“The collapse of Russia in 90-s. Causes and consequences in the estimates of contemporaries "


Yeltsin’s “hard times” and its impact on the material situation and spiritual and moral condition of Russia have not yet been received in our country historical literature and the media an objective, truthful and comprehensive assessment, although much has been written about it. It was not properly disclosed for the people which external and internal forces stood behind Yeltsin's “reforms” and determined their character and orientation. And this is understandable: the neoliberals who came to power are far from interested in the truth about how their policies led to the collapse of Russia. At one of the meetings at the Academy of Sciences, I had the opportunity to hear this opinion: "We are still waiting for such an XX Congress, from which the whole world is gasping."

What happened to Russia in the 90s? Let's start with the influence of an external factor. The collapse of the Soviet Union and the coming to power in Russia of a new “elite” led by B. Yeltsin were perceived by the US ruling circles as the emergence of extremely favorable geopolitical conditions for implementing the idea of ​​a world “American empire”. To do this, they needed to solve another task - to remove Russia from the American way as an important subject of world politics.

To this end, the Clinton administration has developed a new foreign policy doctrine, called the New Containment Policy of Russia. In fact, it was a continuation of the policy of the Cold War, using not “military” methods, but “indirect methods of influence” on Russia. Even the staff of the German Foreign Ministry embraced this course of the United States with bewilderment. In the Internationale Politik of Germany, they wrote 2001 in October: “For a strategy of“ new deterrence ”and“ negative impact in a mild form ”or a strategy of“ selective cooperation ”with regard to Russia, there is now no reason. Russia does not pose any danger. It is an important partner with, as before, a great impact on security in Europe and Asia. ”

Instead of following the remarkable principles of the Paris Charter, signed by all European countries and the United States themselves 27 November 1990 after the end of the Cold War and German unification and aimed at creating peace, security, universal cooperation and prosperity in Europe, Washington chose to continue the “indirect devastating impact, ”this time in relation to Russia.

A special role in achieving the goals of the new American strategy was assigned to the Yeltsin regime, which was advised by more than 300 American advisers, among whom were many CIA employees. The Russian press cited a lot of evidence on how Russian politics was managed during the "new containment" of Russia. Former Chairman of the Supreme Council Ruslan Khasbulatov, very knowledgeable about the secrets of the then policy, wrote that Yeltsin voluntarily agreed to the role of a puppet of the United States. “Through various tools” he coordinated with the Americans “at the highest political level” the composition of the government, the political, economic, social course of the state, its foreign policy.

Nezavisimaya Gazeta, having published the IMF directives to the Chernomyrdin government in December 1997, raised the legitimate question: “Why does Russia have its own government?” The editor-in-chief of this newspaper, Vitaly Tretyakov, wrote in the article “Government of Slaves”: “Let's call things by their proper names: speech, essentially, it is about external management, at least of our country's economy. Let the smart people do it, but, firstly, they are not Russian citizens, and secondly, no one elected or appointed them inside the Russian Federation, that is, Messrs. Comdessus and Wolfensohn are absolutely not responsible to anyone in our country. This is how bankrupts are ruled ... Slaves who temporarily burst into power sit in the Kremlin. ”

It was about a team consisting of Yeltsin, Gaidar, Chubais, Berezovsky, Gusinsky, Gref, Abramovich, Chernomyrdin, Kozyrev and many other nouveau riche. What could be expected, for example, from Chubais - a member of the closed Bilderberg club created by representatives of the American financial oligarchy in 1954? This club became an important part of “world power” along with the Trilateral Commission established by Rockefeller, Morgan and Rothschild in 1974, as well as the American Council on International Relations and other similar organizations engaged in the development of geopolitical problems in the interests of the “US world elite”. Such prominent politicians as G. Kissinger, Z. Brzezinski, D. Bush, a number of major financiers and industrialists entered the Bilderberg club. In addition to Chubais, I. Ivanov, who was the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and secretary of the Security Council and became a member of the board of directors of LUKOIL, were chosen from Russia for him, except for Chubais.

Using Yeltsin and his team, the Clinton administration hoped to create material and spiritual poverty in Russia, a state of devastation of its statehood, economy, science, education, armed forces, to prevent the country's revival, turn it into a raw material, oil and gas appendage of the West and put the country's security in dependence on the price of oil and gas in the world market. The best way to achieve these goals was the introduction of “capitalism with American specifics” in Russia.

It was a disastrous path for the country. He brought a lack of control over the economy and social processes in the country. The period of “primitive accumulation of capital”, which Western countries went through more than 300 years ago, was marked in Russia by the rampant nature of the market, wild outrage and the top-level impunity for economic crimes. With incredible speed, a state of universal poverty was created in the country. At the beginning of 1992, in one instant, the ruble and government securities were completely devalued, Russian citizens and enterprises lost their savings, tax collection fell to a minimum, and then all the troubles of Russia followed. The overwhelming part of its national wealth was handed over for nothing (“penny per ruble”, as Clinton’s advisor Strobe Talbot) wrote to various rogues to bestow on the financial oligarchy closely connected with the United States and American henchmen in influential government structures.

The American “shock therapy” led to an unprecedented collapse of Russia - the paralysis of its production due to criminal privatization and the lack of effective demand of the population, more than half of which was below the poverty line, the overflow of financial oligarchy, the shadow economy and the crime of enormous financial assets and national wealth of Russia abroad ; the mass escape from poverty to the West, mainly in the USA, of scholars, cultural figures, technical intelligentsia; the collapse of the armed forces, the undermining of scientific, technical and educational potential, the decline of agriculture, the inability to modernize the unacceptably outdated (by 70-80%) industrial equipment.

Russia was gripped by a demographic crisis. In the comments to the preliminary results of the 2002 census of the year, prepared for the meeting of the Government of the Russian Federation, it was said: "The extinction of the Russian people is going on at an enormous pace ... An absolutely planned deportation of the Russian population is happening, by someone."

In the media there were many calls for the legislative and executive authorities to come to their senses, think about their own national interests, stop pursuing the policy of destroying Russia. There was no shortage of appeals to the European public about the destructive actions of the Yeltsin regime. Thus, in “An Appeal to the German Public”, signed along with me by Lev Kopelev, Yuri Afanasyev, Vadim Belotserkovsky, Sergey Kovalev, Grigory Vodolazov, Dmitry Furman and other representatives of the Russian intelligentsia and published in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung XNX, Zeitung in February 19.12.1996, it was said: “With bitterness and indignation, we observe how the German government supports by all imaginable means the anti-democratic regime that has arisen in our country in all its cruel and unlawful actions x and a large part of the German media consciously or unconsciously trying to ignore the deep crisis in Russia.

