Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council: In the event of a direct conflict with NATO, the response will be asymmetrical using missiles with special warheads

Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council: In the event of a direct conflict with NATO, the response will be asymmetrical using missiles with special warheads

Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev noted that Sunak, Scholz, Macron, as well as the leadership of Norway, Finland, Poland and other NATO countries tirelessly repeat that the armies of the alliance countries must be prepared for war with Russia.

Medvedev emphasized that although Russia has repeatedly stated that it has no plans to enter into an armed conflict with NATO and EU countries, extremely dangerous statements on this topic continue to be heard in the West. The reasons for such rhetoric are obvious: their goal is to distract the attention of voters and an attempt to justify multi-billion dollar budget expenditures on Bandera’s “Ukraine,” which irritates Westerners. At the same time, significant amounts of taxpayers’ money could be used to solve social problems existing in these countries, and not to continue the war in a distant and foreign dying country, the population of which has fled throughout Europe, where it is terrorizing local residents.

The Deputy Chairman of the Security Council also added that, speaking about the need to prepare for war with Russia and continue to support Ukraine, for this purpose increasing the production of weapons and ammunition, European leaders continue to cynically lie to their citizens. In the event of the outbreak of such a war, its scenario will differ significantly from the SVO in Ukraine and the conflict will not be waged in trenches with the use of artillery and other standard means.

Medvedev recalled that, given that NATO is a huge military bloc that includes countries with a combined population of almost a billion people and a combined military budget of one and a half trillion dollars, the military potential of the Russian Federation and the alliance are incomparable. Therefore, Russia will have no choice but to respond asymmetrically using ballistic and cruise missiles. missiles with special warheads, as provided for by military doctrine documents. As a result, the most likely outcome will be the notorious Apocalypse and the end of everything.
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  1. +3
    7 February 2024 14: 18
    It is important what is considered a direct conflict with NATO. Incoming "PMCs" with division-sized equipment? army? - direct conflict? So far, NATO is obviously not afraid of him. In addition, there must be an abundance of warheads and carriers to guarantee destruction. I hope they are already being put on combat readiness, which should have been done last year when the western goza dog behaved cautiously. By the way, this is one of the arguments for China. Either he openly joins the military bloc, or we will have no choice and everyone will have problems.
    1. -15
      7 February 2024 14: 35
      Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council: In the event of a direct conflict with NATO, the response will be asymmetrical using missiles with special warheads

      And here Ostap suffered...
      Dear Dmitry Anatolyevich! With great regret, I want to inform you that the decision on the use of nuclear weapons is made not by the Ministry of Defense, not by the press secretary, not by the Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, but by another person:
      Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 2, 2020 N 355 “On the Fundamentals of State Policy of the Russian Federation in the Field of Nuclear Deterrence”
      18. The decision to use nuclear weapons is made by the President of the Russian Federation. 19. The conditions that determine the possibility of the Russian Federation using nuclear weapons are: a) the receipt of reliable information about the launch of ballistic missiles attacking the territories of the Russian Federation and (or) its allies; b) the enemy’s use of nuclear weapons or other types of weapons of mass destruction on the territories of the Russian Federation and (or) its allies; c) the enemy’s impact on critical state or military facilities of the Russian Federation, the failure of which will lead to the disruption of the response actions of nuclear forces...

      1. +10
        7 February 2024 15: 23
        And Dmitry Anatolyevich conveyed the information on behalf of that person.
        Conceptually, he said everything correctly.
        1. 0
          7 February 2024 17: 07
          Quote from vicvic
          And Dmitry Anatolyevich conveyed the information on behalf of that person.
          Conceptually, he said everything correctly.

          I am amazed at how quickly you forgot HIS ACTIVITY IN THE POST OF PRESIDENT... How quickly he conveyed to the Russians the need to rename the police into police, change time zones and give Norway a water area of ​​175 square meters. km...
          We wish we had more officials like this!!! fellow
          Mother nature! when would such people
          You sometimes didn’t send to the world
          The field of life has died out ...
          1. -4
            7 February 2024 18: 05
            So what? This is not about Medvedev’s personality, but about the official voicing a specific concept.
            I literally wrote the same thoughts in comments on VO maybe a year ago, but to myself I generally thought the same for a significant part of my life. For me, Medvedev’s statement is not a revelation, but a confirmation of my own opinion.
            1. +2
              8 February 2024 06: 29
              Quote from vicvic
              So what? This is not about Medvedev’s personality, but about the official voicing a specific concept.

              And our “conceptual guarantor” is seriously ill, preoccupied with urgent state affairs, conducting debates and trashing political opponents, speechless, unable to say the same thing in person?
              Maybe the Russian people are tired of this “blizzard” and “wise thoughts out loud” expressed by minor persons and various outside observers?
              Quote from vicvic
              For me, Medvedev’s statement is not a revelation, but a confirmation of my own opinion.

              But for me, Medvedev’s activities (including public appearances) are similar to the principle: no matter where you work, just don’t work.
      2. +6
        7 February 2024 15: 29
        Again, all heads... Maybe I should hit them with missiles once, instead of talking?!
      3. -8
        7 February 2024 15: 59
        ROSS 42, and if the president has a high temperature and is tormented by nightmares, then who makes the decision to use a nuclear weapon against an obvious enemy?
        1. +1
          7 February 2024 16: 06
          Quote: Orca
          ROSS 42, and if the president has a fever and is tormented by nightmares, then who makes the decision to use cannonballs against a clearly identified enemy?

          Ambulance team.
          1. +1
            7 February 2024 20: 24
            Quote: Mordvin 3
            Ambulance team.

