Andrei Bogolyubsky and the creation of Vladimir Russia. Fight against the intrigues of Byzantium

Andrei Bogolyubsky and the creation of Vladimir Russia. Fight against the intrigues of Byzantium Prince Andrei Yurevich was born in Suzdal, around 1111 year. For him, Zalesskaya land was not a dense outskirts, and homeland. Therefore, he could look at the quarrels around the Kiev throne from the side, to rise above the prevailing views. He offered his father, Yuri Dolgoruky, to abandon Kiev, which by this time had turned into a “snake's nest”, where intrigue and betrayal stood above national interests and moved north. But Dolgoruky could not understand this. He also spent most of his life in Zalesie, but spent waiting for the moment when he could occupy Kiev.

During his father's life, Andrew was the specific prince of Vladimir, covering the eastern frontiers of Russia from Volga Bulgaria. Possessing a mature state mind, he was the closest adviser to Yuri, solving administrative, judicial issues, construction problems. Participated in the battles of his father, drove rati in Sich.

In the 1155 year, after the death of the princes Izyaslav and Vyacheslav, Yuri Dolgoruky was again able to occupy Kiev. It seemed that his dream of the revival of united Russia is coming true. He was recognized and obeyed by the most powerful princes. The position of Yuri seemed solid. The eldest son Andrew, he planted in Vyshgorod, to constantly have it at hand. However, Andrei this time "rebelled." He understood that the brilliance of Kiev that had already decayed was deceptive and that the good would not end. He offered to return to the north. But Dolgoruky did not understand this, they won. Soon, Andrei took in the Vyshgorod women's monastery the miraculous icon of the Virgin Mary, according to legend, written by the evangelist Luka himself, and left for Vladimir-on-Klyazma. According to the legend, miracles began to happen to the icon - “being placed against the wall, she left the wall herself at night and stood in the middle of the church, showing as if she wanted to go elsewhere”. She was returned to her place, but in the morning she “left” again. Andrei took it as a sign from Above. He did not ask for leave from his father and called for everyone to set off. His departure turned into a real Exodus. On the way to the prince, warriors, monks, tillers, artisans, men, women and children joined. And at the head of the column brought the icon of the Blessed Virgin. According to the legend, on the way to Rostov, the Virgin Mary appeared at night in a dream to Prince Andrey and told her to leave the icon in Vladimir. The prince did so, and at the place of the vision he founded a monastery and the village of Bogolyubovo, which eventually became his main residence.

The father, having learned about the strange deed of his son, initially became angry, sent messengers, demanded to come to his senses and return. Soon Dolgoruky cooled down and forgave his son. Apparently, he judged that Andrew would be the best to save the Zalesk patrimony. However, Andrey's bad forebodings, unfortunately, came true. Dolgoruky was a good ruler, the chronicler noted that with him "silence was." Two years of peace and order for Southern Russia at that time were amazing. But it was precisely “order” that was crossed by the throat of the Kiev boyars, who were accustomed to be the master of Kiev region. Metropolitan grandees, accustomed to arbitrarily dispose of power, were removed from management. The Grand Duke placed the faithful Suzdalians in key posts. A conspiracy quickly arose, the boyars began to persuade the city mob against "outsiders", money and wine were used. Conspired with the two main opponents of Yuri - Chernigov Izyaslav Davydovich and Mstislav Volynsky.

The coup was well prepared and went like clockwork. 15 May 1157 of the year died Yuri Dolgoruky. He was poisoned at the feast of the boyar Petrila. After his death, they raised a mob on rebellion. The carnage began. The houses of Yurii’s supporters were plundered, the crowd furiously interrupted all the “Suzdalians” who were caught, did not spare either women or children. And just four days later, Izyaslav Davydovich’s squad entered Kiev.

When the news of the tragedy reached the Zalessky land, Andrei did not raise the shelves. The prince took an unexpected step. He convened first in stories Rus Zemsky Sobor: it included representatives of the clergy, boyars and cities. On it, he took the title of Grand Duke from all the land. Thus, he with one blow crossed out the ancient tradition - before the great reign clearly meant the possession of Kiev. Andrei exponentially decoupled from the former state system. A new nucleus of Rus was born, the Russian super-ethnos - Zaleski land.