We cannot imagine that the German leadership is not sufficiently informed about this crisis. Many people in Russia even suspect that the West, including Germany, provides Yeltsin with unconditional support, because it hopes with its help to finally bring Russia down to the rank of weak states. With a decisive condemnation and the threat of economic sanctions by democratic states, the Yeltsin team would hardly have decided from October to December 1993 to overthrow the Constitution and establish an authoritarian regime, unleash a monstrous war in Chechnya and hold recent anti-democratic elections, that is, to act in such a way that this predetermined the escalation of the crisis in Russia.

The catastrophe is developing in its own way: the only way to characterize the situation in our country now. The economic policies of the caste around Yeltsin and Chernomyrdin turned a thin layer of the old communist nomenklatura and the “new Russians” into the unimaginably rich, plunged the overwhelming part of industry into a state of stagnation, and the majority of the population - into poverty. In property relations, the gap between the class of the rich and the poor is now much deeper than the one that caused the October Revolution in the past. ”

This appeal, like many others, was ignored by the ruling circles of Western European countries. On the one hand, they were under the heel of the United States and did not dare to oppose support for the Yeltsin regime, on the other - in Western Europe there were quite a few supporters of the maximum weakening of Russia. The inertia of the Cold War and the fear that Russia would not again turn into a powerful state and not return to the expansive policy, from which it resolutely dissociated itself during the reforms of the 80-s, acted.

When analyzing the performance of the Yeltsin team over the course of the 90-s, one could unwittingly get the impression that the occupation authorities were operating in Russia. According to economists at the time, it would take from 20 to 30 years to eliminate the disastrous consequences of “shock therapy.” The damage from it was compared to the one that was inflicted on the country during the Second World War.

Many Russian experts still adhere to this opinion. Thus, the director of the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician Nikolai Shmelev, in his article “Common Sense and the Future of Russia: Yes or No?” Wrote: “Today, hardly anyone of realistic-minded people will decide to say that in the foreseeable 15-20 years we will be able to compensate all damage caused by the current "troubled time". Over the past two decades, Russia has lost half of its industrial potential and, unless emergency measures are taken, due to the obsolescence of equipment in the next 7-10 years, the remaining half will be lost. At least one third of the agricultural land was taken out of circulation, about 50% of the cattle population was put under the knife. According to some experts, up to a third of her “brains” left the country during the same period. Science, applied research and development, and a system of professional training are in a dilapidated state. Over the past two decades, not a single large industrial enterprise (with the exception of the Sakhalin project), not a single power station, not a single railroad or highway of serious importance has been built in Russia. ”

It is not surprising that the American billionaire Soros, speaking at the international forum in Davos 27 in January 2013, drew attention to the deplorable state of the Russian economy. But he did not name those who contributed to this. This was told by a prominent American researcher Stephen Cohen in his book "America and the Tragedy of Post-Communist Russia." He wrote about the catastrophic consequences of the American policy of the destruction of Russia. With his assessment of this policy, he introduced a wide circle of Russian readers in the article “The United States is pursuing an unreasonable policy towards Russia”: “The American state has been participating in the internal affairs of Russia since the end of the Cold War, and this has not brought anything good. The United States should just shut up, go home and go about its own business ... These are bad times for Russia, bad times for Russian-American relations, and I don’t see anything improving. ”

In 1996, a group of prominent Russian and American economists, preoccupied with the economic situation in Russia, addressed the Russian president condemning the policy of “shock therapy” and proposed a new economic program capable of leading the country out of a crisis fraught with dire consequences. On the Russian side, the appeal was signed by Academicians L.Abalkin, O. Bogomolov, V.Makarov, S.Shatalin, Y.Yaremenko and D.Lvov, on the American side - Nobel Prize winners in economics L.Klein, V.Leontiev, J. Tobin , M.Ingrilligeitor, M.Pomer. The appeal, in particular, suggested the following:

- The Russian government should play a much more important role in the transition to a market economy. The policy of non-interference of the state, which is part of the "shock therapy", has not justified itself. The government should replace it with a program in which the state assumes the main role in the economy, as it happens in the modern mixed economies of the USA, Sweden, and Germany.

- “Shock therapy” had terrifying social consequences, including a huge increase in the number of absolutely poor people, poor health and longevity, and the destruction of the middle class. The government should be active in restructuring the industry.

- Serious government measures must be taken to prevent the criminalization of the economy. Taking advantage of government non-interference, criminal elements fill the void. There was a transition not to a market, but to a criminalized economy. The state is obliged to reverse this and eliminate the cancer tumor of crime in order to create a stable business climate and encourage investment in production.

- The state should revive consumer demand by increasing pensions and wages, promote the formation of sufficient funds for social needs and provide support for the health care system, education, ecology, science, which in general could protect Russia's two great assets - its human capital and natural resources.

“It would be expedient for the government to use the revenues received from foreign trade in gas and oil, not for the import of products and luxury goods, but for the modernization of obsolete factories. It is necessary to ensure that the rent from the exploitation of natural resources turns into state revenues.

- When conducting a new policy, patience is necessary. The transition of the economy to a system of market relations takes time, otherwise it is impossible to avoid a catastrophe. The architects of the “shock therapy” did not recognize this; the results, as expected, caused a deep crisis.

These were the main aspects of the reform adjustment for Russia, developed by world-famous economists. But the Yeltsin regime did not pay any attention to the recommendations of "economic sages." Unfortunately, his followers completely ignored them. By the way, we note that the Pope also condemned the supporters of "capitalist neoliberalism" in one of the speeches he made during his trip to Cuba in January 1998.

In this regard, one episode is very indicative. Chubais, having familiarized himself with the “economic wise men” program, hurried to Washington, visited the State Department and protested in connection with the program, which could put an end to the entire policy of the Yeltsin team. The US State Department reacted positively to the intervention of Chubais, condemned the program and the participation of American scientists in its development.

Gaidar, Chubais, and others like them tried to justify themselves by saying that they, in one fell swoop, wanted to put an end to the communist regime and prevent its return. In fact, they did everything to destroy and plunder Russia in one fell swoop, just as the Clinton administration planned. Strobe Talbott, who developed Clinton’s policy toward Russia, wrote: “With the wholehearted approval of most Western experts, they (Gaidar and his team. - Note by the author) believed that such tough measures were necessary for two reasons: first, to create conditions for sooner or later the inevitable solvency of the Russian state, and secondly, to break the back of the Soviet Leviathan. " As the saying goes, “they were going to the Soviet Union, and they got to Russia”.

