In the Kursk region, a hunter shot down a Ukrainian drone with a hunting rifle

In the Kursk region, a hunter shot down a Ukrainian drone with a hunting rifle

In the Kursk region, bordering Ukraine, a Russian hunter shot down a Ukrainian Drone from a hunting rifle. According to regional authorities, the man is a member of a volunteer squad.

The governor of the Kursk region, Roman Starovoyt, wrote in his TG channel that in one of the border areas of the Kursk region, a local hunter who joined a voluntary squad shot down a Ukrainian drone with a hunting rifle. According to the head of the region, the man should be rewarded for this.

I think this deserves an award. I thank everyone who is guarding our security these days, and the residents of border areas for their perseverance and endurance.

Starovoit said.

Meanwhile, according to the TG channel "Two Majors", combat veterans have already collected Drones "an impressive prize." The channel also suggests establishing a prize on behalf of caring people and entrepreneurs for drones shot down with guns in border areas. Especially since in the border areas there are hunting rifles in almost every home, and in the same Kursk region, hunting has been banned for two years. But not for drones. So open a hunt for drones, and hand in the downed UAVs for spare parts, as proof of a successful "hunt."

Meanwhile, soldiers at the front have long been talking about the need to arm themselves with shotguns with shotgun cartridges. This is the most reliable way to shoot down virtually any drone.
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  1. +6
    17 March 2024 17: 46
    Lucky man. But well done!!!
    1. +70
      17 March 2024 17: 54
      Lucky, when it says “BUSY”, I pulled the handle, and there it was “FREE”.
      And here is a keen eye, a trained hand...
      1. +14
        17 March 2024 17: 56
        Hunters have NOT disappeared in Rus' yet. good
      2. -4
        17 March 2024 17: 59
        Now, what if I missed?! It turns out he entered the battle without thinking about the danger. Well done indeed!
        1. +3
          17 March 2024 18: 27
          Argon hi, the article does not indicate what type of drone it was (if I'm not mistaken), if it was with grenades to drop or FPV then yes there was a risk, but if it was a scout with a camera then the man only risked being filmed for "memory".
          1. +6
            17 March 2024 18: 41
            And really, why not indicate in the note what kind of drone it was? A military secret? what
            1. -2
              18 March 2024 00: 03
              What kind of drone do you think it was? which can be removed from a shotgun
          2. -12
            17 March 2024 18: 59
            And it’s no longer possible to fly out calmly - everyone is running to complain that “ah ah ah ah, our drone is flying.” If they even start shooting... It’s okay where the sky is closed, but in the Volga region everyone is also scared...
            1. -4
              17 March 2024 21: 08
              The frightened ones from Ukroreich are running over the hill, but we are vigilant.
      3. +10
        17 March 2024 18: 01
        The goal is very specific. So there is luck here, which does not diminish the guy’s skills at all.
        1. +7
          17 March 2024 18: 59
          It is necessary to more widely attract hunters and, especially, stand-up athletes to work in the militia. And if you also set up a drone breakthrough warning service for them, the effectiveness of such militias will increase significantly! And definitely - official status for men.
          Well done guy, he deserves the award. At a minimum, “For military merit”!
          1. PC
            17 March 2024 19: 35
            There has been no such medal for a long time.
            1. +4
              17 March 2024 20: 52
              Quote: p-k
              There has been no such medal for a long time.

              Then furniture "For courage"
              1. PC
                17 March 2024 21: 18
                That kind of witty? Or a typo? Medal "For Bravery"?
                1. 0
                  17 March 2024 21: 22
                  Quote: p-k
                  That kind of witty?

                  Why are you freaking out, I'm serious. This medal has practically replaced "For Military Merit"
                  1. PC
                    17 March 2024 21: 25
                    I'm not freaking out. You wrote: FURNITURE "For bravery."
                    1. +5
                      17 March 2024 21: 34
                      Quote: p-k
                      I'm not freaking out. You wrote: FURNITURE "For bravery."

