From the golden war movie series

From the golden war movie series

During the existence of the cinema, tens of thousands of films devoted to war and military topics from various film companies have been released. Recently, interest in the military theme in Russia has grown significantly, and therefore consumer demand is being quite actively satisfied. Today, wonderful military watch movies You can with the help of specially created online cinemas.
One of the most popular films about the war in our country is the film “The Dawns Here Are Quiet ...” This famous story, which is told by director Stanislav Rostotsky in 1972, has become a real symbol of military cinema. This shows the major battles that have not become typical for war films, but shows a side of the war that is unfamiliar to most people. The author of the book, Boris Vasiliev, wrote the film by this amazing in its tragedy and passions.
In 1975, Boris Vasilyev was awarded the State Prize. He himself was a member of the Great Patriotic War, and therefore all his heroes are shown with amazing accuracy. Each of the girls anti-aircraft gunners - this is an image of a woman of war, who, despite all the fighting, she thought about love, dreamed that in the future she would lead a real family, give birth to children.
As you know, all these dreams did not come true. However, even such a tragic ending of the film leaves the viewer with some bright feeling. It consists in the fact that these girls for each of us actually remained alive and defended the Fatherland.
The film can be easily ranked as the golden series of Soviet cinema. Thanks to the fascinating game of actors, he occupies a special place in the history of national cinema. The actor who played one of the main roles in the film - Andrei Martynov - is perceived today as a foreman Vaskov for many viewers. Despite the fact that Martynov has several dozens of other film workers (“Eternal Call”, “The Captain’s Daughter”, “Mu-mu”, “The Black Mark”), Vaskov’s role for many admirers of his talent is significant. The actor, who in the 1994 year received the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation, said that his role in the film of Stanislav Rostotsky was decisive in his fate.
Last year, the film “The Dawns Here Are Quiet ...” celebrated its 40 birthday. Not a single generation of Soviet and Russian young people was brought up on it. The film still enjoys great interest both in Russia and in foreign countries.