Zhores Alferov: The Great Battle of Stalingrad in the memory of the people and every Soviet family

Zhores Alferov: The Great Battle of Stalingrad in the memory of the people and every Soviet family

2 February 1943 of the year the victory of the Red Army successfully ended the greatest battle of the Second World War - the Battle of Stalingrad. According to the assessment of the Supreme Commander I.V. Stalin: “Stalingrad was the sunset of the fascist German army. After the Battle of Stalingrad, as is known, the Germans could not recover. ”

Directly, the battles for Stalingrad began on August 23, 1942 with a terrible raid by the German aviationlasting until August 29, a raid in which more than 1000 German aircraft participated. The city, in which there were no army formations, but hundreds of thousands of civilians, including those evacuated from western areas already occupied by Germans, was practically burned and destroyed, and many tens of thousands of civilians, including women and children, were killed.

By the evening of August 23, the strike force of the 6 of the German army advanced to the Volga River north-west of Stalingrad. The city bypass was defended by the 10 Infantry Division of the NKVD - the main force of the Stalingrad garrison at that time. Soon the 62-I army of General V.I. came to the defense of the northern and central parts of the city. Chuikov, and the southern - 64-I army of General MS Shumilova. These two armies were the main defense forces of Stalingrad.

In this article I am not going to expound history Stalingrad battle. I would like to convey our feelings and the spirit of the defenders of Stalingrad on the example of the letters of my elder brother Marx Alferov, while 18-year-old young man who fought as a platoon commander, and then a company of machine gunners in the southern part of Stalingrad from October 26 1942 to victory and capture Field Marshal F. Paulus in the central square of the city 31 January 1943 of the year.

Marx was born in Polotsk, Belarus, 1 in January 1924 and was named by my parents in honor of Karl Marx, I was born six years later in Vitebsk and received my name in honor of Jean Jaures, the fiery tribune, the founder of the French Socialist Party and the newspaper Jumanite ".

Our parents, Ivan Karpovich and Anna Vladimirovna, were born and raised in Belarus. A father of seventeen years old boys in 1912 came to St. Petersburg in search of work. He worked as a loader in the port, laborer in St. Petersburg factories. In the First World War, he was a brave hussar, a non-commissioned officer of the 4-th Mariupol Hussars, and in September of the 1917-th joined the Bolshevik party and kept faith in communist ideals until the end of his life.
Marx graduated from 21 school on June 1941 of the year and decided to volunteer for the Red Army, starting work at a defense plant as a turner apprentice. Marxik, as he was called at home, enjoyed great prestige among the youth (he was elected secretary of the plant’s Komsomol committee) and among the older generation.

In February, Marx Ivanovich Alferov, a student of the Sverdlovsk Infantry School, who had trained platoon commanders of the socialist army for six months, was already in February.

The study began with quarantine and the formation of educational groups. In the first letters one feels how difficult it is for a young man to break away from home and how much he misses him.

From a letter from 03.03.42

I wrote you a letter of rather pessimistic content this morning, it is night now, I am a platoon officer on duty and therefore I do not sleep. During the day I got a little settled down, found out something. First, I passed the 2 exam - in Russian and Maths - and there will be no more. The tests are not very difficult, perhaps, they would have passed the George. (So ​​he called me. - Approx. Ed.)

The composition of future cadets is heterogeneous, there are with 5 classes and there are with higher education ...

Since I got on the train, I haven’t taken a cotton bag: it’s documents, it’s a shame that you, mother, tried to sew it for me, and someone else would wear it. We will study for six months, and after that we will be sent to the unit, so that we will get to the front, mother, for at least months through 9 – 10. (This is to comfort even a little mom.)

It’s fortunate that I got to Sverdlovsk, you will occasionally run into, well, of course, it would be even better to get into an arbital school in Irbit ...
This is an excerpt from the first letter. Irbit is a city between Turinsk, where we lived, and Sverdlovsk, is widely known for its motorcycle factory: it made very popular, the most powerful Soviet motorcycles M-72.

And how he already wants to be in an artillery school, where his knowledge and abilities would be much more necessary!
From a letter from 06.03.42

... front-line soldiers say that the Germans are beating great, that now the fire of the German has fallen by 50. They say the Germans are very afraid of our Katyusha gun. You, Jaures, learn German. Among the Germans, many people know Russian and therefore are often faked under our ...

There are a lot of married men in our company, they remember wives, but I don’t need anyone except you ...

From a letter from 20.04.42

... Well, about the loan subscription, I already wrote that we immediately signed up for 1000, no less, some for 2300 rubles. But someone figured out and decided that we would not pay this amount, as required in equal installments, and then the grandmother wrote on the water with a pitchfork if we were going to be lieutenants. And we all corresponded. I am now on 300 p ...

You signed up for a loan well. Dad for a month and a half, and mom (how much do you, mom, now get?). If 350 p., Then, then, my mother signed up for a month and a half salary.

Well, Zhores is just great, I signed up for 50 rubles and, most importantly, organized a subscription in the classroom ...

You, papa, write to me so that I would learn to beat the enemy. Be calm, just let me finish, and I will not be ashamed of Alferov ...

I know that war is a difficult thing. But I know what I'm going to fight for.

I will go for my people, for their happiness, honor. I will go for you, my relatives. To free Belarus, where we were all born, and where our relatives, my grandmothers, there are the graves of my ancestors, there their houses were burned down. I will go to destroy the invaders near Leningrad. I will be among many to rescue Leningraders from the trouble, to help out my uncle with the family.


You, Jaures, well done, that you do exercises. It will greatly strengthen you. Well, about the loan you are very well done. You, you wrote to me, a big salary for librarianship, etc., so you contribute money earned by your work ...

For your package, I am eternally grateful to you, especially for carrots. Can you imagine with what pleasure I ate! Well, of course, this delicacy is almost inaccessible for you ...

Re-reading these letters, I think that Marx would have felt today if he had been alive, reading our press, watching television. What would he have thought about when he heard that “they would lose the war and drink Bavarian beer today,” and from the front-line writer, V. Astafyev, that “Leningrad had to be surrendered”. What kind of moral emptiness you need to go down to become apologists of betrayal, who can buy someone for a bottle of vodka, and someone for a round bank account. And this is a great Russian people, this is still quite recently the Soviet people, who swore allegiance to the communist ideals, some are recent members of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU, now sending curses to the great humanistic ideas of communism!

Letters from the school are the letters of a young man who first left his home, a family. He is terrified by much, almost in all letters a few words about his state of health, and between the lines you can clearly see how the young cadet wants to eat all the time.

The release took place at the end of August, and failed to come to Turinsk, he was immediately sent to the unit, to a small town in the Molotovskaya (now Perm) region - Teplaya Gora.

Here, the 96th separate Stalinist brigade was formed and trained specifically for the fighting in Stalingrad. The rank and file of the brigade consisted of cadets, border guards and Pacific sailors fleet, junior officers - graduates of schools. But starting with the company commanders, these were already military officers who participated in the battles, many after wounds and cures in hospitals.

From a letter from 13.09.42

(One of the first letters from the warm mountains)

... I found the apartment wonderful. Bed with feather bed. I agreed with the hostess that she would pour me half a liter of milk every day ... In the 5 apartment, kids, the eldest goes to school ... The food in the dining room is excellent: front-line ration.

From a letter from 20.09.42

... now the second day I commanded a platoon of automatchers ... The work, you know, is new and interesting.

With the head of the whole family, with my dad, I congratulate on assigning the GKO to the Red Banner Plant. When I walked down the street and read about it, I was smiling full of joy, and the passersby looked at me with surprise.

From a letter from 29.09.42

Today I am leaving for the front to defend the conquests of social services. revolution from Hitlerism.

Wherever I go, everywhere native places. Stalingrad. West, Leningrad, so I'm going to my homeland ...

Long live life and victory in its name, rest assured in me, I will be steadfast and courageous in the struggle against fascism, I swear to you and I will not be ashamed of our last name.

The Germans attacked us, well, let them hold on, we will prove to them our right to life, liberty and happiness.
Well, dear, all the best to you, your loving son and brother Marx Alferov.