The greatest historical paradox of the end of the twentieth century is that in less than one decade, one superpower - the United States - cracked down on another superpower - Russia, without firing a shot and spilling a single drop of blood from its soldiers. This has not yet been known to history.

Leaving the presidency of Russia, Boris Yeltsin asked in his farewell speech forgiveness from the Russian people, but he did not say for exactly what sins. For the fact that in December 1991 signed a declaration on the dissolution of the Soviet Union in Belovezha, thereby violating the will of the people, expressed for preserving the country in a referendum in March of 1991? Or for the fact that 10 years of his reign led Russia to the brink of disaster? Or for having seized power in the Russian state, began to serve the American "backstage"? There is no forgiveness for this. Such could Herostratus, what else did not know the story.
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  1. Uncle Serozha
    7 February 2013 05: 57
    What happened to the USSR / Russia in the 90s was an unprecedented gift to the West and allowed to postpone the systemic crisis to a later time. But to postpone does not mean to cancel, and now he seems to be in full swing. The 90s brought a huge harvest to the American economy.

    - a giant "dollar bag" appeared in the form of the CIS countries and Eastern Europe, which allowed the FRS to print hundreds of billions of dollars without inflation.
    - American companies privatized a huge number of assets in the CIS / Eastern Europe. Including natural wealth.
    - A new vast market has opened, from which local manufacturers have been eliminated.
    - almost for free, the United States got a huge amount of scientific and technical developments of Soviet scientists who leaked to the West for a penny
    - "intellectual tribute" - tens of thousands of specialists who have left the CIS countries and are effectively working for the US economy. And also those who work for it without leaving anywhere in the framework of joint ventures.

    Quote: Author
    The greatest historical paradox of the end of the twentieth century is that in less than one decade, one superpower - the United States - cracked down on another superpower - Russia, without firing a shot and spilling a single drop of blood from its soldiers. This has not yet been known to history.

    But with this statement I would argue. The fact that the United States managed to crack down on Russia is far from a fact. Yes, almost succeeded, but this is exactly the case when "almost" does not count.
    In the 90s, fucking with its own power, the United States lost ground in the field of management efficiency. All problems were gagged with bundles of dollars. Now the "pie" inherited in the 90s has been eaten, but you have to live. But they have already got used to a different level of consumption, which they can no longer provide.
    But Russia has always come out of the difficult periods of its history more and more powerful. What will happen this time too - call me an incorrigible optimist.
    1. Goga
      7 February 2013 06: 30
      Uncle Seryozha - Sergei, - quote - "what happened to the USSR / Russia in the 90s was an unprecedented gift to the West" - Colleague, what kind of "gift" is there? All this is the result of many years of work by the world "behind the scenes", formally designated as the United States. The "architects" of perestroika - Gorbachev, Yakovlev, Shevardnadze and others - were carefully raised, promoted and "led" for many years - the result is known and this is not a "gift", but their real victory (I hope for a temporary time).
      And the complete dependence of EBN on its owners practically did not hide - after the Belovezhsky conspiracy, EBN made the first phone call with a report on the work done to Washington, to Clinton - reported - "your instructions have been fulfilled ...".
      Another quote - "Russia has always emerged from the difficult periods of its history more and more powerful. What will happen this time ..." - this has happened many times in our history and there are no words how you want this "tradition" to work now!
      1. Uncle Serozha
        7 February 2013 06: 39
        Quote: Gogh
        Colleague, what kind of "gift" is there? All this is the result of many years of work by the world "behind the scenes", formally designated as the United States.

        Yes, the guys did work, of course. But not all cats have Shrovetide. wink
        1. djon3volta
          7 February 2013 07: 20
          B. Clinton, President of the United States, 1995: “Using the blunders of Soviet diplomacy, the extreme arrogance of Gorbachev and his entourage, including those who openly took a pro-American position, we achieved what President Truman was going to do with the Soviet Union through atomic the bombs. True, with one significant difference: we received as a raw materials appendage a state that was not destroyed by atomic strikes, which would not be easy to rebuild. Yes, we spent many billions of dollars on this, but they are already close to what the Russians call self-sufficiency. For four years, we and our allies received various strategic raw materials worth $ 15 billion, hundreds of tons of gold, precious stones, etc. For non-existent projects, we were given over negligible amounts of over 20 thousand tons of copper, almost 50 thousand tons of aluminum, 2 thousand tons of cesium, beryllium, strontium, etc. Our goal and goal is to continue to help everyone who wants to see us a model of Western freedom and democracy. When in early 1991, CIA workers transferred $ 50 million to the East to carry out our plans, and then the same amount, many of the politicians and the military did not believe in the success of the case. Now, after four years, it is clear that our plans have begun to be implemented. However, this does not mean that we have nothing to think about. ... In the next decade, the following problems will be solved: the dismemberment of Russia into small states through inter-regional wars, such as those organized in Yugoslavia; the final collapse of the military-industrial complex of Russia and the army; the establishment of pro-American regimes in republics detached from Russia ”(From a speech at a closed meeting of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on October 25, 1995).
          1. Che
            7 February 2013 07: 53

            And the liberals still have the audacity to talk about the great EBN, this forgive me traitor, betrayed his people. Well, what monument should be a traitor?

            All the peoples of Russia need to understand that, individually, they will turn into dust.
            1. +10
              7 February 2013 08: 49
              Here's something like that. Stands in my hometown. By the way, he is now guarded by the PiPiSiPi outfit around the clock.
              1. +5
                7 February 2013 09: 26
                Quote: Mechanic
                Stands in my hometown. By the way, he is now guarded by an outfit

                Horror vodka advertisement Parliament my condolences
              2. +4
                7 February 2013 10: 06
                And the liquid crowd smiled at me when they opened the monument.
            2. +7
              7 February 2013 09: 36
              External governance is not Yeltsin’s legacy. Yeltsin has already taken the country under external control.
              If you think that Putin saved Russia from external governance, then you are deeply mistaken.
              All reserves and stabilization funds of the Russian Federation, and these are several annual budgets, are invested in foreign debt obligations. They work to support the American economy. Of these, US defense programs, programs to replace our gas with shale, are funded.
              Moreover, at the end of February, a second reading of the law on the transfer of control of our reserves is planned. in private hands. The Americans will not only use our money, but also decide where it is better to invest it.
              If you are against External Management - Read and subscribe. https://mypetition.ru/petition/147
              1. 0
                7 February 2013 10: 06
                these are just words give the structure of the stabilization fund and the conditions of placement?
                1. +1
                  7 February 2013 10: 58
                  See the website of the Ministry of Finance. http://www1.minfin.ru/ru/reservefund/management/
                  The funds of the Reserve Fund can be managed in the following ways:
                  1) by acquiring foreign currency from the Fund and placing it on an account with the Central Bank. The Central Bank for this currency acquires foreign assets.
                  2) by placing the Fund’s funds in foreign currency and financial assets denominated in foreign currency, the list of which is determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

