Ancient Russia and France in the XI century. The fate of the Russian princess Anna Yaroslavna

The events, which will be discussed, cover the bicentennial segment - X-XI century - stories France and Russia. About this period and especially about the fate of the Russian princess Anna Yaroslavna (1032-1082) in recent decades, a lot has been written. But, unfortunately, both journalists and writers approached the topic without sufficient scientific and historical analysis. In the proposed article, the approach from the particular to the general, the deduction method, is chosen. It allows, through the description of individual events, to present a picture of historical development more vividly and vividly. To recreate the images of gifted people, exceptional for their time, and most importantly - to look at a woman in medieval society, at the role she played against the background of the main events that characterize that era. Such events include the change of state borders, the transformation of government institutions, the acceleration of monetary circulation, the strengthening of the role of the church, the construction of cities and monasteries.


In the tenth century in Russia, the unification of many Slavic tribes (there were more than thirty) into a single ancient Russian state. At the same time it is interesting to trace the socio-economic and other reasons, which then caused changes in the history of France and Russia. They are almost the same. From early feudal fragmentation, both countries are moving to a centralized government. This circumstance is especially important, since it is generally recognized that before the Mongol invasion, Ancient Russia developed according to the laws common to Europe.

Ancient Russia and France in the XI century. The fate of the Russian princess Anna Yaroslavna

It was a time when power assumed fundamental importance. Initially, she had a kind of "home", court character. Historical documents of that period traditionally highlight the power of men at different levels and, of course, as head of state. About the presence of women next to him speak only their names and dates of life. The role they play can be judged only indirectly, by the specific events that took place in the country and in the palaces of the sovereigns. Nevertheless, the special role of a woman was already obvious. Even the church (as an institution), determining the place of spiritual power in the state, used the image of a woman-mother and declared that the church is the mother who gives spiritual life to people through her faithful bishop sons.

Power and its forms in the state were established primarily on the basis of property, economic relations, but also under the influence of inequality. The experience of inequality has traditionally been acquired in the family, in family relationships. Therefore, the inequality of man and woman was perceived as sent down from above, created by God - as a reasonable distribution of duties. (Only from the 18th century, under the influence of revolutionary ideas and ideas of the Enlightenment, the concept of inequality begins to be viewed from negative positions.)

The relationship of the spouses (especially in the power, public spheres) meant that for women entering into marriage, only one duty is defined - to protect the interests of the husband and help him. The exception was widows who, after losing their spouse, served as head of the family, and sometimes the state. Thus, from the "female" duties, they shifted to the execution of the duties of "male". Such a mission was successfully carried out only by a woman with a talent, character, will, for example, Grand Duchess Olga, Novgorod mayor of Martha, widowed queen Elena Glinskaya ... However, here we are not talking about "equality of women", because notion of a different order.

With the emergence of large feudal empires, strict continuity of power was required. It was then that the question of control over the institution of marriage arose. Whose word will be decisive? King, priests? It turned out that the main word was often left to the woman, the continuer of the clan. Increasing the family, taking care of the growing offspring, about its physical and spiritual development and about the position it will take in life, as a rule, fell on the shoulders of women.

That is why the choice of the bride, the future mother of the heirs, meant so much. From this choice depended on the place and the influence that the mother could acquire in the family, and not only thanks to the mind and talent. A significant role was played by its origin. If we talk about the families of sovereigns, then the degree of the wife’s attitude to the royal family of his or that country was important. This is what largely determined the international and economic relations between European states. Carrying a royal child, the woman reunited two parental blood, two pedigrees, predetermining not only the nature of future power, but often the future of the country. The woman - the spouse and mother - already in the early Middle Ages was the basis of the world order.


In Russia, as well as in Europe, marriage unions were an important part of foreign policy. The family of Yaroslav I, called the Wise (years of the great reign: 1015-1054), intermarried with many royal houses of Europe. His sisters and daughters, having married European kings, helped Russia to establish friendly relations with the countries of Europe, to solve international problems. And the formation of the mentality of future rulers was largely determined by the outlook of the mother, her family ties with the royal courts of other states.

The future grand dukes and future queens of European states, who came from the family of Yaroslav the Wise, were brought up under the supervision of their mother - Ingigerdy (1019-1050). Her father - the king of Sweden Olav (or Olaf Shetkonung) - gave the city Aldeyburgburg and all of Karelia to the daughter’s dowry. The Scandinavian sagas convey the details of Yaroslav’s marriage to Princess Ingigerd and the marriage of their daughters. (A retelling of some of these Scandinavian sagas was made by S. Kaidash-Lakshin.) The legends and myths included in the Circle of the Earth confirm the historical events mentioned. Undoubtedly, the kindred and friendly relations of the Grand Duchess Ingigerda had an impact on the marriage unions of their daughters. All three daughters of Yaroslav became the queens of European countries: Elizabeth, Anastasia and Anna.

