US press: The French President, with his statement about sending NATO troops to Ukraine, achieved the opposite of the expected effect

US press: The French President, with his statement about sending NATO troops to Ukraine, achieved the opposite of the expected effect

The confusion created in the European Union as a result of the reckless statement made by French President Emmanuel Macron about the possibility of sending NATO troops to Ukraine and expressed by numerous response statements from the leaders of other European countries, “risks overshadowing the real results of the meeting” at which the plan to purchase ammunition for the Ukrainian Armed Forces outside Europe was discussed.

As reported by the American publication Bloomberg, all that Macron achieved with his own words was a stream of statements from European leaders that they would not send their armies to Ukraine. Thus, the French President indirectly demonstrated to the Kyiv regime that support for Kyiv from the European Union has certain limits and no one is going to provoke the possible outbreak of World War III.

According to French officials, Macron's above-mentioned statement was made in an effort to make it clear to the Russian leadership that the West does not intend to abandon its continued support for Ukraine. Macron chose the moment for his statement when Russian troops are trying to take advantage of the growing “shelf hunger” of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Sources of the American publication also clarify that at a meeting in Paris, Macron proposed sending “additional personnel to limited areas” to Ukraine, as well as some limited contingent of troops to ensure the security of these groups. The direct participation of NATO troops in active hostilities was not discussed, but the French president's comments "contributed to the emergence of strategic ambiguity."

Further statements by European leaders rejecting any possibility of sending soldiers to Ukraine "undermined Macron's promise to do everything possible to prevent Russia from winning."
71 comment
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  1. +15
    27 February 2024 19: 51
    You might think that Macron came up with this himself. This is a test for the lice of the EU. And whoever “put” this into his mouth is well understood by everyone.
    1. +12
      27 February 2024 19: 57
      Check for lice! Not the EU, but our eternal enemy, fascist Russophobic England! They wanted to understand how many European countries would want a new “blitzkrieg”, but it turned out that there were no fools.
      1. +10
        27 February 2024 21: 48
        The problem lies deeper. The French are losing Africa and losing it irrevocably. In the current European realities, this will lead to an economic catastrophe in the next few years. So Macaron needs a nimble no less than Biden.
        1. -1
          27 February 2024 21: 54
          Why does Macron need this? If anything serious happens during his term, it will only be at the very end, and then he still won’t be able to go to the polls.
          1. +2
            28 February 2024 00: 13
            “Elites” that they put him there on his side.
            1. +1
              28 February 2024 03: 56
              checking for lice

              what a “test”...another clown blurted out something stupid.
        2. 0
          27 February 2024 22: 48
          Quote: Mikhail-Ivanov
          So Macaron needs a cracker

          Macron is in his last term in office, he definitely doesn’t need anything other than his ego.
          Such statements are not made without secret conversations. This means that everyone, or almost everyone, in Europe was in the know. They will look at our RED lines. If something like France is the first to suffer, then there will be no deployment, otherwise the conditional Czech Republic will introduce “25” of its Krauts to defend Kharkov.
      2. +1
        28 February 2024 01: 07
        fascist Russophobic England!

        Oh, when the British did what they said and said what they did)
    2. +2
      27 February 2024 20: 14
      Who gave Macron this idea, as well as all other leaders in the West, has long been known.
      As well as the fact that they have been intensely discussing it for a long time, but have not yet reached a common understanding.
      There was already news about this. Only Macron presented everything in his own style.
      I do not rule out that he did this because of his excessive desire to become the leader of all of Europe.
      1. +1
        27 February 2024 21: 49
        One of the main investors just recently died (Rothschild). And Macaron was running from the farmers the other day, what’s he like about the war with Russia)))
    3. 0
      27 February 2024 20: 14
      You might think that Macron came up with this himself. This is a test for the lice of the EU.

