Betrayal of the USSR. Perestroika Khrushchev

Betrayal of the USSR. Perestroika Khrushchev

Most of the citizens of the deceased USSR would agree with the opinion that the restructuring of Mikhail S. Gorbachev became a catastrophe for tens of millions of people, and brought good to only an insignificant stratum of the "new bourgeoisie." Therefore, it is necessary to recall the first “perestroika”, which was headed by N. S. Khrushchev, and which was supposed to destroy the USSR as early as the 1960s. However, then she did not fully pass, Khrushchev could be neutralized.

A blow to the future of the USSR

To begin with, the forces behind Khrushchev (the “fifth column” not completely neutralized, the so-called “Trotskyists” acting in the interests of the United States and Great Britain), eliminated JV Stalin and L. P. Beria. In this case, Khrushchev relied not only on the “Trotskyists”, but also on many figures of the “old school”, like Malenkov and Mikoyan. They were supposed to go on an honorary holiday, replaced by talented young people who had already received education in the USSR. Stalin actually began personnel reform when, at the XIX Congress of the CPSU in October 1952, he not only expressed the idea of ​​advancing the highest posts of the state to the committed and educated youth, but also replaced Molotov, Mikoyan, Kaganovich and Voroshilov. The process of personnel change only gained momentum, therefore, the question of what to do with the leader, became an edge for party functionaries.

Had another important reason for the elimination of Stalin and his legacy. She is usually not remembered, although it is of great importance, since for a certain category of people, your pocket is more important than the interests of the state and the people. At the October plenum of 1952, Stalin expressed the opinion that approximately in 1962-1965, while maintaining the current pace of development of the national economy, the transition of the USSR from socialism to communism would become possible. And this transition will begin with the elimination of money in the Union. They will remain only for foreign trade. It is clear that for a significant part of the nomenclature it was a strong blow. By this time, a special bureaucratic class had actually formed, which had round sums in rubles. Undoubtedly, many have accumulated significant sums in the accounts of foreign banks. If communism comes to the USSR in 10-15 years, what will happen to this money? Run abroad? So, to lose your high status, all awards, titles will be canceled. The only way out is to get rid of Stalin and his followers as soon as possible.

Get rid of Stalin "enemies of the people" and it was necessary for another important reason - Joseph Vissarionovich put forward the idea of ​​a gradual transformation of the Communist Party: it had to lose the role of "manager" by the state, becoming the forge of managerial personnel, the educational function of the party had to come to the fore. Naturally, many party functionaries did not want to lose the levers of government, to give real power to elected Soviet bodies (the USSR was on the path to establishing real people's power).

These and other events were conceived for the medium term, but made many top leaders of the party scared. That is why none of the old Leninist guards tried to stop the liquidation of Stalin and Beria, or to continue their work themselves. They were satisfied with the situation. It is clear that most of the higher party functionaries had no relation to the conspiracy - they can be conventionally called "swamp". Some knew about him, others guessed, but their inaction helped the active group of conspirators (Khrushchev was the tip of the iceberg). This was the first and most important step towards the future "restructuring" of the Soviet Union. The Soviet peoples were deprived of the future, the opening of a brilliant perspective, which made it possible to transfer humanity to a new stage of development, to open a kind of “Golden Age” of the planet. The USSR, under the leadership of Stalin and his associates, could and has already offered mankind a different concept of development, more just and humane than the Western one. This explains the enormous popularity of the USSR and its development model in the Stalin era. Khrushchev and the people behind him crossed that opportunity out.

The second step, which dealt a terrible blow to the cause of Stalin and the image of the USSR throughout the world, was Khrushchev's report on the personality cult of Stalin in February 1956 of the year at the XX Congress of the Communist Party. In fact, this report has become a kind of starting point for the beginning of the anti-socialist, anti-people reforms and experiments of Khrushchev. This act undermined the foundation of all Soviet statehood. Millions of people, both in the USSR and abroad, who sincerely accepted the ideals of communism, were disappointed. The prestige of the USSR and the prestige of the Soviet government fell heavily. There was also a certain split in the party, many communists, outraged by the attacks on Stalin, began to express their indignation. Distrust of authority was sown in the hearts of the people. In Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland began a dangerous fermentation. Since the course of Stalin was "criminal", why stay in the socialist camp? The Western world received a wonderful tool for the information war with the USSR and the social bloc, began to skillfully warm up the "reformist" liberal mood.

