 51
      Or like this?
      The only question is why not?
      Maybe the problem is in the solar panels, or rather in their orientation, because the bulk of the energy still comes from them....
      In your scheme, the question of balancing remains open, most likely this is the main problem, why don’t they do this, the total mass is still insignificant and any displacement of a small part of it leads to imbalance, there will be a “Dzhenibekov effect”.
      1. 0
        April 3 2024 19: 01
        Quote: 75Sergey
        "Dzhenibekov effect"

        This effect should not appear to exist along this axis.
  19. -2
    April 4 2024 14: 05
    Today we have learned to draw much better than before. I saw three concepts for the new station and finally they drew (by slowly zooming in) MIR-2 one to one. But they even started making blocks for it, two of them. One is now on the ISS (Science), and the second is being prepared as a base for the new station. I see the work of artists, but I don’t see the work of designers.
    1. 0
      April 4 2024 23: 37
      Quote: Jurkovs
      Today we have learned to draw much better than before. I saw three concepts for the new station and finally they drew (by slowly zooming in) MIR-2 one to one.

      Take it easy, don't move the bags. Mir-2 was not even close. He saw... laughing

      Quote: Jurkovs
      But they even started making blocks for it, two of them. One is now on the ISS (Science)

      The housings of the 77KM flight modules, the main one and its backup, were welded in 1996. They have nothing to do with Mir-2.

      Quote: Jurkovs
      and the second is being prepared as a base for the new station.

      Production of the basic ROS module will begin no earlier than next year. The Science and Energy Module is currently being assembled.

      Quote: Jurkovs
      I see the work of artists, but I don’t see the work of designers.