Units of the Russian Armed Forces in the Northern Military District received the 1K148 Yastreb-AV artillery reconnaissance complex.

Units of the Russian Armed Forces in the Northern Military District received the 1K148 Yastreb-AV artillery reconnaissance complex.

Russian troops in the SVO zone are using a new complex as part of counter-battery warfare artillery reconnaissance "Yastreb-AV". This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Defense.

The newest complex 1K148 "Yastreb-AV" entered service with artillery units of the Russian troops in the Northern Military District zone. Together with the Zoo-1M complex, Yastreb-AV provides detection of Ukrainian artillery firing positions. At the same time, the new complex surpasses the Zoo in its characteristics.

Today, the effective performance of combat missions by rocket and artillerymen together with the use of unmanned aviation, which increases the efficiency of artillery fire and survivability on the battlefield, is also ensured through the use of modern artillery reconnaissance equipment, such as "Zoo-1M" ​​and "Yastreb-AV"

- it is spoken in the message of military department.

The characteristics of the 1K148 Yastreb-AV artillery reconnaissance complex have not been disclosed; it was recently delivered to the troops; tests were completed at the end of 2021 or beginning of 2022. It was shown at the international forum Army 2022. A radar complex with a phased array antenna is capable of automatically tracking the trajectory of shells fired by enemy artillery, determining the exact coordinates of positions.

The Yastreb-AV complex is located on a four-axle BAZ-6910-025 chassis. The rear part of the chassis is dedicated to the placement of an antenna post with a large area.
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  1. +6
    2 January 2024 06: 16
    Well, how many air defense systems are needed to cover it? For it to work effectively.
    1. +13
      2 January 2024 06: 46
      Quote: tralflot1832
      how many air defense systems are needed to cover it? For it to work effectively

      Aerial targets, including UAVs, are much easier to detect than mortar and artillery shells. The main thing is that the control center reaches the cover air defense system or the MANPADS of its crew.
      The main thing is that they release more of them and quickly, so that the fascist scum stops shelling civilians.
    2. +4
      3 January 2024 01: 14
      There is already a video of the defeat, presumably Hymers.
      1. +7
        3 January 2024 03: 24
        Quote: huntsman650
        There is already a video of the defeat, presumably Hymers.

        Yes, it hits accurately (this is what is called high-precision weapons, two missiles. The second one is right on target) And there is no multi-million dollar complex, which probably took more than a week to make. What the hell? Who thought of bringing such a colossus into an open field, without air defense cover? D............ not trainable! And the complex itself is huge. They should have thought of installing it on a 150-ton BelAZ. It would not have been noticeable at all. An offensive loss to the delight of the forelocked ones
        1. +2
          3 January 2024 14: 32
          Nothing can be done! Our microcircuits are the largest in the world! And, seriously, detection and jamming devices in Russia were in the backseat, secondary. And here is the result.
    3. +1
      3 January 2024 09: 09
      There is already a video where this complex came under fire
    4. +2
      3 January 2024 14: 00
      Unfortunately, a very sad video featuring this complex has already appeared on public pages.
    5. 0
      3 January 2024 18: 41
      They didn’t allocate air defense for him, at all, as far as I saw. The result is sad. Even a banal tiger with anti-UAV missiles was not visible nearby.
  2. +2
    2 January 2024 06: 19
    Why aren’t they installed on the domestic BAZ chassis, but on the Belarusian MAZ?
    1. +1
      2 January 2024 06: 28
      But Belarus is just a different world.
    2. 0
      2 January 2024 06: 29
      Probably, Lukashenko would also earn money, or rather the MAZ plant.
      1. +1
        2 January 2024 06: 30
        Quote: tralflot1832
        Probably, Lukashenko would also earn money, or rather the MAZ plant.

        He has his own MLRS
        1. +7
          2 January 2024 06: 45
          Totor 5. Not only does it have its own MLRS, but this year it will also have its own sea terminal in the port of Murmansk, and most likely it will be the Lavna terminal in shares. You will have to pay for this in rubles. You will also need to buy wheat here 500 tons is just a waste. That’s why MAZ works to its fullest in Russia. And at the Motvilikha plants, it doesn’t matter what chassis to put our MLRS on.
    3. +1
      2 January 2024 07: 06
      The Yastreb-AV complex is located on a four-axle chassis BAZ-6910-025
      BAZ - Bryansk Automobile Plant
    4. +9
      2 January 2024 09: 46
      Because the Belarusian MAZ has more domestic products than KAMAZ. And the productivity of the Bryansk plant (BAZ) is one piece per year, and only if there is an order from the Ministry of Defense. And I also do not rule out that the father's MAZ is cheaper for us than our own BAZ. request
    5. +3
      2 January 2024 12: 07
      Let's read more carefully - chassis BAZ-6910-025. link - http://www.avtomash.ru/pred/bzkt/baz6910.htm
    6. +1
      2 January 2024 13: 58
      Quote: Totor5
      Why aren’t they installed on the domestic BAZ chassis, but on the Belarusian MAZ?