                      This often happens due to T9 in the phone...
                      1. PC
                        17 March 2024 21: 35
                        No need to apologize. Happens. And I got a little excited. Sorry.
                      2. +1
                        17 March 2024 21: 36
                        Quote: Terenin
                        Quote: p-k
                        I'm not freaking out. You wrote: FURNITURE "For bravery."

                        This often happens due to T9 in the phone...

                        Yes, Gena hi this is true. I need to be more careful. Sorry.
                  2. PC
                    17 March 2024 21: 26
                    I then added a response to your comment.
              2. +3
                18 March 2024 14: 48
                Furniture is also good if you have somewhere to put it.
          2. +3
            17 March 2024 21: 24
            Quote: Good evil
            It is necessary to more widely attract hunters and, especially, stand-up athletes to work in the militia.

            booth workers, fairly wealthy people, usually very knowledgeable... to be honest, for the most part, they don't really need work in the militia, if you imagine it as a chain of booth workers sitting every 100 m along the border - otherwise your proposal is worthless...
          3. +5
            18 March 2024 04: 28
            Quote: Good evil
            It is necessary to more widely attract hunters and, especially, stand-up athletes to work in the militia

            Have you seen the booth? Firstly, the direction of departure is known, the speed is also known... and secondly... the trajectory does not change, the target is contrasting. So the drone is much more difficult to hit. Thirdly, the times have come when FPV drones attack the fighter directly - and the stand-up fighter has not trained for the fact that a plate can blow his head off request
            1. 0
              18 March 2024 12: 18
              The problem here is rather the random distance to the target. Unlike clay pigeon shooting.
        2. 0
          19 March 2024 13: 41
          I think it’s no more difficult than for a duck. Just as you hit ducks, you will hit drones. In general, welcome to the round stand.
      4. +8
        17 March 2024 19: 17
        Quote: Neo-9947
        And here is a keen eye, a full hand

        Long live DOSAAF! good You provide skeet shooting ranges all over the country! fellow
        1. +3
          18 March 2024 04: 20
          they exist, but every year the state comes up with ways to tighten the screws so that there are fewer booth-makers and booths, as well as fewer hunters
  2. 0
    17 March 2024 17: 47
    All the rhetoric and ideology in recent years have been preparing the Ukhris for war.
    Will we bring their turchinov and gunpowder to court? For organizing and inspiring terrorism against the fraternal Russian people.
    1. +12
      17 March 2024 18: 01
      But all this time, the nuts of the weapons legislation have been (and continue to be) tightened until they stop. wink
      Some kind of cognitive dissonance: hunting is prohibited, and then some hunter is rummaging around with a gun. It’s up to you to take off your cross, or put on your panties.
      However, I wouldn’t be surprised: he’ll be brought to trial for being on the property with a weapon for illegal hunting, well, a little later. I remember at one time it was fashionable to punish for transporting weapons in a car on public roads - like, does the road go through farmland? Well, that’s it, the poacher matters.
      1. +14
        17 March 2024 18: 19
        You should read the article carefully. In the border areas there are vigilante groups. Yes, they are made up of hunters, strong men. I agree about the legislation - some crap
        1. -2
          17 March 2024 18: 31
          And I read it carefully: some kind of trash and arbitrariness on the part of the small-town helmsmen. If we live by the concepts, then it will go wrong. And if not, then the people’s representatives lift the legislative ass and start working. This guy with the shotgun - as soon as the wind blows from the other side - will be crucified and no one will scratch himself.
        2. -2
          17 March 2024 19: 46
          Quote from: dmi.pris1
          I agree about the legislation - it’s some kind of crap

