Fables reformers

Fables reformers

The events of the last weeks of last year, related to the release from office of a number of officials and officials of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, are still in the center of public attention. Sensational exposures in the military department had to respond to politicians, even to the top officials of the state. However, the logic of the reasoning of other high-ranking dignitaries is as follows: yes — they were caught stealing, yes — they failed. For which he was fired. But in general, military reform led in the right direction.

Most of the positive assessments of the reforms of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation come from people who are not well versed in military affairs and defense construction. They operate on data that they receive from the same high-ranking officials of the Ministry of Defense. That is why the mistakes made are often presented as good luck, the disadvantages are given as advantages.

Thus, myths about the achievements of military reform were born. It is not easy to check them, because the only uncompromising expert on the effectiveness of military-strategic, military-economic and military-technical measures held in the state is war. Fortunately, we have the opportunity to tackle the “mythology” of a new look without resorting to the results of such a bloody examination.

Why broke spears

The first myth is about the successful improvement of the organization of the Armed Forces. First of all, I mean the transition from a five-tier to a three-tier organizational structure.

This legend is verified by simple arithmetic. In the recent past, the Russian army did not even have five, but nine levels of the army hierarchy. This is a grouping of troops in a theater of military operations (theater of operations), a front (in peacetime - a military district), a combined arms army or army corps, a motorized rifle division or brigade, a regiment, battalion, company, platoon, branch. As a result of the transition to a new look, we have a grouping of troops in the theater of operations, a grouping of troops in the strategic direction, closed to the operational-strategic command (USC), army, brigade, battalion, company, platoon, division. Only eight instances. "Savings" occurred only at the regimental level - it allegedly disappeared. But this is only at first glance. In the subordination of USC, new operational units appeared - the commands of the Air Force and Air Defense. And they, in turn, consist of the East Kazakhstani airborne brigades, which include nothing more than regiments (anti-aircraft missile, radio). So there was a loss. It turns out that the new organizational structure has as many levels of the military hierarchy (as well as administrative instances) as the old one has eliminated. And it was worth breaking spears ?!

One of the arguments in favor of the transition from divisional to brigade structure was the experience of advanced countries. However, here too, the reformers confused something. In the US armed forces, both divisions (mechanized, armored, infantry, etc.) remained. The divisional structure also forms the basis of the ground forces of the People’s Liberation Army of China.

If we remember that a war involves an armed clash with the enemy, then the combat potentials of opposing military formations should be mutually comparable. In other words, a brigade is fighting a brigade of the opposing side, and not with its division or army. But this just does not work. For some reason, the standard defensive (offensive) zone of our "compact" ground brigade turned out to be equal to the zone of use of the "non-compact" mechanized division - 20 kilometers along the front. In the event of a military conflict with an enemy, the structure of the armed forces of which coincides with the American one, in this zone the Russian side will converge - two motorized rifle battalions, two tank battalion, two artillery battalions and one rocket battery, with the opposite - two heavy brigades, two brigade groups, one army brigade aviation, one artillery brigade. We will put 170 tanks against 84 enemy tanks. Against his 394 infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers - 263 of their own. On the battlefield, 16 thousand soldiers and officers of the mechanized division will meet with 4,5 thousand soldiers and officers of the motorized rifle brigade of the Russian Ground Forces. And to what has been said, we will add that against 118 army aviation helicopters, which are nominally located in the American army division (including 24 shock ones), we will not field anything due to their categorical absence in the brigade's staff of a new look. To this we add on trifles: a threefold superiority of the alleged enemy in artillery and mortars, sixfold in multiple launch rocket systems, etc.

Despite these figures, some warlords were busy hanging pasta on the sensory organs of Russian citizens. Some compare the effectiveness of our new brigade with our old division. Others - with similar compounds of the alleged adversary. And (lo and behold!) The comparison results fully justify the brigade-battalion structure of the troops. It looks like an old joke that a Soviet person’s salary is small but good.

But the most popular "trump card" in favor of the transition from the division to the brigade allegedly resulted in higher combat readiness, mobility and compactness of the latter. Here you can not argue. However, if we put such criteria as compactness and mobility at the forefront, then it would be worthwhile to fight at all with platoons or separate crews. A single BMP or tank is much smaller and faster than the compound. However, then it is not clear: why in the most highly mobile branch of the troops, which are considered to be airborne troops, the “clumsy” divisions were not abandoned? Preserved divisions in the Strategic Missile Forces, the Navy.

Along with the level “economy”, it is presented as an achievement that the Russian Armed Forces have become three-dimensional. By this they allegedly compare favorably with the Soviet ones, which included five types: the Ground Forces, the Navy, the Air Force, the Air Defense Forces of the country, the Strategic Missile Forces.

Let us remind the forgetful reformers that, along with three types (SV, Air Force, Navy), the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation include three independent branches of service (Strategic Rocket Forces, Airborne Forces, EKR Troops). What is the genus different from the species? By changing the sign of the main command to the command and lowering the rank and salary of the commander and some officials of his staff in military rank and salary. That's all. Therefore, with a certain "rounding" of concepts, we can consider the modern Russian Armed Forces six-species.

Blazers on the front line

The second legend was the declared optimization of the command and control system. There are several aspects to consider.

First of all, it is a mirror reflection of the considered organizational structure, since the number of management units corresponds to the number of floors of the organizational vertical. And there, as was shown above, there are no significant progressive innovations.

In addition, the “optimization” of the states in the control bodies of some military formations is unlikely to improve the quality and efficiency of decision-making and planning of military operations, setting tasks for subordinates and monitoring their implementation. We confirm this with numbers.

The staff of the Stryker US Army Mechanized Brigade consists of 124 people. The management of our motorized rifle brigade of the new look - 87 people. The first thing that causes bewilderment: in this number of managers - 25 people of civilian personnel. And in the state of wartime. Given the presence of these functionaries in the 15-kilometer zone from the front line within the reach of virtually all means of defeating the enemy, what is their status in the domestic legal field and under international humanitarian law? For information: in the wartime states neither the rifle brigade 1944-th, nor the motorized rifle brigade 1999-th was provided for a single civilian cell. They are not in the mechanized brigade of the American army.

This "saving" on the personnel of the management body of the brigade of the new appearance with respect to the similar in status connection of our overseas opponents could be justified by the highest degree of automation of management processes and better organized communications in the Russian army. But such a hypothesis is unrealistic to even allow. And not only in the Ground Forces, but also in the most high-tech types of the Armed Forces. Let us recall how the aviation was controlled by the air force during the Georgian-Ossetian conflict in August 2008. The mobile phone and the powerful commander-in-chief mot addressed directly to the pilot, bypassing the entire management chain, ignoring the system of command posts. With such an organization of control, neither staffs nor combat crews are really needed ...

The next aspect is that any control system is the more effective, the simpler and clearer it is designed. But fearing to admit and correct the mistakes made, all new solutions were “gently embedded” in the old multi-layer management structure. The structure being created was becoming increasingly cumbersome and tricky. Especially from these "rationalizations" suffered troops and forces leading the struggle in the aerospace sphere.

At one of the military-scientific conferences, the commander of the Armed Forces armies, affecting the problems of managing the air defense duty personnel, rightly noted that he was in charge of performing the complex of combat duty tasks in this sphere in the airspace of the entire state only in the central part of Russia. The remaining troops and air defense forces (ASD) are subordinated to other persons: directly to the commander-in-chief of the Air Force, and operatively to the commander of the military districts (USK). Multiplicity and powerlessness are equally destructive. All this gives rise to irresponsibility. Repeat today a case similar to the flight of Matthias Rust, even finding candidates for "switchmen" will not be easy.

In addition, the Armed Forces have been living without documents regulating their combat activities for more than a decade and a half. The random vector of reform causes the same shyness in the documentary base. A whole generation of officers grew up on temporary manuals, combat manuals and manuals, innumerable refinements and additions to them. But this is the legal foundation of the commander and headquarters management activities. It was easy to imagine how the work on writing the relevant projects was organized. At a meeting in October 2011, one of the high-ranking officers of the General Staff addressed the assembled scientists: “Work on the statutes of the United States, French, German, and English. Think about it, and you will have thoughts ... ”And this is in the winning army that defeated Napoleon and Hitler, who had the most advanced tactics, operational art and strategy of warfare! Of course, the thoughts of those present did not appear with this approach ...

Among other things, the system of military concepts is endlessly confused. Some effective civilian manager (apparently from the peasants) needed instead historical names of military formations of the Air Force to introduce aviation bases of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd categories. Reminds of the fruit and vegetable storehouses of the recent past. Was it not under this impression that one aviation general, after being transferred to the reserve, headed the Tver Agricultural Academy? And perhaps soon the spring plowing of the land will be called a field battle, the harvesting of root crops will turn into an offensive operation, and the next ranks will be assigned to the successful farmers?

Misunderstanding of how the troop formation management body differs from the troop formation itself has led to awkward tautologies. For example, the person controlling the actions of the operational association of the Air Force is now called the “commander of the Air Force and Air Defense Command”. Who and why did it take to break what is habitual and works into alien and dead?

Staff repression

Fable number three: the personnel policy was reasonably carried out. Recall the latest "achievements" of the leaders of the military department in this field of activity.

Within two years, about 200 thousands of officers and ensigns were fired from the Armed Forces. And first of all the specialists of an average command, staff and engineering levels were subjected to personnel repressions (and how to call it differently). The current majors and lieutenants in the 90s were 17 year olds. The state has convinced young people that they are in demand, and gave legal guarantees of the procedure established by law for military service - from taking the oath to dismissal upon reaching the age limit.

It is unlikely that at least one of the current mature and experienced officers would choose the profession “to defend the Motherland”, knowing that in 15 years they will be thrown out of the ranks of the Armed Forces. And those who remained to serve turned out to be in a completely different legal field, which did not correspond to the situation in which they decided to devote their lives to military service to the power.

