Due to personnel shortages, the US Air Force intends to return retirees to service

Due to personnel shortages, the US Air Force intends to return retirees to service

The US Air Force is experiencing problems with understaffing. And now, due to a shortage of personnel, the US Air Force intends to return retirees to service. They can go back to becoming pilots, air traffic controllers, or other positions.

This was reported by the American publication Task & Purpose.

Aviation the command announced an additional recruitment of one thousand people from among retired military personnel. The Voluntary Return of Retirees to Active Duty (VRRAD) program was created specifically for this purpose. This project did not just arise, it arose back in 2017 and concerned only the recruitment of pilots. Now, due to a critical shortage of personnel, other military specialties have also been included.

The VRRAD program is a strategic means of attracting experienced talent, tapping into the valuable resource of retired military personnel

- said the US Air Force Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel, Lieutenant General Caroline Miller.

Military retirees, whose applications will be processed, will be able to begin performing their job duties in approximately 4-6 months from the date of their return to service.

The U.S. Air Force's move comes months after it announced it had failed to reach its target of 2,5 recruits last year. This is the first time such a failure has occurred since 1999. Then the Pentagon realized the existence and scale of the problem with recruiting and retaining personnel.
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  1. +1
    13 February 2024 15: 07
    "Only old men go to battle."
    1. +3
      13 February 2024 15: 10
      knn54 hiWhat's his name, Top Gun Maverick was a prophetic movie laughing.
    2. 0
      13 February 2024 15: 23
      Yes, as it were.. An article from the category of “how bad is it #”. However, somehow they live. They would have our problems
      1. +3
        13 February 2024 15: 31
        dmi.pris 1 hi, and they don’t have problems there?! In my opinion, there are quite a few, and with the economy and the armed forces, politics also goes from extreme to extreme, demography is also not a fountain.
        1. +2
          13 February 2024 15: 57
          About demography.. Every year, millions of people from all over the world want to become a US citizen. And they choose carefully - they need specialists, scientists. How many children are there in American families? At least two, usually. About their problems.. Compared to their problems, With the problems of the countries of the “golden billion”, everything else pales.
          1. +1
            13 February 2024 17: 09
            dmi.pris 1, yes yes, but there are fewer and fewer families with two children, let’s say, of the white race, of these children, thanks to the sadistic propaganda of new families, there are even fewer, who do they choose? They have caravans of illegal immigrants crossing the border so that the governors are rearing up, and in these caravans there are so many smart and hardworking people, young people don’t want to serve in the army even for the benefits of the social package, the economy is also not in the best shape, so there are a lot of problems there and no less than ours.
            1. +2
              13 February 2024 17: 11
              The difference is huge. They strive for these illegal immigrants. In our country, on the contrary, employers are happy to take them through gray schemes.
              1. 0
                13 February 2024 17: 19
                dmi.pris, well, yes, but where then do these thousands of illegal immigrants disappear? What percentage of them are deported? How many work illegally, how many turn into criminal courts and gangs? Ethnic crime there is not very weak, in prisons the people do not worry. And yes, employers there live by the same principle as ours.
    3. +1
      13 February 2024 15: 24
      Quote: knn54
      "Only old men go to battle."

