Be a civilization! On geopolitical threats to Russia in the 21st century


Interview with Leonid Ivashov, President of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems.

"TOMORROW". Leonid G., how do you assess the current, medium-term and long-term threats to Russia from the point of view of geopolitics?
Leonid IVASHOV. Before giving such an assessment, it is necessary to understand what happened to the world after the destruction of the Soviet Union. In my opinion, this is a milestone separating the two historical and geopolitical eras.

Together with the destruction of the USSR, the system of international collective security, which was formed as a result of the Second World War and operated for almost half a century, was virtually destroyed, with the exception of individual "islands". Since its foundations were laid already at the final stage of the war, during the negotiations of the “Big Three”, that is, Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill, it is customary to call it Yalta-Potsdam. This system was universal - primarily because almost all the peoples of the world experienced the calamities of the Second World War, and there was a general desire to make the world safer.

Of course, good personal relations between Roosevelt and Stalin also played a big role in shaping this system. It is difficult to say what influenced the position of the President of the United States, but judging from the memories of his son, Roosevelt and some of the western elite had a sense of guilt for starting two world wars.

The third moment, which played a crucial role in creating a universal system of international collective security, is a qualitative change in the geopolitical structure of the world. For the first time since the 16th century, it lost the property of “Eurocentricity”, since the leading European countries: Great Britain, Germany, France, Italy — were extremely weakened by the war. And the geopolitical structure of the world was already formed on a different principle: the centers of power moved to the American and Eurasian continents. At the same time, the two poles (USSR and USA) can be considered equal in size, since, with such estimates, in my opinion, one cannot take into account only the ratio of material forces. Yes, compared to the USSR, the Americans earned much more in World War II, having managed to quickly "unleash" their economy, their military power. But the cultural-civilizational, spiritual and spatial factor of the USSR was incomparably higher than the American one. This was manifested in the Victory 1945 of the year, and in the launch of the first artificial satellite of the Earth, and in the flight of Yuri Gagarin.

"TOMORROW". The opinion is often expressed that these advantages were largely lost after Khrushchev’s speech at the 20th Congress of the CPSU and the Caribbean crisis of 1962, when the Americans publicly caught the Kremlin in lying about the presence of Soviet missiles in Cuba.

L.I. The geopolitical consequences of these shares affected very quickly and continue to affect today. But this did not affect the potential of our country as such, but the effectiveness of the use of this potential.

But, in addition to the "bipolar world", the two superpowers, with the victory of the communists in China, the "third pole" of world geopolitics began to take shape.
In 50 — the beginning of 60 — the colonial system collapsed, which existed and developed for several centuries, resulting in a huge “third world” that combined and selected for itself a middle path between capitalism and socialism. And this "third world", in spite of all its looseness and apparent structurelessness, nevertheless, additionally balanced the mutual threats of the two above-mentioned main poles. For example, armed conflicts took place exclusively in the territories of the Third World. For Americans, Vietnam has become a symbol of military-political failure, and for the Soviet Union, Afghanistan. By 1979, almost the entire Islamic world was on our side, supporting us, above all - in connection with the position of the USSR in the Arab-Israeli conflict. But when we entered Afghanistan in December, a significant part of the Islamic world distanced itself from the USSR. That is, it was a very big and important regulator.

Such a “three-pole” geopolitical model made it possible to create a universal security system under the auspices of the UN. For the first time in the history of mankind, a supranational body, the United Nations Security Council with huge powers, has been created on the entire planet. A military headquarters committee was created, and then - lower level - regional security structures began to form, and even lower - national security systems.

Such a world even had a good structural perspective. The Americans launched a blocking system of opposition. We responded first with an alliance with China in response to the creation of NATO (the signing of 1949, the Great Union Treaty with the Republic of China, and in 1955, the Warsaw Treaty with the seven socialist countries of Eastern Europe).

This bloc system in some way deformed the international security system, and those structures that were created by the United States, other than NATO (SEATO, CENTO, etc.), did not receive serious development.

By the beginning of 80's, the geopolitical system looked stable and seemed to be in no danger. But with the collapse of the USSR, the entire system of international security collapsed. It was a surprise for Americans. After all, when overseas talking about their victory in the Cold War, it was a strange and even stupid victory.

