Amid the war in Gaza, Hezbollah attacks northern Israel with drones and artillery

Amid the war in Gaza, Hezbollah attacks northern Israel with drones and artillery

In response to the ongoing war in Gaza, militants from the Lebanese Hezbollah movement carried out several retaliatory attacks on Israeli positions in the territories occupied in 1948 near the border with Lebanon.

Lebanese news Al-Mayadeen channel, citing a statement from Hezbollah, reported that the group carried out the attack on Friday artillery strikes on a group of Israeli soldiers near the Jal al-Alam military base, near the village of Alma al-Shaab in southern Lebanon. Several Israeli soldiers were killed and wounded.

In addition, the group reports an attack on an Israeli танк at the Metula post with the help of an explosive device drone and shelling of Israeli forces near the Zarita barracks.

In turn, the Israeli aviation bombed the border town of Ayta al-Shaab in southern Lebanon, while Israeli tanks and artillery shelled the outskirts of the town of Al-Khiam and the outskirts of the villages of Al-Odayse and Kfarkelah.

Let us recall that after the start of Israel’s war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip, the situation began to escalate on the Lebanese-Israeli border. During this time, at least 322 people died on the Lebanese side. Israel acknowledged the deaths of ten of its troops and seven settlers. About 100 thousand people on both sides of the border were evacuated to safe areas.
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  1. +5
    23 March 2024 17: 51
    Hezbollah must intensify its military operations against the Jews! Otherwise, sitting out in the mountains of Lebanon while Palestinians are dying en masse is a crime on their part!
    1. +1
      23 March 2024 18: 48
      Actually, this is what they were created for.
      Fighting Israel, defending Palestine.
      It’s strange that “single” actions are still being carried out.
      Apparently, not all of Lebanon is one continuous Hezbollah, with a military warehouse in every basement, as Israeli propaganda claimed.
      When it came to a real war, there weren’t that many resources.
      There are definitely people. But there are not enough shells.
      And going against tanks with only Kalash is a waste of losing soldiers.
  2. +2
    23 March 2024 17: 51
    It’s long past time to open a second front!
    1. -5
      23 March 2024 19: 22
      Why is there a sofa without wings?
  3. +3
    23 March 2024 18: 26
    May there be no peace there. Geopolitically, Israel was created for other purposes. Stalin won't let me lie.
  4. -1
    23 March 2024 18: 32
    Today this topic is of little concern to the residents of Russia.
  5. +3
    24 March 2024 01: 28
    In response to the ongoing war in Gaza, militants from the Lebanese Hezbollah movement carried out several retaliatory attacks on Israeli positions in the territories occupied in 1948 near the border with Lebanon.
    One of the few good news. Your (Jewish-Israeli) methods of taking away private households from Palestinians have not been forgotten. am It would be nice to de-occupy the territory from many Israeli citizens.