Khrushchev was obviously not a genius of destruction, but other people worked well for him. Thus, the violation of the principle: “to each according to his work” became a very smart step. Everywhere in the USSR introduced equalization. Now both the “Stakhanovites” and the lazy people received the same. This blow had long-term prospects - people gradually began to become disillusioned with socialism, its benefits, began to look closely at life in Western countries. Khrushchev dealt another strong blow to socialism in the USSR by introducing a rise in labor standards: wage-ration growth was frozen (under Stalin, after the aftermath of the war, wages increased every year and prices for the most significant goods decreased, which symbolized the level of management quality in the USSR), and the production rate began to grow. Production relations under Khrushchev began to resemble camp. It is worth recalling that under Stalin material, monetary stimulation was in high esteem. Even at the front, the military was paid for a downed plane or a wrecked enemy tank. It is clear that many front-line soldiers did not accept this money, they considered it unacceptable in such a difficult time, but the system itself existed. The output standards under Stalin were raised in connection with the introduction of new capacities and advanced technologies in production.

As a result, under Khrushchev, the “socialist” version of the crowd-elite model of governance, characteristic of Western civilization, began to take shape. The people had to serve as a party-bureaucratic nomenclature (“elite”), which created a special world for themselves. It is clear that first of all it concerned the party elite. Traditionally, the USSR was considered socialist, but the basic principles were already violated. Khrushchev's socialism can be safely called state capitalism. One of the main features of a capitalist society is the constant rise in prices, primarily for essential goods. When Khrushchev prices crawled up.

Strike on armed forces

Khrushchev caused great damage to the defense capabilities of the USSR. Under Stalin, immediately after the restoration of the war-damaged national economy, a course was taken to build a powerful ocean fleet. Why does the USSR need an ocean fleet? It was obvious to Stalin that the “peaceful coexistence” of capitalism and socialism was impossible in principle. The clash was inevitable. Therefore, the USSR needed a powerful fleet in order not to be afraid of the aggression of the great sea powers - the United States and Great Britain, and to be able to defend its interests anywhere in the World Ocean. It is necessary to take into account the fact that a strong shipbuilding industry gave the country thousands, tens of thousands of jobs. Khrushchev destroyed this grandiose and deadly for the West project in the bud.

In addition, a severe blow was inflicted on the Soviet aviationwhich Stalin paid great attention to. This enemy began to argue that since the USSR has good ballistic missiles, then supposedly in other directions it is possible to seriously reduce costs, including aviation. A significant number of aircraft were scrapped, although they could keep their homeland for a long time, many promising, breakthrough projects were "stabbed to death". Thus, Khrushchev inflicted heavy blows on the Navy and Air Force of the USSR (and other troops suffered), and now we see that it is aviation and the fleet that are the most important tools in ensuring the sovereignty of the state.

The officer corps at Khrushchev just beaten up. Hundreds of thousands of the most experienced military specialists who had the experience of the worst in stories mankind of war, war heroes simply dismissed. People were simply deprived of land under their feet, dismissed without retraining, without housing, without being sent to a new service. Many divisions, regiments and schools were disbanded. Many important military science projects and developments that could turn the Soviet Union into a military space superpower, the 21 power of the century in the second half of the 20 century, were put under the knife. The West didn’t appreciate the disarmament initiatives of Khrushchev, didn’t appreciate the line of “defusing tensions”, nuclear tests continued, armies and fleets did not decrease, the arms race continued.

The destruction of agriculture and the Russian countryside

Khrushchev struck a terrible blow to Soviet agriculture, the Russian countryside. Food security is one of the foundations of the state. If the state is not able to feed itself, it is forced to buy food abroad, to pay for it with gold and its own resources. The Khrushchev consolidation of collective farms (their number in 1957-1960 was reduced from 83 thousand to 45 thousand) and was this treacherous blow to Soviet agriculture. Thousands of prosperous Soviet collective farms and villages were declared unprofitable and destroyed in a short time for a contrived reason. One of the lines of attack on the village was the closure of the machine and tractor stations (MTS) in 1958. Now the equipment had to be redeemed (and at the price of a new one), to maintain, repair and buy the collective farms themselves, which made them very heavy. The collective farms did not have a normal repair base, storage hangars. Thousands of qualified personnel chose to look for another job than to receive lower wages on collective farms. The destruction of thousands of "unpromising" villages was almost a fatal blow to the Russian countryside. Throughout the USSR, especially in the Great-Russian regions, abandoned villages and farmsteads appeared, in fact, the process of "depopulation" of the indigenous Russian regions was going on. The policy of eliminating "unpromising" villages had a huge negative demographic effect, since it was the Russian village that gave population growth (besides, it is healthier in terms of psyche and physical health than cities).

