Deputy President of the European Parliament: Europe should think about creating its own nuclear weapons

Deputy President of the European Parliament: Europe should think about creating its own nuclear weapons

Trump's recent announcement that the United States should not protect NATO countries that fail to meet their two percent military spending commitments if attacked has greatly alarmed Europeans. After the end of the Cold War and the end of the military confrontation with the USSR and the Warsaw Pact military bloc, most European countries relaxed greatly and significantly reduced defense spending.

At the same time, European leaders do not hide the fact that if something happens they are counting on the protection of the “best in the world” American army, which must certainly fit into a possible military conflict within the framework of Article 5 of the NATO Charter on collective security. However, the pragmatic businessman and politician Donald Trump does not think so. The day before, at a campaign rally in South Carolina, he said that when he was president, he threatened other NATO members that the United States would encourage Russia to “do whatever it wants” in Europe if the Europeans did not increase their defense spending.

Given Biden's declining popularity, Trump's chances of returning to the White House are very high. In addition to refusing to protect the “defaulters” from NATO, the former US president has his own special attitude towards Russia and promises, if re-elected, to “quickly resolve” the conflict in Ukraine. Obviously, this is only possible taking into account the interests of Moscow.

This absentee “betrayal” of Trump’s allies in the military bloc forces some European leaders and politicians, who believe that after the victory of the Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine, the Russian army will certainly move further west, to literally rush to desperate extremes. What scares European NATO members most is the presence of nuclear weapons from Russia. Moscow has repeatedly warned that direct NATO intervention in the Ukrainian conflict will be perceived as a threat to state security, which will allow the Russian Federation to use, among other things, nuclear weapons within the framework of its military doctrine.

In terms of the number of nuclear warheads in service, only the United States has close parity with Russia. According to experts, the Russian Federation has more than five thousand warheads, the United States has a little less, France, the leader in Europe, has less than three hundred nuclear warheads, and the UK has a little over two hundred. In addition, none of the European member countries of the Nuclear Club has a nuclear triad. In other words, without the American “nuclear umbrella,” Europe has absolutely nothing to oppose Russia.

In an interview with the Berlin newspaper Der Tagesspiegel, the vice-president of the European Parliament and the leading candidate of the German Social Democrats in the upcoming European elections, Katharina Barley, said that Europe should think about creating its own nuclear weapons. According to her, this could become a topic for discussion within the framework of the idea of ​​creating its own continental military bloc, which has long been discussed by some European politicians and experts.

If Putin publicly questions the territorial integrity of Poland and Lithuania, it shows how vigilant we must be

— Barley said and called for taking the Russian president’s “threats” seriously.

The German politician did not specify who, when and how the Russian leader threatened. The President of the Russian Federation has repeatedly stated that Russia does not intend to invade any European country on its own initiative. All other statements by Putin regarding a possible military conflict with NATO sound only as a warning, so that the countries of the alliance understand the limit beyond which Russia will not allow the West to test our patience in matters of ensuring national security.
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  1. 0
    13 February 2024 13: 42
    "Europe should think about..."

    - Just think about it! ...
    1. +1
      13 February 2024 13: 46
      As they say, "the poor" are rich in thought... Since the main problem in the EU is the lack of independence and, naturally, intelligence soldier
      1. +1
        13 February 2024 14: 29
        Why do the EU countries need their own nuclear potential...??? In the event of a third world (nuclear) war, the first strikes will be on countries on whose territory nuclear weapons will be deployed... And here the main question becomes - how many nuclear warheads are needed to make a given territory uninhabitable...??? And from here the next question arises - how big is this territory and is it possible to somehow hide from the damaging factors of nuclear weapons on it...??? And now for all the inquisitive - Our Russia (RF) is the largest state in the world. The area of ​​the Russian country is as much as 17,1 million square kilometers. About 1/8 of the land (and we were 1/6!). To put it simply, about 24 Frances could easily be located on the territory of the Russian Federation. Well, or fifty Germanys. The territory of Great Britain is 244 sq. km... Russia is 820 times larger than Great Britain in terms of area... Japan's area is 69.95 km² - 377 times smaller than the area of ​​the Russian Federation... And these dwarf countries are going to fight Russia with nuclear weapons...??? Gentlemen, you madmen, you need to be treated for your Russophobia, and not fight Russia, which you can't even stand up to... By definition... am
    2. 0
      13 February 2024 14: 02
      What is there to think about - either go with a repentant head to the boss, ask for forgiveness and hand over your Euros to his bottomless pocket, or tighten the belts of your workers and peasants, force a multimillion-dollar army of emigrants to switch from benefits to daily work and transfer your economy to a war footing.

