Al Arabiya: Israel and Hamas agreed to introduce a three-day truce in Gaza

Al Arabiya: Israel and Hamas agreed to introduce a three-day truce in Gaza

The situation in the Middle East is changing so rapidly that data published by various sources simply contradict each other.

Just today it was reported that Israeli Ambassador to the Russian Federation Ben Zvi announced the unilateral termination by Hamas members of any negotiations on the exchange or release of hostages.

Now, the Al Arabiya channel reports that an agreement has been reached between the IDF and representatives of the Palestinian group to introduce a truce in Gaza for three days. This time will allegedly be used for the exchange of Israeli hostages and Palestinian prisoners according to the 50-50 formula. In addition, during a break in hostilities, humanitarian supplies will be delivered to the Gaza Strip.

Let us recall that the next round of the Palestinian-Israeli confrontation began with the Hamas attack on October 7, which led to the death of more than a thousand Israelis. More than 200 more people were captured.

In turn, the IDF leadership announced the start of Operation Iron Swords in Gaza, aimed at the complete destruction of members of the Palestinian group.

Meanwhile, in addition to Hamas militants, more than 11 thousand Palestinian civilians have already become victims of Israeli army strikes. The situation is complicated by the fact that Gaza is one of the most densely populated cities in the world. At the same time, despite repeated calls from the world community, the Israeli authorities have still not agreed to at least a temporary ceasefire.
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  1. 0
    17 November 2023 19: 08
    If this is not chatter, then this is crazy, to release 50 people from prison at SUCH a price, I don’t understand.
    1. +1
      17 November 2023 19: 32
      If not chatter, then it’s a bummer, I don’t understand releasing 50 people from prison at SUCH a price.

      A normal state is ready to pay any price to free its own, or to avenge them. Israel didn't start all this. Over many years of pandering to the Palestinians, their raids on Israel, which supplied them with water and electricity, they only became more and more impudent.
      1. +1
        17 November 2023 19: 35
        Love the value of Palestinian lives? Why is the life of a Jewish baby more valuable than the life of a Palestinian baby? Answer honestly
        1. +1
          17 November 2023 19: 44
          Forget about the nettles... I don’t know anything, my house is on the edge.... (c) I would have watched him sing if his child had been killed.
          1. -4
            17 November 2023 19: 46
            Maybe it's better to put it?)
        2. The comment was deleted.
          1. +1
            17 November 2023 20: 13
            Like Barach Goldstein? An Israeli doctor who carried out a terrorist attack in the Cave of the Patriarchs (Hebron) in 1994, during which 29 Muslims praying in the Ibrahim Mosque (in the Cave of the Patriarchs) were killed and more than 150 were injured. Yeah, he's a good doctor...
        3. +1
          17 November 2023 20: 41
          Quote: Ivar Ravi
          Love the value of Palestinian lives? Why is the life of a Jewish baby more valuable than the life of a Palestinian baby?

          Ivar Ravi, hi
          I was surprised by the number of misanthropic downvotes to your post.
          1. +1
            17 November 2023 21: 55
            There are many Zionists here who justify the genocide of the Palestinians. I don’t consider it a person who defines a baby as a future terrorist or murderer. At birth, Hitler came from a normal family, Chikatillo also came from a normal environment. A person is not a murderer at birth, or by nationality, or by religion. What makes him this way is his environment, life and everything else. And here, as in Israel itself, there were expressions like: “kill Palestinian newborns, because they will grow up to be terrorists.” These are the flawed degenerates who are minus)
      2. +2
        17 November 2023 20: 33
        Quote: Stinging_Nettle
        Israel didn't start all this. Over many years of pandering to the Palestinians, their raids on Israel, which supplied them with water and electricity, they only became more and more impudent.

        Do you even know that to begin with, Israel took away this water, considering that it needed it more?
  2. +3
    17 November 2023 19: 12
    Well, they say that Israel does not talk to terrorists...
    1. +1
      17 November 2023 19: 20
      Israel itself is the sponsor and “father” of terrorism, their words are worth little, or rather, worth nothing!
    2. -1
      17 November 2023 19: 23
      Israel not only talks to terrorists, it nurtures them! How Hamas grew up as a counterweight to Fatah
      1. 0
        17 November 2023 19: 33
        Israel not only talks to terrorists, it nurtures them! How Hamas grew up as a counterweight to Fatah

        Our authorities should look at this and think what the consequences of indulging an inadequate part of believers are!
        1. 0
          17 November 2023 19: 36
          The inadequate part of the believers are the Zionists, for whom all other goyim are second-class people
      2. 0
        17 November 2023 20: 52
        Quote: Ivar Ravi
        Israel not only talks to terrorists, it nurtures them! How Hamas grew up as a counterweight to Fatah

        He nurtures many who are alien and unacceptable.
        The flag of sexual minorities is raised over the Gaza Strip
        At the end of October, gay Israeli soldier Joab Atzmoni promised to raise the rainbow flag of sexual minorities over the Gaza Strip. He made good on his threat, announcing that from now on the liberated Arabs of Gaza could engage in same-sex love without fear of punishment from Hamas militants. At the moment, gay relationships in Gaza are prohibited not even under Sharia law, but under the criminal legislation of the British Empire of 1936, of which Palestine was then a part. Israeli rabbis, most of whom are closer to Hamas on this issue than to Atzmoni, have so far remained silent.
    3. 0
      17 November 2023 19: 27
      That's it... and they also said "war by Israeli standards". That is, pinpoint and precise strikes against terrorists and saving the lives of civilians. Everything is changing.
      1. 0
        17 November 2023 19: 35
        Well... and they also said “war according to Israeli standards.” That is, targeted and precise strikes against terrorists and saving the lives of civilians. Everything changes.

