The Israeli army began an assault on the largest hospital in the Gaza Strip, Al-Shifa.

The Israeli army began an assault on the largest hospital in the Gaza Strip, Al-Shifa.

The Israeli army began an assault on the largest hospital complex in the Gaza Strip, Al-Shifa, which has been under blockade for several days. The situation is complicated by the presence of patients, doctors and refugees in the hospital. This was reported by the Lebanese TV channel Al Mayadeen.

The Israeli military surrounded the hospital a few days ago; the IDF command claims that the main command post of the Hamas movement is allegedly located underneath it. All these days the fighting took place around the hospital complex; now the Israelis launched an assault, coming from the western wing. It is reported that intense gunfire can be heard inside the hospital building. Before this, the Israeli Defense Forces command officially announced that they would storm the hospital, despite the presence of about 700 patients, medical personnel and approximately 2-3 thousand refugees in it.

The Israeli army has officially notified medical personnel of its intention to storm the al-Shifa complex in the coming minutes.

- said a correspondent of one of the Arabic TV channels located on the territory of the hospital.

In turn, IDF representatives said that the troops storming the hospital included doctors who, if necessary, would provide assistance to civilians.

Earlier, the Pentagon said that according to American intelligence, Hamas is using medical facilities in the Gaza Strip for military purposes. In response, a representative of the movement called this statement a “green light” for Israel to carry out even more brutal killings of civilians in the Gaza Strip.
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  1. -2
    15 November 2023 07: 15
    So they already defeated everyone yesterday, judging by their statements in the Western-controlled media, or they still didn’t win.
    1. -3
      15 November 2023 09: 39
      So they already defeated everyone yesterday
      There are still people there who can be killed, which means the work of the soldiers of the Jewish Reich is not finished. Finished...
  2. +5
    15 November 2023 07: 20
    The IDF command claims that the main command post of the Hamas movement is supposedly located underneath it.

    So it’s not just this hospital that is being attacked. Or do they believe that there is a command post under every hospital?
    1. +1
      15 November 2023 07: 22
      A very convenient excuse, no one demands any condemnation and no evidence. Nobody cares how many civilians will die and whether Hamas will be hiding there.
    2. 0
      15 November 2023 07: 48
      Quote: Egoza
      The IDF command claims that the main command post of the Hamas movement is supposedly located underneath it.

      So it’s not just this hospital that is being attacked. Or do they believe that there is a command post under every hospital?

      Warehouses, arsenals, command posts, etc. Hamas has mastered the use of human shields
    3. 0
      15 November 2023 07: 59
      So it’s not just this hospital that is being attacked. Or do they believe that there is a command post under every hospital?

      Why can’t there be a command post under every hospital? There aren't many hospitals, after all.
      If there are terrorist holes all over the city and rocket launchers in scout offices, and weapons and explosives warehouses in residential buildings, why can’t there be command posts in every hospital?
    4. +1
      15 November 2023 08: 10
      Quote: Egoza
      The IDF command claims that the main command post of the Hamas movement is supposedly located underneath it.

      So it’s not just this hospital that is being attacked. Or do they believe that there is a command post under every hospital?

      If they are storming it, then someone is shooting from there, which is a war crime in itself. But this is Israel, they can't do otherwise. Any NATO country would have simply dropped a GBU-28 on the hospital, which would have destroyed it from the roof to the lowest level, no matter how much they dug there, and they would have been right, because the first shot from the hospital makes it a legitimate target. But from a NATO country it is enough to state that there is a military facility under the hospital, and from Israel they will demand irrefutable evidence.
      I wouldn’t be surprised if the hospital is mined, and the Allah Babahs themselves lay it down together with the stormers, “defenders,” patients, and staff, and say that the Jews blew it up.
      1. 0
        15 November 2023 08: 26
        Quote: Nagan
        Quote: Egoza
        The IDF command claims that the main command post of the Hamas movement is supposedly located underneath it.

        So it’s not just this hospital that is being attacked. Or do they believe that there is a command post under every hospital?

        If they are storming it, then someone is shooting from there, which is a war crime in itself. But this is Israel, they can't do otherwise. Any NATO country would have simply dropped a GBU-28 on the hospital, which would have destroyed it from the roof to the lowest level, no matter how much they dug there, and they would have been right, because the first shot from the hospital makes it a legitimate target. But from a NATO country it is enough to state that there is a military facility under the hospital, and from Israel they will demand irrefutable evidence.
        I wouldn’t be surprised if the hospital is mined, and the Allah Babahs themselves lay it down together with the stormers, “defenders,” patients, and staff, and say that the Jews blew it up.