A number of reforms and experiments further aggravated the situation in agriculture (the result was the purchase of food abroad). Huge funds and forces were invested in the development of virgin and fallow lands of the Volga region, South Siberia, Kazakhstan and the Far East. With a more sensible approach, calculated on the long-term effect, the result could be positive. But with the methods of "assault and onslaught", the result was deplorable. The old areas of agriculture in the European part of Russia were abandoned, young people and experienced personnel were transferred to virgin lands. The ill-conceived project absorbed a lot of money. The mastered huge areas began to turn into salt marshes and deserts, we had to urgently invest a lot of money in projects to restore the land and protect it. The corn project, the “meat campaign”, and the “dairy records” turned into losses. Agriculture simply flooded the shaft of disorganizing activities.

Khrushchev managed to carry out the “second collectivization” - by decision of the December plenum of the 1959 Central Committee, personal cattle were called to buy, and household plots and auxiliary farms were prohibited. Allegedly, the household prevents peasants from doing everything they can on the collective farms. Thus, they struck at the well-being of the villagers, who could receive additional income at the expense of their subsidiary farms. Many villagers were forced to move to the city or go to the virgin lands, because there it was possible to “go out to the people”.

The course for the rehabilitation of nations. Changes in the territorial administrative division

7 February 1957 was restored to the Chechen-Ingush Republic (CIR), it included several autonomous Cossack regions of the Terek right bank (they were deprived of autonomy). In addition, 4 of the Terek region of the left bank, which were not part of the Chechen-Ingush republic, was cut off from the Stavropol Territory in favor of the CHIR. And the eastern part of Stavropol - Kizlyar district, inhabited by Russians, was transferred to Dagestan. During the rehabilitation of the repressed peoples, Chechens were prevented from returning to the mountainous areas, they sent Cossacks to the lands. One more "mine" was laid by transfer in the 1957 year from the RSFSR of the Crimean region to the Ukrainian SSR.

In 1957 — 1958 national autonomy of the “innocent victims” of the Stalin repressions of the Kalmyks, Chechens, Ingushes, Karachays and Balkarians was restored, these people received the right to return to their historical territories, which led to a number of clashes on national soil and laid the foundation for future conflicts.

It should also be noted that within the framework of the campaign for promotion of “national cadres”, representatives of “titular nations” began to receive key posts in administrations, party bodies, the national economy, the education system, health care, and cultural institutions. These measures had extremely negative consequences for the future of the USSR. The “mine” of the national republics, autonomies “frozen” under Stalin, special attention to the “national cadres”, the national intelligentsia under Gorbachev will shatter the Soviet Union.

Gold leak. Major foreign policy "achievements"

Moscow, as part of the proletarian internationalism policy, launched a large-scale funding of dozens of foreign communist parties with Soviet gold. It is clear that this was the stimulation of a significant number of "parasites". Semi-artificial Communist parties began to appear like mushrooms after rain. Many of them, when Khrushchev was removed from power and the financial flow was reduced, collapsed or fell heavily among the members. Within the same course, financing of various regimes in Africa, Asia and Latin America, which were called “friendly”, was unprecedented in scale. Naturally, many regimes willingly accepted the help of Soviet “brothers” in order to receive virtually gratuitous funding, assistance from Soviet specialists in the field of economics, defense, education, health, etc. In most cases, this financial and material-technical (and political ) help did not bring benefits to the USSR. Already in the years of the Russian Federation, Moscow wrote off tens of billions of debt from a number of countries. And this money, resources, forces could be directed to the development of the USSR.

In particular, Moscow absolutely in vain supported Egypt. The United Arab Republic (Egypt and Syria) received a loan from USSR 100 million dollars for the construction of the Aswan Hydroelectric Station, the Soviet experts helped in its construction. Moscow actually saved Egypt from the united aggression of France, England and Israel. The result was deplorable - the Sadat regime shifted to the United States, the country began the persecution of the Communists. Iraq and a number of other Arab and African countries supported it in vain.

A big mistake in foreign policy under Khrushchev was the break in relations with China. During Stalin's time, the Russians were “elder brothers” for the Chinese, and under Khrushchev they became enemies. The USSR had to create a powerful military grouping on the border with China, and to take measures to strengthen the border. Under Khrushchev, Moscow promised to give the Japanese three islands of the Kuril ridge (they simply did not have time). Because of this mistake (betrayal !?), Russia still has a tense relationship with Japan. Tokyo gave hope for the transfer of part of the Kuriles. And the Japanese elite hopes that during the period of new restructuring in Russia, Iturup, Kunashir and Habomai will be transferred to Japan.

