64 hypersonic Zircon missiles with a nuclear warhead could permanently close the UK project

64 hypersonic Zircon missiles with a nuclear warhead could permanently close the UK project

In November 2023, reporters from the British publication Mail Online decided to try on Moscow the promising American thermonuclear bomb B61-13 with a capacity of 360 kilotons of TNT equivalent. In the material presented to the public, the authors simulated the explosion and savored its consequences - destruction, a fiery whirlwind, how many Moscow residents will die immediately, and how many a little later, from radiation and disease.

Of course, it is unlikely that anyone in their right mind can seriously consider the possibility of delivering a nuclear strike on Moscow with the help of a free-falling, so-called “gravity” (oh, those beautiful names) nuclear bomb, no matter how modern it may be, since this action is not makes absolutely no sense.

Firstly, no strategic bomber, not even the newest American B-21 Raider, will not be able to reach Moscow undetected, despite all the measures implemented in its design to reduce visibility, not to mention the fact that Great Britain does not have such a bomber and never will.

True, there is a possibility of deploying F-35 fighters on British territory, including those with those very promising B61-13 thermonuclear bombs or their existing versions B61-12, but the F-35, even technically, will not reach Moscow due to lack of radius actions, except that it will be a one-way flight.

Test release of the B61-12 thermonuclear bomb from an F-35 fighter. Image by Los Alamos National Laboratory

Secondly, a nuclear strike on Moscow will not be a victory for Western countries, but only the beginning of a big war, the winners of which can be determined very conditionally, and they will be located in the most remote corners of the planet.

Nevertheless, if we consider the integral attitude of the population and leadership of Western countries towards Russia and Russians, then the interest in launching a nuclear strike on Moscow fits well into it. There is no doubt that the United States and Great Britain are being held back from a nuclear strike on our country not by abstract humanistic motives, but by very concrete fears of receiving a massive nuclear strike in response.

Another funny example - report by the Scottish organization Scottish CND, which advocates for the elimination of nuclear weapons in Scotland and around the world. It is characteristic that to build your argument on the need to abandon nuclear weapons they decided in the form of a detailed consideration of the consequences of a nuclear strike by a British strategic SSBN (nuclear missile-ballistic submarine) of the Vanguard type on Moscow and the Moscow region, with a count of the dead - according to their calculations, almost five and a half million people would die. This is not counting the wounded, the destruction of infrastructure and contamination of the area - they say, “how scary, let’s ban it.”

In general, even British pacifists know very well who their real enemy is; there is no doubt that they will start banning nuclear weapons with Russia, even if they are now declaring the opposite.

The cover from that same report, it’s immediately clear that people are fighting for peace

The US Armed Forces (AF), special organizations and industry are making significant efforts to break nuclear parity and provide themselves with a unilateral advantage that allows them to attack Russia. sudden disarming blow - precisely disarming, when most of the deployed assets of the Strategic Nuclear Forces (SNF) are destroyed, since when delivering a decapitating strike, when only the military-political leadership of the country is destroyed, there is no guarantee that a retaliatory strike will not be struck, perhaps to some extent the risks even increase.

Often, ordinary people think that it is impossible to crush a country that has nuclear weapons, cliches immediately pop up - “nuclear winter”, “global radioactive contamination”, “humanity will die out”, “the planet will split into pieces” and the like, but all this is far from reality .

In addition to the nuclear warheads themselves, highly effective carriers for them are needed – intercontinental ballistic missiles missiles (ICBMs) and submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs), capable of remaining in readiness to strike for decades, withstanding the shock wave and electromagnetic pulses from nearby nuclear explosions, and penetrating the enemy's anti-missile defense (ABM). ICBMs and SLBMs also require appropriate storage or transportation facilities - highly protected silo launchers (SLBMs) ​​and modern SSBNs (in Russia - strategic missile submarines - SSBNs), and strategic bombers would not hurt either - that is, a full-fledged "nuclear triad" is needed.

We also need a missile attack warning system (MAWS), including ground and orbital echelons, capable of promptly detecting the fact of an attack and ensuring a retaliatory strike before enemy missiles reach their target. After the US withdraws from the ABM Treaty, missile defense systems will play an increasingly important role in nuclear deterrence.

Early warning systems, including ground-based (surface) radar stations and satellites that detect missile launches, are an important element of nuclear deterrence

Ideally, all this should work in combination - ICBMs in silos, SLBMs on SSBNs/SSBNs, early warning systems and missile defense. Only Russia and the United States have all of the above; China has almost everything; India is striving for this. All other nuclear powers can be considered “inferior” in this sense.

What do we have with the UK’s strategic nuclear forces?

UK strategic nuclear forces

Britain became one of the first nuclear powers - the third country to test nuclear weapons in October 1952, after the USA and the USSR. Since 1958, after the signing of the relevant treaty, the development of nuclear weapons in Great Britain began to largely depend on the United States, and over time this dependence only increased.

Once upon a time, the UK had an almost classic nuclear triad, including Avro Vulcan strategic bombers, Resolution SSBNs and Thor ground-launched intermediate-range ballistic missiles (IRBMs), however, the PGM-17A Thor is an American MRBM deployed in the UK.

Avro Vulcan strategic bomber, Resolution SSBN and PGM-17A Thor IRBM

The British Armed Forces also had tactical nuclear weapons – artillery American-made projectiles and operational-tactical missile systems in service with the ground forces (GV), free-fall aerial bombs in the air force and depth nuclear bombs in the navy fleet (Navy). Also in Great Britain there were warehouses of American nuclear weapons, as well as carriers (aircraft) capable of ensuring their delivery.

However, after the collapse of the USSR, British strategic nuclear forces began to quickly decline - by the end of the 90s of the 16th century, the only component of the British strategic nuclear forces were four Vanguard-class SSBNs, each of which carries up to XNUMX American Trident II SLBMs with eight warheads. All four existing Vanguard-class SSBNs are based in Faslane (Scotland), at the Clyde Naval Base (NAS), at least one SSBN is always on combat duty.

Vanguard-class SSBN

Naval Base Clyde (HMNB Clyde)

American nuclear weapons and carriers were removed from British territory, but now there is talk of their return again, and, most likely, this issue will be resolved positively.

From 2030, the Dreadnought-class SSBNs will begin to enter service with the UK's strategic nuclear forces; they should finally replace the Vanguard-class SSBNs by 2060. It is also planned to increase the number of nuclear warheads by 40% - from 180 to 260 units.

Computer model of Dreadnought-class SSBN

How effective are the UK's strategic nuclear forces?

They are effective only if they coexist with the US strategic nuclear forces; without them, the UK’s strategic nuclear forces are just a target for a determined enemy. Even the presence of American nuclear weapons on the British Isles will not change anything - aviation The component is the least resistant to a disarming strike.

In addition, there are negative processes of degradation of the Royal Navy in general and its strategic underwater component in particular, due to the decline in the popularity of service in the Royal Navy, as well as the permission to recruit persons with deviant behavior - with mental disabilities, alcohol and drug abusers, with pathology of sexual behavior: openly homosexual and transgender people.

Who knows what will happen there next?

A new “coronavirus” epidemic, the emergence of 44 or more genders, the equalization of animals, insects and robots in rights with people, the possibility of children completely refusing to learn and develop, since becoming a moron is, after all, the legal right of a free Anglo-Saxon?

How will all this affect the combat effectiveness of the British Navy?

Currently, the UK manages to maintain the principle of “at least one SSBN on combat duty”, since only at this moment its protection from a sudden disarming strike is relatively high, but what will happen next?

Existing SSBNs are aging, new ones, even in the most successful scenario, will appear no earlier than 2030, or even later, in addition, in the UK there was talk about conversion of one SSBN into a cruise missile carrier (SSGN).

The Royal Navy is just a shadow of its former glory

Based on the above, in the near future there is a high probability of a “window of opportunity” when, for one reason or another, all British SSBNs, albeit for a short time, will end up in the Clyde naval base, which will make them vulnerable to a sudden disarming strike.

Since Great Britain does not have any alternative means of nuclear deterrence - it is a classic inferior nuclear power, only with Anglo-Saxon arrogance and the habits of a former colonial empire, then it is necessary to deal with it accordingly in this case.

Order of forces and means

The blow to Britain must be both disarming and decapitating. To ensure it, the minimum requirement is two Project 885M multi-purpose nuclear submarines (MSNAS), which together must carry 64 Zircon hypersonic cruise missiles (CR) with a nuclear warhead, optimized for striking ground targets with known coordinates.

The flight range of the Zircon hypersonic missile cruise missiles is indicated in various sources from 450 kilometers to more than 1 kilometers. It can be assumed that the factors at play here are the altitude of the flight path, the intensity of maneuvering, and the factor of the warhead - whether it is conventional or nuclear, since a nuclear warhead usually weighs less.

The priority target of Project 885M SSBNs and their Zircon hypersonic cruise missiles with nuclear warheads will be SSBNs located in the Clyde naval base, as well as other objects related to strategic nuclear deterrence, including government and military command and control bodies.

SSBN "Kazan" of project 885M "Yasen-M". Image by mil.ru

Of course, the SSBNs involved will be only the “tip of the iceberg,” the hidden part of which will include space reconnaissance assets, the resources of the Main Directorate for Deep-Sea Research (GUGI), as well as underwater situation monitoring equipment deployed on civilian ships and much more.

Day "D", hour "H"

The ideal moment to launch a disarming nuclear strike on Great Britain is a situation when, due to a combination of circumstances - accidents, malfunctions, dismissal of Royal Navy sailors, a strike by naval personnel in support of LGBT (prohibited in Russia) or something similar, all four British SSBNs will be parked at the piers. In this case, the strike can/should be delivered immediately, at the moment when all SSBNs are within the reach of the Zircon hypersonic cruise missiles with nuclear warheads.

Theoretically, a strike could be delivered at a time when one British SSBN is on combat patrol, but in this case the risks increase significantly, and the number of forces and assets involved increases. In this case, the primary task is to track and destroy this only British SSBN by additional SSBN hunters allocated for this task, and only after its detection and destruction is the command given to launch Zircon hypersonic missiles with nuclear warheads at the remaining Clyde SSBNs in the naval base.