The Russian beauty Princess Elizabeth won the heart of Norwegian Prince Harold, who served her father in her youth. To be worthy of Elizabeth Yaroslavna, Harold went to distant countries to gain fame by exploits, as AK Tolstoy poetically told us:

Harold sits in the battle saddle
He left Kiev sovereign,
He sighs his way hard:
"You are my star, Yaroslavna!"

Harold the Bold, having made trips to Constantinople, Sicily and in Africa, returned to Kiev with rich gifts. Elizabeth became the wife of the hero and the queen of Norway (in the second marriage - the queen of Denmark), and Anastasia Yaroslavna - the queen of Hungary. About these marriages were already known in France, when Princess Henry I won over King Henry I (he reigned from 1031 to 1060 a year).

Yaroslav the Wise taught children to live in peace, love among themselves. And numerous marriage unions strengthened ties between Russia and Europe. The granddaughter of Yaroslav the Wise, Eupraxia, was given for the German Emperor Henry IV. Sister Yaroslava, Maria Vladimirovna (Dobronega), - for the king of Poland Casimir. Yaroslav gave his sister a great dowry, and Casimir returned 800 Russian prisoners. The marriage with the brother of Anna Yaroslavna, Izyaslav Yaroslavich, and the sister of Casimir, the Polish princess Gertrude, also secured relations with Poland. (Izyaslav inherited the great Kiev throne after his father in 1054.) Another son of Yaroslav the Wise, Vsevolod, married an overseas princess, daughter of Konstantin Monomakh. Their son Vladimir II immortalized the name of his maternal grandfather, adding to his name the name Monomakh (Vladimir II Monomakh reigned from 1113 to 1125 a year).

Anna, Anastasia, Elizaveta and Agatha

The way of Yaroslav to the grand throne was far from easy. Initially, his father, Vladimir the Red Sun (980-1015), planted Yaroslav to reign in Rostov Veliky, then in Novgorod, where a year later Yaroslav decided to become an independent sovereign of the vast Novgorod land and free himself from the power of the Grand Duke. In 1011, he refused to send hryvnias to Kiev on 2000, as all Novgorod posadniki did before him.

When Yaroslav reigned in Novgorod "under the hand of" Vladimir, coins with the inscription "Yaroslavl Silver" appeared. On one side of it is depicted Christ, on the other - St. George, the patron saint of Yaroslav. This first Russian coinage continued until the death of Yaroslav the Wise. At that time, Ancient Russia was at the same level of development with neighboring European countries and played a significant role in shaping the image of medieval Europe, its political structure, economic development, culture and international relations.

After the death of Vladimir the Red Sun between his sons, a stubborn struggle unfolded for the grand princely throne. In the end, Yaroslav won, he was then 37 years old. And it was necessary to be truly Wise, to repeatedly overcome numerous confrontations of princes in the name of the unification of Russia: Yaroslav won the throne of the Grand Duke several times and lost it in his life.

In 1018, he made an alliance with Henry II of Germany, which was a high level of international relations of Russia. Not only Henry II considered it an honor to negotiate with Russia, but Robert II the Pious, the King of France, the father of the future husband of Anna Yaroslavna. The two sovereigns agreed in 1023 on the reform of the church and the establishment of the peace of God among Christians.

The reign of Yaroslav the Wise is the time of economic prosperity of Russia. This gave him the opportunity to decorate the capital following the example of Constantinople: the Golden Gate, St. Sophia Cathedral appeared in Kiev, in Kiev, the Kiev-Pechersk monastery, the highest school of the Russian clergy, was founded in 1051. In Novgorod, in 1045-1052, a Hagia Sophia was erected. Yaroslav the Wise, a representative of a new generation of literate, enlightened Christians, created a large library of Russian and Greek books. He loved and knew the church statutes. In 1051, Yaroslav made the Russian Orthodox Church independent of Byzantium: independently, without the knowledge of Konstantino Polya, he appointed the Russian Metropolitan Hilarion. Earlier, the Greek metropolitans were appointed only by the Byzantine patriarch.

