Russian anti-aircraft gunners shot down a Ukrainian helicopter with troops on board, flying to Kozinki

Russian anti-aircraft gunners shot down a Ukrainian helicopter with troops on board, flying to Kozinki

The Russian Armed Forces shot down a Ukrainian helicopter with troops heading towards the Russian village of Kozinka; the defeat of the rotorcraft occurred in the Lukashovka region of the Sumy region of Ukraine. Russian resources report this.

According to information at the moment, the enemy tried to land troops again in Kozinki, thereby creating the appearance of establishing control over the Russian settlement. However, the desire of Ukrainian TikTokers to make a new video turned out to be impossible, since a helicopter flying in the Lukashovka area was shot down by soldiers from the 138th Mechanized Infantry Brigade of the Russian Armed Forces. Allegedly, a crew of guards-anti-aircraft gunners hit the helicopter with a Verba MANPADS.

On board the helicopter there were about 20 Ukrainian soldiers, most likely not ordinary military personnel, but some kind of special forces, since they were thrown into Kozinki. Information about the helicopter also varies; some resources, including military correspondent Yevgeny Poddubny, admit that it could be an American UH-60 “Black Hawk” transferred to Ukraine. Others claim that this is a Mi-24 from the reserves of the Air Force of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. However, this is not important, the most important thing is that Kyiv has one less “turntable”.

Soldiers of the Russian Army shot down an American-made UH-60 “Black Hawk” enemy helicopter with troops on board. The enemy aircraft was destroyed in the Ukrainian Lukashovka area. There were up to 20 people on board the military transport helicopter

- Poddubny reports in his TG channel, adding that it is difficult to determine the model of the helicopter from the wreckage.

The wreckage of the helicopter is reportedly burning about 1,7 km from the Russian border, in the vicinity of the Ukrainian Lukashovka.

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  1. +25
    17 March 2024 14: 19
    Black Hawk Down 2)
    1. +33
      17 March 2024 14: 31
      "Black Hawk Down" is Hollywood's, and here it's "The Fall of the Dry Crow..." And not the second one, but who knows which one... am
    2. fiv
      17 March 2024 14: 34
      The fall of a black pig with parasites in its belly, rather
      1. +3
        17 March 2024 15: 12
        Quote: fiv
        The fall of a black pig with parasites in its belly, rather

        And the pig squeal of singed pigs...That's where drug addicts fly? laughing
      2. +12
        17 March 2024 15: 50
        Quote: fiv
        Falling black pig with parasites in its belly

        They write that everyone went to visit Bandera
        1. fiv
          17 March 2024 15: 51
          It’s a pity, the helicopter is small, the company couldn’t fit
        2. +8
          17 March 2024 16: 47
          In the news - MI8. But the most interesting thing, most importantly, was shot down on approach to the border
          1. +13
            17 March 2024 17: 34
            Others claim that this is a Mi-24 from the reserves

            What’s not clear here, I looked at the picture, and it’s more clear
            1. +2
              18 March 2024 09: 29
              Apparently not everyone is so perceptive... so what do you think, finish the sentence! According to the tail, it seems to be "American"...
              It would be more accurate to say by the number of blades, but they are not visible. Another thing is confusing: if it lies only 1,7 km from the border, then it is accessible for inspection by any drone. Or is it a pity to risk it for the sake of clarification? But surely there will be bastards fussing around the wreckage and now is the time to hammer with clarification of the model.
        3. +3
          17 March 2024 16: 59
          Quote: carpenter
          Quote: fiv
          Falling black pig with parasites in its belly

          They write that everyone went to visit Bandera

          What other guests?
          We went to Bandera for permanent residence. am good
    3. 0
      17 March 2024 17: 06
      Did the mattresses transfer the black hawks to the pots?
    4. +1
      17 March 2024 18: 02
      How bad Russians are. They don't allow you to fly for photo shoots...
  2. +18
    17 March 2024 14: 21
    Our beauties!!!! They smoke beautifully!
    1. +13
      17 March 2024 14: 28
      Quote: Donna_Rosa_dAlvadores
      Our beauties!!!! They smoke beautifully!