          Amendment to the law! If you caught a hunter in the forest with a gun during the hunting prohibited period, let him show you special anti-drone cartridges! Yes, free! No - "for the gills"!
        3. +1
          17 March 2024 21: 12
          What does this have to do with the article when a person found a reason to grumble. Maybe he felt sorry for this drone? They're shooting, understand! Maybe he likes it better when Grandma Paraska knocks down drones with a can of salted tomatoes? laughing
      2. +7
        17 March 2024 18: 38
        Going into the forest in the off-season with a HUNTING dog))) is equated to poaching, and you will be tortured to prove that your spaniel is not poisoned at all and has no idea about hunting.
        1. +5
          17 March 2024 18: 42
          Come on, go with the flea carrier wink Here, with binoculars or some other magnifying device, I rummaged around - I had already picked up the article from the ground. For I was tracking the game, don’t go to the fortune teller.
          1. 0
            17 March 2024 18: 52
            hhurik hi, come on, put a couple of these on the bench)))
        2. ANB
          17 March 2024 18: 53
          . Go to the forest in the off-season with a HUNTING dog)))

          Thank God I have a Sheltie. Spaniel size, but listed as a shepherd :)
        3. KCA
          17 March 2024 19: 09
          In the old Soviet times, a hunting dog was registered on a hunting license along with a knife and a gun, but now who and how will prove that I have a hunting dog and not a decorative dog? Stop throwing in
      3. +4
        17 March 2024 19: 30
        some hunter is rummaging around with a gun.

        The text says that the hunter is Druzhinnik, which means he had permission to carry and use a hunting rifle against drones...
        1. +3
          17 March 2024 19: 34
          Can I provide a link to the normative act? wink Maybe I, too, in my heart - Druzhinnik, can I go now to shoot drones at my place of residence, for fun? Well, without this affectation, I just took a couple of my karamultuks and went, and went...
          1. 0
            17 March 2024 19: 39
            I can now go to my place of residence to shoot drones

            If you live in a border area near a military area, then why not... As for the regulations, I won’t provide them to you, but they may have been adopted in the areas bordering the UROR...
            1. +3
              17 March 2024 19: 58
              Close to the international airport, there is border control there. wink I mean, I can walk around him with my bullets and kill flying drones with both hands, right?

              “Perhaps, allegedly” - these are all songs in the swamps. In fact, this is another system scribe, managerial impotence.
    2. fiv
      17 March 2024 18: 39
      Their rhetoric and ideology did not arise in recent years. The Investigative Committee will sort everything out. And the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have so far managed without initiating criminal cases.
  3. -30
    17 March 2024 17: 48
    From a gun? Why not a jar of cucumbers? But the fact that the soldiers want guns is cool lol
    1. -4
      17 March 2024 18: 10
      I don’t know with what weapons the third world war will be fought, but the fourth will be fought with sticks and stones.
    2. +8
      17 March 2024 18: 15
      If there is no banter, then guns were used when storming trenches back in the First World War. "Trench broom". Well done guy. A sharp eye, a faithful hand. The warriors are in action
      1. 0
        17 March 2024 19: 22
        Quote from: dmi.pris1
        If there is no banter, then guns were used when storming trenches back in the First World War. "Trench broom."

        Guns - yes, they were used. But the nickname “Trench Broom” stuck (unofficially, of course) with the MP-18.
        1. 0
          17 March 2024 19: 32
          The Germans called the MP-18 “trench brooms,” and the “YANKS” called their shotguns that way.
          Which were used in 1918 to clear the trenches in France from the Boches.
          This greatly upset the Germans!
  4. +6
    17 March 2024 17: 49
    In Iraq, grandfather, a shepherd, shot down an AN64 radar, flew in and hid in the pasture behind the mountain, grandfather was tired of collecting lambs! Fired from two barrels, hit successfully
    1. +8
      17 March 2024 17: 51
      Quote: Andrey1978
      Fired from two barrels, hit successfully

      Yeah... a doublet from ZSU-23-2 laughing
    2. +10
      17 March 2024 17: 52
      It's just a matter of little work: all that remains is to teach hunters how to distinguish other people's UAVs from their own winked
    3. +1
      17 March 2024 19: 33
      Received an award and a medal.
      My grandfather’s fellow villagers beat him up and took away his PREMIUM!
      And "Appache" was forced to sit down due to technical problems!
  5. +3
    17 March 2024 17: 53
    What is needed there is not a gun, but something like a light double-barreled pistol with shotgun shells. Now FPV drones are used to hunt each person individually, and this should be a light weapon of last resort, it won't have time to shoot more than twice anyway. And a full-fledged multi-shot shotgun with pellets is one per unit.
    1. +1
      17 March 2024 18: 01
      Pump-action, why not?
    2. +8
      17 March 2024 18: 07
      type of light double-barreled pistol with shotgun shells