                  Another interesting link:
                  The structure of international reserves of individual countries as of January 1, 2012.
                  In Western countries, the main reserves in gold. We have only 9% of gold. The rest is the debts of the USA and European countries. This is a tribute that we pay to foreign countries for the opportunity to freely and without queues to buy imported havchik and clothes.
              2. Kaa
                7 February 2013 12: 22
                Quote: ism_ek
                All reserves and stabilization funds of the Russian Federation, and these are several annual budgets, are invested in foreign debt obligations

                This is "a burp of contracts of the 90s. According to them, the United States maintains high oil prices, but only partially pays off in money, the rest is Treasury, their debt obligations, otherwise hydrocarbon prices will collapse. A double-edged sword, IMHO."
            3. Kaa
              7 February 2013 12: 18
              Quote: Che
              this forgive me traitor betrayed his people

              Did you forgive him when he apologized on TV? Even if this is not Christian, I - NO!
            4. Captain Vrungel
              7 February 2013 12: 40
              One introduced himself, but three corrupt bastards in the person of Gorbachev, Kravchuk and Shushkevich continue to shake the air and teach life. And the place for these crooks is not in haute couture suits and on screens, but in a real garbage dump in the position of a prospector for self-survival and self-support, next to those whom they have ruined, trampled, destroyed. If Belarus is still kept within the framework of social protection, Russia imitates "social protection", then the bandits of Ukraine, especially in power, have lost everything. They have elevated themselves to the rank of untouchable, put themselves above the Constitution and the Law and live for their own pleasure, forcing us to live by their rules. Cynicism, hypocrisy, arrogance, deceit. Complete lack of decency, honor and conscience. Theft and bribery elevated to the level of government politics. Is this the building of a "crap" state? The people understand that they are driven to live in conditions of severe social injustice. That the division into "east" and "west" is the last hope of the bandyukovichs to prevent the people from uniting. The unification is a social explosion of the popular masses, who, like a tsunami wave, will sweep away those who are snuffed up in power. The authorities must understand that it is not the economic situation that will blow up the masses, but the social dead end where the people have ended up.
              1. +3
                7 February 2013 13: 16
                Quote: Captain Vrungel
                One introduced himself, but three corrupt bastards in the person of Gorbachev, Kravchuk and Shushkevich continue to shake the air and teach life. And the place for these crooks is not in haute couture costumes and screens, but in a real garbage dump in the position of a prospector for self-survival and self-sufficiency, next to those whom they ravaged, trampled, destroyed

                On a chain in Red Square to find out the ghouls who they are in life.
        2. Goga
          7 February 2013 07: 33
          Uncle Seryozha - Sergei, these guys, with all the thoughtfulness of their plans, the huge resources involved in their operations, as a result, as a rule, turned out not quite (and sometimes not at all) what they expected - as an example - as a result of eliminating Romanovs and the dismemberment of the Russian Empire at the beginning of the 20th century - it suddenly turned out that the dismembered country was reunited again into an empire on completely different principles and posed an even greater threat to them than tsarist Russia. So now, having achieved their goals by 1991, having once again ruined the country, these "puppeteers" have stalled - with the further dismemberment of Russia, according to the Yugoslav model - a bummer. So what about the "carnival" it looks like they have a flight again, but what a massive resistance to any attempts to at least somehow unite the fragments that have fallen from our country, one opera with Ukraine is worth something. In relation to the unification of our people, one can judge which forces are used against us.
        3. +2
          7 February 2013 09: 19
          Quote: Uncle Seryozha
          every day is not Sunday

          Well, for now, Shrovetide. Something build something destroy

          As of January 1, 2013, the projected amount of financing for the construction of Olympic facilities and the implementation of related activities is 1 trillion 525 billion 900 million rubles, "the documents say.

          "Since the start of the program as of January 1, 2013, the forecast fact of financing is 1 trillion 136 billion 200 million rubles.
          1. Kaa
            7 February 2013 12: 28
            Quote: Vadivak
            The forecast fact of financing is 1 trillion 136 billion 200 million rubles.

            Any Olympiad is unprofitable, it is a matter of prestige of the country. If a country copes, this is a signal to world investors about stability and the ability to work with it, for this right all countries fight when submitting an application for holding. True, the holding of Euro 2012 helped Ukraine, like a stop signal for a hare, but our doughs drank a lot !!!!! PRA-PRA-GREATER ENOUGH!
          2. sams
            7 February 2013 12: 29
            About the Olympics is a separate big topic.
            To imagine the enormous costs of preparing for it, you can read this: "Instead of the Olympics" http://egor-bychkov.livejournal.com/206474.html
      2. +7
        7 February 2013 07: 30
        Quote: Gogh
        The "architects" of perestroika - Gorbachev, Yakovlev, Shevardnadze and others - were carefully cultivated,

        Good health, Igor! This is the answer to the question of the quick death of Andropov.
        Leaving the presidency of Russia, Boris Yeltsin apologized to the Russian people in his farewell speech, but did not say what kind of sins it was.
        Sins is to put it mildly, there are not even words (one obscene language) to assess the results of the "activity" of the whole group (or rather, the gang).
        1. Goga
          7 February 2013 08: 32
          Tersky, Che - Greetings, Victor and Che!
          - quote - "Well, what monument should be to a traitor?"
          - quote - "... to assess the results of the" activity "of the whole group ...)
          I am a supporter of traditional methods - a grave of this type is dug up, a corpse like a hare is turned down, an aspen stake of the appropriate size is inserted into the right place, and then all this is poured so that this stake sticks out of the grave instead of a cross - here is the "monument" and evaluation of its performance ... wassat .
          In general, Peter the 1st instituted the "Judas" medal (especially for Mazepa) - in my opinion there is an urgent need to revive this "distinction" badge - it will not remain unclaimed, unfortunately fellow
          1. +6
            7 February 2013 09: 15
            Quote: Gogh
            Peter I instituted the "Judas" medal