Reconstruction of the Golden Gate


Matchmaking and the wedding of Anna Yaroslavna took place in 1050, then she was 18 years old. Ambassadors of the King of France, recently widowed Henry I, went to Kiev in the spring, in April. The embassy moved slowly. In addition to ambassadors who rode on horseback, who traveled on mules, who rode horses, the wagon train was made up of numerous carts with supplies for the long journey and carts with rich gifts. As a gift to prince Yaroslav the Wise, magnificent fighting swords, overseas cloth, precious silver bowls were intended ...

Henry I, King of France

On the boats we descended the Danube, then on horses we passed through Prague and Krakow. The path is not the closest, but the most beaten and safe. This road was considered the most convenient and crowded. Trading caravans went east and west along it. The embassy was headed by the Chalonsky bishop Roger from a noble family of graphs of Namur. The eternal problem of the younger sons - red or black - he decided by choosing a sutan. An extraordinary mind, noble origin, masterful grip helped him successfully to conduct earthly affairs. His diplomatic skills were used more than once by the King of France, sending the bishop to Rome, then to Normandy, then to the German emperor. And now the bishop was approaching the goal of his great historical mission, which went down in history for thousands of years.

Besides him, the embassy was the bishop of the city of Mo, the learned theologian Gautier Sawyer, who would soon become the teacher and spiritual father of Queen Anne. The French Embassy arrived in Kiev for the bride, Russian Princess Anna Yaroslavna. Before the Golden Gate of the capital of Ancient Russia, it stopped with a sense of surprise and delight. Anna's brother, Vsevolod Yaroslavich, met ambassadors and easily explained himself with them in Latin.

The arrival of Anna Yaroslavna on the land of France was furnished solemnly. Henry I went to meet the bride in the ancient city of Reims. The king, in his forties, was fat and always gloomy. But, seeing Anna, he smiled. To the credit of a highly educated Russian princess, I must say that she was fluent in Greek, and she learned French quickly. On the marriage contract, Anna wrote her name, her husband, the king, instead of signing, put a "cross."

Anna Yaroslavna, Queen of France

It was in Reims that the French kings crowned since ancient times. Anne was given a special honor: the ceremony of her coronation took place in the same ancient city, in the church of the Holy Cross. Already at the beginning of her royal journey, Anna Yaroslavna had accomplished a civil feat: she showed perseverance and, refusing to take the oath on the Latin Bible, took an oath on the Slavic Gospel, which she brought with her. Under the influence of circumstances, Anna will then accept Catholicism, and in this the daughter of Yaroslav will demonstrate wisdom - both as the French queen and as the mother of the future king of France, Philip First. In the meantime, a golden crown was placed on Anna’s head, and she became Queen of France.

Arriving in Paris, Anna Yaroslavna did not consider it a beautiful city. Although by that time Paris from the modest residence of the Carolingian kings turned into the main city of the country and received the status of the capital. In letters to her father, Anna Yaroslavna wrote that Paris was gloomy and ugly; she complained that she had fallen into a village where there are no palaces and cathedrals, how rich Kiev is.


At the beginning of the XI century in France, the Carolingian dynasty came and established the Capetian dynasty, after the first king of the dynasty, Hugo Capet. Three decades later, the future husband of Anna Yaroslavna Henry I, son of King Robert II the Pious (996-1031), became the king from this dynasty. The father-in-law of Anna Yaroslavna was a rude and sensual man, but the church forgave him everything for piety and religious zeal. He was considered a learned theologian.

The accession to the throne of Henry I was not without palace intrigue, in which the main role was played by a woman. Robert the Pious was married twice. With his first wife, Bertha (mother of Heinrich), Robert divorced at the insistence of his father. The second wife, Constanza, turned out to be a gloomy and evil woman. She demanded that her husband be crowned as co-ruler of their young son Hugo II. However, the prince fled from the house, unable to bear the despotic treatment of his mother, and became a robber on the roads. He died very young, in 18 years.

Contrary to the intrigues of the queen, the bold and energetic Henry I, crowned in Reims, became the co-ruler of the father in 1027. Constanta hated her stepson with fierce hatred, and when his father died - Robert the Pious, tried to depose the young king, but in vain. It was these events that made Henry think about the heir to make him his co-regent.

Widowed after the first marriage, Henry I decided to marry a Russian princess. The main motive of this choice is the desire to have a strong, healthy heir. And the second motive: his ancestors from the Kapets' house were in consanguinity with all the neighboring monarchs, and the church forbade marriages between relatives. So fate destined Anna Yaroslavna to continue the royal power of the Capetians.

