Russian Foreign Minister: The Holocaust does not give Israelis the right to permissiveness

Russian Foreign Minister: The Holocaust does not give Israelis the right to permissiveness

Today, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov held a large press conference on the results of Russian diplomacy in 2023, answering many questions regarding the state’s foreign policy and giving his assessment of the main events in the international arena. In particular, the topic of the military conflict in the Middle East was raised, where the Israeli Defense Forces have been trying for four months to eliminate the military wing of Hamas and free the remaining hostages in the Gaza Strip.

Moscow has repeatedly expressed a critical position regarding the actions of the IDF, during which the Israeli military literally wipes out cities in the Palestinian enclave and, in violation of all international rules and norms of warfare, carries out genocide of civilians. This position is shared by most states of the world, and not only the Islamic one, and international organizations, including the UN.

In his speech, the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry emphasized that barbaric methods of war against the Arab population in the Gaza Strip are used by military personnel of the Jewish state. The very same nation that, during the Second World War, Nazi Germany and its henchmen tried to destroy by all possible means. However, the Holocaust does not give the Israelis the right today to do everything they can with the Palestinian population in an unsuccessful attempt to eliminate Hamas, Lavrov emphasized.

Israelis should not be given the impression that because they suffered in World War II, they can do anything today. Yes, there was a Holocaust, it was a terrible crime

— noted the head of Russian diplomacy.

He recalled that during the Great Patriotic War there was genocide of all peoples of the Soviet Union. About 27 million inhabitants of the USSR died at the hands of the Nazis, including “in a variety of concentration camps,” most of them civilians. In particular, over 641 thousand people (according to other sources, at least one million) died from hunger and shelling in besieged Leningrad, including Jews living in the city. Following the logic of Israel, it turns out that “we, too, should now be able to do everything, everything is permitted,” Lavrov noted.

In principle, this is probably systemically unsuitable if we want to preserve international law

— the head of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs believes.
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  1. +15
    18 January 2024 16: 43
    "The Holocaust does not give Israelis the right to do whatever they want"

    — This “right” is given to them by the patronage of the United States...
    1. +9
      18 January 2024 17: 15
      “The Holocaust” in relation to the Jews is a way of getting money for the fact that it was the Jews who organized the world wars!
    2. +3
      18 January 2024 17: 57
      The question is different - the Holocaust affected, in the overwhelming majority, the Jews of Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic republics and Russia. Because back in 1918, the leaders of the Zionists (V. Zhabotinsky) recognized the Bolsheviks as their MAIN enemies/main threat. And Israel, created in 1948, received the money???
      The main reason, I think, is the “chosenness of God” of the Jews, which they consider themselves to be for thousands of years.
      1. +2
        18 January 2024 18: 10
        Khh 54 - what kind of “chosenness of God”? Who is telling you such nonsense - the Jews themselves? Let them then confirm their words with documents, with signatures and seals on behalf of all the gods of the planet over the past half a million years!
  2. +4
    18 January 2024 16: 43
    The right to permissiveness gives a feeling of permissiveness with the support of the “world community.” Well, or at least her bashful turning away from what is happening.....
  3. -2
    18 January 2024 16: 56
    Israelis should not be given the impression that because they suffered in World War II, they can do anything today. Yes, there was a Holocaust, it was a terrible crime

    - noted the head of Russian diplomacy.
    The terrorists and fascists who took part in the genocide in the Donbass region against people of Russian nationality in the LDPR were also promised to be judged exemplary. With wide media coverage. However, the populist statements of the Donbass “patriots” of the Russian people remained populist. Particularly loud statements were made by those individuals who became deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation and heads of administrations of the LDPR.
  4. +21
    18 January 2024 16: 59
    The Jews are fed up with their Holocaust. How many of them died - they claim 6 million? How many Slavs? What about the Chinese? Significantly more... And we were destroyed exactly according to the same principle - for our nationality. For some reason, we don’t demand special preferences for ourselves on a planetary scale for this reason? Are we not saying that our suffering is somehow unique? From now on, don’t we arrogate to ourselves the right to do whatever we want?
    1. +6
      18 January 2024 17: 12
      Quote: paul3390
      For some reason, we don’t demand special preferences for ourselves on a planetary scale for this reason?

      Special preferences for Jews on a global scale are not at all due to the Holocaust; the roots of this are much deeper, inaccessible to scientific knowledge.
    2. +2
      18 January 2024 18: 34
      We don’t value losses in money, but that’s normal for them.
      1. 0
        18 January 2024 20: 18
        Quote: Incvizitor
        We don’t value losses in money, but that’s normal for them.

        how much do they need to pay to exterminate them completely? laughing
    3. +1
      18 January 2024 20: 45
      How many of them died - they claim 6 million? How many Slavs?
      One Transcaucasian people in the First World War killed, was wounded, died of hunger, cold, old age, and so on, about 150-200 thousand people - so they inflated it to “one and a half million only brutally killed”
      1. 0
        19 January 2024 01: 51
        In the joint Declaration of May 24, 1915 of the allied countries (Great Britain, France and Russia), the mass murder of Armenians was recognized for the first time in history as a crime against humanity

