Iraqi armed forces used a UAV to attack an Israeli airbase in the Golan Heights

Iraqi armed forces used a UAV to attack an Israeli airbase in the Golan Heights

Aviation An IDF (Israel Defense Forces) air force base in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights was attacked by drones by the Islamic Resistance in Iraq. This was reported in a statement by members of the Iraqi armed forces themselves.

The name of the Israeli air base was not specified in the statement by Iraqi radicals. But it is known that it hosted IDF unmanned aerial vehicles, which were used to attack Syrian and Lebanese targets.

According to Iraqi radicals, attacks against Israeli targets will be intensified during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. Their goal is the destruction of strongholds of the Israeli army.

The Islamic Resistance in Iraq is carrying out attacks against Israeli military targets in solidarity with the Palestinian people's struggle in the Gaza Strip. As Iraqi radicals say, activities are now being carried out as part of the second stage of operations against the Israeli army.

In addition, the group announced attacks by its drones at Ben Gurion Airport, and earlier the airport in Haifa was attacked. Earlier it was reported about attacks by the Lebanese Shiite movement Hezbollah on Israeli military targets near the border with Lebanon.

Let us recall that the IDF military operation in the Gaza Strip began in October 2023 after the Hamas attack on the southern settlements of Israel. However, Israel's actions in the Palestinian enclave ultimately led to completely disproportionate consequences. Their result was the death of more than 31 thousand civilians in the Gaza Strip and the injury of more than 73 thousand Palestinians. In addition, the civilian infrastructure of the enclave and Palestinian residential buildings were destroyed.
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  1. +5
    18 March 2024 12: 49
    It's clear. What about the results of the attack?
    1. +1
      18 March 2024 13: 00
      Well, apparently fatal. laughing
      1. 0
        18 March 2024 13: 09
        Quote: AVA77
        Well, apparently fatal. laughing

        Question. For whom?
        1. 0
          18 March 2024 13: 19
          Well, it depends which ones. lol
          From Iraqi radicals, smoothly, to philosophical gatherings.
        2. -2
          18 March 2024 14: 10
          For Iraqi drones. Everyone fell to Earth (planet)!
  2. HAM
    18 March 2024 13: 11
    Why are Iraqi, Palestinian and other people fighting against the occupiers (whether American or Israeli) called "radicals"?
    We need to call them by their proper names - "rebels, fighters against the regime", that's what the omnipresent State Department teaches!?....isn't that true!??
    1. -6
      18 March 2024 13: 51
      Why are Iraqis, Palestinians and others fighting the occupiers (no matter American or Israeli) called “radicals”??
      We must call them by their proper names - “rebels, fighters against the regime”, that’s what the omnipresent State Department teaches!?....isn’t it true!??
      Did you also call Chechen militants fighters for “independence”?) Or the Taliban in the war with Soviet troops. They all talked about the war for independence. The radicals don’t care who they fight with, the Russians, the Americans or the Muslims.
      1. HAM
        18 March 2024 13: 54
        Note that they were called “fighters” only in the West... no need to distort...
        1. -6
          18 March 2024 14: 02
          The Taliban, who now (normal guys) also recognized them. Now they are fighting against your enemies, and tomorrow their mentor will tell him something different and he will go to build “Sharia” at your home. Radicals are generally violet. This infection is harmful to the whole world.
          1. 0
            18 March 2024 14: 13
            Therefore, today when calling someone something, it is necessary to clarify according to whom! laughing
    2. +2
      18 March 2024 14: 37
      Today, 13: 11
      Why are Iraqis, Palestinians and others fighting the occupiers (no matter American or Israeli) called “radicals”??
      We must call them by their proper names - “rebels, fighters against the regime”, that’s what the omnipresent State Department teaches!?....isn’t it true!??
      Awesome! I agree, the whole point is that in Rus' they say, whoever dines with a girl, gets to dance with her, and among the punks, whoever owns the information, owns the world! All the mass media have been bought up by the globalists of the deep state of the false-under-West, represented by the Rockefellers, Rothschilds,
      Goldman Sachs and many others, most of them with Jewish roots!
      This is where all the connections come from.
      1. +1
        19 March 2024 00: 48
        Quote: ZovSailor
        This is where all the connections come from.

        But the clamps creak.
        It’s just time to close the “Israel” project - that’s what the “Jewish radicals” decided, who recently visited Iran and were received very cordially.
        "Jewish radicals" need help from countries of Arab solidarity with the people of Palestine in order to force Jews to flee the Eastern Mediterranean. For their own Jewish (non-Israeli) purposes. So the radicals found allies among the radicals.
        And I remembered a joke:
        - Tell me, could you kill the radical?
        - For the sake of... belay what ???
        So, if I were the Islamic radicals, I would not be too zealous in destroying the state of Israel... They are not... very... zealous.
        But after Jewish radicals visited Iran... Iraqi drones flew over Israeli military bases and infrastructure.
        That’s why efforts have intensified to “turn” the North Military District into a used one - the Israelis have been promised a promised land there... cleared of the aborigines... It’s time for them to return to their “native Khazaria”.
        But it is better to let everyone live in Israel. It 'warm over there . There is the Mediterranean Sea. There are kibbutzim and the Western Wall... And Trump also promised to build a huge transport hub there. And he loves and knows how to build.
  3. -6
    18 March 2024 13: 27
    Lord, why does Iraq need this?
    Well, missiles from Israel will hit them, that’s all.
    We would sit quietly.
    1. -3
      18 March 2024 13: 54
      Lord, why does Iraq need this?
      These are radicals, they do not belong to the state, just like militants in Sudan or other states where there is chaos in power
  4. -2
    18 March 2024 14: 28
    Nonsense, the Shiites have never fought and will never fight with Israel. In the Sunni world, Shiites are called "donkeys of the Jews."
    1. +1
      18 March 2024 15: 02
      Seriously? Hezbollah is actually Shiites. Only a person far from the topic can say that they never fought with Israel.
      1. 0
        18 March 2024 15: 11
        I know very well what these Shiites are doing to the Sunnis in Iraq or Syria. Shiites are Israel's hidden allies. Even what is happening now in Gaza is the fault of Shiite Iran, which promised help to Hamas, and after Hamas attacked Israel, it simply abandoned the Sunnis in Gaza. These Shiites always pretend that they are at war with Israel, and then they abandon the Sunnis and the unarmed Sunni residents of Ghaza pay for it.
        1. 0
          19 March 2024 08: 13
          If anyone helps the Palestinians, it is precisely Shiite Iran, and Hamas started the operation on its own, so Iran was not obliged to help, although it does help a lot through its proxies! Unlike the Sunni states surrounding him, the same Erdogan talks a lot (and of course, thanks to him for that!), but does little, and rather helps the Zionists, having increased the turnover with the Zionists by a billion since October 7. Azerbaijan exports oil to the Zionists, so who would talk! I understand that the people are mostly against Israel, but nevertheless, your Zionists rule you. Israel did not give weapons to Azerbaijan for free, but for money! You are great - you won your lands, put yourself in the shoes of the Palestinians, help or at least do not interfere with them in the fight against the occupiers!
  5. 0
    18 March 2024 14: 45
    Is it just like that in Iraq? Did the author mix up anything? Maybe Iranian?