But the matter is not even in the broken fates of tens of thousands of loyal Russian servicemen. These deceived people will convince their children, nephews and grandchildren that they should not believe the state and devote their lives to military service, that the state will first lure, and then certainly wipe their feet about them.

The processes occurring in the army gave the most negative result, which is called demoralization. And there are a number of reasons to consider it not accidental, but deeply thought out.

How can it be explained that thousands of officers who have reasons for lawful dismissal from the ranks of the Armed Forces have been “in possession” for several years? They partially receive a monetary allowance, but at the same time have the right not to perform any official duties. They occupy regular cells in units and subunits and therefore (as servicemen) are not eligible to receive a pension, get a job. They expect the release of apartments, which (as it turns out) have long been stolen by defense officials.

Military courts are full of lawsuits from military personnel whose rights are infringed (various underpayments, insecurity by type of allowance, abuse, misinterpretation of laws, etc.). Many of them had the feeling that they and the Ministry of Defense were on different sides of the trenches and are waging an irreconcilable struggle with each other. When was it?

Extra science

The fourth legend: the system of training military personnel has been reorganized and the mechanism of military research has been streamlined.

Nowhere are mistakes so costly as in matters of education, training and placement of specialists. Human resources - the key to the viability of any organization. The way the Defense Ministry showed concern for the preservation and enhancement of the gold fund of the Armed Forces undermines the foundations of national security.

For several years, recruitment of cadets to military schools and students to military academies was suspended. This is due to an excess of officers. But those who are now commanding regiments and brigades know that the troops are a real personnel failure. Instead of excess, there is a shortage of junior and middle-level officers. As a result, inexperienced officers are appointed to higher positions, who have not seen training grounds and have not had time to take part in serious military exercises.

A number of graduates of military schools in view of the lack of positions for professional purposes, it was proposed to make a disgraceful choice - to take a sergeant position or resign from the ranks of the Armed Forces. Is such an insult is not a time bomb? Is a young man with a broken officer's fate will be a patriot of such a state?

Probably, military schools in the country were really more than necessary. In terms of reform, 40 of them was reduced and 10 of enlarged military training and research centers was created. However, no one heard a clear rationale for their required number and profile. But for some reason, the reformers suffered the most sensitive blow to high-tech universities. World-class brand schools were destroyed - the N.A. Zhukovsky Air Force Engineering Academy, the Y.A. Gagarin Air Force Academy. The intrigues around the only university in the world engaged in the training of integrated specialists in the East-Kazakhstan region, the Marshal of the Soviet Union Georgy K. Zhukov, do not stop. Is it possible to call such high-precision hits an accident?

Inflicted irreparable damage to scientific and pedagogical personnel. The faculty of military academies and colleges has been reduced seven (!) Times. These are not bus drivers or even lawyers who can be quickly recruited or trained as needed. A teacher of a military school is a piece product combining invaluable military experience, knowledge and culture. Among those left behind are doctors and candidates of science. They are not only skilled Methodists, but also carriers of the glorious traditions of the school. And this potential is easily dispersed in dacha plots, security companies, civilian universities ... It will take decades to grow a replacement for them. Is this not anti-state policy?

In the remaining military schools of the Defense Ministry of the Russian Federation, the staff categories for those who teach the younger generation of homeland defenders have been drastically reduced. Today, the teacher (and in the military school, and in the military academy) is a major. Where does he come from? If from the troops, then from the post of the company commander (or approximately equal). To train a cadet (future lieutenant), he will probably be a reputable teacher. But captains, majors and lieutenant colonels, officers from the positions of commanders of battalions, divisions, squadrons, their deputies, and chiefs of staff enter the military academy. The position of a graduate of the military academy is deputy regiment commander. And the range of service steps for which she is preparing is up to the deputy commander of the division. What will he learn in the field of tactics, operational art, management, all-round support for military operations, an officer who himself did not eat his way and that in these posts?

An academic two-year education has replaced the three-year relatively recently. And immediately the difference was felt: the level of theoretical and practical readiness of officers to fulfill their duties in the post of mission decreased. The general military outlook narrowed. But the reformers are not embarrassed. Their plans were steeper - to move from a two-year academic education to a ten-month refresher course. This means that instead of a well-educated, erudite, cultural, trained professional, system manager, we will have a narrowly focused artisan who somehow cope with the functional responsibilities of his position.

The training of military personnel and the organization of scientific research are practically removed from the competence of the main headquarters and commands. The military authorities only indirectly affect the scientific and educational complex. The customer of its products was the Ministry of Education. Civilian officials charged with determining the required number and profile of military specialists, developing state educational standards, advanced planning of scientific research, problems of military security and military art are as far and alien as commanders of the regiment of global warming or artificial insemination of rabbits.

The academic and teaching staff need to be replenished from somewhere. For decades, the role of such an “incubator” of young talents in the RF Armed Forces was carried out by the adjuncts created at universities and research institutes. But in order for an officer to be ready to formulate a scientific task and independently (under the guidance of an experienced scientist) write a qualifying work (Ph.D. thesis), a certain initial level of knowledge is necessary. The level of this minimum is rather high, and only a few graduates of military academies, after three (especially two) years of study, could be admitted to study in adjunct. Absentee candidates of a scientific degree, who approved the topic of the thesis, worked without interruption from their official duties, but had the same starting platform - an academic education. The upcoming transfer of military academies to ten-month courses for students means that the training of military scientists and qualified teachers in the country is curtailed once and for all.

Housing chaos

The following myth: the Ministry of Defense shows unprecedented care for servicemen who are not provided with housing.

To begin with, any comparison of the work of the recently dismissed minister in this area with his predecessors will be biased. Indeed, under Mr. Serdyukov, more than 350 billion rubles were spent on the construction of apartments for officers. There were no such financial injections into the housing complex with all the post-Soviet departmental authorities taken together, so it is difficult to assess their care for homeless subordinates. With these funds built 100 thousands of apartments. But the queue for housing has progressed slowly. Apartments and entire houses intended for military personnel, for various reasons, were not occupied, left to the left. Officers were fired more than housing. As a result, this promise to provide the army with permanent and temporary housing until the 2011 year remained unfulfilled.

Beyond Reason

The sixth fable about raising by several times the monetary allowance of the officers of the Russian army.

At one time, along with a rather modest financial support, the Russian legislator established significant social benefits for the serviceman: free travel to the place of vacation and return, reimbursement of the cost of travel in public city and suburban transport, benefits for medical and sanatorium-resort services, a certain calculation formula pensions, severance payments, etc. The adopted laws “On the status of military personnel”, “On the procedure for military service” and others were quite progressive mi

But as officers served, their privileges were bashfully abolished by the state. Each loudly announced increase in the monetary allowance was accompanied by a quiet infringement of servicemen on other rights and opportunities. The one-time cash benefit (three salaries issued at the end of the year), annual material assistance (two salaries) have already been abolished. The severance pay for retirement from the twenty-fold salary has turned into a sevenfold. The Defense Ministry's military pensioners had a discriminatory 0,54 reduction factor in the calculation of pensions, which was avoided by other civil servants wearing shoulder straps (judges of military courts, military officers of military prosecutor’s offices, officers of military investigative bodies, etc.).

And what was the cost of the abolition of the ex-Minister of the right to free travel to the place of vacation. For example, if an officer serving in the center of Russia decided to undergo treatment in a sanatorium in Kamchatka, then at a cost of a voucher of about 25 thousand rubles (privileges to purchase vouchers for existing military personnel are also canceled), uncompensated expenses for his way will cost him about 20 thousand rubles one side. Taking into account the way back, this will be already 60 – 70 thousands! And if you go with your family - three together, the four of them ... The amount goes over the scale. It is not surprising that, with such a material barrier, military sanatoriums turned out to be unclaimed officers and much of them were either closed or sold out.

And with the very increase in the money allowance, something did not grow together. As it is often practiced, the idea to significantly improve the material situation of servicemen overshadowed the military-political leadership on the eve of the presidential election. The corresponding order of the Minister of Defense of 30.11.2011 of the year No. 2700 secured a new procedure for providing money allowances for military personnel. And during the two pre-election months, the Defense Ministry did not stint on payments. But after the election, it turned out that “erroneously” overpaid the servicemen for some items of monetary allowance. In particular, it happened with the premium for the conscientious and effective performance of official duties. Instead of the interest ordered by up to 25 during the first months of 2012, in some parts and institutions, the premium was paid in the amount of 35 percent. It would seem that the defense ministry was mistaken - his problem. No, in the following months, to compensate for cost overruns, the military personnel’s budget was limited to 15 percent premium.

The total amount of money allowance for the officer was also lower than expected. For example, the promised 50 thousand rubles to the lieutenant resulted in real 36 thousand rubles (unless, of course, this military school graduate serves on a submarine or in the Far North region, if he is not a war veteran, etc.).

Not without completely inexplicable distortions in the system of military labor. For example, the "weight" of the sports category "Candidate Master of Sports" in monetary terms for a teacher of the physical training department turned out to be higher than the similar "weight" of the scientific degree "Candidate of Science" for a teacher of the department of tactics or operational art. The premium to the master of sports is higher than the doctor of science. But an 22-year-old graduate from a physical education university can come to a military academy or college as a teacher of physical training, and an officer who has passed through certain military positions, “completed” combat missions at training grounds, graduated from a military academy and defended a thesis can become a teacher of operational-tactical disciplines. How far away from the realities of military life should be the author who issued the relevant proposals to the minister (and the head of the military department himself) to allow such mistakes.

Parenting Outsourcing

Another myth: there was a humanization of the soldiers' service.

By itself, military service is anti-human by definition. The profession of a soldier, sergeant, officer, general is to physically destroy the enemy or control the people who destroy him. Killing an enemy on the battlefield is legally legal and blessed by the Church. But if you didn’t kill, they will kill you, outrage your family and homeland. Therefore, we must be stronger than the enemy, stronger and smarter. To achieve such an advantage is the highest humanity of the state that called on a citizen for military service. In order to educate a winning warrior, he must be taught to overcome difficulties, and not to create greenhouse conditions of service. A soldier must be able to sleep a little, get enough to eat other things ... On the other hand, to overcome, overcome, endure, and other changes ...

