American expert: In the spring of 2024, China will try to seize Taiwan

American expert: In the spring of 2024, China will try to seize Taiwan

One of the main international problems continues to be the situation around Taiwan, which, against the backdrop of events around Ukraine and the Middle East, has so far been relegated to the background.

According to American military expert Erik Prince, who is the founder of the American PMC Blackwater, as early as the spring of this year, Beijing may try to solve the Taiwan problem by military means.

In an interview with British news channel GB News, Prince said the following:

If they (China) are going to take Taiwan by force, I would predict that they will do it in the spring

The founder of the Blackwater PMC explains his assumptions by saying that the most acceptable weather conditions in this region will be in May or June. The rest of the year it is too windy there, the expert noted.

The Taiwan problem arose after the end of the Chinese Civil War in 1949, when remnants of anti-communist forces took refuge on the island. Beijing considers the island an integral part of China. However, the United States comes out in support of Taiwan.

According to some experts, Beijing may decide to seize Taiwan by taking advantage of the fact that the United States will hold presidential elections in 2024, and Washington will be busy with internal affairs.
31 comment
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  1. Msi
    2 January 2024 10: 24
    The Taiwan problem arose after the end of the Chinese Civil War in 1949, when remnants of anti-communist forces took refuge on the island. Beijing considers the island an integral part of China

    American expert: In the spring of 2024, China will try to seize Taiwan

    Don't capture... release... Yes
    1. +10
      2 January 2024 10: 30
      Quote from Msi
      Don't capture... release...

      Return to our native harbor. In general, this would be ideal for us; distraction to Israel is of course good, but not enough.
      1. +3
        2 January 2024 11: 17
        For China, if it decides to return Taiwan by military means, the actions of Russia and Israel are also optimal.
        Now is truly the best moment. The Americans are bogged down in problems, NATO's military warehouses are depleted, and the industry has not yet sussed out new revenues. And against the backdrop of problems in NATO, ordinary people will increasingly vote for non-interference.
        It's about time.
    2. +1
      2 January 2024 10: 41
      Much (if not everything) depends on which party wins the elections - the PRC will be satisfied with the victory of the Kuomintang.
      1. +3
        2 January 2024 11: 12
        The rest of the year it is too windy there, the expert noted.
        The expert apparently conducts a weather forecast on a provincial TV channel and suddenly he was included in the forecasts for the war. It is easily treated or goes away on its own with changes in the weather. lol
    3. 0
      2 January 2024 20: 16

      Do you really think that the islanders yearn for “liberation”?))
      Some expert of our level said something and everyone fell in love...
      Uncle Xi is waiting for elections on the island, hoping to change the course of the Taiwanese government, since his relationship with this leadership has not worked out.)
  2. 0
    2 January 2024 10: 36
    In an interview with British news channel GB News, Prince said the following:
    If they (China) are going to take Taiwan by force, I would predict that they will do it in the spring
    recourse Be afraid of your desires. But listening to an American expert means disrespecting yourself. fool
  3. +5
    2 January 2024 10: 37
    As soon as embassies start pouring out from Taipei, like from Kyiv to Lvov, this will mean a quick start.
  4. +5
    2 January 2024 10: 37
    Whenever it starts, be it in the spring or in the fall, I would like to wish China to solve the Taiwan problem to the detriment of mattresses and in its favor. The Chiang Kai-shek regime must be defeated. Taiwan is an inalienable part of China!
    1. 0
      2 January 2024 10: 46
      China will not seize anything.
      1. 0
        2 January 2024 11: 36
        Quote: Monster_Fat
        China will not seize anything.

        Speculating about how China will return Taiwan to its jurisdiction, military or political, is not a rewarding task. In general, China has never been a supporter of military diplomacy, but after Xi’s next election to the post of Chinese leader in March last year, in his first address to the Chinese, he announced that the Taiwan issue would be closed in the next five years.
        1. 0
          2 January 2024 19: 52
          Hm. Taiwan is a mono-structure, on the one hand, completely protecting itself from export and import. If China manages to close Taiwan's external markets - especially the US and EU and limit the import of food and resources, then... for China the problem of "two Chinas" will be solved. However... Do you see anything in the actions of mainland China in this direction? Right, and I don't see it either. So, what is the conclusion? I won't tell you, think for yourself... hi
          1. 0
            2 January 2024 20: 49
            Damn T9, not “defending himself”, but “completely dependent”..
          2. 0
            2 January 2024 22: 57
            Quote: Monster_Fat
            Hm. Taiwan is a mono-structure, on the one hand, completely protecting itself from export and import. If China manages to close Taiwan's external markets - especially the US and EU and limit the import of food and resources, then... for China the problem of "two Chinas" will be solved. However... Do you see anything in the actions of mainland China in this direction? Right, and I don't see it either. So, what is the conclusion? I won't tell you, think for yourself... hi

            I'll tell you a secret, China has a sufficient reserve of strategic patience, which it uses perfectly in countering the intrigues of the USA, because it never relied on the forceful option of returning Taiwan, at least until the mattresses staged a provocation with the visit of old lady Nancy Pelosi. After that, a whole series of provocative actions followed from the USA, from political support for "aspirations for independence" with the visit of American ships to the supply of weapons to Taiwan. Note that since then the topic of China's war with Taiwan has always come from the same "maternity hospital and its obstetric branches", that is, from the USA and "near". hi
  5. +1
    2 January 2024 10: 46
    To begin with, in this case, the Chinese should arrange a water blockade of Taiwan, and there are no signs of a blockade in sight!!!
    1. -1
      2 January 2024 11: 16
      Quote: Thrifty
      To begin with, in this case, the Chinese should arrange a water blockade of Taiwan, and there are no signs of a blockade in sight!!!