            Igor, so she weighed 5 kg. (Silver) there will not be enough precious metal for all Judas, only if modernized - 500kg, cast iron or reinforced concrete
            1. Goga
              7 February 2013 09: 41
              Tersky - Victor, of course, you can't find enough silver for all Judas, so it is necessary to "modernize" - cast from cast iron (about a pound in weight), and the award ceremony must certainly include water procedures in a deep reservoir, with an award around the neck ... wassat
          2. Kaa
            7 February 2013 12: 35
            Quote: Gogh
            there is an urgent need to revive this distinction

            There is a laureate for number 1. I propose voting with pluses.
        2. DeerIvanovich
          7 February 2013 14: 36
          In general, Andropov Gorbachev himself put forward, but there was not enough influence at that time, it was later promoted by pro-Western forces
      3. +2
        7 February 2013 08: 08
        Quote: Gogh
        - "Russia has always emerged from the difficult periods of its history more and more powerful. What will happen this time ..." - this has happened many times in our history and there are no words how you want this "tradition" to work now!

        Yes it will be so! Nobody has canceled the conservation law yet. Even if Putin's soft power fails, he will be replaced by what he (Putin) hopes will be more successful leaders. The main thing is not to overlook the anti-Russian liberoid leaders.
        1. 0
          7 February 2013 10: 36
          Quote: Ustas
          Even if Putin's soft power fails, he will be replaced by what he (Putin) hopes will be more successful leaders.

          I gave you a plus for this, Gene. And you know why. I do not belong to Putin's fans, but rather to ardent critics. But sometimes it seems to me that he may not be directly, at the subconscious level, maybe he knows that the only thing he I have to do this until a certain time to maintain stability in the country, without sharp jerks and changes. To put it simply, to take time until the next one arrives, which no one knows yet. I understand that it causes harmlessness and mysticism from my expression, but nothing I can do it, of course there is no evidence, purely intuition and what forebodings of global change unrelated to Putin’s name.
          1. dmb
            7 February 2013 11: 35
            Do you know Nikolai. Mysticism is funny when viewed with a grain of salt. It is not necessary to completely fall in. When they talk about stability, you always want to ask, what is it expressed in? The answer is usually one, remember Yeltsin. It strongly reminds me of an old anecdote about L. Ilyich, V. Council and the rope that the trade union had to pay for. Well, they don't hang up, and okay, already stability. So far, I see only a stable rise in the prices of monopolies and the invention of new taxes. Let me remind you of one of the last speeches of the "wisest" about housing and communal services. He was outraged not by the unjustified growth of tariffs, but by the fact that even with this unjustified growth, the management companies are doing nothing. Considering that these companies are the level of the mayor, not the president, we can conclude that this was said solely in order to simply show their concern for the people. As for the next one you mentioned, I would like to hear how he will get power if it is fundamentally different from the previous one, how will these differences be expressed, and also what are the ways of smooth changes in socio-economic relations? I’ll make a reservation right away that I don’t believe in the future altruism of Tishchenko, Sechin and others, and most likely you, too.
            1. +2
              7 February 2013 12: 57
              Quote: dmb
              I must make a reservation right away that I do not believe in the future altruism of Tishchenko, Sechin and others, and you most likely too.

              Yes, I agree with you, Dmitry. Indeed, at the current political Olympus there is not a single figure that would correspond to my ideas about the leader of the country.
              1. dmb
                7 February 2013 15: 28
                Sorry, Nikolai. But, asking you questions, I least expected it and wanted to hear the name of the changer. I talked about the fact that even if a leader appears on Olympus that corresponds to your and my ideas, how he will be in power and will be able to peacefully realize our ideas. The gentlemen listed above by me, were not considered at all as followers corresponding to our ideas. On the contrary, I gave their surnames as an example of the fact that they like them NEVER will give up the stolen goods and with all their strength will resist the arrival of people who will take it from them.
      4. +2
        7 February 2013 09: 14
        Yes, the world behind the scenes brains with enviable success. What is only one statement that Columbus discovered America. True, most of the inhabitants of the Earth do not know about this, but the second part of it is sure of it. And it never occurs to anyone that actually the indians discovered america, and not some Scandinavian Vikings and the like carriers of the Spanish civilization. True, their shaves picked up their baton and put everything upside down. So we disentangle the whole world tricks of the Anglo-Saxon scum until now.
  2. Grandfather Mazzei
    7 February 2013 06: 23
    And such a complete ur..am, like EBN, they put up monuments, the streets are named after him and that the most offensive in his honor was renamed USTU-UPI. angry
  3. +5
    7 February 2013 06: 40
    The plan of the Americans was well-developed, and even put into effect ... In my opinion, only one Russian proverb has not been taken into account. The Russians harness for a long time, but travel fast ...
    It was possible to break up a lot, but ... they harnessed us for a long time and saved us ... We did it on the pestles, it didn’t work out quickly .. And now, on the meringues, Russia is reborn ... It turned out that Russia cannot be taken not only by military force, but also by economic diversion .. We are great!
    1. Che
      7 February 2013 07: 55
      But we must not rest on our laurels, the enemy is at the threshold. These are not big words, but truth.
  4. Soldier
    7 February 2013 06: 49
    I can’t convey in words all my fury and hatred towards the “reformers of the 90s”. To ruin such a power. In 1996 I went to serve. I was sure that a series of wars was waiting for us, and did not want to calmly watch how my Country was being killed .In the armed forces then there were indeed people who served for their homeland, for their conscience. And now, as recently written on the site, “poor little” flyers-leytyokham, 60 wages are not enough.
    1. +12
      7 February 2013 07: 02
      Quote: Armeec

      I can not convey in words all my rage and hatred towards, the reformers of the 90s,

      And I will not write anything, it will be easier and more visual!
      1. Uncle Serozha
        7 February 2013 07: 28
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        And I will not write anything, it will be easier and more visual!