      Everyone in the EU, of course, is a puppet of the United States, but they are not complete idiots and understand how everything can end. It’s unlikely that the Europeans are burning with the desire to die for the Square
      1. +1
        27 February 2024 21: 45
        Macaron resembles a small child sticking his finger into a socket: what is there that adults are so afraid of? Or maybe he dreams of taking a selfie against the backdrop of a nuclear mushroom over Paris?
  2. +9
    27 February 2024 19: 53
    Deal with your farmers first, and then think about global issues
    1. +2
      27 February 2024 20: 13
      Yes, besides farmers, there are much worse problems, for example, organizing religious massacres in the center of Paris. And Macaron needs to break a point for CAESARs so that the plot of the film “Irreversible” will seem to him like the Garden of Eden.
    2. +5
      27 February 2024 20: 32
      Yes, he had his eye on the clown’s wife, so he fluffed his tail like a peacock. His own is worse than nuclear war.
      1. 0
        27 February 2024 23: 34
        Not yours, but yours. Panin’s gender didn’t seem to change. laughing
    3. +3
      27 February 2024 21: 01
      Quote: Mister X
      Deal with your farmers first, and then think about global issues

      What does he care about manure spreaders on the streets of Paris, he is clearly eager to become the new leaders of Europe. Look how loudly he crowed, he scared all his trans-Ukrainian associates. He really wants to be the new Napoleon, but Josephine is a little old for him. lol
    4. +1
      27 February 2024 21: 04
      The idea, and not only that, is put into Macron’s mouth by his Prime Minister.....
    5. 0
      27 February 2024 21: 39
      Quote: Mister X
      Deal with your farmers first,

      He has a headache with the army. Having withdrawn troops from the African colonies, he is looking for something to occupy them with. Options - to Ukraine, to the new colony Armenia, to fire them. Most likely, he will increase the number of "advisers" in Ukraine. hi
  3. +3
    27 February 2024 19: 54
    They didn't let Macrosha "Napoleonize"... Zelensky's bad example was infectious, but they shot him down on the fly... What is allowed to a bull (Zelensky) is not allowed to a well-mannered European, his personal teacher scolded him... laughing
    1. 0
      27 February 2024 20: 20
      Quote: Lev_Russia
      They didn’t let Makrosha “Napoleon”

      There are many competitors for this role)
      Vaughn is the only one smoking nervously, he’ll soon burn his fingers
    2. 0
      28 February 2024 03: 40
      Eric Denese, director of the French Intelligence Research Center:

      1. President Macron’s words are completely divorced from reality. He misleads (deceives) everyone by claiming that there is no advance of Russian troops in Ukraine, that everything is fine there and we just need to help Zelensky defeat his enemy.

      2. The reality is that not a single European army is able to withstand the Russian armed forces: in particular, the French army (and no other) has no experience in conducting combat operations of this level and intensity, and there is simply a catastrophic shortage of equipment and weapons. Everything that was and is is sent to Ukraine.

      3. Regarding the US position on the need to shift the continued provision of support to Ukraine onto the shoulders of Europe, he emphasized such an important point of this conflict: “It was the US that started this whole mess, they dragged Europe into it, and now they themselves want to get out of the game.”

      4. Macron had no legal right to say this. He went too far and even violated his prerogative as the guarantor of the Constitution and even as the President of the Republic. To obtain the authority to make such statements, it was necessary to conduct a series of consultations and discussions, both on the constitutionality of the decision being made, and within the walls of the country's parliament.

      Even the Agreement with Ukraine of February 16, Macron signed with a serious violation, without submitting it to Parliament for consideration. That is, he behaves exactly like the President of the United States.

      And Napoleon Macron, as it turns out, is running around with the idea of ​​“Europeanizing the possibility of using French nuclear weapons to strike,” which, in the opinion of Eric Denese, does not make any sense. But this is the opinion of a sensible person, and Macron already resembles a cornered rat with his behavior. And continuing to hope that he will again behave like an adequate person becomes not only pointless, but also dangerous. Because he does not stop making his aggressive statements against Russia.

      That's it in short. Here is a link to YouTube for those who speak the language.

  4. +1
    27 February 2024 19: 56
    Today there are flares on the Sun and a magnetic storm on planet Earth!
  5. +3
    27 February 2024 19: 58
    By all means, send your French troops to help out the Ukrainian Nazis, I'm sure they will be given an appropriate welcome.
    1. +5
      27 February 2024 20: 02
      By all means, send your French troops to help out the Ukrainian Nazis

      That's for sure... The warmest welcome will be provided to the French in Donbass... So they won't freeze like near Smolensk, but rather will fry... am
  6. +3
    27 February 2024 19: 58
    And what is the French army? It is the army that lost to the Vietnamese partisans and ran away. It resisted the Germans for a whole month. Marshal Petain, the hero of France, gave up the country with all its guts!
    1. -6
      27 February 2024 22: 08
      Quote: BAT-MENT
      What is this French army?