      Earth them glassy!
      1. +36
        17 March 2024 14: 32
        You can’t cram twenty carcasses into 24, if it’s him, then it’s unlikely that there will be that many dead. The "American" landing force has a 12+3 crew... in general, we'll wait, but in any case, respect to our guys
        1. GGV
          17 March 2024 15: 16
          Let's hope it's Mi-8. You can cram up to 30 carcasses + crew there.
          1. 0
            18 March 2024 01: 28
            Yesterday, 15: 16
            Let's hope it's Mi-8. You can cram up to 30 carcasses + crew there.
            The fuselage shows the characteristic wings. Very similar to the Merikatos black.
        2. +3
          17 March 2024 15: 18
          Quote: Black
          You can’t cram twenty carcasses into 24

          That's right...the landing compartment is designed for a squad! That's 7-10 fighters...
          1. -1
            17 March 2024 17: 07
            Quote: Nikolaevich I
            That's right... the troop compartment is designed for separation! These are 7-10 fighters...

            But is 7-10 equal to 20?
          2. +1
            17 March 2024 17: 30
            Emnip for 6 people. If the number of snouts is true, then the tadpole was landed. From a media perspective, of course, the hawk looks more beautiful, but, IMHO, the fall of a tadpole will cause more damage to the Judas.
        3. -3
          17 March 2024 16: 11
          You can’t cram twenty carcasses into 24, if it’s him, then it’s unlikely that there will be that many dead. The "American" landing force has a crew of 12+3...

          Well, the author of the article, apparently a fisherman, embellished it. And in the end it will turn out to be some kind of “Baba Yaga”. Joke.
        4. +4
          17 March 2024 16: 58
          Quote: Black
          You can’t cram twenty carcasses into 24

          Did anyone specifically count how many carcasses there were?
          1. +1
            17 March 2024 17: 03
            Did anyone specifically count how many carcasses there were?

            Don't even know what it was? Although information appeared in the media that it was MI-8. It fell on enemy territory, apparently there are no people willing to drive there.
        5. 0
          17 March 2024 17: 02
          Quote: Black
          You can’t cram twenty carcasses into 24, if it’s him, then it’s unlikely that there will be that many dead. The "American" landing force has a 12+3 crew... in general, we'll wait, but in any case, respect to our guys

          In the video, the pinwheel is not small at all compared to the trees. Could fit a lot of meat. good
      2. +2
        17 March 2024 15: 13
        Quote: your vsr 66-67
        Quote: Donna_Rosa_dAlvadores
        Our beauties!!!! They smoke beautifully!

        Earth them glassy!

        Allah Akbar to the devils
        1. +1
          17 March 2024 17: 32
          Correct: Allahu Akbar, shaitans. Iblis has been waiting for you for a long time: the cauldrons are getting cold, the pitchforks are getting dull.
        2. 0
          17 March 2024 19: 43
          Inshallah. The text of your comment is too short.
  3. +11
    17 March 2024 14: 24
    Yes, you can't really tell the type of helicopter from this video. But the main thing is that they shot it down, I hope the MANPADS shooter gets an award!
    1. +4
      17 March 2024 14: 41
      Tail boom specialists can try. I think this is real for them.
      1. 0
        17 March 2024 14: 51
        Tail boom specialists
        Not an expert, but it looks like the Mi-24 is burning out.
        1. +1
          17 March 2024 16: 39
          Quote: Bolt Cutter
          Not an expert, but it looks like the Mi-24 is burning out.

          Same. Judging by the dimensions of the helicopter and the stabilizer, this is it. Yes
        2. 0
          17 March 2024 17: 08
          I thought about him too. Moreover, in some news they wrote about the 24th.
      2. +4
        17 March 2024 15: 59
        I've zoomed in as much as possible, it's hard to make out anything, of course, but it really does look like a Hawk. The stabilizer is very close to the keel beam (if it's still there, it's hard to see), the Mil ones have a bigger distance. Is it really impossible to upload a video from a monitor, not a video taken with a phone? Don't war correspondents have that option?
        1. +1
          17 March 2024 22: 58
          Quote: helilelik
          Is it really impossible to upload not the video taken from the monitor by the phone, but the original source? Do military officers not have such an opportunity?