The decapitation strike is of secondary importance in relation to the disarming one, and should be applied to the military-political authorities, as well as the highest priority targets of the armed forces and intelligence services of Great Britain.

Risks and consequences

There is an opinion that if Russia launches a nuclear strike on Great Britain or any other NATO country, the United States will inevitably strike in response.

If you look at the official agreements, then yes, this is how it should be, but will these agreements be implemented?

Back in the early 5s, US military-analytical structures considered a situation where a possible enemy carried out a lightning-fast defeat of their ally, after which he announced a cessation of hostilities and his readiness to negotiate, which would put the United States in an extremely uncomfortable situation. And what could be “lightning faster” and “more devastating” than a nuclear strike delivered by hypersonic missiles - the American early warning missile system most likely will not even detect their launch, and if it does, they will definitely not have time to inform Britain, nor will they have time to receive it any fatal decision - in XNUMX minutes everything will be over, there will be no one to save.

In principle, the collapse of Great Britain is rather a blessing for the United States, because the former empire, “on which the sun never sets,” is not only an ally for the United States, but also a very dangerous competitor.

In the end, the United States should already understand that it will not be able to take over the whole world, at least in the foreseeable future, and having abandoned Europe and Asia, the superpower that has lost its former power can focus on Canada and the countries of Latin America, in fact returning to the Monroe Doctrine of 1823, which works on the principle: we will not let anyone rob you - we will do it ourselves.

We see how the world is changing, the USA is full of its own problems, even if a civil war does not start right now, what will happen in a couple of years, with such and such trends?

It is possible that someone in the USA also planned an attack on the USSR in the mid-eighties of the last century, looking at the degradation of management structures and the impotence of the Soviet government, which allowed the German amateur pilot Matthias Rust to fly across the entire country on a Cessna plane, which landed on Krasnaya square in Moscow directly opposite St. Basil's Cathedral.

On the day when two windows of opportunity coincide - the political crisis in the United States and the immediate presence of all British SSBNs in the Clyde naval base - the strike must be delivered immediately, and it will not have any consequences.

In the sense: negative consequences for Russia, with Great Britain, of course, after this it will be possible to say goodbye, at least as a single state - a former empire.


Of course, it is unlikely that Russia is preparing to launch a disarming and decapitating nuclear strike on Great Britain, but on the other hand, who knows - such things are not discussed on TV.

It is unlikely that the Russian Navy has the required number of hypersonic Zircon missile cruise missiles in service, but I am sure that the long-adopted supersonic missile cruise missile Oniks with a nuclear warhead will cope with this task very well, only the flight time will increase to about 15 minutes - The UK’s strategic nuclear forces will still not have time to do anything.

By the way, it is possible that the “Daggers” will be able to reach Great Britain, provided they are equipped with nuclear warheads, and the required quantity to deliver a guaranteed disarming strike can be ensured by integration of the Kinzhal complex into the armament of the Tu-160 strategic bomber-missile carrier or the promising long-range aviation complex (PAK DA).

The hostile activities of Great Britain towards our country are not only weakening, but only intensifying:

“Great Britain invited NATO allies to consider sending an expeditionary force of the alliance to Ukraine.

It is necessary to establish a no-fly zone over the territory controlled by the Kiev authorities, increase the supply of weapons and equipment, secretly transfer large highly maneuverable NATO forces to Ukraine from the border regions of Romania and Poland to occupy defensive lines along the right bank of the Dnieper, not excluding a preventive strike by the armed forces of Moldova and Romania on Transnistria.

In addition, the British plan involves the deployment of the alliance contingent and the armies of individual members of the organization on the territory of Norway and Finland to disperse the forces and assets of Russian troops. With the possibility of a simultaneous strike on strategic infrastructure facilities in the northern regions of Russia.

Britain intends to complete preparation of such a scenario by May this year.”

There is no point in waiting for her plans to succeed - we must be ready to rip out old Great Britain's nuclear fangs as soon as possible, and then we can only wait for the opportune moment to do so.
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  1. +7
    10 February 2024 05: 29
    In order to finally and forever close this stinking island hole, it is enough to wait one, well, at most two generations, when migrants from Pakistan, Arab and other countries will completely control all domestic and foreign policy of the so-called Great Britain. For this, no "Zircons" are needed. wink
    1. +11
      10 February 2024 05: 50
      Quote: Dutchman Michel
      It’s enough to wait one, well, at most two generations, when migrants...

      Hmm, time works, but it doesn’t work for everyone...
      1. +11
        10 February 2024 10: 16
        Khrushchev once said that to completely exclude England from combat operations, five half-megaton bombs would be enough for England. For France - nine bombs.
        64 Zircons are precisely for the total destruction of the population.
        For what? They will crush each other in the post-apocalypse.
        1. +6
          10 February 2024 16: 38
          Quote: Shurik70
          Khrushchev once said that to completely exclude England from combat operations, five half-megaton bombs would be enough for England.

          Khrushchev did not say, Khrushchev asked the commander of the Missile Forces:
          - How many missiles are needed to bring England out of war?
          - FIVE R-12 missiles with 5 Mt warheads.
          - So few ??
          - Yes, look - here, here, here and two more pieces on these bases. That's all.
          Quote: Shurik70
          For France - nine bombs.

          Rocket. And warheads are also 5 Mt.
          The accuracy of the missiles was still not very good; they compensated for it with power.
          1. +1
            12 February 2024 14: 42
            Good day. The R-12 MRBM had a nuclear warhead with a capacity of 2,3 Mt. A 5-megaton warhead would not have fit in due to its weight. 3 tons instead of the 1,5 tons limit for the R-12
            1. +1
              12 February 2024 14: 56
              Quote from sergeyketonov
              Good afternoon. The R-12 MRBM had a nuclear warhead with a capacity of 2,3 Mt. A 5 Megaton would not fit in weight. 3 tons instead of 1,5 tons limit for R-12

              Probably that conversation took place when the R-12s were still being developed and this was the desired combat load for them, but I remember that they were talking specifically about 5 Mt warheads. And I myself believed that the warhead of both the R-12 and R-14 was exactly 5 tons. Thanks for the clarification. hi
              1. +2
                12 February 2024 15: 01
                The 5-megaton missile was on the Yangel R-16 ICBM, and its throw weight was just right - 3 tons.
        2. +3
          10 February 2024 19: 58
          We should not ask Khrushchev, who does not exist, but Abramovich, who keeps most of his fortune in Britain. Where will other oligarchs be tried if not in a London court? Did the author think?
          1. +2
            11 February 2024 11: 52
            There will be no one to sue, and perhaps no one am
            1. +2
              11 February 2024 20: 06
              Don't write nonsense. Look at reality without beauty:
          2. 0
            11 February 2024 21: 11
            Remember the sad fate of Aven and Friedman. Nobody needs our thieves there. It’s no longer enough to share yours with ours...
          3. KCA
            12 February 2024 09: 59
            Well, Abramovich keeps his money, where he is treated no worse than before in the Russian Federation, where he sold Rosneft and rebuilt half of Chukotka, this is what everyone knows, but they won’t tell us what the actual conditions are, in England they easily squeezed out Chelsea, although in 20 years he increased the value of Chelsea 65 times, in general, toys were deprived and heated up by $2 billion
        3. 0
          10 February 2024 22: 19
          We are humane, so we don’t want to be studied right away!
        4. -1
          12 February 2024 15: 20
          Good afternoon Alexander. 64 “Zircons” is, of course, too much, unless the goal is to destroy the entire population of the islands to the last person and wipe out all major British cities from the face of the earth. An absolutely inhuman and, most importantly, useless action for military affairs, and how we will look after such an action in the eyes of the allies, it would not hurt to think about the same thing. It is enough to pull out the “nuclear teeth” from the “British witch”. Leave it without nuclear weapons. Read my article “Preventive nuclear strike or how to avoid a big war”, everything is discussed in detail there. And Mitrofanov does not take into account the SSBN on duty, which in any case will strike back and all warheads will fly towards Moscow. Out of 40 100 kiloton warheads, the W-76/Mk4, taking into account the delivery coefficient, will reach the target and fire - 30-32.
        5. 0
          21 August 2024 23: 26
          Not at all. Even the full use of nuclear potential will not destroy humanity
      2. +10
        10 February 2024 11: 24
        but the F-35, even purely technically, will not reach Moscow due to lack of range, unless it is a one-way flight.
        Well, the drones are flying... request Agree, when Americans bomb Iraq, they don’t fly from America.
        1. +4
          10 February 2024 16: 11
          Quote: NIKNN
          Well, the drones do fly... You must admit that when the Americans bomb Iraq, they don't fly from America.

          Essentially I absolutely agree with you.
          If the drones fly, in the event of a massive attack, something will fly.
          And regarding “Iraq is not being bombed from America” - on February 3rd of this year, Biden ordered to send planes to bomb Iraq from a US base.
          They probably forgot to tell him that there was an ocean between them.
          The military carried out the order.
    2. +10
      10 February 2024 07: 16
      You think so? Sunak's example suggests otherwise.
      1. +3
        10 February 2024 10: 19
        Quote: tatarin1972
        You think so? Sunak's example suggests otherwise.

        The life of the getos in England is probably best told by the film "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels" (I recommend the translation by Goblin - probably the only film where he translated without banter, "as it is")
        True, the film was released a quarter of a century ago, so now there will obviously be more Arabs there
    3. +6
      10 February 2024 07: 54
      ...it’s enough to wait one, well, at most two generations, when migrants from Pakistan, Arab and other states will completely control the entire domestic and foreign policy of the so-called. Great Britain.

      Deep misconception. Look, Sunak is just a native of the East, and what a blizzard he is stirring up...
      Unfortunately, even if the majority of the population from Pakistan, Arab and other states prevails, the Naglo-Saxons will prepare an elite from them, which, just like the current Naglo-Saxon elite
      will continue to hate Russia and try to spoil us as much as possible.
      The Englishwoman will continue to crap as long as small Britain itself exists.
      1. +1
        10 February 2024 18: 17
        The elite can be trained, but it is unlikely to be possible to recruit Arabs and blacks and migrants into the army, much less send them to fight for the king with Russia.
        1. +2
          11 February 2024 12: 10
          "It's unlikely to work out, especially to send them to fight for the king against Russia." - it will work out, if they managed to send Ukrainians against Russia. They'll play the religious card and "things will work out", and how. It's precisely such underestimations of the "skills" of Western elites that led to the current situation.
          1. 0
            21 August 2024 23: 29
            And therefore skills in quotes? This is skill. Ability to play the Big Game
    4. +10
      10 February 2024 08: 11
      The Prime Minister of England is Indian, the Mayor of London is from Pakistan. Is something changing in Naglia’s behavior?
      1. -2
        10 February 2024 11: 07
        Quote: kenig1
        The Prime Minister of England is Indian, the Mayor of London is from Pakistan. Is something changing in Naglia’s behavior?