            Usually in Sklif, Bragin decides everything for everyone. drinks
        2. +4
          7 February 2024 17: 03
          There, the Constitution defines the head of government - Mishustin...
          Just take the Constitution and read...
      4. Alf
        7 February 2024 19: 14
        Quote: ROSS 42
        Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 2, 2020 N 355 “On the Fundamentals of State Policy of the Russian Federation in the Field of Nuclear Deterrence”

        It would be nice to add point “G” as well.
        "d) aggression against the Russian Federation with the use of conventional weapons, when the very existence of the state is threatened."
        And then the little bear added, oddly enough, the truth.
        NATO is a huge military bloc, which includes countries with a total population of almost a billion people and a total military budget reaching one and a half trillion dollars; the military potentials of the Russian Federation and the alliance are incomparable.
    2. Msi
      7 February 2024 15: 07
      Russia will have no choice but an asymmetric response using ballistic and cruise missiles with special warheads

      I have been waiting for such a response from the country's leadership for a long time...
      1. +3
        7 February 2024 15: 50
        How does Medvedev relate to the country's leadership? Or so, sometimes a deliberative voice?
        1. Msi
          7 February 2024 19: 27
          How does Medvedev relate to the country's leadership?

          Yes, he just went out for a walk, to sit in the Security Council... And he was president in the new Russia and prime minister. This is a representative of the current government...
      2. Alf
        7 February 2024 19: 16
        Quote from Msi
        I have been waiting for such a response from the country's leadership for a long time...

        The country's leadership has many times promised attacks on decision-making centers, in Syria, in Ukraine... But, no way...
        1. Msi
          7 February 2024 19: 25
          by decision-making centers, whether in Syria or Ukraine..

          In Syria, the decision-making center is Israel, Türkiye, and the United States. In Ukraine, the USA and satellites...who to hit then???
          1. Alf
            7 February 2024 19: 39
            Quote from Msi
            by decision-making centers, whether in Syria or Ukraine..

            In Syria, the decision-making center is Israel, Türkiye, and the United States. In Ukraine, the USA and satellites...who to hit then???

            Then a saying from my youth will come in very handy. If you don’t want to poop, don’t torture your butt. You might think that those who promised strikes did not know about this...
            1. Msi
              7 February 2024 20: 39
              You might think that those who promised strikes did not know about this...

              Which ones there are... I didn't choose them...
    3. -2
      7 February 2024 15: 53
      Ivan Ivanov, you clearly have all your thoughts all jumbled together - some kind of chaos-exhaust. Can't you put them in order to understand what your message is?
      1. +3
        7 February 2024 16: 01
        One can
        1. Nato is not afraid of us and is a greyhound.
        2. You can be scared by the determination to use nuclear weapons
        3. You can be scared by the coalition.
        4. China needs an incentive to join the coalition.
        5. The threat of our forced use of nuclear weapons and the destruction of the ecosystem may be one of the incentives.
        1. +1
          7 February 2024 16: 10
          Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council: In the event of a direct conflict with NATO, the response will be asymmetrical using missiles with special warheads
          and I consider this a meaningful attempt to convey to the boneheads in the West what will happen... it’s not for nothing that DAM was made “talking”.
    4. -4
      7 February 2024 16: 12
      The conflict with NATO has been going on for a long time. Why do we still comply with Yeltsin’s decree not to target nuclear weapons at the USA and England? Aren't these countries' missiles destroying our citizens?
      1. +3
        7 February 2024 18: 39
        Do you have a map on your table with the Strategic Missile Forces’ goals for February 2024?!
        1. 0
          8 February 2024 19: 17
          Can you read? Just don’t say that everything has changed since then and it’s all nonsense. The decree has a valid status, which was recently confirmed by the Russian Foreign Ministry.

          Decree of the President of March 11, 1994 No. 129-rp "On the implementation of measures to organize the daily activities of strategic nuclear forces with non-targeted missiles."
          1. +1
            8 February 2024 20: 37
            I can read. Think too.
            Naivety is a feeling that for most people atrophies in early adolescence, or, in extreme cases, in late youth, but, as life shows, not for everyone!
            1. 0
              10 February 2024 22: 32
              It’s clear, there’s essentially nothing to say.
              Let me remind you of the words of the Supreme Commander - “In the absence of arms supplies from the United States, the war in Ukraine will end in TWO WEEKS.”
              Now guess what - how to motivate the USA?
    5. 0
      7 February 2024 18: 38
      It doesn't matter . The important thing is what we decide - is it a mouse or a crocodile!
  2. +2
    7 February 2024 14: 18
    Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council: In the event of a direct conflict with NATO, the response will be asymmetrical using missiles with special warheads
    Judging by the fact that not a single bomb shelter has been built over the past 30 years, in the event of such an exchange of blows, only a select few will survive.
    1. +3
      7 February 2024 14: 23
      Quote: Gomunkul
      only the chosen ones will survive.

