In Hebron, Palestinians held a mass protest with Russian flags, portraits of Putin and Kim Jong-un

In Hebron, Palestinians held a mass protest with Russian flags, portraits of Putin and Kim Jong-un

In one of the largest cities in the West Bank, Hebron, another Palestinian protest against Israeli aggression in the Gaza Strip took place. Palestinians came out to a mass rally with portraits of Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

Above the columns of demonstrators, in addition to the flags of Palestine and the Hamas movement, the flags of the Russian Federation also fluttered. Some Palestinians carried portraits of the Russian and North Korean leaders.

It is known that Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un are perceived in many countries of the world as symbols of opposition to American imperialism. Russia and North Korea are trying to pursue an independent policy, facing opposition from the United States and its satellites. The “collective West” has imposed large-scale economic sanctions on both countries.

Not long ago, the leader of the DPRK paid an official visit to the Russian Federation, where he met with the Russian President at the Vostochny cosmodrome, and then visited a number of important military facilities in the Far East. Then Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov made a trip to North Korea, who noted that relations between the two states were reaching a qualitatively different level.

Unlike the countries of the “collective West,” Russia and the DPRK consistently advocate an end to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict on the terms of the creation of an independent Palestinian state within the 1967 borders. Russian President Vladimir Putin recently called the creation of a Palestinian state a key condition for a peaceful resolution of the conflict situation in the Middle East.

Good relations between Russia and the Palestinian movement have their roots in the Soviet era. The USSR provided great support to the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), consistently defending the right of the Palestinian people to their statehood.
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  1. -10
    21 October 2023 08: 52
    I didn’t really notice the Russian flags in the first 2 photos
    1. +2
      21 October 2023 10: 05
      At the first one, the yellow flags immediately catch your eye; the flags of the Russian Federation are carried on the right, but they have a small pole and are carried low.
    2. +1
      21 October 2023 19: 26
      I didn’t really notice the Russian flags in the first 2 photos
      Not only in the second photo. There are Russian flags in the first, third and fourth photos.
    3. -1
      21 October 2023 20: 09
      Well, let's have more minuses! How many Russian flags. I'm not a mountain to you... and then I laid down my bones in blood in the second Chechnya. Sofas
  2. The comment was deleted.
    1. +6
      21 October 2023 08: 59
      no sense no prospects

      Not a native Russian, apparently one of the new citizens.
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. +1
        21 October 2023 16: 23
        In Hebron, Palestinians came out to a mass protest with Russian flags, portraits of Putin and Kim Jong-un.

        Give these people weapons and cover!..
        They are fighting for their freedom and independence against a superior enemy. They must not give in to anything they demand...
    2. KCA
      21 October 2023 09: 00
      Can you run? Can you find the wall? If there is no point, run and hit the wall
    3. +14
      21 October 2023 09: 03
      Quote: Saigava
      It’s a pity that, as a citizen of Russia, I don’t see any meaning or prospects in life for myself.

      Have you tried to work?
    4. The comment was deleted.
  3. +3
    21 October 2023 08: 58
    The frog killed the viper, we don’t need Palestine or Israel as allies, much less help them with something “in the name of the great good.” Regular business dealings will suffice.
    1. +6
      21 October 2023 11: 01
      Quote from Huggie
      The frog killed the viper, we don’t need Palestine or Israel as allies, much less help them with something “in the name of the great good.” Regular business dealings will suffice.

      So the question is not whether Russia needs Palestine and Africa, but that Palestine and Africa need Russia. It’s not we who march with their flags, but they who march with our flags. The fact is that the mattresses and countries of the “seven” with their policy of dictatorship and intimidation have already raised the whole world, which is looking with hope at how Russia, China, the DPRK and Iran are slowly but surely breaking this system. Russia offers equal and mutually beneficial conditions for the coexistence of countries, while mattresses cannot offer anything other than bloc coexistence and wars with dissenters.
      1. -1
        21 October 2023 12: 51
        They expect that they will come and decide everything, telling everyone how fluffy they are and how they have been subjected to aggression, and some are happy to be knights in shining armor. Clumsy manipulation.
  4. +1
    21 October 2023 09: 07
    One of the predictors said back in 15 that there would be fighting between Israel and Palestine and Iran would stand up for Palestine. Russia, India and China would be states conducting world politics. America would be covered in cataclysms.
    1. 0
      21 October 2023 12: 52
      Well, since I said it, you have to fit in, of course (sarcasm).
  5. +8
    21 October 2023 09: 18
    There is a risk that such photographs will be declared evidence that the Russian Federation is behind the terrorist attacks.
    But the Western man in the street will swallow this, he believes his propaganda much more.
    1. +1
      21 October 2023 09: 26
      Quote: kakvastam
      There is a risk that such photographs will be declared evidence that the Russian Federation is behind terrorist attacks.

