The French Ambassador to Russia was summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry in connection with the presence of French mercenaries in Kharkov

The French Ambassador to Russia was summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry in connection with the presence of French mercenaries in Kharkov

The French Ambassador to Moscow, Pierre Levy, was summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry; the call was related to the presence of a large number of foreign mercenaries in Kharkov, most of whom were French and who were destroyed by a strike by the Russian Armed Forces. This was stated by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova.

The French Foreign Ministry denies the presence of mercenaries from France in the ranks of the Ukrainian army, stating that "they are not there." The Russian Defense Ministry's statement about rocket strike on Kharkov, which killed a large number of Frenchmen, was called "gross manipulation" in Paris. Nevertheless, the French ambassador was summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry, where, most likely, he was handed a note of protest. There are no details of the meeting itself; Maria Zakharova only stated the fact that Levi was summoned.

In connection with the destruction by the Russian Armed Forces of a temporary deployment point for foreign fighters in Kharkov, among whom were several dozen French, the French Ambassador was summoned to the Foreign Ministry

- leads TASS words of a Russian diplomat.

The Ministry of Defense reported that the Russian Armed Forces struck a temporary location for foreign mercenaries. According to published data, the attack was carried out by an Iskander missile or missiles at night. The result of the arrival was the liquidation of a large number of mercenaries, most of whom were French. 60 were reported killed, as well as 20 wounded. This is the first case of mass liquidation of French mercenaries.
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  1. +26
    18 January 2024 21: 00
    Apparently the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has something to show this Levi, since they called him.
    1. +11
      18 January 2024 21: 19
      Quote: Labrador
      Apparently the Foreign Ministry has something to show this Levi

      Since Macron's arrival, things have been dire for France. So Azerbaijan summoned their ambassador, more than 61 companies from France work in Baku and my heart feels that soon they will be asked to leave. I always said that Western gentlemen are barbarians! They started all the world wars. Colonizers. The killers. They always stick their nose where it doesn't belong. I hope that the Russian Foreign Ministry will compare them with the shit where they belong.
      1. -2
        19 January 2024 01: 23
        Do they have the right ambassador? Or is he from the trio Meridian (Blue Oyster)...
        What's the point of talking to their ambassador? It is necessary to publish maps where France is annexed to Russia.
    2. +2
      18 January 2024 23: 15
      Next time we need to bring the corpse of a French mercenary to Moscow, find out his name, address, addresses and contacts of his relatives.
      And then officially invite the French ambassador to the Foreign Ministry for some reason. And there, solemnly, under cameras and with the French anthem playing, hand over the dead compatriot to the French ambassador along with a piece of paper with all the official details of the corpse, addresses, contacts of his relatives. And make them write it down on the statement (in two languages) under the column I accepted the corpse and undertake to convey to the relatives:

      And say:
      "If you refuse to accept this corpse now and do not deliver it to the relatives, then this recording will be broadcast on TV, on the Internet, and to the relatives of the deceased. And all of France will see how its Foreign Ministry values ​​French citizens!"
      1. -2
        19 January 2024 00: 09
        You should take some pills to combat the brutality. Mercenaries are not worth such a hassle, their point is covered with them, an express train to hell is guaranteed. Cover these more often.
        1. +5
          19 January 2024 00: 24
          Quote from Mitos
          Mercenaries are not worth such trouble...
          Not worth it, you're absolutely right. But it is imperative to play this situation for the benefit of the Country.
          And the mercenaries themselves - don’t care about them
          Quote from Mitos
          Express to hell is guaranteed. Cover these more often.
          and let Stanislavsky turn over in his grave and say: - I believe...
      2. +1
        19 January 2024 00: 19
        I do not agree with you
        Quote: PavelT
        officially invite the French ambassador to the Foreign Ministry
        to submit a Note with a question: should you place the zinc for the cameras to return home to the left of the embassy gate, or to the right? It won't be any other way...
        They must feel...
        Of course, we have a big problem with presenting information to the public; they can’t submit their own, but someone else’s...
        1. +1
          19 January 2024 18: 38
          They must feel...