          Do you think Poddubny himself filmed this? Hardly. We just sent him what we managed to film. When it burns out, they’ll send a bird, make a better video, maybe they’ll count the coals.
        2. 0
          18 March 2024 01: 30
          Yesterday, 15: 59
          I enlarged it to the maximum, it’s difficult to make out something, of course, butoh it looks like it really is a hok...
          With a high degree of probability. I also compared it, it looks like ours killed the mericatos.
      3. -1
        17 March 2024 16: 36
        The tail stabilizers of the 24ki and the Yastreb are located in the same way: on the tail boom of a pair. The combustion contour is more than 24ka due to the hump.
  4. +9
    17 March 2024 14: 24
    Shaw, again? It seems that running along the rake is becoming a trick of Budanov and K*.
    Note: "Sho, again?" - not a typo. A phrase from a cartoon about a wolf and a dog. Yes
    1. +5
      17 March 2024 16: 22
      Quote: Montezuma
      Looks like running on a rake

      Yes, most likely they wanted to go to the elections (it was the last day), but they were not allowed into the polling station.
  5. +7
    17 March 2024 14: 27
    Well, it’s unlikely that a crocodile, 20 people in a full tab with an additional bookmaker simply won’t fit into it, something else was flying.
    1. +14
      17 March 2024 14: 36
      And one or the other will not fit 20 people, Mi-24 8 people, hawk 10. Mi-8 22. But most likely they arbitrarily invented the number of troops.
      1. +10
        17 March 2024 14: 53
        That’s the whole problem, the “writers” who write about 20 people must be driven out... with rags. There must be a limit to stupidity.
        1. +1
          17 March 2024 15: 14
          Quote: Vladimir M
          That’s the whole problem, the “writers” who write about 20 people must be driven out... with rags. There must be a limit to stupidity.

          The information was provided by ordinary military officers, not specialists in aircraft technology. They might not have sorted it out right away, but they gave it as an urgent message. Don't quibble, there will be a clarifying publication.
          1. +7
            17 March 2024 15: 35
            If a citizen proudly calls himself a "war correspondent", then he should not say unforgivable stupid things. And what do "ordinary" war correspondents mean? Are there also unusual ones?
            1. +2
              17 March 2024 15: 46
              Quote: Vladimir M
              If a citizen proudly calls himself a “military correspondent,” then he should not carry out unforgivable nonsense.

              Well, teach them how to do it. Lead by example. And what is “unforgivable stupidity”? The fact that it was not possible to immediately run up to the burning helicopter, quickly determine the type of flight and accurately count the number of former “Budanov’s eagles”? Well, you have requests.
              This concludes the discussion with you, there is no point in continuing. Let me take my leave. hi
              1. 0
                17 March 2024 15: 52
                And all the best to you.
            2. 0
              17 March 2024 16: 32
              Alexander Sladkov. A former officer, well versed in weapons, the rest are civilians, and the recording from the drone shows very vague outlines of a burning car.
          2. +2
            17 March 2024 16: 39
            Poddubny, with all due respect, has little understanding of technology and weapons: he has been noticed more than once.
          3. +8
            17 March 2024 17: 14
            Is he a military correspondent or a blogger from YouTube? Let the military operations be covered by people who understand military equipment, and not write the names of the equipment from the star (this is the first time I’ve ever heard of blackhawk mattresses being supplied to pans. And where did these beauty bloggers get the figure of 20 landing casualties?
            because today I got sick, it turns out that when our people covered Odessa and about fifty died there (possibly including foreigners), they already wrote that 100 French people died, I started googling the topic, and there already 200 French people died. At this rate, beauty bloggers will write to us that the sergeant farted on the front end and 15 thousand French and 67 thousand Americans died.
          4. +2
            17 March 2024 19: 53
            Guys, what's the matter, the helicopter was shot down, the military correspondents were in a hurry, they exaggerated a little, but the essence of the matter does not change; a helicopter was shot down; a combat unit, at least 3 pilots + some kind of landing force, in any case, this is a success, it burns and burns well; it’s even difficult for the specialists to determine what type of type came to us in disputes they determine whether to be kind.
        2. +2
          17 March 2024 15: 15
          Well, maybe. It’s still possible to try to push 20 snouts in there. Take the minimum amount of ammunition for the wingwing, pack the weirdos tightly with only Cossack sabers. And, most importantly, enroll only nationalist dwarfs in the landing group. Then, perhaps, 20 is possible?
          1. +1
            17 March 2024 16: 41
            Perhaps they carried a dozen on an external sling, in nets, like potatoes? Kakely are very inventive with all sorts of dirty tricks!
        3. 0
          17 March 2024 19: 26
          The Chukchi is not a reader, the Chukchi is a writer, and stupidity is not moderated at VO for the reason...!
        4. +1
          18 March 2024 18: 04
          Information is already appearing that it was an Mi-8
      2. +2
        17 March 2024 15: 25
        Quote: Paul Zewike
        And one or the other will not fit 20 people, Mi-24 8 people, hawk 10. Mi-8 22.