From a letter from 26.10.42

... Now I am at the front ... Places where I stand, acquaintances, here I studied in the 5, 6 class, however, it was a long time ago ...
Marx was on the Stalingrad front as part of the 64 Army, commanded by General MS Shumilov, and he had to fight in those very places: the southern suburbs of Stalingrad, Beketovka, where we lived in 1935 – 1937. So he literally defended his house!

* * *

In the book of the commander of the Stalingrad front, Marshal of the Soviet Union A. I. Eremenko "Stalingrad" there are such lines:
“By this time, there is another important counter-attack by our troops, which aimed, firstly, to alleviate the situation of the 62 Army and, secondly, this is the main thing - to divert the enemy’s attention from the direction of the upcoming counterattack. Well organized, this counter-strike was inflicted on the right flank of General Shumilov's 64 Army in the Kuporosnoe area ...

Long fierce fighting broke out on the site, which lasted from October 25 to November 1. The 96 th infantry brigade of Colonel Fyodor Pavlovich Berezhnoy was especially distinguished in them ... Although the advance of our units was only 3 – 4 km, but the enemy was forced to hold considerable forces here and even throw their last reserves here. In these critical days of struggle, the possibility of maneuver for the enemy was almost completely excluded. The results of the counterattack immediately affected: for several days the enemy suspended the fighting in the factory part of Stalingrad. The enemy suffered great losses, which naturally also led to the weakening of its strike forces. ” (AI Eremenko. Stalingrad. M .: Voenizdat, 1961. C. 236 – 237.)

From a letter from 09.12.42

For forty days now I have sent you the first letter from the front.

Honey, I left home "non-smoking and non-drinking - just an angel, not a son." I now smoke at night, I smoke during the day, and when there is vodka, I will not refuse to drink. The first day at the front, I will tell you honestly, it was scary, and now nothing, everything is in order, as if it should be so ... Do it, dad, first-class products and more. It takes a lot of gunpowder ...

In a break between these two letters (from 26.10.42 and 09.12.42), the country sighed with relief. At the end of October, we all knew that the fate of the war was being decided in Stalingrad, and although we all believed in victory, we understood how winding and hard the road to it would be.

And so it happened: Paulus' army is surrounded, Manstein’s attempt to unlock it is repelled. We knew that the heaviest share fell to the fighters of the 62 and 64 of the armies of the generals V.I. Chuikova and M.S. Shumilova, who fought in Stalingrad. In one of them the son of my parents, my elder brother Marx, fought.
From a letter from 17.12.42

Today is a significant day in my life: today I am accepted as a candidate of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks). Well, papa, now I’m a candidate for the party in which you are already 26-th year ...

From a letter from 18.12.42

Brother, you are asking to describe the battle with the German occupiers. This is a long story, better to tell than to describe. Well, you know yourself: artillery preparation, and you creep forward, closer to the Germans, artillery preparation is over - they beat our machine guns, crawled up, jumped up to 30 meters, threw a grenade, opened fire from a submachine gun, burst into the trench, bunker, the Germans run away, the front edge broken, you really do not think that all this is as simple as I wrote ...

In one of the letters I asked if he had killed the Germans, and if so, how many he had killed. Marxik, in his letter, said that only on the day of receiving my letter, he crawled out to “hunt” and killed five fascists, and the whole — this letter was in January forty-three — destroyed at least thirty Nazis.

From a letter from 01.01.43

Happy New Year, although the letter will come a month after this date, yes, I turned 19 years old today. It is a pity that I did not receive your parcel for the New Year, well, nothing, we celebrated the New Year and my birthday well.

There was wine and a snack, so for two days, 31, with 12 hours and before 1, 12 hours, we walked, of course, not forgetting about the enemy ...
The year 43 will be the year of the defeat of Hitlerism.

Your son and brother Marx Alferov.

From a letter from 04.01.43

Yesterday, Mom, received a letter from 16.12.42 from you. Thank you for congratulations on the New Year and on your birthday ... You congratulate me on your baptism, yes, 2 of the month and 1 the first time I went on the offensive, and since then I haven’t from the front.

Are you asking me:
1. Is it scary. First, there is a little, and after a damn, you don’t think about fear. 2. Food is regular. 3. I have to sleep. Mom, because the front is the same life, and if you do not sleep, do not eat and tremble with fear, then you can be bent ...

* * *

The decisive, last battles to eliminate the surrounded army of Paulus came.

From a letter from 08.01.43

Hello dear, dear mom, dad and zhorinka.

Today I expect your letters, if I receive, today I will write the answer.

Deep snow fell, but the weather is wet, the day is some gray. Deep snow is bad: it is bad to rise in the attack. “God will give”, a thick fog is cast over the earth today at night, this is in the hands of the attacker. I have now cleaned out the machine gun, now it is failsafe and in attack it will not let me down. Until this letter arrives, you will read in the newspapers about the defeat of a large German group a long time ago, your son and your brother, Zhora will participate in this operation ...

... Dad, I am very worried that my mother cries a lot and her eyesight deteriorates. You somehow calm it down, take something with it, and you, Zhorik, also. If you, mother, did not cry, I would send you letters in a day or two, but you are crying over them.

Congratulations again, Dad, on the order, I am proud of you all, but Mom is an assistant, and therefore she should be especially proud of the order, there is your wife’s work in it.

Probably one of the most interesting for us assessments of the battles in Stalingrad at this time was given by the conservative British newspaper The Daily Telegraph, publishing a 18 in January 1943 of a report of its correspondent from Stalingrad: “Here, on the very outskirts of Europe, where Asian deserts already begin, several remarkable Guards divisions and local militia units, which became a powerful, bleeding heart of all of Russia, saved European culture and thus, perhaps, our England. ”

From a letter from 10.01.43

Hello dear papa, mom and zhorinka.

Yesterday I received letters from you 4, from my mother 3, from my father 1, I did not get from Zhorinka alone. Many thanks for the letters. Yesterday I received a package from you from 27 / XI-42.

Thank you for us from a huge and from the entire automaton company. The cigarettes that many have tried remind us of a lot. Although I love my mom's cookies crazy, I ate him not alone, but with the commanders of my company, and all my mother's talents were snatched.

My army is now smashing a large German group, so much so that only smoke comes from it. Dad, you say, the plant is working for a big one, let's get more ammunition, keep up the pace, and our Red Army, without slowing down the pace, smashes the enemy. Mom, are you thinking about mistakes in my upbringing, have I really come out so useless? I assure you, mother, that you were and are the most affectionate, beloved and fair mother in the world. In general, my mom and dad are such that I will not allow anyone to say a bad word about them, I assure you, you are the best in the world.

From a letter from 03.02.43

Hello, dear, dear mom, dad and zhorinka.

I haven’t written to you for a long time, but for good reasons: I finished the German grouping in district C. I didn’t even write you a thank you for the package that I received 26 / I-43 in already at the time of the offensive.

31-th with my fighters, I already marched through the center of the city and kicked the Germans out of the basements and sent hundreds to the rear. They, bastards, still declare that they did not shoot at the Russians, but, by the way, they were all the most notorious SS men, they resisted while they could. The trophies that we captured, of course, you know from the newspapers.

You know, Dad, as you rush into the German headquarters, there are cigars, and cigarettes, and canned goods, and soap, perfume, etc. Well, now we have finished with the nemchura, oh, and beat them here: apparently invisible.

Now let's take a little rest, and on the new front, smash the Hitler's evil spirits.

Well, happily, I wish you happiness and health.

Your son and brother Marx Alferov.

On this day, the commander and chief of staff signed the award list:
Tov. Alferov in battle 3 November 1942 of the year showed courage and courage, bravely led his platoon to attack the vitriol gang. Being wounded in this battle, did not leave the battlefield. While on the defensive, he destroyed 5 Fritz. On the offensive 24 – 31.01.43, Comrade. Alferov with a group of fighters moved all the time ahead of the unit, skillfully leading the fighters to assault the enemy. Where it was difficult, Comrade. Alferov encouraged the fighters, and they followed him, carrying out a combat mission. So it was during the crossing of the Tsaritsa River, the storming of the height of the nameless and white houses.