      Do you think it makes sense to survive? request
      1. +3
        7 February 2024 14: 41
        Do you think it makes sense to survive?
        In the USSR they thought about this, because the main value was people.
        1. +6
          7 February 2024 14: 49
          In the event of a nuclear war, 200-300 thousand Chinese will survive. This will be enough for the revival of humanity. (c) M. Zedong
          1. +4
            7 February 2024 15: 08
            In the event of a nuclear war, 200-300 thousand Chinese will survive. This will be enough for the revival of humanity. (c) M. Zedong

            ... will divide into factions and start the 4th World War. Post-apocalyptic.
            1. -7
              7 February 2024 16: 09
              I can't find the "cookie" emoticon here. And I want to post it so badly in response to your message... that I can’t even eat it.
              Let me remind you of what the Supreme Commander-in-Chief once said: we will all die someday, but we will die last.
          2. Alf
            7 February 2024 19: 19
            Quote: Gromovik
            In the event of a nuclear war, 200-300 thousand Chinese will survive. This will be enough for the revival of humanity. (c) M. Zedong

            However, Mao is an optimist...China will also get it to the eyeballs...When the Big Boom begins, no one on the other side will figure out which side China is on. And there Pakistan, India, North Korea... and away we go...
          3. +3
            7 February 2024 19: 44
            In the event of a nuclear war, 200-300 thousand Chinese will survive. This will be enough for the revival of humanity. (c) M. Zedong

            There are also cockroaches and electric scooter drivers wassat These two categories will survive any cataclysm! wassat
        2. -5
          7 February 2024 15: 23
          Quote: Gomunkul
          In the USSR they thought about this, because the main value was people.

          1) Seriously? I didn’t notice, although I lived in the USSR quite a lot......
          2) I’m talking about something else - if strategic nuclear weapons are put into operation, the country’s economy and infrastructure will be destroyed, so the current standard of living will not last long... the standard of living will drop very much, the quality of medicine, etc. So decide whether you want to live in such conditions...
          1. 0
            7 February 2024 16: 45
            Ooh...yes, yes...
            V are right.
            We must cut our missiles immediately...
            1. +1
              7 February 2024 16: 49
              Quote: Sane
              We must cut our missiles immediately...

              1) you should change your nickname - you greatly exaggerated about your sanity...
              2) will not help - on the contrary, it will provoke a nuclear strike - see August 1945 in Japan... request
              1. -1
                7 February 2024 16: 51
                Both my head and nickname are fine.
                on the contrary, it will provoke a nuclear strike - see August 1945 in Japan.

                Are you alright?
                1. 0
                  7 February 2024 16: 54
                  Quote: Sane
                  Are you alright?

                  Plagiarism - can’t think for yourself? bully
                  Quote: Sane
                  Both my head and nickname are fine.

                  by no means... hi
          2. +4
            7 February 2024 18: 15
            It’s strange when you talk about the use of nuclear weapons and you worry about some kind of decline in living standards. It’s funny... and sad... When using a strike weapon, you need to be prepared for death, and not cry that life will get worse. The task is one, to have time to send as many of our missiles to targets before enemy missiles have time to fly to us. The enemy should have no chance. That's all the tasks, let's take the standard of living out of this equation. The main thing is that the enemy does not have this level.
            1. 0
              8 February 2024 12: 58
              Quote from vicvic
              Funny... and sad

              I am a realist, and by a decline in living standards I mean existence on the brink of starvation, without normal medicine and drugs, heating, etc. - a battle for survival, which modern residents have become unaccustomed to...
              Quote from vicvic
              you have to be ready for death

              Not many will die right away...
              Quote from vicvic
              The main thing is that the enemy does not have this level.

              Yes, I don’t care about the enemy, I think about my own... and I recommend it to you - it’s called the balance of fear...
              1. +1
                8 February 2024 14: 04
                So the thing is that, as you called the “balance of fear,” it stops working. We retreat from our “red lines,” and because of this the enemy decides that he can win, perhaps without even resorting to the use of nuclear weapons. That's why we have to remind you that everyone is mortal...
                1. 0
                  8 February 2024 14: 25
                  Quote from vicvic
                  That's why we have to remind you that everyone is mortal...

                  below is a quote from my post below request
                  Quote: DrEng02
                  It is necessary to shy away from tactical nuclear weapons in Poland or Germany, for the sake of caution
                  1. 0
                    8 February 2024 14: 34
                    China, which does not want anything like this, will at a minimum cease to be an ally. Least.
                    In general, if you start using nuclear weapons first, then only according to the concept, when there is a threat to the existence of the state.
                    1. -1
                      8 February 2024 14: 36
                      Quote from vicvic
                      China, which wants nothing like that

                      That's his problem... I don't think they wanted to start the SVO
                      Quote from vicvic
                      when there is a threat to the existence of the state.

                      In fact, Medvedev formulated everything accurately - see the article.
              2. 0
                9 February 2024 00: 30
                and by declining living standards I mean living on the brink of starvation, without normal medicine and medicine, heating, etc.

                That is, since they now live in most rural areas and regional centers.....
                1. 0
                  9 February 2024 13: 35
                  I don't know where you live, but in our Sverdlovsk region it's not like that... hi
        3. +9
          7 February 2024 15: 28
          In the situation in question, the main task is the death of the enemy or, at a minimum, the loss of statehood of enemy countries.
          There are no other tasks and there cannot be. The one who will, first of all, care about his own survival, has already lost. And the one who is ready to go to the end, he will win and such a one may have a chance to survive.
          1. -5
            7 February 2024 16: 22
            Quote from vicvic
            And the one who is ready to go to the end will win and this may have a chance to survive

            Back in the 1970s, the USSR and the USA realized that there are no winners in a nuclear war - that's where the treaties came from... And those who sit it out and don't receive nuclear strikes on their territory will have a chance to survive... Alas, the West has lost its fear - it needs to be brought back... They need to hit Poland or Germany with TNW, as a warning... feel
            1. 0
              8 February 2024 15: 12
              Quote: DrEng02
              It is necessary to throw away tactical nuclear weapons in Poland or Germany, for the sake of caution...