Thanks to the largely contrived "Soviet threat", the United States helped both the West and a large part of the world to use all its resources in the face of global competition, which we called "the peaceful coexistence of two socio-political systems." They united the world. And the fact that Europeans began to live better, that the "Marshall Plan" has earned; that the negros were recognized as full-fledged citizens of the United States — all this happened under pressure from the Soviet Union, improving the lives of our workers and collective farmers, our intelligentsia. The competition went on in all branches of life: in educational, cultural and spiritual, etc. For example, after the launch of the satellite, the whole world, including the countries of the West, went to study with us, since the Soviet education system was recognized as the best in the world.

Americans for almost a century and a half dreamed of world domination. Roosevelt played with Stalin against Churchill, in order to destroy the British Empire, which prevented them from dominating on a planetary scale. So, for a century and a half, they dreamed about it, did everything to become "state number one", and when it happened after the collapse of the USSR, they were catastrophically unprepared for this desired role.

They have not even developed a theory of a unipolar world order. The Americans wanted to dominate, but did not know how to build a control system in the absence of a geopolitical "sparring partner." Even such naive developments as the "end of history" of Francis Fukuyama appeared only a year after the destruction of the Soviet Union.

In order to control the world, you need to have three interrelated factors: economic power, superiority of military power and cultural and civilizational superiority. If Americans have the first two factors and they successfully operate with them, then they lose cultural and civilizational superiority year after year. Yes, Hollywood. Yes, the Internet. But these are technologies that are not connected with meanings, with values. India has its own Bollywood, China has its own Internet. Americans cannot become global leaders in the cultural and spiritual realm. On some information technologies here you will not leave. These guns can shoot in any direction, that's the problem. A life where the power of money dominates, where the meaning of life is hoarding, is not perceived either by the East or Latin America. In general, the world did not follow the Americans. And Russia, in general, is coming. And this, in my opinion, is the main threat to our national security. From which they proceed and with which, as with the center, all other threats are connected.

"TOMORROW". This is a very original and unexpected approach to the problem of the national security of our country.

L.I. Since the end of 40-s, not only US government structures, but above all economic and financial structures, have begun to master the world space. After all, what is it: make a dollar in 1944 a world currency and give it into private hands? Private banks and investment corporations immediately occupied the entire financial space, became the masters of the world. Not the American president with the US armed forces, but they. There were powerful transnational corporations (TNCs). They started from the territory of America, having almost unlimited access to dollar emissions. And thanks to this, today, in fact, privatized the entire world market. And the states in this situation have lost their former significance.

But the entire international legal system, including the international security system, was formed on the basis of sovereign states. Both the UN and all its structures were formed precisely as an association of sovereign states. And now the states are losing their usual role, losing their foreign policy positions, international legal subjectivity and starting to fit into the global financial system, where private capital dominates, and generally into the global economy - in the second, subordinate roles.

Russia, remaining "just" a state - even with a nuclear arsenal capable of destroying all life on Earth, and with a veto in the UN Security Council - will inevitably lose competition with transnational corporations. Today’s chances of survival are not states, but civilizations.

We, having entered into the global financial system, using the dollar for payments not only outside, but also inside the country, signed the death sentence to ourselves, to our subjectivity. Today, Russia as a state can no longer play a strong role in the United Nations, since the UN itself, as an intergovernmental structure, largely fulfills the will of TNCs, becoming their foreign policy tool.

Let's see what our economy is based on today. It is clear - on the money. But the ruble is “tied” not to real production, not to the real volume of our resources, not even to our plans for the production and consumption of goods and services, but to the American dollar. Here we are all the time and "jump" for this American dollar. We do not have our own currency, which was under the Soviet Union - we have rubles as secondary substitutes for US dollars. And this loss of our independence in the financial and economic sphere entails a loss of independence and initiatives in politics, in ensuring our security.

Arnold Toynbee, the great British historian, not particularly respected in the West, came to the conclusion, speaking about the paradigm of human development, that humanity develops due to some kind of threat, some kind of challenge. Our mind seeks and finds some answer to this challenge.