Worthy of government awards - medals "For Courage."
Battalion Commander L. Fedorov
Chief of staff. Signature.
3 February 1943 city

Conclusion of the superior:
I award a government award - the medal "For Courage"
Commander 96-th Separate Rifle Brigade
Major Chetvertukhin
5 February 1943 city

* * *

Today, when our mass media are trying to present the Red Army with involuntary units who fought barrage units of the NKVD at the gunpoint, it is interesting that the foreign press of the Western allies spoke about our army at that time. October 10 1942, when the outcome of the battle of Stalingrad was not yet clear to them, the British Economist, by no means a left organ, wrote in his front line: “The Russians believe that they want to create a new and better system ... Hope lives deep in their hearts that all their sacrifices and sufferings are only the inevitable evil of the transition period, only the birth pangs of the new society. This is the key to the secret of the Russian morale, so striking Hitler and his satellites. What inspired the defenders of Sevastopol and Stalingrad is doubly hope: the struggle for social progress and for the salvation of the fatherland. "

So I don’t want to admit to the current grave-diggers of the Soviet Union that in the Great Patriotic War our Red Army and the entire Soviet people defended not just their homeland, but their Soviet Socialist Fatherland. Our army fought under the Red Banner. And under the tricolor flag of today's Russia, we fled, clutching automatic rifles to our stomachs, Vlasovites - ROA, the so-called “Russian Liberation Army”
As Marxic said, “they were worse for us than the SS men, and we did not take them into captivity”.

From a letter from 06.02.43

For several days now, not a single shot has been heard, even somehow surprisingly. Now I am (crossed out by censorship). Zhorik, probably, does not remember, and mom and dad should remember the square, which has always been a demonstration in Stalingrad. On this square, we, the soldiers of Stalingrad, were thanked by Nikita Khrushchev. The beautiful city of Stalingrad, the Nazis destroyed. There is not a single whole house. The whole city is littered with the corpses of Hitler's locust, who did not want to surrender. But, of course, prisoners to hell, you would see these Aryans, how they are humiliated. They now do not believe in their business. They are asked: how good is the Russian soldier? They are smiling obsequiously: “Oh, the Russian soldier is good, and Hitler is kaput.”

From a letter from 21.02.43

Bratushka, you write that, probably, until the letter arrives, the enemy in my district may not be defeated, but he has long been defeated. On January 31, its main forces were defeated, and I was already (crossed out by censorship), unfortunately, I was advancing a little to the right, where the Field Marshal himself was sitting, otherwise I would have looked at this German general with his hands up.

Now I have a light heart, I have interrupted these Fritz so much that our whole family has several Fritz, and even prisoners to hell.

* * *

After Stalingrad was the Kursk Bulge, where Marx was badly wounded in the head. And after the hospital again to the front - “the second Stalingrad” - the Korsun-Shevchenko battle, where 15 February 1944 of the year was killed in a battle in his 20 Guards junior lieutenant Marks Ivanovich Alferov - my elder brother, forever remaining for me to be twenty years old.

In October, Marx spent 1943 with us in Sverdlovsk for three days, when after the hospital I went to the front again. I remember all these three days, his front stories, his passionate youthful faith in the power of science and engineering.

From his stories and letters, I think it is obvious that one of the main results of Stalingrad is the mass confidence of our soldiers and commanders that they have become stronger than our enemy and will be able to successfully beat him in the future.

We have very few photographs of Marx left, and the latter are a photograph taken after he finished school, and a small photograph from his factory pass. We wanted to take a picture in those three October days of the forty-third year in Sverdlovsk, but Marx refused, saying: “I will not go. I will die and you will look at her? No, take a photo after the victory. " And, parting, he added: “My chest on my left is protected by medals and medals, on the right, by a guards badge.”

Mom, he once said: "Without a hand, without a leg, but only to return alive."

In the late eighties, at my request, the Leningrad artist Shapiro painted his portrait from a photograph taken after he graduated from Marx school, but in uniform and with awards, against the background of destroyed Stalingrad. Our family did not like shoulder straps, so the artist painted a portrait of Marx in the old form of the commander of the Red Army with field buttonholes - with green “cubes”.

Now in my office at the dacha, where we live much more than in a city apartment, when I work, write, like in those moments, look through books in closets, he looks at me seriously and very thoughtfully. It seems to me that he wants to ask:
- How could it happen that after we defeated the fascists and defended the world's first created state of working people, a country whose aim was social justice, you gave it all to destroy?
- How could it happen that the goal of Hitler - to destroy the Soviet Union, dividing it into separate new states - was fulfilled?
- How could it happen that public ownership of tools and means of production was destroyed; a country, just recently an outpost of peace and socialism on the planet, today has become a country of thieves and bourgeois who exploit people of labor, science and education?
- How could it happen that today our country can again be addressed by the poet’s lines:

"Farewell, unwashed Russia,
The country of slaves, the land of lords,
And you, blue uniforms,
And you, a faithful people. ”

And what can I say to him in return? The collapse of the Soviet Union took place unexpectedly quickly for many, but it was preparing for a long time. Russia is one of the richest countries in the world in natural resources, and it simply has no equal in wealth per capita. Hitler wanted to seize these riches, and it is surprising how one of the most cultural nations of Europe went to rob other countries and peoples in unison, not being embarrassed by the most gangster forms of this robbery. We defended our country in open battle, brought liberation from the brown plague to the peoples of Europe and Germany in the first place. Now the goal was the same - to seize our wealth, but other methods were chosen. Hitler also created the "fifth column" in the camp of opponents. In our case, this method has become both basic and very sophisticated. In the end, our modern quislings are stupid or have deliberately betrayed a great country. People came to the helm of power, for whom the only god to whom they pray is money. So great and mighty power was on the sidelines of world history.

Today all of us, especially the older generation, have no forgiveness that we allowed it. We, the country, need the words "Stalingrad" and "Kursk" victories for its revival.

Reflecting on this, I think that for us the new “Stalingrad” can only be the union of the great Slavic triumvirate: Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. And in this, by and large, even the current leadership of these countries should be interested. Unfortunately, only my native Belarus demonstrates this, which, thanks to its president Alexander Lukashenko, has preserved much more of the national economy and socialist principles. Only after such a union can we become a truly independent power on our planet.
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  1. 111a27
    7 February 2013 15: 25
    Stalingrad is very popular in history, it’s just that they remembered the round date.
    And what is the same Voronezh worse?
    1. YARY
      7 February 2013 15: 34
      Hey nameless you are mine!
      Voronezh as it was!
      And CITY-HERO NAME TAKEN! Young to be seen as "crucian" and NAME is it like a glass of seeds for you?
      1. +9
        7 February 2013 15: 39
        Quote: 111a27
        Stalingrad is greatly promoted in history

        Well, colleague, they are promoting new singers, the word is what a bad word for the soldiers who died there. negative
    2. tribeski
      7 February 2013 15: 39
      Young man, teach history. Sad for you
      1. +3
        7 February 2013 15: 46
        Come on you guys. From the fact that the boy here is trying to assert himself, to us what’s so. We remember and honor the feat of the Stalingradites. So pay no attention. On the next branch, he slaughtered that Ukraine has developed from a union of 2 countries.
        1. +5
          7 February 2013 16: 35
          Quote: Mechanic
          Come on you guys. From the fact that the boy is trying to assert himself here,
          An interesting question ... And then .. If today we allow at least a drop of dirt on the feat of the Stalingraders and Stalingrad, tomorrow we will receive a bucket of slop on the heads of our old people ...
          1. 0
            7 February 2013 18: 27
            Sergey, yes, I agree. Only damn sorry for me like that. Well, there’s nothing to be done, what they were striving for, they ran into something.
            1. Neringa285
              7 February 2013 19: 31
              Those who have Coca-Cola instead of blood in their veins, it is useless to prove something. But we did not strive to get such "Ivanov who do not remember kinship" ... This is not just sad, it is also scary, because those who fought will die, we will grow old. and that's all ... it will be possible to broadcast that the war was won by the USA and so on and so forth ...
              1. 111a29
                7 February 2013 22: 09
                And then Ostap suffered!
                Everything mixed up in the Oblonsky house ...
              2. 0
                8 February 2013 11: 16
                we grow old .. and all ..