      Shooting from a 12-gauge pistol can knock your hand off, especially if you use a magnum. And the real flight range of the shot with such a short barrel is scanty..
    3. +6
      17 March 2024 18: 08
      It would be better then to make something like a grenade launcher only to replace the VOG, a shotgun cartridge, perhaps an 8-gauge cartridge, so that there is more buckshot or other stray stuff
      1. 0
        17 March 2024 18: 21
        Jrvin hi, Billy from Predator had a shotgun attached to his M-16, do you propose to adopt it?
        1. +1
          17 March 2024 18: 36
          A spark is needed, from captured parabellums - there were a lot of them in warehouses, well, until the moment when the sun was melted onto the steps of the temple.
          1. 0
            17 March 2024 19: 30
            Das Bild ist der Hammer! drinks
      2. 0
        17 March 2024 18: 22
        Or maybe it would be better to switch to Wehrmacht tactics and assign the main fire support to the machine gunner, and introduce more shotguns into the machine gun crew to protect against drones.
    4. +6
      17 March 2024 18: 17
      Do you understand internal ballistics?
      The fastest burning powders (including progressive ones) are used in smoothbores, because resistance and actual sealing are provided only by the inertia of the fractional charge, the shock absorber, also known as a wad (felt or plastic container) and cardboard gaskets (seal). Pressures do not exceed 12 gauge 650 atmospheres according to the standard (76mm magnums are slightly higher). Therefore, with a short barrel you won’t really get anything other than flash.
      For comparison, in the PM the pressure reaches 1150 atmospheres. Part of the energy is spent in this case to drive the bullet into the rifling
      1. +1
        17 March 2024 18: 33
        Quote from Enceladus
        Do you understand internal ballistics?

        Internal ballistics is a full semester at artillery school...
        1. +1
          17 March 2024 18: 38
          Well, the ballistics of shooting is still different. I described the differences of smoothbore above briefly. Actually, for shooting, gunpowder is divided by progressiveness, burning rate and dependence of burning rate on pressure. There are actually quite multi-level formulas, which in fact are solved by a numerical method only. But only exclusively at the design stage... the actual tables are already compiled on the basis of shooting and actual measurements
          1. +3
            17 March 2024 20: 50
            actual tables are already compiled based on shooting and actual measurements

            If only the gunpowder batches would correspond to these tables.
            We have gunpowder for civilian use, and also a roulette.
            1. 0
              17 March 2024 21: 24
              Well, that’s why reloading has always been and remains everything
      2. +1
        17 March 2024 18: 52
        It’s just that a cinematic image like “The Death of the Chairman” has been deeply etched into the fragile minds of people who are far from practice... what laughing
        1. 0
          17 March 2024 18: 55
          I didn’t watch the film... sorry for the humor - I didn’t appreciate it feel . But the masses need to be educated good drinks hi
    5. +4
      17 March 2024 18: 23
      Quote: Sergey3
      this should be a light weapon of last chance, it still won’t have time to fire more than twice

      The altitude and direction are not indicated there. It's one thing if he flies towards you. And it’s completely different if he is on a flight course at a reasonable altitude and at a speed not like the MiG.

      There are a lot of hunters here, and therefore many people know that our ordinary ducks sometimes do such things, that where are the drones... They squeeze between the pellets... laughing
      And for lovers of snipe hunting, a drone should generally be no faster than a weather balloon in calm weather. lol

      So, of course, no one is going to rearm from Kalashnikovs to shotguns, but in my opinion, “shot shooters” should now be on the staffing table in the same way as machine gunners are represented.
      Machine guns first made their loudest statement in the First World War against crowds of people staggering across the field on foot and on horseback. Apparently, the time has come for shotguns to make their presence known.