              The process of escalation of the conflict with transition to nuclear was worked out back in the 60s of the last century. Before the transition to the practical use of nuclear weapons, a demonstration nuclear explosion is expected (in this case, apparently over the Baltic Sea, but better over the North)
              1. 0
                8 February 2024 15: 16
                Quote: mark1
                was worked out back in the 60s of the last century.

                Certainly! however, the situation then was NATO against the ATS, and now there is no need to spoil the charge - Poland is a consumable item for everyone... hi
                1. 0
                  8 February 2024 15: 20
                  Even the shell-shocked and frostbitten must be given a chance
                  1. 0
                    8 February 2024 15: 35
                    Quote: mark1
                    Even the shell-shocked and frostbitten must be given a chance

                    the Poles are useless - they are not trained, whether in 1812, in 1939, or now...
                    there is a chance that only after the TNW they will wake up, the air defense missile from Ukraine did not wake them up. as well as the glorification of their own grandfathers the killers ... request
          2. -2
            7 February 2024 17: 34
            But such a blow against military and industrial targets presupposes the mass destruction of civilians... But hundreds of thousands of people from our friendly countries China, India, the Middle East, etc. are located/live on the territory of NATO countries. They won't say "thank you" for that...
            1. +2
              7 February 2024 18: 28
              Quote: Nikolaevich_IXI
              But such a strike against military and industrial targets presupposes the mass destruction of civilians.

              from what? if, for example, you hit an airfield in Poland with 50 kt. where the Ukrainian Armed Forces supply comes from, many civilians will not die... hi
              Quote: Nikolaevich_IXI
              They won't say "thank you" for that...

              Somehow they are silent about the deaths of our people from shelling... we will also remain silent and light a candle for their souls... request
      2. +2
        7 February 2024 16: 02
        Even if your or my own survival does not make sense, our children and grandchildren must survive.
        Is there anything to be said against this?
        1. 0
          7 February 2024 16: 45
          1) Are we really on the same page?
          2) Yes - let them decide for themselves... some will want to live in any case, some will not want to live like that...
        2. +2
          7 February 2024 17: 58
          Nobody wants to die. This is an indisputable fact. Better to live and live in peace.
          Situations may be different. If there is a nuclear missile exchange, then there is practically no chance of survival, especially in large cities. And whoever remains alive may become jealous of the dead.
          There is nothing to imagine against the fact that children and grandchildren should live, but in that hypothetical situation it is practically impossible to influence this (except perhaps to instantly surrender, which is worse than death).
      3. +2
        7 February 2024 16: 40
        Of course there is - not only EVERYONE will die.
        In fact, there are not so many warheads for the total destruction of the population of specific countries participating in the conflict - not to mention the entire world.
        And if we count the composition of NATO countries, then the number of our warheads is spread across all European countries (besides the USA and Canada).
        Yes - all Western capitals and largest cities/territories, where major economic and military centers and production facilities are located, will be erased, but one cannot say that the ENTIRE population of these countries will be erased.
        Yes - we can say with confidence that the countries of Europe, the USA, Canada and Russia (exchange participants) will disappear as states, but some agglomerations and settlements will definitely survive.
        On the territory of Russia, a large number of settlements are located at a sufficient distance from many significant infrastructure and military facilities, so they will not be affected by the damaging effects of nuclear weapons - the distances in Russia are enormous.
        Another question is that the territories of the countries participating in such a conflict will subsequently simply be occupied by the armies of “neutral” countries - there will be no one to defend the borders of previously existing states.
        The international situation will change dramatically - the time of the laws of the jungle will come - the remaining countries will begin to divide the “liberated territories” - numerous wars will begin between neighbors.
        The period of chaos and decline of civilization will only begin.
        In a hypothetical war between NATO and Russia, theoretically China and India will not go anywhere; they will become the new hegemons over the rest of the world.
        1. -4
          7 February 2024 16: 53
          Quote: Sergey_S0710
          Russia (participants in the exchange) will disappear as states,

          you are right in many ways, but Russia as a state will survive, it is impossible to destroy the entire army, the Russian Guard and the police. In addition, there are enough TNW to bring the surviving neighbors to their senses... However, it will be very bad, worse than in 1941-42...... request
        2. Alf
          7 February 2024 19: 22
          Quote: Sergey_S0710
          China and India are not going anywhere; they will become the new hegemons over the rest of the world.

          I’m not sure if their neighbors can quietly solve their problem once and for all.
    2. 0
      7 February 2024 14: 59
      Judging by the fact that not a single bomb shelter has been built over the past 30 years,

      Built. So it's fake.
      Call for confiscation.
      1. -4
        7 February 2024 15: 16
        If you mean this?
        “KUB-M provides protection for 48 hours from an air shock wave and light radiation from a nuclear explosion; penetrating radiation and radioactive contamination of the area; high-explosive and fragmentation effects of conventional weapons; falling debris from building structures; hazardous chemicals; fires,” reports RIA Novosti with reference to the press service.