        When there are a lot of them, it will change. The Prime Minister, the Mayor and the Leader of Scotland is just the beginning
        1. +4
          10 February 2024 11: 41
          When there are a lot of them
          Much faster than in England, there will be many of them in Russia - already now, in percentage terms, there are significantly more of them. Wait for the receipt for the jizya payment Yes .
          1. -2
            10 February 2024 11: 43
            Quote: Bolt Cutter
            Much faster than in England, there will be many of them in Russia - already now in percentage

            In London there are already more than 50 percent of them. Look at the faces of passers-by wink
            1. +2
              10 February 2024 11: 50
              Look at the faces of passers-by
              Have you been there (here)? In some areas they cluster together, yes, but there are more Poles and Balts here than Pakistanis. AND this is the capital- in Moscow, too, not everyone is entirely blue-eyed blond. But in Newcastle and Weston, for example, there are practically none outside of ethnic restaurants.
              1. -2
                10 February 2024 14: 16
                Quote: Bolt Cutter
                Have you been there (here)?

                I’ve been everywhere in Europe, but I’ve never been to Britain. But I don’t think that the state of affairs with migrants on the island is any different from the continent
                1. +1
                  10 February 2024 14: 21
                  never happened in Britain.
                  Well, I was wondering if you could enlighten me about life in Britain. laughing . I myself recently arrived - only 20 years ago.
                  Been everywhere in Europe
                  The only countries I was not in the EU were were Austria and Greece. I can only note that the situation with migrants is different everywhere.
                2. 0
                  10 February 2024 16: 53
                  Quote: Dutchman Michel
                  Been everywhere in Europe

                  And even in San Marino? Have you been to Monaco too??? belay
                  I was not only in Austria and Greece.

                  Apparently you got a bad grade in geography at school: both Austria and Greece still belong to EUROPE!
                  And you say that “you’ve been everywhere in Europe”!
                  It’s not good to deceive gullible forum members from the provinces, you are our simple traveler! laughing
              2. +2
                10 February 2024 18: 20
                Quote: Bolt Cutter
                In some areas they cluster together

                Around city hall?
    5. +9
      10 February 2024 08: 36
      Quote: Dutchman Michel
      It’s enough to wait one, well, at most two generations, when migrants from Pakistan, Arab and other states will completely control the entire domestic and foreign policy of the so-called. Great Britain.

      The entire domestic and especially foreign policy of Britain is determined by the deep state, and migrants (in the sense of radical defectors from one country to another) will not be allowed there under any circumstances. Over time, only the internal decomposition of the individuals who make up the DS is possible, which will most likely lead from any objective perception of the world to sheer voluntarism. And this is the basis for the aggravation of the conflict of intercivilizational relations with the prospect of implementing fatal decisions. In short, there will be no weakening of the confrontation between Britain and Russia over time. And the proposal by some representatives of the British elite to send an expeditionary corps of "peace" to Ukraine is only further confirmation of this. There is no need to delude ourselves with harmful illusions. On the horizon is the clear prospect of a full-fledged war. In Europe, for sure. So I think it is better to be ready for mobilization measures as early as tomorrow. As for our General Staff, I hope that the operation to withdraw Britain from possible combat operations has already been signed by the Supreme Commander at the level of prepared decisions, calculations and preliminary orders, and will be carried out among the first when the conditions for the use of nuclear weapons are created according to our military doctrine.
      1. 0
        11 February 2024 20: 07
        yeah, right now, we're daydreaming...
    6. +1
      10 February 2024 13: 19
      we need to introduce them to Russian vodka and bring more gays there...
    7. +10
      10 February 2024 14: 00
      The fact is that Russia has exactly the same problem with migrants, of whom there are already more than 17 million (this is only according to official statistics). And Russia is facing the same thing as Britain with such a crazy migration policy.
      1. +6
        10 February 2024 14: 05
        Russia will face the same thing as Britain
        They don't sell passports in Britain.
        1. -2
          10 February 2024 17: 04
          Quote: Bolt Cutter
          They don't sell passports in Britain.

          Dear! You are deeply mistaken about this. Yes
          Any person who can pay 1 million dollars becomes a citizen of the World Bank (UK!) fellow
          1. +4
            10 February 2024 21: 10
            becomes a citizen of the World Bank (UK!)
            Resident (residence permit), with the right to naturalize after 5 years if you invest 2 million pounds. Don’t misinform the local people - for $1 million you will buy a nice house in London, and that’s all.
    8. +6
      10 February 2024 14: 42
      Not sure about migrants. Sunak from friendly India, on the contrary, is tearing out his anus, competing in Russophobia with the best masters of this matter. As for two or three generations, yes, there will be problems, but not only in small Britain, but in all of Europe. Resources are declining, both mineral and food resources. The world is facing difficult times. Especially such an overpopulated piece of land with limited resources and multiculturalism (moronism and moral decay) like Europe. Large states will have advantages, so we need a powerful army and a population of at least 250 million to defend what we have.
      1. +1
        10 February 2024 17: 07
        Quote: URAL72
        we need a powerful army and a population of at least 250 million to defend what we have.

        You are thinking correctly... good
        One immodest question: - How many REAL children do you have!?
        1. 0
          10 February 2024 21: 19
          same question. 3 or more??? Will you answer Ural72?
          1. +8
            10 February 2024 22: 22
            I don't really understand what my children have to do with it. I dreamed of the unification of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan. Then it would have been almost 250. Then I think the demographic gap of the 90s gradually leveled out. Firstly, I have a son born in 1997. And we lived in Kherson then, and I never planned to strengthen the "power" of Ukraine by producing minds and workers. Now my son is in Kyiv, hiding from mobilization. Since 2015, I have no time for children at all, I went to fight for Donbass. Today I am still in service, in the 126th brigade of the Russian Federation. So I chose the path of a warrior and not a hero father. To each his own. Would you like to live my life?
            1. 0
              7 May 2024 13: 12
              Considering how many children you and your wife gave birth to and raised? 3 or more, as I understand it from your words? Otherwise, everyone advises to give birth and raise children, but you ask them how many they have - eyes wide and “one”. What else to talk about with them if they haven’t even raised a replacement for themselves???
              About the path of a warrior, my neighbor has 5 children, her husband is a military man, Airborne Forces, he is exactly where you are, this does not bother them. Fortunately, the military has not been offended with money for a long time.
            2. 0
              7 May 2024 13: 20
              People with one child, like those without one, are vegetables, daffodils growing uselessly. Only an unintelligent person can take advice from them about how much to give birth and raise. I have about 1 neighbors with 4-6 children, and they are never marginal. It’s just that, for example, those who have 5 children, three of them still work on the farm (a nanny, a driver to transport children to different sections, and a housework worker), and they plow for everyone.
            3. 0
              7 May 2024 13: 25
              This is related to the phrase “therefore, we need a powerful army and a population of at least 250 million to defend what we have.”
    9. 0
      11 February 2024 03: 54
      Dutchman, what will they control here? zircon can close forever, but it won’t close and why write about it, apparently there’s nothing else to talk about, Medvedev drowned them long ago...
    10. 0
      22 March 2024 08: 38
      The Prime Minister himself is already Indian, the Minister of Internal Affairs is Kenyan, the Minister of Foreign Trade is Nigerian, does this somehow help us?
  2. +15
    10 February 2024 05: 36
    Britain intends to complete preparation of such a scenario by May this year.”

    There is no point in waiting for her plans to succeed - we must be ready to rip out old Great Britain's nuclear fangs as soon as possible, and then we can only wait for the opportune moment to do so.
    by May then...so should I plant potatoes or not?
    1. +5
      10 February 2024 05: 49
      Quote: Aerodrome
      By May that means...so should I plant potatoes or not?

      Plant it of course! It must be very large...
      1. +3
        10 February 2024 10: 38
        Must be very large
        You just need to put her in a cage right away so she doesn’t run away Yes .
    2. +2
      10 February 2024 13: 30
      Quote: Aerodrome
      By May that means...so should I plant potatoes or not?

      It will come in handy during a nuclear winter. And cleaning the luminous one is much more convenient. But the Saxons will finally answer for the Skripals’ cat, tv@ri
      1. +2
        10 February 2024 17: 12
        Quote: Winnie76
        But the Saxons will finally answer for the Skripals’ cat, tv@ri

        What? Still haven't caught it!? belay
        Well, damn it, if the cat turned out to be smarter than all of Scotland Yard (Scotland Core), then where are they and their “English scientists” getting into our Kalash line? stop
  3. +2
    10 February 2024 05: 41
    Quote: Aerodrome
    By May that means...so should I plant potatoes or not?

    laughing good
  4. +1
    10 February 2024 05: 43
    +. Put.
    You can laugh all day long.
    Zadornov of the 21st century.
    Or Khazanov?

    The great parshik was in the smoking room having a conversation with the newly arrived recruits.
    Where to the city?
    What about tourists - entomologists? Retaliatory terrorism is to be seized.
    Core physics is one thing, but revenge is another.