      Tornado-G is installed on the Ural chassis.
      Tornado-S was originally developed back in Soviet times on a MAZ chassis. Since that moment, the chassis and MLRS have been improved.
  3. Hey
    2 January 2024 07: 34
    I wonder at what distance from the BS line it works. After all, the complex is expensive, poorly protected, large in size, and operates in active mode (radar). He will have many dangers.
    1. -2
      2 January 2024 09: 40
      Quote: MUD
      He will have many dangers.

      Artillery and even MLRS are usually not placed within the reach of artillery. And the cruise missile will probably be shot down.
      1. -1
        3 January 2024 18: 46
        VIta vko, have you seen the loss of the S-300V4??? Bukovs? They don't install them? You don't install them, but they do.
    2. +1
      2 January 2024 09: 51
      Ministry of Justice (MJD), this would be a good time to compare the performance characteristics with foreign artillery reconnaissance systems and everything will become clear that ours are no worse. But the author did not set out to achieve this goal, which is a pity...
      1. +5
        2 January 2024 21: 45
        The author, judging by the article, was wondering, but he also wrote: “The characteristics of the 1K148 Yastreb-AV artillery reconnaissance complex are not disclosed; it was recently delivered to the troops.”
        1. -1
          3 January 2024 08: 22
          Alexander123 (Alexander), about “recently” the concept is loose.... the first show at the exhibition was back in 2017 and some characteristics were also given there. At the same time they wrote that even the improved "Zoo" surpasses the American Firedinder system "FayaFanda" in terms of detection range. And the problem was and remains in the number of these complexes at the front and the means of suppression themselves with such a range. But "Yastreb-AV" is probably better than "Zoo" ", especially in terms of coordinate accuracy.
    3. +1
      3 January 2024 13: 05
      War is an expensive business in general. If a set with a range of artillery position detection of 20-25 km is placed 10 km from the LBS, then it will only be able to find mortars. As for the distance from the LBS line in general, a lot of our population lives 5-10 km from it. Including the main streets of large cities. Isn't it dangerous for them? It is dangerous for aviation, it is dangerous for the radar design bureau, and Ukrainians With 155 mm they pound from distances that Zoopark and Penicillin don't see the positions. I won't even mention the Hymers.
    4. 0
      3 January 2024 18: 45
      Myud, the complex is no longer there. So the question is meaningless.
  4. Hey
    2 January 2024 07: 35
    I wonder at what distance from the BS line it works. After all, the complex is expensive, poorly protected, large in size, and operates in active mode (radar). He will have many dangers.
  5. +6
    2 January 2024 11: 36
    Comrades! Happy New Year! It's already the second of January! There is not even a mention of bulbash in the article! The chassis is like the “masterpiece” of Russian artillery “Malva”.
    And on the topic: 1. This headlight would be lifted onto a 40B6 type tower and on a domestically produced semi-trailer; cover with a battery of Shells; transfer the Tornado-S battery to direct control. 2. According to New Year’s feelings and forecasts, more and more military air defense should merge with instrumental artillery reconnaissance and new UAV units into a single whole, at least at the tactical level of command and control of units of brigades or divisions...
    1. +2
      2 January 2024 16: 49
      Judging by the fact that at the end of the second year of the war no one is particularly itching about this, we either have no one to do this, or we are not going to win
      1. +2
        3 January 2024 13: 16
        Rather, the first thing is that over the past 30 years the prestige of technical engineering specialties has fallen below the plinth. There are few alternatives for a graduate of a technical college to retrain as a programmer, go abroad or become a manager at a car dealership, etc. We are starting to reap the benefits...
  6. BAI
    2 January 2024 11: 55
    More, more and more. As much as possible. Possible without bread
  7. +4
    2 January 2024 12: 18
    Such a monstrous complex is obviously very expensive and inactive.
  8. +3
    2 January 2024 16: 47
    At the same time, the new complex surpasses the Zoo in its characteristics.
    The zoo was created back in the USSR. In 40 years we should probably create a better complex.....
  9. +3
    2 January 2024 16: 54
    Is this going to roam around on the front line and detect enemy guns?
    1. 0
      3 January 2024 18: 48
      Kostya1, will no longer be there, unfortunately.
  10. 0
    2 January 2024 18: 54
    Lance-bearers should sit near such machines to instantly send a drone to the identified square, and so that until everything there is silent they do not calm down.
  11. -1
    2 January 2024 19: 19
    It doesn't look like they work very well