          Pete, mercenaries are the dregs of society and Micron doesn’t know them a priori...
          By the way, “with us” - who has this?
          1. +1
            19 January 2024 18: 58
            Quote from Egeni
            mercenaries are the scum of society and...
            About mercenaries in general - yes: no rights, no nationality. In a specific conflict: the head of French military intelligence was removed from his post after two senior officers of this service died in Mariupol. And there are French people, namely servicemen, and that means micron and co are responsible for them. There are plenty of cases where they took other people’s officers in someone else’s uniform, we’ll see more interviews.
            Quote from Egeni
            "with us" - who has this?
            We regularly return to the topic of the failure of official representatives to competently cover what is happening. Unfortunately, I can’t say the same about the work of Western PR people; the devils work well.
            1. +1
              19 January 2024 21: 01
              "we are of the same blood... you and me"
            2. +1
              19 January 2024 21: 15
              Écoutez "La Marche russe" de Zhanna Bichevskaya, si vous l'aimez, j'attends votre visite
              1. 0
                19 January 2024 22: 13
                Merci monsieur, bons mots..
                Quote from Egeni
                we are of the same blood...
                Margelov, Blok, Tsoi... these people wrote the code....
                Although I always had a tense attitude towards France, the negative experience...
                1. +1
                  20 January 2024 11: 45
                  Mademoiselle...en fait...
                  et Pete, écris-moi en français, je sais lire et parler un peu. J'écris avec des erreurs, désolé.)
                  1. 0
                    20 January 2024 12: 24
                    Mademoiselle... warnings are issued for this here bully and then they don’t take it off. I’m not good at French at all, I don’t feel any positive emotions towards them request it happened
                    1. +1
                      20 January 2024 12: 28
                      write in English, I also know a little... or write in your native language, I’ll figure it out.)
                      and about the penalty points, don’t be rude... and everything will be fine.)
                      by the way, why did you write in French first?
                      1. +1
                        20 January 2024 12: 34
                        I write in my native language, are you a linguist? Have you read Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion?
                        Being rude is not at all according to Feng Shui; the remnants of the upbringing received in the page corps do not, as a rule, allow smile
                      2. The comment was deleted.
                      3. 0
                        20 January 2024 12: 45
                        Why am I writing so poorly in Russian? request class teacher, Russian teacher, went broke after graduation - if he says you wrote essays the same way I wrote letters - you wouldn’t have to copy lol
                      4. 0
                        20 January 2024 12: 43
                        Yes, I read it. No, not a linguist, my mother taught me English and French, German at university
      3. +3
        19 January 2024 02: 10
        Next time we need to bring the corpse of a French mercenary to Moscow, find out his name, address, addresses and contacts of his relatives
        Next time, don’t you want to go to the Hohlopiteks for the corpse of a French mercenary in the deep rear? Don't write nonsense.
        They have had enough of objective control, radio interceptions and howls on the Internet of survivors and frightened mercenaries.
    3. 0
      20 January 2024 18: 29
      "The French Ambassador to Moscow, Pierre Levy, was summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry; the call was related to the presence of a large number of foreign mercenaries in Kharkov, most of whom were French and who were destroyed by a strike by the Russian Armed Forces."
      In what sense?
      Kharkiv region, as well as the city of Kharkiv, is currently a UA territory.
      Accordingly, UA has the right to place there whatever it wants/whenever it wants and in whatever quantity it wants.
      Who can stop her?
      I would like to understand. hi
  2. 0
    18 January 2024 21: 00
    I don’t think that the French ambassador was summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry to hear high-laikli in Russian.
    1. 0
      18 January 2024 21: 21
      Quote: tralflot1832
      I don’t think that the French Ambassador was summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry

      If the Russian side has any idea that the paddling pools are even indirectly involved, they will get slapped in the face.
      1. +4
        18 January 2024 21: 29
        For example??
        1. +2
          18 January 2024 21: 32
          Quote: Scuderia
          For example??

          Usually, a NOTE is first passed through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. If they don’t understand, then they hit you hard. If they still don’t understand, they start looking for the enemy. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Armament and support. If again they don’t understand how Azerbaijan is, they give a couple of kicks to the employees from the embassy...make them unwelcome on the territory....and so on..
          1. +12
            18 January 2024 21: 34
            Why look for an enemy when France is already openly supplying weapons?? Why didn’t you hit your pocket earlier??)
            They'll pass the note and go their separate ways...
            1. +1
              18 January 2024 21: 36
              Quote: Scuderia
              They'll pass the note and go their separate ways...