Now we need to find an answer to the challenge of transnational big capital, who has subdued the US state power, and through it the power of most other countries of the world. I repeat: states as such can no longer confront these transnational structures. And we see the exit to the world stage of civilizations as cultural-historical super-societies of people. In 1869, our distinguished compatriot Nikolai Yakovlevich Danilevsky said: "At the theater of world history, the main characters are not ethnic groups and states, but cultural historical types that are in the heyday of becoming civilization." And this thesis Danilevsky today begins to work. We see that the Chinese of all countries of the world, having understood this, united and became who they are today. Having ceased to be capitalists, socialists, etc. India, the European Union, is following the same path, looking for its civilizational identity in the Bolivarian initiative of Latin America, seeking to secede from the two hundred year rule of the United States and their TNCs. We see how a civilizational project, around which it is possible to unite, was planted to the Islamic world through the Salafis. Gaddafi tried to form the African Union and was destroyed ...

"TOMORROW". That is, the concept of the “war of civilizations” put forward by Samuel Huntington is fully consistent with the real state of affairs? And Putin, in advancing the project of Eurasian integration in the post-Soviet space, is essentially trying to form a Eurasian civilization?

L.I. Yes of course. Trying to remain "only" a state and not a civilization, we will be destroyed. We will no longer be the subject of world progress. We, with all our gigantic potential, are simply dragged to pieces by other civilizations and TNCs.

There are other threats as well. They, too, have objectively formed. For example, we know the nature of capital. That he is constantly looking for resources for production and markets for the realization of his goods and services. When the states of politics, interstate formations were subjects of world politics, it was possible to capture some resources and markets with the help of war. And today the world financial and economic system has covered the whole world, and it is possible to look for new markets only on other planets. Therefore, there is a struggle for the redistribution of existing markets - and mostly not by military means.

"TOMORROW". But what about the US aggression in Iraq and Afghanistan, in general in the Middle East, where they launched the "Arab Spring"?

L.I. There we are not talking about markets, but about resources. TNCs are trying to save on resources and at the same time force competing civilizations, such as China, for example, to pay more for them. At the same time, they are encouraging the Salafi project, so that Islam becomes the enemy of Russia, that Russia competes with Islamic countries for the right to sell its hydrocarbons on foreign markets. If we take the path of confrontation, oil and gas will be taken away from us at one fine moment. The same will be done with Muslims, with Saudi Arabia and the monarchies of the Persian Gulf - there is nothing new here, the typical imperial policy "Divide and rule!"

"TOMORROW". In other words, Leonid Grigorievich, do you think that the main current and future threats for Russia are non-military in nature?

L.I. I will ask you another question. And how was the Soviet Union destroyed? With threats of a military or non-military character? The Soviet Army could, on orders, destroy any adversary. But she didn’t make a single shot when the state that created this army was destroyed. In the USA, they are well aware that it is best to neutralize Russian missiles not by preventive strikes with precision weapons, and having made it so that no one in our country even had a thought to press the start button. This is the first.

The second one. On January 18, 2003, George W. Bush signed a directive that was somehow ignored: the concept of an instant global strike. Its essence is the development of high-precision conventional strategic weapons. And for 4-6 hours they simulated at the command-and-staff games, is it possible to strike a blow to any country in the world with non-nuclear high-precision means and paralyze the response of this country? They argue there: which objects to destroy in the first place, and which - in the second. Of course, it is indisputable that, first of all, our strategic missile control points fall in. They must be destroyed or suppressed by electronic means, such attempts have already been repeatedly recorded by us in the area of ​​Plesetsk, in the area of ​​the North fleet.

With further strikes, a country left without protection and without the ability to strike back, I can simply systematically embed in the Stone Age, like Yugoslavia, disable all life support systems, and then present an ultimatum. And if the country does not give up after that, then strike with partial use of tactical nuclear weapons. Something like this military concept they have today.

"TOMORROW". This concept was partially implemented not only in Yugoslavia, but also in Iraq and Libya, and today it is being implemented in Syria?