        You have double standards, proud American immigrant. Russia cannot wage a barbaric war, the type on whom the bomb fell is the terrorist, but Israel can do so.
    5. +1
      15 November 2023 09: 01
      Quote: Egoza
      So it’s not just this hospital that I’m attacking

      There was a film by director Mikhail Romm called "Ordinary Fascism", now the 2nd season of this film is on, only the characters have changed places, "the bad ones became good, the good ones became bad".
  3. -4
    15 November 2023 07: 21
    What will the IDF combat award be called?
    "for taking the hospital"?
    1. 0
      15 November 2023 07: 39
      There will be several awards: “Star of David of four degrees for the victory over women in labor”, “golden Menorah for taking the emergency department”, “Order of Zion’s Glory for the storming of Al-Shifa”
  4. -4
    15 November 2023 07: 22
    In turn, IDF representatives said that the troops storming the hospital included doctors who, if necessary, would provide assistance to civilians.

    Yes Yes Yes. They will kill and finish off with even more sophistication!
  5. 0
    15 November 2023 07: 26
    In turn, IDF representatives said that the troops storming the hospital included doctors who, if necessary, would provide assistance to civilians.

    Here ...
  6. -3
    15 November 2023 07: 28
    This is called war according to NATO standards. The IDF does not want to understand what they are doing in the media space.
    1. +1
      15 November 2023 08: 15
      Quote: tralflot1832
      This is called war according to NATO standards. The IDF does not want to understand what they are doing in the media space.

      When the very existence of a state and a nation is at stake, a device is put on the media space. Russia does not look its best in the media space either, but if only media victories were counted, then the Skakuas would have already reached the Urals.
      1. +1
        15 November 2023 08: 33
        Quote: Nagan
        Quote: tralflot1832
        This is called war according to NATO standards. The IDF does not want to understand what they are doing in the media space.

        When the very existence of a state and a nation is at stake, a device is put on the media space. Russia does not look its best in the media space either, but if only media victories were counted, then the Skakuas would have already reached the Urals.

        Come on, if only they could reach the Urals, let them reach Tokmak first. Banderland, by the way, also has the existence of the state and the people at stake. This is not an excuse for war crimes
      2. +2
        15 November 2023 09: 04
        Nagan look at Gaza, this is a variant of waging a third world war between us and the United States. So you managed to live with the hegemon. And Hamas is a threat to the existence of the state of Israel?
  7. +3
    15 November 2023 07: 30
    Good health to all. "Assault on the Hospital Complex"
    Bravo, urgent medals: “for victory over the wounded”!
    If only it is true that the Hamas leadership is hiding in the hospital. Then both of them don’t know the word “honor”!
    1. 0
      15 November 2023 07: 50
      Quote from lisikat2
      Good health to all. "Assault on the Hospital Complex"
      Bravo, urgent medals: “for victory over the wounded”!
      If only it is true that the Hamas leadership is hiding in the hospital. Then both of them don’t know the word “honor”!

      Judging by the battles, Hamas troops are in the hospital. This means they are already provoking a battle with this. If we didn’t want to storm the hospital, we could have retreated, there’s a sea of ​​buildings in Gaza for defense
    2. -2
      15 November 2023 07: 57
      Bravo, urgent medals: “for victory over the wounded”!
      If only it is true that the Hamas leadership is hiding in the hospital. Then both of them don’t know the word “honor”!

      What a mess it must be in your head to equate terrorists with those who destroy terrorists.
      Then blame all the deaths of hostages not on terrorists, but on special forces. For consistency.
      Since October 8, civilians have had a lot of time to evacuate. Those who remained as accomplices of terrorists chose their own path. Those whom Hamas did not release are victims.
      1. +2
        15 November 2023 08: 03
        Why didn't the IDF show any terrorists killed? They have helmets with cameras; if they actually kill terrorists, showing them is not a problem. But there are a huge number of killed Palestinian civilians, women and children, online. Even Hamas regularly posts videos of the destruction of Zionist armored vehicles. And the capabilities of the Israelis are much greater. Instead, we see only destroyed neighborhoods and a routine video of the Israelis advancing through the desert outskirts of Gaza. This is not the first hospital “under which the Hamas command post” is located, according to the Zionists. So show us the command posts you took, but there’s nothing to show except empty chatter
        1. -2
          15 November 2023 08: 30
          Quote: Ivar Ravi
          Why didn't the IDF show any terrorists killed? They have helmets with cameras; if they actually kill terrorists, showing them is not a problem. But there are a huge number of killed Palestinian civilians, women and children, online. Even Hamas regularly posts videos of the destruction of Zionist armored vehicles. And the capabilities of the Israelis are much greater. Instead, we see only destroyed neighborhoods and a routine video of the Israelis advancing through the desert outskirts of Gaza. This is not the first hospital “under which the Hamas command post” is located, according to the Zionists. So show us the command posts you took, but there’s nothing to show except empty chatter

