Testimony from released Israeli hostages shows humane treatment by Hamas

Testimony from released Israeli hostages shows humane treatment by Hamas

Testimonies from hostages recently released by the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) in Gaza confirm that they were treated well and were “not subjected to any violence or abuse.”

Israeli Channel 13 war correspondent Alon Ben David said during a television interview that he spoke with some prisoners released during the truce and they said that Hamas militants "brought together members of each kibbutz (settlement), which gave them a greater sense of comfort "

They were not subjected to violence or abuse, and Hamas members tried to provide them with food, painkillers and regular medicine as much as possible

- said Ben David.

He added that the hostages could sit quietly and talk to each other, go about their normal activities and “use video services.”

It is noteworthy that this was previously confirmed by an elderly Israeli woman named Lifshitz (85 years old), who was released at the end of October. Lifshitz surprised everyone during a press conference in Tel Aviv after her release, where she said:

They treated us with kindness and care, provided us with food and medicine, and brought a doctor to us for examination

Following statements from former Hamas hostages documented in the Israeli and foreign press, Israeli media sharply criticized the government of Benjamin Netanyahu and its handling of the missing persons issue, as well as its failure to deal with the current situation.
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  1. -1
    27 November 2023 15: 34
    this humanity does not bother anyone - the issue with the Palestinians in Gaza has been finally resolved harshly and bloodily... and continues to be resolved this way
    1. +3
      27 November 2023 16: 27
      So it seems that Hamas itself has refused to resolve the Palestinian issue. They want to fight to the bitter end...
      1. +1
        28 November 2023 00: 35
        Quote: 8200
        They want to fight to the bitter end...

        It seems to me that kind, sympathetic, caring and attentive people to hostages have the right to their own statehood on their own land.
  2. +5
    27 November 2023 15: 41
    The Palestinians did not have their own state, and they do not, they have the Sector, the Indians have reservations, democracy in the Jewish way.
    1. -1
      27 November 2023 18: 06
      Quote from Hello
      The Palestinians did not have their own state, and they do not, they have the Sector, the Indians have reservations, democracy in the Jewish way.

      This is how they had their own state in the period 1995-2000. But the principle “Palestine from the river to the sea” won, i.e. Israel must be destroyed. The second intifada began.
      1. +3
        27 November 2023 18: 09
        Israeli-blockaded Gaza Strip and Israeli-ruled autonomy in the West Bank? Israel withdrew its troops from the Gaza Strip, but placed it under blockade - the Palestinians cannot even build a port. And there are still Israeli troops in the West Bank and regular raids. Mahmoud Abbas is an Israeli puppet - all life support facilities are under Israeli control. Where is the state here?
        1. -2
          27 November 2023 18: 41
          Quote: Ivar Ravi
          Israeli-blockaded Gaza Strip and Israeli-ruled autonomy in the West Bank? Israel withdrew its troops from the Gaza Strip, but placed it under blockade - the Palestinians cannot even build a port. And there are still Israeli troops in the West Bank and regular raids. Mahmoud Abbas is an Israeli puppet - all life support facilities are under Israeli control. Where is the state here?

          So they had their own airport and their own port. And Israel did not exercise border control. And thousands of Palestinians had permission to work in Israel. Fantastic, right? But the first thing the Palestinians did was blow up buses in Israel. And then the second intifada began. And since 2005 there has not been a single Israeli soldier on the border between Egypt and Gaza. What kind of blockade is that?
          1. 0
            27 November 2023 19: 11
            Airport, port? Any evidence? I've never heard this before, just the opposite
            1. -5
              27 November 2023 19: 35
              Quote: Ivar Ravi
              Airport, port? Any evidence? I've never heard this before, just the opposite

              Do you believe Wikipedia? If yes, then you can easily find articles:
              1. "Yasir Arafat International Airport":
              “The airport opened on November 24, 1998[2], but ceased operations on October 8, 2000 due to the outbreak of the second intifada.”
              2. Article "Gaza Strip"
              “After the signing of the Oslo agreements, construction of a harbor began in Gaza with the help of European sponsors. But in 2000, Israel bombed the port under construction in response to the killing of two Israeli soldiers in Ramallah. Foreign investors stopped construction. Since then, port construction projects have not been resumed.”
              1. +5
                27 November 2023 19: 55
                The killing of two soldiers in Ramallah (West Bank) led to the bombing of a port under construction in Gaza (enclave). Collective responsibility?
                1. -3
                  27 November 2023 20: 01
                  Quote: Ivar Ravi
                  The killing of two soldiers in Ramallah (West Bank) led to the bombing of a port under construction in Gaza (enclave). Collective responsibility?

