The FSB detained an 18-year-old Russian who was preparing sabotage against a military unit in Arkhangelsk

The FSB detained an 18-year-old Russian who was preparing sabotage against a military unit in Arkhangelsk

In the Arkhangelsk region, an attempt at sabotage against a military unit stationed in the regional center was prevented. This was reported by the press service of the Office of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation for the Arkhangelsk Region.

As it became known, operational officers of the FSB Directorate for the Arkhangelsk Region and the FSB Directorate for the Northern the fleet information was received about an impending act of sabotage on the territory of a military unit in the city of Arkhangelsk. As a result of coordinated actions by employees of the FSB of the Russian Federation, an 18-year-old Russian was detained.

The press service of the FSB reports that the young man received an order from an organization banned in the Russian Federation to set fire to military equipment located on the territory of the military unit with an incendiary mixture. But since counterintelligence officers became aware of the plans of the young saboteur, the crime was never committed.

The competent authorities are currently conducting further investigation into this crime. Let us note that with the start of a special military operation of the Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine, the activities of saboteurs intensified in Russia, whom the Ukrainian special services recruit, including from Russian citizens who are morally unstable or greedy for easy money.

In addition, radical organizations associated with the international terrorist underground may also be involved in such actions. The presence of such risks requires increased attention not only from intelligence services and law enforcement agencies, but also from ordinary citizens.
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  1. -28
    12 October 2023 11: 27
    a young man received an assignment from an organization banned in the Russian Federation to set fire to military equipment located on the territory of a military unit with an incendiary mixture.

    And all these “organizations” are haunted by the glory of Kosmodemyanskaya! Well, “young man” is Lavrov’s phrase.
    1. +22
      12 October 2023 11: 31
      Elena, for what purpose did you drag Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya here, who actually fought with the occupying troops? This shithead is closer to Judas Iscariot, if you use historical figures! And delete or correct your comment!
      1. +2
        12 October 2023 11: 46
        Quote: Thrifty
        For what purpose was Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, who actually fought with the occupying troops, brought here?

        You're right ! Her comment is turky!
        1. 0
          12 October 2023 14: 30
          Quote: Nikolaevich I
          Quote: Thrifty
          For what purpose was Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, who actually fought with the occupying troops, brought here?

          You're right ! Her comment is turky!

    2. +7
      12 October 2023 11: 46
      I’ve always had a positive attitude towards you, Elena. But here they’re talking nonsense. In all of this, the following has been bothering me for the last year and a half. Why don’t any of the locals organize something like this? What’s the reason? The extreme rigidity and wartime laws? Are we not on war, they don’t kill us, don’t destroy our homes? Or is it that a large part of society doesn’t give a damn about the country in which they live? Then, similarly, the state should give a damn (with bullets) about such people. Why does it get away with this? But let’s not, They're caught, they're going to punish me... That's not enough
      1. +3
        12 October 2023 11: 56
        It seems to me that the point is that the ideology of Ukronazism has been implanted there for years. There, with rare exceptions, people are completely brainwashed. We still had different points of view in the media and ideological space. A bunch of nkos and other abominations worked freely. So the little people and their children were fed.
      2. +6
        12 October 2023 12: 30
        Quote from: dmi.pris1
        Why don’t any of the locals arrange something like this? What is the reason?

        Have you ever wondered why the Wehrmacht went to zero in 4 years, Werwolf ended in 5 months, and the Banderaites were driven away for 12 (!!!) years???
        It's simple - 99% support from the population.
        Just imagine - you came from the front, you have 5 children and regularly they come out of the forest to eat/wash/drink. The authorities can imprison you for eleven years for this complicity.
        To put it mildly, the country is hungry.
        There are a lot of weapons in the fields/forests.
        Are you local and know the area?
        RџSЂRё SUCH scenarios - how quickly will you get tired of snatching food from your children?!!
        I think - a month, two, no more (I wouldn’t be able to stand looking into the hungry eyes of my children for longer)..
        You will find a cache and throw a bunch of grenades there, or put a tripwire on the path, or stupidly get them drunk and slaughter those who come.
        You NOT you will feed them for 12 years.
        According one except if you fully support and approve of them...
        1. The comment was deleted.
        2. 0
          14 October 2023 10: 17
          According to my father-in-law, after the war he hunted for Bandar-logs in the NKVD units as a former partisan. They poured gasoline into the discovered hiding places and after a while threw a grenade.
      3. The comment was deleted.
        1. +1
          13 October 2023 21: 12
          Quote: New Order
          People understand what they are fighting for and support the state.

          Hold the acorn.
  2. +7
    12 October 2023 11: 28
    From another source:
    The investigative unit of the regional department of the FSB opened a criminal case against the detainee for attempting to commit a terrorist attack. He faces a penalty of up to 15 years in prison.

    I would shoot on the spot, not 15 years. So that other freaks don't care
    1. 0
      12 October 2023 12: 30
      15 years of continuous shooting from the air. drinks
    2. The comment was deleted.
      1. 0
        12 October 2023 16: 02
        Pro-Western terrorists cannot be corrected only by destruction.
  3. +6
    12 October 2023 11: 30
    Are you planning to storm an active HF with a Molotov bottle? They attack idiots. fool The sentry would have shot the fool. Then the parents would scream that the baby was killed.
    1. -1
      12 October 2023 11: 49
      There has already been a similar case with a successful arson. Of course, here he is a sentry switchman (who is an inviolable person)
    2. KCA
      12 October 2023 12: 37
      Much could have changed, but do you think that the fence of all high frequencies in the Russian Federation is guarded by guards every 50m? During my two years of service in the West Group and in the North Caucasus, I was never caught without leave, although I was caught once, the brigade intelligence chief was the patrol leader, oh, soldier, why are you walking around here? Oh, it's you, signalman, how are you? Come on, be careful, there’s still a patrol here. We just lived in the same tent with him, the guy was like himself, no show-offs, he understood what and how
      1. The comment was deleted.
  4. +3
    12 October 2023 11: 30
    I wonder what’s in the brain of this young moron
    1. +5
      12 October 2023 11: 39
      The guy played too many games, it looks like he felt like a saboteur lol now he will go far and for a long time, and rightly so
      1. 0
        12 October 2023 11: 45
        Quote: Vitaliy161
        The guy played too many games, it looks like he felt like a saboteur