        Alexander, with all due respect, the picture still seems to me too much. Yes, we all associate the figure of Yeltsin with the collapse of the country and the "dashing 90s." But let's still treat the dead with respect. I don’t like (to put it mildly) Yeltsin either, but there are some ethical boundaries that should not be crossed.
        Yes, Yeltsin drank a lot, especially in recent years, and practically did not rule the country. But personally, I am convinced that he was not a traitor - just not a very strong-willed and intelligent person who found himself in power by the will of fate.
        1. Soldier
          7 February 2013 07: 59
          Quote: Uncle Seryozha
          But let's still respect the dead.
          But here I can’t agree with you. Hitler is also dead for a long time, is it good or nothing about him? And the human and economic losses in the days of YBN were comparable to the Second World War. It was only directed genocide against his people and country in for the sake of a bunch of uble yudks, whom the communists did not allow to get rich, but simply to rob, and there is no need to build a short-sighted naive person from EBN.
          1. Soldier
            7 February 2013 08: 14
            And if this Judas would have even a drop of remorse, then he could finally make a gesture of goodwill, for example, to return people’s burned-out savings to people. And just don’t tell me that this is beyond the power of the Head of State. just zass al ,, point leaped up, which is a little bit more and will be taken out of the Kremlin on bayonets.
        2. +6
          7 February 2013 08: 05
          Quote: Uncle Seryozha
          But let's still respect the dead

          Turn it with respect!
          Quote: Uncle Seryozha
          I also do not like (to put it mildly) Yeltsin, but there are some ethical boundaries that should not be crossed.

          The Russian people are merciful, for a short period of time is ready to forgive everything and everyone.
          Quote: Uncle Seryozha
          But personally, I am convinced that he was not a traitor - just not a very strong-willed and intelligent person who found himself in power by the will of fate.

          Nevertheless, he had the will to drink the country. To conclude contracts, to dance in the elections at the moment when our people were dying in Grozny. He had the will to grind the election results. in favor of the country.
          Quote: Uncle Seryozha
          But personally, I am convinced that he was not a traitor

          Who signed the agreements there on the collapse of the USSR? Is it patriotism or betrayal?
          1. +1
            7 February 2013 13: 14
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            He had the will to juggle the election results.

            hmm ... years go by, but nothing changes ... winked
        3. +1
          7 February 2013 14: 08
          Quote: Uncle Seryozha
          Alexander, with all due respect, the picture still seems to me too much

          Yes, nothing is too much, but to the point. Drunk, she is drunk. Romanov plus.

          Quote: Uncle Seryozha
          Yes, we all associate the figure of Yeltsin with the collapse of the country and the "dashing 90s." But let's still treat the dead with respect.

          We are discussing jokes about Brezhnev, Chapaev, Stalin, and Yeltsin is a taboo or something. Zakidon is a kookid, more monuments to goats are being erected.
        4. Cheloveck
          7 February 2013 15: 46
          Quote: Uncle Seryozha
          But personally, I am convinced that he was not a traitor - just not a very strong-willed and intelligent person who found himself in power by the will of fate.

          The careerist he was.
          And for the sake of a career, he was ready for anything, even though his mother would sell his own (he sold the country, in any case, without hesitation, not a single muscle on f @@ e faltered).
          This trickster destroyed at least 12 million Russians with a quiet glanders, and it is not known how many in other republics.
          And now what?
          Is it good to talk about him?
          There has never been such an eccentric with the letter "m" in Russia.
      2. +5
        7 February 2013 07: 36
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        And I will not write anything

        Hello Sasha! Certificate of Poverty, from EBN and K, by Red Tolik
        1. +4
          7 February 2013 08: 06
          Quote: Tersky
          ! Certificate of Poverty

          Hello Victor! I was such a skill, I sold it for three thousand. I remember Red two Volga promised for him.
          1. +6
            7 February 2013 08: 12
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            I remember Red two of the Volga promised for him.

            Did not understand how two belay ? We have one Volga, and why do you need it with steamboats and marinas what ? laughing !!
            1. +3
              7 February 2013 08: 25
              Quote: Tersky
              We have one Volga, and why do you need it with steamboats and marinas

              That is, the Volga, but now some owners have marinas and parades. laughing I don’t mind, but let Chubys instead of the two promised Volga, one Cruiser will drive. I think I think, the redhead has promised so many to everyone that before the end of his life the whole country should remain am
              1. +3
                7 February 2013 08: 52
                Hi Vitya, Sanya. We were promised golden mountains, but we got devastation and round-the-clock stalls. Damn me 2 Volg is not necessary. It would be better if they let this money in for the benefit of the country.
                1. +3
                  7 February 2013 09: 29
                  Quote: Mechanic
                  Damn me 2 Volg is not necessary.

                  Hi Zhenya! If two are not needed, then I will gladly accept one as a gift from you! My 29 is already quite worn out laughing laughing laughing
                  Quote: Mechanic
                  It would be better if they let this money in for the benefit of the country.

                  all the aforementioned "democrats" let them into their pockets, driving us into poverty ..
                  1. +3
                    7 February 2013 09: 49
                    Quote: Tersky
                    If two are not needed, then I will gladly accept one as a gift from you
                    That take me not sorry drinks . Only I have already forgotten where I put my voucher. To them questions.
                    1. +2
                      7 February 2013 12: 01
                      Quote: Mechanic
                      Only I have already forgotten where I put my voucher.

                      Oh, yes, you have a chance that for 20 years there you got such interest belay .You strain, remember, and suddenly put in the oil industry laughing
                      1. +1
                        7 February 2013 13: 55
                        Quote: Alexander Romanov
                        .You strain, remember, and suddenly put in the oil industry
                        Not in a network of paid toilets. laughing
                      2. +1
                        7 February 2013 13: 57
                        Quote: Mechanic
                        Not in a network of paid toilets.

                        But in vain, according to my calculations, to this day, I would owe you about 2 million wooden + interest laughing
                  2. +3
                    7 February 2013 13: 17
                    Quote: Tersky
                    driving us into poverty ..

                    so, it would seem, not in poverty ... but in stability ... feel
                    1. +1
                      7 February 2013 14: 55
                      Quote: military
                      so, it seems, not in poverty ... but in stability ... feel

                      Rather impoverished stability. lol
          2. +1
            7 February 2013 13: 51
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            I was such a skill, I sold it for three thousand. I remember Red two Volga promised for him.

            ... I remember, I remember ... a whole bag of sugar ... winked
            1. +2
              7 February 2013 13: 58
              Quote: military
              . remember, remember ... a whole bag of sugar

              You changed the voucher for a bag of sugar, ??? You are great, I'm 5 packs of Camel laughing
              1. +1
                7 February 2013 14: 07
                Quote: Alexander Romanov
                You are great, I'm 5 packs of Camel

                thank... feel it’s just because I don’t smoke ... otherwise I would have to sacrifice sweets ... drinks
            2. +1
              7 February 2013 14: 58
              Quote: military
              ... I remember, I remember ... a whole bag of sugar ...