      By the way, a question for weapons historians. Has anyone tried to marry a machine gun with a shotgun yet? It would probably be very effective against drones.
      1. +3
        17 March 2024 18: 47
        Quote: Zoldat_A
        Has anyone tried to marry a machine gun with a shotgun yet? It would probably be very effective against drones.

        In Russia they make guns with barrels of the following sizes:
        12 gauge - 18,2–18,7 mm;
        16th - 17–17,25 mm;
        20th - 15,7–15,95 mm;
        28th - 14–14,25 mm;
        32nd - 12,5–12,75 mm.

        Conventional hunting rifles are designed to shoot at a distance of 35 meters. When using regular shot, an experienced hunter can hit a bird located at a distance of 50 meters from him.
        1. +1
          17 March 2024 19: 02
          Quote: Captain Pushkin
          In Russia they make guns with barrels of the following sizes:

          Quote: Captain Pushkin
          Conventional hunting rifles are designed to shoot at a distance of 35 meters.

          I’ve known this since I was about the age when I stopped falling and dropping the gun from the recoil - my father took it hunting since childhood.

          I'm about a friend.
          Not with a hunting cartridge, but some kind of tricky one. The issues of automation and supply of ammunition, again, are to be decided... Our Kulibins have room to think - the field is not plowed.

          One of our famous gunsmiths said on TV that usually it is not the cartridge that is made for the weapon, but the weapon for the cartridge. For me, who understands more about the use of weapons than about their design, then this became a revelation. Although, in principle, everything is logical.
          So let our clever people at the design bureau speculate.
          And I, for example, like the idea itself. Well, maybe like the large-caliber anti-aircraft artillery in the Great Patriotic War, firing fragmentation and creating a “cloud” of fragments... Let it not be hunting shot, of course, but something else, but similar in principle, creating a “cloud”. How much does a drone really need, after all, if they put nets on them like carp?
          1. +3
            17 March 2024 20: 42
            The issues of automation and supply of ammunition, again, are to be decided... Our Kulibins have room to think - the field is not plowed.

            Are you talking about this? Why reinvent the wheel, you just have to choose...
            1. 0
              17 March 2024 21: 04
              Quote: Sergey3
              The issues of automation and supply of ammunition, again, are to be decided... Our Kulibins have room to think - the field is not plowed.

              Are you talking about this? Why reinvent the wheel, you just have to choose...

              Is this a shotgun? I've never seen anything like this. And if he shoots hunting ones, then he’s probably of little use against unmanned aerial vehicles. To drive jerboas with gophers across the steppe. lol

              There must be something else here. Somehow some science fiction stories are spinning in my head, but to tell you... Well, I’m not a designer!... request
              In my Manilovism, this is something like a quadruple anti-aircraft "Maxim". Well, if it’s portable, then there’s a crew of three people, a frame.

              Well, in general, don’t shoot the pianist - he plays as best he can... feel
      2. fiv
        17 March 2024 18: 49
        There are "duck guns" or "goose guns". The pellets weigh about two or three hundred grams, the caliber is up to two pairs of cm. Only it is clumsy. And now we need to make a "drone", on a swivel
        1. +1
          17 March 2024 19: 06
          Quote: fiv
          There are "duck guns" or "goose guns"

          See my comment above. The same can be said here.
    6. 0
      17 March 2024 21: 28
      something like a light double-barreled pistol with shotgun shells.

      Yeah bleed called.
  6. +4
    17 March 2024 17: 54
    In any case, well done! The enemy has one less drone.
  7. +2
    17 March 2024 17: 55
    I’m actually surprised why they haven’t started killing these drones from a smoothbore yet. Compared to the pigeon, the woodcock is an easy target.
    1. +2
      17 March 2024 18: 25
      Wolfskin1993 hi, bureaucracy, sir, this should be introduced as standard weapons, ensure the supply of ammunition, purchase contracts, kickbacks and tackles, plus drones only recently became a full-fledged type of troops; until 2022 we were not taken seriously as a strike force.
    2. 0
      17 March 2024 18: 51
      Quote from Wolfskin1993
      I’m actually surprised why they haven’t started killing these drones from a smoothbore yet. Compared to the pigeon, the woodcock is an easy target.