Anna's life in France coincided with the economic growth in the country. During the reign of Henry I, the old cities are revived - Bordeaux, Toulouse, Lyon, Marseille, Rouen. The process of separating the craft from agriculture goes faster. Cities are beginning to be freed from the power of seniors, that is, from feudal dependence. This entailed the development of commodity-money relations: taxes from cities bring income to the state, which contributes to the further strengthening of statehood.

The most important concern of the husband of Anna Yaroslavna was the further reunification of the lands of the Franks. Henry I, like his father Robert, led the expansion to the east. Kapeting foreign policy was distinguished by the expansion of international relations. France exchanged embassies with many countries, including the Old Russian state, England, the Byzantine Empire.

The surest way to strengthen the power of the kings was to increase, increase the royal lands, turning the royal domain into a compact complex of the fertile lands of France. The domain of the king is the land on which the king is sovereign, here he owned the right of judgment and real power. This path was carried out with the participation of women, through the thoughtful marriage unions of members of the royal family.

To strengthen their power, the Capetians approved the principle of heredity and co-government of royal authority. For this, the heir, the son, was introduced, as already mentioned, to the government of the country and was crowned while the king was still alive. In France, for three centuries, it was precisely the co-government that retained the crown.

The role of women in maintaining the principle of inheritance was considerable. Thus, after his death and the transfer of power to his young son, the sovereign's wife became regent, mentor to the young king. True, it rarely did without a struggle between the palace groups, which sometimes led to the violent death of a woman.

The practice of co-government, established in France, was used in Russia. For example, in 969, Yaropolk, Oleg and Vladimir became co-rulers of the father, Grand Duke Svyatoslav I Igorevich. Ivan III (1440-1505) announced the eldest son Ivan of the first marriage as co-regent, but the second wife, the Byzantine princess Sophia from the Palaeologis family, was unhappy with this. After the early mysterious death of his son, Ivan Ivanovich, Ivan III appointed his grandson Dmitry Ivanovich co-ruler. But the grandson and daughter-in-law (the spouse of the deceased son) also fell into disfavor during the political struggle. Then the son born of Sophia, Vasily Ivanovich, was declared co-ruler and heir to the throne.

In the same cases, when such an order was violated and the father distributed the inheritances to his sons, after his death a fratricidal struggle began - the path to the country's feudal fragmentation.

Difficult share of queen mothers, if she is widowed

Anna Yaroslavna widowed in 28 years. Henry I died on August 4 1060 in the castle Vitry-o-los, near Orleans, in the midst of preparations for war with the English King William the Conqueror. But the coronation of the son of Anna Yaroslavna, Philip I, as co-ruler of Henry I, took place during the lifetime of his father, in 1059. Heinrich died when the young king Philip was eight years old. Philip I reigned for almost half a century, 48 years (1060-1108). He was a clever but lazy man.

Diploma of the French King Philip I in favor of St. Crepe's Abbey in Soissons, containing the autographic signature of Anna Yaroslavna, Queen of France, 1063 year

Testament, King Henry appointed Anna Yaroslavna guardian son. However, Anna - the mother of the young king - remained the queen and became regent, but she did not receive custody, as was the custom of the time: only a man could be the guardian, he became the brother-in-law of Henry I, Count of Flanders Baudouin.

According to the then existing tradition, the widowed queen Anna (she was about 30 years old) was married. The widow he married was Count Raoul de Valois. He was known as one of the most rebellious vassals (the dangerous family of Valois had tried to depose Hugh Capet before Henry I), but nevertheless he always remained close to the king. Count Raoul de Valois is the lord of many possessions, and he had no less warriors than the king. Anna Yaroslavna lived in the fortified castle of her husband Mondidier.

But there is also a romantic version of the second marriage of Anna Yaroslavna. Count Raoul fell in love with Anna from the first days of her appearance in France. And only after the death of the king dared to open their feelings. For Anna Yaroslavna, the duty of the Queen Mother was in the first place, but Raul showed perseverance and kidnapped Anna. Count Raoul broke up with his former wife, having caught her in infidelity. After the divorce, the marriage with Anna Yaroslavnaya was concluded according to the church ceremony.

The life of Anna Yaroslavna with Count Raul was almost happy, she was disturbed only by relationships with children. His beloved son, King Philip, although he treated his mother with unfailing affection, he no longer needed his advice and participation in royal affairs. And the sons of Raul from the first marriage, Simon and Gautier, did not hide their dislike for the stepmother.

Anna Yaroslavna was widowed for the second time in 1074. Not wanting to depend on the sons of Raul, she left the castle of Mondidier and returned to Paris to see the son-king. The son surrounded the aging mother with attention - Anna Yaroslavna was already more than 40 years old. Her younger son, Hugo, married a rich heiress, daughter of Count Vermandois. Marriage helped him legitimize the capture of the lands of the count.