        Well, if, God forbid, what is discussed in the article happens, here is an approximate procedure for action provided for this case:
        Currently, the average time for US nuclear missiles to reach Russia is about 30 minutes, so we can sketch out a rough timeline of a potential nuclear apocalypse:
        1 minute: Detection of a nuclear strike on Russia by an early warning system and determination of the time of impact.
        2 minutes: Confirmation of a nuclear attack. From now on, the population will have 30 minutes to prepare for it.
        5th minute: The evacuation of the President of the country and the Government will begin.
        10 minutes: The order for a retaliatory strike will probably be given.
        11 minutes: Monitoring of seismic activity, radiation and air pressure begins, as well as monitoring of military communications activity.
        12 minutes: The evacuation of the remaining government officials is completed. The mechanism of succession of power in an emergency is activated.
        15 minutes: The civilian population is notified of the current situation. Air-raid shelters are used for shelter, since evacuating the population from cities to the countryside is considered an unreasonable decision. The Metropolitan is the best shelter, capable of accommodating a large number of people and ensuring their livelihoods.
        30 minutes: The President, the government and the population must be prepared for a nuclear attack and take places in shelters.
        Source: “Atomic alarm!”: how long before you need to take shelter in a bomb shelter after this signal appears - Russian Seven
        © Russian Seven
      2. +2
        7 February 2024 15: 17
        Well, some nameless commentator was confiscated, and the old hag Pugachikha and her rear-wheel drive husband moved in, sorted out financial matters and left without any problems.
    3. +5
      7 February 2024 15: 51
      Some have already survived. Out of my mind...
  3. -3
    7 February 2024 14: 19
    What kind of special ones are they? Packed with concerns and quotations from international treaties? They have disgraced themselves with the “red lines” more than once and they continue to do so.
  4. +10
    7 February 2024 14: 21
    In general, this is a logical warning designed to cool the ardor of irrepressible NATO propagandists.
    1. +4
      7 February 2024 14: 23
      Quote: Sergey Alexandrovich
      In general, this is a logical warning designed to cool the ardor

      It would be advisable to hear this not from Medvedev’s lips
      1. +7
        7 February 2024 14: 25
        Why not, the level of the Deputy Chairman of the Security Council is precisely for such statements. As if quite officially, but not a direct promise or threat.
      2. -3
        7 February 2024 14: 25
        Nemedvedevs prefer to broadcast “readiness for negotiations”
      3. ada
        7 February 2024 16: 25
        Will something like this work? Quite presentable appearance, expresses inner confidence and some contempt for the enemy, don’t you think? I like this!
      4. Alf
        7 February 2024 19: 24
        Quote: Dutchman Michel
        It would be advisable to hear this not from Medvedev’s lips

        And from whose? Personally, I don’t see any candidates for such a speech there.
    2. 0
      7 February 2024 14: 27
      It was necessary to talk about this two years ago, since then the situation has deteriorated. Although this is our style - to bring it to complete degradation. What's wrong with Minsk now?
      1. -3
        7 February 2024 14: 31
        At that time, NATO had not yet conducted full-scale exercises, Sweden and Finland had not joined, and there were no direct threats to get involved in the conflict. So it's quite timely. And two years ago it would have looked like an absurd waving of a “nuclear club,” as they liked to say figuratively several decades ago.
        1. +1
          7 February 2024 14: 33
          When the heavy weapons were hauled away and victory was declared on the battlefield, it was time. It was only worth looking ahead a little.
          1. -2
            7 February 2024 14: 37
            They immediately brought Javelins and Stingers to Ukraine. Then would statements like: “.. I’ll show you all now!” be beneficial?
            1. +8
              7 February 2024 14: 56
              Obviously, because they haven’t shown it since the start of the SVO. Conversations remained conversations.
    3. +3
      7 February 2024 15: 10
      Quote: Sergey Alexandrovich
      In general, this is a logical warning designed to cool the ardor of irrepressible NATO propagandists.

      And from the lips of some folk artist it would sound more expressive and with proper emphasis in the words.
      Let me read this...I got an "excellent" grade in literature at school...
      stop It doesn’t cool anyone down...I can offer you a good way to cool down the “hot heads” who are trying to destroy Russia. Send one missile with a special warhead to the selected target...Demonstration performance...In this case, it is necessary that the warhead be of low power (0,3 - 1 kiloton).
      And this will happen sooner or later, because there are no other methods to end the Nazis in Europe!!!
      1. 0
        7 February 2024 15: 15
        Why should I offer? Offer it to someone else.
        And as I look at you, you’ve already set your sights on the whole of Europe! Haven’t you heard the saying: “If you walk wide, you’ll rip your pants!”
        You may have to hit, but more competent people should choose the moment.
        1. 0
          7 February 2024 15: 17
          Let's say it differently: with all the European Nazis sponsoring the Nazis of Ukraine, there will be no one to sponsor...
          1. 0
            7 February 2024 15: 24
            I also once thought that I was smarter than the General Staff combined and any individual general. But after the Wagnerites marched on Moscow, he began to be more careful about criticism and especially glib critics. We'll see, we'll see.
      2. 0
        8 February 2024 12: 29
        Quote: ROSS 42
        In this case, it is necessary that the warhead be of low power (0,3 - 1 kiloton).

        What kind of warhead is this? what power 3BV3 (152mm nuclear projectile) 2.5 kilotons. 0.3 is this a nuclear grenade? do you personally throw? lol
        I propose to operate with realistic categories. soldier
  5. +2
    7 February 2024 14: 23
    “Asymmetrical response” - fresh, beautiful, daring!
    1. Alf
      7 February 2024 19: 26
      Quote: moscowp
      “Asymmetrical response” - fresh, beautiful, daring!

      Only hard to believe.
      1. +1
        8 February 2024 12: 34
        Quote: Alf
        Only hard to believe.

        yes yes... “all the officials have children in Britain and the USA”, “they won’t dare to do anything because I work in the West”... remember? 2021-2022, until February. I bet if you look in your comments, that’s exactly what will be there. wink
        Tell me, does life teach you nothing at all? request
        1. Alf
          8 February 2024 19: 40
          Quote: SanichSan
          I bet if you look in your comments, that’s exactly what will be there.