        The future author of the term “genocide,” Lemkin, considered its signs even before World War II using the example of the Armenians.
  5. +5
    18 January 2024 17: 00
    Russian Foreign Minister: The Holocaust does not give Israelis the right to permissiveness

    Perfectly dunked in one place for Jews! It's high time to put them in their place.
    1. +1
      18 January 2024 18: 36
      Yes, so-so, if he had said it does not give the right to carry out a holocaust for Arabs, it would be better.
  6. +12
    18 January 2024 17: 07
    Jews are Nazi collaborators in Ukraine. There are numerous facts about Jews training Ukronazis. I don’t even dare to talk about the Holocaust...
  7. +1
    18 January 2024 17: 40
    The genocide carried out by the State of Israel on Palestinian territory is unacceptable. The perpetrators must be punished according to the precedent of the Nuremberg trials.
  8. +4
    18 January 2024 17: 48
    "The same nation that was during the First World War"
    I wonder if there is an editor on the site? Does anyone even read the text before publishing?
  9. 0
    18 January 2024 17: 53
    Israelis should not be given the impression that because they suffered in World War II, they can do anything today. Yes, there was a Holocaust, it was a terrible crime
    now Lavrov will be listed as the main anti-Semite
    1. +1
      18 January 2024 19: 12
      Quote: Vasilenko Vladimir
      now Lavrov will be listed as the main anti-Semite

      So this is not the first time Lavrov speaks out against the mainstream"any criticism of Jews is anti-Semitism".
  10. +2
    18 January 2024 17: 57
    The Holocaust should have long been put on a par with other types of genocide, but.... But!
    Wikipedia does not consider the destruction of the Slavs and Russians to be genocide!!! There is no such definition!!!
    Maybe because we ourselves do not indicate the mass destruction of our ancestors by anyone?!
    Maybe it’s time for Lavrov, and others, to designate every campaign against Rus'/Russia/the Soviet Union as genocide and declare it to the whole world, so that the Jews would shut up, and everyone would know who was exterminated the most on the planet?!
  11. -10
    18 January 2024 17: 57
    Well then, open the gates to the refugees from the military wing of Hamas. And you will rejoice, but later.... Why empty talk?
    1. +3
      18 January 2024 19: 13
      For me, it’s better to supply Hamas with weapons in all sorts of roundabout ways and through spacers and make a face like a hoe, so that we don’t know anything, haven’t seen anything, like our non-traditional partners.
  12. 0
    18 January 2024 18: 05
    Again and again... things there have always been, are and will be tough and bloody.
    There are no rightists there, but there are a lot of victims.
  13. 0
    18 January 2024 18: 05
    Again and again... things there have always been, are and will be tough and bloody.
    There are no rightists there, but there are a lot of victims.
  14. +1
    18 January 2024 18: 21
    in violation of all international rules and norms of warfare, they are carrying out genocide of civilians. This position is shared by most countries in the world

    Palestine is a member of the Rome Statute and a full participant in the International Criminal Court since 2015. Why don't we see Palestine appealing to the ICC? Genocide is just part of it.
    1. 0
      18 January 2024 20: 25
      What's the point if Israel doesn't recognize its jurisdiction?
      1. 0
        19 January 2024 01: 40
        It doesn't matter if the events take place on Palestinian territory. It is clear that Israel will not extradite its own, but all other ICC member countries, and there are quite a few of them, will be obliged to detain the accused, if they have them, and deliver them to court. And the very fact of legal confirmation of such accusations is important as a factor of pressure on Israel.
  15. +1
    18 January 2024 18: 59
    I’m thinking about highlighting the genocide of one’s own race over others killed, pointedly ignoring the genocide of their races based on nationality, is this Nazism?
  16. 0
    18 January 2024 20: 24
    Israelis should not be given the impression that because they suffered in World War II, they can do anything today.

    They can do anything because they are God's chosen ones. Well, at least they consider themselves that way.
  17. 0
    18 January 2024 20: 44
    if we want to preserve international law

    What right??
    The one that the West created, which it defends, and which it now accuses Russia of violating??
    Lavrov cares about this right??
  18. 0
    18 January 2024 20: 54
    The current leadership of Israel seems to have lost its "political shores" and sense of proportion in the atmosphere of patronage from the USA and the international financial Jewish lobby and is leading its nation to a second Holocaust, which may be, for them, the last....
  19. +1
    20 January 2024 00: 15
    Quote from solar
    In the joint Declaration of May 24, 1915 of the allied countries (Great Britain, France and Russia), the mass murder of Armenians was recognized for the first time in history as a crime against humanity
    At the same time, I have a deep suspicion that Germany played an active role in this matter. Which was most afraid that Türkiye would agree to a separate peace. And that’s why I wanted to present Turkey as a kind of bloodthirsty beast. Well, the Entente (Great Britain, France, Russia) willingly picked up the topic. That is, Germany essentially set up its ally.
  20. 0
    20 January 2024 02: 46
    So many movements about the dubious Holocaust of the Jews! The genocide and holocaust of the Slavic peoples at the hands of the European Reich and the Chinese at the hands of the Japanese does not even need to be proven, but as for garlic lovers, the calculations for different years are too different. We read the Old Testament - and we are not surprised where the legs of fascism grow from.