                No, not everything. We still have sons.
      2. +3
        7 February 2013 16: 14
        Quote: tribeski
        With just a round date, that's all they remembered.
        And what is the same Voronezh worse?

        A generation of peipsi, aphids ...
        1. avt
          7 February 2013 17: 06
          Quote: mark021105
          A generation of peipsi, aphids ...

          It is a classic example of modern education. Clipped thinking cannot create a three-dimensional picture. It would seem, well, take as a basis - this is the direction of the main blow. With the exit beyond the Volga, fuel and lubricants deliveries are cut off, the entire evacuated industry is hit by aircraft, and what and where to fight, if the chances reach wherever they want. And no one belittles the feat near Voronezh, but everything, even that, was subordinated to the main operation. And near Voronezh, especially the Hungarians and Italians, broke not weak! Hungarians still remember.
          1. 111a29
            7 February 2013 17: 16
            How do you directly judge me about my education ...
            1. Neringa285
              7 February 2013 19: 41
              "........ The bags with letters were opened in the office of Goebbels.
              - Let's start creating a myth! - he said. - We will create a special commission of verified party members. Cut addresses on envelopes. We classify all letters from Stalingrad according to their mood. The last words of the Paulus grenadiers will become the basis for creating an immortal biography ... I can already see how the descendants will trembling with these tablets!
              They did everything as he ordered: the letters were put into the set, and then there was sobering up ... Goebbels was informed:
              - You cannot create such a myth! Only two percent of Paulus Army soldiers still believed in the Fuhrer’s cause, the rest sent curses. Listen here: “Stalingrad is a good lesson for the German people. It is only a pity that those who have learned this lesson will find it difficult to use it in future times. But all of us Germans should remember him ... ”
              Goebbels read the proofread. Some phrases have already been emphasized by censors from the military-statistical information bureau: “You are the wife of a German officer, and you must understand everything that I will tell you ... I'm not a coward! But it offends me that I could show the greatest courage in a case that is absolutely pointless and criminal ... So, you know that I will not return to you. But no one will convince me to die with the words: “Heil Hitler!”
              - Yes, this is not suitable for printing, - Goebbels was upset ... "V. Pikul Barbarossa. Read Pikul if the classic history of wars is beyond your reach.
              1. 0
                8 February 2013 08: 30
                Sorry, but V. Pikul's work was called "Square of the Fallen Fighters", it is dedicated to the Battle of Stalingrad. Not over yet. This story has already been submitted by his widow to the publishing house. The younger generation should read this
            2. +5
              7 February 2013 19: 56
              111a29, do not go into the bottle, do not be a kid. Well, after all, they put it wrong, admit, people will understand why to click their teeth in the corner? Who in Russia did Stalingrad forget? Well, they do not mention him constantly in everyday life, this is understandable. This is not forgotten. In our country, every city west of Moscow can be called a hero, many lives have been laid for them. But Stalingrad stands apart in many respects.
    3. +10
      7 February 2013 15: 52
      111a27, [b

      Well, what kind of wording do you have, this is not about a pop pop artist, in which money is being tamped with, it is a question.
      The battle of Stalingrad, as is recognized even in the west (through the gnashing of teeth) is a turning point in the entire Second World War. Without exaggeration, the fate of the entire human civilization was decided in this battle.
      This victory is the pride of the Russian people and all the peoples of the USSR!
    4. yak69
      7 February 2013 16: 21
      Quote: 111a27
      Stalingrad is heavily promoted

      Immediately visible "Generation" P "" (Pepsi generation). A typical representative of modern idiots. ETOGES as it is necessary in your head to pervert everything, so that to operate with such slang words while discussing about Stalingrad !!
      Yeah ..... according to their logic, Christ is also "untwisted" and HE is fed up with them! Everything calls them to conscience. And they do not have it - they are not equipped with a conscience during production, tk. their parents didn't have it either. So they didn't convey conscience, respect for elders, for the Motherland, for the history of their country.
      Otherwise, a person’s hand wouldn’t turn to write such a thing!
      Dear 111a27, look better "house 2", it will be closer to your intellect.

      A low bow to Zhores Ivanovich Alferov for this article! Health to you, longevity and new scientific discoveries!
    5. +6
      7 February 2013 16: 27
      forgot to attribute rzhev! and as for Volgograd, this city should be named Stalingrad!
      1. -6
        7 February 2013 19: 53
        With all the greatness of Stalin, he did not found this city and does not have any rights to rename it.
        1. yak69
          7 February 2013 20: 09
          [quote = Setrac]

          Another "young reformer" with "alternative thinking"
          1. -7
            7 February 2013 22: 31
            My position is simple and understandable, as the city was originally called, so it should be called, who wants to build this city in honor of himself, Stalin, by the way, did not ask for such dubious honor and never attributed other people's merits to himself. But if you want to name the city in honor of Stalin, call Stalingrad - Tel Aviv, since Stalin devoted so much effort to creating this state.
            1. YARY
              8 February 2013 07: 02
              Another "young reformer"

              Know where they are baked? Pour your copper with concrete into the "monolith"!
              1. 0
                8 February 2013 16: 44
                To name an existing city in its honor is like an order to unfairly hang on your chest. Would Stalin know this in 1925, or would the local authorities bend over to indulge?
        2. +2
          7 February 2013 22: 42
          Well, you tell this to the farmer who cried out for Stalin, although he has long been dead, well, you can still say to our corrupt government.
    6. +1
      7 February 2013 16: 31
      Fool, or have not thought yet?
    7. +3
      7 February 2013 16: 31
      Quote: 111a27
      And what is the same Voronezh worse?
      No worse. And Novosibirsk is no worse .. Even Khabarovsk is no worse, and the rest of the cities too ... Only they broke the ridge of Nazism precisely under the hhchStalingrad ... The hero is a city and that’s it ... There are not many such cities in Russia. ..
  2. +4
    7 February 2013 15: 40
    . And under the tricolor flag of present-day Russia, they fled to us, clinging machine guns to their stomachs, the Vlasovites — ROA, the so-called “Russian liberation army” ................... it was more logical for them under the German run away with banners, deceived the banner of grandfathers
    1. 111a27
      7 February 2013 15: 54
      What was their Russian flag? They had their own phlog.
    2. +8
      7 February 2013 16: 39
      Quote: strannik595
      .logger it was for them to run under the German banners, they defamed the banner of grandfathers
      The banner cannot be defuncted ... You can defunct your own name, but the banner and the Homeland never ...
      No matter how much mud is poured over the red banner with the profile of Lenin and orders near the pole, this is MY banner, and under this banner I, if necessary, will go to death ... Those banners that make now may be more beautiful, pretentious, more colorful, but it’s not my banners ...
      1. Neringa285
        7 February 2013 19: 44
        Like the oath .. it is taken once in a lifetime.
      2. Docklishin
        7 February 2013 21: 47
        I want to make a little remark stop ... The dialogue on the site, as I understand it, is between different generations. My banner is a tricolor. And I gave the oath while standing in front of him. Therefore, I think it is inappropriate, in this context, to describe it as "pretentious, more colorful" - this is the magazine "Murzilka". With respect and understanding hi
        1. Kaa
          7 February 2013 22: 04
          Quote: DocKlishin
          My banner is a tricolor. And I took the oath of standing in front of him.