          Something has changed ? Has dual citizenship disappeared? Did the Iliki children move in orderly rows to Verkhnezhopinsk? Was all the property there sold?
  6. +3
    7 February 2024 14: 29
    Dmitry Anatolyevich says correctly, Western experts are drawing a scenario in which they want to defeat a nuclear power? Let’s kick it so hard it will make you sick. And there’s no need to bring our oligarchs here, that they won’t let England get banged, they know perfectly well that if they lose, they have everything the occupiers will take it away (if there are any left). It’s a pity for Allapulovka. I haven’t been to the USA and probably haven’t lost much.
    1. -1
      7 February 2024 14: 36
      The Kremlin, with its snot, led to the degradation and fabulous fearlessness of the Yankees, which was warned about more than once during the two years of the war.
      1. +3
        7 February 2024 14: 46
        But here, you are distorting. If anyone evoked fabulous fearlessness, it was the non-brothers. The nuclear confrontation with the United States lasted for decades and it is difficult to scare them with anything.
        1. +1
          7 February 2024 15: 00
          If we assume that the Yankees are ready for anything since then, but we are not, this is the path to defeat. It was necessary to try the following scheme: warning - warning shot - test - real shot. Otherwise we have what we have.
          1. +1
            7 February 2024 15: 13
            When our seasoned bandit was running around and had to get hold of Kalash cartridges somewhere (or a Kalash with cartridges), the company commander warned us: if you are lucky enough to see someone outside the post, shoot to kill, and then shout “stop, whoever is coming!” ".
            1. +2
              7 February 2024 15: 17
              Yes, approximately the same situation.
          2. +2
            7 February 2024 15: 15
            If we assume that the Yankees are ready for anything since then, but we are not
            It is easy to judge the readiness of both those and others without access to the decision-making circles. We don’t know who is ready for what, and God forbid we don’t find out.
  7. -10
    7 February 2024 14: 30
    What is the meaning of this statement? NATO is not at war with Russia.
    1. +3
      7 February 2024 14: 33
      and who is fighting in Ukraine? - NATO is fighting against Russia. It was NATO that started this war!
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. +2
        7 February 2024 14: 41
        There were some “non-brothers” here. NATO still participates indirectly with its troops, albeit in violation of non-proliferation conventions and treaties.
        1. 0
          7 February 2024 14: 57
          Quote: Sergey Alexandrovich
          violating non-proliferation conventions and treaties.

          What are they violating?
          1. 0
            7 February 2024 15: 01
            At least we didn’t use cluster munitions or mines without self-destruction. And long-range missiles were not supplied abroad.
            1. 0
              7 February 2024 15: 23
              Quote: Sergey Alexandrovich
              At least we didn't use cluster munitions

              In my opinion, neither Russia, nor the United States, nor Ukraine have ratified the ban on the use of cluster munitions.
              Quote: Sergey Alexandrovich
              And long-range missiles were not supplied abroad.

              Iskander doesn’t count for Belarusians?
              1. -5
                7 February 2024 15: 27
                Iskander doesn’t count for Belarusians! This was after.
                But on a grand scale, we can, but non-brothers and NATO can't. So, with proletarian directness, understandable!
                1. +1
                  7 February 2024 15: 42
                  Quote: Sergey Alexandrovich
                  Iskander doesn’t count for Belarusians! This was after.

                  What prohibitions did NATO violate by supplying missiles to Ukraine?
                  Quote: Sergey Alexandrovich
                  But on a very big scale, we can do it, but our non-brothers and NATO can’t.

                  Are we, like, an exceptional nation?
                  Quote: Sergey Alexandrovich
                  So, with proletarian directness, of course!

                  No, it's not clear.
                  1. -1
                    7 February 2024 15: 47
                    I’ll explain it again for those who don’t understand.
                    There is a philosophy, Marxist-Leninist. And it says there.
                    Point one. Russia and the Russians are always right.
                    Point two. If Russia or the Russians are wrong, see point one.
                    And yet, yes, we are an exceptional nation. But a similar feeling, cultivated in non-brothers over the previous century, was cultivated erroneously.
                    1. -3
                      7 February 2024 15: 51
                      Quote: Sergey Alexandrovich
                      There is a philosophy, Marxist-Leninist. And it says there.
                      Point one. Russia and the Russians are always right.

                      Didn't Eddie Limonov teach you such a philosophy, by any chance?
                      1. -1
                        7 February 2024 15: 52
                        Limonov was not at all alone in this view of the world.
                        And he has this? Did not know.
                      2. -4
                        7 February 2024 15: 57
                        Quote: Sergey Alexandrovich
                        And yet, yes, we are an exceptional nation.

                        This is, as it were, the very Nazism that we are fighting tirelessly. Maybe what the hell, the struggle of the Nanai boys?
                      3. +1
                        7 February 2024 15: 59
                        And you will answer for Nazism! Every word juggler and supporter of non-brothers sooner or later tries to hang such accusations.
                        From the very beginning they are called orcs. No?
                      4. -2
                        7 February 2024 16: 04
                        Quote: Sergey Alexandrovich
                        And you will answer for Nazism!

                        And I, unlike you, do not consider any nation exceptional.
                      5. -1
                        7 February 2024 16: 08
                        Impartiality is sometimes good, but not now, when we are faced with what is called the challenge of the millennium.
                        In principle, from people like you, I have already heard similar accusations against Konstantin Simonov regarding the poem “Kill a German.”
                      6. -2
                        7 February 2024 16: 15
                        Quote: Sergey Alexandrovich
                        In principle, from people like you, I have already heard similar accusations against Konstantin Simonov regarding the poem “Kill a German.”

