It turns out that the British are helping Iran overcome American sanctions

It turns out that the British are helping Iran overcome American sanctions

For many years, Washington has been trying to show its power and punish states that prefer to use their sovereignty in world politics in the same way - sanctions. Of course, we are talking about attempts to put pressure on countries against which the United States would never dare to use force. Yes, at one time the United States was not afraid to bomb Yugoslavia in order to weaken the state.

But things are completely different when it comes to Russia, China, or, for example, Iran. The two named countries have nuclear weapon, and direct military aggression is fraught with dire and unpredictable consequences. Iran does not yet have nuclear weapons, but Trump recently said that they could appear before the beginning of April this year.

The United States dreams of trampling Iran by affecting its economy, but decades of sanctions have not brought any special victories to Washington.

There are several reasons for the lack of the desired effect from anti-Iranian sanctions. The first is the presence of a sufficiently strong economy and resources. The second is the “fakeness” of the sanctions themselves, so to speak. If sanctions restrictions were massively supported by absolutely all pro-American and US-dependent companies, then perhaps their effect would be more noticeable.

While the US presidential administration initiated sanctions on Iran, one of the US's main allies - the British - allowed Tehran to quite calmly continue foreign economic activity through their financial institutions. Numerous accounts were secretly opened in British banks by Iranian authorities through shell companies. Thus, the Iranian state-owned Petrochemical Commercial Company (PCC) and its subsidiary PCC UK, which continued to operate from an office in central London all this time, hardly noticed the damage from the sanctions. This is recognized by analysts from the Financial Times.

Both the Iranian and British offices of the RCC have been subject to US banking restrictions since 2018. However, British friends of the US supported the sanctions only in words. For some reason, the presence of accounts of Iranian structures in British banks does not raise questions, for example, from the US NSA, which is accustomed to conducting surveillance even on Washington’s allies.
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  1. +6
    5 February 2024 19: 42
    Traitors and prostitutes are ineradicable in any state.
    1. +4
      5 February 2024 20: 19
      Two British banks, Lloyds and Santander, facilitated trade between Iran and China in circumvention of US sanctions.
      Sanctions against the “one and only” and very reliable partners are unrealistic. And it will not be possible to destroy the scheme - there will be a sharp rise in oil prices.
      It remains to take revenge on the Houthis and other Shiite groups.
  2. +2
    5 February 2024 19: 46
    The razors are unfastened in the USA. The main thing is to push aside strangers. Albeit secretly, but profit
    1. +3
      5 February 2024 20: 31
      About the USA and politics...
      Iran does not yet have nuclear weapons, but Trump recently said that they could appear before the beginning of April this year.
      What a cunning one!
      Then it will be possible to rinse Biden like a weakling with this sauce right from April, at the height of the presidential race...
      And then, if he is elected, he will say that “in the house” - according to reports, there are already nuclear weapons due to the stupidity of his predecessor, “there is no need to rush here,” you need to bomb a proxy and very gently, so as not to get a nuclear loaf.
      He will then wait and come to an agreement like with North Korea, because his main approach and book are called “The Art of the Deal”.
  3. +9
    5 February 2024 19: 47
    The British now have an Indian prime minister, imagine what will happen when a Persian becomes prime minister. . . bully
    1. +3
      5 February 2024 20: 27
      You will also say that the Houthis...
  4. +3
    5 February 2024 19: 48
    Well the news is so-so...
    The British can only allow Iranians to continue working in their nebulous country with the approval of their big brother across the Atlantic.
    Or by filtering and sandblasting any movement of any amount of the Iranian company. Or rather, the office of an Iranian company.
  5. +4
    5 February 2024 19: 53
    If sanctions were bypassed, it means that it is beneficial for someone.
  6. +1
    5 February 2024 20: 25
    It turns out that the British are helping Iran overcome American sanctions

    What a twist...
  7. +2
    5 February 2024 20: 31
    Both Obama and Biden worked tirelessly to lift sanctions on Iran. True, Trump's 4 years have thrown them back in this matter. If Trump comes, the English may well be shown their actions that are incompatible with the sanctions regime.
    Something like that.
  8. +1
    5 February 2024 20: 38
    Quote: Andrey Martov
    The British now have an Indian prime minister, imagine what will happen when a Persian becomes prime minister. . . bully
    Amazing! A Persian for the premiere is wonderful... I have just the right cat in mind, a purebred purebred Persian. I’m ready for the premiere even tomorrow - anyway, nothing depends on the meowing of any political puppet.

    An unexpected participant is now vying for a seat in the Senate - a stray cat named Hank. His election campaign includes such provisions as the creation of a modern platform for getting a job, as well as for “milk in every saucer.” The cat already has his own Twitter, where he posts his theses and positions. Recently, the cat came out for the fight to protect the personal data of users on the Internet.

    However, despite the attractive campaign platform, Hank may have a few problems running for Senate. The main obstacle is the age of the cat. By law, candidates must be at least thirty years old, and Hank was born in 2003.

    It’s too early to say what chances the cat has of winning. However, it is worth noting that in the United States, a cat has already been elected to the post of mayor in one city, so a precedent has already been created.

    Well, for a snack ...
    Meet Incitatus, the only horse in human history to become a Roman senator. Emperor Caligula had a wonderful friend - a light gray stallion named Porcellus. But the name was very dissonant and translated from Latin meant “pig”. And if you consider that horses are not simply called that, then we can assume that this stallion was very well-fed.
  9. -1
    6 February 2024 01: 23
    I don't see anything strange. These companies operate in British pounds, which means they are not under the jurisdiction of the US Federal Penitentiary Service. On the one hand, on the other hand, one company is actually a "daughter", that is, the same as a subsidiary of, for example, Raiffeisen Bank, which calmly continues to operate in the territory of the Russian Federation, despite the sanctions of the EU and the US. And thirdly, the Iranian company operates under the same conditions and according to the same principles as Russian companies that supply oil and gas to the EU and the US now, while under sanctions.