Moreover, the situation in South Russia was still in crisis. The weak Izyaslav III Davydovich, trying to consolidate his position, began to distribute even his own Chernigov patrimony to the princes. As a result, he stayed with one Kiev, no longer considered him. In 1159, Mstislav Volynsky and Yaroslav Galitsky broke and drove Izyaslav from Kiev. Russia finally crumbled. Izyaslav began to take revenge, brought the Polovtsy to Smolensk land, made raids on Kiev, besieged Belgorod. During one of the raids he was killed. However, the distemper did not stop, Izyaslav did not become, Mstislav Volynsky came to the fore. He began to take away fiefdoms from the Smolensk prince Rostislav the Pious (he was distinguished by his piety), tried on the Kiev throne. There were civil strife within the frontiers. The river shed the blood of ordinary warriors, citizens and tillers of the land.

Power Construction

Andrew did not climb into this bloody mess. He made. However, it was a very difficult matter. Yury Dolgoruky with the execution of the boyar Kuchka temporarily tamed the autocracy and independence of the boyar clans of the Rostov-Suzdal land, but they were not averse to regaining their position. They hoped that with the relocation of Yuri and the senior heirs to Kiev, everything would be back to normal. And the children of the Greek wife Yuri, Olga - Mikhail and Vsevolod, will not interfere. And then an unpleasant surprise - for no reason at all came the eldest son of Grand Duke Andrew, and even with a sacred symbol.

Boyars began to "protect" the interests of the younger sons of Yuri, who were the legitimate heirs of the region. Andrei was able to bypass this trap, he left Rostov and Suzdal, the richest cities of the region, in the possession of young brothers and stepmothers. However, he was now the Grand Duke, and the feudal princes were to obey him. He himself settled in Vladimir, which originally belonged to him from a young age. Vladimir at that time was not a full-fledged city, he was one of the fortresses, no more. Rostov and Suzdal residents considered it a "suburb". Vladimir was conveniently located and Andrew decided to turn it into a big capital. Do not fight for rotten Kiev, and build a new capital of Russia. To maintain the continuity of tradition, the prince called the rivers in Vladimir Kiev menyami - Lybed, Pochayna, Irpen. Designating the contours of future powerful walls and ramparts, the prince in Kiev called the main gate - Golden and Silver. For the miraculous image brought, he ordered to build the beautiful Cathedral of the Assumption of the Mother of God. A monastery Pecherniy town appeared in Vladimir. At the same time, Vladimir was not a copy of Kiev. He inherited the great-power traditions, but was different, original. Andrei wanted Vladimir to surpass Kiev. It should also be noted that the construction of a new capital allowed the prince to isolate himself from the local aristocracy, the established groups of nobility, orders and customs that were in the old cities. Andrew could create a new reality.

Andrew realized the depravity of the tradition of "family" rule, reliance on the senior squad, well-born boyars. It was understood that the ladder system (the custom of the princely succession in Russia - inheritance by seniority in the clan) has long and irrevocably been destroyed, clinging to its rules is meaningless. The princely family and the strengthening of the position of the boyars led to self-will and separation, which led to confusion. He came to the idea of ​​collecting Russian lands. But other methods were needed. An attempt to revive Kievan Rus Yury Dolgoruky led to his death. It was useless to reanimate it. To restore unity, initially it was necessary to isolate and set a great goal for the future. Otherwise, it was possible to repeat the path of Polotsk, Ryazan, Galich, Novgorod and other lands, where the isolation led to the closure of internal affairs only, often further fragmentation. In Zales'e, it was necessary to create a healthy, viable nucleus that would unite all the Russian fragments. The main principles of the new Russian state Andrei saw were autocracy and Orthodoxy. Moreover, the uniqueness-autocracy in the understanding of Andrew was very different from the Roman-Greek model, where the emperors relied on the aristocracy. The prince wanted to rely on the common people, farmers, townspeople, younger squad. It was ordinary people who were most of all interested in a strong government that could protect them from both external and internal predators.

Building a new capital, Andrew at the same time created a social support. He convened "little fingers," that is, small people from all lands. They built the city and became its inhabitants. The city grew literally before our eyes. In 1160, the Assumption Cathedral was consecrated. In fact, it was the birthday of the new capital. The boyars and people from all the environs came to the celebration, and Andrew declared: "Let this city be a great reign and head of all." The prince wanted to achieve the establishment in Vladimir of a separate metropolis. The matter did not stop there, the churches of St. Fedor Stratelates, St. George the Victorious, Spassky and Ascension Monasteries. Bogolyubovo flourished, where the prince ordered to build the Church of the Nativity of the Mother of God and the white-stone castle - his residence. From him the prince got his nickname - Bogolyubsky.

In his personal life, Andrew was modest and unpretentious. Of the amusements common to Russian nobility, he loved only hunting, she allowed herself to be in good physical shape, to conduct training squads. He did not arrange peers with warriors, so beloved by many princes. He loved to read, collecting a good library.