                        Someone accused him of Nazism? The first time I've heard.
                      7. 0
                        7 February 2024 16: 16
                        The same, impartial ones, a couple of years ago.
                        More precisely, the accusations were addressed according to the phrase of Ilya Ehrenburg. I heard about Simonov’s poem later.
                      8. 0
                        7 February 2024 16: 54
                        Quote: Sergey Alexandrovich
                        More precisely, the accusations were addressed according to the phrase of Ilya Ehrenburg. I heard about Simonov’s poem later.

                        A call to kill the enemy is not a statement of one’s exclusivity.
                      9. -2
                        7 February 2024 16: 55
                        Sorry, I didn’t notice right away that you are our peacemaker with an impartial view of the struggle of the Nanai boys, this is not for me. Conversation is over.
              2. 0
                8 February 2024 11: 27
                Quote: Mordvin 3
                Are we, like, an exceptional nation?

                Who are we"? If anything, you are not a nation at all, but an armchair expert.
      3. -2
        7 February 2024 15: 48
        We have a war here? Did I miss something? When did Russia declare war on Ukraine? To all those who shout that we are at war with NATO, we have not even declared war on our neighbor, let alone NATO. I will enlighten you. Some strange military operation is underway to determine who will occupy some village in Ukraine, and at the same time bridges, power plants, airports are intact, trade with enemies is flourishing and the goals of this operation are still not clearly defined even after two years.
        1. +2
          7 February 2024 16: 56
          Quote: Little Bear
          When did Russia declare war on Ukraine?

          And now it’s not fashionable to declare war request Yugoslavia, Syria or Libya, has anyone declared? Or Yemen was recently bombed...
    2. 0
      7 February 2024 14: 51
      And the combat crew generally doesn’t care where NATO is located or how it is located.
      Confirmation will take place.
      What next.
      After us there is only silence.
      1. -1
        7 February 2024 17: 01
        Don’t officials care that their relatives in NATO countries are being fried with a nuclear weapon?
        1. -1
          7 February 2024 17: 26
          What do officials and their children have to do with it?
          Neither one nor the other gives the order to use.
        2. 0
          8 February 2024 12: 07
          Quote: Nikolaevich_IXI
          Don’t officials care that their relatives in NATO countries are being fried with a nuclear weapon?

          Well, if they care, then they have only one choice - either take their relatives to Russia, or say goodbye to them in advance and start saving money for their funeral. And as for whether Russia will fire a nuclear weapon at NATO countries or not, you can be sure - if necessary, it will fire. And so much so that no one will think it's enough.
    3. The comment was deleted.
  8. -8
    7 February 2024 14: 31
    Medvedev has already lived, like our guarantor. They don’t care about war with nuclear weapons, they can go to heaven. But the young population of Russia, like the Western population, would like to get some fresh air
    1. +4
      7 February 2024 14: 37
      Yes, that’s why it was necessary to scare us much earlier and properly.
    2. Msi
      7 February 2024 15: 23
      . But the young population of Russia, like the Western population, would like to get some fresh air

      So if you have no choice...
    3. -1
      8 February 2024 20: 05
      So let them put all sorts of Borells, Pistoriuses, Stoltenbergs and others behind bars and live. This Borell generally looks like some kind of demon from hell.
      In Spain, they believe there is a gate to hell in the area of ​​Torre Salvana, Borrell is a “Spaniard”, how can you not believe in evil spirits?
  9. -1
    7 February 2024 14: 32
    Yes, you, Mendel (aka Medvedev), are the first to follow the nickname and you yourself will do everything to ensure that the blow to Russia takes place and there is no response!
  10. +2
    7 February 2024 14: 34
    I do not believe. There have already been so many threatening statements.
    1. 0
      7 February 2024 14: 43
      What would you like to truly feel, so to speak? I believe it, I don’t believe it, I’m really intrigued!
      1. +3
        7 February 2024 15: 03
        I wouldn’t like it, but this is a chance to stop getting punched in the face, and at the same time to “interest” the cunning eastern neighbors in the coalition. A strong coalition could cool down the ardor of the West, but it doesn’t exist either.
  11. -1
    7 February 2024 14: 40
    NATO is a huge military bloc, the population of the Alliance countries is almost 1 billion people, and their total military budget can reach one and a half trillion dollars.
    and there
    Therefore, due to the incomparability of our military potentials, we simply will have no choice. The answer will be asymmetrical. To protect the territorial integrity of our country, ballistic and cruise missiles with special warheads will be used. This is based on our doctrinal military documents and is well known to everyone. And this is the very notorious Apocalypse. The end of everything.
    so it will be! We need to test nuclear weapons! to cool everyone down! but for some reason they are following the same scenario where the Russian Federation does not use nuclear weapons, or they are being disingenuous!
  12. 0
    7 February 2024 14: 45
    the answer will be asymmetrical using missiles with special warheads