Of course, all daily and combat activities should be carried out within the framework of the law. A soldier must be protected from non-statutory relationships and abuse. He is not obliged to dig the beds in the cottage of the commander, to repair his apartment. A soldier must be protected as much as possible from activities not related to combat training.

But when an afternoon nap and two days off a week are normalized for a young guy, when a light sports suit is issued for physical training (and you will have to fight in field uniforms, berets, with a gun and with full display), I involuntarily have a question: This pampered young man will be able to protect my country, my family in a difficult time of trials? Will he be able to sacrifice himself by fulfilling the oath, or will he run before the battle to seek protection in the Committee of Soldiers' Mothers?

Speaking about the humanization of military service, the introduction of outsourcing is noted as one of the achievements. By the decision of Serdyukov and his team, service (feeding, cleaning, energy supply, repair of equipment) of military units was transferred to third-party commercial organizations. It was motivated by the need to rid the troops of economic work.

Contrary to the approving perception of outsourcing in society, I would like to make a number of fundamental objections.

Probably, the authors of the idea, as well as the statesmen who supported them, naively believe that the Russian army is the Kremlin company of the guard of honor and the military units of the Moscow garrison. But do they know that, for example, units and subunits deployed far from settlements, in the taiga and tundra, in the steppe and swamp, where no Slavyanka gets to (and why does it need these problems) are on combat air defense duty? ? And take the Strategic Missile Forces or the ships of the Navy fleet...

One gets the impression that we are building an army convenient for peacetime (for parades, concerts and demonstration inspections of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation), and not for the armed defense of the state and the people. Attempting to “steal” all small military camps in one place, to consolidate them and organize a single outsourcing there is not only unrealistic, but also harmful. After all, the troops are distributed throughout the country on the basis of operational expediency, and not from the convenience of economic activity and window dressing. And the violation of this operational structure (combat order, system of deployment) is fraught with serious consequences in the event of war.

In addition, when emergency situations occur in the country, along with units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are involved in the aftermath of natural and man-made disasters. We note, not hard workers from “Slavyanki” for money, but soldiers and officers for free. This is normal. And the State Duma’s deputies called for this in December 2012, when the center of Russia was subjected to severe winter trials. But why, say, to clear the snow in the territory of the native military unit for the same defenders of the Motherland should be shameful? Even in Soviet-era pioneer camps, the morning began with the cleaning of the territory. And the children did not get any worse from this.

Finally, the most important thing. In order for a military unit to perform its task effectively in wartime, its combat activity must be fully ensured. It is clear that civil servants in the line of fire will not. So, in peacetime, you must have those who will cook dinner, bring ammunition, repair equipment, dress, cut, treat, etc., from among the staff of units and units.

Waiting for a break

Thus, even a cursory analysis of the "achievements" of the military reform of recent years allows us to conclude that they are all from the field of mythology.

Was the military reform of Serdyukov - Makarov doomed to failure a priori? An affirmative answer to the question follows from an interview given by the Chief of General Staff to the correspondent of “MIC” in April 2011: “We had no time for experiments. Therefore, we went for a cardinal reform even in the absence of a sufficient scientific and theoretical base ... "In the midst of transformations, when the irreversible processes of breaking the old system were already running, he admitted:" The most important thing is that we don’t have an answer to the question: how to arrange priorities in the construction of the Armed Forces? No comments.

And in this sense, you will not envy the new Minister of Defense with his team.

On the one hand, being a decent man and responsible for the assigned area of ​​work, Sergey Kuzhugetovich, of course, will appreciate the inheritance he inherited. And make an effort to change the situation. Alas, redecoration is not enough, it will only deepen the crisis. So, a new global military reform is inevitable.

On the other hand, will the new minister receive freedom of action or will he be tied up, forced to continue the line of the predecessor?

I remember that Army General Igor Nikolayevich Rodionov, who was appointed Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation in 1996, found himself in a similar situation. He had to make a choice: either to implement the Yeltsin team, which was lobbied by the team, but unacceptable by the general and destructive for the country the concept of military reform, or resign. As a decent man, he ended his career, and now we know about the zigzags of military reform that followed Igor Nickolaevich’s departure.

In any case, the Armed Forces of Russia had a chance. A respected person with favorable initial positions was allowed to manage the military department. The main one of these positions is the unconditional credibility of the army and navy personnel, which the predecessor did not initially have.

I would like to believe that this trust will continue and that the historical chance given to us will be used and the long-awaited turning point will come in the development of the military complex of the state.
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  1. +23
    24 January 2013 18: 07
    Hmm .. The author is a big plus ... Everything on the shelves and everything in the subject ... Something sad became ... But we will survive .. These reformers will reward what they deserve and stand up again with the army that could break and repeatedly broke the backbone of any enemy ...
    1. 0
      24 January 2013 18: 26
      Quote: older
      ... Something became sad

      Seryozha, this is because the author, having said "A", chose not to say "B". Apparently, he tries not to notice the positive trends that have emerged ... And it turns out that everything froze at the stage of destruction ... He is not alone, unfortunately ...
      1. +7
        24 January 2013 18: 33
        Quote: esaul
        he tries not to notice the positive trends that have been outlined ..
        I understand this ... But it’s sad that we will restore the destroyed by tearing out money from the elderly, children, the disabled ... I'm not talking about personnel ... I listened to Shoigu .. About returning to the service the dismissed officers .. . Of course, some part will return, but the majority, having survived such an attitude, will prefer to remain in the civilian life ... And this is 10 years only for the company and battalion units ...
        1. -4
          24 January 2013 18: 41
          Quote: older
          we will restore the destroyed by tearing out blood from the elderly, children, the disabled ...

          It seems that everything is done in a completely balanced way and social programs are not squeezed, but, of course, if it were not for the need to restore the defense potential, then these programs would get more dynamics.
          Quote: older
          but most, having survived such an attitude, would prefer to remain in the civilian world

          But it seems to me - on the contrary. Anyone who has decided to devote himself to the Army will remain faithful to her, despite the troubles of these years. And such, as it seems to me - the majority. Thanks to such people, the Army did not fall apart into the most critical for the country 90.
          I really hope that the personnel potential will be replenished quite quickly.
          1. KamikadZzzE1959
            24 January 2013 21: 34
            You are too far from the army and are trying to imagine everything in pink. What the author wrote is 99% true .. If I were told 20 years ago that it’s possible in the army, I would call this person a fool at best, the worst is the enemy. My friends are former colleagues. Some recently quit, some live in military camps, so all modern army life goes on in front of them and I just can’t trust them. Believe me, it’s very hard to listen to them.
            ESAUL, if you wiped your feet about you like a floor rag, would you return?
            1. S_mirnov
              25 January 2013 00: 22
              The leibmotif of the article is clear: "Before, everything was bad with the army reform, but now everything will be fine with the reform!" This song has been heard by our people since the time of Gorbachev, then under the EBN, and then under the GDP, Medvedev and again the GDP. The defense ministers were scattered, and the army continued to degrade, or rather it was systematically destroyed. There was no change in the political leadership in the country. Successor after successor. And no matter how good Shoigu would have been, and when the forests caught fire, all our Emergencies Ministry could not do anything, although during the USSR they successfully fought fires. The army is part of the state, in a sick state there is no healthy army.
              1. 0
                25 January 2013 07: 26
                Quote: S_mirnov
                And no matter how good Shoigu would be, and when the forests caught fire, all of our Ministry of Emergencies could not do anything, although during the USSR they successfully fought fires.

                And by drying the swamps under the dachas, the destruction of the forestry service is also Kozhugetych? He is lucky! He corrected our jambs there as best he could and again got it. And if the Emergency Situations Ministry was led by the Stool, then Moscow would have long been burned.
                1. S_mirnov
                  25 January 2013 09: 38
                  I’m talking about this, despite the appointment of Shoigu, the general trend in the army will remain, only some improvements are possible, but our modern government will not allow a coordinated change in the situation.
                  1. 0
                    25 January 2013 09: 51
                    Quote: S_mirnov
                    only some improvements are possible, but to radically change the situation, our modern government will not allow

                    And what do you see as a coordinated change in the situation?
                    1. S_mirnov
                      26 January 2013 00: 00
                      First, restore the ability of our army to defend the borders of our country and strike back. Subsequently, a fatal blow is desirable.
              2. 0
                25 January 2013 07: 30
                It's better not to say ...
            2. s1н7т
              25 January 2013 00: 48
              Quote: KamikadZzzE1959
              ESAUL, if you wiped your feet about you like a floor rag, would you return?

              He is "esaul", of course!
            3. -1
              25 January 2013 05: 18
              Quote: KamikadZzzE1959
              trying to imagine everything in pink.

              And in what light are you trying to present everything to us, and how is your light better?
              Quote: KamikadZzzE1959
              My friends are former colleagues. Some recently quit, some live in military camps, so all modern army life takes place in front of them and I just can’t trust them. Believe me, it’s very hard to listen to them.

