“Russia acted in self-defense”: an Israeli colonel discusses the origins of the Ukrainian conflict

“Russia acted in self-defense”: an Israeli colonel discusses the origins of the Ukrainian conflict

Gabriel Sibony, a colonel in the IDF Reserves, shared his thoughts on the possible origins of the Ukrainian conflict, pointing to the reasons that could provoke the Kremlin to launch a military action.

With the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, I understood Russia’s position. The presence of NATO on the doorstep of the Russian Federation is a very big threat to Moscow. Thus, Russia behaved in self-defense in the case of Ukraine. This is comparable to if Russian troops approached the Mexico-US border. What will the United States do in such a situation?

- the colonel argues on the pages of The Jerusalem Post.

It is reminiscent of an incident in the Canadian parliament, where a former SS officer was applauded by the leaders of Canada and Ukraine. For him, any kind of glorification of Nazi criminals is unacceptable and immoral. At the same time, Canadian officials compared the Nazis to the USSR:

This is completely unacceptable. This is a complete misunderstanding stories, we live in a very dangerous world where the truth no longer has power.

Delving deeper into the causes of the Ukrainian conflict, Sibony believes its roots lie in NATO's expansion to the East:

I understood that it [Russia] would explode. But some people don't understand Russia's sentiments. I think that this war in Ukraine could have been avoided if NATO had not moved its infrastructure to the borders of the Russian Federation.

According to him, the global consequence of the conflict is profound changes in the international landscape: the BRICS countries are moving forward, and the dollar system is under threat.
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  1. +18
    21 February 2024 22: 32
    Well, there are normal people. And here's the point:
    The global consequence of the conflict is a profound change in the international landscape: the BRICS countries are advancing and the dollar system is under threat.

    Israeli commentators take note, otherwise they are talking about heresy
    1. +4
      21 February 2024 22: 37
      I would like to know His real name). Perhaps he graduated from a university in the USSR due to his youth. Military).
      1. +5
        21 February 2024 22: 40
        Gavrila Sibonin? This is like our Wasserman, we love him and try to call us anti-Semites wassat
        1. +5
          21 February 2024 22: 57
          Quote: hrych
          This is like our Wasserman

          “Forgive me, Vasenka, the sinful fool! I was working as a conductor then, on the Moscow-Kherson train. And here you are, all of you lying there, asking for a tit... Well, I sent one to an orphanage in Kherson, and sent the other to a camp. Rain camp via Moscow I was just walking... She always stops with me, their last name is Zhemchuzhny. And the third one, Patrick, was sent to the American embassy." (Praskovya Alekseevna Krolikova).
          1. +4
            22 February 2024 00: 08
            Aunt Mom... tell me in spirit, as a Russian person to a Russian person... in fact, am I Izya Shniperson?!!! laughing
            1. 0
              22 February 2024 00: 13
              Warabey, you are the only one who understands me!
    2. +3
      21 February 2024 23: 06
      Quote: hrych
      Well, there are normal people. And here's the point:
      The global consequence of the conflict is a profound change in the international landscape: the BRICS countries are advancing and the dollar system is under threat.

      Israeli commentators take note, otherwise they are talking about heresy

      I haven't seen them for a long time
      1. +4
        21 February 2024 23: 08
        Are you ashamed of Zelensky? They're boasting laughing
        1. +2
          21 February 2024 23: 12
          Quote: hrych
          Are you ashamed of Zelensky? They're boasting laughing

  2. +3
    21 February 2024 22: 33
    Apparently, Putin’s interview with Carlson is bearing fruit... lol feel
  3. +7
    21 February 2024 22: 50
    Judging by his last name, one would think that he would be from Iranian Jews. In fact, his parents turn out to be from Morocco.

    Currently, he is a Senior Fellow and Director of the Military, Strategic Affairs and Cybersecurity Programs at the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS). He also holds the position of editor at the academic journal Military and Strategic Issues, which is published every three years by the Institute for National Security Studie.

    In addition, Siboney is a senior expert on national security, military strategy and operations, military technology, cyber warfare and force buildup.

    Why do the various Nitanyahus, Galantes and Itamar Ben-Gvirs neglect the opinion of such specialists?
    1. 0
      21 February 2024 23: 04
      Quote: alystan
      his parents turn out to be from Morocco

      So from Mizrahi
    2. +1
      21 February 2024 23: 16
      Quote: alystan
      Why do the various Nitanyahus, Galantes and Itamar Ben-Gvirs neglect the opinion of such specialists?

      and where did they put the odious Lapird?
      1. +1
        21 February 2024 23: 49
        It would be exhausting to list everyone there. Nitanyahu recruited people similar to himself into the government, or acted on the residual principle - whoever agreed to play in a coalition with him, he took them. And he recruited the most notorious and odious.
        And Lapird seems to be in the opposition now, I didn’t even remember about him.
        1. 0
          22 February 2024 18: 27
          Quote: alystan
          And Lapird seems to be in the opposition now, I didn’t even remember about him.

          it’s in vain why Nitanyahu hammers Hamas There are no questions, there are questions about methods, but at least he understands that there is fascism in history, and this Lapidr sang a duet with the Ukrofashists
    3. -1
      22 February 2024 08: 15
      The wiki reports that "Military and Strategic Issues" is published three times a year (INSS - Institute for National Security Studie).
  4. 0
    21 February 2024 23: 11
    Are you Jews not Nazi criminals?
    1. +1
      22 February 2024 05: 41
      Pro-Western means Nazi criminals.
  5. +1
    21 February 2024 23: 48
    The presence of NATO on the doorstep of the Russian Federation is a very big threat to Moscow.

    Türkiye - NATO. Baltic states - NATO. Finland - NATO. Why not thresholds?
  6. 0
    22 February 2024 00: 31
    With the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, I understood Russia’s position. The presence of NATO on the doorstep of the Russian Federation is a very big threat to Moscow. Thus, Russia behaved in self-defense in the case of Ukraine. This is comparable to if Russian troops approached the Mexico-US border. What will the United States do in such a situation?

    - the colonel argues on the pages of The Jerusalem Post.
    The Israeli army colonel justifies the fighting in Palestine, nothing more. And the fact that without instructors from the IDF in (in) Ukraine (in the past tense, if anything, you never know how Jews read) is a fact. The only question is who trained whom? It seems more likely that the instructors from the IDF adopted combat experience from the Ukrainian Armed Forces fighters when conducting combat operations with the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which can be used not only in the army, but in the conduct of Israeli foreign policy, given the close cultural-national, as well as mental ties of the American-Israeli people.
  7. 0
    22 February 2024 03: 33
    Aren't you ashamed, prisoners of war? Well, okay, .
  8. 0
    22 February 2024 07: 51
    “Russia acted in self-defense”: an Israeli colonel discusses the origins of the Ukrainian conflict
    . To the question of who is to blame for the conflict in BV???
    Once again I would like to repeat, THERE ARE A LOT OF GUILTY, but there are no innocent/right ones.
    There are victims, a huge number and purely humanly I feel sorry for them!
  9. 0
    22 February 2024 07: 52
    Israel is now in a soup. They will do anything for survival, like the jew character in "The Mummy" movie.

  10. 0
    24 February 2024 16: 07
    How many more colonels will we publish and advertise?