Israel's UN representative vows to wear the yellow star until the international organization condemns Hamas

Israel's UN representative vows to wear the yellow star until the international organization condemns Hamas

Israel demonstrates its rejection of the UN resolution on the events in the Gaza Strip and is trying to take clear steps to indicate its position. Thus, Israel's permanent representative to the UN, Gilad Erdan, wore a yellow star in the UN Security Council meeting room. The Nazis forced all Jews to wear such stars during the years of the Nazi regime in Germany.

As Erdan noted, both he and his assistants will wear yellow stars until the UN Security Council condemns the actions of the Palestinian Hamas movement. The Israeli diplomat recalled that such stars were worn by “the grandparents of millions of Jews.”

We will wear this star until you condemn Hamas's atrocities and demand the immediate release of our hostages. We work with the yellow star as a symbol of pride

- emphasized Israel's permanent representative to the UN.

Note that Israel is currently continuing carpet bombing of the Gaza Strip. The Palestinian enclave is being methodically wiped off the face of the earth by Israeli attacks. aviation, periodically raids are carried out on its territory tank units of the Israeli ground forces. The number of casualties among the civilian population of the Gaza Strip, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, has already exceeded 8 thousand people, and the wounded are more than 18 thousand people.

Due to the constant bombing and blockade of Gaza, it is almost impossible to provide medical care to the wounded. At the same time, the strikes of the Israeli army, although they harm Hamas, are not so bad that the organization cannot function and fight. But the civilian population of the Palestinian enclave turned out to be the main hostage of the current situation.
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  1. The comment was deleted.
    1. +33
      31 October 2023 08: 13
      It’s time to equate the yellow star with the Nazi swastika
      1. +3
        31 October 2023 08: 31
        They have already done everything themselves.
        1. 0
          31 October 2023 10: 44
          Gilad Erdan wore a yellow star in the UN Security Council meeting room.

          If this gentleman decided to distinguish himself from others, he would glue this star on his forehead, it would be more visible.
          1. +2
            31 October 2023 11: 11
            Why glue? Let her nail her, and so she doesn’t sleep, bend the nails on the back of her head...
            1. +3
              31 October 2023 11: 15
              Why yellow? In the light now, a rainbow one would look more relevant.
          2. 0
            31 October 2023 16: 29
            Quote: frruc
            I would stick this star on my forehead

            He will draw a trunk on his forehead.
      2. +11
        31 October 2023 08: 31
        Did the Nazis learn from the experience of exterminating civilians with carpets? "Worthy" students!
        1. +5
          31 October 2023 08: 50
          Well, it turned out to be very creative. Otherwise they pretend to be civilized, while they themselves mix concrete with bodies. They turned out to be good students. soldier
      3. +4
        31 October 2023 08: 43
        smile Clowning...if before the Germans forced Jews to wear a yellow star, now who is forcing them???
        You put it on yourself, yourself... all by yourself, and the Israelis have no one to blame but themselves.
      4. +2
        31 October 2023 08: 59
        . it's time to equate the yellow star with the Nazi swastika

        And in general, the six-pointed star specifically, after the Palestinian genocide
      5. 0
        31 October 2023 10: 21
        Quote from Silver99
        It’s time to equate the yellow star with the Nazi swastika

        He would draw it on his forehead. And let him walk around with this crap.
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. Msi
      31 October 2023 08: 26
      tries to take clear steps to indicate its position. Thus, Israel's permanent representative to the UN, Gilad Erdan, wore a yellow star in the UN Security Council meeting room.

      Bright steps... Reminds me of something...
      The wards of Israel and the USA showed many “bright steps” in Europe. Remember the underpants of the outskirts people, smeared with red paint, which they demonstrated in Europe. The "manuals" are the same...
      1. +6
        31 October 2023 08: 46
        Quote from Msi
        tries to take clear steps to indicate its position. Thus, Israel's permanent representative to the UN, Gilad Erdan, wore a yellow star in the UN Security Council meeting room.

        Bright steps... Reminds me of something...