      There is really one more option, but it’s too exotic - to admit your guilt to Russia, return to it everything that was stolen from it, pay indemnity for the lives of our boys and men who died in the Northern Military District zone, compensate Russia for the losses imposed on the sanctions and sign an eternal peace with Russia . It looks like they will hang themselves before doing this. hi
    3. 0
      13 February 2024 14: 13
      Let them create it. At the same time, they will exchange mutual nuclear strikes against each other. The main thing is to pit them against each other.
  2. 0
    13 February 2024 13: 43
    To want is not harmful, it is harmful not to want.
  3. +2
    13 February 2024 13: 44
    If Putin publicly questions the territorial integrity of Poland and Lithuania, it shows how vigilant we must be
    . Where when?
    Calling them non-states is really something else and certainly doesn’t make one want to take a bite out of them.
    In general, she has gone crazy or is simply lying, which does not change the essence of the matter at all.
    1. +1
      13 February 2024 19: 56
      This is from a series of stories about lawyer Magnitsky, who was never a lawyer and even those Western politicians who were told about this did not change their opinion
      1. 0
        14 February 2024 08: 24
        What has become typical for almost all politicians, everywhere... they no longer worry about the fact that they will have to answer for their words.
  4. 0
    13 February 2024 13: 44
    Deputy President of the European Parliament: Europe should think about creating its own nuclear weapons
    You are not allowed! You'll cut your hands again...
  5. +1
    13 February 2024 13: 44
    Don't the French have a triad?
    1. 0
      13 February 2024 13: 46
      Friendship is friendship, but tobacco is apart! (popular saying about EU “unity”)
    2. +1
      13 February 2024 19: 51
      Paul. Good afternoon. It's been 32 years since he left. In 1992, the medium-range S-3 MRBM missiles (18 silos) with a range of 3500 km, and the operational-tactical Ades missiles (30 launchers with 2 missiles each) with a range of 480 km were removed from service. That is, they were left with a dyad - only two components. France is the only European country. having the scientific and industrial potential to create nuclear weapons, including fresh samples. All the other 29 countries do not have such potential - neither scientific, nor technological, nor industrial potential.
  6. +1
    13 February 2024 13: 45
    It is necessary for European missiles to reach America. Otherwise, the USA will remain six.
  7. +1
    13 February 2024 13: 48
    Europe should think about creating its own nuclear weapons

    And allow Germany to control it wink
    1. 0
      13 February 2024 17: 24
      German resources have been discussing this for almost two years, including the possibility of Germany's own poisonous potential: "Nukleare Abschreckung - und wie sie funktioniert". Opinions vary, one of them is "underwater basing", supposedly everything for this is available, submarines with everything necessary for this are being built in Kiel, at TKMS, the "Dakar" type for Israel, but it is also possible for itself, reciprocally - we to them, they to us, and silence... wink
  8. +1
    13 February 2024 13: 48
    Some cherish fantasies about introducing an expeditionary force to the outskirts, this water wondered about the creation of the EU vigorously..., are there any cheaper and safer options? What about talking?
  9. +2
    13 February 2024 13: 51
    Am I the only one who thinks that she has a mark on her face - possessed by the devil. Okay, she doesn’t know about the treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons? That’s her problem. But don’t consider the EU exceptional, many people are thinking about nuclear weapons, they’re just silent. Here’s Millay - the Argentinean might blurt out .
    1. +1
      13 February 2024 15: 18
      Quote: tralflot1832
      Okay, she doesn't know about the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

      Do they want to abandon the treaty and start a new nuclear arms race?
  10. +1
    13 February 2024 13: 56
    Nuclear weapons require space, and Europe is too small and cramped.
    Therefore, in case of a good arrival, it all ends up at the epicenter.
    1. 0
      13 February 2024 18: 33
      Quote: km-21
      Nuclear weapons require space, and Europe is too small and cramped.