              Oh yeah! This is a killer argument. And they all of your friends did not vote for Putin, and you do not understand how Putin could have won. Guessed? It’s familiar.
              Quote: KamikadZzzE1959
              ESAUL, if you wiped your feet about you like a floor rag, would you return?
              To Evil Serdyukov. The fact that there were more officers than soldiers in the army was, of course, bullshit.
            4. +4
              25 January 2013 11: 15
              I support, that's right - the country does not need us - let it be so, until we need it, until there is a war - I will be a civilian. And do not reproach me for cowardice, infidelity and weakness. For that matter, I personally left at the end of the contract, and what to do with those who left by order. Imagine this situation: a person was thrown out into the street, the search for a job on average takes about 1 year, during this year life is not sweet at all, who has a family and children - at least howl like a wolf. And then the person settled down, got hooked on more or less normal work, life began to get better a little. And then those who threw you out into the street say: "Dear man, come back," that is, drop everything and again trust those who betrayed you (not you them, but they you) ... somehow I don’t really believe - once betrayed ... then you yourself know ...
              And if the war will call us, and now let them disentangle their own Mr.
              And let this position with the smell of cowardice, but youthful enthusiasm passes very quickly and it is replaced by the everyday truth - that for the ridiculous shouts of some comrades "like they abandoned, betrayed, apostates", it is inappropriate to say that - all people, everyone wants to live in luxury, but at least worthy, so that they do not wipe their feet about you, I want to start a family, raise children, I want to have a roof over my head, but instead they mix you with dirt ... Draw conclusions!
              1. 0
                26 January 2013 12: 05
                WarocI fully support your position. good I know people who were not given a year to twenty to finish off. I know those who were fired without housing. Yes, and with housing ... It's ridiculous - go to the MO site and see where they offer military men to receive it.
                And why do some people think that they will call someone to the posts of company, battalion commander, etc.? Restore the generals and that's it. request
          2. urry79rus
            25 January 2013 04: 36
            “Those who decided to devote themselves to the Army will remain faithful to it, despite the troubles of these years. And such, as it seems to me, are the majority. Thanks to such people, the Army did not collapse in the most critical 90s for the country.
            I really hope that the personnel potential will be replenished quite quickly. "Nonsense! Respect for the army has been destroyed in society. I saw and worked with those lieutenants who are now going to the troops. Certainly there are decent ones among them, but not the percentage that I would like. Absolute reluctance. work, low theoretical knowledge, fear of working with people that is what characterizes them. "Commercial issues" as my deputy called them. And I quite agree with him, unfortunately ...
          3. -5
            25 January 2013 04: 59
            Quote: esaul
            But it seems to me - on the contrary. Anyone who has decided to devote himself to the Army will remain faithful to her, despite the troubles of these years.

            I would not even say the army, but the homeland. If some of the military considers their offenses more important than their homeland, then such and nafig are not needed, there will be more harm from such.
            1. Misantrop
              25 January 2013 11: 28
              Quote: brutal true
              I would not even say the army, but the homeland. If some of the military considers their offenses more important than their homeland

              "Morning began on the collective farm" (c) lol How we love to plug holes with the Motherland. Moreover, more often than not, the very holes that were made by the club-handed and thieving leaders. Own, which is typical. There is no clear strategy, the principle "let's fix what this idiot heaped up here" obviously does not pull (since things were not the best before him either). The minister has changed, one, almost the entire apparatus remained the same. And go back to the submission of the same one that kicked you out into the street a year ago ... Here is THIS muzzle .... in a non-staff office - is this the HOMELAND? Maybe we won't confuse life with slogans?
              1. -3
                25 January 2013 16: 02
                Quote: Misantrop
                As we love to plug holes in our homeland. Moreover, most often, the very holes that were made by the side-handed and thieving leaders.
                Catch, there is no refined concept of "Motherland" that meets only your criteria. There is simply a Motherland with all the advantages and disadvantages, like a mother. You can love her, but you can hate her.
                Quote: Misantrop
                And to go back into submission to the same one that you kicked into the street a year ago ...

                Who do you think you are !? By whom!? Lord god? What attitude do you need for yourself? Millions of people in civilian life are going through cuts, layoffs - this is life! And who are you !? Someone special? In addition, this reduction was caused by objective reasons, common sense. But you don’t care. First of all, you are concerned about your own person, and serving the Motherland implies something else, so you have no place in the army. Take care of yourself.
                1. Misantrop
                  25 January 2013 16: 29
                  Quote: brutal true
                  Who do you think you are !? By whom!? Lord god?

                  Judging by this post, it was you who imagined yourself to be God. And I don’t need to tell about the Motherland, I was not born yesterday.
                  Quote: brutal true
                  What attitude do you need for yourself?

                  Normal, human. And as for redundancies, I would have looked at you, if someone in the Polar garrison cut you down. When there is nowhere to go and nothing for (because even those crumbs that were allocated by the budget have not been paid for months). And around - bare rocks, where even moss does not grow everywhere. Despite the fact that they did not go there for a long ruble (which never happened), but precisely because the Motherland sent. By the way, at the time of departure, the driver of the local bus 105 "Polyarny-Gadzhievo" received four times more than the commander of the nuclear submarine flotilla, vice admiral. What can we say about the rest ... And health is gone, everything is left on the cold deck. It's time to look around and start "working for yourself." And when he returned home to his parents (having sold everything he had to collect for tickets), he found out that his brother's salary for 4 months was enough just for a reserved seat ticket to a new duty station. To the front, by the way, to the warring regiment. Where they also pay a penny, because some kind of nits from the high cabinet "peacekeeping" of the whole regiment puts in its pocket, it is more necessary for it. He will teach me to love my homeland, jerk
                  1. 0
                    26 January 2013 11: 47
                    Quote: Misantrop
                    Judging by this post, it was you who thought you were God

                    Judging by your post, you are just from that breed of dull shit and villain storytellers with whom dialogue is impossible by definition. Take your feet to the hut - rejoice!
            2. +3
              25 January 2013 11: 56
              He devoted himself to the army, but at the same time he did not cease to be a man. Why do you think that those who have dedicated themselves to the army should live in mud and disrespect, are they? in your opinion - lepers or second-class people. If you follow these beliefs, it turns out - you serve in the wilderness, don’t get money, don’t have a family, we will wipe your feet about you, you must die for us, and we owe you nothing. No, dear - it doesn’t. In this situation, you will receive an army that will not protect you, an army, for you have repeatedly said and confirmed your words with actions - that you do not need the army, that the military are outcasts, and they do not need anything to live. People who have dedicated themselves to the army are not slaves, and they have the same rights as the rest, they have the right and should live with dignity, and not as you say. Type you are tormented, and we are so white and fluffy stand aside ...
              1. -2
                25 January 2013 16: 38
                Quote: Waroc
                Why do you think that those who have dedicated themselves to the army should live in mud and disrespect, are they?

                And why do people have to live in mud and disrespect? Or do you live in a vacuum? If you are so proud that the god must clean up your poop after you, so that you feel respect, then what can you do.
                Quote: Waroc
                If you follow these beliefs, it turns out - you serve in the wilderness, don’t get money, don’t have a family, we will wipe your feet about you, you must die for us, and we owe you nothing. No, dear - it doesn’t.

                Exactly, this does not happen. Where did you pick out this sentimental story? Show me a soldier who serves for free off the beaten path in shit without a family, etc.? Enough of this infantile nonsense to carry already, about how beautiful he would die while being in uniform in the wilderness, defending his homeland in shit and let them be ashamed! I started a tear ...
                Quote: Waroc
                Type you are tormented, and we are so white and fluffy stand aside ...

                Where is who said that? Again, come up with beautiful tragic stories?
          4. Misantrop
            25 January 2013 15: 30
            Quote: esaul
            despite the troubles of these years.

            These "scrapes", are they like an earthquake or a solar eclipse? Or is it still man-made and each of them has author? Why the hell should officers (once again) strengthen the country's defense Contrary to the actions of their own power?
            Quote: esaul
            personnel potential will be filled up pretty quickly.

            Like "women still give birth"? I would like to remind you that if they are capable of giving birth, then such "effective managers", and professionals will not work, they need to be taught and educated. There is where, or there are also some ruins through the efforts the same freaks?

            I am a military man in the 4th generation, but the fifth is already will not be, the dynasty is interrupted. Just because in Ukraine there is NO SENSE and the opportunity to live on the lowest wage in the country, while pulling on itself the whole mess that is now proudly called the Ukrainian army. Beggar, naked and hungry ...
        2. donchepano
          25 January 2013 09: 31
          Quote: older
          we will restore the ruined by tearing out blood from the elderly, children, the disabled ... I’m not talking about personnel.

          Over the past 20 plus years, almost all reforms have led to the destruction and collapse of the army. Yes, and industry.
      2. s1н7т
        25 January 2013 00: 46
        Quote: esaul
        he tries not to notice the positive trends that have been outlined ...

        Lowering the temperature in a patient with cancer - a positive trend ?! Shopipets!
        1. 0
          25 January 2013 05: 56
          Quote: c1n7
          Lowering the temperature in a patient with cancer - a positive trend ?! Shopipets!

          You, my friend, have already made a diagnosis! This diagnosis was made before you ....., ........,
          Napoleon, ........, Hitler, the next presidents of the United States.
          And where are these Heromants?
    2. +11
      24 January 2013 18: 52
      Quote: older
      ..Something sad became ... But we will survive
      The Soviet army was so strong that even a quarter-century slavery could not bring it down either to shit, or to patriots, or to radicals ....
      1. s1н7т
        25 January 2013 00: 51
        Quote: domokl
        Soviet army was

        That's just the point that was. and now there is nothing. parody.
      2. +2
        25 January 2013 07: 37
        We must remember who created the platform, cherished and nurtured the cadres, who saved the army from Trotskyite mold in time, and then the potential was laid that still keeps more or less afloat what is now called the Armed Forces. that while they have portraits of STALIN hanging on their walls - they are invincible.
    3. YARY
      24 January 2013 19: 59
      Thanks to the author !!! Great !!! Thank. crying
      1. VikDok
        24 January 2013 21: 22
        The author is in many ways right. This is necessary, do not be silent. The main thing is to hear everything said by those on whom EVERYTHING depends. Heard and understood.
        1. s1н7т
          25 January 2013 00: 53
          Quote: VikDok
          The main thing is to hear everything said by those on whom EVERYTHING depends. Heard and understood.