    The courage to point a finger at a map (and tear it) is already a lot on the wall
  5. +4
    10 February 2024 06: 03
    History shows that the “yehsperds” ABSOLUTELY ALWAYS made mistakes in their methods of warfare! During World War 1 and World War 2, the war did not go at all as they predicted!
    1. +3
      10 February 2024 08: 42
      What are your claims against the experts, sir? The experts want to crow and get paid, and then don't let them flourish!
  6. +5
    10 February 2024 06: 04
    Why and what is this custom-made article, disguised as simple reasoning of the average person, about?
    It feels like they had a hand and a pen in it, professionals of provocations!
    “Look, Putin talks about his lack of intentions to conquer Europe, but in reality...
    Here, on a plate, is an article about Russia’s intention, at a convenient moment, to wipe out the United Kingdom from the face of the earth!”
    We, naively, believe that one interview can change the Western world!?
    In a couple of weeks, the West will draw so many horror stories that the average person will again start talking about the insidiousness of our President Putin!
  7. +24
    10 February 2024 06: 09
    Another irresponsible Mitrofanovism. negative
  8. +2
    10 February 2024 06: 15
    Which war goes exactly according to plan? There is no such war. And it won't. They will always lament that something went wrong. And as a result, there are great losses. I see my country as populated by people, but if someone sees it differently... Everyone will be vulnerable. Perhaps China will sit on the sidelines.
  9. -2
    10 February 2024 06: 24
    64? No, that's a lie! At least 512!! And all are hypersonic, and all have no analogues in the world!!!
    There are 15 left until the death of Small Britain, no 10, I’m lying 5 minutes. Surrender, brazenly Saxons!
    Our Tucker Carlson has already defeated you. No Vladimir Putin. Well, it doesn’t matter, it’s actually the same person, our English master. No, American. No, ours, and a patriot. But the main thing is the boss! And it won’t falter. Exactly when the submarines will hit the Clyde..
    And then they will let us into London! Can you imagine, into London itself!! That's a victory for Russia!!!
  10. +1
    10 February 2024 06: 30
    Dwelling on the topic of launching a nuclear strike on GB is a waste of time. The situation is not yet mature enough.
    There is an opinion that if Russia launches a nuclear strike on Great Britain or any other NATO country, the United States will inevitably strike in response.
    If you look at the official contracts, then yes, this is how it should be, but will these agreements be fulfilled?

    Back in the days of the USSR, there was an opinion that no country would dare to stand up for the territory covered with radioactive ash. And doubts that the United States will decide to stand up for someone (EVEN FROM THE NATO bloc) are reasonable. For what? Repeat fate on one scale or another? They will take it for granted and hide their tails... And some especially zealous ones will die out forever. And there are a great many examples of this in history...
  11. +17
    10 February 2024 06: 33
    64 hypersonic Zircon missiles with a nuclear warhead could permanently close the UK project

    Or they may not close it, let’s first ensure the safety of Belgorod!
    1. +4
      10 February 2024 08: 18
      Why come up with unnecessary things? There are good old ICBMs. The speed is higher and the range is longer (shoot from any region of Russia). All these Zircon-Daggers have a short range. What does it mean to get close to the launch range? And there are the NATO Navy and Air Force. Why bother? request hi
      1. +8
        10 February 2024 09: 03
        Quote: fa2998
        There are good old ICBMs.

        Perhaps this is the only reasonable thing that Mitrofanov has. The launch of an ICBM will be noticed by early warning systems, and there is a high risk of a retaliatory strike. This will not happen with a zircon strike.
        The rest of the article is enchanting nonsense, of course.
        1. 0
          10 February 2024 18: 01
          Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
          The launch of an ICBM will be noticed by early warning systems, and there is a high risk of a retaliatory strike. This will not happen with a zircon strike.

          The space echelon of the early warning system is just as successful in detecting the flares of the CRBD as the ICBM/MRSD. England is included in NORAD. Therefore, it will “detect” the fact of the launch of the GZO. Another thing is that you may not have time to react if you do not take measures in advance for the threatened period. Such as building up BD/BS forces, dispersing strategic nuclear forces, hiding reserves, transferring industry, etc.
    2. +1
      10 February 2024 08: 45
      You offered, you provide! Otherwise you sit back on your battle couch and spread provocative slogans!
  12. +17
    10 February 2024 06: 39
    In November 2023, reporters from the British publication Mail Online decided to try on Moscow the promising American thermonuclear bomb B61-13 with a capacity of 360 kilotons of TNT equivalent. In the material presented to the public, the authors simulated the explosion and savored its consequences - destruction, a fiery whirlwind, how many Moscow residents will die immediately, and how many a little later, from radiation and disease.

    Mr. Mitrofanov decided to compete with his British colleagues in who will write a stupider article? He's great! He won!
  13. -6
    10 February 2024 06: 47
    4 R-36M "Voevoda" - guaranteed to turn Great Britain into a sparsely inhabited island
    1. -9
      10 February 2024 07: 21
      Now one RS-28 "Sarmat" is enough to ensure that there are no islands at all.
      1. -3
        10 February 2024 19: 56
        So I understand that there are only English lovers around?! A bunch of minuses right away.
        1. 0
          21 August 2024 23: 36
          Most likely not fans of throwing hats
    2. +7
      10 February 2024 12: 46
      Another nonsense. The affected area of ​​one R-36M is 10x50 km. Compare this with the area of ​​Great Britain.
      1. +1
        10 February 2024 16: 11
        Quote: sergan, m
        The affected area of ​​one R-36M is 10x50 sq.

        Each has 10 warheads with a capacity of 550...750 kt each, individually targeted, enough to hit and destroy their nuclear power plants, and they only have FIVE in operation... And the islands become uninhabitable. These are five warheads out of 40, the remaining 35 are for administrative and military centers and facilities
      2. -1
        10 February 2024 18: 22
        Quote: sergan, m
        The affected area of ​​one R-36M is 10x50 km.

        Dear! Don't hide: reveal the secret! Maybe you've heard something about such a concept as the AREA FOR RESULTING OF COMBAT UNITS!? Now imagine: 10 BBs of 750Kt each and only for TEN kilometers??? Yes, you are a joker, however!!! laughing
        1. +2
          12 February 2024 14: 55
          Alexander. Good afternoon. The disengagement zone for R-36M2 warheads is a trapezoidal area - 1000 km in height (in range) and 500 km in the lower base (in azimuth) and 800 km in the upper base (in azimuth). This is several times more than any other ICBM or SLBM equipped with MIRVs. For example, the British Chevaline has a maximum distance between the aiming points of only two available warheads - 64 km.
          1. +1
            12 February 2024 15: 55
            Sergey, thanks for the information. drinks
            For my R-29PMU I know approximately the data for different equipment (warheads with carrots). For the R-36 I had an approximate idea, but I did not dare to "lie" so as not to run into a pure missileman. It could have been an embarrassment, which is not ICE! negative
            But the comrade is chatting with numbers from the ceiling, as if at a picnic on the fucking road, and does not even suspect that someone served on these systems and can catch him in “chattering”. This is the current “level of understanding of the problem”... bully
            1. 0
              12 February 2024 15: 58
              Alexander, glad to see and read!
              1. +1
                12 February 2024 16: 11
                Similarly! hi
                An immodest question: when will you please us with your creativity? Why have you stopped writing - "publishing"...
                Genre crisis? or are you collecting material on some topic?
                1. 0
                  12 February 2024 16: 41
                  Alexander, this endless topic with nuclear weapons in Europe needs to be continued, especially with our lag in “non-strategic” medium-range and operational-tactical ones. Why are you sitting idle? In the fleet, there is no one better than you here, well, that’s my opinion. I have a lot of questions, for example - it starts to irritate me when they launch another icebreaker, how many 10, 12, in Soviet times there was a Lenin and three Arktikas and it was enough above the roof, it’s no better on these slipways and for the same money to build nuclear destroyers pr. 23560, which are needed like “nosebleeds”, another topic, so Vladimir 2U finally took up the topic of protecting our ships from naval drones. The cards are in your hands; who, if not you, will deal with all these topics. My idea, maybe stupid, but maybe all the ships, at least the Black Sea Fleet, can be equipped with sea shells, one on each side. I don’t know what the Pantsir SNR is capable of, whether the machine can detect a small sea target and take it to the AS. Alexander, who, if not you, will bring up all these topics?
                  1. +1
                    12 February 2024 16: 48
                    Quote from sergeyketonov
                    Alexander, who, if not you, will bring up all these topics?

                    Sergey, so as not to burden everyone, I will answer you in a personal message.
                    GUT? wink
              2. 0
                12 February 2024 16: 12
                Alexander. There Mitrofanov has another attempt to cross the Tu-160 and the "Kinzhal", not the first and not only by him, there were also attempts to cross the Tu-22M3 with the "Kinzhal". Not a very good idea. When launching from the ground, the launch calculations of Kapustin Yar by the "Launch at the Limit" method set the maximum range with the existing load of the "Iskander" - 627 km. When launched from a MiG, the range of the "Kinzhal" is 2000 km, or 4 km per second at the end of the OUT. But launches from the Tu-160 and Tu-22M3, I did calculations 10 years ago, the range will be up to 800 km, no more. It will be enough for Ukraine, so the Su-34 is a way out, but as a strategic medium-range weapon for targets in NATO countries "it will be too little".
                1. +1
                  12 February 2024 16: 41
                  Sergey, a couple of thoughts about this.
                  1. for ground launcher 627 km only in MAX range mode in this configuration. Nobody forbids making the car 2-speed (with an accelerating block). Fortunately, there is enough space on the PU for this. A similar practice with the addition of 1000 mm of “powder accelerator” was practiced on the Oka. The question is: what thermal and dynamic load is the “head” designed for? In the form in which it is currently “drawn” (as a log), it certainly (in the version of more than 1000 km) cannot be used. Need a carrot. This means the 3M14 option - with the shooting of the warhead from the “log”, which will play the role of the TLC. But these are just my thoughts, because... “the connection of times has already been lost” with the cadets involved in the issue.
                  2. Both 160 and 22M3M products carry limited dimensions and weight. 160 for long distances, so in general there are 6 items in the weapons compartments “in drums”. Therefore, it is most likely advisable to carry the X-102. Firstly, do not interfere with the missile defense/air defense active zone, and secondly, their range is a sight for sore eyes! Moreover, like a fan, along different routes, and made using low-visibility technology... Beauty, and that’s all!
                  3. Most likely, ours will complete the development of the aircraft-based 3M22. Firstly, hypersound is still there, and secondly, whatever it is - unification.
                  So, we'll see!
                  1. 0
                    12 February 2024 17: 04
                    In 2008-2009, already knowing about the existence of the two-stage medium-range Oka project, I thought it was necessary to make the same Iskander - a draft project, especially since its native stage with a solid thrust reserve of 175 kN allowed it to be done easily, the launch weight grew to 7,5 tons. But the thrust reserve was more than enough and the speed at the end of the OUT was exactly 4 km per second, the safety margin for loads in "pitch", "yaw" and "acceleration" (acceleration) of the "Iskander" with a decent reserve and a decent reserve for thermal protection, but then no one was interested - they say we have the INF Treaty with the Americans, not at the right time. So, the idea of ​​​​the "Dagger" was obvious, that's why it appeared so quickly and easily. Another thing is that the MiGs will soon run out of resources, in any case, they will have to make a land-based version and the sooner the better.
                    1. +1
                      12 February 2024 17: 37
                      Quote from sergeyketonov
                      The MiGs will soon run out of life, in any case, a ground version will have to be made, and the sooner the better.