              Oh you invested profitably. lol
      3. +1
        7 February 2013 22: 19
        Alexander Romanov,
        And I am ashamed that he is my countryman.
  5. vladsolo56
    7 February 2013 06: 59
    Curses against Yeltsin are still in the minds of many Russians, and not only. Until our government gives an objective and truthful assessment of the period of Boriska’s rule, until then I will not believe it, this means that the government continues its policy and is the legal successor
  6. djon3volta
    7 February 2013 07: 09
    The United States has always been, is and will always be enemies. I personally want bad relations between Russia and the United States, for me the best relations are relations during the period of the USSR, and the ideal relationship that I would like is like now between the USA and the DPRK , or the United States and Iran, these are the best relationships for me. I don't need "peace, friendship, chewing gum." When all sorts of cataclysms or incidents occur in the United States, I won't say which ones, you can already guess from the news, then you should know - at this moment I rejoice, but I rejoice when there is a tsunami and not wine people die, and I don’t care what you think about it, I will always rejoice at such moments, because I see and read comments on different sites, and I see how others rejoice when a plane crashes in Russia or officials steal, I see how hamsters rage when there are troubles in Russia, so when troubles occur in the USA, you know, at this moment I feel pleasure !!!
    1. nickname 1 and 2
      7 February 2013 13: 36

      I am ashamed to confess, but I, like you, gloat!

      Although I understand that PEOPLE! ordinary people - are not guilty of what they do BANDYUKS _ managers!
  7. +3
    7 February 2013 07: 17
    Putin would be carried by the people of Russia, if he had the determination to make proper retribution to the traitors of the motherland. If he doesn’t dare to do this, then people will choose another one, who will put him and his GDP in the row of traitors.
    1. predator.3
      7 February 2013 08: 31
      Quote: Byordovvv1
      Putin would be carried by the people of Russia, if he had the determination to make proper retribution to the traitors of the motherland. If he doesn’t dare to do this, then people will choose another one, who will put him and his GDP in the row of traitors.

      And from what swamp Putin himself got out? In 1996, Chubais and Berezovsky took him to Moscow, when Sobchak (father) lost the election!
  8. 0
    7 February 2013 07: 22
  9. +7
    7 February 2013 09: 13
    Yeltsin’s “hard times” and its impact on the material situation and spiritual and moral condition of Russia have not yet received in our historical literature and in the media an objective, true and comprehensive assessment, although much has been written about this. It was not properly disclosed for the people which external and internal forces stood behind Yeltsin's “reforms” and determined their character and orientation.
    It depends on what literature to read and to what media to contact. Another question, the most important, is how the Yeltsin period was assessed at the state level. Let's leave aside the statement that "the collapse of the union is the greatest catastrophe", because these are just words and turn to the facts. The party in power, which has a majority in the parliament, United Russia at the beginning of the 90s votes for the inadmissibility of revising the results of the privatization of the XNUMXs, President Putin supports. The big hapok is legalized, the ownership and influence of the pro-Yeltsen forces are safe. "family" is untouchable.

    In the Kremlin there are slaves temporarily breaking into power. ”

    It was about a team consisting of Yeltsin, Gaidar, Chubais, Berezovsky, Gusinsky, Gref, Abramovich, Chernomyrdin, Kozyrev and many other nouveau riche.

    What, in principle, is the team of Putin, Medvedev, Dvorkovich, Siluyanov, Shuvalov, Livanov, and in the recent past, Kudrin, Golikova, Skrynnik, Serdyukov, Fursenko different from the above? Moreover, Chubais and Gref did not leave the team anywhere. Abramovich and other Alisher get along well with the authorities.
    Differences only in tactics and rhetoric. The former strategy is the state’s departure from economic control. The course towards globalization under the patronage of TNCs, further privatization. The same ebnovsky liberalism, only in profile. The most impersonal thing is that this action takes place under the myth-making about the sovereignty of the supreme power. Gop-stop 90s gave way to theft on the trust of the 2000s
  10. +2
    7 February 2013 10: 00
    God forgive all those ... who voted in the elections for all this scum ...
    1. predator.3
      7 February 2013 10: 39
      Quote: rennim
      God forgive all those ... who voted in the elections for all this scum ...

      The Lord may forgive, but the next generation is unlikely! hi
    2. +1
      7 February 2013 13: 26
      Quote: rennim
      God forgive all those ... who voted in the elections for all this scum ...

      What "international" are you talking about? ... wink
      about the second ...?
      Quote: Karabin
      a team consisting of Yeltsin, Gaidar, Chubais, Berezovsky, Gusinsky, Gref, Abramovich, Chernomyrdin, Kozyrev and many other nouveau riche.

      or about the third ...?
      Quote: Karabin
      a team of Putin, Medvedev, Dvorkovich, Siluyanov, Shuvalov, Livanov, and in the recent past, Kudrin, Golikova, Skrynnik, Serdyukov, Fursenko

      (however, the question is purely rhetorical ...) drinks
  11. +3
    7 February 2013 10: 35
    A correct article, it would be even better to conduct a thorough investigation of all the cases of these traitors, to conduct a full scientific analysis of their activities, to draw conclusions for the future that would not happen again. After judging all these ghouls to sentence to death ... whom are posthumous, and for whom the sentence is carried out. I believe that this will be so when we free the country from them.
  12. 0
    7 February 2013 10: 40
    We have what we deserve !! Last year I watched a series of programs that the United States organized the October Revolution for us, and they also organized the First World War, and the freemasons shot the tsar and the USSR collapsed under the blows of the all-powerful State Department, led by dark personalities from the world behind the scenes. There is a confrontation, a serious confrontation, and the fifth column and traitors, all this is there. Our enemies have both successes and failures, but the main thing is missing - the final victory over Russia. And it will always be so. And we need to understand someday that the most destructive weapon of our enemies is a resident state in the majority of the people called "my hut is on the edge", and "what could I have done alone?"
    1. nickname 1 and 2
      7 February 2013 14: 14
      Quote: Begemot
      We have what we deserve !!

      Yes! When the marshal began talking about the machinations of world imperialism he was laughed at!

      Yes! Let’s share it with us because we didn’t want to think with our heads, that we believed the throats, that we didn’t double-check the word, hoped for purely external data on sympathy, the ability to speak, and the ability to convince! But it was those very mythical sweet-voiced, inviting! Well, like sirens!

      We are divorced and bred! We won’t find that native mother, we poke our faces like calves!
      Socialism was that protection against lovers of deceit! Yes! The system itself was deceiving, but the system was deceiving simply, and these ogloedy were sophisticated!

      And we were not capable of self-defense!
      We were not able to live in another environment.

      Quote: Begemot
      "my hut is on the edge" and "what could I do alone?"