          Because Russia supports Hamas and they don’t post such videos here on Topwar. winked
          1. +1
            15 November 2023 09: 46
            We have enough of the redhead from Channel 1 on TV. Russia takes a neutral position - it does not support anyone. This is not our war. It has not yet come to a mutual nuclear strike and is unlikely to come.
          2. +1
            15 November 2023 10: 15
            These videos are not in the cart or on YouTube.
          3. +1
            15 November 2023 10: 19
            Because Russia supports Hamas

            Russia takes a neutral position.
            In addition, Russia does not want another crowd of refugees (migrants).
            And who wants this? Nobody.
            The Poles have recently announced that they are against migrants.
            If Israel pushes out the Palestinians, it will create many refugees.
            Of course this is bad.
  8. The comment was deleted.
    1. -6
      15 November 2023 07: 53
      The collective West would go crazy if Russian troops stormed a Ukrainian hospital... But the Zionists can do anything, according to the principle “your own shit doesn’t stink”

      And the result? “Peaceful Ukrainians” hate us and wish all Russians death, which they write about directly and honestly.
      Are you jealous of Israel, which acts differently? Honestly, are you jealous? I am. Damn jealous.
  9. +2
    15 November 2023 07: 37
    The troops storming the hospital include doctors who, if necessary, will provide assistance to civilians.
    What kind of “concern” for the civilian population, especially during the storming of a hospital. So then you, along with the bombs, immediately drop your doctors on Gaza to provide assistance.
    1. AUL
      15 November 2023 09: 25
      Do you think doctors should not have been sent there?
  10. -1
    15 November 2023 07: 47
    Fact is one thing, When this armed conflict ends, Israel's territory will increase. Just look at history: it has been so and so it will be. After each war with the Arabs, Israel's territory became larger.
    Israel has at least two advantages, the Arabs are divided among themselves and the rest of the world watches and says nothing or does nothing about it.
    It has always been this way and it will be so again.
  11. -5
    15 November 2023 07: 50
    Good luck to the Israelis. If you estimate the usual ratio of killed hostages to killed terrorists during counter-terrorism operations, the Jews act very carefully and cautiously. But there can be no concessions to terrorists. If you pay a blackmailer, he will definitely come again. If you allow terrorists to hide behind civilians, they will continue to do so and a lot more people will die.
    1. 0
      15 November 2023 07: 55
      Do you wish the Israelis good luck in killing civilians? More than 11 thousand did not quench your Zionist-fascist thirst for blood? Or is the blood of Palestinian children a different color? You are a terrible woman, it’s a pity that your parents did not know about contraception and gave birth to such a bloodthirsty monster
      1. -2
        15 November 2023 17: 53
        Quote: Ivar Ravi
        Do you wish the Israelis good luck in killing civilians? More than 11 thousand did not quench your Zionist-fascist thirst for blood?

        In Munich, the Germans neutralized the terrorists during the assault at the cost of the death of all the Jewish hostages. No one strongly condemned the Germans for this. The officers who planned and carried out this operation were not repressed in Germany. So if Israel kills several armed Hamas members during the attack on the hospital and only one patient and doctor remains alive by the end of the battle, Netanyahu can proudly declare that the IDF is much more professional and humane than the Germans.
    2. +2
      15 November 2023 08: 09
      think about this, where will the Palestinian youth go, whose close relatives were killed by the actions of the IDF? They will go down the road of vengeance, it’s like God damn it, and in the place of one dead Hamas member there will be 3, 4, 5 people and these people will also not be burdened with morality towards Israeli civilians, since they saw how Israel treated the Palestinian civilian population, and yes I I think all this could lead to the hunt for Jews all over the planet.
      Israel sows the wind, but in the end will reap the storm
  12. +2
    15 November 2023 07: 59
    Many patients and some of the staff have already been killed by the colonial army. The resistance fights to the death to protect the hospital and its patients (many of whom are either members of the resistance themselves or their relatives).