                      According to MiGs. 100 vehicles were repaired and upgraded to the BM option. We replaced the power units, avionics, almost the entire BRES and installed a new engine. The airframe's service life has been extended by 15 years. The MiG-41 is being developed as an aerospace (hypersonic? but this is unlikely, because it is planned to operate at 4500 km/h) long-range interception complex. Considering the 2 corridors (North - through the joint venture and Europe - through the Black Sea Fleet), they will most likely graze the SAC in these directions, until the deadline for completing the task (launch of the CRBD).
                      Ground version I actually drew it. He will most likely be placed with us in the KOR or with the Syabry brothers. Father loves such tchotchkes, because they give weight to his person.
                      1. +1
                        12 February 2024 18: 29
                        It would be good if they made the MiG-41 sooner (if this is not a myth, I doubt it). If you remember. At one time, the Western press was full of articles about the American hypersonic reconnaissance aircraft SR-72, the successor to the Black Bird, but then they suddenly cut it off, the articles disappeared - this is a bad intelligence sign. We should expect a new reconnaissance aircraft from the Americans soon.
                      2. +1
                        12 February 2024 20: 08
                        Quote from sergeyketonov
                        then they suddenly cut it off, the articles disappeared - this is a bad intelligence sign. Soon we need to wait for the appearance of a new intelligence officer from the Amers.

                        You're absolutely right! By the way, about the birds. All publications about GZO have disappeared from the American press. Exactly the same situation developed in the 40s, when everyone started developing nuclear weapons.
                      3. 0
                        12 February 2024 20: 44
                        Yes, it looks like it. Two of the four - the aircraft-based AGM-183A ARRW and the ground-based MRBM MGM-51A LRHW - seem to be already in trial operation. They're fast. There were already photos of the B-52 crews with the rocket in the hangar in the background. And orders from the Ministry of Defense for naval ones have already been made. On the Zumvolt, instead of the bow propulsion unit, there will be 4 VPM pipes for marine (16 pieces) RGM - 51A CPS. And we only have “Nakhimov” on the way (a low bow to the Soviet planned economy) and that’s it. It was not in vain that I remembered pr 23560, they are needed today and at least 6-10 pieces for the Northern and Pacific 3-5 pieces each. And we are building dozens of icebreakers. Why are they needed, does anyone know?
                      4. +1
                        13 February 2024 18: 52
                        Quote from sergeyketonov
                        air-based AGM-183A ARRW

                        It seems there was a message that 183A was closed and no more funds were allocated for this wunderwaffle.
                        Quote from sergeyketonov
                        We are building dozens of icebreakers. Why are they needed, does anyone know?

                        SMP is our everything! This is a nationwide project to ensure Chinese exports/imports with time/price/quality preferences! The economy, however, is in its bare form. It’s too bad - they reserve places for anti-ship missiles, and not for air defense systems, as was the case in Soviet times. On "Lenin" I personally saw the "stump" under the Osa-M. When they will wise up is the million dollar question!
      3. 0
        10 February 2024 19: 58
        Do not confuse the number of warheads and the affected area.
    3. +1
      10 February 2024 14: 41
      That is, Great Britain is sparsely inhabited.
    4. +2
      10 February 2024 18: 09
      Quote: svp67
      4 R-36M "Voevoda" - guaranteed to turn Great Britain into a sparsely inhabited island

      Heavy ICBMs (R-36 and R-28) are intended as “gifts” for other recipients of a higher class. For Britain - SLBMs and Daggers from KOR., as well as X-102 from our YES after additional reconnaissance of targets remaining from the RYAU... - You're always welcome!
  14. +4
    10 February 2024 06: 53
    Quote: Dutchman Michel
    It’s enough to wait one, well, at most two generations, when migrants from Pakistan, Arab and other states will completely control the entire domestic and foreign policy of the so-called. Great Britain.

    And by this time our Arabs from the former republics will not have captured and controlled the entire country?
  15. +6
    10 February 2024 07: 11
    Not science fiction.
  16. +5
    10 February 2024 07: 22
    There is no point in waiting for her plans to succeed - we must be ready to rip old Great Britain's nuclear fangs out as soon as possible
    It was said, of course, “powerfully” and with great pathos. Theoretically, yes, we really can, as they say, with one movement of the hand, erase Great Britain from the political map of the world. But in this case, Russia becomes the initiator of the start of a nuclear war, and the country hardly needs this today. Again, Russian military doctrine clearly explains in what cases nuclear weapons can be used - either as a retaliatory strike, or in case of danger to the existence of the country.
  17. +13
    10 February 2024 07: 33
    A hangover produces such beautiful nonsense.
  18. +2
    10 February 2024 07: 34
    It's like watching the cartoon "When the Wind Blows" again.
  19. +7
    10 February 2024 08: 57
    "- the blow must be delivered immediately, and it will not have any consequences."
    IMHO, everyone clearly understands what it is.
    A provocation just after Putin’s next imperishable speech, “we are white and fluffy, but everyone is deceiving us”
    IMHO, the author has already talked enough for a bunch of articles....
  20. +13
    10 February 2024 09: 08
    Mitrofanovism every day is too much!
    The eyes hold the frames of the orbits,
    The virgin brain sleeps quietly,
    And only the tongue is a parasite
    Everything grinds, and grinds, and grinds...
  21. -6
    10 February 2024 09: 47
    Why waste "Zircons" when you can safely launch from the depths of the country with 10 ballistic missiles (your choice of "Yars", "Voevoda", "Sarmat"). And in 5-10 minutes the warheads will reach their targets.
  22. +8
    10 February 2024 09: 47
    strikes by Naval Base personnel in support of LGBT people

    with pathology of sexual behavior: openly homosexual and transgender people.

    emergence of another 44 or more genders
    The author has a suspicious interest, however belay . Maybe the next article will cover the topic of British LGBT combatants wassat ?
    1. +1
      11 February 2024 11: 20
      What, then, are there such things? laughing
      1. +1
        11 February 2024 11: 26
        there are

        From the point of view of this author, there probably is. If not, he’ll come up with one and write it. Yes .
  23. 0
    10 February 2024 09: 51
    Thanks to the author!
    It's interesting and scary to read. The photographs are well chosen.

    Nevertheless, if we consider the integral attitude of the population and leadership of Western countries towards Russia and Russians, then the interest in launching a nuclear strike on Moscow fits well with it...
    We, on VO, also have enough remarks in the comments that it’s time to erase both of them, and especially these ones, with one click of the red button.
    The planet will not collapse. So far people can't do it. We can destroy many of our own kind. We can create a new history of the planet. But those who remain will not become smarter.
  24. -6
    10 February 2024 09: 56
    Bravo, Author! Amazing! Not a bad option for cutting off one of the heads of the NATO hydra! And I hope that in the hidden annals of the General Staff there is a similar option for the destruction of the British predator - naturally, with a detailed study of the necessary forces and means.
  25. +3
    10 February 2024 10: 12
    Again some wet dreams, just imagine how quickly it would have been possible to defeat Khokhland if our leadership were not afraid to use nuclear weapons, they would not have been dragged for 2 years and there would not have been thousands of losses.
    1. +2
      10 February 2024 18: 28
      Quote from iommy
      it would have been possible to defeat Khokhland if our leadership were not afraid to use nuclear weapons,

      The use of nuclear weapons in the Northern Military District??? Yes, you are probably stoned or overeated in the morning! am
      1. 0
        12 February 2024 07: 06
        Then let's say this: nuclear tests in places where the so-called militants happened to be. terrorist organization "Ukraine"
        1. +1
          12 February 2024 09: 40
          Quote from iommy
          Then let's say this: nuclear tests in places where the so-called militants happened to be. terrorist organization "Ukraine"

          We are not terrorists, but completely civilized people who respect Mr. law. Nuclear testing in moratorium. And, secondly, there is a testing ground for this on New Earth. Again - notification of partners.
          / No, NOT ICE!!! /
    2. 0
      11 February 2024 20: 41
      just imagine how quickly it would be possible to defeat Khokhland if our leadership were not afraid to use nuclear weapons

      Ilnur, the sediment will swing around the ball a couple of times, so it will reach you.
      do you need it
      1. 0
        12 February 2024 07: 04
        The planet and humanity have withstood thousands of nuclear tests in all continents, environments, high-rises, depths, and will withstand as many more without problems.
  26. +1
    10 February 2024 10: 24
    Quote from iommy
    Again some wet dreams, just imagine how quickly it would have been possible to defeat Khokhland if our leadership were not afraid to use nuclear weapons, they would not have been dragged for 2 years and there would not have been thousands of losses.

    Dear Joomla!
    Do you think that nuclear weapons were invented as an analogue to a shoe on the podium?
    Or is it still an analogue of a Pyrrhic victory?
    1. 0
      12 February 2024 07: 07
      Nuclear weapons were invented to kill and destroy, and we need to kill and destroy on a huge scale.
  27. -6
    10 February 2024 10: 26
    "There are very specific fears of receiving a massive nuclear strike in response."
    look, they can throw a bonbu from their space drone, although protection against such actions is probably being considered, terrorism and luck have not been canceled, but they definitely won’t throw a lot and they will get many times more
  28. +14
    10 February 2024 10: 45
    It’s time for the forum to introduce the same rating system for articles as for comments - with the ability to put not only “+” but also “-”!
    What kind of nonsense is this?! The British Armed Forces are, of course, truly at their historical lows. But how should this lead us to a readiness to consider the option of striking it with nuclear warheads???
    Why are such articles, because of which the West considers us “aggressors,” even allowed to appear in public???
    The whole article is some kind of jingoistic patriotism about the fact that “we can turn them into a lifeless island in a couple of days, since they are weak and we are strong, but they constantly bother and harm us”!!!
    The author doesn’t even notice the contradiction to himself, he says that Britain is weak and incapable of anything, and in the next 10-15 years, it will become even weaker! But at the same time, for some reason this “weak” country needs to be destroyed to the state of a scorched desert using 64 “zircons” with warheads.
    In principle, articles by this author are always an emphasis on the fact that “we are strong, everything is fine with us, why don’t we think about how to bomb or destroy someone!? It can also be for small purposes, it will also be useful for prevention”
    I wonder why this is not considered extremism and a call to violence?
    Because I repeat - because of such authors and such articles, we continue to be called those who want conquests. Since there are authors who seem to really want to take over half the world!
    1. +7
      10 February 2024 11: 35
      Quote: Mustachioed Kok
      The author doesn’t even notice the contradiction to himself, he says that Britain is weak and incapable of anything, and in the next 10-15 years, it will become even weaker! But at the same time, for some reason this “weak” country needs to be destroyed to the state of a scorched desert using 64 “zircons” with warheads.

