Ukraine is negotiating with Kazakhstan on the purchase of Russian components for the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Currently, the Ukrainian organization Ukrspetsexport is negotiating with structures in Kazakhstan on the possible purchase of products from the Russian military industry for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. RIA reports this News with reference to an informed source.
According to the source, the Ukrainian company may negotiate with a number of Kazakh organizations in order to purchase components produced in Russia for the PGK-10 parachute braking systems for Su-24 and MiG-29 aircraft.
This gives rise to many insinuations. Perhaps the Kazakh leadership has hidden cards in the game of multi-vector politics to maintain an equidistant position on the situation around Ukraine in dialogue with both Westerners and the main guarantor of Kazakhstan’s security - Russia
On the other hand, it is unlikely that such ties will be beneficial to Kazakhstan itself. The financial effect from them is minimal, if not negligible, but such actions may affect economic cooperation with Russia, which has become especially beneficial for the republic in the last two years.
The motivation of the Ukrainian side is quite understandable - the Ukrainian Armed Forces are armed with a large amount of Soviet-made military equipment. The components for it from the warehouses of Eastern European countries have been practically selected during two years of conflict; now all that remains is to look for new ways to obtain them, turning to other countries in the post-Soviet space or in the Third World.
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