        The rest were placed on an external sling. laughing
        1. 0
          17 March 2024 17: 15
          Well, except that they were transporting hanged men
      3. 0
        17 March 2024 23: 00
        Quote: Paul Zewike
        But most likely they arbitrarily invented the number of troops.

        What's the point of sending 8 people? So impudently - only for slaughter, even temporary defense cannot be properly organized.
  6. +5
    17 March 2024 14: 27
    So are Kozinki clean or is someone still hiding there?
    1. +5
      17 March 2024 15: 04
      Quote from Voronezh
      So are Kozinki clean or is someone still hiding there?

      Those who were hiding in Kozinki were found by Russian special forces on the night of March 15, and those who decided to quickly hide “behind the ribbon” were found by successfully placed mines. Those who wanted to play hide and seek once again did not appear in Kozinki.
      1. +4
        17 March 2024 15: 28
        Quote: Montezuma
        Those who want to play hide-and-seek again before they appear in Kozinki again

        However, for some reason the long-haired people stubbornly go to Kozinki, as if they are giving away free food there.
        1. +3
          17 March 2024 15: 37
          Quote: Piramidon
          However, for some reason the long-haired ones stubbornly climb into Kozinki

          The villages of Spodaryusheno and Kozinka are located almost on the border with the Ukrainian Reich. Budanov and K* considered them easy prey, but they miscalculated.
        2. 0
          17 March 2024 16: 14
          However, for some reason the long-haired guys stubbornly go to Kozinki, as if they are handing out free food there
          There they poured milk for the pigs...for bait wassat , that’s what pulls them
      2. 0
        17 March 2024 17: 51
        Hmm, indeed, just yesterday it was broadcast from all the news that the landing force in Kozinki was completely destroyed, and then help was flying in... Where were they flying? Indeed, in Kozinki there is no one from the Ukrainians or.. as they say: “not everything is so, definitely”?
        1. 0
          17 March 2024 23: 35
          Quote: Monster_Fat
          Just yesterday it was broadcast from all the irons that the landing force in Kozinki was completely defeated

          And today there was a video of a drone dropping a grenade on a tank with an RDK flag abandoned in Kozinki. The tank, apparently, also arrived with the “landing party”.
  7. +11
    17 March 2024 14: 28
    The wreckage of the helicopter is reportedly burning about 1,7 km from the Russian border, in the vicinity of the Ukrainian Lukashovka.
    It smelled like burnt pork... feel
    1. GGV
      17 March 2024 15: 23
      Then what happens: either it wasn’t the willow that was shot down or ours on the territory of xoxland
  8. -2
    17 March 2024 14: 32
    At least one good news!
    1. +4
      17 March 2024 15: 29
      Quote: Dutchman Michel
      At least one good news!

      Apparently no news reaches Holland.
  9. +16
    17 March 2024 14: 37
    Bandera's helicopter with miscarriages was shot down - that's great. There is no need for them to sympathize and worry, everything they do, they do for the glory of the United States, for the glory of the thieves from the White House, for the glory of the murderers of the Russian people, for the glory of the murderers of the Russian people. Their fellow Nazis, fugitive Russian liberals, born of the Vlasov movement, are carrying out terror against voting Russian citizens in Tallinn on election day today. They chant “Navalny!” and demand to kill Putin and behead Russia. They collect data on everyone going to vote. It’s a pity they can’t repeat the fate of these on a helicopter. This is how you should hate your people and your country.

    Death to traitors!

    Glory to Russia!
    1. +1
      17 March 2024 19: 33
      And look at the public - such people cannot be treated except for complete disposal and clearing of the surrounding area to the shores of the Baltic!
  10. -1
    17 March 2024 14: 39
    Amazing. We are waiting for F16
    1. 0
      17 March 2024 15: 22
      Quote: lewerlin53rus
      Amazing. We are waiting for F16

      And other NATO stuff, according to the list!
      1. Aag
        17 March 2024 19: 09
        Quote: Clear
        Quote: lewerlin53rus
        Amazing. We are waiting for F16

        And other NATO stuff, according to the list!

