Combat Parapsychology

Combat ParapsychologyFew people know about this forbidden technique of warfare, only master students who have mastered Dim-Mac - the art of delayed death - transmitted their secret knowledge, which allowed killing a person with a light touch of a hand. Moreover, the death of the enemy could come both immediately and after hours, days, weeks - at the exact time specified by the master.

In this regard, it is logical to recall the strange incident that occurred with Bruce during the shooting of one of his latest films. He spent a long time practicing one of the tricks and could not get what he wanted. Suddenly, a stranger approached Bruce from the extras and offered him a very effective version of the trick. Interested, Lee went out with him on the set. They stood opposite each other when a stranger suddenly struck Bruce with a short but very strong blow to the head. The actor lost consciousness and collapsed as if knocked down.

During the crowds, when all rushed to the lying Bruce, the man who struck, as if dissolved in the air. It turned out that no one knew him, and he was not registered at the crowd. Later, one of the make-up artists recalled that on that day a man came into the locker room, took his clothes and said a strange phrase: "He must die!"

Many believe that the stranger was the killer of the Triad, who owns the technique of strikes of delayed death. After such a blow, a person can die in 2 months, and after years from the moment of impact, it all depends on what program the death-touch master has injected into the victim’s organism. Perhaps it was this blow of the mysterious stranger that caused the death of Bruce Lee.
Some celebrity biographers believe that Bruce regularly paid tribute to the Triad mafia, who might once have given money for his first films. But the day came when the Little Dragon decided that he was given over with a vengeance and refused to take care of the mafia. That is why his early death seems very strange, because it followed almost immediately after his break with the mafia.

Monstrous experiment.

In the East, after a sudden death from "natural causes" of any celebrity, rumors often arise that this is another victim of killers owning the secret "touch of delayed death." The fact that such rumors are not groundless, was convinced in 1957, the martial arts master John F. Gilby. During his stay in Taiwan, the boxer O-Hsyn-Yan yielded to the urgent request of a foreigner and introduced some of the details of this highly classified fighting art.

The Chinese boxer chose ... his son Al Lin as a demonstration tool. In the presence of Gilbly, he easily hit his son in the stomach. More precisely, it was not even a blow - just a harmless touch that didn’t bring any pain or any visible harm. After that, O-Hsyn-Yang suggested that a foreigner observe his son.

For two days, Gilby literally did not leave Al Lin, but the guy was feeling fine and showed no signs of indisposition. But at the beginning of the second half of the third day the guy suddenly lost consciousness and fell. However, O-Khsyn-Yang instantly appeared next to him, as if he knew the day and the hour when his help was needed. Through massage and infusions of healing herbs, he brought Al Lin to his senses, but it still took him about three months to fully restore his son’s health.

A monstrous, albeit exemplary experiment! Despite the fact that the real master of Dim-Mak, who was O Hsyn-Yang, certainly knows how to neutralize the death program he has launched, such a risk to the health of his son will seem reckless to many of us.
"The art of the poisonous hand".
The person who has fallen prey to Dim-Mac, dies at first glance from an unknown cause, but an autopsy usually shows a natural disease, although it is not clear how it has arisen. That is why the killer, who owns this technique, is a real find for any criminal community. It is possible to eliminate highly influential persons, and at the same time it would never occur to anyone to call their death a murder.

Dim-Mac is sometimes called the "art of the poisonous hand." The analogy with poison in this case is very clear. Poison can kill both immediately and after hours, days, weeks - it all depends on its type and dosage, Lethal touch acts like poison introduced into the body, depending on the point chosen on the human body, it can also kill instantly or hit the victim through certain term.

That is why the ancient masters of Dim-Mak taught only selected students to this art, paying the main attention not only to their physical training, but also to the moral qualities of their personality. The disciple should have a balanced character and a sense of justice. Such deadly knowledge should not have come to those who would apply them for their own selfish purposes.

At first glance, it may seem to an uninitiated person that it is impossible to call such a technique art. Well, what's wrong with that? “I learned a couple of dozen, albeit secret, points, touched where it should be — that's the whole“ science ”... However, this view is fundamentally wrong.

This is actually the real art!

There are hundreds of points on the human body that the master should know, not two dozen, but hundreds: the number of points connected by nerve endings with the most important organs is more than 700. True, mostly Dim-Mac masters are used in the practice around 150. In addition to the points that were used to defeat the enemy, the student learned about the points for healing a person, and spent a great deal of time studying ancient Chinese medicine.

It was not enough to know only certain points, it was necessary to remember the exact time of their activation, not for nothing that the masters had a saying: "Before you hit, look at the Sun." The fact is that blood with different intensity supplies the internal organs and the surface of the body at different times of the day.

Therefore, depending on the time of day, in order to defeat the enemy, an organ was selected that was maximally supplied with blood, or a part of the body where the fove is closer to the surface.
It was necessary to know with what force and at what angle hit a particular point. The healing effect of the treatment depended on the angle, direction and force of pressure. In addition, it mattered what hand and which finger was used to influence the point! The fact is that each finger corresponds to a certain element: big - the elements of the tree, the index finger - of the earth, the middle one - of the water, the nameless one - of the fire, the little finger - of the metal.

To become a master of Dim-Mac, it was necessary to master the energy of your body perfectly, to be able to manage vital (mental) energy - the so-called "chi" (sometimes it is also called prana, "chi" or "ki"). With the help of qi energy, you can kill with a look of a wild beast or a person who does not freeze naked in the bitter cold.

Therefore, it is extremely important to learn how to accumulate this vital energy, if necessary, it can be used according to your wish of the defeat day, your opponent, your defense or healing of others. This energy is necessarily used in combat practice. The master mobilizes chi, concentrates it, and when the enemy touches it, it is as if discharged into his body. Such an energetically saturated blow to its consequences is much more dangerous than the usual, even if very strong.

If the flow of qi is disturbed in the body, and this can happen after exposure to the master Dim-Mac, the human energy field is disbalanced, and as a result, the disease comes. In a duel with the help of chi anergy, the fighter can, without stopping the fight, reanimate the organ stricken by the enemy and relieve the sharp pain. Having accumulated a sufficient “portion” of chi, a fighter can use it as a peculiar shell to protect herself from the energy attack of the enemy.

About toga, what is the value of martial arts has the energy of qi, clearly demonstrates the lesson, which taught the students of the black belt in karate Hirokach Kanazawa. At first this master broke three bricks laid on each other with one blow, and then took three new bricks, put them on each other again and said that now he would send his ki (Japanese qi) only to the middle brick. A sharp blow followed, accompanied by a fierce cry, and the students saw that only the middle brick had split ...

It is probably already clear that a true master of Dim-Mac should have enormous knowledge, including not only the above, but much more, in particular - the ability to see and “read” the aura of a person, to have an idea about the effect on his organs and the health of the Moon, the Sun and the planets, to be able only to exert psychological influence on such an adversary's fear, that the very need for a duel disappears.

It should be noted that mastering martial art in the East was seen not only as obtaining defense and attack skills and improving the physical condition of one’s body, but also as a way of developing the spirit and knowledge of the amazing capabilities of the human body. This must be remembered by anyone who wants to become invincible.