          I am respectful of your feelings. Flag, oath is sacred. But in fairness and truth for, I want to remind you that the Russians EBN and the company with this flag spread. This tricolor - in the past - is the flag of the merchant fleet of the Russian Empire. Red was still better (subjective opinion). Or the standard of black-yellow-silver colors then it was already necessary to introduce or Andreev’s banner. Once again, I apologize if I negatively affected your feelings. By the way, there is even more laughter with the Ukrainian flag (I did not swear it). We all argue about what it looks more like, Swedish or Barbados ... laughing Here you and zhovto-weakness, and loved by many trident-fork. The wrong country was called Barbados, definitely.
    3. wax
      7 February 2013 17: 01
      Mimicry is characteristic of Judah. In Ukraine, the same thing with the flag. And look at our perestroika and liberals, because they yelled at the tear of a child, and how many of these tears shed. Moral bastards.
      1. 111a29
        7 February 2013 17: 13
        What are you talking about right now?
    4. 111a29
      7 February 2013 17: 08
      Specialist with big stars ... heh heh
    5. 111a29
      8 February 2013 02: 19
      Firstly, the ROA flag is not a tricolor
      Secondly, the Germans didn’t have submachine guns but there were submachine guns and there were few of them (there weren’t enough on them)
      Well, in the third ROA, like Xivi, he used mainly in defense, since Germany had already begun to switch to strategic defense
      These are images from Soviet films
  3. 111a27
    7 February 2013 15: 56
    Voronezh is a city of won glory and not a Hero City. I had in mind that there are many places (cities) that deserve more in the history of the war, and Stalingrad has a lot of hype in the media but a month will pass and no one will remember

    They had their own flag at the ROA
    1. +7
      7 February 2013 16: 03
      Quote: 111a27 a month will pass and someone will not remember [/ quote

      Once again, minusan, perhaps.
    2. 0
      7 February 2013 16: 18

      By "Voronezh", you obviously understand the Voronezh-Kastorno operation of the winter of 43? So it happened thanks to the Uranus near Stalingrad. That is, this is the development of a successful counteroffensive at Stalingrad.
      The operation is decent, no words. However, the forces of the parties near Voronezh were, as it were, not five to six times less than near Stalingrad.
      1. 111a29
        7 February 2013 17: 07
        where does this information come from (about the scale)?
        1. 0
          7 February 2013 17: 36

          You can see the difference in scale yourself if you study the forces of the parties at the end of 42 years near Stalingrad, and compare these forces in the Voronezh-Kastornensky operation.
          You can count on any: fronts, armies, divisions, personnel, losses, prisoners.
          Think for yourself - Uranus was carried out by a group of fronts. And the operation near Voronezh is the level of one front + one army from the front of the neighboring one.
          1. 111a29
            7 February 2013 21: 05
            Until January 25, 1943, Soviet troops defended Voronezh, performing an important task - they covered Moscow from the south and fettered the forces of Hungarian divisions [14]. During the offensive operation "Small Saturn", and then the Ostrogozh-Rossoshansk and Voronezh-Kastornensk offensive operations, the 2nd German, 8th Italian and 2nd Hungarian armies were defeated by the forces of the Voronezh Front. In this case, the loss of German troops amounted to 320 thousand soldiers and officers. 26 German divisions were defeated near Voronezh, and the number of prisoners was greater than near Stalingrad
            1. +1
              8 February 2013 05: 06
              In this case, the loss of German troops amounted to Xnumx of thousands of soldiers and officers. Near Voronezh were defeated 26 German divisions, and the number of prisoners was greater than near Stalingrad.

              The losses of the Wehrmacht near Stalingrad amounted to about 840 thousand people and 240 thousand prisoners.
              According to Kurt von Tipelskirch, 50 divisions were completely destroyed and about 25 divisions lost up to 2/3 of their composition.
      2. +1
        7 February 2013 22: 50
        Quote: BigRiver
        By "Voronezh", you obviously understand the Voronezh-Kastorno operation of the winter of 43? So it happened thanks to the Uranus near Stalingrad. That is, this is the development of a successful counteroffensive at Stalingrad.
        The operation is decent, no words. However, the forces of the parties near Voronezh were, as it were, not five to six times less than near Stalingrad.

        And you read about the defense of Voronezh, when 200 cadets of the Borisoglebsky Aviation School, instead of learning to fly, were thrown near Voronezh, no one returned (father told the instructor) Left-bank Voronezh ceased to exist, battles were terrible, huge losses, but our soldiers survived And it wasn’t 43 years in winter and 42 years in summer. You can find about fights on the Internet. In the winter of 43, an offensive began near Voronezh.
        1. 111a29
          7 February 2013 23: 08
          I didn’t quite understand about the cadets (it was, well, this was an all-out episode)
          So Stalengrad can be divided into many operations (defense, encirclement and, for example, defeat)
          I mean that these are two comparable operations, well, about one lot and about the other they downplayed and ignored.
          It was from this that the diologist began, that many of the same Mars operations are even more important than Uranus.
        2. -2
          8 February 2013 04: 32
          valokordin (2)
          ... And it was not in the winter of 43 years, but in the summer of 42 years.

          You may recall that there were THREE Rzhev, THREE Kharkov, etc. What does this have to do with the issue under discussion?
          Comrade 111a29 doesn't understand why is Stalingrad so, in his words, "promoted"?
          I try to explain to him in plain language that we need to compare the scale of the operation and its impact on the strategic situation on the entire eastern front.
          Following the successful development of "Uranus" at Stalingrad, followed by a chain of successful front-scale operations on the entire southern wing of the eastern front. They were the consequence! Voronezh, in the winter of 43 - also a consequence.
          1. 0
            8 February 2013 16: 49
            Quote: BigRiver
            I try to explain to him in plain language that we need to compare the scale of the operation and its impact on the strategic situation on the entire eastern front.

            Explain what would happen if the USSR lost the battle of Stalingrad, or the battle of Moscow. I believe that the defeat of the USSR in any of these battles would allow the Wehrmacht to at least reduce the war to a draw, the defeat in both battles would lead to the defeat of the USSR in the war.
    3. +4
      7 February 2013 16: 36
      Quote: 111a27
      and someone will not remember

      You are mistaken, son. People’s memory will never forget. Personally, I will certainly bring my son to Volgograd and Brest, a little more will grow up (6 more years), so that thoughts like yours would not be.
      1. 111a29
        7 February 2013 17: 12
        You are mistaken. I was in a search squad and saw what a show

        Do you read thoughts?
        1. Neringa285
          7 February 2013 19: 47
          And I was in the search group "Snow landing" KSU ... so no need to talk about search engines. And it would be better for you not to talk about showing off. I doubt that you were there at all.
          1. 111a29
            7 February 2013 21: 30
            Doubt that I have to throw beads in front of you ...
            And people like you I saw in the squad, wandering around the other time and dumping
            1. Neringa285
              7 February 2013 21: 55
              Yes, yes ... you wander, and we all 5 courses and after graduation were engaged in search. They’re doing walkers ... without beads ...
              1. 111a29
                7 February 2013 22: 04
                I honestly do not understand the meaning of this skirmish! Well, you think so, well, to hell with you
                (an intelligent person will first come out of this nonsense)
                You say that you were in search engines, well, and I told you to read something interesting from your experience, for example, as it were, slightly opened the curtain about this war.
                1. Neringa285
                  7 February 2013 22: 09
                  Not "you", but "you" ... and I have already left .. I see such an uninteresting and poorly educated .. not for the first time, but every time I am amazed ...))))))
                  1. 111a29
                    7 February 2013 22: 20
                    Apparently you have seen little in life and you are amazed at by ordinary people! I guess you rarely see people ...
    4. +2
      7 February 2013 16: 42
      Quote: 111a27
      but a month will pass and someone will not remember
      Human stupidity cannot be cured ... 70 years have passed and it is not forgotten ... And it will not be forgotten ... You would still have looked at the story ... What, where and when ...
  4. 111a27
    7 February 2013 16: 06
    Do not like alternative thinking? Everyone has their own opinion and it’s good
    1. +4
      7 February 2013 16: 29
      Did you learn to read and write? Or they wrote on the fences, and now they accidentally jumped out here with an alternative opinion?
  5. +9
    7 February 2013 16: 08
    Yes, my father fought in those places, participated in the famous encirclement, his tank was hit in the Kalach area and he was seriously injured. I would also like for Stalingrad to finally find its real name, by which the whole world knows it. This is necessary not only for us, but also for our future generations, in order to always remember, not to forget, at what price our Victory has come to us!
  6. 111a27
    7 February 2013 16: 24
    ALL Urya Urya shout! angrily minded, but whoever of you even hit one finger on one finger so that the glory of Stalingrad does not fade?
    1. yak69
      7 February 2013 16: 39
      Quote: 111a27
      and one of you at least hit one finger on one finger

      Start with yourself and answer - what have you done for this ?!
      I tell my grandchildren about this. My children have absorbed respect for the Protectors with their mother's milk. Not so long ago, my son hung a poster "Glory to the victorious warrior!" In his room. The awards of the great-grandfather, after whom he is named, are in a place of honor in his room. Accordingly, he verifies the actions of his life with the life of his great-grandfathers. And this already says a lot.