        "Vampires" and other stuff aren't enough for you?! I don't think Belgorod residents think so...
        1. Aag
          18 March 2024 16: 51
          Quote: AAG
          Quote: Clear
          Quote: lewerlin53rus
          Amazing. We are waiting for F16

          And other NATO stuff, according to the list!

          "Vampires" and other stuff aren't enough for you?! I don't think Belgorod residents think so...

          Those who are probably downvoting (I won't, as has become tradition, include opponents in the CIPSO) are those who understood the goals of the SVO; believed that everything is going "according to plan"... Aha, - in (in) Ukraine they began to love us more; NATO has its tail between its legs in all directions...
          Whose plan was it?
      2. Aag
        18 March 2024 18: 56
        Quote: Clear
        Quote: lewerlin53rus
        Amazing. We are waiting for F16

        And other NATO stuff, according to the list!

        Where are you waiting?! On the border of the EU (NATO) - UA?!On the banks of the Dnieper? On the LBS? In our cities, towns, villages?
        What else are you (generally) waiting for? Oh! How unexpectedly, - A. Tsvetkov, - after appealing to the President of the Russian Federation, - was released! Hooray! Hurray!... Few people think about the reasons...
  11. +5
    17 March 2024 14: 39
    Oh well, it turns out someone did have MANPADS.
    I can imagine the pig’s squeal in that falling box.
    1. 0
      17 March 2024 15: 26
      Quote: Incvizitor
      I can imagine the pig’s squeal in that falling box.

      When you fall, usually the engine at the top comes off and... the screams stop instantly.
  12. +2
    17 March 2024 14: 45
    The pan-headed Svidomites still can’t calm down.
  13. +3
    17 March 2024 14: 52
    It’s difficult to tell exactly what kind of helicopter it is from the video, but it most closely resembles the Mi-24. And there is a maximum squad of landing forces - 7-8 people.
  14. -11
    17 March 2024 14: 59
    There's no black hawk there
    Average fake from Poddubny
    As usual

    Mi-24. This means that the landing party of 20 people is also fake.

    A blackhawk won't fit 20 people either.
    You should at least check the fairy tales before publishing them. At least go to Wikipedia
  15. +2
    17 March 2024 15: 00
    It’s unlikely to count 20 people, if only on a suspension and tied to the chassis
  16. +1
    17 March 2024 15: 09
    Well, we can.
    But it feels like we have a shortage of MANPADS; if there were enough of them, as well as trained crews, the dill would never have dared to fly through the LBS.
    Let's buy it in Iran, North Korea or somewhere else. It’s not at all the case that the enemy can fly across the border and land troops in our rear. We must hit them as they approach.
    1. +5
      17 March 2024 15: 42
      Quote: Ratmir_Ryazan
      But it feels like we have a shortage of MANPADS; if there were enough of them, as well as trained crews, the dill would never have dared to fly through the LBS.

      So they don’t fly, they got close to the firing range and they shot them down, which makes you feel like there aren’t enough MANPADS.
      1. +1
        17 March 2024 16: 31
        They shot it down because of their impudence. Ukrainians lost from unsuccessful attacks.
      2. +2
        17 March 2024 18: 00
        Just the other day it was in the news that the Ukrainian Armed Forces landed troops in three helicopters in our rear.
        How many helicopters were shot down? No one. How did they fly to Mariupol?! It's like regular flights. And the official statements of the Ministry of Defense in the person of Konashenkov about hundreds of downed helicopters did not frighten them.
        1. 0
          17 March 2024 18: 33
          Quote: Ratmir_Ryazan
          Just the other day it was in the news that the Ukrainian Armed Forces landed troops in three helicopters in our rear.

