The British government in response to Macron's proposal: London does not plan to deploy troops in Ukraine

The British government in response to Macron's proposal: London does not plan to deploy troops in Ukraine

Germany, Poland, Sweden and other countries have rejected the option of sending their contingents to Ukrainian territory. London also has no plans to deploy troops in Ukraine.

The British government, in response to a proposal from French President Emmanuel Macron, said it did not support the idea expressed by the French leader at yesterday's meeting of Western leaders. This was announced by the head of the press service of the British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.

Apart from a small number of personnel who are in the country supporting the Ukrainian Armed Forces, we have no plans for a large-scale deployment

- said the official.

Actually, Macron’s proposal did not meet with support from any of the heads of Western states and governments gathered in the French capital.

Thus, the head of the German Ministry of Defense, Boris Pistorius, expressed his disagreement with official Paris. Like German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, he completely ruled out the option of sending Bundeswehr troops to Ukraine. The head of the German government was extremely categorical.

There will be neither ground forces nor soldiers on Ukrainian soil who will be sent there by European states

- said the leader of Europe's still first economy.

A White House spokesman said in an interview with Reuters that Washington has no plans to introduce US or NATO military forces into Ukrainian territory to participate in hostilities.

Commenting on Macron's proposal, the head of the Kremlin press service, Dmitry Peskov, said that sending Western troops to Ukraine would inevitably lead to an armed conflict between Russia and NATO.
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    1. -2
      27 February 2024 20: 05
      Makrosha considers himself Napoleon... Only Napoleon had ideas, that’s why there were exploits. And this homosexual, what feats do homosexuals and trannies have?? Spreading sodomy to the masses. Isn’t he saying that one salvo from any of our submarines is enough for his country? And they will never remember about the paddling pools again. There’s even a lot of salvos, a couple of missiles... just...) We have 1500 of them!!!
    2. -1
      27 February 2024 21: 53
      I also think, let them post it. Their army will run out sooner...
  2. 0
    27 February 2024 19: 50
    For some reason, Macron was not acting out like a child. Neither Britain nor the United States needs direct participation in any actions with Russia.
    1. 0
      27 February 2024 19: 58
      Somehow Macron didn’t go “childish”

      Yes, something jumped up. Or does he think that France, like the United States, is far from Russia and will not be affected in the event of a serious response? Or, like Ze, is he seriously addicted to dope and no longer perceives reality? what
    2. 0
      27 February 2024 20: 19
      Quote: Vladimir M
      Neither Britain nor the United States needs direct participation in any actions with Russia.

      Yes! The Rockefellers and Rothschilds would like to receive only income from arms trade and loans (len-lease) to warring countries.
      Quote: Vladimir M
      For some reason, Macron was not acting out like a child.

      France was driven out of the African colonies, and how to live now? Armenia still needs to be torn away from Russia. And with his presidency, he knows that he owes it to the Rothschilds and needs to work it off. hi
      1. 0
        27 February 2024 20: 22
        I don’t think that Armenia (this enclave) now, or even in the future, will “make the difference” for Russia in that region.
        1. 0
          27 February 2024 20: 38
          Quote: Vladimir M
          I don’t think that Armenia (this enclave) now, or even in the future, will “make the difference” for Russia in that region.

          Here you are right, but France needs colonies, and ownerless Armenia is just right. Considering the large, wealthy Western Armenian diaspora. hi
          1. 0
            27 February 2024 20: 42
            I think we need to “abandon” Armenia and let them live “on their own.” But will they be able to live long? Azerbaijan will quickly “resolve the issue.”
  3. 0
    27 February 2024 19: 54
    By the way, English experts have established that every 20th flight of English airlines is carried out on aviation fuel produced in India from Russian oil. Sechin, through India, forces England to pay our expenses for the SVO. And the Americans are not far behind either, American gas stations have been working for Russia for 1,5 days since the beginning of the year, again oil products from India. Why are they sticking to India, you can’t buy oil products from others.
    1. +1
      27 February 2024 20: 05
      Doesn’t it bother you that India buys Russian oil for rupees, which cannot be used to buy anything not only in the world, but also in India itself? Trade with India is worth $65 billion, of which Russia sells for 60 (most likely resources) and buys something for only 4. And why is Sechin “well done” here? Why does Russia even need such trade?
      1. +1
        27 February 2024 20: 08
        It doesn’t bother me at all, because oil for rupees is a stupid pointer. It’s no use explaining and proving anything to you.
        1. -2
          27 February 2024 20: 18
          Also accuse me of being on the staff of the Central Police Service. You are not embarrassed by such a imbalance in trade, even in $. Although Putin announced trade in the national currency. I understand if trade were 50/50% and we would receive sanctioned goods for this amount through India. But in these conditions, 60 billion to 4 billion I think is not very good.
          1. 0
            27 February 2024 20: 30
            Doesn’t it bother you that India is in first place in terms of imports from China - do they buy everything from it for rupees? And Rosneft itself buys its own oil for rupees?
            1. -1
              27 February 2024 20: 39
              There is a small, but nuance, India buys for $ from the PRC and the PRC can easily (at least now) buy what it needs in the world. And India buys from China not resources, but goods with high added value.
              1. 0
                27 February 2024 21: 04
                It’s as if we don’t buy goods with high added value from China. Only now our two nuclear icebreakers are dragging by the nostrils two heavy-duty vessels with liquefaction cascades through the NSR, only the Kara Sea remains.. One of these days they will arrive in Murmansk in Belokamnka.
                1. 0
                  27 February 2024 21: 08
                  I had a question (I really want to understand), what is good for Russia in such a imbalance in trade with India?
                  1. 0
                    27 February 2024 21: 20
                    Money and not rupees. They have already told India a hundred times that it does not pay for oil from Russia in rupees. Rosneft owns 50/50 the Vadinar oil complex - terminal and the most modern oil refinery. On this basis, again 50/50, a plant for the production of polypropylene was built. BP, a shareholder of Rosneft, inspired by such successes, increased its capitalization in Rosneft to $ 28 billion (there is something to confiscate). So Sechin does not eat bread in vain. And Rosatom is doing well in India.
          2. Msi
            27 February 2024 20: 54
            Also accuse me of being on the staff of the Central Police Service.