      Effective firing range is 35-50 meters. This is only for self-defense, but not everyone will agree to carry a shotgun in addition to the standard weapon.
  8. +2
    17 March 2024 18: 00
    Somehow it seems to me that drones like the ones in the photo don’t fly very far, maybe the one who launched them was somewhere close
    1. +2
      17 March 2024 18: 03
      Here it may turn out that it is not a Ukrainian drone; they are using the same ones on both sides.
      1. 0
        17 March 2024 20: 26
        Or maybe one of the waiting people is full of myiasis.
    2. 0
      17 March 2024 18: 38
      It was hunting surveillance from the bushes nearby that was monitoring and identifying the fact of poaching.
  9. +6
    17 March 2024 18: 01
    Back in the USSR, when plastic containers were a luxury... leopard/sunar + felt and starch coating and a clearly selected 4-2 hitch, it was possible to get a very good uniform scree at 40 meters and very sharp... without tears or ovals (crushed pellets ). 0-00 at 50-60, wolf up to 70, and boar up to 100
    1. +3
      17 March 2024 18: 14
      I didn’t understand a damn thing (since I’m not a hunter), but a very fascinating post. good wink
      1. +4
        17 March 2024 18: 26
        Bars/Sunar are our progressive nitroglycerin powders. They have 1,5+ times greater density than the classic Falcon (especially since the latter is highly recommended not to be compacted). Burning rates due to pressure are much higher. This frees up space in the sleeve for an additional wad, which absorbs pressure surges, preventing the pellets/buckshot themselves from being deformed. To do this, they are additionally sprinkled with starch to preserve their spherical shape, i.e. less energy loss. Buckshots are sometimes placed in matches so that they stand clearly one above the other. Yes, there are a lot of tricks. For example, because Mostly brass cartridges are used for such cartridges (the papers burn out after 1-2 shots, and the rolling die immediately) - they were drilled out under the bullet or several powders of the same P-3 or from construction D25 cartridges were placed under the boxer
        ZY The cartridges are purely individually assembled. Powder should ONLY be weighed and shot specifically for your barrel (length and noise). In this case, from the available TsKIBSOO guns, they were suitable, because. in fact sports. Their Izhey - 27 is good, especially 27-E1C (I may be confusing the abbreviation, it was a long time ago)
        1. 0
          17 March 2024 18: 40
          This is technology from 25 years ago. wink I remember there was another feature - photographic film when equipping tied buckshot. Who uses film now? What about brass sleeves with a centrifuge?
          1. 0
            17 March 2024 18: 53
            Quote: hhurik

            In general, she was called "knitting". Brass is good because it can be rolled longer. And I wrote above - either they drilled it out or poured gunpowder into the boxer. For a falcon it is not critical, but for a sunar/leopard it is quite critical. In general, brass is enough for 5-6 shots. This is more than plastic and especially paper.
            Quote: hhurik
            This is technology from 25 years ago

            Well, how can I say - a good manually reloaded cartridge will be better than any factory one. And first of all, you know what the shot will be and whether you will take it or not. There is an unspoken rule in hunting - no wounded animals. A properly assembled 2-coil can quite easily take a goose from 50-60 on the fly. Due to good and sharp scree. At the same 0-le at 60m very often wounded animals come if they are factory-made.
            1. 0
              17 March 2024 19: 01
              I went through all these manipulations in the 80-90s, I had an IZH-27M with permanent chokes and a book from the 50s on loading cartridges. In general, similar literature from those years is surprisingly informative - excellent drawings, clear language and structure of the text. I selected an individual cartridge for each barrel (choke).
              Now all this is not relevant: the chokes are replaceable, there are attachments in the form of a barrel extension, the calibers are mainly magnum and supermagnum - for every taste. But that’s not the point: I don’t see shotguns as a means of combating drones, literally at all. It doesn’t work according to its performance characteristics, something else needs to be fabricated.
              1. +1
                17 March 2024 19: 07
                Damage to any blade and the drone is already destabilized... Therefore, 4 to zero IMHO is the case. As an option, a bundle of wolves + buckshot.