        If I understand correctly, the first yellow stars in Nazi Germany began to be worn by a decision agreed upon with the Jewish elite, which closely interacted with the authorities.
      2. +1
        31 October 2023 15: 11
        Quote from Msi
        Remember the red paint-smeared underpants of the outskirts
        And the “white helmets” in Syria, and the same “wounded and killed” smeared with ketchup in Gaza. Exactly, the “manuals” are the same.
    4. +5
      31 October 2023 10: 12
      Why... good idea. Let everyone wear it - so others around will immediately see who they are dealing with...
    5. 0
      31 October 2023 11: 40
      Yes, at least sew on a green crescent. lol
    6. 0
      31 October 2023 13: 09
      They hitched it to the wrong place! It was necessary on the forehead.
  2. +8
    31 October 2023 08: 07
    Ordinary blackmail of an international organization, but any condition can be set. The UN will lead, the path will be trodden.
  3. +24
    31 October 2023 08: 08
    the most offended nation, apparently, that's what really irritates me about them, they are arrogant in everything, as if only they got it badly
    1. +6
      31 October 2023 08: 49
      Others, it seems, did not get it as much from their own fellow tribesmen as they did.
  4. +11
    31 October 2023 08: 10
    Thus, Israel's permanent representative to the UN, Gilad Erdan, wore a yellow star in the UN Security Council meeting room.
    If he wants, let him wear it. Offended)) made himself look like an offended person. And he doesn’t care that the Third World War, started by Merikatos and Jews, is on the doorstep? Or is he thinking about sitting in the bunker too?
  5. +23
    31 October 2023 08: 10
    And let him be accompanied from behind by a Bandera escort with a German rifle - it will be even cooler, yeah. At least it’s historically true.
    1. 0
      31 October 2023 10: 13
      Quote: Al Manah
      And let him be accompanied from behind by a Bandera escort with a German rifle - it will be even cooler, yeah. At least it’s historically true.

      You and I all know perfectly well that it would be historically even more true...
      1. +2
        31 October 2023 15: 07
        Quote: Peter_Koldunov

        You and I all know perfectly well that it would be historically even more true...

  6. +21
    31 October 2023 08: 12
    The Zionists who are destroying the Palestinians as a people, killing and expelling them from their lands, decided to remind that someone once destroyed them. Do they have the right to do this? Bloody clowns.
  7. +3
    31 October 2023 08: 12
    Well, if that is his desire, then why not?
  8. +19
    31 October 2023 08: 18
    A camp robe would go well with the yellow star. But it doesn’t look very good on a Gucci suit.
    1. +12
      31 October 2023 08: 24
      South Ukrainian - correctly noted with a striped uniform, only for reality there is still not enough Ukrainian delegation in the UPA uniform in the background, behind the Israeli delegation. hi
    2. Msi
      31 October 2023 08: 31
      A camp robe would go well with the yellow star.

      You noticed exactly. But the yellow star was worn not only on camp uniforms...
    3. +1
      31 October 2023 08: 36

      South Ukrainian
      Today, 08: 18
      A camp robe would go well with the yellow star. But it doesn’t look very good on a Gucci suit.
      good this, with the UN from the Jews, works for the public.
  9. +6
    31 October 2023 08: 23
    And what suffering do they have because they wear a yellow star? Are they trying to remind us what hardships the Jews had then? And now the Palestinians suffer, suffer, and are oppressed.
    1. Msi
      31 October 2023 08: 42
      And what suffering do they have because they wear a yellow star?

      This character, as we see, has ruined his expensive suit...
    2. 0
      31 October 2023 13: 13
      I basically don't understand why anyone should pay attention to such protesters. You attached them - well, wear them, nail your balls to the pavement - well, sit nailed, glued to the road - sit glued... And so they fiddle with them, fiddle with them, and the question is simple - why? You expressed yourself - now enjoy it.
  10. +6
    31 October 2023 08: 25
    Hypocrite. The Secretary General condemned the taking of hostages by Hamas, but this is not enough for him. He needs the UN to take their side.
    1. +1
      31 October 2023 09: 04
      The UN would accept it, but it does not give a veto to Russia and China. The UN is the same as the US sixes
  11. +1
    31 October 2023 08: 31
    Well, our delegation needs to be creative - go to meetings in striped uniforms with numbers, used in the death camps. And remind these holocausts of the number of dead peoples of the USSR. And the rest of the Slavs of Eastern Europe.
    1. Msi
      31 October 2023 08: 33
      Well, our delegation needs to be creative - go to meetings in striped uniforms with numbers, used in the death camps

      Oh... I don't think it's worth it. Let's not be creative. After all, this is the UN, not a historical performance...
      1. +2
        31 October 2023 08: 58
        Quote from Msi
        Oh... I don't think it's worth it.