      And on your "avatar" you look like a fascist ......
      1. 111a29
        7 February 2013 17: 05
        Yes, I’m searching for WWII things and giving some to our museum. Yes, we show schoolchildren the uniform of fighters and this is a living story for them, I participate in the cop and reconstruction. And you all right to show the children something there ... (and where is your contribution? Have you raised at least one Red Army fighter?)
        1. yak69
          7 February 2013 17: 21
          You should at least have learned to write competently, "search engine".
        2. yak69
          7 February 2013 17: 35
          Quote: 111a29
          And you always show something to the children ...

          The first one. Not only showing, but also telling. Children and grandchildren. And much more that we are doing with them on a military topic. This is called EDUCATION, or nourishment by truth. This is when you lay the foundation in a small person on which he will build his life, and the life of his country. Thanks to this basis, he understands what friendship, compassion, MUTUAL RESPECT, sacrifice, etc. are. This is the first stage in the formation of man, and therefore, to some extent, of the country.
          Second. I gave many years to the army and the civil service and it’s not to you to report to me about my affairs. About them (about deeds), they say state awards, which I can not even show to everyone. And you, our poor "search engine", can be seen a mile away (looking for things from the Second World War)! And what kind of "search engine" you are, and where (possibly) part of the found uniforms and everything else goes. And what kind of person you are, you can also see - by what you write, by the manner of communication, by your life attitudes.
          Third. I will repeat myself. See "house 2", it suits you better.
          1. 111a29
            7 February 2013 17: 45
            Blah Blah blah and nothing concrete ...
            You haven't seen yourself "poor" for a long time

            You are just "bad" not to like just skip my posts. Maybe others are interested in them.
        3. yak69
          7 February 2013 18: 06
          My last comment was deleted. Maybe it's for the best.
          To react to provocations is too emotional, it is not worthy.
          Live 111a29 ....

          Maybe you will understand something else.
          1. 111a29
            7 February 2013 18: 43
            And you do not get sick, you look smarter ...
        4. Neringa285
          7 February 2013 20: 30
          SOME????? That is ... You are engaged in "black digging" ??? Or, again, did you not put it that way?
          1. 111a29
            7 February 2013 20: 58
            You just twitch the words ...
            Well, you want so well, think so
  7. Nechai
    7 February 2013 16: 29
    Forum users! Why are you being led on PROVOCATION ?! Zhores Ivanovich presented to all of us the opportunity to HEAR what he was talking, thinking, dreaming about, what worried the young guy who defended his HOMELAND! To feel at least a bit THAT ERA is really FROM THE FIRST SOURCE. And not in comments and fictions. That's what to talk and discuss, I think it's worth it. And not to quarrel with those who have so far only put on a belt with a badge on their avatar, under the division "Got mit uns!" And so sweetly disguises betrayal under "alternative thinking". This entity came to this forum for exactly the same reason, for which its "idols" rushed to the Union in 41-45 years! And what kind of conversation can there be ?!
    By the way, gentlemen, admins and moderators, and an avatar with Nazi symbols (the Wehrmacht by the sentence of the international tribunal is a criminal organization) is it not propaganda of Nazism ?! And is it permissible at the Russian forum? Ile steers tolerance without borders, in the literal sense.
  8. +2
    7 February 2013 16: 41
    Good article!!
  9. +4
    7 February 2013 16: 49
    Quote: kvirit
    and as for Volgograd, this city should be named Stalingrad!

    I join, this City should forever become a synonym for the word VICTORY !!!
  10. wax
    7 February 2013 16: 58
    Stalingrad is the way to the future. Thank you, Jaurès, for the truth that you have been serving all your life. Good luck to you in everything.
  11. 111a29
    7 February 2013 16: 58
    All and sundry tried to spit in 111a27, although you just did not understand and did not answer a single question. A herd all minus and ban can. In history, I understand no less than many, although not all of course. And I am not ashamed of the form and my activity in the military-patriotic education (I’m at least doing something)
    1. Rezun
      7 February 2013 18: 23
      Quote: 111a29
      And I am not ashamed of the form and my activity in the military-patriotic education (I’m at least doing something)

      Many present on this sitehave already done very much for their homeland!
      With this approach, one road is to Contact!
      1. 111a29
        7 February 2013 18: 44
        Explain where does the Contact?
        1. Rezun
          7 February 2013 19: 25
          It’s easier to promote there ...
          For God's sake, I don’t want to show you my example (unworthy) - look through the comments of some "generals" and "marshals" - you will learn so many interesting and still unknown (non humor).
          By the way, biceps 46?
    2. yak69
      7 February 2013 19: 01
      Quote: 111a29
      I in history understand no less than many

      That's noticeable laughing
    3. Neringa285
      7 February 2013 19: 50
      It would be better not to do .. the result is not impressive.
    4. Nechai
      9 February 2013 14: 31
      Quote: 111a29
      And I am not ashamed of the form and my activity in the military-patriotic education (I’m at least doing something)

      As for the form "yours" - we remember ... About shame and conscience, it's too much to talk about ...
  12. +3
    7 February 2013 17: 20
    Long live Stalingrad city hero!
  13. +2
    7 February 2013 17: 30
    Now in my office at the dacha, where we live much more than in a city apartment, when I work, write, like in those moments, look through books in closets, he looks at me seriously and very thoughtfully. It seems to me that he wants to ask:
    - How could it happen that after we defeated the fascists and defended the world's first created state of working people, a country whose aim was social justice, you gave it all to destroy?
    - How could it happen that the goal of Hitler - to destroy the Soviet Union, dividing it into separate new states - was fulfilled?
    - How could it happen that public ownership of tools and means of production was destroyed; a country, just recently an outpost of peace and socialism on the planet, today has become a country of thieves and bourgeois who exploit people of labor, science and education?

  14. 111a29
    7 February 2013 17: 46
    yak69 You are just "lousy" not to like just skip my posts. Maybe others are interested in them.
    1. yak69
      7 February 2013 19: 11
      Brains also need to be pumped so that they do not lag behind the muscles. You will write competently, that is, without errors.
      This is called harmonious development. lol
      1. 111a29
        7 February 2013 20: 22
        You live imposed cliches about the Second World War.
        And I will not go down to your level (give comments about the subscriber) (this is not worthy of an officer)
        Technically, you can’t argue like this and take it, (as Bosarian ones) smile
        1. yak69
          7 February 2013 21: 10
          Quote: 111a29
          I won’t (it’s not worthy of an officer)

          Do not understand! Who is the officer? !! Are you confusing anything? Maybe a non-commissioned officer?

          Mom dear, if these are officers, then our army is in danger !!
          Really, the DVKR was "slammed" .....
          1. 111a29
            7 February 2013 21: 25
            it belonged to you, there I also rattled jellies and yelled that he was retired laughing
            No, I don’t attribute myself to an officer. I wasn’t
        2. yak69
          7 February 2013 21: 44
          Quote: 111a29
          I won’t (it’s not worthy of an officer)

          We had such an "officer" - Warrant Officer D., 25 years old, pumped all his muscles. Education Oh, but ambition !! Enough for two nachprodov. He liked to argue with elders, on any occasion. We lost ourselves with him for a couple of years, and so and so. Well, the guy does not understand what the commanders want from him. I had to "let go" the poor man - now he is preparing the documents.