About the last years of the life of Anna Yaroslavna, little is known from historical literature, therefore all available information is interesting. Anna looked forward to hearing from home. News came different - then bad, then good. Shortly after her departure from Kiev, her mother died. Four years after the death of his wife, on the 78 year of life, Anna's father, Grand Duke Yaroslav, died.

Departure of Princess Anne, daughter of Grand Duke Yaroslav the Wise, to France for a wedding with King Henry I

The old patient Yaroslav did not have the determination to leave the supreme power to one of his sons. The European principle of co-government was not used. He divided his lands between his sons, bequeathing them to live in harmony, honoring his older brother. Vladimir received Novgorod, Vsevolod - Pereyaslavl, Vyacheslav - Suzdal and Beloozero, Igor - Smolensk, Izyaslav - Kiev, and at first, Novgorod. With this decision, Yaroslav laid the foundation for a new struggle for the throne. Izyaslav was thrown three times, Anna’s beloved brother Vsevolod Yaroslavich returned to the throne twice.

Statue of Anna of Kiev in Senlis

From the marriage of Vsevolod with the daughter of the Byzantine emperor Anastasia in 1053, a son was born Vladimir, nephew of Anna Yaroslavna, who will go down in history as Vladimir Monomakh (Grand Prince of Kiev in 1113-1125).

Anna Yaroslavna was living sadly now, no significant events were waiting for her anymore. Father and mother, many brothers, relatives and close people have passed away. In France, her teacher and mentor Bishop Gauthier died. Died husband of his beloved sister Elizabeth, King of Norway Harold. There was no one left who had once arrived with young Anna Yaroslavna on French soil: who died, who returned to Russia.

Anna decided to travel. She learned that the elder brother, Izyaslav Yaroslavich, was defeated in the struggle for the throne of Kiev, is in Germany, in the city of Mainz. Henry IV of Germany was a friend of Philip I (both were in conflict with the Pope), and Anna Yaroslavna set off on the road, hoping for a good welcome. It looked like an autumn leaf, detached from the branch and driven by the wind. Arriving at Mainz, I learned that Izyaslav had already moved to the city of Worms. Persistent and stubborn, Anna continued to travel, but fell ill on the road. In Worms, she was informed that Izyaslav had gone to Poland, and his son to Rome to the Pope. According to Anna Yaroslavna, not in those countries should have been looking for friends and allies for Russia. Chagrin and illness broke Anna. She died in 1082, at the age of 50.
21 comment
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  1. Frigate
    9 February 2013 08: 13
    Very interesting. Especially the letter, looks so old
  2. +3
    9 February 2013 08: 47
    + a very interesting essay. Thank.
  3. predator.3
    9 February 2013 10: 03
    "... On the marriage contract, Anna wrote her name, her husband, the king, put a" cross "instead of a signature."

    here it is the "culture" of the then Europe, I am already silent about hygiene, taking a bath for them was tantamount to suicide! laughing

    "... Arriving in Paris, Anna Yaroslavna did not consider it a beautiful city. Although by that time Paris had turned from a modest residence of the Carolingian kings into the country's main city and received the status of the capital. In letters to her father, Anna Yaroslavna wrote that Paris was gloomy and ugly; she complained that she had ended up in a village where there are no palaces and cathedrals, which Kiev is rich. "

    Paris was then a typical pigsty on the banks of the Seine, it was only after the Crusades, they began to wash their hands and face, use a spoon and a fork.
    1. +7
      9 February 2013 18: 21
      At Dumas, the conversation of the musketeers, About wide-brimmed hats, is clearly described. and about the fact that they often poured pots from windows. And this is in Europe !!! ! Queen of Spain Isabella of Castile (end of the XNUMXth century) admitted that she only washed twice in her entire life - at birth and on the day of the wedding. The daughter of one of the French kings died from lice. Pope Clement V dies from dysentery, and Pope Clement VII painfully dies from scabies (like King Philip II). The Duke of Norfolk refused to bathe allegedly from religious beliefs. His body was covered with ulcers. Then the servants waited for his lordship to get drunk dead drunk, and barely washed it.

      For a long time, an preserved note has been walking around anecdotes, sent by his beloved, Gabriel de Estre, who had the reputation of a burnt Don Juan, to King Gabriel de Estre: "Don’t wash, dear, I will be with you in three weeks." The king himself, by the way, only washed three times in his entire life. Of these, two times under duress.