                  And Israel needed to understand and forgive the Palestinians. Maybe even reward. Or maybe Palestine, as a country that signed the peace treaty, should not have continued to kill Israelis?
                  1. +7
                    27 November 2023 20: 28
                    It was necessary to find and bring the guilty to justice - this is how it is done in states governed by the rule of law. But only in Israel they demolish houses, bomb the entire Gaza Strip for the actions of Hamas. It is the same as if a murderer lives in a high-rise building - demolish the entire high-rise building, citing the fact that the residents themselves did not prevent the murder. Can I ask a question? How many real Hamas members were killed during the operation in Gaza? A hundred? Maybe even two. And how many non-Hamas members, including women and children, were killed? Almost twenty thousand. And what will the relatives of the killed non-Hamas members do, even if you destroy Hamas? They will take revenge! They do not have an army, planes and tanks to resolve these issues on the battlefield. They will take revenge with improvised means, blowing up those they can reach. Do you need that???? And when will this vicious circle end, that is what we are talking about.
                    If Israel had withdrawn from all occupied lands as of 1948, it is highly likely that the terrorist attacks would have stopped. How does that work? Here is a piece of Gaza without infrastructure, and here is the West Bank, which we control and carry out raids at any time. And be the Palestinians grateful to us... They won’t be. They remember that their fathers and grandfathers lived in Ashkelon and Ashdod. They remember the times when there were practically no Jews in Jerusalem. And they remember stories about Lehi and the Irgun, about the village of Deir Yassin, about a million refugees, about kibbutzim on the site of the cemeteries of their ancestors. You can’t achieve peace that way—everyone has to give up something. Otherwise, the vicious circle of mutual murders will not stop
                    1. -2
                      27 November 2023 20: 35
                      Quote: Ivar Ravi
                      It was necessary to find and bring those responsible to justice - this is what is done in rule-of-law states.

                      Yes, they should have sent Israeli investigators to Palestine to interrogate Arafat, so that they would be lynched there along with the soldiers. Do you live on the planet of pink ponies?
                      Quote: Ivar Ravi

                      They do not have an army, planes and tanks to resolve these issues on the battlefield

                      They have a well-trained army (as shown on 07.10/XNUMX) without tanks or planes.
                      Quote: Ivar Ravi

                      If Israel had withdrawn from all occupied lands as of 1948, it is highly likely that the terrorist attacks would have stopped.

                      From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free
                      Where do you see a place for Israel here? Hamas has always stated that it does not recognize Israel's right to exist.
                      1. +5
                        27 November 2023 20: 44
                        Let's not mislead people: raids by Israeli security forces in Ramallah are a routine event.
                        This is part of the references to how Israel conducts raids in Ramallah and anywhere else in the West Bank. You previously mentioned the killings of two Israeli soldiers in Ramallah, but “forgot” to mention that a couple of days before that, the Israelis killed more than a hundred Palestinians, both in the West Bank and among the Arabs living in Israel itself.
                        And since October 7, 2023, more than 200 Palestinians have been killed in the West Bank alone, that is, nominally the Palestinian Authority. Where is Hamas and where is the West Bank and Fatah?
                      2. -2
                        27 November 2023 20: 57
                        Quote: Ivar Ravi
                        Let's not mislead people: raids by Israeli security forces in Ramallah are a routine event