      In 1987, returning from Angola on an Il-76MD, he flew over Europe. It was night and the crew navigator called me to look at the view below. Sea of ​​lights! spots of light, one on top of the other, literally merged into a continuous firefly carpet. I couldn’t resist and said: “What a beauty!”
      To which I received an unexpected answer: “It’s a bit cramped here, there’s not even room for an apple to fall, LESS THAN AN ATOMIC BOMB!”
      I remember this forever. And he often told his colleagues about this incident, and never heard any objections about the “apples.”
      I’m only interested in one thing: has EUROPPPA really lost its brains if it believes that we will treat them like non-brothers?
  11. +1
    13 February 2024 14: 01
    I imagine giving nuclear weapons to the Balts. To the frostbitten Poles, there are plenty of inadequate people there. There will be seconds left until the nuclear apocalypse.
  12. 0
    13 February 2024 14: 01
    Strange people in this Europe. Wouldn't it be cheaper to do without the required percentage for defense? It seems that the Yankees have planned for the long term, the organization of a nuclear massacre between Russia and Europe, but so that it does not fly to them themselves. Perhaps it is for this purpose that Trump declares that Russia is free to do "whatever it wants", thus pretending that the US will not be an enemy, under certain conditions.
  13. +1
    13 February 2024 14: 06
    Who is Europe? Possessed Ursula, revanchist Borrell or Poland with the Baltic states? Or will the decision on the use of nuclear weapons be made by members of the European Parliament? T.N. "Democracy" has become irresponsible.
    Meli Emelya!
    Your week
  14. 0
    13 February 2024 14: 12
    which must certainly fit into a possible military conflict within the framework of the fifth article of the NATO Charter on collective security.

    I wonder why they engage in self-deception? It doesn’t say anywhere that everyone should immediately join forces to defend Europa.. It says there “by immediately taking such individual or joint action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force "! Whichever he deems necessary. Or - he doesn’t consider it.. Including the use of military force. Or - not including.. However - the widest scope for interpretation..
  15. 0
    13 February 2024 14: 13
    "The Morgenthau Plan" "The program to prevent Germany from unleashing World War III" - the program for the post-war transformation of Germany may have been in vain not implemented at the time.
  16. HAM
    13 February 2024 14: 15
    What usually ruins a card player?..."by eleven - an ace", that's how it is here - they want to get an "ace", which will ruin them... and, it's not even about the answer on them, they themselves will squabble over possession...
    1. 0
      13 February 2024 14: 32
      ...said Barley and called for taking the “threats” of the Russian President seriously.
      . It finally dawned on me that we need to take it seriously, but the conclusion is again wrong - Russia can supply them with so many nuclear loaves that after that they will no longer want their own
  17. +1
    13 February 2024 14: 24
    Europe should think about creating its own nuclear weapons

    Why does Europe need something that is guaranteed to lead to its destruction? Or the United States cannot be satisfied with Ukraine alone? Now their talkers are being condemned by European countries as well?
    In this situation, it’s a good idea to think about the Holmes-Putin formula: who will ultimately be the beneficiary of the death of Europe?
    And the answer is very clear - USA!
    The pin-do-owls succeeded - the cleansing of the world by the wrong hands continues, a brainless attack on the wretched minds of Europeans is being prepared.
    1. 0
      13 February 2024 15: 31
      The USA is an interesting one. But you don’t need to blame them all. 404 were delirious about the victory over the Russian Federation and the function of the Gauleiters in the dismembered territories of the Russian Federation. And many others. The USA showed the carrot - they believed in impunity and moved forward. Wherever you look, all the Vikings are warriors of light, and the Russian Federation is a country of darkness and untapped resources.
  18. 0
    13 February 2024 14: 38
    Europe is worth ponder to create our own nuclear weapons
    There is a good Russian proverb: “think/don’t think, but 100 rubles is not money.” Taking this into account:
    do not comply two percent military spending obligations
    It will not be possible to create nuclear weapons at 2%; here you need to “tighten your belts”, which Europe is categorically not ready for. This notorious 2% will only be enough for them to repair their tattered “cats” in the Donbass...
  19. 0
    13 February 2024 15: 28
    All wars came to us from the EU territory.....long live the MRBM: the Iskander MRBM with a second stage and a sub-Yars with a range of up to 5 km
  20. 0
    13 February 2024 17: 58
    Why think about it? - Britain has it and France has it?
  21. 0
    13 February 2024 19: 57
    Am I confusing something or are there a whole bunch of sanctions imposed for attempts to create nuclear weapons? Has Europe decided to withdraw from the Non-Proliferation Treaty?
  22. 0
    14 February 2024 09: 05
    The new geographical name - "European Nuclear Lowland" is getting closer...