A significant influx of people in Vladimir allowed the prince to reform the army. Its basis was not the boyars, but the regiments of the “Peshchans” who were recruited in the cities. Began to strengthen the layer of future noblemen - "the gracious." Usually they were advanced from the bottom thanks to personal ability, and not origin, warriors. They did not have patrimonies, great wealth and all were obliged to the prince. For service, they received "grace" - weapon, horses, one or two villages on the "feed". Of these, the prince formed the administrative body. Andrei installed a solid administrative system in the Zalessky land, which now extended to the whole region, and not just to the Suzdal district. Polyud is a thing of the past. Throughout the principality were founded graveyards - the centers of administrative and tax district. So, along the Klyazma Current, Andrejtsevo, Andreevskaya, Knyaginina, Yakimovsky, Gridino, St. Nikita, Rogozhsky, Chernogolovsky, Aristov graveyards. Gradually graveyards appeared in the most remote places. Simultaneously with the appearance of graveyards and the strengthening of the grand-ducal power, there was a process of establishing Christianity. Under the graveyards, rural churches were built. Apparently, this explains why, from 17 for centuries, cemeteries were called graveyards - during the churches people were buried in the consecrated ground. In addition, along with the construction of the graveyards, new lands were settled, alien peasants settled, plots were plowed open, and lands were cleared of forests.

Vladimir flourished attracted merchants. Solid power and order provided them with security. The road through Zalesie was much safer than through other lands. The prince welcomed the merchant guests. The authority of the Vladimir state is constantly growing. Good relationship with Andrei established with Rostislav Pious.

In fact, practically before our eyes, the Zalessky Territory, which was considered the dense outskirts of Russia, became a mighty power that exalted above other Russian lands.

Fighting Greek intrigues and princely opposition

After the death of the Byzantine Emperor John II Comnenus in 1143, his son Manuel I Comnenus took the throne (reigned in 1143 of the year - 1180). He radically changed the policy of the empire. Manuel was a real Westerner. He began to give foreigners high posts in the state, including the government, the royal court and the army. Even in clothes was adopted Western European fashion. In addition to the Venetians, the Genoese and Pisan gained wide access to the empire, who received serious privileges and entire neighborhoods in Constantinople. The governors of the provinces — the archons, who previously were officials, actually became autonomous rulers, feudal lords. Taxes were given to the Italians and Jews. Manuel made peace with the crusaders, supporting their march. Huge forces and resources were directed to European politics, Manuel wanted to restore the great Roman Empire. He actively collaborated with the Pope, gave him money, fought for him in Italy. Manuel was ready to sacrifice the independence of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, to reform the rites and dogmas according to Western models in order to unite the churches. But for this, Rome had to help establish Manuil in Italy and declare him "the Roman emperor." But Rome was mind, money, willingly accepted concessions, but with real recognition of Manuel “the Roman emperor” was in no hurry. Yes, and Friedrich Barbarossa, who vigorously fought for Italy, was not going to give up the imperial title.

Manuel's interests were not limited to the west, he set his sights on the north and east. Basileus was able to provide a Byzantine protectorate over the vast Hungarian kingdom, which then included Croatia, Slovenia, part of Romania and Serbia. But Constantinople did not stop there, the Kiev princes were formally considered subjects of the Byzantine emperors and Manuel wanted to use this one. Plans were ambitious - Manuil wanted to achieve real subordination of Kiev, and together with Hungary to include in the composition of the new empire and Russia. Thus, the renewed Roman Empire was supposed to include almost all of Eastern Europe, up to the Baltic. And no one was going to conquer these vast spaces, the methods of subordination were much thinner. The main instrument was the Kiev metropolis. Christianity was a wonderful tool for the subordination of Russia. In addition, the personal factor was used (about this below).

Rostislav the Divine, who then ruled Kiev, was the faithful son of the Church; therefore, he could be "processed" under his belt. The main stake was placed on Mstislav Volynsky, who set his sights on the great reign of Kiev. And for the support promised anything. The civil strife in Russia was also beneficial to Manuel, the fragmented and weakened lands themselves rolled into his network. However, the emergence of a powerful Vladimir Russia worried Byzantine politicians. The Patriarchate of Constantinople and the Metropolitan of Kiev immediately began subversive work, making rearrangements in church structures. The Russian hierarchs began to be replaced by the Greeks, who defended the interests of not the Russian land, but of their distant homeland. Replaced and Bishop Nestor of Rostov, who, although he was Greek, but had long been Russified, worked with Yuri Dolgoruky, and then Andrew. They sent another bishop, Leon, who immediately decided to push his orders. He behaved independently of the sovereign, introduced new taxes in his favor. It is clear that Andrei and the Russians didn’t like it. The Grand Duke expelled the bishop as delivered "not in the truth." And he offered his candidate and close assistant - the Russian priest Fyodor. The priest fully shared the bold plans of the sovereign. However, the Byzantines did not want to give up. Leon was specially sharpened to work in the north, was a skilled expert in secret affairs. As a result, he was again approved in Rostov.