                        Why didn't you write about the blown-up buses in Israel, because of which these raids were carried out? You yourself admit that there was no peace. There was no possibility of a police investigation. So, why do you mislead readers that Israel should have conducted not an army operation, but a police operation after the murder of two soldiers?
                      3. +5
                        27 November 2023 21: 03
                        There were buses, I agree. And before them the murder of Palestinian teenagers. And even earlier there was an attempt to blow up a checkpoint. It's endless!!! But it's time to stop this violence. Well, it’s impossible for either a Jew or an Arab to live like that. It's impossible to rewind, but it's worth trying to stop. By destroying Hamas, you will get an even more radical group. Although Israel may already be creating a new group to counterbalance Hamas, just as Hamas once created against Fatah. In any case - no matter how many Arabs are killed - they will not end, and sooner or later this violence will lead to the fall of the House of Cohen hi But there is an option - to give up pride, negotiate with Hamas to free the hostages, give up the occupied lands and conclude real peace. After this, no one will support Hamas or Fatah if they continue terrorist attacks
                      4. -2
                        27 November 2023 21: 11
                        Quote: Ivar Ravi
                        There were buses, I agree

                        Just like in the movies: “There were demons, I don’t argue, but they self-destructed.” The Palestinian government, having signed the peace treaty, was unable, or rather did not want to implement the peace initiatives contained in it. Until a real mechanism is created to comply with it, no peace is possible.

                        Quote: Ivar Ravi
                        By destroying Hamas, you will get an even more radical group.

                        How will this group be more radical than Hamas? What could be even more radical?
                      5. +5
                        27 November 2023 20: 53
                        From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free
                        This is the Hamas slogan! This is not the slogan of all Palestine. You see only Palestinian terrorism, stubbornly ignoring Israeli terrorism. Goldstein Baruch alone killed more Palestinians than all of Hamas in its first three years of existence. And the place of his grave was a cult place - Jews came there and brought flowers. Well, why is Baruch better than a conventional Hamas member? If a Palestinian terrorist carries out a terrorist attack, his house and the houses of his immediate family are demolished. When a Jewish terrorist kills Arabs, this rule does not apply. If you want peace, give everyone equal rights! In Hebron, for example, Palestinians cannot drive a car, and there are streets where Arabs are prohibited from entering. It is impossible to get from one Arab village to another if there is a road to the kibbutz between the villages. All this breeds hatred. And the bombing of the port in Gaza was not an act of retaliation - it was a policy of violence and humiliation. As now, the kidnapped hostages were a pretext to wipe Gaza off the face of the earth. You went through the Holocaust... but now you have been creating it yourself since 1948. And there are many Jews who are against this Zionist policy, but, unfortunately, they do not have power
                  2. +3
                    28 November 2023 00: 37
                    Wow, what a collective responsibility! Maybe Israel will answer us for Abramovich and Chubais? Well, since you live by such principles, a couple of these Israeli citizens caused damage to our country that Hamas never dreamed of.
  3. -2
    27 November 2023 15: 41
    It is not clear why the Israelis were so enraged. Why they don’t like humane killing and no less humane kidnapping 7.10. We did everything for them. And they are not happy.
    1. +3
      27 November 2023 16: 22
      Quote: Kaiten
      We did everything for them. And they are not happy.

      or maybe you need to do something yourself, and not wait for them to do it for you
      1. -4
        27 November 2023 17: 35
        Quote: Vasilenko Vladimir
        Quote: Kaiten
        We did everything for them. And they are not happy.

        or maybe you need to do something yourself, and not wait for them to do it for you

        It’s like we’re not waiting for anyone, we’re working. Killers get what they deserve. Although you are right, the pace could be more intense.
        1. +6
          27 November 2023 18: 19
          Quote: Kaiten
          Although you are right, the pace could be more intense.

          Well then, don’t be surprised by the love your neighbors have for you, with this attitude they will kill you regardless of gender and age, and this will be done by children, old people, women
          you yourself gave birth to this, and you are alive exactly until the moment when the shadow of the mattress chicken looms behind you; as soon as it disappears, you will be torn apart
          1. -5
            27 November 2023 19: 08
            Quote: Vasilenko Vladimir
            Quote: Kaiten
            Although you are right, the pace could be more intense.