  12. +4
    2 January 2024 19: 36
    Already destroyed. Is there a video. Looks like they didn't cover it well
    1. Uno
      2 January 2024 19: 58
      I also found a video, the performance characteristics are apparently not very good, if they have just been installed, but are already at least damaged
      1. +1
        2 January 2024 22: 02
        Well, damaged, perhaps not due to poor performance. Something, somewhere was overlooked, not taken into account, not protected, not disguised, etc., etc.
        Pashinyan, over there, complained about bad weapons, he himself does not want to destroy his enemies. In Syria, it seems, the Pantsir was broken, there were also articles saying it was a bad car, since it was broken.
  13. +2
    2 January 2024 19: 58
    The emitter power of this device must be such that it can fry eggs at a distance of a kilometer.
    1. +2
      3 January 2024 13: 18
      We won’t worry about the VSUshnikov’s eggs)
  14. 0
    2 January 2024 21: 28
    Quote from: topol717
    Quote: Totor5
    Why aren’t they installed on the domestic BAZ chassis, but on the Belarusian MAZ?

    Tornado-G is installed on the Ural chassis.
    Tornado-S was originally developed back in Soviet times on a MAZ chassis. Since that moment, the chassis and MLRS have been improved.

    Initially, it was a stupid idea to call everything with one name - Tornado with a prefix of different letters, so that everyone would get confused.
    What was the problem with calling Grad M for example?
    1. +1
      2 January 2024 22: 14
      Quote: Totor5
      What was the problem with calling Grad M for example?

      Me too! Me too! I am of the same opinion! I have repeatedly said and say that the so-called "Tornado-S/G" are essentially "Smerch-M" and "Grad-M"! I once read an article that claimed that the "Tornado" MLRS was originally conceived as a single multi-caliber system, but then something "incomprehensible" happened... and as a result, "Uragan-1M" was left from the project! And then, in order not to surprise the "people" too much, "Smerch-M" and "Grad-M" were dragged "by the ears" into the "Tornado" project, calling them "Tornado-S" and "Tornado-G"! In general, the "Uragan-1M" MLRS is the remnants of the "true" "Tornado"!
  15. The comment was deleted.
  16. -3
    3 January 2024 09: 12
    It’s already been destroyed, don’t puff out your cheeks
    1. +2
      3 January 2024 18: 50
      Alibaba, the main thing is that the crew survived, and we’ll make the iron. So puff up your cheeks and envy.
      1. -2
        3 January 2024 22: 19
        They penetrate 40 tungsten fragments within a radius of 000 meters through BMPs.
        But you would definitely survive there.
        1. +1
          4 January 2024 19: 19
          Magom, in the video the crew is running away. The cabin is armored.
  17. +4
    3 January 2024 10: 40
    At the same time, the new complex surpasses the Zoo in its characteristics.

    It definitely surpasses in weight and dimensions, a wonderful huge target for a UAV....
  18. +1
    3 January 2024 18: 40
    artillery reconnaissance 1K148 "Yastreb-AV"

    There is already a video of this complex from ukrov on YouTube. And you understand how the video ends.

    The question is, why is this??? Why is there no TOR, or a vehicle with RAB, near such important equipment to detect and suppress drones????
  19. 0
    3 January 2024 19: 03
    And judging by the videos being distributed, it has already been destroyed...
    1. +2
      3 January 2024 21: 14
      It looks like it. But there are downvoters here who can’t say anything and piss, but they give downvotes. Apparently they live in a different reality.

      One minus has been removed from you.
      1. +1
        6 January 2024 01: 38
        Quote from Savage3000
        It looks like it. But there are downvoters here who can’t say anything and piss, but they give downvotes. Apparently they live in a different reality.

        It just seems that a crowd of hysterics has formed here who believe that the affected complex is the only one in the Russian army. They definitely live in a different reality.
        1. 0
          6 January 2024 17: 44
          Comet, this is the first use of the new complex. If he is not alone, then they can be counted on one hand. Yes, it is expensive and takes a long time to produce. We have no right to lose such equipment.
          1. 0
            6 January 2024 17: 46
            Quote from Savage3000
            Comet, this is the first use of the new complex

            What is the first application? When did they start to be used?
            1. 0
              6 January 2024 18: 34
              Comet, January 2 news from mo about the application. On January 2nd in the evening the final. They never lit up anywhere before.
              1. 0
                6 January 2024 19: 54
                Quote from Savage3000
                Comet, January 2 news from mo about the application. On January 2nd in the evening the final.

                In the news of January 2, there is no information at all about the moment at which they are used and how many complexes are used.
                Quote from Savage3000
                They never lit up anywhere before.

                Should I have? Was everyone supposed to light up?
                1. 0
                  12 January 2024 09: 18
                  Comet, the fact is that on the day of the news a video appears.