        all the same thing prompted him, I hope it’s just money in his brain?!!
  5. +5
    12 October 2023 11: 34
    Why not in the army? There is a call. A sickly or unscrupulous student of the “cool life”?
    1. 0
      12 October 2023 11: 51
      Now you still have to try to get an emergency appointment... Deferments, categories of oneness and all that...
  6. +5
    12 October 2023 11: 40
    It is sad.
    There are never enough idiots, and it is not possible to catch them all...
  7. 0
    12 October 2023 11: 42
    Quote: Alexander Soviet Union

    I would shoot on the spot, not 15 years. So that other freaks don't care

    For the rest of your life, going to camps is just the thing. And others will think: was it worth it and for what?
  8. +2
    12 October 2023 11: 48
    Although they say in Rus': “There is an idiot in a family,” but there are too many idiots. Before planting for 15-20 years, it is necessary to publicly carve it in the area. Do the same with others - after the court verdict, flogging, then a stage. If there is a moratorium on the death penalty, flogging will not hurt for prevention purposes.
    1. +3
      12 October 2023 12: 00
      Quote: rotmistr60
      but for some reason there have been too many idiots.

      and this is a consequence of the state leaving the education system and the entry into the education system of someone unknown
    2. +1
      12 October 2023 12: 33
      Quote: rotmistr60
      Before planting for 15-20 years, it is necessary to publicly carve it in the area.

      Aren’t you afraid that they will be joyfully all over the square, “Oh yes!! spank me again!! again!! Ooooh!!”???
  9. +5
    12 October 2023 11: 48
    Victims of the Unified State Exam are pouring into our reality
    1. 0
      12 October 2023 12: 32
      Has long been.
      The first to pass the Unified State Exam were already over 30 (they still found a relatively normal school).
      And THIS is already a victim of subsequent education reforms and training for the Unified State Exam (and the fact that 8th graders have it) isn’t it from the 1st grade.
  10. +4
    12 October 2023 11: 56
    Until such people have a national trial and a gallows in the square, we will have no peace. A potential Enemy of the People must always first think about his family and whether it will then be able to survive his crimes against the Motherland.!.
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. 0
      12 October 2023 12: 35
      Quote: Roust
      Until such people have a national trial and a gallows in the square, we will have no peace.

      Bandera’s members were hanged - what’s the point? They barely pulled a little out of the forests with an amnesty, otherwise they would have sat like this until the 1970s...
      1. +2
        12 October 2023 14: 51
        Quote: your1970
        Bandera’s members were hanged - what’s the point? They barely pulled a little out of the forests with an amnesty, otherwise they would have sat like this until the 1970s...

        There are other reasons here. The point is not that many of them were hanged... the point is that even more of them were forgiven! And everyone had to be hanged.
  11. +1
    12 October 2023 12: 38
    20 years in prison and let him live there for his own needs.
    People at this age already understand what they are doing and what they are going for, and greed for money does not play any role here (this is not an excuse).
  12. 0
    12 October 2023 12: 39
    "Moral unstable" in 22 quartermaster, collected creditors and still wanted He was promised "tax amnesty" for arson: administrative building and military registration and enlistment office.
    He set fire to his clinic and the military registration and enlistment office tried, he was arrested.
    Yes, my son says that in the Second World War they were regarded as: treason and execution, and he is 11 years old.
    I wonder if that caretaker even sometimes thinks about what to do!?! Still, in 1956, you have to think with your head.
    I didn’t even think about loans, but many fell for credit tricks
  13. 0
    12 October 2023 13: 32
    One of the security officers wrote that Ukrainians They pick up unstable or confused Russians online, for example those with debts, no work or those who don't want to work. They offer them money and say that it's all a hooliganism, like 15 days maximum. So they fall for it. Although there are probably some ideological ones.

    I wonder why our people don't offer anything like that to the khokhols? Or maybe we just don't know, and such cases exist, but we ourselves Ukrainians deal with their traitors quietly and without sentimentality?
  14. +1
    12 October 2023 14: 47
    Here's an anacephalus... gathered with a Molotov cocktail to undermine Russia's combat capability.
    It's good that you turned 18. Maybe a bullet in the back of the idiot's head.
    Or better yet, sew camouflages for those you hate so much for 15 years...
  15. The comment was deleted.
  16. +1
    12 October 2023 15: 02
    There is no ideology, something the authorities themselves have put their hands to.
    Lies and disregard from the authorities for the people.
    Lack of money for a normal life among the people, and even more so among young people.
    Prices are still rising for everything
    But the authorities do not want to improve the lives of the people: the State Duma adopts only bans for the people on anything and everything.
    For the oligarchs, on the contrary, there are only relaxations and benefits.
    So the SBU provocateurs use these young, narrow-minded people - victims of the Unified State Exam.
  17. 0
    12 October 2023 15: 59
    Such people should not be imprisoned, but executed without any options.
    1. +1
      12 October 2023 19: 20
      The inevitability of punishment is more important than cruelty.