L.I. No, there is a slightly different war. We also did not pay attention to the fact that George W. Bush, the US president, at the very beginning of 2002, against the background of the September 11 attacks, when he needed to finally finish off the old international security system, announced the transition of the United States to preventive action. We did not even understand at first what it is. And behind this statement is very much. And the disciplined state structure of America. She immediately began to act. What it is? It is not easy to deliver a preemptive strike at the enemy who has been prepared for war. There have been many examples in history when such strikes, despite the effect achieved, did not lead to the intended goals. Here is a different concept. Its essence lies in a certain sequence of actions. The first is the overthrow of the current government in one country or another. Secondly, the replacement of this government by representatives of the pro-American elite. Only such a US government will be considered democratic by the whole world, even if no citizen of the country voted for it. And the third is the repopulation of this country. Moreover, the term "reshuffling" does not imply that some should simply be expelled from their territory, while others should be let in there, although this is not excluded and welcome. This means above all the cultural and civilization reprogramming of the population. From it, a whole set of measures should erase all national — above all, national pride, national history, tie this new population to the “dollar empire”. So that people would think not about their ancestors and descendants, but about why they should buy a flat cake, clothes, cars, and so on. At first, these measures were worked out by American strategists in practice, and now, summarizing the practice, they put theory under it. And the practice happened at them just on the territory of Russia. They replaced the elite, introduced the “fifth column” into power, and already through all the information channels it began to introduce “its own”, that is, pro-American values.

"TOMORROW". It turns out that the huge US military machine also plays a subordinate, supporting role?

L.I. Her task - to serve the "empire of the dollar." The American navy, the American air and space forces literally “saddled” all the transport and trade communications of the modern world. Their goal - to make so that no international transaction, whether it is a trade, financial, or any other - is under control and can be interrupted at any time by any means.

All banks, all large and small corporations of the world, each of us pays taxes on the maintenance of this global machine of control and suppression.

"TOMORROW". But what about the noble Somali pirates, for example? Are they also part of this control and suppression machine?

L.I. I'm pretty sure that it is. If from space you can see and confidently position objects the size of a small watermelon, then what pirates can we talk about? They are all in full view. And if they are given to do their business, it means that there are certain reasons.

"TOMORROW". Are the elements of chaos and chance, failure in communication and control systems completely excluded?

L.I. Of course not, but they are not decisive, and if we are talking about some kind of sustainable geopolitical phenomenon, then it somehow interacts with the control and management system built by modern global capital.

"TOMORROW". So, in your opinion, Leonid Grigorievich, it is necessary to do Russia and the country's political leadership in order to effectively ensure national security?

L.I. First of all - to be a civilization. Russian civilization or Eurasian civilization is a difficult and painful question for us today, and it needs to be solved first. Without the restoration of geopolitical subjectivity, our security problem cannot be solved. And I would speak in this connection not of national, but of civilizational security.

Further, it is necessary to raise the question of transferring the international security system from the state and national to civilization. To this end, for example, reforming the UN or developing inter-civilization cooperation structures, including, for example, the SCO.

Only by restoring our geopolitical subjectivity can we realize various projects in all areas of our security: from purely defense to informational and transformational, similar to the concept of "preventive strikes" and "soft power" of the United States.

In scientific, technological, cultural and civilizational terms, today we remain, perhaps, the only civilization that is in no way inferior to the Western civilization. Neither China, nor India, nor Japan, nor the Islamic world, nor Latin America possess such potential.

"TOMORROW". On the other hand, Russia almost completely lacks the “own / alien” coordinate system, which is very hard working for all other modern civilizations. Is this the disadvantage or dignity of our culture?

L.I. By and large, of course, dignity. But at short historical distances, the quality of “all-responsiveness,” which Dostoevsky pointed out, can lead, relatively speaking, to a “cardiac arrest” of our civilization. And here, as Alexander Andreyevich Prokhanov correctly notes, we can only rely on God, who allowed and allows us to actually "rise from the dead" every time. I really hope that the life force of our civilization, our superethnos, has more than one decade or even one hundred years, that Russia, Russian civilization will always be present in human history and on the map of our planet.
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  1. +7
    31 January 2013 16: 17
    Regarding the supranational financial structure that actually rules the world, the author is right. This has long been said. And that the USA is the main tool of this structure, too.
    As for Russia, I almost agree, there is a chance to counter external threats of any nature. But only if enemies within the country are destroyed. But they are in power. So there is a dead end.
    Here, as in a floorboard - trust in God, and row to the shore.
    1. +1
      31 January 2013 16: 26
      "Fuck with them" with these structures!
      When we in life meet a similar below every day.
      [media = http: // http: // v = qEDeQ6TrTGA & feature = player_embedded
      It’s a must-see for everyone, the fun begins at 1.00
      1. 0
        31 January 2013 16: 43

        a bit wrong.
        1. +1
          31 January 2013 18: 29
          Quote: Papakiko
          Accident. Mom really feel sorry