In general, the blow that Khrushchev's perestroika had inflicted on demography, the economy and the defense capability of the USSR was terrible, but not lethal. Khrushchev was fired from the USSR and he was not allowed to complete the destruction of the Union. However, it was from the time of Khrushchev that the USSR was doomed to death (only fundamental measures could save him). Especially terrible danger was the change in the consciousness of the Soviet man. The Khrushchev reforms, in particular the equalization and the privileged position of the nomenklatura, led to the fact that the spiritual values ​​of a significant part of Soviet society had changed for the worse. The virus of “Westernism”, consumerism, gradually began to kill the soul of the USSR. Many Soviet citizens, especially young ones, began to believe that work for the good of society is a fraud, impudent exploitation, which is imposed by means of propaganda. That the dream of communism is a chimera, a myth that will never come true. And in order to live well, one must become an official or a party functionary. As a result, the Soviet vertical of power began to overwhelm the opportunists, careerists, people whose material well-being was the highest ideal.

It was then that the West was able to gradually change the consciousness of the inhabitants of the USSR, to conduct the underlying information war against the Soviet (Russian) ideals. As is well known, along with the Khrushchev “thaw”, a powerful information campaign was launched against the Soviet people. There was a substitution of value orientations. Spiritual values ​​were replaced by material. It was in the era of the Khrushchev reforms that the class of the townsfolk-bourgeois was formed, the images of which can be seen in Soviet films, for which money and things became central to their lives. True, the USSR was still dominated by generations of the heroes of 1930's industrialization, the Great Patriotic War, therefore the “tradesmen” could make a significant contribution to the destruction of the USSR only under Gorbachev. So, in fact, the soil was created, the social basis for the future destruction of the Soviet Union. It was these people who gladly accepted the reforms of Gorbachev and Yeltsin, they didn’t give a damn about the great power, blood and sweat of many generations. They hoped that they would live as if behind a mound, beautifully and in clover. However, life quickly put everything in its place. Popular property was in the hands of only a few predators.

We must not forget about this most disgusting factor in the “restructuring” of Khrushchev — the materialization and individualization of the consciousness of a part of the Soviet people. Unfortunately, at present this process has only been developed. The destructive actions of Khrushchev became the basis for the collapse and death of the Red Empire.
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  1. Octavian avgust
    5 January 2013 10: 09
    To the author: excellent article. Yes, Khrushchev was a traitor to Stalin and the Motherland; Judah is the sin of the 20th Congress. The article often refers to BER terminology. Is the author familiar with her?
    1. +48
      5 January 2013 10: 25
      Khrushchev just scum, scum like Gorbachev and Yeltsin, it is a pity that Joseph Vissarionovich did not put this bald nits to the wall.
      1. itr
        5 January 2013 10: 29
        Sakhalinets how old are you ???
        1. Rezun
          5 January 2013 11: 44
          How old are you?
          Dad told me how it was under Stalin and how it became under Khrushchev ...
          1. itr
            5 January 2013 13: 52
            35 and parents didn’t tell me anything like that
            Our family is now better than living under the union
            1. itr
              5 January 2013 14: 22
              This is a minus because I'm a bourgeois ??? laughing
              1. +19
                5 January 2013 15: 03
                Probably because you call Zhukov scum ....
                If you made such a statement in the company of serious people, you would have the opportunity to study on yourself such a thing as "answer for the market" ...
                And so .... rejoice minus ....
                1. itr
                  5 January 2013 15: 54
                  Sorry, well, I didn’t call Zhukov
                  Sorry for my Russian, I did not put a question mark laughing
                  1. Tamerlanf1
                    5 January 2013 20: 43
                    And I have not put a single comma! ignoramus
                2. +9
                  5 January 2013 21: 13
                  SW colleague SUBMARINER!

                  "Your Excellency"! Do not blame me - more specifically ?! Who are they - "serious people"?
                  My father, (at the WWII front since 1942, Kalininsky fr. ADD, Tu-2 bombers, military unit 1960, military unit PPK) - I think that's enough ?!) - an assessment of the role of Zhukov, in contrast to "Memories and Reflections ", reprinted many times (and, each time - in a new edition !!!) significantly differed from the one that you adhere to ...
                  As a sane person (I hope so!), Try to answer: who will you trust more - your father, who has his own (even subjective!) Point of view, but an eyewitness, or the official products of the "agitprom" e. "companies of serious people"? Only - honestly!
                  1. +14
                    5 January 2013 21: 48
                    Dear Chamber No. 6 !!!