          Che, for Putin and EP voted? Understood. Incapable.
    4. +16
      24 January 2013 20: 45
      Quote: older
      .. We will reward the honored for these reformers
      Something I'm tired of sad today .... I’ll just tell you a case. Once in 90 in our city the murders of taxi drivers began, after some time they took the villains, but they refused, so the investigator took them to the station, and there were forty taxi drivers standing, and says, since you are innocent, I’m now I’ll let go, I’m just going to the guys, I’ll warn you ... So right in the car, these checklots began to repent and give testimonies .... What am I doing? Maybe take our reformers somewhere and just let go ??? only at first warn people ...
      1. +3
        24 January 2013 21: 17
        Sniper, hello! Glad to see you on the site (nothing on "you" !?).
        The offer is good, it’s from that opera that they knock out wedge-wedge! :) Do not be sad, it would be worse if nothing had changed!

        Yes, people do not even need to be warned, they themselves know what for what and who is who! Just do not interfere, as in the production of cars and other equipment, electronics, and all sorts of different abstruse things. As someone said that we don’t need to help, we just don’t need to interfere!
        1. 0
          24 January 2013 21: 17
          Yes, people do not even need to be warned, they themselves know what for what and who is who! Just do not interfere, as in the production of cars and other equipment, electronics, and all sorts of different abstruse things. As someone said that we don’t need to help, we just don’t need to interfere!
        2. +6
          24 January 2013 21: 35
          Quote: Oleg147741
          Glad to see you on the site (nothing on "you" !?).

          Hi Oleg ! Mutually, but for you, just right, I do not like appealing to YOU. You used to turn to kings too and, in my opinion, this is the opposite of respect, here is a person who doesn’t like you at the very time !!!
          Earlier in Russia, declaring war, they said: "I'm going to YOU" drinks
      2. +1
        25 January 2013 08: 08
        A very positive example !!!
    5. s1н7т
      25 January 2013 00: 42
      Quote: older
      These reformers will be rewarded

      And we will continue to vote for EP and Puting? laughing
      1. -3
        25 January 2013 07: 28
        Yes, and we will vote for Putin!
    6. +3
      25 January 2013 07: 26
      Yes, it’s not sad here - I want to howl. The author didn’t knowingly several times emphasized that this was not just stupidity, but a deliberate destruction and undermining of defense. Didn’t anyone understand and see what they were doing with the Army for so many years? The Chekists, the military prosecutor’s office, the highest generals themselves watched? Was Rodionov the last general with a clear notion of honor and duty? I don’t believe that I will be paid back to the traitors and thieves, I don’t believe and no one but a volley of commandant platoon will convince me of the opposite ... And if we create, or rather, restore the former power of the troops and fleets, when and at what cost? Special thanks to the author.
  2. +12
    24 January 2013 18: 21
    It’s time to restore the division, only reinforced by helicopters. Thanks for the article, plus.
    1. 0
      24 January 2013 18: 35
      Quote: Karpv
      It’s time to restore the division, only reinforced by helicopters.
      And why? In modern combat, everything is exactly the same as under Kutuzov .. The main unit of the company, the regiment, and the unit of the corps and the army ...
    2. -11
      24 January 2013 18: 54
      Quote: Karpv
      It's time to restore the division, only reinforced by helicopters
      Yeah, and for every division there’s also an air defense division laughing Well, why should a tank division have helicopters? Fight against airplanes in air? And the very idea of ​​divisions is more suitable for peacetime ...
      1. +5
        24 January 2013 20: 24
        Quote: domokl
        Yeah, and for each division there is also an air defense division Well, why do the tank division have helicopters? Fight against airplanes in air? And the very idea of ​​divisions is more suitable for peacetime ...

        Honestly, I don’t understand - did you yourself serve in the army? If so, in which troops and by whom?
        In fact, in every division (motorized or tank) there was always a state anti-aircraft division.
        In addition, a separate helicopter squadron (they were destroyed under the EBNe) was part of the state of the MFD (TD). And they were needed for fire support of the battle, escort of columns of divisions and the solution of other combat missions (for example, landing tactical airborne assault forces behind enemy lines). The Mi-2, Mi-8, Mi-24 helicopters were in service
        1. KamikadZzzE1959
          24 January 2013 21: 40
          I’ll clarify a little
          The anti-aircraft missile division was on the staff of each regiment, and the staff of the division had an anti-aircraft missile regiment (ZRP)
        2. 0
          25 January 2013 12: 00
          Sorry Piter-tank, on the machine clicked on the minus - missed, this minus is intended for the author of the quote - domokl. Once again - I apologize (((
    3. +14
      24 January 2013 19: 18
      In a bare field? The divisions were reorganized, which means that from 4-5 to \ towns (not every division stood together), 1-2 towns were involved (the brigade is 1-2 battalions larger than the regiment), the rest were abandoned, including the one existing in them infrastructure (schools, kindergartens, shops, Public services, Officers' houses, etc., including people living in them (senior citizens, employees of CA). Now in their place often a wasteland.
      We quit in \ townshaving disbanded the units standing in them, in the Arctic zoneand now we say about the revival of the Arctic parts.
      Abandoned airfields, naval bases, blew up missile silos, launched rocket trains for scrap, disbanded armament and equipment storage bases (how do we arm reservists?) etc.
      And now, to recreate 1 \ 100 of the lost, it will take money, TIME, construction capacity.
      Reconstruction of divisions will require an increase in draft and contract soldiers, where can I get them? THROUGHOUT YEAR, THOUSAND recruits in the country are fleeing services.
      They drove the "armored train" (the army) In dead end and rails dismantled!
      In truth: "TO BREAK - DO NOT DO!"
    4. VikDok
      24 January 2013 21: 32
      We would have to get the right number of helicopters on the airborne and dshbr.
  3. 101
    24 January 2013 18: 25
    And in addition to contract soldiers, we have in reserve an army of men who have passed urgent terms and are ready to stand under arms at the time of trial. We are not one of the NATO countries where they can gather enough strength for the war. We have no one to hope for
    1. +4
      24 January 2013 18: 47
      And to revive the set of "partisans" not only for banal field fences, but for retraining on modern technology and with acceptable conditions for passing these courses, the army will certainly not be willing, but the same Cossacks will have something to do. wassat
      1. s1н7т
        25 January 2013 00: 57
        Quote: BARKAS
        but the same Cossacks will have something to do. wassat

        What would the child not be amused with, or what? The same "Cossacks" - for public works - any good from clowns
  4. Igor
    24 January 2013 18: 30
    And only the saw-roll system was successfully reformed, which bit Serdyukov and Co.))))
  5. +6
    24 January 2013 18: 41
    In our territories, it is better than a division, I will make a reservation, this is my opinion.
    1. VAF
      24 January 2013 19: 38
      Quote: Karpv
      better than the division, make a reservation, this is my opinion.

      This is not only in our territories, but in general! +!

      Do not make a reservation, this is the opinion of all normally thinking and knowledgeable people WHO UNDERSTAND UNDERSTANDING IN MILITARY ART !!! +++ soldier
  6. +6
    24 January 2013 18: 41
    Article plus, I still experience everything in my own skin. I wonder who set the cons? Secret admirers of Serdyukov?
    1. s1н7т
      25 January 2013 00: 58
      Quote: Tupolev-95
      I wonder who set the cons? Secret admirers of Serdyukov?

      No, sheer fans of Putin laughing
    2. +1
      25 January 2013 08: 39
      No, just dol .... would be idiots.
  7. +20
    24 January 2013 18: 41
    Surprisingly, before the Serdyukov reforms, our army was able to successfully repel local-level military aggression without the use of nuclear weapons. After the "reform" of Serdyukov, this became impossible.
    Because Serdyukov took and reduced all parts of the "cadre" (on the basis of which the deployment should be carried out during the threatened period) and was going to fight only with units of constant readiness.
    As a result of the “reform”, among the units of constant readiness 85 brigades left, that is 12-16 settlement divisions, which account for 3000-4000 kilometers of land state border. As a result, in the event of a major local conflict, we are left without imagery reserves, since there are no parts of the frame. there are no warehouses. There are no uniforms and weapons, command personnel and a well-developed scheme for combat coordination and building up mobresource are also absent.
    When we had 20% of the permanent readiness units and the rest of the "peacetime states and reduced strength, it meant: with full mobilization deployment Russia could increase the number of combat-ready military units by five times during the threatened period. And if there were so many formations and parts of the frame, the ground forces could form a grouping, at least in quantitative terms, sufficient to resolve a local war. The Americanizers of the brigade contract did not take into account one fact that such a structure of the armed forces is purely offensive in nature as in the United States (from whom they should defend themselves), and for example, we were going to solve a local conflict with China in 10 divisions
    1. +2
      24 January 2013 21: 44
      Well, you attacked the Marshal, he danced as best he could, he stole as he could, he did the will of the masters, and those the will of other foreign masters. The Ministry of Emergencies will not restore the army; they will not allow it to be done, it will slightly repair the facade and that’s it.
      1. +6
        24 January 2013 21: 51
        Quote: valokordin
        slightly renovates the facade and that's it.
        hi Introduced .....
      2. +1
        25 January 2013 08: 45
        It's a lousy truth, but it's true. I think the same. The only way out is to change the "facade" of the rulers.
    2. Volkhov
      24 January 2013 22: 19
      The modern army is expeditionary and created to solve American problems (Libya, Syria, Mali, Congo), and not to defend Russia (it is only a bundle of brushwood in a global fire). The divisions were left in the Airborne Forces (rapid reaction units around the world) and the VV - (control of the Russians themselves), that is, where the tasks are important from their point of view.
      If the Russians need to protect themselves, then let them think about it themselves - they will organize themselves as conveniently as possible, return mob reserves, engineers to design bureaus, machines and personnel to factories from Africa, and first defer their point of view to structures built by America - the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Security Service, shadow and ethnic.
      An interesting indicator is the loss of machine guns of the 74th series in the trophies of the Syrian Army, and earlier in Libya they were a priority, apparently there are no more new ones in the mobile reserves, but they don’t send used weapons to the war - terrorists need precision fire.
    3. 0
      25 January 2013 08: 42
      Definitely, kov to the wall.
    4. +1
      26 January 2013 20: 52
      Guys, I'm getting more and more surprised reading your comments! Does anyone else seriously think that the Armed Forces were really going to reform in order to increase combat readiness? Someone considered the width of the offensive and defensive zones? Someone worked on new states? Nooooo, not like that. Reformed for more comfortable and cheaper maintenance, stupefying the personnel, in order to sow envy and mistrust among the military - this is the real goal of this so-called reform. Have you forgotten how some of the politicians announced a reset in relations with the United States? Have you forgotten that we have only partners and no enemies except terrorists? Remind me which banks keep the savings of our "ilyty"? Or where do their children study? And then they work? And where do they dump when it smells fried? Is anyone still sure that these "ilite" people care about you and me? I drew conclusions for myself a long time ago. And here's another thing - Serdyukov and his madam are now convenient and safe to scold, but where were all these experts at the very beginning of the reforms? I read only one literate article a year in 2010. And that's all. Everyone was afraid. Although they saw what was happening. And this means that Serdyukov is nothing more than a convenient pawn and all these steps to destroy the army were not taken at all by him or by Makarov. There are much more powerful puppeteers.
  8. +20
    24 January 2013 18: 41
    Serdyukov removed. A priori, we will assume that there is none already. You can continue to mix and water onnogo ... what he deigned to leave behind. stop But, in a fit of passion, it is possible (and more likely it will be sad ) the question is hushed up: "And who promoted / missed this frame and why was it tolerated for so long, thereby giving .... more ????"
    IMHO, this question is even more important: There is no Taburetkin, but the onla cole remained, laundered and will continue ...... fool
    1. anchonsha
      24 January 2013 18: 52
      Well, well .... I want to say that you need to remove those that the tubaretkin set ... However, the revolutionist .... And we will put Tyutyakina with Nemtsov, Navalny, right? So they, too, are stained with theft. Then we will die. and Russia as such will not remain at all.
      1. +11
        24 January 2013 19: 01
        Quote: anchonsha
        Well, well .... I want to say that you need to remove those that the tubaretkin set ...