    Since childhood, I always saw the colony blowing up UN schools and hospitals full of children and refugees, claiming that there was an underground Hamas base there. Later it always turns out that this is a lie, but nothing is done to the colonies, and they, using the same pretext, massacre Palestinians for decades after decades.
  13. -4
    15 November 2023 08: 24
    Quote: tralflot1832
    So they already defeated everyone yesterday, judging by their statements in the Western-controlled media, or they still didn’t win.

    Do not lie. Shifa Hospital was taken tonight.
    Hamas used Al-Shifa Hospital as a bunker and shelter, knowing that it would not be targeted by air strikes.
    In 2009, the Palestinian Health Ministry, which runs the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, accused Hamas members of taking control of Shifa Hospital wards, using them for interrogation and imprisonment, and stopping medical care. The Palestinian Ministry of Health also called on Hamas to stop stealing and diverting medical resources to its warehouses and centers (outside the hospital).
    In 2014, Amnesty International documented how Hamas forces abused a hospital clinic to carry out a series of unlawful killings and other serious abuses against members of the Palestinian opposition.
  14. -1
    15 November 2023 08: 25
    Amazing posts, comrades.
    Is there really something unprecedented about this?
    Capturing the hospital - and we storm the hospital.
    Seizure of the school on September 1 - and we storm the school.
    This is our story.
    Are you outraged too? No?
    Or is it something completely different?
    Being blocked by hospitals and schools - they love it.
    To be outraged by the actions of the IDF because they are doing exactly the same thing that we were doing in the same situation is a special state of mind.
  15. 0
    15 November 2023 08: 26
    Quote: Egoza
    The IDF command claims that the main command post of the Hamas movement is supposedly located underneath it.

    So it’s not just this hospital that is being attacked. Or do they believe that there is a command post under every hospital?

    They believe so because they have reason to believe so.
    The Hamas metro costs tens of billions of dollars. The Hamas leadership doesn't care about the people of Gaza.
  16. 0
    15 November 2023 08: 29
    Quote from Si1vernn
    A very convenient excuse, no one demands any condemnation and no evidence. Nobody cares how many civilians will die and whether Hamas will be hiding there.

    Your comment is very convenient: you need evidence before taking hospitals or after, if you do not believe either one or the other.
    Si1vernn holds Islamic terrorists in high esteem, especially Chechen and Palestinian ones. These Si1vernn trust only these terrorists. Well, and Ukrainian ones!
  17. 0
    15 November 2023 08: 31
    Quote: Girl with a broom
    What will the IDF combat award be called?
    "for taking the hospital"?

    No, "For the confrontation with girls with brooms, whose brain is a broom!"
  18. +2
    15 November 2023 08: 36
    Quote: Ivar Ravi
    There will be several awards: “Star of David of four degrees for the victory over women in labor”, “golden Menorah for taking the emergency department”, “Order of Zion’s Glory for the storming of Al-Shifa”

    Ivar Ravi awarded his Chechen terrorists with such medals. There were several awards: "Crescent of four degrees for the victory over common sense and humanism", "Thank you Muhammad for taking the school in Beslan", "Order of Glory for the storming of Nord-Ost", "Order of Islamist terrorist stupidity for the destruction of Hamas and Gaza".
    Ivar Ravi, with what part of your body were you thinking, what were you thinking about when you were planning the action on 07.10.2023/XNUMX/XNUMX together with the terrorists?
    1. +2
      15 November 2023 08: 59
      Well, they awarded Kadyrov’s son for beating a prisoner.
      1. -2
        15 November 2023 18: 00
        Quote: Nagan
        Well, they awarded Kadyrov’s son for beating a prisoner.

        But no one else provokes interreligious and interethnic clashes. In Russia they do not burn the Koran or the Bible. By the way, Kadyrov Jr., quite humanely and in a slightly fatherly way, simply gave a couple of blows to the frivolous blockhead. Looking at this action, all sorts of “mad pussies” will change their minds about repeating rock concerts in churches and will save themselves from serving time and the jailers from the unpleasant duty of caring for imprisoned ladies. So the action of Kadyrov’s nephew can be considered humane.
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    1. -2
      15 November 2023 10: 02
      Any killed Palestinian can be called a militant, he's been through this. And for you Nostrasramus, it’s time to go to the accounting department to get some shekels, this is not the first time you have killed, crucified and burned people. Run for your silver coins, today you were extremely active
  23. 0
    15 November 2023 10: 31
    If there are only defenseless civilians there, then who are the Jews storming? Are they fighting themselves?
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