                    Everyone imagines himself a strategist seeing a battle from the side ...
                    No one is immune from mistakes ...
                    I BELIEVE Marshal of the Soviet Union, four times Hero of the Soviet Union Zhukov Georgy Konstantinovich !!!
                    1. +1
                      5 January 2013 22: 32
                      I BELIEVE Marshal of the Soviet Union, four times Hero of the Soviet Union Zhukov Georgy Konstantinovich !!!
                      Three times - Hurray !!! HOORAY!!! HOORAY!!! Loud applause turning into a standing ovation! Everybody get up !!!
                      I do not share your point of view, but, nevertheless, I believe that you have the right to it!
                      Everyone imagines himself a strategist seeing a battle from the side
                      Shota Rustaveli meant something else ...
                      1. vovan1949
                        6 January 2013 10: 31
                        And why should someone believe your dad and not Marshal Zhukov?
                      2. +1
                        8 January 2013 12: 37
                        And why should someone believeto your dad and not Marshal Zhukov?

                        First of all, whom do you, dear, mean by the concept of "someone"?
                        Himself - personally ?! Or - a faceless "have an opinion"?
                        Secondly, I spoke only about my point of view. Based on eyewitness accounts.
                        Well, and, perhaps, thirdly: no matter how I strain my memory, nor how I can not remember when you and I had time to drink "for brotherhood" ?!
                        And, lastly: before the "a", I would still put a comma .... But, this is, by the way, about the education you received during the period about which you are so nostalgic ...
                      3. +1
                        9 January 2013 13: 50
                        Well, stay with your opinion and do not impose it on others. Your father, glory to him and honor, saw the war on the scale of his bomber, and G.K. Zhukov - on the scale of the entire Soviet-German front. Feel the difference!
                    2. +3
                      5 January 2013 23: 58
                      But I don’t believe Marshal of the Soviet Union, four times Hero of the Soviet Union Zhukov Georgy Konstantinovich, a thief, polygamist, liar and cannibal, who in peacetime threw 40000 (if not more) young guys under the atomic bomb, one of whom I personally saw. Only in adulthood did he find out where this living fear had been, and what he had experienced ...

                      Quote: submariner
                      No one is immune from mistakes ...

                      Would you like to fall into the category of such errors?
                      1. +5
                        6 January 2013 00: 29
                        Not afraid...
                      2. +1
                        6 January 2013 09: 45
                        But I DO NOT WISH !!!
                        War is one thing, and similar experiments on one’s own people are another.
                      3. Misantrop
                        8 January 2013 18: 25
                        Quote: Basilevs
                        War is one thing, and similar experiments on one’s own people are another.

                        Take an interest in how such tests were with other states at that time. I guarantee you will learn a lot.
                      4. +1
                        6 January 2013 11: 37
                        but in vain. Submariner, where did you serve?
                      5. +6
                        6 January 2013 12: 16
                        USSR Navy
                        Northern Fleet
                        SSBN "Leninets"
                      6. +4
                        6 January 2013 13: 52
                        Then I have the honor. And I served there, but later. SEC project 667 BDR, 667 B. We will not then swear. But my opinion about Zhukov is different.
                      7. +9
                        6 January 2013 15: 09
                        About Totsk
                        Las Vegas has a nuclear test museum. They talk about consciousness, the consequences and even bribery among the military, when the date and time of the tests were announced in advance with the aim of opening a new hotel.
                        In total, 8 Desert Rock exercises were held in the USA, 5 of them to Totsky
                        exercises. In total, over 50 US Army personnel participated in these exercises. When viewing the video, it can be seen that during the exercises, many American soldiers were in the open trenches quite close (less than 000 km) from the epicenter. There are chronicles shot by automatic cameras, as they, having received a shock by a shock wave, are slightly shell-shocked, run out of the trenches and run to the attack, without any means of defense. Also, without protective equipment, American soldiers march half a mile from the epicenter. As for the civilian population, that is, no less numerous film footage demonstrating how American citizens come to take a look at nuclear tests and have picnics.
                        In the USSR, for all time, only two such exercises were held.
                        Totsky district was chosen as sparsely populated, corresponding to the relief, vegetation and soils of the European theater of operations. To exclude the defeat of the troops by light radiation, the personnel were forbidden to look towards the explosion before passing shock or sound
                        waves, and the units closest to the epicenter of an atomic explosion, special darkened films for gas masks were issued to protect the eyes. For the sanitary treatment of personnel, as well as the decontamination of military equipment, weapons, uniforms and equipment, the troops provided for the deployment of washing and decontamination points in previously designated areas. 6 hours after entering the infection area, a complete decontamination of the equipment, washing of the personnel and a total change of outer clothing began. Prior to this, a partial decontamination and sanitization was carried out directly in the troops.
                        ... the results of 1994-1995. Russian and American experts in studying the radioecological situation in the territory of the Totsky landfill and in the regions adjacent to it indicate that the radiation situation in its territory is characterized by the parameters of the natural radiation background ...
                        As for those living near the exercise area, their health does not differ from the national average <Average growth in mortality in the region from malignant neoplasms (in 1970 - 103,6, in 1991 - 173 per 100000 inhabitants), equal to about 35 % per year, corresponds to the average in the Russian Federation and in other European countries.
                      8. 0
                        9 January 2013 14: 14
                        And where was G.K. Zhukov himself during the tests? In Moscow?
              2. pavlo
                5 January 2013 21: 37
                Because in the 90s you were flooded with rubbish, you were 13 years old, but you can’t drain it - the brew was brewed to hell!
              3. +3
                5 January 2013 22: 43
                Well, if you really bourgeois, then it’s clear ...
              4. Denzel13
                6 January 2013 14: 37
                Quote: itr
                This is a minus because I'm a bourgeois ???