          Thanks for the plot, laughed for a long time laughing , but without your light comment, the above event is not entirely clear, or rather not at all clear what side to the topic ?:
          Be a civilization! On geopolitical threats to Russia in the XNUMXst century.
          1. +2
            31 January 2013 20: 46
            Mom is the people of democratic America.
            Hysterical girl-ruling circles of the same America.
            The truck driver and the truck itself is Russia.
            Such an aligoria.
            Geyrop can also be overwhelmed. hi

            If we in life, not just in a day with a similar encounter, then we generally purple on the liberal diarrhea of ​​the "enlightened west". BUT VERY ABUNDANT DIARRHEA.
            By and large, of course, dignity. But over short historical distances, such a quality of "all-responsiveness" to which Dostoevsky pointed out, can lead, relatively speaking, to a "cardiac arrest" in our civilization.
            1. watchers
              1 February 2013 07: 41
              No, do not console yourself, this hysterical swearwoman is Russia in all its glory. The finished moron climbed into the lane without letting the wagon in and instead of taking adequate action to call where to lie on the seat, judging by the face of the wagon's driver, who cannot understand at all - and where is the driver. An interesting character in the white Lada in front - also some kind of sloppy sucks. And why marvel that the drilling platform with people who should not have been on it overturned, the dam broke, the three satellites nearly entered Hawaii. When normal people meet such people, like you are here on the forum, then how not to want to move somewhere far away from such people?
        2. Frigate
          31 January 2013 19: 25
          Quote: Papakiko
          a bit wrong.

          Here it is REDISKA, and, in other words, the site format does not allow
    2. 0
      31 January 2013 17: 01
      Quote: erased
      As for Russia, I almost agree, there is a chance to counter external threats of any nature. But only if enemies within the country are destroyed. But they are in power. So there is a dead end.
      A great position .. Especially when you consider that we will appoint these enemies by universal suffrage ... no ... We need to create a situation in which any enemy would work to strengthen Russia ... Only in any way can we not just resist, but also become the head of the new collective security system
    3. varyag
      1 February 2013 00: 30
      The President of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems is speaking! So a scientist is by definition. We do not respect the public from our height. We introduce terms (definitions), as it goes without saying - "universal security system", "cultural and civilizational superiority", and there is still. Not swallowed. Is a "universal security system" a nuclear deterrent that still sobering hawks' brains? "Cultural and civilizational superiority" - now we just need to melt over such a rise of thought - and whatever you want, think - there, in Tibet, the monks have gone so far from fights that we never dreamed of! Everyone else is forgivable, but you, Leonid Grigorievich, are still being read by a new generation - and you simply must carry dialectical materialism!
      1. watchers
        1 February 2013 09: 00
        But a psychopath from Lada; she is very clear and understandable. Slepakov has a song about Kirill Kirillovich Kirillov moron. So this driver and her mother from the family about whom Slepakov sleeps.
    4. 755962
      1 February 2013 00: 58
      Quote: erased
      there is a chance to counter external threats of any nature

      Russia is ready to achieve nuclear superiority over the United States

      During his second term as president of Russia, Vladimir Putin made the restructuring of the Russian armed forces, including their nuclear strike capabilities, his highest priority. State-of-the-art missiles, bombers and submarines are either on the drawing board or enter the military service at a time when the United States is on the verge of drastic cuts in funding for its armed forces.