                  The news is from January 2, which means from the second of January.
                  1. 0
                    27 January 2024 01: 50
                    Quote from Savage3000
                    Comet, the fact is that on the day of the news a video appears.

                    The news is from January 2, which means from the second of January.

                    What does “from the second of January” mean?
  20. +2
    3 January 2024 23: 58
    Units of the Russian Armed Forces in
    SVO zone received at
    weapons complex
    artillery reconnaissance
    1K148 "Yastreb-V"

    The Hawk did not fly for long.
  21. +1
    4 January 2024 13: 35
    What I want to say:
    1) Ukronazi reconnaissance UAVs (“Fury”, etc.) use directional StarLink antennas - thanks to which, unnoticed by our air defense and RTR units, they penetrate behind our front line, actually to a depth limited by the flight radius of the UAV.
    note: perhaps not all of their reconnaissance UAVs have been transferred to StraLink and our RTR/air defense simply blinked/non-functional against reconnaissance UAVs
    Elon Musk has the blood of more than one thousand of our soldiers on his hands, all the idiots who admire him or his rants on Twitter - go knock your head on the wall.

    2) Erroneous approach of Soviet/Russian counter-battery weapons. We are trying to put the largest possible radar on wheels. For what? Probably so that it can be heard as far as possible. A single powerful radar is detected instantly, and is very easily triangulated by the already deployed Ukronazi electronic intelligence system. A UAV is sent to the identified coordinates within tens of minutes, which conducts additional reconnaissance of the target, and such a bold target is easily identified. GPS coordinates are copied and automatically uploaded to the “himars”/GMLRS head, and then we see similar videos.
    3) What's there? Ukrainians? A network of AN/TPQ-50 - these things, like a good beehive, are hung in plantings along the entire front line and connected to a single network, thanks to which it is already possible to launch computer analysis algorithms and clarify the coordinates of our artillery. Plus, American planes/drones with large antennas operate. Even if our lancets destroy the AN/TPQ-50, the enemy crews are not killed, only one radar is destroyed, which can probably be easily restored, since the rest of the complex is scattered on the ground. With each of our Zoo/Hawks, a prepared calculation from GMLRS/escalibers dies.
    4) Well, what should we do? We also need a network of small radars, and illumination radars for them made on the basis of a UAV. Well, that is, drones with a backlight radar fly in the depths of our front and irradiate enemy artillery positions, the reflected signal is already caught by a network of ground stations (currently working for reception, and therefore invisible to the enemy RTR) naturally integrated and synchronized with the drone radars. Firstly, distributing the system to the network, the loss of one unit does not turn off the light in our monitor. Secondly, to defeat drones, the illumination must be driven to the front of the air defense system (which we will be happy about). Thirdly, airborne radar expands the radio horizon i.e. detection range.

    Alas, everything depends on the lack of a high-speed army communications system. Those. there is no Internet, even if all our cars have computers, they cannot communicate automatically.
    1. 0
      4 January 2024 19: 26
      Magom, where did you find Starlink on Fury???

      You're talking nonsense. Yes, and such UAVs should be flogged by TOP.
      1. +1
        6 January 2024 00: 54
        So I said nonsense, but TOP didn’t burn anyone, who should I complain to?
    2. +1
      5 January 2024 19: 29
      Absolutely right. The mania of Soviet designers for gigantism due to the outdated element base led to huge problems - from computers to nuclear reactors. The result is to pile huge mechanisms and equipment with huge antennas onto the monstrous chassis. An ideal target for enemy reconnaissance. But instead of one very powerful installation, we need a dozen weaker ones, but five times smaller and fast, maneuverable.
      1. -1
        5 January 2024 20: 44
        Borz, what kind of wild nonsense are you talking about??? People, horses, radar stations, computers and even nuclear power plants are mixed up in your head.

        Take a rest or something, get your shit in order
        1. -1
          6 January 2024 08: 54
          I don’t need your diagnoses or advice.
    3. 0
      6 January 2024 01: 49
      Quote: magomedsv
      What about the Ukrainians? Network of AN/TPQ-50

      AN/TPQ-50 is designed to determine mortar positions. Even for cannon artillery, its range is too short.
    4. 0
      6 January 2024 01: 51
      Quote: magomedsv
      Erroneous approach of Soviet/Russian counter-battery weapons. We are trying to put the largest possible radar on wheels. For what?

      Do you need a greater detection range for artillery positions? = We need a "big radar".
    5. 0
      6 January 2024 01: 54
      Quote: magomedsv
      A single powerful radar is detected instantly,

      This is not the case, given the procedure for detecting launching munitions and the tactics of using counter-battery radars.
  22. 0
    10 January 2025 23: 27
    So, a year later.
    Many unreasonable kvass-like patriots have criticized my opinion regarding this system.
    Practice has proven the absolute uselessness of this junk.