      Even in the 21st century, “minor” is not much different from Mitrofanushka from the 18th century.
    2. 0
      11 February 2024 04: 20
      Quote: Mustachioed Kok
      because of such authors and such articles, we continue to be called those who want conquests

      Those who want to call us that will always find a reason without any articles, trying to be white and fluffy is useless, it only provokes them. Tested by our rulers over the past forty years more than once
  29. +8
    10 February 2024 11: 11
    Quote: Dutchman Michel
    migrants from Pakistan, Arab and other countries will have full control

    This is another question: who will control the Pakistanis or the Tajik-Uzbeks in the future?
  30. +11
    10 February 2024 11: 11
    Jingoistic patriotic nonsense.
    Emotions are our everything.
    Actually, some commentators missed this.
  31. +1
    10 February 2024 11: 14
    According to the old English wisdom, the enemy can, so he will.
    Everyone judges by themselves.
    If they could, they would have destroyed all Russians long ago
  32. +8
    10 February 2024 11: 16
    ...will not be able to get to Moscow undetected...
    Author, you are an idiot. I hope you have enough brains to find a photograph of drone strikes on the Kremlin.
  33. +1
    10 February 2024 11: 22
    This reasoning of our opponents (enemies) is just blah-blah-blah. A strike on cities is certainly a tragic thing, but useless in a military sense. Any city, especially one with a population of over a million, will perish without functioning energy, infrastructure and logistics for providing it with food and everything else. And if we imagine the consequences of strikes on the crowded European or, for example, Japanese energy, infrastructure, ports, chemical and nuclear industries, factories, military bases and other communications? That is, a strike on cities is simply murder. A strike on supplies is a slow murder, but in the end, in the worst-case scenario, we have somewhere to retreat, but what about them? Where will the Balts or Poles or Germans retreat to?
    1. +1
      10 February 2024 11: 44
      we have somewhere to retreat
      To the forests, where, with the help of captured Ukrainian experts, to build underground dugout caches?
  34. -5
    10 February 2024 11: 30
    I completely agree with the author. But these are pipe dreams. In Russia, the shadow government is all tied to this lousy island. From real estate to the offspring who studied at universities, for them Russia is a feeding trough, an object for robbery and appropriation of resources. Everything else is slag and chatter. Putin is just a signboard behind which evil spirits swirl. So, who will deliver the cleansing blow? If only Prigozhin had not backed down... And now even in March there are no improvements in sight, "elections" mother of them. Strelkov was not allowed, maybe a few extras. So, there is no one to give the order. Don't delude yourself with hope, author.
  35. +5
    10 February 2024 11: 31
    flight across the entire country of the German amateur pilot Matthias Rust on a Cessna plane,
    Actually, Rust didn't fly through the whole country. Only through the Estonian SSR and part of the RSFSR. The target was tracked almost constantly, but the air defense men worked as always, first they started writing explanations "why didn't they intercept the target", and only then they started thinking about who should intercept the target.
  36. +2
    10 February 2024 12: 07
    They might, but who will allow it, who will dare? They’ll probably hit Voronezh, they don’t have any of their own there...
  37. -5
    10 February 2024 12: 15
    In this situation, London also needs to end. So that it doesn’t stink from there later, with cries about treaties and mutual assistance from NATO. soldier
  38. +8
    10 February 2024 12: 15
    Well, of course, the United States will not stand up, just as it would not stand up for any NATO country; it doesn’t matter to them that after this their bloc will fall apart and their reputation will collapse. How stupid the Soviet generals were - they never realized that it was possible to instantly win the Cold War by simply polishing all of Europe with nuclear weapons. And there would be no consequences, yes, yes. Isn't it funny yourself?
  39. -6
    10 February 2024 12: 21
    First, you need to ban the pound sterling in Russia and transactions with it, completely clean out English shareholders and owners of anything in Russia, prohibit working with English banks and stop diplomatic relations. Within a radius of 500-1000 km, destroy all reconnaissance aircraft and ships of the Royal Navy conducting reconnaissance in favor of Ukraine. The effect will be no less than a nuclear strike. bully
  40. The comment was deleted.
  41. +8
    10 February 2024 12: 50
    And by the way, not a single country in the world except the DPRK would approve the nuclear genocide of millions. And therefore there will be a complete blockade and such sanctions that the 90s will seem like paradise.
  42. +9
    10 February 2024 13: 26
    The UK manages to maintain the principle of “at least one SSBN on combat duty”,

    You might think that Russia has many more strategic nuclear submarines on combat duty, one in the Northern Fleet and one in the Pacific Fleet..... and this is provided that each of our “STRATEGISTS” is continuously monitored by 2-3 “hunters” of the NATO Navy.. ...
    1. -2
      10 February 2024 19: 21
      Quote: assault
      You might think that Russia has many more strategic nuclear submarines on combat duty, one in the Northern Fleet and one in the Pacific Fleet..... and this is provided that each of our “STRATEGISTS” is continuously monitored by 2-3 “hunters” of the NATO Navy.. ...

      1. Think not only “it is possible”, but also necessary!
      2. Russia has 4 times more APRK. At the same time, there is also an APRK SN! Something even the US doesn't have.
      3. Of course, are you from the CIA/SVR/well, at worst from MI6, or the IDF???
      Then answer, plz! How many carriers are loaded with SLBMs? How many databases are in the database? How many SSGNs rub against the coast of the World Bank and the USA?
      4. Damn! Have you confused anything about tracking? Or are you still reading nonsense from the 70s about our first generation units?
      Wake up! We haven’t “heard anything” about our 885M for a long time from the NATO PLC. And the 955A project is 2 times quieter than Virginia block4. The Yankees are shying away from our project 677 submarines like hell after their work with the main gun in ID mode before launching a training torpedo attack! And these are not the fairy tales of Grandma Arina! And you all sing about 2-3 hunters for our APRKs... You unfortunate Troll. They should have been treated already! instead of hanging noodles on the ears of gullible forum users.
      1. -2
        11 February 2024 00: 22
        To paralyze Britain, 1 Vanguard on London is enough. A charge in a cobalt shell. Without a capital, it is no longer a state. There are brains, power, finances. Their territory is tiny. Maybe they understand this too? Let them also consider that they can "have it". Let them model.
  43. -5
    10 February 2024 13: 27
    Actually, Britain is an island.
    Wouldn't it be easier to demonstrate and test a pair of 50 Mtn Poseidons from the north and south (in the strait)????
    1. +2
      10 February 2024 13: 48
      from the north and south (in the strait)
      The north is mountainous, and in the south the shores are usually high. There will be little sense.
      1. +2
        10 February 2024 16: 24
        By the way, what can you say about the article? You live there.
        1. +4
          10 February 2024 21: 00
          What do you say about the article?
          Suspiciously a lot of attention is paid to LGBT people laughing . And this is the usual nonsense, of which there is more and more in VO now.
  44. +10
    10 February 2024 14: 48
    64 hypersonic Zircon missiles with a nuclear warhead could permanently close the UK project
    Isn’t the site’s editors ashamed to publish such nonsense?
    1. +7
      10 February 2024 15: 07
      Isn’t the site’s editors ashamed to publish such nonsense?

      Is this the only nonsense posted on the site? Here it’s time to talk about the trend of “not a day without nonsense.”
  45. -4
    10 February 2024 14: 57
    Why so many missiles? It seems they wrote that one “Poseidon” would be enough for a tsunami to wash away everything on the islands.
  46. +6
    10 February 2024 16: 01
    Quote: Dutchman Michel
    Of course, it is unlikely that Russia is preparing to launch a disarming and decapitating nuclear strike on the UK,

    Migrants from Pakistan, India, and Africa are firmly integrated into the body of the people of Great Britain.
    There will be no rebellion or collapse of Great Britain.
    There is no separate government in each county, and there is no such monstrously sick state apparatus as ours.
    There are no representative offices of the County of Kent in London, but there is a representative office of the Kursk or Tula region in Moscow.
    There is nothing to say about the luxurious offices of the Republics in Moscow.
    The Sochetsky regional committees with their insignificant staff are just children's toys compared to the local government apparatus. More than 5000 people work in the Moscow Region Government alone; of course, these are not only government officials with “perks” in the form of quarterly and annual bonuses, which are not taken into account when calculating the average salary.

    "Sure, unlikely"that Russia is preparing to launch a disarming and decapitating nuclear strike on Great Britain,"

    The author has his finger in the sky.
    It is a IMPOSSIBLE!

    A huge number of former government officials live in London.
    A huge number of relatives of current government officials live in London.
    Before SVO, squadron BusinessJets и Bombardier, on Friday evening we flew from Moscow to London.
    And on Sunday evening they brought the tender butts back to Mordor (that’s what they call our Great Russia among themselves).

    Even the vile Kremlin troubadour and ass-kisser Brilev is a resident of Great Britain!
    He regularly takes an active part in local elections!

    Read the bastard Brzezinski.
    In his book “The whole world is a chessboard” everything is written about the small-town elite of Russia -
    "Are you sure this is your elite?!"
  47. +6
    10 February 2024 16: 07
    Quote: Aerodrome
    Should I plant potatoes or not?