              The government has a protocol on how to behave and what to do in such situations. I don't think they'll get rid of it with one note. Looks like cargo 200 will fly in large quantities to France.
              1. 0
                18 January 2024 22: 26
                Quote: Vugigugi
                The government has a protocol on how to behave and what to do in such situations. I don't think they'll get rid of it with one note.
                The note is official, but as a rule there is a conversation between the lines. France could also be politely asked, and France could agree and, for example, cancel the supply of scalp missiles, and thereby make it clear that they understood everything.
                1. +2
                  19 January 2024 02: 37
                  France will “understand” what its comrades from the United States allow it to do. No more. Macron and co. this is a completely American project, he will do and the Foreign Ministry will also do what they order.
    2. 0
      19 January 2024 21: 28
      ...of course you don’t think so if you write in Russian with mistakes...)))
      ...and not for the first time, trawlbot.)
  3. +14
    18 January 2024 21: 01
    The French Foreign Ministry denies the presence of mercenaries from France in the ranks of the Ukrainian army, stating that “they are not there.”

    perhaps there are active French military personnel there
    that's why there are no mercenaries there laughing
    1. +3
      18 January 2024 21: 11
      perhaps there are active French military personnel there

      Those on vacation? The Frogs use their legion for "dirty" work, and since they were asked to go from Africa, they decided to use them in the country.
      1. -1
        19 January 2024 13: 58
        Quote from: nepunamemuk
        There are active French military personnel there
        that's why there are no mercenaries there
        Even if you call it a potty, the main thing is not to put it in the stove... They probably forgot the story of the death of senior military intelligence officers in Mariupol, and the head of intelligence was kicked out of his post after that
  4. 0
    18 January 2024 21: 10
    It looks like they are not ordinary mercenaries if there is so much stench.
  5. +9
    18 January 2024 21: 12
    If these are mercenaries, then what does the ambassador have to do with it? The mercenaries seem to be fighting on their own initiative and the French government did not officially send them there.
    1. +8
      18 January 2024 21: 23
      Quote: Glock-17
      If these are mercenaries, then what does the ambassador have to do with it?

      They are French citizens. And the country should know where its citizens hang out. So the Foreign Ministry is doing the right thing, the main thing is that the ambassador’s breams are clear. In Azerbaijan, we also give them goblins. Our money is good and we are bad? So get on with the song!
      1. +5
        18 January 2024 21: 46
        And what idiot will say that he is going to Ukraine as a soldier of fortune? Everyone will say that they are going to do charity work, but mercenary activity still needs to be proven.
    2. -1
      18 January 2024 21: 30
      I think the ambassador will answer them that way...
      1. fiv
        18 January 2024 22: 16
        And the ambassador to the Foreign Ministry is not called to ask, but to be torn
        1. +1
          18 January 2024 22: 25
          I'm sure the ambassador was already very scared...
  6. +1
    18 January 2024 21: 17
    I wonder what evidence was provided since the ambassador was called.
    1. 0
      18 January 2024 22: 07
      The ambassador will not be invited to just drink some tea and give a high-five. Otherwise, of course, he will drink the free tea and send it to a known address.
      There is some specific presentation. It would be necessary to answer.
      1. +1
        19 January 2024 09: 35
        He can also send even a specific “presentation” to a known address, since they know that there will be nothing but red lines, since they openly supply weapons to the crooks, and their embassy is still working for us.
  7. +9
    18 January 2024 21: 23
    “The French authorities decided not to notice this incident. But journalists from the Fifth Republic turned out to be more honest and told everything as it is. Thus, employees of the TF1 TV channel reported that French mercenaries are actually participating in hostilities in Ukraine. The TV presenters cited data received from their source, that from Kiev, 60-70 people with French citizenship and another 200-300 fighters with dual citizenship are taking part in the armed conflict.

    Former military pilot Xavier Teitelman, in an interview with TF1, said that there are “five groups of French” in the combat zone, and they are stationed by specialty - drone operators, snipers and others.
    At the same time, mercenary activities are prohibited in France."