      As soon as the United States weakens, everything goes towards this and Taiwan itself will surrender
      1. IVZ
        2 January 2024 13: 29
        As soon as the United States weakens, everything goes towards this and Taiwan itself will surrender
        Those. Will Taiwanese managers in government and business give up their positions and voluntarily submit to the power of Chinese managers? Well, you know... In politics and business, there are not very many saints or at least decent ones. To put it mildly.
        1. -1
          2 January 2024 14: 15
          Quote: IVZ
          Those. Will Taiwanese managers in government and business give up their positions and voluntarily submit to the authority of Chinese managers?

          That's exactly how it will be... hi
          Quote: IVZ
          Well, you know ...

          I know..)))
          Quote: IVZ
          In politics and business there are not very many saints or at least decent ones. To put it mildly.

          Well, let's see how it all ends. Taiwan is Chinese territory and that's for sure!
          And the rest doesn't matter hi
  6. +2
    2 January 2024 10: 59
    Oh, these experts...
    And I will say that he won’t try!
    There are no prerequisites for this.
    1. 0
      3 January 2024 00: 12
      Quote: 75Sergey
      Oh, these experts...
      And I will say that he won’t try!
      There are no prerequisites for this.

      Here's how ...
      There are not many options - either he will try to capture it, or he will not try.

      Even in casinos they play with such odds quite confidently - “red-black, even-odd”. True, the winnings are small, but the probability is encouraging.
      Now imagine that this “expert” gives out his “expertise” in batches in bank packaging. Out of ten “bets” one will win - and he is already Nostradamus. Naturally, no one mentions the rest of the “predictions” anymore.
  7. IVZ
    2 January 2024 11: 03
    In my opinion, the Blackwater PMC is looking for work on the principle of mercenaries “God grant us 100 years of war, but not a single battle” (“All the Lords of Camelot” by V. Sverzhin), so they scare the Taiwanese. Maybe they'll hire you.
  8. -2
    2 January 2024 11: 13
    The PRC is waiting for Russia when we resolve the issue with the Bandera outskirts.. And then we will help them, just like they do to us..
  9. +1
    2 January 2024 11: 31
    Another predictor. China needs Taiwan untouched.
  10. -1
    2 January 2024 11: 45
    Well, if you can’t buy it in Taiwan, then the elite!
    I hope if China acts, it will destroy all the ruling elites so that they don’t put propaganda into people’s brains! + all generals + headquarters and will make a blockade so that more than one ship and itself cannot transfer weapons! + will destroy warehouses, etc., etc.)
  11. +1
    2 January 2024 12: 16
    This was the weather forecast after the news... In the fall of 2024, Trumpists will take over America. Or the Obamaites. Or the Clintonites. Or they won't capture it. Info sotka.
  12. -1
    2 January 2024 15: 21
    There are no fundamental changes in the position of the Chinese leadership. It wants reunification through peaceful means and is not ready for a military-political adventure (the costs are too obvious and high). Taiwanese candidates and voters, despite existing differences, declare their readiness for “decent” cooperation with the PRC (but not unification)...
  13. +1
    2 January 2024 15: 38
    How can one seize something that officially belongs to China, which by the way is recognized by the whole world, including the UN? Maybe return it to China's control, but that's a completely different wording. I am surprised that the entire planet calmly watches the duplicity of the US, which they do not even try to hide. On the one hand, they clearly recognize the unity of China, on the other hand, they fully support Taiwan. I will keep quiet about the cowards and the cross.
  14. 0
    2 January 2024 16: 23
    It would be nice for a mess to start in Taiwan. Less attention to Ukraine - more lives of our guys saved!
  15. -1
    2 January 2024 16: 44
    This expert is PMCKashnaya Vanga?
  16. 0
    2 January 2024 18: 49
    In Taiwan, TSMC factories will cause problems in microelectronics
    China can take over Taiwan, the US has no ammunition.
    All that remains is to conquer Holland and all electronics will be in the east
    Russia also needs to prepare for a big war, we are now at war with NATO, they are the main sponsors of this war. We need to produce more missiles so that we can fire hundreds of missiles at Ukraine every day.
  17. 0
    3 January 2024 00: 32
    American expert: In the spring of 2024, China will try to seize Taiwan
    - Well, it’s still not enough for the Americans to now give capital obligations to everyone.