            It is not necessary to be on the staff. The staff is only 600 people. Many volunteers, immigrants from Ukraine, and residents of Ukraine.
            For example, a Ukrainian pensioner sits on a dirty sofa and thinks, now I’ll help my people... I’ll write some nonsense, let the Russians rack their brains... think...
            1. -2
              27 February 2024 21: 15
              Msi, I won’t hide it - I don’t like our “hurray-patriots” a little. And I’m also very much annoyed by our “hurray propagandists”, various Simonyans, Solovyovs... - who talk all sorts of nonsense.
              1. Msi
                27 February 2024 21: 26
                Msi, I won’t hide it - I don’t like our “hurray-patriots” a little.

                I tell you about the Tsipso structure, and you tell me about cheers - patriots. request
  4. dFG
    27 February 2024 20: 03
    And recently a dark-skinned gentleman was so talkative, but it turned out that the point was not made of iron)
  5. -1
    27 February 2024 20: 07
    Why don’t you “plan” - the point is not made of iron? laughing
  6. -1
    27 February 2024 20: 44
    Apart from a small number of personnel who are in the country supporting the Ukrainian Armed Forces, we have no plans for a large-scale deployment

    - said the official.
    And in the UK there is someone and what to deploy?! In addition to migrants, of course, from Africa and the Middle East laughing
  7. 0
    27 February 2024 21: 01
    There will never be foreign military personnel on the territory of the country of U. There will only be tens of thousands of retirees from the European Armed Forces, who purely voluntarily retired and purely voluntarily decided to join the Armed Forces of Ukraine, because they suddenly decided to urgently obtain citizenship of this territory. Another thing is that they will not be physically enough for long... Like tens of those same French Volunteers in the recent Kharkov (but there were very few, very few of them, they were reduced there)
  8. 0
    27 February 2024 21: 13
    The British government in response to Macron's proposal: London does not plan to deploy troops in Ukraine
    . "and you Brute...."
    They didn’t even hint at parsley to Galsky, they directly indicated that if it was going to be in the soup, then only herself.....
  9. The comment was deleted.
  10. 0
    28 February 2024 01: 40
    El problema acá es que tras la triste caída de la URSS, las Fuerzas Armadas de la OTAN fueron reduciendo, principalmente en el ejército de tierra, el volumen de sus efectivos y dirigiendo el centro de gravedad de su politica de defensa a la especialización.

    USA cuenta con una Marina y una Fuerza Aérea sobredimensionada contra el ejército de tierra, y que su mayor peso está en el cuerpo de Marine.

    USA perdió 500.000 hombres en la SGM y hoy su ejército terrestre no llega ni al 50% de esas pérdidas.

    Con qué vas a combatir a los Rusos, ni que hablar a los Chinos, si no tienes la mínima capacidad de movilizar ni siquiera 300.000 efectivos?

    La respuesta al Bufón, no es porque los otanistas están cagados, sino porque ya su capacidad de producción de armas está en crisis, principalmente en Europa, sino que no tienen "hombres" para enfrentar a Rusia.

    Por eso "hasta el último Ucrananos" es de una maldad asquerosa y criminal.

    El bufón se hizo el macho, para el circo montado, pero no tienen ni para empezar.


    The problem here is that after the sad collapse of the USSR, NATO armed forces reduced the number of its personnel, mainly in the ground forces, and shifted the center of gravity of its defense policy towards specialization.

    The US has a huge naval and air force against the ground forces, and that its greatest weight falls on the Marine Corps.

    The US lost 500 men in the SGM, and its ground forces today don't even reach 000% of those losses.

    How are you going to fight the Russians, and there's nothing to talk about with the Chinese, if you have no way of mobilizing even 300 troops?

    Shutu's answer is not that NATO screwed up, but that their weapons production capacity is already in crisis, mostly in Europe, but they don't have the "people" to stand up to Russia.

    That is why “until the last Ukrainian” is a disgusting and criminal crime.

    The jester has become a macho man for an organized circus, but they don't even have a beginning.

  11. 0
    28 February 2024 02: 39
    It's one thing to take up arms, another to shit from around the corner, but it's still more familiar.
    1. 0
      29 February 2024 20: 17
      There is an impression that Macron did not even think about leading any “campaign against Moscow”. I just decided to say something original, to somehow stand out from the background of the heads of other countries, to show what kind of “leader of Europe” he is. A kind of soap bubble. However, he managed to raise a strong “wind” - both in the West and here.