      The Russian ambassadors at the court of Louis XIV wrote that their majesty "stinks like a wild beast." The Russians themselves throughout Europe were considered perverts because they went to the bathhouse once a month - ugly often (the widespread theory that the Russian word "stink" comes from the French "merd" - "shit", yet, by the way, recognize too speculative).

      In a courtesy manual published at the end of the 18th (!) Century (Manuel de civilite. 1782.) it is formally forbidden to use water for washing, “because it makes a person in winter more sensitive to cold and summer to heat”.

      European cities are buried in sewage:

      I admit, ”Athos said,“ that the figure could deceive the spy, but
      “I was wearing a wide-brimmed hat,” Aramis explained.
      “Oh dear,” Porthos exclaimed, “how many precautions for the sake of
      studying theology! ..

      Monsieur Porthos, what a grandiloquent stupidity - have you ever been poured shit on your head for
      years of life in Paris?))))))))))))))))))))))
    2. Yoshkin Kot
      9 February 2013 20: 50
      so then Constantinople was a civilization, and by no means Paris, and Kiev was where "civilization"
  4. +6
    9 February 2013 10: 33
    The article refers to the gospel that Anna brought with her. All French kings then took an oath at the coronation on this book, not knowing what language it was written in. Peter I read it when I was in France. (One way or another historians describe it this way).
  5. +9
    9 February 2013 10: 48
    Anna Yaroslavovna signed in Latin ANNA REGINA, knew the Greek church fathers and the works of ancient Greek scholars, and Henry I only put a cross. Vsevolod Yaroslavovich knew Greek, Latin and Turkic.
    And this is what some "historians" are trying to instill in us the idea of ​​the darkness and savagery of the Russian people.

    I can also talk for hours about the place and role of women in Russia ... In fact, there was no "Asian attitude" to her. The woman enjoyed many rights that Western "colleagues" never dreamed of.
    Yaroslav the Wise instructed on the benefits of education and book learning. Anna Yaroslavovna is a vivid example of such scholarship and enlightenment.
    When you read about such ancestors, you are overwhelmed with pride in the past of your country!

    I also want to note that the 1054 year became fatal for Russia - the troubles began and the period of feudal fragmentation ultimately predetermined the face and future of the country for millennia ahead ...
    And in 1071, Byzantium suffered a terrible defeat from the Seljuks at the Battle of Manzikert. Russia could become a powerful successor to the ancient Roman Empire much earlier and history could go a completely different way.
    1. +2
      10 February 2013 14: 16
      The royal courts of Europe considered it a honor to be related to the Russian grand princely throne!
      And you can sympathize with Anna Yaroslavovna — in the Middle Ages a woman could be accused of being associated with the devil if she washed herself too often. Because it was believed that she laundered herself from sin. And in Russia (perhaps this is due to Orthodox customs, which differed from Catholic), the idea of ​​inner purity (purity of spirit) and purity of the body are combined.
  6. +9
    9 February 2013 11: 58
    Anna wrote to her father from France: (not literally) "Father, where did you send me ?! Here the barons stink like pigs and behave like pigs!" This is about the "European nobility!" it was written ...
    1. Rubik
      9 February 2013 17: 21
      Europeans were barbarians in the Middle Ages, you forgot who Rome destroyed. And so it was before the Renaissance. Then we were more like barbarians, before the era of Peter I.
      1. Yoshkin Kot
        9 February 2013 20: 53
        were not and then like barbarians
  7. +6
    9 February 2013 12: 04
    There is an old-old film that perfectly shows the life and customs of medieval Europe - "Flesh and Blood" with Rutger Hauer in the title role.
    What can I say - Europeans washed themselves very rarely. It was believed that from frequent washing there are colds. wassat And the word "bath" was not known at all. Until the 18th century, the contents of chamber pots were splashed onto the streets, from where shit flowed into the hands through the ditches. The cattle lived with people. The castles were heated in black. imagine how fragrant the princesses were! And as knights they only managed to make children. laughing Population, including and the aristocracy and the white clergy were totally illiterate. Knowledge was preserved only in monasteries. request
    It was not for nothing that they looked with envy and anger at the enlightened, cultured Byzantine empire.
    1. Rubik
      9 February 2013 17: 26
      It was, the Middle Ages were dark times in the history of Western Europe. Roman civilization has fallen; a civilizational vacuum has turned out. But after several centuries, European civilization was resurrected again, not only pagan as in ancient Rome and Greece, but Christian.
      1. Yoshkin Kot
        9 February 2013 20: 55
        their revival began after the fall of Constantinople, when the cultural Greeks fled to the west
    2. Yoshkin Kot
      9 February 2013 20: 55
      and Russia (by the way, the Byzantine Roman Empire (eastern) began to be called 100 years after its fall)
      1. 0
        10 February 2013 02: 57
        Even more interesting is the fate of the other daughter of Yaroslav, Elizabeth.
        According to legends, having come to serve Yaroslav as a 15-year-old runaway legal heir to the Norwegian throne, Harald really wanted to marry then another 4-year-old daughter Yaroslav Elizaveta (well, after she grows up of course wink ).