            Well then, don’t be surprised by the love your neighbors have for you, with this attitude they will kill you regardless of gender and age, and this will be done by children, old people, women
            you yourself gave birth to this, and you are alive exactly until the moment when the shadow of the mattress chicken looms behind you; as soon as it disappears, you will be torn apart

            Love??? Life on BV is not an erotic melodrama. On BV they respect only strength. And our neighbors tried to attack us as soon as we showed a little love and weakness. They allowed workers to be brought in. And talk about love now is an attempt by a rapist and murderer to escape retribution. You can tell your friends this. They can threaten as much as they want and sing as much as they want that their country will be from the river to the sea. But in reality they will be settled two meters underground. Islamists remembered about love. Funny.
            1. +4
              27 November 2023 20: 50
              It’s funny to look at your attempts, but let’s get creative
              Tomorrow they will recall two or three mattresses (how many are there now) AUG, how long will you joke on the internet?!
              How long will it take you to find your Russian passport?
              1. -3
                27 November 2023 21: 57
                Quote: Vasilenko Vladimir
                It’s funny to look at your attempts, but let’s get creative
                Tomorrow they will recall two or three mattresses (how many are there now) AUG, how long will you joke on the internet?!
                How long will it take you to find your Russian passport?

                It will take a lot of time, probably because I have never had Russian citizenship. Pichal-trouble.
                1. +3
                  27 November 2023 22: 55
                  Well, that means you’re still one of the Soviet runners, I think you’ll quickly ask for asylum
                  1. -3
                    27 November 2023 23: 05
                    Quote: Vasilenko Vladimir
                    Well, that means you’re still one of the Soviet runners, I think you’ll quickly ask for asylum

                    Think, think. This is a useful and necessary activity. And what about Gaza already? Forgot?
                    1. +3
                      28 November 2023 00: 10
                      Quote: Kaiten
                      And what about Gaza already? Forgot?

                      in the elderberry garden ...
                2. +4
                  28 November 2023 00: 41
                  What will you do? In a couple of years, American AUGs will begin to sink near Taiwan; won’t they cut off your oil there right away? Seriously, what good has Israel done for the Arabs throughout its existence?
  4. +4
    27 November 2023 15: 55
    I have already written earlier that the hostages' testimonies will contradict the official Israeli propaganda about the atrocities committed by Hamas. If the hostages were not subjected to violence during their 50 days of captivity, it is hard to believe that at the time of the Hamas attack, instead of killing the soldiers, Hamas members raped Jewish women, cutting off their breasts or baked a baby in the oven. The Israeli newspaper Haaretz, which published an interview with a hostage who claimed that the victims in the kibbutzim were also due to crossfire, is under pressure from the authorities. Haaretz also published an investigation about the Apache pilot who shot at those fleeing the festival. It is clear that he did not do it on purpose; from such a height, the pilot could easily have made a mistake.
    All this doesn’t really fit in with the bloodthirsty Hamas, especially since even during the filming the hostages themselves said goodbye to the militants in a very friendly manner, already being safe. But as Zemlekop correctly noted, no one cares about the humanity of the Palestinians - the issue with Gaza will be resolved very harshly, but it in turn will give rise to real terrorists who will shoot Jews all over the world. Do Jews need this? No need! But this is necessary for Netanyahu, who will quietly try to tighten the screws and stay in power
    1. +3
      27 November 2023 16: 31
      In nature, there is no humane kidnapping and holding people in prison, some hostages were taken away after their relatives were killed in front of them, the combination of these two words "humane kidnapping" is an oxymoron!
      1. +3
        27 November 2023 16: 33
        Tell me, is the murder of Koch good or bad?!
        the problem is that from the point of view of the Palestinians, the Jews are no better than the German occupiers from our point of view
        1. +7
          27 November 2023 16: 41
          Zionists do not listen to such arguments; they are victims, period. Victims always and everywhere
        2. -2
          27 November 2023 20: 29
          Tell me, is the murder of Koch good or bad?!