      Moscow is serious in its intentions to regain its position as a nuclear power. The political impetus influencing the rearmament of Russia can be seen in the tweet, owned by Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin and attracted the attention of Norris. Rogozin recorded on Twitter after accepting "Yuri Dolgoruky" as part of the Northern Fleet. Here is the message: “Tremble, bourgeois! Kirdyk to you. "
      1. watchers
        1 February 2013 08: 42
        The bourgeoisie are Russian oligarchs who, unlike their American counterparts, do not create universities and charitable foundations with multi-billion dollar capital, but choke on their yachts and stupidly buy football clubs — one bought, and the rest just ape.
        As for the strategic triad, as it turned out at the meeting between Obama I and President Medvedev, the Russian Federation has the right to add strategic nuclear forces, since too close to the baseboard after the 90s and the first eight of the 2000s. Cutting the annual budget of the Pentagon by several tens of billions of dollars in one year (from roughly 700 to 640 billion) is not a radical reduction of the armed forces, but their optimization. Ivashov pointed to the weapon of American victories not only in the plane of iron and gunpowder. American R&D is alarming for its manufacturability, which, according to Rogozin, has nothing special to cover. And he called the state of the industrial and technological base of the military-industrial complex a problem. Those trillions of rubles that have been allocated are completely insufficient for the development of modern production and industrial defense science. And also the lack of personnel in industry and science. And Putin recently announced that about 100 thousand specialists leave the country a year. They find themselves abroad, but in the Russian Federation there seems to be no worthy place for them. And now this is the situation - the military-industrial complex has survived for about 20 years by developing the markets of the third world. There the requirements for equipment are lower than in NATO. On the other hand, almost the entire military-industrial complex of state-owned enterprises and their money got stuck in the hands of defense-export officials. It is clear that the directors, realizing that they did not give a damn, but please send the money here, created their own "laundering" structures and developed skills and habits for a fair redistribution of income. Morally, the directors are right. But now they, the arms merchants, are of little interest to the state itself, and therefore Serdyuk had problems with the defense order. Moreover, his impudent approach of a private shopkeeper from the bazaar, and not a statesman. And the directors sabotaged and resisted, they wanted at least respect for themselves and their enterprises. Behind all this bargaining with the military-industrial complex, it seems that no one is ready to invest in long-term development. The old directorate and scientists think about their current needs and ensure their disability with dignity.
        Still look, a budget of 70 billion requires a reduction in the cost of equipment and weapons, but in quality comparable to NATO weapons. The United States spends at least 640 billion for this. Of course, this is not only the purchase of weapons and R&D, but a proportional difference can be imagined. Therefore, a high bar of requirements with lower funding than in the United States, entails lower salaries for specialists than in the United States. And from here among young people there is an incentive to sell oneself more expensive for the same work in another country. This is a common problem throughout the economy.
        Other, in many normal forums, some praise, others scold Putin. But the feeling is that all the nobles and plebs are sitting in the stands, and Putin is the gladiator in the arena. No one in the Russian Federation is accustomed to be responsible for themselves, for their actions, to build, develop and defend democracy. Everyone is waiting for a good king and whoever puts it in his mouth. After all, the Russians themselves collapsed, the Russians chose EBN and the Russians put it on the armored car, Top. Council of 1993 shot by the Russians. Everyone endured and waited for all the 90s of the good king. Whoever is given, you have it. If Putin is good to you-just lucky. What are you doing? It seems that no one does. It’s not funny, but the USSR was ruined by the lack of democracy, the habit of society not to practice democracy.
    5. +1
      1 February 2013 09: 24
      Ivashov is right! It is necessary to return to the origins of Russian civilization, as a strong and fair self-sufficient society, where there is no ideology of profit.
  2. +6
    31 January 2013 16: 25
    Amer is already quickly striving to ensure that our strategic forces are re-equipped from analog networks, which are almost impossible to intervene, to global ones that can be controlled, but I agree, we must strive for excellence, but the secrecy of some structures will not hurt
    1. Nechai
      31 January 2013 16: 44
      Quote: bubla5
      so that our strategic forces are refitted from analog networks, which are almost impossible to intervene, to global, which can be controlled