    Taking into account the fact that all the forecasts and statements of the ex-president were in fact fulfilled the other way around (!), then nothing good will happen to Russia here either....
    1. -3
      7 February 2024 15: 28
      "The enemy will be defeated, and victory will be ours!" Follow us, don't even doubt it.
  13. +4
    7 February 2024 14: 47
    Russia will have no choice but an asymmetric response using ballistic and cruise missiles with special warheads, as provided for in doctrinal military documents.
    Medvedev is, after all, an official person (Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation). And through his mouth he says official opinion of the country's leadership.
    4 situations in which the RF Armed Forces will use nuclear weapons are defined in Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 355 of June 2020. "Fundamentals of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of nuclear deterrence." -- clause 19.4 states that the use of conventional means against Russia that threaten the existence of our state is sufficient grounds for the use of nuclear weapons against the enemy.
    In fact Dmitry Medvedev's statement is a warning to NATO (through unofficial channels for now) about the consequences of their attempt to “fight” a nuclear power. / give a reason to use nuclear weapons - you will get it in full. And now let the United States think: is it worth dying in atomic fire for the sake of a used country? Because we will have to strike at the United States, because they cannot leave a strike against the Euro-NATOs unanswered.
    And secondly, the World Bank and France will probably also react in response to our nuclear strike.
    Therefore, we will have to hit with everything we have, and at once against the entire gang, including the Yankees.
    1. +1
      7 February 2024 15: 18
      But the "beginning" has already been made by conventional means - the American Patriot on the territory of the Russian Federation. The transition to other means will be sudden.
    2. -4
      7 February 2024 17: 16
      It is necessary to take into account in the USA, EU and other NATO countries, in addition to our Russians, there are many people from friendly countries - Chinese, Iranians, Hindus, Syrians, etc. - I don’t think they will say “thank you” for such a thing...
      1. +3
        7 February 2024 17: 51
        And this is their problem: they won’t be where they should be at the right time.
  14. -3
    7 February 2024 14: 50
    Special warhead "iPhone"
  15. +1
    7 February 2024 15: 37
    who keeps statistics on the promises of a certain person......?
  16. +1
    7 February 2024 16: 03
    I wonder if the supply of heavy, long-range, high-precision weapons is not direct participation in the conflict? Helping divorced people, target designation and other delights is not direct participation? And the presence of a large number of different kinds of advisers and consultants is not direct participation? Isn’t the training of units on their territories direct participation? Didn’t Putin talk about this on 24.02.2022/XNUMX/XNUMX that those who decide to intervene in the conflict on the side of the Armed Forces will suffer catastrophic damage. Not ? It seems to me that even if NATO stands at the Dubosekovo junction, they will say similar phrases like these from Medvedev. The weak are beaten, and fools are taught. This is a known truth. I deeply doubt that the Americans would dare behave like this against the USSR, sinking cruisers and large landing ships, submarines and small missiles. Blow up bridges at the Crimean level and airfields at the Engels level. They would be afraid... But here you can. Everything is possible here. I am sure that when NATO troops enter Ukraine, DAM will come up with another red line. Like, well, if you cross the Dnieper, then we’ll die. When they cross the Dnieper, he will say, well, when they reach the Black Sea, then we will show them. Well, etc.. So we’ll get to the Ural ridge. With such woeful managers from the law school
    1. -1
      7 February 2024 16: 12
      There is some truth in your words. But there are nuances. In Afghanistan, from 1979 to 1989, the United States behaved approximately the same way with the USSR, and during the Korean War, even our passenger plane was shot down. And in Afghanistan, even the Chinese helped the spirits. And, after all, non-brothers are fighting with us, albeit with the direct participation of the United States.
    2. 0
      7 February 2024 17: 44
      Quote from: FoBoss_VM
      They would be afraid... But here you can.

      near Vladik they bombed our airfield and shot down our planes, in 1950... feel
  17. 0
    7 February 2024 16: 44
    As always, the air shook in a vacuum - what is a “direct conflict” and what are these “special warheads”?
  18. 0
    7 February 2024 17: 48
    Inform them this way more often; you can also describe in vivid colors what it will be like in the garden after their arrival and what they will do.
    1. 0
      8 February 2024 00: 01
      Do you really think that there are fools and idiots sitting there? And they don’t know what will follow the use of nuclear weapons and they need to be reminded of something? You are wrong
  19. 0
    8 February 2024 05: 10
    I'd rather play badminton than talk
  20. 0
    8 February 2024 08: 17
    Quote: Sergey_S0710
    Yes - we can say with confidence that the countries of Europe, the USA, Canada and Russia (exchange participants) will disappear as states, but some agglomerations and settlements will definitely survive.
    On the territory of Russia, a large number of settlements are located at a sufficient distance from many significant infrastructure and military facilities, so they will not be affected by the damaging effects of nuclear weapons - the distances in Russia are enormous.

    It's unlikely to be erased. The strategic nuclear forces currently on combat duty are simply too small to cause cardinal unacceptable damage, and no one will give us time to reload. But they will definitely iron us specifically. There was an old mattress list of targets lying around on the Internet, in Russia. Even relatively small towns are listed there, as far as I remember.
    1. -1
      8 February 2024 12: 25
      Quote: Serjy
      No one will give us time to recharge. But they will definitely iron us specifically.

      Are your veins already shaking? Do you even have diapers?
      1. The comment was deleted.
  21. 0
    9 February 2024 00: 14
    We have already “swallowed” Kursk, SP-1/2, airplanes, wild sanctions, seizures of money, real estate, enterprises, etc. (((We tolerate the fact that American missiles, controlled by Americans, shoot down airplanes over our territory? What else? Do we not have enough NATO participation? The West only understands force, and not chatter about concerns and drawing lines! We have endured to the point that all the European mongrels are starting to bark at us (((How much longer will we endure the bullying?
  22. -1
    9 February 2024 08: 23
    Less talk, more action! Choose an island state, for example, Britain, which is best suited and use it as a laboratory rabbit or an experimental rat, warn the Yankees in advance to move away and sit upright and conduct an experiment with nuclear weapons and for 50 years until the new generation grows up they will understand that a nuclear club is no joke! lol