          Actually, Erich Koch, Gauleiter, Reich Commissioner, President of the Synod, etc., died in 1986, at the age of 90, of natural causes.
          1. 0
            27 November 2023 20: 59
            the question is not when he died, normal people die, but that they also wanted to kill him, but the creature was lucky and the attitude of our grandfathers towards him was no better than that of the Palestinians towards the Jews
            1. -1
              27 November 2023 23: 43
              The Nazis were officially condemned as aggressors and instigators of aggressive war in accordance with the Convention on the Definition of Aggression, this was the first charge at the Nuremberg Tribunal, and this, according to the same convention, is a war crime and is now included in the national legislation of many countries, for example, in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
              Section XII. Crimes against the peace and security of mankind
              Chapter 34. Crimes against the peace and security of mankind
              Article 353. Planning, preparation, initiation or waging of aggressive war
              Article 354. Public calls for the outbreak of aggressive war...
              That is, Koch was undoubtedly a criminal both according to the laws that existed then and according to the current ones, as a participant in waging an aggressive war.
              But this is not the case with Israel.
              After the termination of the British Mandate, Israel declared independence on May 14, 1948[7]. Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Transjordan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Yemen did not agree with the UN decision on partition, sent regular troops into Palestine and began a series of military operations against Jewish armed forces and settlements, some of which belonged to Israel, which had been proclaimed the day before... The ultimate goal actions of the Arab League countries was to prevent the implementation of the UN Plan for the division of Palestine, the destruction of the newly formed Jewish state...

              And this war is still not over, it continues with the same goal that began in 1948 - the war to destroy the state of Israel created by a UN decision. Read Article 51 of the UN Charter.
              And the fact that you emphasize the word occupier is that the term itself is neutral. Our occupation troops were in Germany after the war under the agreement on the post-war occupation of Germany, but no one would think of calling them criminals because of this.
              Just because you or the Palestinians don't like Jews doesn't in itself give you the right to kill them.
              1. +3
                28 November 2023 00: 14
                Quote from solar
                Our occupation troops were in Germany after the war under the agreement on the post-war occupation of Germany

                as they say feel the difference

                1. +2
                  28 November 2023 10: 08
                  I wrote to you about the same thing. The word “occupier” itself is neither good nor bad.
                  As for the bottom photo, this is something I would only fall for in my deep youth. From the photograph it is impossible to understand the reason why the soldier is holding the teenager. And the understanding of this photo greatly depends on this reason. He doesn’t beat him, he just holds him.
    2. The comment was deleted.
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. +4
        27 November 2023 16: 52
        Such words from the mouth of a Zionist are the best compliment, continue, comrade...
        1. The comment was deleted.
          1. The comment was deleted.
      3. +4
        27 November 2023 17: 30
        Quote: voyaka uh
        I can't help but inform you...

        What do you call those who take women and children hostage without giving them food, medicine and water?!
    3. -6
      27 November 2023 18: 00
      Quote: Ivar Ravi
      I have already written earlier that the hostages' testimonies will contradict the official Israeli propaganda about the atrocities committed by Hamas. If the hostages were not subjected to violence during their 50 days of captivity, it is hard to believe that at the time of the Hamas attack, instead of killing the soldiers, Hamas members raped Jewish women, cutting off their breasts or baked a baby in the oven. The Israeli newspaper Haaretz, which published an interview with a hostage who claimed that the victims in the kibbutzim were also due to crossfire, is under pressure from the authorities. Haaretz also published an investigation about the Apache pilot who shot at those fleeing the festival. It is clear that he did not do it on purpose; from such a height, the pilot could easily have made a mistake.
      All this doesn’t really fit in with the bloodthirsty Hamas, especially since even during the filming the hostages themselves said goodbye to the militants in a very friendly manner, already being safe. But as Zemlekop correctly noted, no one cares about the humanity of the Palestinians - the issue with Gaza will be resolved very harshly, but it in turn will give rise to real terrorists who will shoot Jews all over the world. Do Jews need this? No need! But this is necessary for Netanyahu, who will quietly try to tighten the screws and stay in power

      And the fact that the hostages do not say anything bad about Hamas, so as not to harm those hostages who are still in captivity, is of course incomprehensible. It's elementary.
      1. +2
        27 November 2023 18: 15
        When all the hostages are set free and they still talk about humane treatment, then what will you say? That they are afraid of harming those who could potentially become hostages? Consider that humane treatment of hostages takes place against the backdrop of total bombing and casualties among the Palestinian population, already numbering in the second tens of thousands. Would the Jews have shown the same humaneness? Death is bad in any case: I condemn Hamas for the casualties among the civilian population of Israel, and I also condemn Israel for the casualties among the civilian population of Palestine. But Hamas are terrorists, and terrorists do not follow universal human values. And Israel is supposedly a state, but the terror used by Israel is many times greater than all the atrocities of Hamas.
        It makes no difference to me how my relative was killed - by a crazed Hamas member, or by an offended Israeli who dropped a bomb on a residential building. In both cases, the result is the same - an innocent person was killed. But when the state is involved in killing civilians, it is many times worse.
        1. -4
          27 November 2023 20: 07
          Quote: Ivar Ravi
          Please note that the humane treatment of hostages takes place against the backdrop of total bombing and casualties among the Palestinian population, numbering already in the second ten thousand.