          Yes, I saw such information, and I saw information that they landed helicopter troops on their territory, 2-3 km from the border, out of range of MANPADS, and I saw a video where they were in the field where they allegedly landed on our territory, climbing through a trench on the border on foot, so I believe the second one.
  17. 0
    17 March 2024 15: 18
    If there were up to 20 people on board, then it is definitely not the UN-60, and Mi 24, most likely it is Mi 8, it is impossible to place 24 people in the Mi 60 helicopter, and UN 20, it does not have such a volume to accommodate a large number of people
    1. +1
      17 March 2024 15: 22
      The thought didn’t occur to you, how can Poddubny even know whether there were 20 people there or 2?
      How can one take such information seriously and draw conclusions from it?
      1. -2
        17 March 2024 16: 57
        Ivan#One, didn’t your point game go well today?
        Why are you asking the same question everywhere?

        Maybe 20? Or 22? Or 0?
        Where does this infa come from?

        Don't you have anything else to write about?
        1. +3
          17 March 2024 17: 21
          but I think that the guy is asking the right questions, those who spread such news should be hung by their feet and flogged. Because they cause harm, as they set the masses up for stupid Urap0treaty (not to be confused with normal patriotism). And then they see crowds screaming that Cook was killed by Khibiny and the entire crew shit themselves and left the fleet, and then such people take Kyiv in 0 days. I would really like to send such people in a time machine back to the time when the SVO had just begun (I'm not talking about the chance to change everything in terms of mistakes) so that they would feel with their own skin what a lie "war captain" means and underestimation of the enemy.
    2. The comment was deleted.
      1. The comment was deleted.
        1. The comment was deleted.
  18. 0
    17 March 2024 15: 21
    Quote: Lev_Russia
    "Black Hawk Down" is Hollywood's, and here it's "The Fall of the Dry Crow..." And not the second one, but who knows which one... am

    The fall of the stinking crow was that
  19. -3
    17 March 2024 15: 26 по этой ссылке угрожают президенту ледорубом, в день голосования, модератор блокирует сообщения против, сайт российский- - везде воюют, и в инете особенно, может ципсо, может "элита" бунтует, как обещал президент заменить их на фронтовиков.
  20. 0
    17 March 2024 15: 28
    Black Hawk Down is a double. Welcome. Kamikaze. ))
  21. +1
    17 March 2024 15: 30
    Quote: Andrey VOV
    Well, it’s unlikely that a crocodile, 20 people in a full tab with an additional bookmaker simply won’t fit into it, something else was flying.

    In general, this is how it is. 30 people were crammed into mi8. But if with bk then maximum 20.
  22. +2
    17 March 2024 15: 33
    What good news!
  23. -4
    17 March 2024 15: 36
    Quote: Ivan№One
    There's no black hawk there
    Average fake from Poddubny
    As usual

    Mi-24. This means that the landing party of 20 people is also fake.

    A blackhawk won't fit 20 people either.
    You should at least check the fairy tales before publishing them. At least go to Wikipedia

    Have you been banned from Wikiperdia?
  24. 0
    17 March 2024 15: 44
    MI-24 has 20 landing personnel?
  25. +2
    17 March 2024 15: 45
    Completely insane, they are given opiates, obviously under some kind of stimulant, the crazy people have been going on suicidal attacks for four days now
  26. +2
    17 March 2024 15: 47
    The Russian Armed Forces shot down a Ukrainian helicopter carrying troops, .... There were about 20 Ukrainian military personnel on board the helicopter, ... Information on the helicopter also varies, some resources, including military correspondent Yevgeny Poddubny, admit that it could have been an American UH-60 “Black Hawk” ”, transferred to Ukraine. Others claim that this is a Mi-24 from the reserves of the Air Force of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
    According to the performance characteristics, neither the Mi-24, nor the UH-60 Black Hawk, can carry 20 paratroopers at a time... It's all our native Mi-8, that's what it can do...
    1. +1
      17 March 2024 15: 56
      Yes, worry about it, it wasn’t a helicopter or even a heliocopter, but some kind of rotorcraft.
  27. -1
    17 March 2024 15: 59
    Quote: GGV
    Then what happens: either it wasn’t the willow that was shot down or ours on the territory of xoxland

    The sum does not change when the terms are changed. The "willow" has blossomed well on the territory of the khokhla.
  28. +1
    17 March 2024 16: 07
    Good news. Our fighters put in place another PR campaign.
  29. +1
    17 March 2024 16: 17
    It is not even known which helicopter. And the number of paratroopers is stated to be 20 people. How so? Where does this information come from?
    1. 0
      17 March 2024 17: 15
      How so? Where does this information come from?