          So I think: what is "bad luck" and how to deal with it.
          1. 111a29
            7 February 2013 21: 51
            Well, how does this relate to the topic?
            I realized that you want to hold tight parallels, but what next?
            What constructive have you proposed? I don’t want to measure intellect or education with you, it’s not beautiful just
            1. yak69
              7 February 2013 22: 24
              Quote: 111a29
              Well, how does this relate to the topic?

              This relates directly to the topic - army life (and indeed Life) teaches, first of all, respectful attitude towards elders. To those elders (age and rank) who have already lived most of their lives and have done their considerable work for the good of their country. This time.
              Seniors (not about everyone, but about many), have extensive life experience (and this is perhaps the most valuable thing in a person) and have already gone through many mistakes and stupidities, so they can see further, wider and deeper. These are two.
              Our experience and our deeds give us the moral and legal right to reprimand young people, and the authorities to express their disagreement and even protest. And not because it "itches" and let us grumble about every occasion, but so that people like you do not make fatal mistakes. So, at one time, Stalin warned that the class struggle would only intensify. So they did not believe it, they gave up on it. We got the collapse of the USSR (and this is a large, separate and complex topic). And it began with such "little things" as the renaming of Stalingrad and other similar "little things". These are three.
              And the fourth, extreme. I can assure you that if you read, analyze, think (at least a tenth of what many forum users have already gone through), then your opinion and your attitude to many things will change. (I hope that in a positive way).
              I will say for myself: a year, with a pencil in hand, I "recycle" from 20 to 30 books with a volume of about 500 pages. And that's not counting official documents.
              1. 111a29
                7 February 2013 22: 33
                I did not use myself to praise. I do not agree that for many years = a lot of wisdom.
                By the way, it’s not a mistake write: The officer corps has decomposed, they are not watching the soldiers, they drink vodka, I think about profit ...
                Which option is yours? Now, if you are an analyst, then think about it, you stick labels to me that you don’t know me, is it wise?
                1. yak69
                  7 February 2013 22: 47
                  Quote: 111a29
                  I did not use myself to praise.

                  He didn’t tell about himself for praise. You don’t understand anything.
                  I didn’t understand anything at all !! I feel sorry for you.
                  I consider dialogue with you useless and unpromising.
                  Goodbye 111a29!
                  1. 111a29
                    7 February 2013 23: 00
                    Goodbye snob
  15. Tsoi is alive
    7 February 2013 17: 59

    The original idea of ​​the population of Russia was determined by the German ideology of the time, which considered the Slavs "subhuman". However, the experience of the first battles made adjustments to these ideas.
    The author of the book “1941 through the Eyes of the Germans” quotes the words of an officer who served in a tank unit on the site of Army Group Center, who shared his opinion with a war correspondent, Curicio Malaparte: “He reasoned like a soldier, avoiding epithets and metaphors, limiting himself only to argumentation, directly related to the issues discussed. “We almost did not take prisoners, because the Russians always fought to the last soldier. They did not give up. Their hardening cannot be compared with ours ...»

    The following episodes made a depressing impression on the advancing troops: after a successful breakthrough of the frontier defense, the 3rd battalion of the 18th infantry regiment of Army Group Center, numbering 800 people, was fired upon by a unit of 5 soldiers. "I did not expect anything like this, ”Major Neuhof admitted to his battalion doctor, the battalion commander. - It's the purest suicide to attack the forces of a battalion with five fighters».
    1. 111a29
      7 February 2013 18: 54
      The German also had a high morale (training) + discipline
      If her war hadn’t ended much earlier
      1. Tsoi is alive
        7 February 2013 20: 47
        June 21 evening

        Non-commissioned officer Helmut Kolakowski recalls: “Late in the evening, our platoon was assembled in sheds and announced:“ Tomorrow we have to enter the battle with world Bolshevism. ” Personally, I was simply amazed, it was like snow on my head, but what about the non-aggression pact between Germany and Russia? All the time I recalled the issue of Deutsche Wohenschau, which I saw at home and which reported on the contract. I could not even imagine how we would go to war in the Soviet Union. ” The order of the Führer caused surprise and bewilderment of the rank and file. “You could say we were bewildered by what we heard,” admitted Lothar Fromm, a spotter. “We all, I emphasize this, were amazed and not at all ready for such a thing.” But perplexity was immediately replaced by relief from an incomprehensible and languid expectation on the eastern borders of Germany. Experienced soldiers who had captured almost all of Europe began to discuss when the campaign against the USSR would end. The words of Benno Zeizer, who was still studying for a military driver, reflect the general mood: “All this will end in some three weeks, we were told, others were more careful in their forecasts - they believed that in 2-3 months. There was one who thought that this would last a whole year, but we laughed him: “And how much did it take to deal with the Poles? And with France? Have you forgotten? ”

        But not everyone was so optimistic. Erich Mende, the lieutenant from the 8th Silesian Infantry Division, recalls the conversation with his superior in these last minutes of peace. “My commander was two times older than me, and he already had to fight with the Russians near Narva in 1917, when he was a lieutenant. "Here, in these vast expanses, we will find our death like Napoleon," he did not hide pessimism ... Mende, remember this hour, it marks the end of the old Germany. "

        At 3 hours and 15 minutes, the advanced German units crossed the border of the USSR. Johann Danzer, an anti-tank gunner, recalls: “On the very first day, as soon as we went on the attack, one of ours shot himself from his own weapon. Clutching a rifle between his knees, he inserted the barrel into his mouth and pressed the trigger. So for him the war ended and all the horrors associated with it. "

        The perception of war with the Soviet Union among ordinary German soldiers was gradually changing. The rampant optimism of the early days of the fighting gave way to the realization that "something is going wrong." Then came indifference and apathy. The opinion of one of the German officers: “These vast distances scare and demoralize the soldiers. Plains, plains, no end to them and never will be. This is what drives the mess. ”
      2. MG42
        8 February 2013 02: 13
        Quote: 111a29

        The German also had a high morale (training) + discipline

    2. 0
      7 February 2013 21: 22
      This is a photo from the Belarusian Front
  16. +1
    7 February 2013 18: 32
    This is not Stalingrad, but the Lagodekhi district

    1. 0
      7 February 2013 21: 47
      And how did this stuff come in there?
      1. 0
        7 February 2013 22: 52
        Quote: segamegament

        And how did this stuff come in there?

        I do not know! found in the archive yesterday! the locals also did not know that the plane was shot down!
        soon he didn’t know where he was!
  17. zen1963
    7 February 2013 18: 52
    If these glorious soldiers knew how the USSR would end, they would hardly have fought like that. Honor and glory to them!
  18. Nechai
    7 February 2013 19: 00
    "... the British" Economist ", by no means a leftist organ, wrote in his editorial:" The Russians believe that they want to create a new and better system ... Deep in their hearts there is a hope that all their sacrifices and sufferings are just an inevitable evil of the transition period, only the birth pains of a new society. This is the key to the secret of the Russian morale, which so amazes Hitler and his satellites. What inspired the defenders of Sevastopol and Stalingrad was doubly hope: the struggle for social progress and for the salvation of the fatherland. "
    Cranky, isn't it ?! Having killed faith in a just cause, the norms of double morality were more easily instilled in justice. And the just cause of the peoples was already perceived by young people as nothing more than props and officialdom. Well, and the last step - we will discard "obsolete dogmas" and in ecstasy we will surrender to consumerism ... Now we have already understood that this is the path to the underworld ...
    In the stories of my godfather, he is the same age as Marx Alferov, also the time of training in the rear is an enduring feeling of hunger. He in the Alka camps became the commander of anti-tank equipment. And on the offer to stay, for further studies, he answered with a report asking him to send him to the front. The war ended in Berlin, captain, commander of the battery.
  19. +5
    7 February 2013 19: 07
    Zhores Ivanovich - The great scientist, one of those who, in spite of everything, did not flirt with the authorities, did not change their views and ideals. You can agree with him, you can disagree. It is impossible not to respect him !!
  20. Moritz
    7 February 2013 19: 07
    but this is just no words:
    For your package, I am eternally grateful to you, especially for carrots. Can you imagine with what pleasure I ate! Well, of course, this delicacy is almost inaccessible for you ...