    So, there is a topic for conversation with the ambassador.
  8. +6
    18 January 2024 21: 24
    Aslin should also be caught and the death sentence carried out publicly...
    1. -1
      18 January 2024 21: 28
      Like he was crossing the road in the wrong place and got run over (optional).
    2. 0
      18 January 2024 21: 32
      So Aslin was already caught... that's the point... and he was released... The English ambassador was also called then, no??
      1. +5
        18 January 2024 23: 25
        This is a well-known story connected with the Istanbul negotiations and Russia's divorce into "agreements" and a grain deal.

        But here are new secret rumors about the captured Pole: -predatelstve-vsu

        A wounded mercenary from Poland named David, who fought on the side of Ukraine, captured in the Krynok region by Russian soldiers, reported how Ukrainian Armed Forces militants left him to die on the battlefield
        Read more:

        Look how strange it is: the Pole was captured, but they don’t show him to us, they don’t use him for propaganda, the Poles are not presented with it, even the Polish ambassador was not summoned to the Foreign Ministry.
        What's the matter?
        Are you preparing to secretly exchange? On whom? Or what?
        1. +2
          18 January 2024 23: 32
          This is a famous story related to the Istanbul negotiations

          So it's not a matter of what it's connected with...
          Just as an example - that there are plenty of people like that fighting there for a long time... and they even caught... and even released...
          And then suddenly they remembered about the ambassador..))
          1. +4
            18 January 2024 23: 44
            Just as an example - that there are plenty of people like that fighting there for a long time... and they even caught... and even released...
            And then suddenly they remembered about the ambassador..))

            So the Kremlin is most likely not worried about mercenaries, a few dozen won’t make a difference, but about the supply of modern weapons announced by Macron.
            Unofficially, they could threaten further problems in Africa or Kazakhstan or in other points of contact.
    3. +3
      18 January 2024 22: 02
      Quote: Ivanikus
      Aslin should also be caught and the death sentence carried out publicly...

      It recently showed up near Avdeevka, maybe this time it will be two hundred.
      Playing with fate will not lead to good, he had one chance, he won’t have a second.
      1. -1
        18 January 2024 22: 11
        Quote: Nyrobsky
        It recently showed up near Avdeevka, maybe this time it will be two hundred.
        Playing with fate will not lead to good, he had one chance, he won’t have a second.
  9. -2
    18 January 2024 21: 29
    denies the presence of mercenaries from France in the ranks of the Ukrainian army, stating that "they're not there".

    I wonder... who taught him to lie like that??
    1. +3
      18 January 2024 22: 44
      Quote: Scuderia
      denies the presence of mercenaries from France in the ranks of the Ukrainian army, stating that “they are not there.”

      I wonder... who taught him to lie like that??

      These are ordinary vacationers. We went on a safari. But, as we say: we went for wool, and returned... shaved, washed and covered with the flags of the Fifth Republic.laughing
      1. -3
        18 January 2024 23: 10
        With iPhones and Teramisu..
  10. 0
    18 January 2024 21: 31
    Well, they are probably shelling Belgorod from their French installations - otherwise the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Send the pennant to them there.
  11. 0
    18 January 2024 21: 32
    Quote: Scuderia
    denies the presence of mercenaries from France in the ranks of the Ukrainian army, stating that "they're not there".

    I wonder... who taught him to lie like that??

    no, not interesting - what about grandfather Pikhto?)).
  12. +4
    18 January 2024 21: 39
    So it’s okay to supply cruise missiles and shells to the Ukrainian Armed Forces?! request and as mercenaries, they put the ambassador on the carpet... recourse
  13. -7
    18 January 2024 21: 54
    Fratricidal war...
    Call the ambassador..))
    1. -2
      18 January 2024 23: 26
      Here you need to call two ambassadors at once wassat !!!
      1. -4
        18 January 2024 23: 30
        So if they are from the same country..))
  14. 0
    18 January 2024 22: 01
    If everything goes as it should, then in the coming decades France itself will become an African colony
    1. -2
      18 January 2024 22: 11
      Well, the next Lloyd Austin will be the Minister of Defense of France...
      And what is “how to do” in this...
  15. +3
    18 January 2024 22: 20
    “The French Foreign Ministry denies the presence of mercenaries from France in the ranks of the Ukrainian army, stating that “they are not there.” laughing Well, it’s definitely not 60 anymore.
  16. +4
    18 January 2024 22: 20
    Quote: Vugigugi
    If again they don’t understand how Azerbaijan is, they give a couple of kicks to the employees from the embassy

    Baku is in conflict with the paddling pools not because of love for Russians or Russia, but because of the conflict with Armenia.
    The French regularly added fuel to the fire, recognized the Armenian genocide, and there were other steps unfriendly to Baku.
    In principle, both (Armenia) and others (Azerbaijan) are good.
    Their diasporas in Russia are the most numerous, the youth is aggressive (in Russia), many men of draft age fled to the Russian Federation, from Armenia and Azerbaijan, when the war began there.