      Information from E. Poddubny, VGTRK correspondent, so there will be no other details or confirmation of what has been said...
    2. 0
      17 March 2024 17: 26
      We have a unique military correspondent. I looked at how many corpses were inside, but I couldn’t see the model of the helicopter. poor quality photo
  30. 0
    17 March 2024 16: 22
    In general, this Mi-24 fled from the border with 10 privileged ones in the compartment and another 10 clung to the chassis, repeating the trick of their Paulus idols.
    It’s a pity that the helicopter fell into the wrong hands.
  31. -1
    17 March 2024 16: 24
    Poddubny reports in his TG channel adding that It is difficult to determine the model of the helicopter from the wreckage.
    belay Something new. Maybe everything gets in the way of a good dancer. feel
  32. 0
    17 March 2024 16: 28
    I didn’t look closely... but the nose seems sharp. As far as I remember, the MI-8 has an oval nose... Maybe a crocodile in the landing configuration?
    1. +1
      17 March 2024 17: 27
      Mi-24 is always in the landing configuration. judging by the photo this is him. just some {censored} came across about 20 corpses
      1. 0
        17 March 2024 19: 51
        Sorry, not always... We (when I served in the SA) in a separate helicopter squadron had 2 units, as we called KShP (command headquarters posts). There is no room for landing. So off the top of my head I went to the Internet... there is a link (Without any quibbles or doubts about your competence).
  33. +1
    17 March 2024 17: 11
    And yet, as it turned out, this is an Mi-8
  34. 0
    17 March 2024 17: 29
    How did our MANPADS end up abroad? winked
    1. +1
      17 March 2024 20: 30
      Quote: Bone1
      How did our MANPADS end up abroad?

      Beyond what border? Now in Ukraine, where our MANPADS are, that’s the border.
      It was possible to get there from the old border, from the border in the Kozinka area 1 km, and near the crash site the border is 300 m.
      1. 0
        17 March 2024 20: 33
        Maybe you should read it first?
  35. 0
    17 March 2024 17: 39
    Looks like this is a Mi 24, the plumage is clearly visible
  36. 0
    17 March 2024 17: 40
    Yes, the Black Hawk has exactly these control compensation planes on the tail boom. To the common cattle burial ground and get going!
  37. 0
    17 March 2024 20: 59
    You can't fit twenty paratroopers in a "crocodile". The landing compartment there is for eight people. The UH-60 can also only take half of the declared. Most likely the Mi-8. Although it would be nice to take down the "American", then the number of paratroopers is 10-12. Not twenty at all
  38. 0
    17 March 2024 22: 50
    On board the helicopter there were about 20 Ukrainian soldiers, most likely not ordinary military personnel, but some kind of special forces, since they were thrown into Kozinki. Information about the helicopter also varies; some resources, including military correspondent Yevgeny Poddubny, admit that it could be an American UH-60 “Black Hawk” transferred to Ukraine

    “Black Hawk” - CANNOT transport 20 paratroopers! It doesn't even have that much space!
  39. 0
    17 March 2024 22: 57
    On board the helicopter there were about 20 Ukrainian soldiers, most likely not ordinary military personnel, but some kind of special forces, since they were thrown into Kozinki. Information about the helicopter also varies; some resources, including military correspondent Yevgeny Poddubny, admit that it could be an American UH-60 “Black Hawk”

    1. -2
      17 March 2024 23: 37
      Quote: moreman78

      Physically - able. As they write on the Internet, the record is 27 people.
  40. +1
    17 March 2024 23: 20
    Well, in the end, the TikTokers ended up with a great video. bully
  41. +1
    17 March 2024 23: 34
    In the event that the number of troops 20 bayonets - then the helicopter could only be Mi-8...
    In the case that the figure for the number of troops was taken “out of the blue”, then the helicopter could be of any brand, most likely a Soviet MI-24.
  42. -1
    18 March 2024 02: 16
    Why these transfers in Kozinki? We flew to Bandera - well, we flew straight
  43. 0
    18 March 2024 09: 51
    They can’t determine the type of helicopter, but have they counted the number of corpses in it?
  44. 0
    18 March 2024 17: 18
    They shot down a dragonfly, but how many of them are there?
  45. 0
    19 March 2024 09: 37
    We flew to the promenade in Kozinki, but ended up at a concert with Bandera. Surprise surprise! Long live surprise!