According to the Constitution of Ukraine, Zelensky’s presidential term has expired from today

According to the Constitution of Ukraine, Zelensky’s presidential term has expired from today

Yesterday, March 31, according to the basic law of Ukraine, presidential elections were supposed to be held in the country. Meanwhile, the current head of the Kyiv regime canceled the vote, citing martial law.

Based on the provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine, then as of today, Vladimir Zelensky’s term of office has expired. Until May 20, he must be in de facto acting status. president, and on May 21 will lose its legitimacy completely.

After the expiration of the above-mentioned period, the country should be led by another person who won the elections. However, taking into account the fact that the latter did not take place, Zelensky must transfer his powers to the Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada Ruslan Stefanchuk. By the way, this is exactly what ex-speaker of the Rada and former deputy from Servant of the People Dmitry Razumkov insists on.

In turn, the head of the Kyiv regime argues for the cancellation of the vote, which was supposed to take place on the last Sunday of March, by the law on martial law. The latter prohibits electing the president, parliament and local governments, as well as changing the Constitution.

Let us recall that martial law in Ukraine was introduced on February 24, 2022. After that, the Verkhovna Rada extends it every three months.

At the same time, regarding the transfer of power to the speaker of parliament, the Central Election Commission of Ukraine ruled out such an option, saying that Zelensky will retain his powers until martial law is lifted. Then, elections should take place within a month.

There will be no new president elected in the elections - the president on duty continues to fulfill his powers. The Constitution clearly defines this

- Deputy Chairman of the Central Election Commission of Ukraine Sergei Dubovik said last year.

It is worth noting that their Western partners do not agree with the decision of the Kyiv authorities. In particular, PACE stated last year that canceling the presidential elections in Ukraine, even on legal grounds, contradicts Kyiv’s obligations to the organization.

Republican Senator Lindsey Graham (listed as a terrorist and extremist in the Russian Federation) also “strongly recommended” Zelensky to hold elections, emphasizing that this is also necessary for the American people, who must understand who they are helping – a democratic or a corrupt country.
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  1. +4
    April 1 2024 10: 46
    “Zelensky’s presidential term has expired” -

    - “Will you extend it?” ...
    1. +1
      April 1 2024 10: 51
      They won’t, because they don’t want to lose power.
    2. +10
      April 1 2024 11: 09
      Quote: Vladimir Vladimirovich Vorontsov
      "Will you extend it?"

      So you laugh... but statistics (and history) say - every next president in Ukraine is worse than the previous one... and I’m just scared to think - what will the next one be like??? request
      1. +6
        April 1 2024 11: 58
        Quote: usr01
        and I’m just scared to think - what will the next one be???

        1. +5
          April 1 2024 12: 17
          Nope... this pedal won't even be able to carry such a load... And he has a dull look, due to the lack of full intelligence, other than waving his sledgehammer hands.
          1. +4
            April 1 2024 16: 48
            Quote: Joker62
            Nope... this pedal won't even be able to carry such a load... And he has a dull look, due to the lack of full intelligence, other than waving his sledgehammer hands.

            As practice shows, in order to portray the president, you don’t even have to understand where you are and who all these people are. It’s enough just to read what they wrote to you and go where they show you. For everything else there is Visas press service
      2. +5
        April 1 2024 12: 14
        According to the forecasts of the late V.V. Zhirinovsky, Zelebobik-Narcofuhrer is the last president of the “Ukraine” project.
        The Bulgarian seer B. Vanga also said that the green ruler would bring a lot of troubles and grief, and would be the last head of his country.
    3. +12
      April 1 2024 11: 29
      The clown's term expired on April 1...
      ON FOOL'S DAY!
      Serves him right, this is simply the apotheosis of his reign.
      1. +7
        April 1 2024 15: 24
        Quote: RealPilot
        ON FOOL'S DAY!

        Yes, we must congratulate Zelensky on his professional holiday today.
  2. ANB
    April 1 2024 10: 49
    . this is also necessary for the American people, who must understand who they are helping – a democratic or a corrupt country.

    You might think that the elections in Ukraine will change something in this. Just as it was corrupt, it remains so every time. Despite the elections, Maidans and so on.
    But Ukraine has not yet lived with an illegitimate president. :)
    1. +3
      April 1 2024 11: 31
      An excellent reason not to negotiate with him. If I were the President of the Russian Federation, I would not have become president, I was elected, but he was not. How can you negotiate with an illegitimate leader?
    2. +1
      April 1 2024 15: 25
      Quote: ANB
      But Ukraine has not yet lived with an illegitimate president.