        Yaroslav said
        “You are nobody, and my daughter deserves only the king.”
        “If you want her as a wife, become the king.”

        Harald served Yaroslav a little, gathered a squad from the Varangian refugees from Norway and went to serve the Emperor.
        He became a hero, rich and famous throughout Europe for his exploits.
        And, 15 years after the first matchmaking, Yaroslav gave him his daughter as a wife.
        Returning to his homeland, Harald became king of Norway.
        Then he took a concubine from one of the strongest clans in Norway.
        But (!!!) on the last campaign for the seizure of the throne of England, which ended in death for him in battle, Harald was accompanied by Elizabeth and her daughter.

        Looks very interesting difficult bright women were the daughters of Yaroslav what such men people were attracted wink
        1. 0
          10 February 2013 03: 19
          The wife of Yaroslav, Ingigerd, was the bride of Harald’s brother, King of Norway Olaf, but did not appear at the wedding, because 2 months before the appointed date of the wedding with Olaf, she married Yaroslav.
  8. Lee
    9 February 2013 20: 01
    Her father - the king of the Swedish Olav (or Olaf Shetkonung) - gave the city of Aldeigaburg and all of Karelia to the daughter's dowry.

    I didn’t understand how the Swedish king could give his daughter a Russian dowry to Ladoga and Karelia ???
    1. Yoshkin Kot
      9 February 2013 20: 56
      could just stop pretending laughing
      1. Lee
        9 February 2013 21: 15
        Quote: Yoshkin Cat
        could just stop pretending

        Until the time when the Swedes could claim for something another 100 years.
  9. +1
    9 February 2013 23: 50
    In Western Europe, nobles wore fur not only for the sake of beauty and warmth, but also so that fleas from the body moved to the fur and did not bother with their bites
  10. +1
    10 February 2013 10: 00
    There are inaccuracies in the article. Yaroslav did not need to introduce co-management, earlier in Russkaya Pravda, he legalized the ancient Slavic principle of "ladder". According to him, all of Russia was the collective fiefdom of his descendants. The princes occupied the cities in accordance with the seniority and importance of the cities.
    The thesis about there that before the Horde invasion, Russia developed in the same ways as Europe is also not true. It is precisely because of the unwise introduction of the "ladder" principle by Yaroslav the Wise that Russia slipped into the abyss of civil strife, while direct inheritance allowed Europe to strengthen and consolidate. In such a situation, the appearance of powerful enemies on the borders of Russia was only a matter of time. The Mongols came and took what the Russians could not protect due to their fragmentation, took what was bad. There would be no Mongols, in 100 years there would be Swedish and German knights, the result could be even worse.
  11. saf34tewsdg
    10 February 2013 12: 18
    Imagine, it turns out that our authorities have complete information about each of us. And now she has appeared on the Internet Very surprised and scared,
    my correspondence, addresses, phone numbers, even found my nude photo, I can’t even imagine from where. The good news is that the data can be deleted from the site, of course, I used it and I advise everyone not to hesitate
  12. opkozak
    10 February 2013 14: 50
    The scout detachment my daughter goes to is called "36 named after Anna Yaroslavna". Your article is useful, not only as a cognitive and historical one, but also from an educational point of view, especially for the younger generation. We will make a presentation out of it and show it to the children. Thanks!
  13. +1
    10 February 2013 23: 01
    Duplicate FOR ANY EVENT ... smile

    Letter from Anna Yaroslavna
    father Yaroslav the Wise

    “Hello, my dear little aunt! Your faithful daughter Anechka, Anna Yaroslavna Rurikovich, and now the French queen, writes to you, the prince of all Russia. And where are you sending me, a sinner? In a smelly hole, in France, in the Paris-town, be it wrong!

