Israeli military demolishes memorial to Yasser Arafat in West Bank

Israeli military demolishes memorial to Yasser Arafat in West Bank

Under the guise of responding to the Hamas raid on October 7, Israel not only began to bomb the Gaza Strip and conduct a military operation there, but actually declared war on the Palestinians as a whole. In the West Bank of the Jordan River, the Israeli military used a bulldozer to demolish a memorial to Yasser Arafat, a famous Palestinian politician.

Arafat was not only the leader of the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) but also a Nobel Peace Prize winner, but this did not influence Israel's actions. By the way, the leadership of the Palestinian Authority belongs precisely to the Palestine Liberation Organization, created by Arafat. Interestingly, it calmly views the demolition of national symbols of Palestinian resistance.

Trying to accuse the Islamic world, and the Palestinians in the first place, of “uncivilization,” in reality, the Israeli military is now acting contrary to the norms of a civilized society by demolishing monuments. Even if in Israel itself they have a negative attitude towards Arafat, one must understand that he is a Palestinian monument standing on Palestinian territory.

But the Israeli authorities consider themselves entitled to do this, and it is obvious that this confidence is based only on strength, supported by the impressive support of the United States. It is not for nothing that Washington sent its aircraft carriers to the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea, making it clear to any neighboring states that there is no point in trying to help the Palestinian movement by force, since the US armed forces will immediately intervene in the conflict.
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  1. 0
    15 November 2023 09: 03
    The Zionists want to occupy the last piece of the holy land of Palestine - the Gaza Strip, and that is why they are destroying the heritage of the Palestinians.
    1. +2
      15 November 2023 09: 05
      And after that they continue to cry for their Temple...
      1. +6
        15 November 2023 09: 13
        They are not crying for their temple, but are going to restore it. First, they will demolish something smaller, like the monument to Arafat, and then all the churches and mosques in the perimeter of the Temple of Solomon...
        1. +2
          15 November 2023 09: 20
          The Temple is not being rebuilt largely because many rabbis are against it. There is an opinion that the Temple should be rebuilt only after the appearance of the Messiah. There is also an opposite opinion that the Messiah will not come until the Temple is rebuilt, but this opinion has much less influence.
          1. 0
            15 November 2023 09: 34
            They are waiting for the coming of Moshiach - the Antichrist. And they are doing everything for this.
    2. +7
      15 November 2023 09: 06
      And “these” begin to fight the monuments.
    3. +2
      15 November 2023 11: 07
      Quote: oleg-nekrasov-19
      That's why they are destroying the Palestinian heritage.

      NOT just the Palestinian heritage. Recently, a Greek church built in the 4th century AD became a victim of Israeli lawlessness in the Gaza Strip. and survived a bunch of campaigns of different conquerors, but could not resist the invasion of the Jewish barbarians of the Netankhites, comparable to the Taliban, who destroyed the statues of Buddha. Only, unlike the Taliban barbarism, UNESCO did not notice or condemn the Jewish barbarity.
  2. -15
    15 November 2023 09: 05
    Try to deal with savages yourself according to the norms of a civilized society, that is, they can do everything, but you can’t do everything.
    And who would talk about civilization after the destruction of the airport and the stoning of the police.
    1. +1
      15 November 2023 10: 25
      Quote: Stinging_Nettle
      Try to deal with savages according to the norms of a civilized society.

      Are you civilized?
    2. +8
      15 November 2023 10: 54
      It’s funny about “defeat”, “stoning”. Criminal cases have been opened, many have been detained - this is a sign of a civilized society. We know where the instigators of the attack on the airport are sitting.
    3. -1
      15 November 2023 11: 41
      Stinging nettle - you are right in the main thing that Jews are essentially civilized savages!
    4. +1
      15 November 2023 15: 28
      Quote: Stinging_Nettle
      try yourself to deal with savages according to the norms of a civilized society

      you fight by destroying monuments?!!!
      then who is the savage in this situation?
      By the way, “civilized” society created this

