Foreign press: Pakistan secretly supplies Israel with 155mm artillery shells

Foreign press: Pakistan secretly supplies Israel with 155mm artillery shells

Despite formal anti-Israeli gestures in connection with the invasion of Palestine and general non-recognition of the Jewish state, Pakistan intends to capitalize on the current conflict.

This is stated in the Western edition of World Defense News:

Pakistan Secretly Supplies Israel with 155mm artillery shells.

As noted, shells are delivered from Pakistan to the British Akrotiri airbase in Cyprus, from where they are sent to Israel.

At the same time, the Indian publication IDRW indicates that for deliveries a channel is used, established through a network of front companies and British intermediaries to supply the Ukrainian army with 155-mm shells of Pakistani origin - only the final recipient of the goods has changed.

Redirecting the flow of ammunition would have a negative impact on Ukraine, which is desperate to replenish its artillery stockpile. The Ukrainian Armed Forces fire 5 thousand shells a day, and their shortage reduces the ability to defend against attacks by Russian troops

- says the Indian publication.

Internal destabilization is predicted in parts of Pakistan, since the population of the country is strongly in favor of the Palestinians and will be clearly unhappy upon learning about the foreign trade machinations of their government.

Official Islamabad has not yet commented on information about the alleged supply of shells to Israel.
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  1. 0
    21 November 2023 17: 07
    "The Englishwoman Shit" Again laughing
    1. +12
      21 November 2023 17: 09
      Muslims themselves are each other’s worst enemies, despite the “pan-Islamic” rhetoric.
      1. +2
        21 November 2023 17: 55
        So after such feints, they will become even more bitter enemies to each other. Maybe this is exactly what we are counting on.
        1. 0
          21 November 2023 18: 21
          Quote: Warabey
          So after such feints, they will become even more bitter enemies to each other. Maybe this is exactly what we are counting on.

          Calculation of information leakage specifically for the split of the Islamic World. Moreover, it is very likely that the shells were bought according to the old scheme (ostensibly for Ukraine) but actually went to Israel, and when Pakistan found out and refused further sales, they organized such a “leak”.
          But if this turns out to be true... angry this is already a reason for a military coup - The world of Islam is harsh. angry
    2. +5
      21 November 2023 17: 28
      Pakistan's intelligence services (especially intelligence), created by the British, have ALWAYS collaborated with the Anglo-Saxons. And under the current president, with Israel.
      1. -4
        21 November 2023 17: 51
        It’s really bad for them to cooperate if this came out. But such a “leak” is directly beneficial to the Yankees and the British, so that the supporters of Palestine do not win over Iraq, which has nuclear weapons.
        1. -1
          22 November 2023 15: 44
          Not Iraq, but Pakistan, which is what the article is about.
          Quote: Warabey
          such a “leak” directly benefits the Yankees and the British

          Why did it become profitable for them, if before it was profitable to export it in secret? Is it because some party/parties destined for Ukraine were redirected to Israel? And having learned about this, Pakistan stopped supplies? Maybe it was precisely in order to take revenge on Pakistan for refusing to cooperate and for expressing the demands of some politicians and military men about their readiness to provide their nuclear weapons for a strike on Israel that such “leaks” happened? And of course for the split of the Islamic World.
  2. -1
    21 November 2023 17: 08
    Pakistan’s supply channel for 155mm shells is so secret that everyone knows about it. In my opinion, it’s nonsense.
    1. +5
      21 November 2023 17: 17
      And given the fact that the Indians are leaking the information, there is little trust in such insider information. Pakistan and India don't know how best to mess with each other
    2. +3
      21 November 2023 17: 56
      Quote: tralflot1832
      Pakistan’s supply channel for 155mm shells is so secret that everyone knows about it. In my opinion, it’s nonsense.

    3. 0
      21 November 2023 18: 41
      Quote: tralflot1832
      Pakistan’s supply channel for 155mm shells is so secret that everyone knows about it. In my opinion, it’s nonsense.

      Banderlogs complain that Pakistani shells are tearing their barrels. If the IDF has the same problem, then it will probably be possible to say that Pakistani shells were delivered. winked
  3. 0
    21 November 2023 17: 08
    Nothing personal, just business am
    1. -1
      21 November 2023 17: 15
      Ukroreich will receive fewer shells.
  4. +1
    21 November 2023 17: 13

    Muslim Brotherhood - Strength!
  5. -1
    21 November 2023 17: 14 снова работает, можно увидеть всё об их террористической деятельности.
  6. +1
    21 November 2023 17: 17
    It looks very much like another “duck” spread by interested forces... winked
  7. +2
    21 November 2023 17: 22
    At the same time, the Indian publication IDRW indicates that for deliveries a channel is used, established through a network of front companies and British intermediaries to supply the Ukrainian army with 155-mm shells of Pakistani origin - only the final recipient of the goods has changed.

    Pakistan has also been seen secretly supplying weapons to Kyiv in exchange for US assistance.

    In this case, Islamabad is acting strictly according to the same Serbian scheme for the supply/sale of weapons and ammunition to Ukraine.
  8. +1
    21 November 2023 20: 34
    This is fraternal Muslim help in action.
  9. +2
    22 November 2023 08: 21
    Despite formal anti-Israeli gestures in connection with the invasion of Palestine and general non-recognition of the Jewish state, Pakistan intends to capitalize on the current conflict.
    And not only Pakistan... No matter how Erdogan portrays himself as a fighter against Zionism, during the conflict Turkey increased its supplies of various products to Israel by a third...
    This is business and nothing personal...
  10. 0
    22 November 2023 09: 34
    "I" - Islamic solidarity