                In fact, PTRs did not suffer from effectiveness at the beginning of the war either. But they provided psychological support.
                Quote: hhurik
                In general, similar literature of those years - excellent drawings, clear language and text structure

                It is what it is! good
                Quote: hhurik
                Now all this is not relevant

                Well, for those for whom this is shooting, yes, but for those who live professionally in the trade, everything is the old fashioned way. And never before has a shot depended on the barrel, and not on the cartridge. 99% of weapons are chambered for a cartridge in one way or another. 1% is breaking arms laughing
    2. 0
      17 March 2024 18: 54
      People also played around with a ring of whatman paper around the shot... belay And filled it with paraffin. what
      1. -1
        17 March 2024 19: 00
        Paraffin is more suitable for buckshot, because it has time to harden, or they first poured it into the sawn sleeve, and then inserted it into the finished one after pressing it out. Yes, it has less density, the same starch has 1,5 g/cm3 (paraffin 0.95) - but it holds worse, because works as a liquid rather than a bulk material. Therefore, any fraction is only starch.
        Quote: paul3390
        Whatman ring
        Well, to be honest, I didn’t see much of a difference. Yes, it prevents the barrel from becoming leaded. But if buckshot or shot from solid lead in graphite - there is no difference, IMHO.
  10. +3
    17 March 2024 18: 11
    Presumably it flew right over his head?
  11. +1
    17 March 2024 18: 12
    I would like to note that there are so-called “goose” guns, the goose is a bird with strong wings, so far it can be used as a temporary measure...
  12. 0
    17 March 2024 18: 13
    An award for the guy, maybe the generals will take care of the implementation.
    1. -1
      17 March 2024 21: 33
      maybe the generals will be concerned about implementation.

      You expect too much from them.
  13. 0
    17 March 2024 18: 25
    Quote: Argon
    Now, what if I missed?! It turns out he entered the battle without thinking about the danger. Well done indeed!

    It's a lot of fractions.
  14. +3
    17 March 2024 18: 49
    In the same Kursk region, hunting has been prohibited for two years. But not for drones. So start hunting for drones
    if hunting is prohibited, then being with a loaded gun in these places is prohibited by law, and then how can you hunt drones?
  15. +1
    17 March 2024 18: 51
    March 17 has already become a black day for Belgorod: at least two victims of the barbaric shelling of the city and 11 wounded civilians are known.

    One of the victims, we recall, is a 16-year-old girl.

    The second victim was a man; he was in the parking lot at the time of the shooting. He died from his wounds on the spot before the ambulance arrived.

    11 people were injured of varying degrees of severity (8 people in hospital). In the most serious condition is a woman with a shrapnel wound to the chest, says Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov.

    Various destructions were detected in 36 apartments in 17 apartment buildings, 9 private households, and three business entities. Damage to 12 vehicles was recorded.
  16. +1
    17 March 2024 18: 52
    In the Kursk region, a hunter shot down a Ukrainian drone with a hunting rifle

    Well done! Prize for the man! Deserved it!!! good
  17. 0
    17 March 2024 19: 03
    Logically speaking, a shotgun is just that and even on the forehead you need to have such a weapon, somewhat modernized of course.
  18. 0
    17 March 2024 19: 09
    How do you know that this is a crested drone?
    1. +1
      17 March 2024 19: 23
      Quote: Chernorechye
      How do you know that this is a crested drone?

      Who else could be in our rear?
      1. 0
        17 March 2024 23: 36
        Don’t border guards use border control? It is not clear how these squads can even distinguish their drones from Ukrainian ones? Not to mention the fact that the probability of a drone appearing within 50 m of a vigilante is close to zero.
  19. 0
    17 March 2024 19: 21
    And the state is still trying to arm its people in the border areas. Obviously, small, low-flying, slow-moving targets are very difficult for conventional air defense, but have a good chance of being destroyed by civilians with shotguns.
  20. -1
    17 March 2024 19: 26
    Bravo! Viele neu Schrotflinten braucht das Land! Stellen Sie sich vor: "Eine Drohne fliegt zu Dorf und Hundert alte Männer schießen mit ihren Flinten. Einer wird treffen."
  21. -1
    17 March 2024 19: 28
    Quote: Murmur 55
    Argon hi, the article does not indicate what type of drone it was (if I'm not mistaken), if it was with grenades to drop or FPV then yes there was a risk, but if it was a scout with a camera then the man only risked being filmed for "memory".