                This is a minus because the head is to think.

                Have you decided to measure your genitals? This is about the fact that "I'm a bourgeois." Believe me, what you consider "bourgeois" is a very relative concept for some people.
              5. +3
                6 January 2013 16: 14
                Therefore, I exchanged my homeland for sausage .... Not literally, of course, but the comments from this series ...
              6. yak69
                6 January 2013 19: 33
                Bourgeoisie are different - bourgeois Depardieu, respected and beloved by many, and bourgeois Prokhorov - scum and scum !!
                Do you feel the difference?! ....
            2. +9
              5 January 2013 15: 44
              Women of easy virtue also probably live better than milkmaids and nurses. And how do these milkmaids live now even then? We can’t say how we would live if we were in power in the 50s or 80s, our own Den Xiaoping. By the way, he also bleached his pens with blood more than once, and if he had moved in 89, how much blood would have spilled and China would have claimed leadership in the world. The indicator of personal well-being after 21 years is not the truth.
              1. itr
                5 January 2013 16: 48
                If we have already switched to milkmaids and you are so much interested in their fate
                So help them
                I will be grateful to you
                1. +6
                  5 January 2013 17: 23
                  You minus. For milkmaids!
                  1. itr
                    5 January 2013 18: 25
                    Grandfather, smear, from tomorrow I will drink twice as much milk that milkmaids would be better
                    I look in Kazakhstan very seriously at any mention of dairy meat laughing
                    1. +4
                      6 January 2013 08: 05
                      I am primarily Russian in Kazakhstan, which does not prevent me from respecting all the nationalities of my country and we, in Kazakhstan, were also not of our own free will, but if the "special settlers" in the 30s had not rebuilt and mastered the industry that helped forge victory, then I think at 41 my ancestors near Kursk would have disappeared for sure.
                    2. vovan1949
                      6 January 2013 10: 46
                      I will be responsible for grandfather Mazai. In Kazakhstan, meat, milk, and in general everything was cheaper than in Russia. But for a couple of years now, prices began to be brought up to Russian prices and now, in general, they do not differ much. Also the standard of living. A bunch of rich people and their servants "ride in oil", rage with fat, while the overwhelming part of the population (mainly working people) can hardly make ends meet.
                  2. vovan1949
                    6 January 2013 10: 36
                    I am joining. Also minus for milkmaids. Because itr began to live better due to the fact that milkmaids began to live worse
                2. +6
                  6 January 2013 08: 00
                  Women of easy virtue in my post is a symbol - I will substitute, and then I will thank. And the milkmaids, who are also the symbol of whining the least, love the Motherland and save the country in difficult times, that their antipodes are not peculiar, they do not care whom to thank.
                3. +1
                  18 January 2013 15: 00
                  And you yourself help whom? How did your "family" make their capital? What did you do so useful and necessary? Not even for good. At least not to the detriment of others. Is there such a thing? Share, teach life, plz.
            3. +2
              5 January 2013 22: 43
              Yes, some will be well in a cesspool. And half of my relatives and family ended up in the next world. And there are not a few of them. Ask those who at that time lived in Togliatti or in Murmansk or in the republics or in Chechnya the same, but everywhere! Ask, just do not tell your opinions to them - they will
            4. +10
              5 January 2013 23: 25
              And my mother told me that in the 50's under Stalin, it was happiness to buy a domestic dress or shoes! The quality of all things under Khrushchev radically deteriorated and this is also a far-sighted sabotage.
              And also, under Stalin there were more than a million cooperatives that produced most consumer goods of excellent quality. And it was them who were first covered by Khrushchev.
              1. Anthrax
                6 January 2013 10: 25
                Under Stalin, there was generally something to buy for happiness.
                And there was simply no import
                1. +7
                  6 January 2013 16: 57
                  Have you ever come across a book: "About tasty and healthy food" in 1951? One glance gives an idea of ​​what the Stalinist economy gave back then. Now everyone would just be jealous, even with an abundance of imports.
                2. +1
                  18 January 2013 15: 04
                  As it was "there was no import". Very much even. Aircraft and automobile factories were raised on what? And what about energy, and what about metallurgy? And what about the light industry? There were a lot of imports. Well, yes, of course, you are not talking about that. Other imports are probably more important to you, right? Gum, jeans, cola and porno magazines. This was not really the case. Although I personally don't think that's a bad thing.
            5. +7
              6 January 2013 10: 04
              This is how to look ... The state issued an apartment for you? and your children?