      It was a good movie and there were no old people there, if you watched it of course.
      In this case, only pierduns go into battle.
    4. 0
      13 February 2024 16: 28
      Young Americans don't want to fight for the interests of tycoons... have they become smart?
      1. 0
        13 February 2024 17: 11
        Svarog hi, no, this is the trend of the new propaganda, they don’t want to work, they don’t want to serve, they want to be bloggers, buzzers and other parasites and live on donations.
      2. +1
        13 February 2024 17: 22
        But our young patriots willingly fight for a bright capitalist future! For the income and excess income of the world-eating oligarchs, who after the war will thank the heroes. M.b.
        1. +1
          13 February 2024 17: 30
          Cat Alexandrovich hi, well, we have the same fashion, look at the idols of youth in Russia, how many subscribers do they have and how many of those who at least try to instill love for the Motherland? How many rushed to “assault” Upper Lars, how many publicly cursed Russia and its people and dumped them. It is clear that there are those who are not patriots for show, there are also people who have not forgotten the word conscience, but there are few of them.
  2. -6
    13 February 2024 15: 12
    Hidden mobilization is underway.
    And we have no business messing around with military pensioners. Yes, and civilian pensioners who simply served for a limited period of time can come in handy.
    1. +2
      13 February 2024 15: 18
      Victor Leningradets hi, well, who will pull the civilian industries? "Valuable specialists" from neighboring countries? They'll screw you up. We have problems with the demographic situation and the Kremlin, represented by Peskov, admitted this, we do not have enough doctors, teachers, police. Workers with knowledge of secondary technical specialties during the day, how to deal with this???
      1. +2
        13 February 2024 15: 24
        Is it only pensioners who are bringing civil industries to us?
        I myself work in an interesting organization. We are full of military retirees, and just working people of retirement age.
        Mostly strong old men. It’s just that damned capitalism has taught employers that pensioners can be paid less. And young people work for a year or two and go where there is more money (not in their specialty).
        So if necessary, we have reserves.
        1. +2
          13 February 2024 15: 28
          Victor Leningrader, well strong old men will go to the front or to support the front, who will come to take their place? The youth??? Or who else?
          1. 0
            13 February 2024 16: 28
            Those who remain, those who are unfit for health (according to my estimates, 25-30%) will have to train young people for a reasonable fee. Reservation is needed - they will try and learn.
            Otherwise, I’m on business trips half the time and I see how the personnel in coastal positions and at the piers is growing fat.
            1. +1
              13 February 2024 17: 15
              Viktor Leningrader, you get these young people to go to school in the right numbers, look around how many lazy people and others (censorship) are divorced now, tell them to give a reservation, and they will work carelessly, because there is no IDEA, capital has won at this stage, and in order to reverse We need a patriotic ideology and time to nurture new generations.
      2. +2
        13 February 2024 16: 14
        We have a catastrophic shortage of specialists in every industry everywhere you look.
    2. 0
      13 February 2024 17: 09
      About ours, and “there’s no need to be altruistic.” Yes, this is a matter of everyone’s conscience. There, the Hero-pilot from the Wagner air group. He was already in his seventies.
      1. 0
        14 February 2024 14: 44
        You won’t believe it, but those over 60 all have at least one diagnosis for which they can be written off.
        They also hold on because they have taken over the Soviet education. They were pioneers and Komsomol members and have a concept of duty to the Fatherland. But in civilian life they don’t look at diagnoses or at the timing of inspections; everything is bought there.
        But those who are 40 do not know this and are no longer going to serve until they are 50. First of all, we are not mentally prepared.
        You can be a hero for a day, even for a week. But being a hero for years is psychologically impossible.
        It’s even worse when bosses don’t know what to do and begin to pull problems and tasks out of thin air, and then hastily solve them. Then both health and patriotism end very quickly.
  3. The comment was deleted.
  4. HAM
    13 February 2024 15: 23
    If Biden at such an age can rule the country, then why can’t some Smith control some plane...?
    1. +1
      13 February 2024 15: 25
      US hi, if this penny flies planes like McCain, I'm for it!
      1. HAM
        13 February 2024 15: 28
        You correctly understood either irony or mockery...
  5. 0
    13 February 2024 15: 25
    First they raised a community of non-binary people of color, and now they suffer from a lack of motivated men. They are going the right way.
  6. 0
    13 February 2024 15: 57
    Due to a lack of personnel, mentally ill people are being hired as presidents of the United States. So the Air Force is lucky with its retirees.
  7. +3
    13 February 2024 16: 11
    So literally all countries are faced with an acute shortage of competent young specialists.
    It turns out that it is not judges and managers who build and provide food for this world.
    1. -1
      13 February 2024 16: 23
      Quote: Arkady007
      So literally all countries are faced with an acute shortage of competent young specialists.
      It turns out that it is not judges and managers who build and provide food for this world.

      It’s just that the “managers” got too greedy and aren’t making any improvements
      it is necessary to organize studies and recruitment of competent young and not so specialists
      and the managers sat down and don’t want to work am
  8. +1
    13 February 2024 16: 36
    My neighbor in the garage is a highly qualified CNC specialist, a retiree. They made him an offer he couldn’t refuse, so he went back to work. The plant works for the defense industry. I didn’t announce the numbers, but the salary is very good.
    1. +3
      13 February 2024 16: 57
      Factory and front, the difference is quite serious.
      It’s one thing to do a familiar job, and quite another to crawl through the mud with a machine gun.
  9. -1
    13 February 2024 16: 53
    US Air Force Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel Lieutenant General Caroline Miller

    It's understandable why they have problems recruiting military personnel.
    I remember one blonde slightly the Bundeswehr didn’t get to the point.
    Gender-rainbow equality is something unique...

    Here is an advertisement (not mine) to actively attract retirees to the US Army for a bonus of 70 thousand bucks. Well, now there will definitely be no end to those interested... wassat
  10. -1
    13 February 2024 17: 46
    Are blind, deaf and legless people also suitable? laughing
  11. 0
    13 February 2024 18: 47
    They will work as dispatchers, pilots only of transport aviation. In principle, a good solution for professionals who love the sky more than anything else.
  12. +1
    13 February 2024 19: 26
    McCain's path will be returned...