        For example, that's exactly what I would like to say! In Soviet times, if a subordinate "screwed up", his leader or the one who appointed him, bore PERSONAL responsibility! But I don't even want to comment on the fact that if not Putin, then either Nemtsov or Navalny is obligatory. Go and beaten ...
        Quote: anchonsha
        Then we will die.
        Probably, with these "oppositionists" from Bolotnaya nothing good can be expected and not to be expected, but the fact that we will not die without Putin and United Russia is absolutely unambiguous.
        PS Well, ask already: If not Putin, then who then? wink
        1. VAF
          24 January 2013 19: 45
          Quote: Ribwort
          Well, ask already: If not Putin, then who then?

          good good + + + + + + + + + drinks

          And in order to understand that they can answer enough to go to the beginning of the tape and read 2 comments from Mr. Yesaul, that’s their position, and even more so after what Vova said .. so now they have stools and his gang will generally be white and fluffy wassat

          And most of all I "like". when the uryakalka immediately dump "everything on the swamp clowns, only Sobchachka was forgotten ... wassat
          1. +10
            24 January 2013 20: 51
            I understand your indignation Veteran! Himself angry to want to!
            But the fact that they took off and began to reconsider their positions on Mistral, on small arms, on wheeled armored vehicles makes us wonder why this was done.
            I have read enough literature about I.V. Stalin so that my opinion turns from sharply negative to sound and respectful (I will not focus on the number of victims, because it is not comparable with the victims of alcoholism, suicide, and drug use, gang warfare, accidental killing of scientists, just a crime during EBN, not about that now).
            So here is what I want to say! After all, if you read carefully about the Stalinist times, there is also a story line that he also did not immediately destroy the fifth column. He became free from them more or less in 38-39gg. And people from the fifth column occupied up to 38g. very leading and important government posts.
            So it's not all that simple. But after the Serdyukov leadership, even the FSB does not need to strain especially, I think all the "Serdyukov patriots" have lit themselves with giblets.
            There, they said about Berezovsky that his condition was unmeasured, and why did he start selling his property ?! Maybe the strong guys came up and took him for a causal place, asking them to fork out for the benefit of mother Russia ?!
            Maybe I wishful thinking, but right there nobody is forbidden to dream, especially for the good of the Motherland!
        2. +4
          24 January 2013 20: 13
          Well, take Putin to shoot, why rush words? just before that, bring the other candidate’s pen ... Putin is to blame! - Do you feel better? Only further what?
          1. wax
            25 January 2013 00: 54
            Putin appointed Serdyukov, but Serdyukov worked under Medvedev. Putin returned - removed Serdyukov, and if he hadn’t returned, the defeat of the army would have continued (after all, DAM with Serdyukov and 08.08.08/XNUMX/XNUMX won and the reforms were carried out correctly if you listen to DAM), although this was not the goal of DAM, but a consequence of outlook with exorbitant ambitions .
      2. +4
        24 January 2013 21: 43
        Quote: anchonsha
        Well, well .... I want to say that you need to remove those that the tubaretkin set ...

        No, why? feel let them experiment further feel

        Quote: anchonsha
        And we will put Tyutyakina with Nemtsov, Navalny, right? So they, too, are stained with theft. Then we will die. and Russia as such will not remain at all.

        Why do we need the Tyutyukins? we have our own crooks at the helm ... proven ... "awl - for soap" No.
    2. +7
      24 January 2013 18: 56
      Quote: Yves762
      Serdyukov removed. A priori, we will assume that there is none already.

      Well, no ... Well, when we’re kidding, then we’ll take it that way. They only lie whether it comes to this, they will justify it due to the lack of composition personally in its actions. Otherwise, what a stain on those who appointed it!
  9. +11
    24 January 2013 18: 41
    While the country's trading and bazaar economy, that is, buy and sell in power, it is unlikely that anything will change, but they will do something, but each factory has such a personnel shortage, it was probably only in 41-45gg, and salaries only top managers correspond to the modern level
  10. +10
    24 January 2013 18: 52
    It was decided not to buy Iveco, they refused from 2 Mistrals. Question - who will be responsible for this? For millions of lost dollars? For the broken destinies of people, for stolen money? Who!
    1. +2
      24 January 2013 21: 06
      Well, the campaign, at 57 Iveco, it’s not so much, and two mestrall will come in handy, so it’s not so bad as it seems. There, the Chinese also bought planes from us, and then copied. I’m not for copying, but for learning and learning how to do it’s not worth it! So the losses are not so critical, although I do not argue, it would be better if these were orders for our enterprises.
      1. VikDok
        24 January 2013 21: 37
        Well, you can’t refuse purchases at all. Not this time. The USSR also bought ships. Same landing at the NDP. The question is for what money. The price of the issue, as they say. The same Mistral was an alternative in Spain 2 times cheaper.
        1. +1
          25 January 2013 08: 55
          A mistake, the NDP built us ships of our design, according to our drawings, tied to our conditions of service. And about "wessali" all the carabels and naval ones say unambiguously ... but.
    2. 0
      24 January 2013 21: 51
      Who, Who, Pushkin
  11. +10
    24 January 2013 19: 04
    The army was demoralized, disarmed and left without a command staff, by the grace of the freaks who promoted the furniture dealer to one of the most difficult and vital posts in the state.
    All this criminal gang deserved the use of a Navy for them for treason in a particularly cynical and perverted obscene form, for undermining the country's defense, for embezzlement on a large scale and harming the economy of the state.
    1. 0
      25 January 2013 10: 05
  12. +1
    24 January 2013 19: 09
    We argue, argue ... Who is right, who is not, only a real war will show, without fools and a serious adversary
    1. +1
      25 January 2013 06: 10
      Quote: Raptor75
      We argue, argue ... Who is right, who is not, only a real war will show, without fools and a serious adversary

      "The best fight that never took place" is one of the commandments of the martial arts masters.
      Our task for 10 years to adhere to this rule. But that doesn’t mean, to kneel with your head bowed and sprinkle ashes on your head.
      They offer to make hara-kiri, To kill ourselves with honor and dignity.
  13. +2
    24 January 2013 19: 10
    I would like to add to the article the author of the article, Yuri Krinitsky

    SP RF: the Ministry of Defense financed military prosecutors on a "residual" principle

    MOSCOW, 24 January. The Accounts Chamber conducted an analysis of the procedure for financing the bodies of the military prosecutor's office and the military investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee.
    "The analysis showed that the material and technical support of the Main Military Prosecutor's Office and the Main Military-Investigation Directorate, and in particular of the military prosecutor's offices and military investigative directorates of the district and garrison level, with computing, forensic and automotive equipment is at an insufficient level and was carried out by the Russian Ministry of Defense on the "principle", - said in the message of the JV RF.
    Read more: http://www.rosbalt.ru/main/2013/01/24/1085172.html

    these are the things.
  14. +5
    24 January 2013 19: 31
    The former and the whole company to plant. On the stake But in the bedrooms of the receivers - wallpaper in the form of stakes. So, it will be clearer. So that nothing "like that" would arise in my thoughts. Steal. The article is correct, positive. I remember the 90s, goose bumps. Now, I think it's not better. What's next?
  15. +7
    24 January 2013 19: 31
    I sincerely put it to the author + The article, as a matter of fact, says a lot about what everyone knew, saw and spoke! My soul is filthy, but we must get together and save the Russian Army! Traitors to the wall!
  16. +6
    24 January 2013 19: 32
    Bravo! Great stuff! Five plus! ..