    I wish you health and long life, Zhores Ivanovich!
  21. +5
    7 February 2013 19: 11
    To return to the city its former name STALINGRAD and not otherwise !!!
  22. Neringa285
    7 February 2013 19: 38
    STALINGRAD BATTLE (Dedicated to the veterans of the Battle of Stalingrad) In February of the forty-third year, the great battle ended, the Battle of Stalingrad of the people, Where we broke the ridge to the Nazis. The great battle ended And hope put in our hearts, the Stalingrad blow to the fascists He foretold us victory over the Reich. The battle of Stalingrad with fascism - A manifestation of rare courage. This is the fidelity of the people to the motherland, Our warriors with a breast attack. Obelisks of the Mamaev Kurgan With the names of the dead soldiers, This is our holy clearing, This is pride for our fathers. Worship the nations today to the Obelisks of heroes at the Volga, To all those who perished in the name of freedom, Who have accomplished this great feat. Stalingraders, veteran fighters, you accept congratulations from us, We are all eternally indebted to you, you hold on and live long.
  23. Humer
    7 February 2013 20: 07
    I am surprised by the alignment of forces in the battle of Stalingrad. Hitler runs all of Europe from the Atlantic Ocean to almost Moscow. Leningrad, the Caucasus. Volga. On our part, part of the industry that was recently removed from the territories occupied by the enemy. The population of the Asian part of the USSR. Urals, Siberia, the Far East, Volga! The most developed territory of the USSR was captured. With its modern powerful industry, the Dnieper, a significant part of the highly skilled population. And we won! Moreover, they began to produce weapons superior in quality and quantity than the enemy. How to explain?
    1. 0
      7 February 2013 20: 32
      The Germans were hit hardest by the rapid advance of the summer of 1941. Before the war, occupied by November 1941, the territory of the USSR produced 63% of coal, 71% of cast iron, 58% of steel and rolled metal, 60% of aluminum, almost all military equipment, weapons and ammunition. 303 munitions factories located here were lost or evacuated to the East. Steel production in the USSR from June to December 1941 decreased 3,1 times, the country lost 41% of its railway network.
      _ * In 1943, the USSR produced only 8,5 million tons of steel, and Germany more than 35 million tons. However, the USSR industry produced much more weapons than the German one. So, in 1941, the USSR produced 4 thousand, and in 1942, 10 thousand more aircraft than Germany. In 1941, 6,6 thousand tanks were built in the USSR, and 3,3 thousand in Germany. In 1942, 24,7 thousand in the USSR versus 4,1 thousand in Germany.
      _ * The readjustment of industry for military purposes with the rapid increase in total production in terms of pace and efficiency exceeded all Western experts' expectations. From June to December 1941, the gross industrial output decreased by 1,9 times, but already in 1943 the volume of engineering products amounted to 142% of the level of 1940. At the same time, production technology quickly improved: in 1944, the cost of all types of military Compared to 1940, production has halved.
      1. yak69
        8 February 2013 00: 36

        interesting information
    2. 111a29
      7 February 2013 20: 38
      Germany for a long time did not proceed to the production of products in three shifts, had less mobilization resource, as well as limited resources of strategic raw materials.
      USSR had all this in abundance
      1. Neringa285
        7 February 2013 20: 49
        Yes, yes .. that’s why every Swede, including infants, had 8 kg of chocolate a month ... and the Danes smeared with butter ... Don’t be silly .. all of European industry worked for Germany! And the mobilization resource grew with every captured European country, not to mention the countries that initially supported Germany.
        1. 111a29
          7 February 2013 20: 56
          The industry worked but it will be known to you that it did not work at full strength (it lasted until the middle of 42 years on the drawings supplied from the USSR). But what kind of wars are these compared to the German soldiers?
          1. Neringa285
            7 February 2013 21: 03
            Please write correctly. Resources, "let it be" is written separately ... well, something like this ...
            1. 111a29
              7 February 2013 21: 07
              Well done, here you are right, I agree laughing
              1. Rezun
                7 February 2013 22: 43
                You recently registered - and so "checked in" ...
                The Leningrad metronome still sounds in my ears, before my eyes I constantly see the pages of the diary of Tanya, Salaspils, Khatyn, the Brest Fortress ...
                Maybe this is the difference between me and you, that it hurts me for the USSR, and you?
                1. 111a29
                  7 February 2013 22: 51
                  It hurts me too! Well, just understand that if everyone thinks the same way on comments, then this is stagnation. In my opinion, Arestotel said that the truth is born in a dispute. If there was a constructive dialogue, you could exchange opinions (rather than sing preambles to each other) with photos of rare and personal experience.
                  Well, what can I say if they deplore even the post that the Germans are good fighters and worthy opponents (just idiocy objectivity reject)
                  1. +1
                    7 February 2013 23: 48
                    Quote: 111a29
                    In my opinion, Arestotel said that the truth is born in a dispute.

                    "TRUTH is born in a dispute." True, everyone has their own. Truth is unshakable.
                  2. +2
                    7 February 2013 23: 51
                    Young man, put the proofreader of the Russian language. Wildly annoying your spelling mistakes. Do not use words whose meanings you do not know. For example - "(and not sing preambles to each other)". Not a preamble, but a preamble.
                    And they do not sing, praises sing.
                    Do not be offended by minusers, most members of the forum here are used to the fact that a constructive dialogue involves a dispute and an exchange of views, backed up by numbers, links, etc.
                    Read the comments of Kaa, Ascetic - often there is more information in them than in the commented article.
                    1. 111a29
                      8 February 2013 00: 01
                      Well you bully .................
    3. Nechai
      7 February 2013 20: 51
      Quote: Hummer
      How to explain?

      You did not mention it, it was during the Battle of Stalingrad, and deliveries on Ice Liz practically stopped - the setup and the breakdown of the PQ17 caravan.
      Until recently, there was a nondescript warehouse on the territory of the 9PPZ, in fact, SEMI-ZEMLYANKA, with dumb, tiny windows near the ground ... At the entrance to this warehouse was a sign telling that IN THIS SHOP (exact date, sorry, I don’t remember the fall of 41 years) the first mortar was launched on Kuibyshev land. Almost a few days after the arrival of the platform with the equipment ON THE EMPTY!
      1. 0
        7 February 2013 23: 07
        I read the comments for a long time, came across, but very rarely, defeatist, but there was massive support for the article by Zhores Alferov. The article is necessary, correct, Chubais and Yeltsinoids would read it, if only they would spit and crap on the author. And Alferov would have well voiced this article in the Duma, and even mentioned the current criminals Kvachkov and Khabarov, but something Zyuganov does not condemn them and is generally silent. Glory to the Heroes of Stalingrad, I think Putin will hear the opinion of people and break with these thieves and bloodsuckers, which apparently invisibly bred
        1. yak69
          8 February 2013 00: 27
          Quote: valokordin
          I think Putin will hear the opinion of people and break with these thieves and bloodsuckers, which apparently invisibly bred

          Dear, I propose to think about this: Putin "to the kingdom" brought EBN. Many citizens supported him at first (he himself voted and asked his family). Then, I began to compare his words and his deeds. And he came to this conclusion - thieves and traitors can bring "to the kingdom" an honest man and not a thief ?.
          I really want to believe Putin, very much! But, common sense, until it gives me this. The words are correct, but the practical things are completely different.
          Indeed, many decisions have already been worked out in detail (!!) and do not concern (seemingly) an ideological policy: modernization and housing and communal services tariffs (with a reduction by several times !!); mortgage and urban development (without bribes and overpricing); fight against corruption;
          I assure you, make these decisions - in 5-7 years, the entire infrastructure of the housing and communal services will be updated, at a reduction in tariffs! An affordable mortgage, within a very short time (up to 8 years) will be provided to the entire population of the country. Corruption will not be like a phenomenon! All will be provided with stable work for many years to come. The country and we will all live a normal life !!
          So what's the deal then ?! !! Tell me.
          Or something I do not understand in this life ........ request