  3. +6
    15 November 2023 09: 06
    What did the monument do to annoy them? Many Israelis and Palestinians are grateful to Yasser
  4. +6
    15 November 2023 09: 09
    Well, they tore it down and demolished it, is he our brother-in-law? In Finland, the graves of Soviet soldiers were desecrated, but for some reason this news is not here.
    1. +1
      15 November 2023 09: 37
      They are fascists. Remember the Second World War after the revolution
  5. +1
    15 November 2023 09: 10
    Annexation is beginning or has already begun. Could use Russia well.
  6. +3
    15 November 2023 09: 16
    Will you tolerate monuments to Bandera when you liberate Lviv?
    1. +4
      15 November 2023 09: 35
      And free from whom? And will the locals know that they are being released?
    2. -1
      15 November 2023 10: 14
      Will you tolerate monuments to Bandera when you liberate Lviv?
      ...and we don’t need to...if you don’t know, then Banderland is already directly putting pressure on the dismemberment...Lvov is leaving for Poland...and there let the Poles decide for themselves what to do with the monuments of the UUP
      1. 0
        15 November 2023 19: 15
        Quote: Crimean partisan 1974
        Let the Poles decide for themselves what to do with the monuments of the UPA

        The Poles will remember the Volyn massacre, and they will definitely replace Bandera with one of their own, be it Pilsudski, or Kaczynski, you never know.
    3. +2
      15 November 2023 10: 27
      Quote: Nagan
      Will you tolerate monuments to Bandera when you liberate Lviv?

      But we will not demolish the monument to Shevchenko Taras.
  7. +2
    15 November 2023 09: 16
    The Israeli military used a bulldozer to demolish the memorial to Yasser Arafat.
    And these began the fight against the monuments. Naturally.
  8. +1
    15 November 2023 09: 16
    And what does the monument have to do with it? Is there a Hamas tunnel underneath it too? They're going completely nuts from impunity! Ukrainians Were they bitten, along with the tribalts?
    1. -3
      15 November 2023 10: 49
      What does the monument have to do with it? Is there a Hamas tunnel under it too? Somehow they are absolutely going crazy with impunity! Did the Ukrainians bite them or something, along with the Tribalts?

      There has been aggression from Palestine for many years. Like we have to pretend it didn't happen?
      In Germany, too, let portraits of the Fuhrer hang after our victory, do you think?
      1. -1
        15 November 2023 15: 29
        Quote: Stinging_Nettle
        There has been aggression from Palestine for many years.

        for many years Jews have been driving Palestinians out of their land
    2. +1
      15 November 2023 10: 58
      Everything is easier and more difficult.
      Someone really needs to make a big mess.

      The Russian Federation is ahead of the Ukronazis and it is already clear where things are going.

      Azerbaijan solved its problem, Pashinyan gave up everything, it was not possible to incite the Russian Federation, Turkey and Iran

      The Poles take money and weapons, shout loudly and fuss, but for some reason they are in no hurry to attack Belarus.

      The fire does not come out of the Baltic states alone either.

      We decided to rock it in Palestine.

      Let's see, maybe it will end in nothing.
      There is also Taiwan, two Koreas, Hindus divided by religion.
  9. +2
    15 November 2023 09: 17
    Israel is increasingly burying the UN as a worthless organization. They gave Guterres and the Nobel Peace Prize Committee a good slap in the face.
    1. -1
      15 November 2023 10: 52
      Israel is increasingly burying the UN as a worthless organization. They gave Guterres and the Nobel Peace Prize Committee a good slap in the face.

      The UN should have moved earlier and decided something with the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas). But no one began to contact them and save Israel. Therefore, Israel saved itself.
  10. +2
    15 November 2023 09: 17
    Zionists are following in Hitler's footsteps
    1. -1
      15 November 2023 15: 30
      Quote: Graz
      Zionists are following in Hitler's footsteps

      maybe vice versa?
  11. +3
    15 November 2023 09: 21
    Why is this not the Warsaw ghetto, just the opposite?
  12. +5
    15 November 2023 09: 22
    Quote: oleg-nekrasov-19
    The Zionists want to occupy the last piece of the holy land of Palestine - the Gaza Strip, and that is why they are destroying the heritage of the Palestinians.

    Holy Land Holy Quran:
    The following suras explain to whom G-d has given the Promised Land:
    Sura 5
    23 (20)
    So Musa [Moshe] said to his people: “O my people! Remember Allah's mercy upon you, when He established prophets among you, and made you kings, and gave you what He had not given to any of the worlds.
    24 (21)
    [Moshe:] O my people! Enter the sacred land that Allah has ordained for you, and do not turn back, lest you suffer a loss.”
    Sura 7
    132 (135)
    And We [Allah] took revenge on them [the Egyptians] and drowned them in the sea because they considered Our signs a lie and were careless towards them!
    133 (136)
    And We [Allah] gave as an inheritance to the people whom we considered weak, the east and the west of the land that we blessed [According to the classic commentator of the Quran - Toami, we are talking about the borders of Eretz Israel from the Nile to the Euphrates, editor]. The good word of your Lord has been fulfilled over the children of Israel for what they have endured! We have destroyed what Firaun [Pharaoh] and his people built and what they erected!
    Read also about the Holy Promised Land Granted by Allah to Bani Israel: Surah 10 - 93 (93).... Surah 17 105 (103) 106 (104).... Surah 283 (4).... 4 (5) ....5 (6) And We will strengthen them in the land and show Pharaoh, and Haman, and their troops that which they feared from them.