    The current Minister of Defense (I treat his person with great and genuine respect) inherited a difficult legacy. Very difficult. But he is an experienced leader and a good organizer. And it inspires at least some slightest hope ...
    But again, instead of serious and principled steps (returning the divisional structure, streamlining the vertical of command, imposing strict control in financial matters, etc.) the notorious "war" with footcloths ...
  17. +12
    24 January 2013 19: 53
    Monetary allowance. Not so long ago, my friend, returned to the unit in which he passed the urgent. Airborne Forces, Dagestan. I went to the contract. Everything was fine. Passed all the tests. Everything is fine. The sergeant's salary. At that time 58 per month + 25 quarterly bonus. I don’t want to serve. At the end of last year he was transferred to Rostov, to the 22nd brigade. In a word ... Everything that was promised, the salary was reduced, broken down in parts for a year. So it turns out that 18-20 thousand a month are coming out, in the Caucasus, serving, he said that yes, there were civilians in the units (local women) . Near "East". They served them and cooked them. For the rest ... Delayed wages, Dagestanis, Chechens will not even be in service. They squat, spitting sunflower seeds. The commanders cannot say anything. For ... The notorious pursuit of militants in the mountains is everything, just not "Vostok". And so on.
  18. 0
    24 January 2013 20: 19
    lack of a single standard does not lead to anything good
  19. +4
    24 January 2013 20: 33
    Yes, a cool article, especially where they write about nannies. Yes, they themselves will not be able to protect themselves !!!!!
  20. +6
    24 January 2013 20: 59
    Very correct article. Such reforms are worse than theft! The damage is colossal !!
    1. +3
      24 January 2013 21: 49
      Quote: uizik
      Very correct article. Such reforms are worse than theft! The damage is colossal !!

      Well, you attacked the Marshal, he danced as best he could, he stole as he could, he did the will of the masters, and those the will of other foreign masters. The Ministry of Emergencies will not restore the army; they will not allow it to be done, it will slightly repair the facade and that’s it.
  21. 0
    24 January 2013 21: 44
    I see so many positive responses to the article differently, in a low-intensity conflict - better than a brigade, in a serious conflict, regiments and divisions will be wetted with tactical nuclear weapons. I understand that the division is power, but in a real mess, the division will be dispersed, otherwise it will receive a nuclear kirdyk, and your division will have to act battalionously and porously, only without the controls inherent in brigades and corps.
    1. +2
      24 January 2013 21: 59
      The fact is that the "new type brigades" are generally not known for what "they are" sharpened. These are essentially old divisions, whose combat units and combat support units have been reduced, while almost not touching the rear.

      All that was good was done - they introduced a reconnaissance platoon into battalions and a platoon of snipers appeared. ALL.
    2. Misantrop
      26 January 2013 00: 25
      Quote: Setrac
      in a real mess, the division will be dispersed, otherwise it will receive a nuclear kirdyk
      Was there a lot of nuclear kirdyks in Yugoslavia? And in Iraq, Libya? The problem is that at first they will knock out parts of constant readiness in local bombs, and air defense ammunition will be knocked out by air provocations (with drones this is not so difficult). So, what is next? Another local conflict (and no one waves a nuclear club at the same time), but there is NOTHING to answer ...
  22. Andrey58
    24 January 2013 21: 58
    Another anti-Serdyukov article of which there will be many now. There are many letters, little sense. The author sings together with the "expert" Sivkov, who unfolds the cropped parts with one movement of his finger. I will not lay out everything, because it is long and lazy. I will dwell on the last question:
    But why, say, clear the snow on the territory of the military unit for the same defenders of the motherland should be shameful?

    And therefore, dear author, that this is a soldier, not a janitor. The main task of the soldier is to increase the level of combat training. Moreover, now the technology has gone very far ahead compared to 1941 and in the tank, in addition to two levers, there is still much to master.
    The article is a big and fat minus for bias and superficiality.
    1. 0
      24 January 2013 22: 03
      Quote: Andrey58
      The author sings together with the "expert" Sivkov, who unfolds the cropped parts with one movement of his finger

      But this is not in the article. You read it somewhat inattentively.
      1. Andrey58
        24 January 2013 22: 37
        Quote: Spade
        But this is not in the article. You read it somewhat inattentively.

        Why not? Sivkova? So he is in the next article with a frightening headline, something about the monstrous consequences. The tone is general: it used to be good, but now everything is bad.
        1. +2
          24 January 2013 22: 40
          Before, when? Under the USSR? Although no, they began to kill the equipment of the cropped ones in the last years of Gorbachev. As they say, "infa 100%"
          1. Andrey58
            24 January 2013 22: 46
            These experts take the Soviet army as a model, so it’s obvious under the USSR.
            1. 0
              24 January 2013 22: 53
              Russia will not pull the Soviet army. However, the Putin-Medvedev-Serdyukov option also will not pull
    2. 0
      24 January 2013 23: 11
      By the way, snow removal equipment has also stepped far forward, clearing snow with shovels is a waste of human resources.
      1. Misantrop
        26 January 2013 00: 28
        Quote: Setrac
        snow removal equipment also stepped far forward

        Back in 1983, I watched in Kamchatka how the snow is removed by technology. And the fighters only clean up in some places (where they didn’t climb)
    3. wax
      25 January 2013 00: 59
      There is nothing to be done to outsiders on the territory of a military unit.
    4. +4
      25 January 2013 01: 21
      Quote: Andrey58
      And therefore, dear author, that this is a soldier, not a janitor. The main task of the soldier is to increase the level of combat training. Moreover, now the technology has gone very far ahead compared to 1941 and in the tank, in addition to two levers, there is still much to master.

      Respected Andrey58, as you know, we do not live in Africa, and a soldier would have to start mastering technology in winter pre-clean from the snow itself, and not wait for the janitor.
      The same applies to the territory of the military unit, this is a long-established practice - in the morning, instead of morning physical exercises (in tracksuits), part of the personnel decreases to clean up the territory assigned to the unit, the load on the body, when cleaning snow, is commensurate with the performance of the free-range exercises number 2 + shuttle run 10 * 10m. In accordance with the foregoing, the level of combat training of a soldier and his physical endurance depend on the quality of snow removal. smile
      The author wrote very correct article, in this article there is also a part of my life, but in your comment really: "There are many letters, little sense" .
      1. Andrey58
        25 January 2013 18: 29
        Quote: NEMO
        Dear Andrey58, as you know, we do not live in Africa, and in order for a soldier to start mastering equipment in the winter, he will still have to clean it himself from the snow himself, and not wait for the janitor.

        Dear NEMO, if we talk about this, then in modern armies the IWT decides to store in covered premises, protected from snow and other bad weather. I do not argue that a soldier needs to carry out a certain minimum of household work in the field / combat conditions, but this does not mean that he must hang on to the entire household unit on a regular basis. Have you ever wondered why in civilian firms they keep a staff cleaner. After all, the owner could, during working hours, involve other employees in cleaning the premises, spelling it out in an employment contract. But no one does. Why? Because any businessman understands: it’s stupid and wasteful to waste the time of qualified employees on the performance of functions that are not inherent to them. Do you think that the soldier’s service is so insignificant and simple that the military can be distracted from it by all garbage like sweeping the parade ground or cleaning the toilet? Then it will turn out like in a joke: the enemy will come, and we have cleaned the tracks and the borders are painted.

        Quote: NEMO
        In accordance with the foregoing, the level of combat training of a soldier and his physical endurance depend on the quality of snow removal.

        Yes, you are a Pythagorean. smile
    5. +7
      25 January 2013 02: 18
      At one time, we cleaned the snow and ground ground. And during the exercises they managed to dig deeper into the mud. And marches were both transitions and patrols. Nobody complained. Nobody considered himself to be janitors, they proudly carried the rank of Marine. And the equipment was also weapons. Only the service life was two years.
      1. Andrey58
        25 January 2013 18: 35
        Quote: Klimov
        At one time, we cleaned the snow and ground ground.

        At one time, soldiers wore wigs and attacked with squares and columns. However, this does not mean that it should be done now.
    6. Cheloveck
      25 January 2013 03: 39
      Quote: Andrey58
      And therefore, dear author, that this is a soldier, not a janitor. The main task of the soldier is to increase the level of combat training.

      Yeah, of course, not a janitor.
      The girl must also fill the bed for the boy, because "this is not a king's business," and wipe the other nozzles, well, dig a trench or a caponirchik - you can't do without outsourcing!
      1. Andrey58
        25 January 2013 18: 43
        Quote: Cheloveck
        Yeah, of course, not a janitor.
        The girl must also fill the bed for the boy, because "this is not a king's business," and wipe the other nozzles, well, dig a trench or a caponirchik - you can't do without outsourcing!

        Let's only without cheap demagoguery. The military community has a circle of priority tasks that it is obliged to fulfill. Mopping and cooking are not included.
    7. urry79rus
      25 January 2013 04: 21
      I wonder where you will find civilians, janitors, cooks, cleaners, to service a thread of a separate air defense point, standing "near the devil on the kulichi". And it’s a no brainer that all the "autos" is created for cutting money, or does Mr. Melkin’s apartment not convince you of this?
      1. Andrey58
        25 January 2013 18: 38
        Quote: urry79rus
        I wonder where you will find civilians, janitors, cooks, cleaners, to service a thread of a separate air defense point, standing "near the devil on the kulichi".

        Do we have all the units in the army?
      2. Misantrop
        26 January 2013 00: 34
        Quote: urry79rus
        and where you will find civilians, janitors, cooks, cleaners, to service a thread of a separate air defense point

        The strangest thing is ... right there. At these points (as in distant garrisons) there is usually a wild shortage of jobs for members of military families. So there ANY place as a gift. At one time, even the vice admiral, the wife of the commander, was listed ... as a cleaner in DU-1. Although no one had ever seen her with a broom. But the rest worked, some in the hospital, some in the OMIS, some where else. In addition to seniority and salary, there is also an occupation, otherwise you can become brutal at the point of longing. That's just not enough for all posts ...
    8. 0
      25 January 2013 15: 40
      Quote: Andrey58
      And therefore, dear author, that this is a soldier, not a janitor. The main task of the soldier is to increase the level of combat training.

