The Israeli President supported French leader Macron's proposal to create a coalition of countries to fight Hamas

The Israeli President supported French leader Macron's proposal to create a coalition of countries to fight Hamas

French President Emmanuel Macron's proposal to form a coalition of countries to fight against the Palestinian Hamas movement was supported by Israeli President Isaac Herzog.

Let us recall that Macron previously came up with the idea of ​​forming a special coalition of states to support Israel in the fight against Hamas. He voiced this idea during his visit to Israel last week. The Duke praised the French leader's initiative.

I like Macron's idea. I think it's innovative, original and makes sense.

- said the President of Israel.

According to Herzog, the threat from the Palestinian movement must be addressed through the joint efforts of the international community. As an example, he cited the fight against ISIS terrorists (a terrorist organization banned in the Russian Federation) in Syria and Iraq, which was carried out by the forces of the international coalition.

It is noteworthy that the French government as a whole takes a more cautious and balanced position than President Macron himself. The fact is that millions of Arabs and Muslims live in France - immigrants from the countries of the Middle East, North and West Africa. Paris's open support for Israel, and even more so France's participation in military assistance to the IDF, will become a clear factor in destabilizing the internal political situation in the country.

Separately, the Israeli president touched upon the topic of riots in Dagestan. He described them as anti-Semitic and called their very possibility very disturbing. In addition, the Duke officially recognized the death of German and Israeli citizen Shani Luk, who was captured on October 7 by members of the Hamas movement at a music festival on Israeli territory and taken to the Gaza Strip.

Meanwhile, Israeli troops continue their carpet bombing of the Gaza Strip. More than eight thousand civilians, including thousands of children and women, have already become victims of IDF strikes.
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  1. +5
    31 October 2023 08: 48
    Well, let’s put it this way, he didn’t support it, but initiated it, together with his American master.
  2. +6
    31 October 2023 08: 48
    . The Israeli President supported the proposal of the French leader Macron to create a coalition of countries to fight Hamas

    Yes Yes. Cover everyone in blood. For mutual responsibility
    I like Macron's idea. I think it's innovative, original and makes sense.

    I just don’t see an innovative idea. These jackals have always done this
    1. +3
      31 October 2023 09: 07
      Isn’t the supply of weapons a “blood guarantee”?
  3. +1
    31 October 2023 08: 49
    The conversation is like some kind of trade deal. Although for him, the Duke, which is not surprising, apparently everything goes through trade and profits.
    I like Macron's idea. I think it's innovative, original and makes sense.

    - said the President of Israel.
  4. +3
    31 October 2023 08: 49
    They can't, they don't know how to fight without a crowd. What the hell coalition, there are already 500 thousand of them together with those mobilized with total technical superiority. 10 to 1 at least.
  5. +6
    31 October 2023 08: 51
    The faster the world will split into parts. You are either with the West or against it. I don’t think that the Arabs will support the shooting of Palestine
    1. -8
      31 October 2023 08: 59
      Quote: APASUS
      The faster the world will split into parts. You are either with the West or against it. I don’t think that the Arabs will support the shooting of Palestine

      Yes, it’s a plus for the West, it has already realized that all the Islamists who have come in large numbers are not labor force, but an endless headache. There now, after what happened on October 7, anti-Islamic sentiments are growing very sharply, and all sorts of crowds of people screaming death at the Jews, zigging and other tricks only add to the hatred. Therefore, you can provoke them even more, and get reasons to pass laws to restrain them and throw them out of their countries.
      1. +4
        31 October 2023 10: 36
        Quote: BlackMokona
        You can provoke them even more, and get reasons to pass laws to restrain them and throw them out of their countries.

        Won’t Macron and Scholz’s ejection crack? Most likely, the new barbarians will tear old Europe like Tuzik a rag - to shreds. In Europe there are no police or army to deal with these parasites, but there generations of parasites have already grown up, they are united and armed. Well, they will create a coalition... and?
        Is it clear?
        So that it goes out by morning?
        And there will be a new European Caliphate.
        And how much will this help Israel?
        And won’t the USA break already? With the untied Northern Black Sea region, China and the rearing Middle East?
        For such a coalition, the Gulf countries and other Islamic oil producers can simply stop supplying oil to the aggressors... And no one will remember some kind of Hamas (the Arabs themselves can’t stand it) and the young girl from Germany they killed... but they will firmly remember about thousands of children killed in Gaza. Life in the Middle East is inexpensive, but spilled blood... especially children's blood, boils for a long time.
        Turkey is already declaring Israel an aggressor country and a fiend of evil... and this is a split in NATO... Pakistan is already declaring its readiness to use nuclear weapons... And Iran most likely already has them, as well as delivery vehicles. Whose side do you think the sympathies of the entire Global South will be on? Do you think China will miss this opportunity to drag the United States into this mess for longer? Will what is happening split the United States itself (Europe is out of the question - it is practically doomed), looking at the death of thousands of children in Gaza? And not only is the most powerful army in the region wiping out a small enclave day and night, but the USA with its aircraft carriers, England with its ships, Europe with its initiative coalition, because no one seemed to call...
        Remember how the United States almost fell into the Civil War as a result of the unpopular and shameful war in Vietnam? And here it’s even worse - in Gaza there is no army - essentially partisan detachments with rifles and mortars ... well, yes - they also have water pipes - they taught them to fly ...
        It's not a pretty picture. And both Israel and the United States and Europe lost the information war miserably...
        This is how worldly glory passes...
        Vietnam withstood the coalition assembled by the United States (there was also a coalition there, even New Zealand participated) ... And here - the entire Middle East ... the entire Islamic World ... the entire Global South ... And China and Russia stand on the sidelines , and neither the United States nor Europe sympathize with anyone.
        Is it really worth it?
        Have you calculated the consequences?
        Have you weighed it?
        Will you take it out?
        1. AUL
          31 October 2023 10: 51
          Quote: bayard
          And here it’s even worse - in Gaza there is no army - essentially partisan detachments with rifles and mortars ... well, yes - they also have water pipes - they taught them to fly ...