    Definitely plant. In a post-apocalyptic world, this will be the only food resource for the few survivors
  48. +7
    10 February 2024 16: 08
    Quote: garik77
    It seems they wrote that one “Poseidon” is enough

    Only bad students in physics write this.
  49. -5
    10 February 2024 17: 23
    Only by turning Great Britain into Atlantis can we achieve peace on our planet. No other way. Two Sarmatians and Poseidon are enough.
  50. +9
    10 February 2024 17: 40
    They are effective only if they coexist with the US strategic nuclear forces; without them, the UK’s strategic nuclear forces are just a target for a determined enemy.

    One article is more crazy than the other. The idea of ​​starting a nuclear war out of the blue because you got off on the wrong foot (and even with a country that has enough nuclear weapons to hit all the cities with a population of one hundred thousand or more in Russia), looks especially crazy even against their background. Not to mention the fact that the States and France will probably respond not because of England, but out of a desire not to become next. :((
  51. +9
    10 February 2024 17: 44
    Such a person with an unhealthy psyche will write (breathe) an idea. And some young analyst in England (or Armenia, Finland - it doesn’t matter) will read it and take it to his boss. Then someone will leak it to the local media. And then, lo and behold, a frightened 75% of Finns “out of the blue” voted for urgent entry into NATO.
    Author, what result do you expect from your not entirely healthy text?
    1. 0
      21 August 2024 23: 53
      As an option, some improvement in financial situation
  52. +7
    10 February 2024 17: 57
    Lavrov’s daughter lives permanently in the USA. Peskov's daughter is in Paris. The daughter's common-law husband... is a citizen of the Netherlands. The list can go on for a long time.
  53. -2
    10 February 2024 18: 08
  54. -8
    10 February 2024 18: 16
    Before you crush Britain on a log, you need to clearly get it into the American head that when two people fight, the third one is missing! The Yankees and their comrades are not so stupid as to risk killing others! fool
  55. +3
    10 February 2024 18: 25

    A shitstorm raged on one social network for 2 weeks; there was no time for VO.

    I see that during this time the winners of the battle for Avdiivka developed new plans.
    1. 0
      12 February 2024 19: 17
      But what is a social network and where can you, so to speak, join?
      1. +1
        13 February 2024 08: 36
        In the banned extremist network Twitter, immediately before the appearance of the historical (cough, cough) interview of the all-Union headman with dear Karlsonchik, the idea of ​​​​a certain A. Kazantseva about issuing certificates of puberty at 12 years of age was widely discussed. I couldn't miss this.
  56. -1
    10 February 2024 18: 37
    They probably don’t know, maybe it’s time to broadcast a program in their language, what’s going on in the world and around them
  57. -3
    10 February 2024 18: 43
    If the pass to heaven has long been in your pocket, then why not?
  58. +4
    10 February 2024 19: 23
    Before dreaming of any attacks on Britain, it would be nice to remember where the children of sooo many Russian officials and politicians study.
    1. +4
      11 February 2024 11: 25
      Definitely not in Voronezh... """"
  59. -1
    10 February 2024 19: 58
    Quote: Dutchman Michel
    To close this stinking island hole forever, it’s enough to wait one, well, at most two generations

    That is, 25 or 50 years? A very long time. I wish I could have seen this exciting event much earlier.
    And rightly so. There is no worse nation than the English.
  60. +2
    10 February 2024 20: 02
    Now, if such a “story” was produced by a Russian institute or something, and even with pictures and cartoons... but we are not like that, suddenly a couple of castles will be taken away...
  61. +4
    10 February 2024 20: 26
    Extremely strange article...
    Firstly, do we have so many Zircons, and are there SSBNs that carry them in such quantities? Secondly, are more “traditional” missiles not enough? Why bother with Zircons if the Naglichans won’t fight off “ordinary” missiles? Thirdly, even one British SSBN can cause trouble - the missile defense system does not cover the entire territory of Russia, so why must it hit Moscow? And warheads can break through the missile defense system.
    Thirdly, why should we destroy Britain if it is just an evil mongrel of the USA? Therefore, an article from the category of alternative fiction... Not interesting... It’s better to discuss the USA
  62. +1
    10 February 2024 23: 23
    It’s easier to fly at English nuclear power plants with a nameless drone. And then think about it, whether it’s against the Russians, or against the Arabs, and in general England has a lot of enemies, anyone could arrange this.
    1. +1
      13 February 2024 11: 09
      You probably want to go to heaven? Is it possible without us? Yourself?
  63. -1
    10 February 2024 23: 28
    Thanks to the author for the article - interesting reading before bed/at breakfast. Without claims to quality, but in the sense of the likelihood of this scenario. And the oligarchs “will not give up England” and there is not enough political will to take such a step (for 2 years they have not dared to take smaller steps). Although, of course, you need to have a plan.

    It is debatable about the possibility of the plane flying to Moscow. It is possible to fly, as practice shows (and has shown for a long time) to bypass air defense. Finding such a brave pilot who will take these risks is already more difficult.
    Stories about how “Western partners” will degenerate in a generation or go on an eternal LGBT strike are funny, of course, but unnecessary. Underestimating the enemy has never done anyone any good. And they are not fools sitting there, no matter how much we would like the opposite. Genders are genders, but they make cars/planes/telephones, they transport capital to them, they make their own policies.
    I rather agree about the US response; if the outcome is decided in just 5 minutes, then the Americans are more likely to take the side of the winners out of habit (they remember, but in fact they will). Although, of course, there will be plenty of consequences for Russia. Still, an overly bloodthirsty scenario.

    In general, this constant flexing of nuclear muscles from tactical sofas and media platforms (no complaints to the author, he is doing his job, he did a response analysis) does it have some kind of sacred meaning? Or a therapeutic/cumulative effect? I just somehow don’t get it, why is it all in such large quantities?
    Will one of the good people explain?
  64. +1
    11 February 2024 00: 05
    It is unlikely that a military man can give an order to attack Russia. The military are just, if not crazy, aware of the consequences. Who then? Those who really “rule the seas”. It is clear that they have prepared waste measures. Houses with bunkers somewhere in New Zealand or Australia. Or in another secluded place. So that their hands never itch to press the button, they must understand that there is no point in this. It's up to intelligence. You need to know the coordinates of all their shelters. And “they” must know what we know. Only the certainty that they will be caught in any case can be any guarantee against a surprise attack. Then their whole idea loses its meaning. There are not many of these people. There should be enough missiles for everyone. Although their military may not carry out the order of the crazy Briton.
  65. +8
    11 February 2024 01: 00
    The articles on VO are getting weirder and weirder, now they’re glazing the UK... What surprises me is that our “glazing” fans, when they read something like that “from there”, always get excited and change their shoes into doves of peace.
    Like, they say, how is it possible! Ah, oh..
    A kind of doublethink.
    As for the “glazing”, well, let’s say, okay - the USA was glazed, the World Bank, France were glazed, let’s say they managed to barely even get a response, let’s say Moscow is intact and a number of large industrial cities.
    What will be the picture of the consequences of this - let's say not even military ones? Polluted seas and radioactive fallout - do not forget that significant targets of the first strike will include enemy nuclear facilities. The local plutonium and reactor uranium will be scattered over vast areas, into the air (in the form of soot, ash and suspended matter), into water, and into soil. A significant amount of heat from fires and explosions will change the climate model - the evaporated heat will be shed somewhere in highly concentrated precipitation, carried by people (millions of refugees) and biota. Do you think the fish will be good after this in the seas to the west, north and east of our country? I guess not very much. Not all transuranides decay within years; many decay quite successfully for decades or more. They (as well as radioactive iodine, for example) will be captured by marine flora and fauna, the same algae, seaweed, etc. These will be eaten by fish, people will be eaten by fish, and seagulls will also eat them, they will be thrown onto land (dead, and a lot of them, by the way), and there they will be eaten by rats, birds, etc. Then all this will be crap and die, spreading stinking and toxic splendor wherever it happens. Radionuclides are not some kind of chemical, it will last a long time and it’s disgusting, hello mass poisoning, allergies, oncology - and yes, hello agriculture that has been destroyed in the trash.
    You don’t think that some Krasnodar region will remain untouched in the event of a major mess? Of course not . What are we going to eat, glassies? After a couple of cool radioactive rains, our entire European part will turn into one big stinking burial ground - oh, you can’t believe it! Well then, I recommend that you look at what the trail was from one Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The explosion at which was not so powerful. Now imagine that about 200 Chernobyl nuclear power plants were effectively blown up and there was no one to liquidate it.

    Even if all these “nuclear winters”, etc. are fairy tales, mass extinction and wildest famine, jamming of ecosystems on a global scale, global supplies - this will be much more objective.
    The population will be reduced by 60% - after all, goodbye to foreign supplies of medicines, seeds, agricultural equipment, insecticides, and the harvests themselves will not only be radioactive, they will also break through the bottom in terms of quantity. In general, yes, it will be fun. Who will guard our borders when a lot of our people die out - from retaliatory strikes, from hunger and disease? The correct answer is no one. And survivors from the EU and China will also flock to us, we don’t think that the PRC will not be affected by all this, the ecology is the same.

    I suggest the author to fantasize not about how we are famously turning the whole world into ruins, but what we will be like later - without bees, antibiotics, a working economy, working global supplies of equipment, chemicals and spare parts, with a large % of infrastructure knocked out by retaliatory strikes and without workers who must compensate for all this in the shortest possible time.
    1. +4
      11 February 2024 11: 33
      The most appropriate comment, thank you, I shake your hand. hi
  66. -4
    11 February 2024 06: 00
    Russia has the most powerful lethal weapon in the world - nuclear. But the Anglo-Saxons have the stinkiest weapon in the world - their media. And they are not shy about using it. The main thing is to fart louder.
    1. +4
      11 February 2024 10: 01
      The British also have nuclear weapons, if you don't know
      1. -1
        12 February 2024 15: 43
        It exists, but not everything is good with the delivery means - they are American....
        1. +1
          12 February 2024 16: 22
          Everything is fine with them. They are completely their own, including missiles purchased from the Americans.
  67. -2
    11 February 2024 08: 22
    In fact, one 20 kt warhead is enough, the fact of its use on the territory of England will show the whole world
    "What the English can do." And there are many who want to share the legacy of the once great Britain.
    1. -1
      12 February 2024 15: 44
      No, we need to burn the islands down completely. So that we don't have to come back to the question later.
  68. -1
    11 February 2024 08: 28
    This is the right topic. Small-shaven people should read our thoughts about their demilitarization. I also welcome discussion of options for solving this problem; in a “democratic” world, regularly targeting the enemy is the norm, so why are we embarrassed!? The old lady is our historical enemy and we haven’t visited her yet. It's not in order, they've been waiting for a return visit.
  69. -1
    11 February 2024 14: 10
    Why transfer ammunition to the British Isles. Two Sarmats are enough.
  70. -1
    11 February 2024 17: 41
    Hit the nuclear submarines on duty, and then burn Britain with the good old heavy-class ICBMs.....! After Poland and the Baltic States.
  71. 0
    11 February 2024 21: 18
    About two weeks ago I was just re-watching the 1984 British film Threads. Still, under the Union, the West took a nuclear strike on the Foggy Albion seriously, unlike modern politicians
  72. 0
    11 February 2024 23: 22
  73. 0
    12 February 2024 12: 17
    Quote: Dutchman Michel
    will have complete control over all domestic and foreign policies of the so-called. Great Britain.