    Allah knows best! Hallowed be his name! Amen!
    1. 0
      15 November 2023 11: 08
      Allah knows best! Hallowed be his name! Amen!

      According to Sura 8, he was still planning to strike terror into the hearts of the unbelievers and ordered their heads and fingers to be cut off.
  13. +4
    15 November 2023 09: 26
    Quote from: AllX_VahhaB
    And after that they continue to cry for their Temple...

    Yes, and you don’t cry for the Church of St. Sophia in Constantinople. And not only!
    And why do the clergy of Christianity and Islam in Russia and outside of Russia not denounce Turkey for capturing Christian Byzantium, its holy Christian Temples, and do not demand from the Turks and Turkish Muslims that they immediately return to Christians the Christian Temple of Hagia Sophia in Constantinople, and all the Christian Temples captured by Muslims, which they converted into Muslim Mosques?! And why in Europe are Christian churches being turned into mosques? And why, wherever there are Islamists, are temples of other religions being destroyed, and Christian churches being turned into mosques?
    1. +2
      15 November 2023 09: 43
      Yes, because no one goes to Catholic and Protestant churches, that’s why mosques
    2. +2
      15 November 2023 11: 12
      Would they immediately return to the Christians the Christian Temple of St. Sophia in Constantinople, and all the Christian Temples seized by the Muslims, which they converted into Muslim Mosques?! And why are Christian churches being turned into mosques in Europe? And why, wherever there are Islamists, churches of other religions are destroyed, and Christian churches are turned into mosques?

      Exactly, let Hagia Sophia be returned, otherwise Ergodan, with his lawsuit, has forgotten about the behavior of Muslims. Religious tolerance is required unilaterally, as usual.
  14. +1
    15 November 2023 09: 27
    Quote from: Peter1First
    They are not crying for their temple, but are going to restore it. First, they will demolish something smaller, like the monument to Arafat, and then all the churches and mosques in the perimeter of the Temple of Solomon...

    Share your plans for restoring Temple 3?
  15. Des
    15 November 2023 09: 27
    From anonymous news (article):
    “But the Israeli authorities believe they have the right to do this, and it is obvious that this confidence is based only on strength, supported by the impressive support of the United States.”
    This is the right of the strong.
    And nothing can be done about this by any “ethical” standards. Except another force.
    And so... How the monument to Arafat prevented them from collaborating with them is not known. Most likely they demolished it simply out of spite, they were tired of the terrorists.
    1. 0
      15 November 2023 09: 48
      Yes, the USA is behind them, which means they can do a lot. There is a lot of talk about the fact that the world is changing towards multipolarity and the like, but so far we see that the USA is still the main center.
      1. Des
        15 November 2023 10: 41
        Quote: Ghost1
        The USA is still the main center.
        the main one, but no longer the only one. And this makes them nervous).
  16. +3
    15 November 2023 09: 34
    For some reason, fascists and Zionists are usually presented as antagonists.
    But they drove the people to the land of Israel in very good agreement with each other

    When Eichmann, a great Judophile, an expert in Hebrew, who was responsible for contacts with Jews in the German leadership, already sitting after the war in Latin America, began to explain:
    - Yes, you all misunderstand... We had initial agreements...
    They immediately kidnapped him and tried him (put him in a glass cage so that they couldn’t hear what he was saying)
    ... and executed..
    1. -2
      15 November 2023 10: 57
      Quote: JustMe
      When Eichmann, a great Judeophile, an expert in Hebrew

      So he was a Jew by blood.
      1. -1
        15 November 2023 15: 37
        Quote: carpenter
        So he was a Jew by blood.

        and not only him
        One question: if it had not been for the Holocaust, how likely would Israel have been created?
    2. -1
      15 November 2023 17: 38
      Here it is worth remembering who declared war on whom first - Hitler on the Jews or vice versa.