              I do not exclude the possibility that I live in Moscow in more comfortable conditions. But you need to think not only about yourself. On average, the country's standard of living fell below the plinth. Previously, people could afford to normally go on vacation, and they brought the children to Moscow to show Red Square. And now they are barely making ends meet. Yes, then there was more egalitarianism, but also more justice.
            6. +2
              6 January 2013 16: 25
              Then read. Abstract of the book by Yu.V. Emelyanova

              Khrushchev. Dossier without retouching
              I repeat, but Mao Jie Dong did not stand on ceremony with the Jews, so China is on the rise.
            7. yak69
              6 January 2013 19: 31
              Now, as a rule, it’s better than with the union live either the feeder holders, or budget thieves, or bandits, or their lickers and henchmen! It is a fact. In the Union, those who were not lazy could earn a lot of money. I happened to live and work in Chukotka - I myself had more than 1000 full-weight rubles per month and knew many who earned their labor for 50-70 tr. And it was a lot of money! A cooperative apartment, for example, cost from 5 to 10 tr. and if you were not lazy you could earn it young. And you can just stand in line and get it. After working for 5 years in Moscow, at a construction site or at ZIL, it was possible to get an apartment. Can a working person buy or GET an apartment ?!
              With the author of the comment, it is clear - "a person knows how to live" (as the thief from the ph. "Beware of the car" said)
              1. Misantrop
                8 January 2013 18: 35
                Quote: yak69
                had a chance to live and work in Chukotka

                I know a lot of people who, in the 80s, officially earned more than 1000 rubles in Simferopol. The workers of the same Fiolent plant, by no means directors. And they built houses for themselves, who did not want to receive apartments. But for this it was necessary not to sweep the garbage in the shops, but to work professionally
          2. 0
            6 January 2013 10: 29
            And How??? Tell me
        2. Starksa
          5 January 2013 12: 53
          Stalin would rise from the dead and put hahaha to the wall of Humpbacked and Yeltsin.
        3. +9
          5 January 2013 13: 19
          Quote: itr

          Sakhalinets how old are you ???

          Born and raised in the USSR.
          Mom and dad also told me how it was and how it became.
          In general, and the discussed mrazota is enough right now to look at the political map of the world, with particular bias to pay attention to the peninsula of Crimea.
          1. itr
            5 January 2013 13: 48
            If your father and mother told you how it was under Stalin and Khrushchev, then you will be at least 60 years old
            What I doubt very much
            Yes, and the last question Zhukov scum too
            1. +12
              5 January 2013 14: 28
              I am not 60. You are somewhat mistaken in the calculations. For such judgments, their memories and personal knowledge of history are enough for me.
              Here we are not discussing Zhukov, but since you are so interested, I have a relationship with him as a talented commander, albeit with his own characteristics and an absolutely narrow-minded person in matters of politics, for which he actually paid with an early disgrace.
              1. itr
                5 January 2013 14: 39
                My calculations are correct
                In order to at least somehow talk about Stalin, one must be at least 30 years old
                Well, Khrushchev didn’t seem to be in power himself
                All the same, in my opinion, it was not without a bug
                1. +3
                  5 January 2013 22: 38
                  without beetle
                  If you do not respect history and the army, respect the "great and mighty!" Write the last name "Zhukov" with a capital letter!
                  1. vovan1949
                    6 January 2013 10: 53
                    Itr, I think you know history as well as Russian. Probably studied by Solzhenitsyn and daddy's "truthful" fabrications.
            2. slava.iwasenko
              5 January 2013 16: 05
              In an officer society, a candelabrum is hit on the head for such a statement.
              1. itr
                5 January 2013 16: 51
                I don’t know, I wasn’t an officer
                But Zhukov and put in power Khrushchev
                Maybe then Zhukov’s relatives candelabra on the head?
                I think it will be fairer to me for what
                1. Beltar
                  6 January 2013 01: 26
                  Yes, he didn’t put a damn, the military didn’t put anyone, they themselves become if they want, and the role of Zhukov in the events of the 53rd year is unclear.
              2. +3
                5 January 2013 18: 10
                Heh .. you had a society .... fool
              3. Denzel13
                6 January 2013 14: 45
                In the officer community they act differently. The candelabrum is out of date. laughing
            3. +10
              5 January 2013 23: 57
              Quote: itr
              Yes, and the last question Zhukov scum too