    British policy is not controlled by the Pakistanis or the Sunak Indians, it is carried out by the United States and the world behind the scenes. So it doesn’t matter who will live there - highbrow British or illiterate Burmese...
  74. -1
    12 February 2024 16: 42
    According to Satanists, they only smell of Satan!! The whole world will thank you for a few more generations... Even Americans hate razors))
  75. 0
    12 February 2024 22: 58
    History teaches that it teaches no one anything. Nevertheless, the question is: why did they sign the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty in 1963 (they started preparing it in 1958)? The answer is in the graph on WIKI Radiocarbon bomb spike.svg https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Radiocarbon_bomb_spike.svg . For those not familiar with the effects of radiation - everyone starts getting sick more and dying from cancer, regardless of the success of medicine and environmental conditions, because it (CO2) is part of the air and is not caught, including for the establishment, but since the "plebs" have better potency (reproduction), it turns out that the "blue blood" is the loser. Therefore, withdrawal from the treaty and testing of ballistic missiles with powerful nuclear charges in the North Atlantic will quickly "soberize" (make the so-called "elite" capable of reaching an agreement), and the losses of the "non-elite" will be much smaller in numerical terms, forgive the tautology and cannibalistic assumption.
  76. +3
    13 February 2024 10: 31
    :The flight range of the Zircon hypersonic missile system is indicated in various sources from 450 kilometers."///
    With Zircon, it finally became clear what it is.
    It was used in Ukraine.
    It exploded in an open area and collected a lot of debris. From which the design of the rocket became approximately clear.
    1) At Zircon no hypersonic ramjet engine. Its nose air intake is round, like the KR Onyx. For a hypersonic missile, it must be rectangular in shape to slow down the flow of incoming air.
    2) Zircon is brought to hyper speed by a booster. Next, the rocket flies at high altitude at above- sound speed.
    1. 0
      14 March 2024 11: 53
      The Onyx anti-ship missile has a ramjet.
      The text of your comment is too short and in the opinion of the site administration does not carry useful information.
  77. 0
    13 February 2024 11: 10
    The idea is very good, I like it. One Ash with Zircon and several sides with Daggers are enough.
  78. 0
    13 February 2024 11: 53
    the article is extremely aggressive, but our authorities will not go along with such a development of events. The islands are full of property bought by difficult Russians, and families live there - no, we will wait until the Arabs take over!
  79. +1
    14 February 2024 20: 45
    Rave. A sick man wrote
  80. 0
    15 February 2024 15: 10
    Russian - oligarchic song about Mecca
  81. +4
    15 February 2024 16: 47
    Yeah...For some reason I remembered one joke about theoretically and practically: A son runs up to his father and asks:

    — Dad, what is “Theoretically” and what is “Practically”?

    - Well, look, son, go to your mother, sister and grandfather and ask them if they will sleep with a black man for $ 1?

    The son comes up to his mother and asks:

    - Mom, will you sleep with a black man for $ 1?

    - Yes, but only for the sake of the family.

    The son approaches his sister and asks:

    - Sister, will you sleep with a black man for $ 1?

    - Yes, I will jump on it myself.

    The son comes up to his grandfather and asks:

    - Grandpa, will you sleep with a black man for $ 1?

    - Yes, for that kind of money.

    The son returns to his father and says:

    - Father, everyone answered "Yes"

    - Well, look son, theoretically you and I have $3, but practically we have two prostitutes and an old fagot!
  82. +1
    16 February 2024 17: 57
    What a crazy article. If all small British carriers gather in one place, then three power supply units with vigorous equipment will be enough to reduce them to zero. How a vigorous warhead behaves in a hypersonic warhead is clear only in theory; whether it will work in practice is just guesswork. And, by the way, the UK can produce thermonuclear power supplies, but it removed them from service because “it’s too expensive.”
  83. 0
    17 February 2024 17: 17
    Quote: Dutchman Michel
    In order to finally and forever close this stinking island hole, it is enough to wait one, well, at most two generations, when migrants from Pakistan, Arab and other countries will completely control all domestic and foreign policy of the so-called Great Britain. For this, no "Zircons" are needed. wink

    If we have this time. New laws on migrants are aimed at ensuring that this time does not exist.
  84. 0
    14 March 2024 11: 46
    Zircons, as I understand it, are needed for a surprise first strike on nuclear weapons carriers of the VB... and for the rest there are normal YARS and other BR. There are many of them and they can stop the VB altogether... what matters here is what doesn't fly in response. We are unlikely to shoot down a BR from a submarine
  85. The comment was deleted.
  86. 0
    17 March 2024 22: 15

    What needs to be done is building up the nuclear triad. Adding intercontinental missiles from a stationary base to silos. Adding mobile and intercontinental ballistic missiles. Upgrading with cruise and hypersonic and intercontinental missiles. And in airplanes, and in ships, and in submarines.
    Equipping all Army units with tactical nuclear weapons, including mines, hand grenades, missiles, and every possible type and form, will be used to eliminate invading ground and air enemies. It is possible to detonate small nuclear bombs in the air and prevent enemy aircraft from invading, as well as detonating tactical nuclear bombs on the ground and preventing a ground invasion. The increase in the number of nuclear weapons and their proliferation throughout the country and around the world. Including nuclear suitcases that will be placed in all Western capitals.
    This includes commercial ships with hidden containers containing nuclear missiles, including civilian trucks with nuclear missiles that will move around the country secretly, including trains armed with nuclear missiles in a civilian carriage.
    Then the response capability will be powerful and unrestricted and will deter the enemy. Of course, the army needs to be raised to a very professional and powerful level, but when the nuclear option is brought together as an available and useful option, and not only in the Seriousness of proving the intention to use nuclear weapons with Russia's side will determine the position of the Western enemy.
  87. 0
    April 16 2024 17: 10
    Why are there so many Zircons and who counted this? - it’s not enough money - spend so much on each lousy island - one Poplar is enough
  88. 0
    April 22 2024 12: 02
    Somehow we have been “delayed” in implementing the “Great Britain” project, since 1558... It’s time to implement the “project”.
  89. 0
    2 May 2024 07: 28
    Even if everything goes well, they won’t strike, they’ll wait for him to fly to us, then they’ll draw red lines. We don’t have a ruler who would pull it all off. Only fairy tales on our minds are weak.
  90. +1
    4 May 2024 18: 19
    Quote: boriz
    Remember the sad fate of Aven and Friedman. Nobody needs our thieves there. It’s no longer enough to share yours with ours...

    A friend works for them.
    Live well.
    Despite the indirect help from Ukroreich, these ethno-oligarchs have everything and a little more.

    People from the cage!
    Such people will not be touched if they massacre 45 people like their Zionist fellow tribesmen in Palestine.
  91. 0
    21 May 2024 00: 00
    If the British Empire sat on the British Isles,
    it would be very easy to close it. But, unfortunately, in order to bomb
    according to the British Empire, 70 percent of the globe would have to be knocked out,
    including Taiwan, India, Iran, Turkey, all Saudis, China, Africa, Asia and South America.
    It’s easier to say where there is no British control. North Korea, a little Syria and a little Greenland.
  92. 0
    21 May 2024 01: 02
    report by Scottish CND, a Scottish organization advocating for the elimination of nuclear weapons in Scotland and around the world.

    Are there such idiotic pacifists left in the world?
    who really believe in that nuclear weapons can be taken and eliminated everywhere, in all countries and supposedly live happily ever after without him...

    Do they not understand the most basic thing: a lot of information is distributed in the world (just open the Wikipedia article about nuclear weapons) about how a nuclear/thermonuclear bomb works, how to make it. How can you forget this???

    Any ambitious industrial power (with a good physics school of scientists and/or nuclear industry) without any problems will create nuclear weapons AGAIN in 4-5 years!
    Japan, for example, will do this without even straining.

    Even a not particularly industrial, not even a particularly power, for example, some kind of ISIS, which before our eyes arose almost out of nothing and occupied an area the size of two Syrias, may well acquire nuclear weapons. Especially if sympathetic obscurantists are nearby (for example, Saudi Arabia or Pakistan) will help. And what?
    Then the whole world will cave in to these bearded fanatics with nuclear weapons?

    Or under the USA and Great Britain, which, when worldwide humane elimination of nuclear weapons Will 10-15 warheads be quietly and unnoticed stored in a secret place?

    No people, we don’t need such “happiness”!

    Throw humanism and pacifism into the dustbin of history, go over to the side of pragmatism. It's safer and easier there.

    Get used to the simple, harsh truth of life: nuclear weapons on Earth are with us forever. This is an achievement of humanity that will be with him just in case. Whether you like it or not... History does not have to bend to your wishes, you will have to bend to its logic, to the realities of the world of predators. Those who are calmer with nuclear weapons (just note that as they were used, there were no more world wars!) than without them...
  93. +1
    24 May 2024 12: 54
    64 is not enough. For each million-plus city you need 10 pieces, taking into account the area of ​​complete destruction from one impact, this is approximately a diameter of 2-3 km. 2 more than a million, from 500t 5 pieces, up to 500t. 14 pcs. and up to 250t. 52 cities. There is no need to exaggerate the effect of nuclear weapons.