      Oh you yopt!
      You might think that snow removal will greatly hinder raising the level of combat training! In the morning, for 10-15% of the personnel, instead of physical exercises, half an hour actively waving shovels - and the territory is clean and even rectangular snowdrifts :)) If there is a lot of snow, either increase the number of personnel, or shovels then a limited number :) increase the charging time a little.
      If we take into account that in our valiant army there are a lot of units where people only think about charging during inspections, it’s even useful to clean the snow for soldiers, at least on the parade ground.
      But when I had to clean hundreds of meters of railway access roads, here I wondered why not let a special locomotive go? What if the war, but the paths are not cleared? :)
      1. Andrey58
        25 January 2013 18: 41
        Quote: bot.su
        Oh you yopt!
        You might think that snow removal will greatly hinder raising the level of combat training!

        Nerd, why? Is there a lot of free time? Then take him to the shooting range or at the simulator. The ability to clean snow is not so necessary for a soldier as the ability to shoot or knowledge of general tactics.
  23. Urrry
    24 January 2013 22: 05
    each leader tries to give the organization which he controls familiar and understandable to him (from previous experience) forms. Serdyukov, a business executive, tried to create from the Moscow Region a semblance of a more economic and not a military structure ... there is a fear that Shoigu will begin to sculpt from the Moscow Region a semblance of the Ministry of Emergencies, which he is familiar with and understandable ... at least it was already in the news that new models military uniforms, liked by the new Minister of Defense, painfully resemble the uniform of the Ministry of Emergency Situations which he once approved .. :)
    1. urry79rus
      25 January 2013 04: 26
      What is he, (Serdyukov) to hell with the manager ??? OH THIEF !!! And from this position it is necessary to consider all his movements!
    2. +1
      25 January 2013 10: 19
      What kind of business executive Serdyukov? Did he manage a factory or a state farm? He is a thief and a traitor.
  24. patriot2
    24 January 2013 22: 16
    Undoubtedly, article +
    However, I see that the reduction of the Armed Forces, which took place under the guise of "reforming", is intended not to defeat a potential enemy with conventional weapons. The implication here is to use tactical nuclear weapons in local wars and it is possible to use a limited number of strategic nuclear weapons. Apparently this is how Mr. Makarov "figured" the capabilities of our Armed Forces in the conduct of hostilities. Otherwise solitaire does not fit with this "reform". The fact that its consequences are immoral for the country's prestige is a fact, especially against the background of embezzlement. And not all of the dismissed officers are ready to return to duty after living in civilian life. But surely there will be real patriots who will again be in the ranks. Wait and see. I wish everyone a strong spirit and good health, Russia and its new Army need real strong guys who love their Motherland! smile
    PS: An official is not the Motherland, it is a gear that, if it is "corrupted", the supreme simply must replace in time with a serviceable one - this is his duty to the people of his country (and further along the hierarchical ladder). And yet the Supreme Commander is obliged to clearly monitor all processes in the Armed Forces, as - his problem!
  25. +3
    24 January 2013 22: 17
    Many do not like the late Swan, but he wrote in his book that the basis of the Russian army is a regiment. Take off the shelves and the whole aircraft system will fall apart. A good article, without dregs, there is something to think about.
  26. soldat1945
    24 January 2013 22: 51
    The article is a huge plus, the author chewed everything up, only the consequences of reforms in the ground forces are even worse, now you will not drag anyone to the position of company commander, why bother with such a troublesome economy with a salary difference of only 4000 rubles, if the best platoon commander was previously appointed, now I go and persuade, no one wants to take financial responsibility, they know that they will be fired for any "jamb" within a week and then recover from the courts, the committee of soldiers' mothers this geek of British special services climbs everywhere, outsourcing does not really restore equipment and is responsible for combat readiness the commander, and so on all points, agrees with one of the forum participants, would give us Serdyukov for 5 minutes and all the controllers would turn away !!! am
  27. +2
    24 January 2013 23: 03
    The article, as they say, is not in the eyebrow, but in the eye. And this is not an anti-Serdyukov article, but an anti-reform article. All leading industries in the country are being reformed according to absolutely the same principle. And all reforms are done according to a template. A person who is far from its interests is placed in the leadership of the industry. Like the cook before, now any economist or lawyer can lead anything. Or just an unprincipled person. And this "specialist" forms a team for himself and begins to reform, reform in their concept is the main thing to break the existing one, but they are simply not able to create anything.
    Thank God in the Moscow Region this was highlighted and sooner or later everything should turn out right. In the energy sector, they are trying to fix everything that has been reformed. An urgent need to pay attention to transport, and especially to the railway, there is nothing better than in the army.
  28. +2
    24 January 2013 23: 27
    And a little about "Slavyanka" Created for cutting more money. It would be easier to call for an alternative service (and make it for service) those who do not want to run around with a machine gun or a rocket. Let the grass be mowed, the snow removed, the curbs painted. May become ashamed in front of peers. There is no need to talk about statutes. For ten years now, the office work has been under temporary guidance ...
  29. +2
    24 January 2013 23: 36
    We have the worst situation, the opposition is, roughly speaking, the leadership of thieves. The people, as always, are not.
  30. s1н7т
    25 January 2013 00: 40
    The collapse of the USSR began with the collapse of his army. How will the collapse of the Russian army end?
  31. SEM
    25 January 2013 00: 58
    Probably the highest measure would not be superfluous for these betrayals, otherwise our humanism will also destroy us. The author of the article Respect.
  32. wax
    25 January 2013 01: 18
    Our main misfortune is that, as a result of the 20-year counter-revolution, even a semblance of a viable, self-developing economy has not been created. There are no proprietors-entrepreneurs who develop industry and engage in innovations (I’m not talking about small business). Prosperous only those who sit not bowels (business on resources). The rest are stuck to the budget cake (therefore, no civilian enterprises around the army will fulfill the tasks) (business on the budget). Well, the third business is criminal, I’m not talking about it either. All three types of business cannot fundamentally function without corruption (business officials). Well, a parasitic banking business has been created, pumping not for free, of course. financial resources. If we had no gigantic resources of oil, gas, ore, our song would have been sung.
  33. +6
    25 January 2013 01: 35
    To put a civilian (Taburetkin) as a voivode was initially stupid, even without knowing his "abilities" just because he was a civilian.
    But it was done.
    And it seems to me only because the authorities are afraid to make the military the main thing in the army, and what if he has authority and gets in opposition? They put the latter to whom they trust (Shoigu) and who more or less will be pleased by the military, already removed from the governors urgently. Although I think we could find someone sensible from the generals. Maybe in the army the authorities no longer hate so much that they are afraid to put anyone out of its ranks?
    1. Andrey58
      25 January 2013 18: 51
      Quote: NeSvyatoy
      To put a civilian (Taburetkin) as a voivode was initially stupid, even without knowing his "abilities" just because he was a civilian.

      Besides the fact that there are many examples of quite successful civilian defense ministers, I want to remind you that the situation, which is often cited here as an example when the military spoke on cell phones in the 2008 war, happened precisely under the leadership of the military.
      The main merit of Serdyukov is that he dispersed all this general's camarilla. Since the time of Ustinov, the staff felt too free of charge.
  34. redwolf_13
    25 January 2013 04: 16
    I can't understand one thing. All that was happening in the army that no one knew. They knew and helped, covered. Remember the words of D.M. when they removed the stool. That this person is the "greatest manager". How he praised him. And Makarov is Serdyukov's right hand. Why are they silent about him and it was he and his masters who had a hand in the collapse of the army. His reproach said that the T-80 and T90 are unnecessary for us and we need "Leopards". Who signed contracts for the supply of German steel for tanks and barrels. WHO?
    There is a feeling that when the next "financial project" failed, they simply found a hanger on which everyone is being loaded. And the rest of the "knights of the round table" are carefully removed from the stage so that God forbid they start talking.
  35. +3
    25 January 2013 04: 54
    By the way, about corruption. Here students from Moscow dashed such a message:

    In short, they want to ratify this in Russia:

    “Article 20. Illicit enrichment

    Subject to its own constitution and the fundamental principles of its legal system, each State party considers the possibility of adopting such legislative and other measures as may be necessary in order to criminalize an act of unlawful enrichment when it is committed, that is, a significant increase assets of a public official that exceed his legal income, which he cannot reasonably justify. ”

    There comes a very funny text. At least - I think it’s worth reading. Well, if someone decides to subscribe - skip the link to this text where you still live.

    (eh, right now they will zamusinut not reading. They say the spammer is unfinished laughing )
  36. -9
    25 January 2013 05: 35
    The level of lies rolls over in this little article, and Goebels would nervously smoke aside if he were alive.
  37. +2
    25 January 2013 08: 01
    How far should the author be from the realities of military life, having issued relevant proposals to the minister (and the head of the military department himself) in order to allow such blunders.

    It seems to me that that author is not walking across the ocean.
  38. sasha127
    25 January 2013 13: 23
    And after all that Serdyukov did. How can he be called? Stupidity or betrayal.
  39. 0
    11 February 2024 19: 44
    For some reason, the standard defense (offensive) zone of our “compact” ground brigade turned out to be equal to the zone of employment of a “non-compact” mechanized division - 20 kilometers along the front.

    What if the standard defense zone for one motorized rifle brigade is taken not to be 20 kilometers, but 7 kilometers. which is logical, the problem disappears by itself.....
    Three motorized rifle brigades are equivalent in number and composition of weapons to a motorized rifle division, therefore the defense line should be equal to 1/3 of the division’s defense line.

    For two years now, in the Northern Military District, not divisions, but individual regiments and brigades have been fighting against the same regiments and brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and both sides are doing without divisional structures....
    The brigades and regiments operating in strategic directions are united into corps, which is more logical, since on average 5-8 brigades and regiments operate in one direction and it turns out that divisions are absolutely not needed there.