      Come on, for 10 years now only such presidents have been living.
  3. 0
    April 1 2024 10: 58
    Vladimir Zelensky's term of office has expired
    But he doesn't really care about that. He cleared the political field so that there would be no surprises and is confident that he is still in demand in the West.
  4. 0
    April 1 2024 11: 09
    Based on the provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine, then as of today, Vladimir Zelensky’s term of office has expired. Until May 20, he must be in de facto acting status. president, and on May 21 will lose its legitimacy completely.

    And ???????
    1. 0
      April 1 2024 12: 19
      and after May 20, in the morning, Zelebobik will say - that’s it, that’s it, I’m a dictator!
      And everyone get in line!
  5. 0
    April 1 2024 11: 13
    According to the Constitution of Ukraine, Zelensky’s presidential term has expired from today
    tramp and drugs. He was like that, and he would put his sneakers in the corner.
    P.S. What did S.V. Lavrov hint about not meeting until May 20? laughing
  6. +4
    April 1 2024 11: 15
    According to the Constitution of Ukraine, neither Poroshenko nor Zelensky is president, but who cares? Now this won’t worry anyone either.
  7. +2
    April 1 2024 11: 23
    The hunting season for stoned extreme pianists is opening. Or not yet?
  8. +3
    April 1 2024 11: 56
    There will be no new president elected in the elections - the president on duty continues to fulfill his powers. The Constitution clearly defines this

    And so it was possible ?!
  9. 0
    April 1 2024 12: 03
    If the current situation is not clearly spelled out in the basic law, then the highest legislative body of Ukraine unanimously voted to extend the presidential powers of Mr. Zelensky.
    And then, who composes the basic law is the people’s representatives of the highest legislative body of state education, and what prevents them from urgently correcting the basic law is nothing.
  10. +1
    April 1 2024 14: 01
    The political corpse of the Banderführer has long been decomposing, reeking a disgusting smell on all gay-European, Saxo-Naglia and Yankee-Sirri countries!
    We are waiting for Granny Nudelman in her maidenhood (Nuland after coming of age) with cookies, lace panties and invited Indians with tambourines to organize another Maidan
    on Khreshchatyk - to mark the beginning of the elections!
  11. +2
    April 1 2024 14: 12
    Until you forcefully throw Zelinsky off the throne, he will fuss to the last so as not to give up power. Perhaps his loss of the power of death is similar to him and his entourage. There will be no Zelinsky at all, the war in Ukraine will decline and may even stop on Russia’s terms. He’s like the tick has grabbed hold of power, he can only forcefully tear it away with a fatal outcome, because he is the source of evil and the engine of war and destruction of the people of Ukraine. Knowing that Russia cannot be defeated, he persistently sends people to their deaths. It is a sick utopia to attack a country that has nuclear weapons It’s not just that he can jokingly destroy some Ukraine, but also all of Europe and America.
  12. +1
    April 1 2024 16: 34
    Quote: Vladimir Vladimirovich Vorontsov
    “Zelensky’s presidential term has expired” -

    - “Will you extend it?” ...

    In a “by the rules”... - almost everything is possible!...? request
  13. -1
    April 1 2024 17: 25
    Is this an April 1st joke? Zelensky has been president since May 20, 2019, plus 5 years, for a total of May 20, 2024, his LEGAL powers. And then...
  14. -2
    April 2 2024 07: 47
    It is not clear whether our celestials are gnawed by envy, or whether they are worried about Zelensky and Ukraine as a whole. From every iron we only hear how they will live next? (Ukraine and people)
  15. The comment was deleted.
  16. 0
    April 2 2024 09: 17
    His departure or replacement will not cancel the problem. The outskirts need to be cleared and shifters and other trash caught
  17. -1
    April 2 2024 20: 15
    Der Plan war doch von Anfang an die Errichtung einer Bandera-Nazi-Diktatur mit US/EU-Duldung...!!! Alle Masken fallen und nur das Gesicht des Bösen bleibt!!
  18. -1
    April 3 2024 05: 27
    ...emphasizing that this is also necessary for the American people, who must understand who they are helping - democratic or corrupt country.

    Response: Democratic, corrupt country.