    "Scouts with a camera" do not fly at an altitude of 20-30 m.
  22. 0
    17 March 2024 20: 29
    based on this you can think
  23. 0
    17 March 2024 20: 31
    Combat tinnitus while relieving stress. That rare case when a gun is fired at a mosquito, that is, at a UAV. And the flora and fauna are safe and sound. laughing good drinks
  24. +1
    17 March 2024 21: 50
    So far we only have remote-detonated shells occasionally at exhibitions. fool - a shotgun is the best weapon against FPV kamikaze drones! hi
  25. +1
    18 March 2024 00: 10
    From a shotgun with a long barrel, good probability of hitting.
  26. 0
    18 March 2024 00: 12
    So what? In Ukraine drones shoot down cans of tomatoes wassat
  27. 0
    18 March 2024 01: 10
    Quote from solar
    Don’t border guards use border control? It is not clear how these squads can even distinguish their drones from Ukrainian ones? Not to mention the fact that the probability of a drone appearing within 50 m of a vigilante is close to zero.

    So border guards use it directly in the border strip. Why would they send them to the rear?
    If there are a lot of drones and they fly frequently, then sooner or later some will appear next to the vigilantes.
  28. 0
    18 March 2024 09: 12
    Quote: hhurik
    Close to the international airport, there is border control there. wink I mean, I can walk around him with my bullets and kill flying drones with both hands, right?

    “Perhaps, allegedly” - these are all songs in the swamps. In fact, this is another system scribe, managerial impotence.

    Maybe stop whining already? Or do you have no one to complain to? Go to the state. structures and ask how, what and why. Why are you asking rhetorical questions here? And there is no need to collect all the stories and legends about “the road through the land” and “I went into the forest with binoculars and picked up an article.” If you have questions about legislation, please contact the legislative bodies.
  29. 0
    18 March 2024 12: 21
    I myself am a hunter in the past, I need a gun with a long barrel, the German Sauser saw one like this, the accuracy is higher, but the fellow wasn’t afraid! Yes
  30. 0
    18 March 2024 13: 31
    Anyone can use a gun... But with a jar of pickles, like a fighting Ukrainian grandma, is it weak?
  31. 0
    18 March 2024 15: 44
    Meanwhile, soldiers at the front have long been talking about the need to arm themselves with shotguns with shotgun cartridges. This is the most reliable way to shoot down virtually any drone.

    Has it not yet reached the consciousness of those who need it?
    You should also try under-barrel grenade launchers with shrapnel.

    Quote: Argon
    Now, what if I missed?! It turns out he entered the battle without thinking about the danger. Well done indeed!

    If they didn’t shoot at him, it doesn’t matter whether he missed or not. And if he was hitting the target of a drone and there was no place to hide nearby, then the gun hit him and there was a chance he wouldn’t die.
  32. 0
    19 March 2024 10: 30
    If there were more such hunters, life would be calmer
  33. 0
    19 March 2024 10: 39
    ....shot down a Ukrainian drone with a hunting rifle

    What is important here is not what he shot down, but what he shot down with a hunting rifle. This suggests that smoothbore weapons with buckshot can be quite effective weapons against drones, and that such weapons should pay attention to the DoD.
    After all, hunters shoot down geese or other game high in flight, so why not use buckshot from a smooth-bore weapon against drones!???
  34. 0
    19 March 2024 16: 24
    All of America is armed with boars, but we don’t have them in our troops. So the guys drag their smooth-bore guns to the front, and we supply them with cartridges. Gentlemen generals have no time to deal with such trifles.
    And the guy is young!