      This environment, which is called the market, (or in that spirit) is not for Russian nature! Generous soul, open, rustic, kind,
      naive, etc. And we are in the conditions of the "market" in the conditions of wild competition, in the conditions of animal relationships.

      We were lucky, That there is natural wealth, that there is Putin, who somehow managed to "smooth out" the damage from these "shock events", and we do not fight like "fish on ice"!
  13. Son
    7 February 2013 10: 44
    We, in Ukraine, the other day, too, were sent 19 demands from the "IMF" ... Shavali.
  14. Law
    7 February 2013 10: 58
    After the collapse of the USSR, there was poverty in the country, but once again I am convinced that the Russian people are very patient, Yeltsin rules, he means our sovereign has neither demonstrations nor mass protests, it says against the government that the country did not have at that time a worthy leader who could lead a country from this abyss.
    But during this period my childhood passed and I somehow moved it easier, and I was happy in spite of everything!
    1. 0
      7 February 2013 12: 35
      Quote: Zakon
      Yeltsin rules means he is our sovereign of neither demonstrations nor mass protests,

      October 93rd. And protests and armed confrontation.
  15. +1
    7 February 2013 11: 03
    Traitors must be punished
  16. +2
    7 February 2013 11: 16
    I read, I think, I remember the 90s ......... Which country in the world were the same ones held "experiments"where the same genocide ??
    Maybe we ourselves deserve such "rulers" and such a life.
    What are we left with now, what is our goal and what do we believe in?
    Our children have not become pioneers for a long time (this is bad - Lenin is a tyrant) - they don’t help veterans and grandmothers, they talk on the Internet. The army has become real worker-peasant, and even without nat. minorities (I have not seen Chechens with epaulettes since the 90th). The main goal of society is BABLO and all that goes with it. We were gradually accustomed to - government and surroundings steals billions (Gas, oil, taxes, pensions, defense) for 20 years - no liability, no landing is not shot.
    The fish rots from the head, I would like to believe that this is just a Russian proverb.
    1. +2
      7 February 2013 15: 05
      Quote: vik71
      The fish rots from the head, I would like to believe that this is just a Russian proverb.

      this is Russian reality ... what
  17. 0
    7 February 2013 11: 36
    it is necessary to find and neutralize all those involved in the collapse of the state, well, at least those who remained. Let them work on paper thinking.
    1. +2
      7 February 2013 12: 32
      Quote: kontrol
      it is necessary to find and neutralize all involved

      And what are they hiding in caches? Turn on your TV, read Forbes.
  18. -1
    7 February 2013 11: 57
    Having got out of a very, very deep "ass" Russia once again proved to the whole world that Russia was, is and will be in spite of everything. Only now will she play according to such cruel laws that were offered to her.
    Let's see who else will take it.
  19. +3
    7 February 2013 12: 54

    And long ago she got out of there ...? In my opinion, she’s still there ... Until Putin puts Serdyukov for .... Ntsat years ... I won’t believe it. And let him not say that we are all united before the law ...
    1. 0
      7 February 2013 13: 32
      Quote: rennim
      And long ago she got out of there ...? I think she’s all there too ...

      some look "in breadth", others - "in depth" ... but this does not change the essence ... drinks
    2. djon3volta
      7 February 2013 13: 45
      Quote: rennim
      Until Putin puts Serdyukov

      and what will happen? Housing and communal services will become cheaper or salaries from state employees will increase? it’s neither cold nor hot for ordinary people. Here from landing Khodorkovsky was good for the people, and all the people of the country, and from landing Serdyukov taxes or profits will not flow into the budget.
      1. +1
        7 February 2013 13: 57
        Quote: djon3volta
        and from landing Serdyukov in the budget will not flow taxes or profits.

        Well, this is how to try ... if you hang it upside down, but with a soldering iron on the heels ... feel maybe it won’t pour, but it’s getting pretty good ...
        although ... we are not the 37th ...
  20. mixa
    7 February 2013 13: 49
    The two main traitors to his people are Gorbachev and Yeltsin. And at the expense of Putin .. let's see while a person is trying to do something for the country. There is no need to tuturate the State and the People, which is good for the State and it is not always good for the people. We don’t know what’s going on in the government, all the kitchen, Stalin went to power for 20 years and Putin, too, cannot plant all thieves and bribe takers in one piece. this needs preparatory work and time. But the fact that for the West today he is an enemy (like Gorbachev and Yeltsin) already inspires hope .... Wait and see.
    1. sams
      7 February 2013 14: 16
      Quote: mixa
      There is no need to tutu State and the People, which is good for the State is not always good for the people.

      If the state and the people have different interests, then why does such a state need the people living in it?
      The state should exist precisely and only in the interests of the people (peoples). Otherwise, the essence of such a state will be anti-people.
      This is true from the point of view of the population.
      Now there are just a lot of countries where the policy is not for, but against the people. So their very existence is subordinated to another goal.
      This is unacceptable to the public.
  21. +2
    7 February 2013 16: 14
    It is also killing that the Russian (?) Mass media continue to praise and extol the EBN freak. What is the "opening of a monument" to this freak ... Oh, the Russian people ... long-suffering and trusting ... it is a pity that you have almost no chances to survive ... All the key positions of governing the people - power, media, property, are in the hands of your enemies ...
  22. Alf
    7 February 2013 20: 35
    Quote: nick 1 and 2

    I am ashamed to confess, but I, like you, gloat!

    Although I understand that PEOPLE! ordinary people - are not guilty of what they do BANDYUKS _ managers!

    Are they innocent? Before the president becomes president, he publishes his election program. If people vote for this candidate, then they agree on what kind of policy he will pursue as president. In the Yusov constitution, the president is a servant of the people, fulfilling the will of the people who elect him. So they are the same criminals as he is.
    What do the Yusovites think? “You cannot shoot at a soldier, because he only obeys the order of an officer. You cannot shoot at an officer because he is following the general’s order. You cannot shoot at a general, because he is following the order of the supreme commander, that is, the president.
    You cannot shoot at the president, because he only fulfills the will of the people who elected him. “So these people are the same criminals.
    It is time to reject this harmful morality imposed on the world by states.
    When did these postulates prevent states from invading other countries and killing civilians? Never. States believed that only they can live as they want and set their own rules. It's time to act as in the books of Nikitin, the Russians are coming.
  23. MG42
    7 February 2013 22: 43
    Here is a good cut of moments = >>> drunk Yeltsin dances and sings, conducts the orchestra, falls off his feet, etc.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"