      The iPhone already ordered, as a VGK, to discard ALL analogue communications and BUY digital in the West, to equip troops ...
      1. +2
        31 January 2013 21: 24
        You can’t look at him without tears, he’s all in digital devices. Baby, in a word. They don’t even teach us anymore, they poke us with a nose that all these Western acquisitions will come out sideways, but their eyes are burning, their hands are shaking ... hotstsa.
    2. +2
      31 January 2013 17: 05
      Quote: bubla5
      yes I agree, it is necessary to strive for perfection, but the secrecy of some structures will not hurt
      I will not reveal the secret that we have a lot of things that cannot be ... Officers, I think they will agree with me ....
      The global system is only good if there is an adversary such as Martians or lunatics ... Other friends can turn into enemies at any moment ... like this, alas, has already been encountered in Russian history
  3. +4
    31 January 2013 16: 33
    Ivashov always speaks well, explains everything, explains on the issue what is happening, and when asked, so what do you think, will pour some water and will not give specifics.
    1. +2
      31 January 2013 17: 08
      Quote: ruton
      when asked, so what do you think to do, it’ll pour some kind of water and will not give specifics.
      Prediction in general is not grateful, and the prediction in Russia in general is similar to fortune-telling on coffee grounds .... I repent that the main thing is to solve the problem, and the solution will be found already by the collective mind of the people
      1. +1
        31 January 2013 21: 32
        Do you really believe in "hive mind"? There's no such thing. Progress, the movement of society upward, is created by individuals, and only they. Another thing is that their arrival generates society.
    2. 0
      31 January 2013 17: 23
      Like, as in this article, I laid out everything on the shelves, and at the end, Prokhanov’s recipe was to rely on God.
      Put article plus, but with great doubts angry
      1. 0
        31 January 2013 22: 20
        Old racketeer
        Same. set a plus, but ... Maybe he thinks that everyone should make some conclusion? what
  4. Nechai
    31 January 2013 16: 40
    Quote: ruton
    and when asked, so what do you think to do, it’ll pour some kind of water and will not give specifics.

    Openly discuss methods and measures to counter the backstage ?! It will be very nice for that ...
    1. 0
      31 January 2013 16: 55
      Maybe you are right. but to us mere mortals the hunt to know. where is the light at the end of the tunnel.
      1. +1
        31 January 2013 17: 09
        Quote: ruton
        but to us mere mortals the hunt to know. where is the light at the end of the tunnel.

        laughing So they themselves answered the question-light is always at the end ... roofing felts of the tunnel, roofing felts of life ....
        1. +1
          31 January 2013 22: 41
          Do not confuse the main light with a spotlight laughing
  5. +1
    31 January 2013 16: 54
    Well, if you continue the thought of Toynbee, to which Ivashov refers -
    then the 5th column in Russia carries some positive.
    He doesn’t sleep. Us, for example. We angrily condemn this column.
    Good stuff.
    Who is to blame is understandable.
    So what to do?
    1. 0
      31 January 2013 16: 58
      In-in))))) as required good
    2. 0
      31 January 2013 17: 38
      The article indicates what to do: increase its geopolitical subjectivity from the level of a simple national state to the level of civilization.
      1. +5
        31 January 2013 19: 36
        Quote: Su24
        The article indicates what to do: increase its geopolitical subjectivity from the level of a simple national state to the level of civilization.

        The main thing is that the Russians never put national superiority in the first place. Always was the idea of ​​serving Stainless, Empire at the first place. That is, a true Russian patriot, irrespective of blood (nationality), is primarily a statesman and not an individualist consumer or a Western man, This is our historical mission as a people of the unifier of the great Eurasian power. This is what distinguishes us from other nations that do not accept our idea and incantations in a small town nationalism and national identity. Just the fifth column has the task of combating this idea of ​​the Russian state in any form. and not a struggle by specific authorities in Russia. Everyone needs to clearly understand these things before looking for an answer to a question. what to do. Alas, too much of us are powdered brains and taken away. some to a consumer paradise of unrestrained enrichment, liberal well-being and freedom from the state, others to Russia for Russians, Siberians, Cossacks, etc. If we keep this core, this idea that helped our ancestors in the most difficult struggle with enemies from time immemorial, means we will survive and be reborn , no, we divide into bantustans, degrade into Siberians and Cossacks and die out or assimilate in the end. Something like this. The question is very complicated and it is not easy to articulate and correctly formulate, but as they say from the heart, from a genetic memory, I personally see it that way.
        1. +1
          31 January 2013 21: 49
          Not, brothers, past.
          What to do - right in the title of the article says: ". Be a civilization! .."
          And here everything enters - and the idea of ​​serving Stainless, and the Russian Spirit, and the Empire ..