        Do not be.
        It’s also not worth repeating playing the keyboard.
        Let them act like fools alone. hi
    2. +12
      31 October 2023 08: 47
      It’s better for our delegation to come to the meeting in the military uniform of the winners of the 1945 model, to remind the Jews who extinguished the crematoriums of those who burned them, losing 27 lives. Not one goat from their delegation condemned the demolition of monuments to our fallen soldiers in the West. Corrupt skins.
      1. +3
        31 October 2023 09: 06
        And it wouldn’t hurt to wear St. George’s ribbons to meetings
      2. +2
        31 October 2023 09: 16
        Quote: tralflot1832
        It’s better to let our delegation come to the meeting in the military uniform of the winners of the 1945 model, to remind the Jews who extinguished the crematoriums of those who burned them, losing 27 lives. Not one goat from their delegation condemned the demolition of monuments to our fallen soldiers in the west.. .

        And neither Israel nor anyone else from there has condemned the murders of Jews in Poland and the Baltics to this day. And the Jews in the West don't even remember the Nazis anymore.
  12. +4
    31 October 2023 08: 34
    why didn’t he stick this SHAME on his forehead!? It would be more convenient to wait for condemnation on the forehead!
  13. +7
    31 October 2023 08: 38
    They created a ghetto, a concentration camp in the Gaza Strip, but they put a yellow star on themselves
  14. +4
    31 October 2023 08: 39
    First, one Hitler put a yellow star on them, and now another Hitler did the same.
  15. +3
    31 October 2023 08: 42
    Let him order several sets. It will be re-sewed when the current one wears out.
    In general, this outrageousness is an indicator of powerlessness and hysteria.
  16. +6
    31 October 2023 08: 44
    We work with the yellow star as a symbol of pride
    Just yesterday this star was presented by Jews as a symbol of ethnic cleansing by Nazi Germany, but today it has become a “symbol of pride.” How impermanent everything is in this world. The Jews decided to take the UN "weakly".
  17. 0
    31 October 2023 08: 45
    You can walk like a neglected garden
    Or can you shave it all off?
    Both that, and another I saw more than once
    Who did you want to surprise?
    Tell me why are you happy?
    Wait look back
    Wait look back
    And you will see
    How will leaf fall fade
    And the crows are spinning
    Where there used to be a blooming garden
  18. +2
    31 October 2023 08: 51
    He’ll also look cute and say “that he was misunderstood and that’s not what he meant at all”... when they explain to him that this star was not only a symbol of race, but also a symbol of shame for the person who wore it.... here History really doesn’t give a bad grade, but it also has some irony...for those who don’t study it! Now this sign takes on its true meaning!
  19. +4
    31 October 2023 08: 51
    With their carpet bombing of Gaza and the genocide of Palestinians, they have already equated the Star of David with the swastika.
  20. +3
    31 October 2023 08: 53
    We will wear this star until you condemn Hamas's atrocities and demand the immediate release of our hostages. We work with the yellow star as a symbol of pride

    Carry it, who doesn’t? Then everyone wrapped themselves in Ukrainian flags, and now they also hang everything with Stars of David - some kind of variety
    1. +3
      31 October 2023 09: 10
      Some countries have already banned the display of a six-pointed star during public events. Some Jewish athletes will no longer be able to display their flag at sporting events. laughing
      1. 0
        31 October 2023 15: 26
        Can I have a list of these countries? It's interesting.
  21. +1
    31 October 2023 08: 54
    Well, there will be a blockade of Israel due to disobedience to the decision of the general. UN assembly? Or will everyone continue to watch this cannibalistic regime in action?
  22. +1
    31 October 2023 08: 55
    ils ont marqué "never again" sur leur étoile : c'est vraiment se moquer du monde, car ce qu'ils font à Gaza c'est "again" la barbarie nazie.
  23. +3
    31 October 2023 09: 06
    You can put on an embroidered shirt and wear it all together
  24. +3
    31 October 2023 09: 12
    For some reason, this reminds me of some kind of Ukrainianness. They pretended to be a victim and killed 5 times more people.
    This is called revenge, not justice. Hamas and Tsahal guys are definitely criminals.
  25. +4
    31 October 2023 09: 56
    Note that Israel is currently continuing carpet bombing of the Gaza Strip.