      There is an opinion that this is why such actions are being taken. And either the Angles or even the mattresses are in charge of all this request
    2. +5
      21 October 2023 09: 28
      Such photographs will be declared proof that the Russian Federation is behind the terrorist attacks.
      They are already trying without photographs, but so far it has not worked. And the leader of the ruling Israeli Likud party, Amir Weitman, directly threatened our country, saying that after Israel’s victory, Russia will pay the bills for supporting Palestine.
      1. +3
        21 October 2023 10: 21
        Quote: rotmistr60
        Amir Weitman directly threatened our country, saying that after Israel's victory, Russia will pay the bills for supporting Palestine.

        But until now no one has even said a kind word about the fact that the Russians freed them from Hitler’s genocide, and especially no one has paid the bills.
        1. +2
          21 October 2023 11: 34
          Now no one there knows about this, that it was the Russians who liberated humanity from German fascism. The prevailing opinion there is that the Americans and the British won the Second World War. They are already rewriting history. The day is not far off when the whole world will think that the first cosmonaut on the planet and the first satellite were American.
    3. +1
      21 October 2023 10: 19
      Quote: kakvastam
      But the Western man in the street will swallow this, he believes his propaganda much more.

      Yes, you can’t even imagine how they believe. Especially the BBC and NBC, for them the “true truth”, and their publications are not lagging behind. And if you say what is written in the Russian media, then you will immediately receive hostility - “everyone there is lying.” This already started with Covid-19.
    4. +2
      21 October 2023 11: 31
      This is why the amers stirred it up. To specifically show that Russia “sympathizes with the terrorist regime.” More recently, they were dispelling a similar heresy in Europe, where they dressed a man in a Putin T-shirt and somewhere on the edge of the crowd they held a Russian flag in order to convince everyone that pro-Russian people were getting into power. They operate according to the same pattern.
  6. -4
    21 October 2023 09: 28
    In one of the largest cities in the West Bank, Hebron, another Palestinian protest against Israeli aggression in the Gaza Strip took place. Palestinians came out to a mass rally with portraits of Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.
    Do not make yourself an idol. The Koran says something different... request
  7. -2
    21 October 2023 09: 43
    There are numerous proposals from citizens of the world to move the headquarters of the largest corporations and publishing houses Times, CNN, NYT, WPJ, Le Figaro to Beijing, Pyongyang, Jerusalem and Moscow in order to objectively cover world events and international politics!
  8. +2
    21 October 2023 10: 20
    Another Palestinian protest took place against Israeli aggression in the Gaza Strip

    Absolutely unmotivated, without any reason or reason, the Jews attacked the completely peaceful Gaza Strip.
    All people of good will in the world are protesting against this.

    The eyes of the entire progressive public are turned to the DPRK and Russia. The firm and consistent peace initiatives of Kim and Putin enjoy great sympathy among the broad masses of the people.

    With great love and great trust, the people of the world relate to the figure of the great leader Kim Jong-un and his faithful comrade-in-arms, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. All hopes are directed towards them.
    1. -4
      21 October 2023 10: 38
      Quote from: dump22
      All hopes are turned to them

      Apparently, the laurels of Al-Manakh do not give you rest laughing
      1. -1
        21 October 2023 14: 08
        And people really like this style!
        1. -1
          21 October 2023 14: 11
          Quote from: dump22
          And people really like this style!

          The number of these “people” is within the statistical error... chat with Al-Manakh, he’s in the know Yes
  9. The comment was deleted.
    1. 0
      21 October 2023 11: 13
      Quote: NIkodim
      Oh, if only they knew that the pitun is so-so hope. He’s in no hurry to defend Russia either, what about Palestine?

      It would be better for you to remain silent, you live in Russia.
  10. -2
    21 October 2023 11: 54
    The flags are the same small.
    portraits are carried by children.
    IMHO, it's a waste of time.

    I remember the videos about the NWO supporters - blacks and Syrians - at the beginning of the NWO. Then silence.
    Apparently the money was “optimized” for support. What if it happens here too/?
  11. 0
    21 October 2023 21: 41
    Palestinians came out with portraits of Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

    Well, good. The guys understand that a NEW POWER has appeared in the world! Which is the future!
    And we will help Iran, and they will help the Palestinians.