          Poor little Hamaz... So it turns out that you have to feel sorry for him, it’s hard for him, the unfortunate one! And we won’t remember the thousands of killed children and civilians in Israel - it’s not important!
          1. +1
            31 October 2023 18: 07
            Quote from AUL
            Poor Hamaz...

            Its leadership certainly did not take a vow of poverty, although I don’t know how much they pay in MI6.
            Quote from AUL
            It turns out we need to feel sorry for him too

            stop No need . We still have scores to settle with them from the Chechen companies. And in the Arab world they are not liked. But everyone sees how peaceful people are being destroyed and children are dying. And with a picture of a girl from Germany with broken legs, thousands of child deaths alone cannot be covered. And the big question is who started all this, who was in the first wave of attackers and why were they rotated immediately after 2-3 hours? Who removed the guards from the border. Who turned off the guidance systems? This is not an idle question; many people ask it.
            And England’s plans to close the Israel project have been heard for a long time; Hamas militants were trained and supervised by the British intelligence services. Turkey has interests in Leviathan... Israel is disturbing many people.
            And now he has exposed himself to the Arab ice skating rink. The Arab elites control and coordinate the British intelligence services - they created them at the end of WWI... and Israel has been interfering with England’s plans from the first day of its appearance.
            It sounds like a joke, but the British scammed the Jews. Trump would definitely not allow this to happen.
          2. +1
            1 November 2023 14: 55
            Quote from AUL
            Poor little Hamaz... So it turns out that you have to feel sorry for him, it’s hard for him, the unfortunate one! And we won’t remember the thousands of killed children and civilians in Israel - it’s not important!

            Hamas committed a crime. But why are you better than Hamas?
      2. +1
        31 October 2023 11: 00
        Quote: BlackMokona
        Yes, it’s a plus for the West, it has already realized that...
        This is not a plus, but a grave cross on European civilization: it’s too late to drink Borjomi when your lungs have fallen off.
      3. +4
        31 October 2023 11: 15
        Quote: BlackMokona
        There, now after what happened on October 7, anti-Islamic sentiment is growing very sharply

        Yes Yes. still saw it! Tens of thousands demonstrate in support of Palestine, and hundreds of clowns perform in support of Israel according to the Ukrainian method. wassat boy, come back to reality!
  6. +3
    31 October 2023 08: 54
    Two idiots (there is a forbidden synonym) is a force. Someone in France will feel worse. Everyone who joins this coalition against Hamas will become outcasts in the Arab world. There will not be many who want to join France and Israel in the coalition. They farted in a puddle.
    1. +1
      31 October 2023 11: 11
      Quote: tralflot1832
      Two idiots (there is a forbidden synonym) are strength.
      The funny thing is that imbecility is a mild impairment of mental activity in comparison with idiocy, but the automoder does not know this. Both should be removed not as curse words, but only if they are used as a personal insult to one of the participants in the discussion.
  7. 0
    31 October 2023 08: 57
    "met with support" of course. After the blow they received from Hamas, they agree to everything
  8. +1
    31 October 2023 08: 58
    Is Macron going to war? Oh well. As if in France itself you would soon have to run through the streets hiding from the shooters.
    I like Macron's idea. I think it's innovative, original and makes sense.
    What is innovative and original about assembling a coalition to fight yet another designated enemy of “democracy”? It has happened more than once, and France itself participated as best it could. And the last time the coalition gathered to “victory over Russia on the battlefield.”
    1. +5
      31 October 2023 09: 13
      rotmistr 60. hi I do not welcome the actions of the fans. Sports should be outside of politics. France, Marseille fans threw rocks at the Lyon bus. The head coach of Lyon was injured.

      And this is a country hosting the Olympic Games in 2024, where not only bedbugs will be the main characters.
  9. +1
    31 October 2023 09: 03
    No matter how the Arabs created a coalition against France, otherwise Egyptians also lived in Egypt before, but now they are Arabs!
    1. +1
      31 October 2023 10: 48
      Quote from Hello
      there used to be Egyptians living in Egypt, but now they are Arabs!

      Those Egyptians now live in Italy, France, Spain, England and Greece... R-1B - Bezhins. request But the Arabs had already come there too. angry bully . "Let the Storm come stronger" - Storm of the Intifada. winked Coalition against Coalition - they will knock out wedge with wedge.
  10. HAM
    31 October 2023 09: 23
    Without the support of the “Baltic Tigers” the coalition will not work.... so they will save up money for tickets to Israel, as soon as they arrive, as soon as they create it.....
    1. +2
      31 October 2023 11: 19
      Quote: HAM
      Without the support of the Baltic Tigers, the coalition will not succeed...

      Well, it won't be soon. Estonia is the largest country there. By the time they get there it will all be over. laughing
  11. +2
    31 October 2023 10: 07
    Right. So that your hands are not only in Russian blood, but also in Palestinian...
  12. +2
    31 October 2023 11: 04
    Or maybe a coalition of countries against Israel as a terrorist state?
  13. -1
    31 October 2023 17: 16
    The union of Macron and Herzog, the presidents of France and Israel, led to the following result - in Paris, houses where Jews live are already being marked.