    Chutzpah as it is! Genocide your neighbor, posing as a helpless victim...
  26. +4
    31 October 2023 09: 59
    Israel, believing that everything is possible for it, has achieved with its own hands that now its citizens and Jews in general will be persecuted almost everywhere with pissing rags, which for them will be far from the worst option.
    Now the Israelis will start crying about manifestations of anti-Semitism, they say, ah-ah-ah, how ugly. Guys, you yourself awakened him. Now slurp with a spoonful.
    1. +1
      31 October 2023 10: 04
      Well, they really can do anything with such a "roof". Imagine, even with the current power of Israel, sanctions would be imposed on components, SWIFT, ships, ports... GPS data, etc. Would they really fight? Well, Israel should have exactly the same sanctions as Iran. They have a similar agenda. Only Iran does not conduct military operations with its army.
  27. 0
    31 October 2023 10: 09
    Is it weak to send yourself to a gas chamber?
  28. -1
    31 October 2023 11: 01
    Get out of the UN already and that's it, stop embarrassing yourself.
  29. -1
    31 October 2023 11: 46
    Gilad Erdan wore a yellow star in the UN Security Council meeting room.

    It turns out that he is his own Hitlerite.
    And some are still surprised by their support for the Nazis.
  30. 0
    31 October 2023 11: 50
    You can't stand wearing this star
  31. 0
    31 October 2023 12: 00
    They should always wear it. Another nonsense....

    The text of your comment is too short and in the opinion of the site administration does not carry useful information.
  32. 0
    31 October 2023 12: 36
    what hypocrisy
    what never again?
    Are they themselves engaged in outright Nazism, and again supposedly victims?
  33. +1
    31 October 2023 13: 06
    “History repeats itself twice - first as a tragedy, then as a farce.”
    With the yellow star everything is straight according to Hegel.
  34. 0
    31 October 2023 13: 12
    In Hitler's ranks there were 160 Jewish soldiers and high-ranking officers.!!!
    The British published a book on this topic, "Hitler's Jews"!!!
    1. 0
      31 October 2023 15: 18
      Quote: Given
      The British published a book on this topic, "Hitler's Jews"!!!

      A link to the book, please. I would like to read it. Sorry, it's still internet.
      1. 0
        31 October 2023 16: 18
        Quote: Pushkar
        A link to the book, please. I would like to read it.
        1. 0
          27 February 2024 11: 45
          Quote: Given

          What the Nazis called partial Jews
          That is, father or mother or grandparents are Jews. The Aryans called them "mischlings", i.e. mixed. But not Jews.
  35. 0
    31 October 2023 13: 24
    There is a proposal to the UN permanent representatives to carry out a peace march with
    yellow stars for the countries of the Arab world with the purpose
    clarification of the Israeli policy on Palestine and the Gaza Strip
    with 1947 years.
  36. +2
    31 October 2023 14: 58
    Let him hit himself on the forehead, moron
  37. 0
    31 October 2023 14: 59
    That is, if Hamas is condemned, this diplomat will cease to be a Jew))
  38. 0
    31 October 2023 15: 10
    We will wear this star until you condemn Hamas's atrocities and demand the immediate release of our hostages. We work with the yellow star as a symbol of pride

    - emphasized Israel's permanent representative to the UN.
    “We” could also wear a yellow star on their foreheads so that whoever works with whom would be more noticeable. And “they” are excellent provocateurs who see their star every day, but do not understand how to get to it (the star) “from there”. Something like this... winked
  39. -1
    31 October 2023 15: 15
    How many of you, gentlemen, continuers of Aloizych’s holy work, have climbed out! Like bedbugs from under old wallpaper.
  40. 0
    31 October 2023 23: 54
    Is clowning a national or national-professional trait for them? fool
  41. 0
    1 November 2023 10: 46
    Lord, let him knock it out on himself and his buddies - no one gives a damn about him.
  42. 0
    1 November 2023 10: 51
    And it needs to be sewn on the back. And it is forbidden to appear on the street without them.