    P.S. calling the French ambassador is good.
    But this is extremely little.
    It is necessary to call all the ambassadors of those countries that supply weapons and cover their own
    mercenaries in Ukroreich (Israel was especially successful in this).
    Then, arrange a screening of films for everyone: “Come and See” by E. Klimov, “Ordinary Fascism”
    M. Romma.
  17. +6
    18 January 2024 22: 25
    Well, why are we surprised? France is a NATO member and acts in the wake of this bloc's policy towards Russia. Relations deteriorated after the French side refused to hand over the Mistral-class helicopter carriers built under the contract. After that, our relations with France steadily worsened. France has been supplying weapons to Ukraine since the very beginning of the SVO, and advisers and instructors work there. The death of another group of mercenaries from France in Kharkov is just another episode of negativity in our relations.
  18. 0
    18 January 2024 22: 28
    This is so that the topic is not muddied.
    The ambassador can say anything or remain silent.
    But it's out of the bag.
  19. +3
    18 January 2024 22: 36
    Quote from: nepunamemuk
    The French Foreign Ministry denies the presence of mercenaries from France in the ranks of the Ukrainian army, stating that “they are not there.”

    perhaps there are active French military personnel there
    that's why there are no mercenaries there laughing

    During the life of the ichtamnets from France, they drank blood well. My neighbor is on their conscience; the third time they destroyed his battery. Twice in hospitals... He was a good man, of which there are few left. But we’ll throw some more at these paddling pools, if we’ve already started.
  20. 0
    18 January 2024 22: 45
    Maria Zakharova (sorry they don’t indicate her middle name now), showed frog legs, the remains of mercenaries.
    1. 0
      18 January 2024 23: 27
      The fact of the matter is that she didn’t show any of the remains of these “they’re not there.” Even if our Foreign Ministry had these remains. They are too polite and humane at the Foreign Ministry.
      Life and history do not teach them...
  21. -5
    18 January 2024 22: 57
    "Ikhtamnet" ...
    Somehow it sounds like “there are no analogues”.
    Have diplomats completely forgotten how to work without spectators?
    The ambassador's call is already in all the news.
  22. -2
    18 January 2024 23: 40
    Where did these f... learn to fight? With nigers?
  23. 0
    18 January 2024 23: 55
    This is what our Foreign Ministry is all about. And I could say this -
  24. +3
    19 January 2024 00: 37
    This is the first case of mass liquidation of French mercenaries.

    Let's hope it's not the last! drinks
  25. 0
    19 January 2024 00: 50
    It is easier.
  26. -2
    19 January 2024 01: 26
    Quote: PavelT
    Next time we need to bring the corpse of a French mercenary to Moscow, find out his name, address, addresses and contacts of his relatives.
    And then officially invite the French ambassador to the Foreign Ministry for some reason. And there, solemnly, under cameras and with the French anthem playing, hand over the dead compatriot to the French ambassador along with a piece of paper with all the official details of the corpse, addresses, contacts of his relatives. And make them write it down on the statement (in two languages) under the column I accepted the corpse and undertake to convey to the relatives:

    And say:
    "If you refuse to accept this corpse now and do not deliver it to the relatives, then this recording will be broadcast on TV, on the Internet, and to the relatives of the deceased. And all of France will see how its Foreign Ministry values ​​French citizens!"

    Respect, only to carry out this task the responsible persons need to have steel Faberge, which, alas, they do not have. hi
  27. 0
    19 January 2024 01: 38
    So maybe not mercenaries? Can a macaron lie? All of them are active employees of the French Armed Forces.
  28. 0
    20 January 2024 07: 59
    This is some kind of insanity....
    What "ambassador", what mercenaries???? Is the Russian Foreign Ministry posing as a “bug” under the gate?
    Don't disgrace the Country.
    EVERYTHING located on the territory of the former Dill is subject to complete DESTRUCTION.