      It seems this is the army that took Moscow and Sevastopol?
  7. +1
    27 February 2024 19: 58
    It is unlikely that the French “dove”, after such a shame, will write tonight: I’m tired, I’m leaving! Moreover, he will shoot himself. But he will definitely get 50/50 from his wife with a frying pan. lol
  8. +4
    27 February 2024 20: 03
    Who said there is no matriarchy? Maybe his wife supports him and offers her own military-political options.
  9. +2
    27 February 2024 20: 08
    — They dipped a macron...
  10. 0
    27 February 2024 20: 10
    US Press: Watch the market, macaroni. angry
  11. -15
    27 February 2024 20: 10
    The French Legion is a very serious force, if it comes in to squeeze out the western regions, then so be it, but whether Great France needs more colonies, they will cede them to their rightful owners, the Poles.
    1. +8
      27 February 2024 20: 34
      Are you seriously? What tasks can motorized infantry of 8-9 thousand people perform without the support of artillery, tanks, and aviation? Driving aborigines through the pampas - yes. They are unlikely to be able to wrest the western regions from the Ukrovermacht, and even more so from the RF Armed Forces.
    2. +1
      27 February 2024 20: 43
      This is where the deception of society begins. “Only mine clearance, only law enforcement, only volunteers, and who among them is pure French?” This is how they will quietly drag the country into war. By the way, the Legion is already at war.
      1. +2
        27 February 2024 21: 43
        Quote: Knizhnik
        By the way, the Legion is already at war.

        And what to do with those that were kicked out of Africa? Their flies are not filed off! wassat
  12. +2
    27 February 2024 20: 17
    Hm! I have such a feeling that this is how it was intended. At first, the French plumply hinted that they had no money for the Outskirts, or rather, they have money, but they themselves need it. Now, to consolidate the material, they have demonstrated that, in fact, no one needs raguli.
    At the same time, Millimicron himself remained gray and hairy. Sorry, white and fluffy wink!
    Elegant though!
  13. 0
    27 February 2024 20: 21
    Provoking it is like two fingers, but fighting is okay. The native leaders, almost with tears, offer their long-haired caudle for rent to everyone, just throw some money and weapons.
  14. +6
    27 February 2024 20: 26
    Let's look at the statistics:
    - lethal weapons, to supply or not to supply? Put;
    - guns, to supply or not to supply? Put;
    - To supply air defense or not to supply? Put;
    - tanks, to supply or not to supply? Put;
    - airplanes, to supply or not to supply?
    Ready for delivery.
    Macaron announced the official start of TMB.
    1. HAM
      27 February 2024 20: 46
      Just like you, I came to the same conclusion... you can't trust them in anything... only it looks like last week they covered up a lot more of the citizens than was announced... otherwise why would Macron be pissing boiling water, and against the wind...
      1. +2
        27 February 2024 20: 56
        Do you think Macaron cares about ordinary French people? He is worried about access to the trough.
    2. +2
      27 February 2024 20: 51
      Macaron announced the official start of TMB.