          And what happened? Why did the bombing suddenly start? Was there any bombing on 06.10?
          1. +3
            27 November 2023 22: 59
            I think you and others like you need to be forced into reservations, or into sectors, for at least six months, deprived of access to work and so on, I think then you won’t rinse people’s brains on the Internet, but think about how to feed your family, and if that doesn’t work, then how to kill them the one who arranged such a life for you
            1. -3
              27 November 2023 23: 07
              Quote: Vasilenko Vladimir
              I think you and others like you need to be forced into reservations, or into sectors, for at least six months, deprived of access to work and so on, I think then you won’t rinse people’s brains on the Internet, but think about how to feed your family, and if that doesn’t work, then how to kill them the one who arranged such a life for you

              In this case, I would have questions for the government of this reservation, and not for my neighbors.
              1. +3
                28 November 2023 00: 18
                Quote: Kaiten
                I have questions for the government of this reservation

                Abram are you being a fool?!!!!
                in this case, the Jews with their Holocaust should have made claims not against the Germans, but against the mediocre capos who could not provide you with a normal life behind the barbs
                1. -3
                  28 November 2023 01: 05
                  Quote: Vasilenko Vladimir
                  Abram are you being a fool?!!!!
                  in this case, the Jews with their Holocaust should have made claims not against the Germans, but against the mediocre capos who could not provide you with a normal life behind the barbs

                  You're making a fool of yourself by trying to draw on a completely irrelevant analogy. Gaza is not a ghetto, Gaza has a border with Egypt, where there is not a single Israeli soldier. And in Gaza itself, until 07.10, not a single image. there was no soldier. Which Jewish ghetto had a similar situation? Gaza is an absolutely independent country and its current rulers, by the way, were elected completely democratically in 2006. Gaza's borders have not changed since 1950. Your analogy is not even close
                  1. +1
                    28 November 2023 07: 26
                    The Warsaw ghetto had everything of its own: police, authorities and everything else. Gaza is a ghetto and it was formed by the descendants of those who themselves experienced all the delights of the ghetto and extermination
                    1. +1
                      28 November 2023 09: 18
                      Quote: Ivar Ravi
                      The Warsaw ghetto had everything of its own: police, authorities and everything else. Gaza is a ghetto and it was formed by the descendants of those who themselves experienced all the delights of the ghetto and extermination

                      Only the Jews of the Warsaw Ghetto, unlike the Arabs, had no way out. The Arabs of Gaza, if they recognize Israel, will be able to go through the normalization process tomorrow. You will feel the difference, as they say.
                  2. 0
                    28 November 2023 10: 58
                    Quote: Kaiten
                    Gaza has a border with Egypt

                    no Abram, you're still being a fool
                    1. 0
                      28 November 2023 13: 46
                      Quote: Vasilenko Vladimir
                      Quote: Kaiten
                      Gaza has a border with Egypt

                      no Abram, you're still being a fool

                      Vova, don’t be rude, but buy a card and check it.
  5. 0
    27 November 2023 16: 08
    What can a freed woman say, whose husband remained in captivity? It is clear that she will say that everything was great
    1. +4
      27 November 2023 16: 10
      They are released as families, this is Israel's condition. Even by the appearance of the hostages one can judge that they were not exhausted, were wearing neat clothes and behaved calmly
      1. +3
        27 November 2023 16: 17
        Quote: Ivar Ravi
        They are released by their families

        Only women and children are released. All men are hostages. No one is negotiating about captured soldiers.
        One elderly woman, released from captivity, did not testify because she was dying. The rest say what they were told to say.
        1. +3
          27 November 2023 16: 44
          I don’t think that the hostages were captured by full families, but oh well, I won’t argue. It’s just that if there was no violence against the hostages for 50 days (this would be visible even in appearance), it is difficult to believe in the official Israeli agitation.
        2. -1
          27 November 2023 23: 24
          Quote: 8200
          The rest say what they were told to say.