Another factor contributed to Manuel's case. As is known, the “Institute of Professional Wives” was invented for a very long time. Worked in this direction and in Russia. In Suzdal, lived the widow of Yuri Dolgoruky, a Greek woman, and according to some sources, she belonged to the royal house of the Comneni (was Manuel's sister). When her children lived - the princes Michael and Vsevolod. Soon the eldest son of a Greek woman, Vasilko, who had lost his lot in the south, arrived. As a result, an opposition center was formed. Other descendants of Yuriy Dolgorukiy, including not from Greek, but from the first wife - Polovchan, reached out to Suzdal. Mstislav Yuryevich arrived, two grandsons of Yuri - the sons of the deceased Rostislav Yuryevich. Like Cornflower, they were unlucky in the internecine swarm in the south, they lost their possessions. However, having lost possession, they did not lose their ambitions. This whole company was extremely dissatisfied with Andrey and his policies. The Greek woman considered that the rights of her children were infringed, since they rightfully belong to the Zalessky region. The destiny of Andrey is Vyshgorod. True, Yuri Dolgoruky eventually agreed that Andrei ruled in Zalesie. But he did not write the will, died suddenly. Therefore, formally, Andrei has no rights to Rostov-Suzdal land.

Princes were indignant, why Bogolyubsky did not support them in the struggle in the south. Why did not send the Suzdal regiments to help, to approve the rights of relatives in the southern cities. There was a question about the carve-up of the Zalessky region - why does Andrei not give them inheritance? Andrew's domestic policy was also irritating - why spend money on Vladimir, if there are ancient Rostov and Suzdal. Why bother black people? Andrew clearly violated the traditions, the old order.

Andrei knew about this nest of the opposition, but did not consider it necessary to touch him. Like, thin talk business is not an obstacle. He had something to do, he created a great power. In addition, not all relatives were hidden opponents of his course. The brothers Yaroslav, Svyatoslav and Gleb recognized his course as correct and joined him.

Leon immediately began his subversive work. He fueled discontent. He agreed that the sons of the Greek woman are the legitimate heirs of Yuri. The opposition had the opportunity, through Leon, to establish contact with Kiev and Constantinople. As a result, simply discontent of the nobility resulted in a frank conspiracy. The reason for the offensive was some differences in the Russian and Byzantine Christian traditions. In Russia, the church was forced to accept some local features, to be more flexible. So, in Russia, after the Easter and Christmas holidays, “continuous weeks” were established, without strict fasting on Wednesday and Friday. The conspirators decided to prove that the Grand Duke is a sinner and a wicked one. In 1163, Christmas happened on Wednesday and the bishop, being invited to a feast, saw meat dishes and caused a public scandal. He accused the prince of sin. However, Fyodor the priest, and he understood theology better than the bishop, smashed his opponent to pieces. However, this is not the end. Grechanka Olga (according to another version, Anna) with the brothers Grand Prince Vasilko and Mstislav, part of the boyars declared themselves defenders of the faith and began to make Bogolyubsky a heretic and usurper. But it was not possible to fan the fire of discontent, they did not have broad social support. And the sovereign took action. The riders offered to leave the limits of power. The conspirators did not dare to go to open rebellion, since the population supported the Grand Duke, not theirs. A Greek woman with sons and Mstislav left for Byzantium.

The emperor accepted them well. Vasilko received the city on the Danube and was called the "elder of Russian princes." Manuel was not going to leave his plans. Vasilko was a suitable figure for further political games. Even Mstislav allocated area. Suddenly useful.

Following his relatives, Andrei again prompted Leon's “agent of influence”. But the church hierarch did not humble himself. He knew that the metropolis and the patriarchate supported him. I went to complain to Kiev, but the metropolitan just died. Then Leon went to the Byzantine lord. Manuel fought with the Hungarians at that time and almost simultaneously received several embassies from Russia. So, here were the ambassadors of Rostislav the Pious, who proposed returning Metropolitan Klima Smolyatich to the post. The Greeks at this point quarreled not only in Zalesie, but also in Kiev, Chernigov. Ambassadors from Bogolyubsky offered to the place of Bishop Fyodor and bustled about the establishment of a separate metropolis for Vladimir Russia.