      You are wrong. Strikes by Russian troops against troops of NATO member countries in territory For Ukraine, these are not attacks on NATO as a military alliance with its charter.
      ps Although this situation contributes to the slide towards the 3rd World War.
      1. +1
        27 February 2024 21: 37
        Is it you who calms THEM down?
        The official presence of troops of a third party automatically makes the third party a party to the conflict, with the corresponding buns and vigorous loaves.
    3. 0
      27 February 2024 21: 38
      By this logic, nuclear weapons will be supplied to dill. Right?
      1. 0
        27 February 2024 21: 39
        The time will come.
        But I think they will officially send theirs first.
        1. +1
          27 February 2024 21: 43
          May such a time never come. Everyone understands that there is a limit that if you cross, there will be no turning back. And the deployment of NATO troops to the outskirts, as well as the supply of nuclear weapons to it, is precisely this limit.
  15. 0
    27 February 2024 20: 39
    The laurels of Bonapartes I and III do not give Macaron rest? So very ambiguous.
    One almost managed to escape on foot, but the second failed to fulfill a single plan, only partially.
    Does he want to put the frog-eaters under the bear's press again? It hurts so much, it hurts so much!
    1. 0
      27 February 2024 22: 09
      Quote: K-50
      The laurels of Bonapartes I and III do not give Macaron rest?
      Well, I beg you, what the hell are the Bonapartes? he just cling to I want nothing more. Remember the famous:
      Field Marshal Keitel, handing the document on the surrender of Germany to G.K. Zhukov, saw representatives of France. The field marshal could not resist and asked: “Did these guys defeat us too?”
      IMHO: back then it was necessary to kick these Bonapartes-Macrons in the ass, so as not to cling to, these paddling pools are as good as a goat's milk...
  16. +1
    27 February 2024 20: 46
    How to say! They all sang with one voice that they would not supply tanks to Ukraine. However, then it happened!
  17. 0
    27 February 2024 20: 48
    The times of truly smart patriots of their countries in the West are gone, today only the lapdogs of the Washington swamp remain, with varying degrees of lice.
  18. 0
    27 February 2024 20: 54
    Judging by the media campaign launched by the West regarding the possible participation of military forces in Ukraine, a study of the reaction and opinion of the international community regarding this event has been launched. I assume that this is one of the options for possible assistance to Ukraine. First with small forces and then more. All the red lines have long been crossed and the pencils have run out. The bluff of the Russian leadership that “they haven’t started fighting yet” and the capabilities of the Russian army are already obvious to many. This weakness increasingly provokes the involvement of “partners” in this endless conflict with their armed forces.
  19. 0
    27 February 2024 21: 05
    Isn't it time for Macron to go to .... the island of St. Helena in order to fully feel like an unfinished Napoleon there?
  20. 0
    27 February 2024 21: 08
    Further statements by European leaders rejecting any possibility of sending soldiers to Ukraine "undermined Macron's promise to do everything possible to prevent Russia from winning."
    . And I want, and I’m afraid... that’s the whole situation, if you take a closer look and figure out something, something!
  21. 0
    27 February 2024 21: 15
    Well, the frogmen don’t refuse to send their soldiers to the European pigsty, they just come up with excuses for themselves.
    The head of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Stephane Sejournet, commented on President Emmanuel Macron’s statements about the possibility of sending troops to Ukraine.

    Western countries had to “consider new actions to support Ukraine,” Sejournet noted.

    The minister explained that this means operations such as mine clearance, cybersecurity or weapons production on the territory of Ukraine.

    “Some of these actions may require a presence on Ukrainian territory without crossing the threshold of belligerence,” the head of the French Foreign Ministry noted.

    In general, they want to help the bzdysheks divide the Outskirts. Once upon a time, France sent its princes to work as Pshek kings; apparently, they decided to command the Polen troops during the capture of Banderlozhye.
  22. +7
    27 February 2024 21: 40
    send “additional personnel to limited areas” to Ukraine, as well as some limited contingent of troops to provide

    It's like sticking your foot through a slightly open door.
    Slowly, gradually, not all at once...