          You have a bad opinion of them.
  6. -1
    27 November 2023 16: 10
    In Ukraine, the hostages would not have lived to see the evening for such words about Russia!!! laughing
  7. +1
    27 November 2023 18: 22
    Maybe I was blind and didn’t see it, but during the entire period of hostilities in Gaza, nothing resembled a hostage rescue operation. Rather, an operation to exterminate the hostages together with the Hamas forces and the entire civilian population of the enclave.
    1. -3
      27 November 2023 21: 32
      Quote: Ivar Ravi
      Maybe I was blind and didn’t see it, but during the entire period of hostilities in Gaza, nothing resembled a hostage rescue operation

      Do you have information about the whereabouts of the hostages?
      1. +4
        28 November 2023 00: 45
        Israel knows where which Hamas commander is, but does not know where the hostages are.
  8. +2
    27 November 2023 21: 20
    Quote: Kaiten
    Quote: Ivar Ravi
    There were buses, I agree

    Just like in the movies: “There were demons, I don’t argue, but they self-destructed.” The Palestinian government, having signed the peace treaty, was unable, or rather did not want to implement the peace initiatives contained in it. Until a real mechanism is created to comply with it, no peace is possible.

    Quote: Ivar Ravi
    By destroying Hamas, you will get an even more radical group.

    How will this group be more radical than Hamas? What could be even more radical?

    Tsakhal! In a month and a half, they killed and burned more innocent people than Hamas and Hezbollah during their entire activity.
    1. -3
      27 November 2023 21: 46
      Quote: Ivar Ravi
      Tsakhal! In a month and a half, they killed and burned more innocent people than Hamas and Hezbollah during their entire activity.

      And how does this phrase relate to your statement:
      "By destroying Hamas, you will get an even more radical group"
  9. +2
    27 November 2023 21: 26
    "The testimonies of the released Israeli hostages testify to the humane treatment of them by Hamas."
    "Stockholm" syndrome.
    In any case, hostage taking is not an act of humanity.
  10. -3
    27 November 2023 21: 26
    Quote: Ivar Ravi

    From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free
    This is the Hamas slogan! This is not the slogan of all Palestine.

    Therefore, there is no war with Fatah.

    Quote: Ivar Ravi

    If you want peace, give everyone equal rights! In Hebron, for example, Palestinians cannot drive a car, and there are streets where Arabs are prohibited from entering. It is impossible to get from one Arab village to another if there is a road to the kibbutz between the villages. All this breeds hatred. And the bombing of the port in Gaza was not an act of retaliation - it was a policy of violence and humiliation.

    Why do the Arab citizens of Israel have all the rights, but the Palestinians do not? Have you ever thought about it?

    Quote: Ivar Ravi

    As now, the kidnapped hostages were a pretext to wipe Gaza off the face of the earth.

    I understand that you are suddenly asking for peace? But there was a truce until 07.10, why did you break it?
    Quote: Ivar Ravi

    You went through the Holocaust...

    And therefore they are obliged to go through it again at the hands of the Palestinians?
    Quote: Ivar Ravi

    And there are many Jews who are against this Zionist policy, but, unfortunately, they do not have power

    Yes, there are Jews who live in rich Western countries, who are doing well, have houses, real estate, money. They do not understand why Israel suddenly does not want to forgive the Palestinians, who misbehaved a little in Israel on 07.10/XNUMX. At the same time, they are not at all eager to move to live in any Arab country. Even in their masochism there is a stop word. They prefer to demonstrate their love for Islamists in Israel, Britain or the USA.
    1. +3
      28 November 2023 00: 20
      Quote: Kaiten
      Why do the Arab citizens of Israel have all the rights, but the Palestinians do not? Have you ever thought about it?

      maybe it's all about Nazism
      Quote: Kaiten
      And therefore they are obliged to go through it again at the hands of the Palestinians?

      Well, for now it’s you who are destroying the Palestinians, and with the Holocaust itself everything is not so clear
  11. 0
    28 November 2023 07: 20
    Well, wow, it turns out that Hamas had a humane attitude towards the hostages, only one clarification: those who survived. How many people died? Why did they even take hostages, these humanists?
  12. The comment was deleted.