      There is a feeling that, at least in the beginning, Hitler followed some approved scenario
  17. 0
    15 November 2023 09: 40
    They didn’t want to create their own state, legally and in fact. If the place is empty, why not take it. The Palestinians themselves are to blame.
    1. +1
      15 November 2023 11: 15
      They didn’t want to create their own state, legally and in fact. If the place is empty, why not take it. The Palestinians themselves are to blame.

      There was no time. Tunnels will not dig themselves.
  18. 0
    15 November 2023 09: 59
    “The Nation of Dispersion” is preparing for new persecution because of such “exploits”? The Olympics in Paris promises many surprises with a minus sign for the Israeli team.
    1. +2
      15 November 2023 11: 16
      Israel has not gone crazy to worry about the useless “big sport” at a time of threat to the country.
  19. -3
    15 November 2023 10: 08
    Fighting monuments is the last thing. But Zionism has neither morality nor humanity
  20. -1
    15 November 2023 10: 42
    Since we are going to fight, we must fight until the enemy is completely destroyed.
  21. 0
    15 November 2023 10: 44
    Well, how do they (the Israelis), then, differ from the generous Ukrainians and black BLM members!?
    They also love to fight with monuments.
    Perhaps only by demolishing monuments on foreign soil.
  22. 0
    15 November 2023 12: 46
    A very stupid act, I did not expect it from the Jews. It turns out they also have “abilities”.
  23. 0
    15 November 2023 19: 59
    Quote: Stinging_Nettle
    Allah knows best! Hallowed be his name! Amen!

    According to Sura 8, he was still planning to strike terror into the hearts of the unbelievers and ordered their heads and fingers to be cut off.

    In the name of Allah the Merciful to everyone on this earth and not only to believers on the day of the Great Judgment!
    Allah was going to strike terror into the hearts of the unbelievers and commanded to cut off their heads and fingers, those who do not believe in the Holy Quran, in which it is written that the Holy Promised Land is given to Bani Israel until the Day of Judgement!
  24. +2
    15 November 2023 20: 00
    Quote: Ivar Ravi
    Fighting monuments is the last thing. But Zionism has neither morality nor humanity

    Therefore, Ivar Ravi's Islamists are tearing down all monuments, temples, and images of other religions and cultures!
  25. +1
    15 November 2023 20: 02
    Quote: Thrifty
    Stinging nettle - you are right in the main thing that Jews are essentially civilized savages!

    While the Nazi Thrifters are essentially civilized savages, they shout “Stop the thief!”
  26. +1
    15 November 2023 20: 09
    Quote: konst
    Yes, because no one goes to Catholic and Protestant churches, that’s why mosques

    And didn’t you go to Hagia Sophia in Istanbul?
    And captured by the Ottoman Empire?
    And those captured, who were destroyed by the Taliban, did not go?
    And where Christians were massacred in Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania, you didn’t go before?
    Al-Omari Grand Mosque
    Attarine Mosque
    Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Tortosa
    Great Mosque of Tangier
    Great Mosque of al-Nuri, Homs
    Great Mosque of Aleppo
    Great Mosque of Hama
    Marya Mosque
    Mosque An-Nasr
    Roche Noires Mosque, Casablanca
    Roman Catholic Church of St. Gerard
    Tripoli Cathedral
    Umayyad Mosque, etc.
  27. +1
    15 November 2023 20: 14
    Quote: JustMe
    For some reason, fascists and Zionists are usually presented as antagonists.
    But they drove the people to the land of Israel in very good agreement with each other

    When Eichmann, a great Judophile, an expert in Hebrew, who was responsible for contacts with Jews in the German leadership, already sitting after the war in Latin America, began to explain:
    - Yes, you all misunderstand... We had initial agreements...
    They immediately kidnapped him and tried him (put him in a glass cage so that they couldn’t hear what he was saying)
    ... and executed..

    Only nationalist fools who talk nonsense, who allegedly were personally present at the conversation with Eichmann, have no idea to whom, for what, this medal of the 3rd Reich, made in one copy, was given, and they replicate their stupidity along with a photo of this medal!
    You should at least translate the text on this medal!
  28. 0
    15 November 2023 23: 56
    Why put yourself on the same level as terrorists? Here, of course, it is right to recall the Church of St. Sophia, but this looks like an argument: you yourself are not a smart person... Monuments do not kill or rape. After such actions, the thought appears that Israel is fighting with the Palestinians and not with Hamas.
  29. 0
    16 November 2023 10: 08
    For a Palestinian, the risk of losing his life or home begins before he is born and follows him even into the afterlife.