        The lives of civilians are on the conscience of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas)
        1. 0
          17 November 2023 19: 41
          That is, if I kill a person and hide in a high-rise apartment building, and the police storm and innocent people die, is it my fault? If the police demolish the entire high-rise building with gunfire, hundreds will die - is it my fault? So according to your logic?
          1. -1
            18 November 2023 00: 15
            Quote: Ivar Ravi
            If the police demolish the entire high-rise building with gunfire, hundreds will die - is it my fault? So according to your logic?

            Hiding behind civilians is the most vile thing. Sergei Lazo forbade partisans from attacking Japanese in cities, trying to reduce casualties among the population as a result of Japanese revenge. If the attacker hid even behind civilians of your nationality, it makes sense to destroy him at any cost, so that no one else would make such attempts. Therefore, after the villainous murder of hundreds of children and women, with rape and hostage-taking of unarmed people on October 7, Hamas makes a great foolishness by thinking that the humanity and mercy of the Israelis are limitless.
            1. -2
              18 November 2023 08: 09
              Read the interviews with our citizens evacuated from the Gaza Strip. They claim that they did not see Hamas militants, how could the militants hide behind the backs of the civilian population. The words that Hamas uses civilians as a shield are excuses for the Zionists who are genociding Gaza. But you personally will shoot if the criminal has taken a hostage and is covering himself with him like a shield. This doesn't stop the Zionists
        2. +1
          17 November 2023 19: 44
          In Gaza, are civilians dying from IDF attacks or not?
          1. -3
            17 November 2023 19: 47
            So almost all the dead civilians there. Hamas forces are underground in tunnels and bunkers, their losses are only in contact combat
        3. 0
          17 November 2023 21: 01
          Quote: Stinging_Nettle
          The lives of civilians are on the conscience of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas)

          I wonder, on whose conscience do you think the lives of the residents of besieged Leningrad are?
          1. 0
            17 November 2023 21: 45
            According to nettle logic - on the conscience of the Soviet command
            1. 0
              18 November 2023 00: 27
              Quote: Ivar Ravi
              According to nettle logic - on the conscience of the Soviet command

              Before the war, Leningrad had a population of about 3 million people. About a million died during the siege. Before the war, Minsk had a population of about 250. Only 000 survived by the time of liberation. In Rzhev, about 50% of the population survived by the time of liberation from the Germans. That is, thanks to the firmness of the Soviet command, between one and a half and two million residents of Leningrad were saved from murder by the Germans. The Germans started the war and they lost it. All the results of the war largely lie with its initiators. Hamas itself began military action on October 000. Whether it correctly or incorrectly assessed the ability of Netanyahu and the IDF to organize a counterattack - the calculation or miscalculation lies with the organizers of the attack on October 1. At least next time, the Palestinians are unlikely to decide to rape and kill unarmed women and children en masse. Egypt and Syria, after the 2 war, no longer threaten Israel with the complete annihilation of the entire Jewish population.
  3. 0
    17 November 2023 19: 56
    Quote: Stinging_Nettle
    Israel not only talks to terrorists, it nurtures them! How Hamas grew up as a counterweight to Fatah

    Our authorities should look at this and think what the consequences of indulging an inadequate part of believers are!
    Absolutely true, you just need to understand that what happened in Dagestan is the embodiment in life of the madness that is happening in the comments on the site. Someone is playing with fire and by the way:
    Immediately after October 7, when the Middle East conflict flared up with renewed vigor, a wave of indignation swept across the republic. The sensitive people immediately began collecting humanitarian aid for the Palestinians, which, in fact, had nowhere to be transferred. But this did not discourage anyone, and assistance was raised as much as 50 million rubles!
    “Where is Dagestan, and where is Palestine?! — I asked the local residents in surprise. “For some reason I don’t see any posters calling to help the children of Donbass.” “Uh-uh, it’s not our war going on there,” they answered me. “And in Gaza our brothers are dying.”
    1. -3
      17 November 2023 20: 21
      Come on? But what about the thousands of Dagestani volunteers in the Northern Military District? Aren't they defending their country? Or other Caucasians? There is no need to drive a wedge between Russians
  4. ASM
    17 November 2023 20: 36
    It seems to me that this “truce” will be used to remove corpses and regroup. The Jews die there no less often than the Tsakhalovites.