          Empire - like one sixth of land!
          1. F117
            1 February 2013 00: 32
            With a controlled half, as it was half a century ago and before. But not militarily - cultural, economic, scientific ... To make sure that we are not dependent on the periphery or the periphery is dependent on us, but that every people and person have equal rights, opportunities (until now far inside state). Only then can real cultural and civilizational superiority appear
  6. pa_nik
    31 January 2013 17: 10
    Good article! In conclusion, "Amen!" or "Om!" (no laughing).
  7. +1
    31 January 2013 17: 50
    A very timely, balanced and necessary look at the problem of Russia's survival! If these words, at least someone upstairs noticed!
  8. Leibniz
    31 January 2013 17: 57
    Ahead of the "glavnyukov" there are only two options: either a long meditation with the treatment of a torn navel and the humility of pride, or a red button and "you all burn with us." Both are equally probable. Than to fall from such heights into your own unmeasured face, it’s cheaper to drag all at once behind you.

    And in such circumstances, in order to become one of the main centers of power, our main task is to become exactly the place where stability and security will be, which is not possible without an honest, adequate, socially-oriented domestic policy that takes into account all our previous mistakes. We have everything else necessary for this, including all resources, intellectual potential and the experience suffered over the previous century, which should be converted into wisdom.

    And in such circumstances, in order to become one of the main centers of power, our main task is to become exactly the place where stability and security will be, which is not possible without an honest, adequate, socially-oriented domestic policy that takes into account all our previous mistakes. We have everything else necessary for this, including all resources, intellectual potential and the experience suffered over the previous century, which should be converted into wisdom.

    And in such circumstances, in order to become one of the main centers of power, our main task is to become exactly the place where stability and security will be, which is not possible without an honest, adequate, socially-oriented domestic policy that takes into account all our previous mistakes. We have everything else necessary for this, including all resources, intellectual potential and the experience suffered over the previous century, which should be converted into wisdom.
  9. krisostomus
    31 January 2013 18: 11
    I would like to know the opinion of the Colonel-General about how it could have happened that in a country with such an excellent "cultural and civilizational component", the most advanced education in the world, the most well-read people in the world, a powerful party propaganda apparatus in all spheres of life and the most large circulations of socio-political literature per capita could the entire state administrative apparatus be replaced by "traitors" and "fifth column" and without external armed intervention?
    Why did the peoples of all other countries remain, to put it mildly, indifferent to this "cultural and civilizational component"? It was not possible to consolidate it even where it was introduced by force, and all this despite the huge costs of various communist, workers and other "progressive "movements and modes?
    Without answering these main questions, philosophizing about the modern world order seems pointless.
    1. +3
      31 January 2013 19: 58
      Quote: krisostomus
      how could it happen that in a country with such an excellent "cultural and civilizational component", the most advanced education in the world, the most well-read people in the world, a powerful party propaganda apparatus in all spheres of life and the largest circulation of socio-political literature per capita could to replace the entire state administrative apparatus with "traitors

      You asked a question that you yourself know the answer to, people say: greed fraer killed !!!! Popular wisdom, here is the key word !!! Own people cannot betray themselves, but they can do it (as we all remember our elite), naive, trust in the West comrades, if we do not fight this ailment, we will always be in a deep anus, always negative
    2. +1
      1 February 2013 00: 48
      Quote: krisostomus
      Why did the peoples of all other countries remain, to put it mildly, indifferent to this "cultural and civilizational component",

      And nevertheless, the question is very correct and to the place. We all watched with indifference how the country was falling apart, and no one even lifted a finger even though there was a referendum and there were results, because there weren’t almost any lines under the tanks
  10. 0
    31 January 2013 21: 39
    Quote: Strezhevchanin
    Quote: krisostomus
    how could it happen that in a country with such an excellent "cultural and civilizational component"

    Apparently, we must finally admit that there was no EXCELLENT cultural component. How unfortunate it is.
    "Excellent" outperforms at critical moments and resists external threats. And IT collapsed into dust as soon as there was no personality, which was the skeleton of the system.
  11. varyag
    1 February 2013 00: 19
    The President of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems is speaking! So a scientist is by definition. We do not respect the public from our height. We introduce terms (definitions), as it goes without saying - "universal security system", "cultural and civilizational superiority", and there is still. Not swallowed. Is a "universal security system" a nuclear deterrent that still sobering hawks' brains? "Cultural and civilizational superiority" - now we just need to melt over such a rise of thought - and whatever you want, think - there, in Tibet, the monks have gone so far from fights that we never dreamed of! Everyone else is forgivable, but you, Leonid Grigorievich, are still being read by a new generation - and you simply must carry dialectical materialism!

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"