    You said: the French are smart people, and they don’t even know the stoves. As winter begins, let’s fire the fireplace. From it soot to the whole palace, smoke to the whole hall, but there is not a bit of heat. Only Russian beavers and sables here are escaping. Once called their masons, began to explain what a stove is. Drew, drew them drawings - Neymut science, and that’s it. “Madame,” they say, “this is impossible.” I answer: "Do not be lazy, go to Russia, we have a stove in every wooden hut, not like in stone chambers." And they told me: “Madame, we do not believe. So that there was a closet with fire in the house, and there was no fire? Oh non-non! ”I swore to them. They say: “You Russes are barbarians, Scythians, Asians, this is your witchcraft. “Look, madam, don’t tell anyone but us, otherwise you and I will be burned at the stake!”

    And they eat, aunt, you know what? You will not believe - frogs! We even have a simple people who are ashamed to take such a thing in their mouths, and they have the dukes and duchesses eating, but at the same time praise. And they eat cutlets. They will take a piece of meat, beat it with a hammer, fry it and eat it.

    They had Byzantine spoons in the news, but they never saw the Venetian forks. I once took to my husband King Henry and prepared a kurnik. He licked his hands straight. “Anchor! - screams. “More!” I prepared him more. He will again scream: “Anchor!” I said to him: “My stomach will ache!” He: “Kes-kyo-se? “What is this?” I explained to him about Claudius Galen. He says: “You are a warlock! Look, don’t tell anyone, otherwise the Pope tells us to burn us at the stake. ”

    Another time I say to Henry: "Let’s teach your jesters to put Alexandria on." He: “And what is it?” I say: “The history of the wars of Alexander the Great.” - “And who is he?” Well, I explained to him according to Antisthenes the Younger. He told me: “Oh, non-non! This is unbelievable! One person cannot conquer so many countries! ”Then I showed him a book. He grimaced with disgust and said: “I am not a priest to read so much! In Europe, not a single king can read. Look, don’t show it to someone, otherwise my dukes with counts will quickly kill you with daggers! ”Such a life is here, little one.

    And the Saracens came to us. Nobody, except me, says the Saracen rumor, the Queen had to become a translator, dukes with the teeth gritted their teeth. Yes, I’m not afraid of this; my Vikings are always with me. The other is scary. These Saracens invented alkugl (Arabic - alcohol), it is stronger than even our mash and mead, not like Polish vodka.

    That’s why, you little one, I’m writing, so that this alkkugl in Russia doesn’t even receive one barrel. Not God! And then the death will be Russian people. "I bow to you forgiveness for this, being your faithful daughter Anna Yaroslavna Rurikovich, and for my husband Anna Regina Francorum."
    1. +1
      11 February 2013 00: 06
      Bison, for a sense of humor I give "5". Did you write the opus yourself?
      I would also translate it into Old Slavonic - then the document would not have a price at all. laughing

      PS Look carefully - Article 327. Counterfeiting, manufacturing or marketing of fake documents ... - up to 2 years. lol
      PSS This is how the fake "Prilwice Idols" are born.
      1. +1
        11 February 2013 00: 59
        Why are these materials officially published.
        here is at least one of the links
        From here actually taken. And such letters are not in a single copy, it’s a pity there’s just no official electronic archive of such documents.
        Everything has to be collected in crumbs.
        Do not be too lazy to look.
        And your sarcasm is absolutely inappropriate here .... hi
        1. 0
          11 February 2013 08: 40
          Zubr, my sarcasm is based only on the fact that I have one of the formations - classical philology. And that, sorry, the opus that you cited above, has nothing to do with Russian literature of the 11-12 centuries. does not have.
          This is modern folk art. wink Do not blame me. hi
          Here is an example of the text of the Book of Svyatoslav / Simeon 1073:
           greats ъ ня их их их   
          2slav · ъcreation
          3doing · dьpalitiesvidadd
          4ti · ок obscure
          5deep · multi-site
          6sihknknig · ремwise wise
          7advice  · овmovementелем
          8friendliness · think
          10intelligence · же ​​even
          11clothing · without colorani
          12  ь ъ един един  един  · ве
          13  meaning ес   ес    · рол spill
          14acquire sweetлад · food
          15  ред ред оля      
          16neverhapplyь · appearing
          18  desire over  ·  selection
          19  good night ’·  living room’
          20nigвvsekh · же
          21  used 
          22create · епепепамамТТТививививТТиииииии
          1. +1
            11 February 2013 16: 22
            My friend, but then philologists can’t be found with fire during the day, but imagine imagine it all set out in a newspaper in Old Slavonic .... people will break their eyes ... smile
  14. 0
    11 February 2013 07: 32
    About the archives. I heard that the Yeltsin National Library has access to electronic copies of rare documents. But he himself could not log in.
  15. 0
    11 February 2013 13: 44
    good article