Manuel was in a quandary. You can not refuse, can support his enemies. But letting the Russian church out of control is impossible. On the other hand, it is good that the Russians came to him as the supreme judge, this is also a certain kind of dependence. Here and Leon himself framed a blow. Fully confident in the support of the emperor, he publicly began to shout, scold. The emperor's bodyguards beat him and almost drowned. Basilevs declared that Leon was not right, and hypocritically answered all requests of the Russian princes with his consent. He stated that he did not object to the candidacy of Klima and Fyodor and against Vladimir the Metropolis. However, he made an important reservation that such cases were within the jurisdiction of the patriarch.

Fedor arrived in Vladimir with good news. Andrei also believed in the success of the business and even ordered to prepare a white hood, a sign of the metropolitan.

To be continued ...
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  1. 0
    18 January 2013 09: 32
    I liked the article, but
    Russian superethnos
    and what is this? 25 again?
  2. +4
    18 January 2013 11: 07
    Plus for such an article. Easy to read. Please indicate the sources by which it was written. Apparently there were used not only books.
  3. +6
    18 January 2013 11: 10
    nothing changes.
    and it’s time to transfer the capital: abandon Kiev, which by that time had turned into a “snake’s nest,” where intrigue and betrayal stood above national interests
  4. sas
    18 January 2013 12: 25
    "A new nucleus of Russia, the Russian super-ethnos, the Zalesskaya land, was born." - with this phrase alone, the author fucked the reader in the brain twice.
    1. - = ALEX = -
      18 January 2013 23: 54
      Here he is the father of the Russian supratnos, the founder of the Russian world

      Sculptural reconstruction of Mikhail Gerasimov (anthropologist, archaeologist and sculptor, doctor of historical sciences, author of the method of restoring the human appearance based on skeletal remains) from the remains of Andrei Bogolyubsky,

  5. -1
    18 January 2013 14: 29
    "The plans were grandiose - Manuel wanted to achieve real subordination of Kiev, and together with Hungary to include Russia in the new empire. Thus, the renewed Roman Empire had to include practically all of Eastern Europe, up to the Baltic. And no one was going to conquer these vast spaces, submission methods were much more subtle. " In this case, the Russians looked like separatists. ;-)) And then they wanted to annex Constantinople to themselves by building their empire
  6. 0
    18 January 2013 15: 45
    And now many are proposing to "quit Moskvu" .... for me they are enemies of the Russian state.
    1. +4
      18 January 2013 18: 02
      It’s easy to quit Moscow. Moscow is not Russia, rather the opposite. Why all the attention to this sedimented sedimentation tank? Muscovites did not once express the views of RUSI. From 1612 to 2000.
    2. +3
      18 January 2013 19: 40
      Quote: Boris55
      And now many are proposing to "quit Moscow"

      At sharp turns of history and in the era of changing landmarks, our great ancestors have always moved the capital. This was done by Kiy (to Kiev from Roden), Andrey Bogolyubsky (to Vladimir from Kiev), Ivan Kalita (to Moscow from Vladimir), Peter the Great (to Petersburg from Moscow), Vladimir Lenin (to Moscow from Petrograd). At the same time, they broke away from the degraded metropolitan bureaucracy and elite, and, no less important, from their even more degraded and numerous servants, courtiers, retinues, jesters and buffoons. This has always worked well. And today's Moscow has long been not the heart, but the ulcer of our Motherland, and worms and parasites of all stripes from all over the country aspire there, and the swamp electorate mainly lives there. At the same time I would like to draw your attention to the fate of one of the first hot slogans of Bolotnaya - "Stop feeding the Caucasus." Smart people quickly found out what is the most subsidized region in our country? Moreover, the methods and forms of subsidizing the capital and robbing donor regions are the most predatory, marauding, sophisticated, corrupt and Jesuitical. And so that the absolutely correct and fair slogan "Stop feeding Moscow" does not appear in the donor regions. Bolotnaya Square, with the full support of the authorities, quickly turned the topic down
      1. -1
        19 January 2013 11: 34
        I didn’t quite accurately put it ... I was thinking about when "Kiev became Ukraine", but wrote what I wrote ... I did not mean the transfer of the capital, but the complete separation of the territory ...
  7. +3
    18 January 2013 17: 33
    Look how the "Roman empire" got crazy. And in 1204 it was swept away (well, temporarily and not completely) by the crusaders.
  8. +2
    19 January 2013 00: 54
    And again, the Greek Church, as under Vladimir, became the instrument of aggression of the Byzantine emperor.