    In short, we are waiting for what Dmitry Anatolyevich will say (he now, instead of Vladimir Volfovich, voices the unvoiced).
    And he must say that since France does not border the Russian Federation, the blow will be delivered to the center of your Paris. And start raking.
  23. +1
    27 February 2024 22: 10
    Macron distracted attention from the protests in France with this statement. The task was completed, now they are discussing the introduction of foreign military personnel into Ukraine
  24. 0
    27 February 2024 22: 11
    And the Polish military has long been officially on the territory of Ukraine. These are demining teams and the gendarmerie investigating "crimes"
  25. -1
    27 February 2024 22: 19
    It seems that the EU-US elites have lost their adequate understanding of nuclear war. Do they think that this will happen somewhere remotely and will not affect them? What, this won’t be so terrible in its consequences? IMHO, a demonstrative demonstration (as in Japan in August 1946), and in the form of not hundreds of kilotons, but megatons, at a minimum, would be very sobering. I think if everyone saw what would happen to a typical city as a result of the arrival of one warhead, the scales would suddenly fall from many people’s eyes.
    Threat, at least build a city and then carry out a demonstrative attack on it with detailed filming of the destruction.
  26. 0
    27 February 2024 22: 26
    In Africa, macron got a kick in the ass, so he goes crazy, barks like a little mongrel
  27. 0
    27 February 2024 22: 26
    Such statements are made in order to track the reaction of the Russian Federation. Before this, the ideas of exchanging territories occupied by Russia for Ukraine’s accession to NATO were actively “discussed.” Also, everyone understands perfectly well what will happen behind the possible appearance of “limited personnel”: first we will send instructions, then translators of instructions, then advisers, then security for advisers, then instructors and training staff, then we will need a base to accommodate everyone...
  28. +1
    27 February 2024 23: 29
    Le pire, semble t il, c'est qu'il a parlé de faire un référendum avec une question qui sera sans doute ambigu, comme l'était l'excuse de l'intervention en Libye, Quelque chose du style : doit on plus aider l'Ukraine? Ou doit on soutenir l'Ukraine? Et puis l'aide deviendra des troupes...
    Vous pensez que la majorité des Français voterons contre? Après une bonne campagne de manipulation dans les médias, du style Bucha, la maternité ..etc
    Ils risquent d'obtenir leur majorité de va t en guerre.
    Rappelez-vous ce que j'écrivais et craignais il ya bientot 2 ans : on s'y dirige tout droit. :-(
  29. +1
    27 February 2024 23: 32
    Interesting times, a new under-Napoleon is being formed, the junta is already ready.
  30. +1
    27 February 2024 23: 49
    Macaron je fašista, nezná historii. Podporuje Ukrajinský fašismus, sám je Bandera.
    1. +1
      27 February 2024 23: 50
      Macaron is a fascist, he doesn’t know history. He supports Ukrainian fascism, and he himself is Bandera.
  31. +1
    28 February 2024 01: 24
    Macron is an Ovish poodle, as they tell him, that’s how he tumbles. And these cheap claims and leaks are just an attempt to show off and scare the hedgehog with your bare bottom.
  32. +1
    28 February 2024 01: 26
    Quote: old friend
    It seems that the EU-US elites have lost their adequate understanding of nuclear war. Do they think that this will happen somewhere remotely and will not affect them? What, this won’t be so terrible in its consequences? IMHO, a demonstrative demonstration (as in Japan in August 1946), and in the form of not hundreds of kilotons, but megatons, at a minimum, would be very sobering. I think if everyone saw what would happen to a typical city as a result of the arrival of one warhead, the scales would suddenly fall from many people’s eyes.
    Threat, at least build a city and then carry out a demonstrative attack on it with detailed filming of the destruction.

    These are globalists, they are people of the Free World, for them there is no concept of a people or their country. They will burn Paris, go to Miami and sleep peacefully.
  33. +2
    28 February 2024 02: 11
    Quote: Azzzwer
    Quote: BAT-MENT
    What is this French army?

    It seems this is the army that took Moscow and Sevastopol?

    "That army" of robbers, my dear, shamefully running away from Russian troops and Russian peasants, froze their Faberge in the snows of Russia. There are no people willing to repeat this. If you personally still want to try what they got, you still have a week of frost for adventures. Go on a walking tour, and then tell your urologist about your impressions.
  34. 0
    28 February 2024 03: 44
    It wouldn't be a bad idea to support the "Yellow Vests" by supplying them with some exclusive high-precision boulder-weapons of the proletariat... winked
  35. +1
    28 February 2024 04: 17
    he just accelerated events and, as always, came forward by voicing NATO plans ahead of time (this is precisely why he is criticized), and in Europe this has long been an open secret, although they no longer hide it
  36. 0
    28 February 2024 08: 56
    The French farmers got excited and filled everything with shit. What the local population will come up with after being given the opportunity to lay down their pumpkins for the Untermensch from the outskirts - only Allah knows.
  37. +1
    28 February 2024 09: 51
    This Amer’s mongrel is once again trying to prove its importance in European politics. At first he wandered between countries, posing as a great peacemaker; now he portrays a politician on a global scale, on whom the fate of Europe depends, although in essence he is a petty politician at the head of a once independent state. I feel sorry for the French, after De Gaulle there was no strong and independent head of state in power in France.
  38. 0
    28 February 2024 10: 40
    What a pity that the US press did not ask the question: is gerontophilia a consequence of mental disability or its cause?!