              Near Moscow in January 42, Zhukov directly and firmly pointed out his subordinates
              “If you want to be left in your posts, I demand: stop the criminal attacks on the forehead of the village; stop forehead attacks at heights with good fire; attack only in ravines, forests and poorly shelled areas "

              Even more revealing statistics. During the counterattack near Moscow, the irretrievable losses of the Western Front, commanded by Zhukov, accounted for 13,5% of the total number of troops, and Kalininsky (Colonel General Konev) - 14,2%. In the Rzhev-Vyazemsky operation, Zhukov had 20,9%, and Konev had 35,6%. In the Vistula-Oder, the losses of the 1st Belorussian Front Zhukov amounted to 1,7% of the original strength, and the 1st Ukrainian Front Konev - 2,4%
              And so it was throughout the war, if I may say so in this "competition".
              1. wax
                6 January 2013 00: 33
                Only Rokossovsky could be above Zhukov, but he was a Pole that Stalin took into account.
                1. Denzel13
                  6 January 2013 14: 47
                  At the same time, Stalin only called Rokossovsky by his patronymic of military leaders.
                  1. Skavron
                    6 January 2013 20: 11
                    Quote: Denzel13
                    At the same time, Stalin only called Rokossovsky by his patronymic of military leaders.

                    learn materiel ... SHAPOSHNIKOVA !!!!
                    1. Denzel13
                      6 January 2013 22: 11
                      Teach materiel teach your children. Although this applies to you.
                2. +1
                  6 January 2013 17: 02
                  And, perhaps, Chernyakhovsky, But the tragic death at the end of the war.
              2. -6
                6 January 2013 01: 34
                Quote: Ascetic

                Near Moscow in January 42, Zhukov directly and firmly pointed out his subordinates

                This is where it is written in his repeatedly reprinted memoirs? One thing is that at the beginning of the war he was in the position of the NSS and what the losses were saying a lot. I wonder why he was not shot together with Pavlov ???
                1. vovan1949
                  6 January 2013 11: 13
                  I am amazed! Of course, you would like all the best military leaders to be shot (because they are SOVIET), but alas, they won the war.
                  1. +1
                    6 January 2013 15: 16
                    Quote: vovan1949
                    Of course, you would like to be shot all the best military leaders

                    What is he the best ??? In the fact that the entire personnel army was lost due to his leadership in 4 months ??? How did it turn out that all the depots with fuel and lubricants, ammunition and weapons were at the border? And the deployment of troops before the war? And not I must say that it is Stalin's fault or the commanders of the districts, because they are just executors. All this is a direct responsibility of the Chief of General Staff !!!
        4. nutmeg
          5 January 2013 19: 27
          I remember at the time of 'those' by the 'voices' they read excerpts from the GULAG .... I did not believe, (the red propaganda did its job well) but shchas, when everything is known about this scum Stalin and write such articles ..... 1964, would live in communism ... Agree to thin ...
          1. +8
            6 January 2013 00: 12
            Quote: nutmeg
            I remember at the time of 'those' by the 'voices' they read excerpts from the GULAG .... disbelieved, (the red propaganda did its job well) but shchas when everything is known about this scum Stalin

            Believe or disbelieve, of course, you can, but if you have enough intelligence, you can do the analysis yourself only reliable sources must be used, but it turns out you are more convincing to lie to that and believe ... Turn on your brains. And you need to believe in God, then it will be easier to sort through life
            Quote: nutmeg
            and write such articles ..... 1964 year, we would live in communism .. Agree to a thin .....

            On the account of this phrase of Stalin about the possibility of building communism by the year 1965, I hear for the first time, BUT! theoretically, such an opportunity, from the economic point of view, I think was, at least in a truncated form ... That is, part of the products and goods could not be sold for money but given out to the citizen according to his needs. The growth rate of GDP in the USSR amounted to a record 450-460% for 15 years from 45 to 60. it is more than 30% per year. Commodity prices declined annually. My parents said that during the 50 period, bread in the canteens was not just free, but not limited in quantity. Everyone took as much as he needed. Parents were students then, the scholarships were small and the fact that they took bread in the dining room for free greatly helped them ... They took it with a margin so that there was something to eat in the dormitory.
            1. halt
              6 January 2013 11: 29
              a slucaino u tiex kotorijie etot xlieb virashcivali pasporta ni v seifax u priedsiedatielei kolxozov liezali?
            2. vovan1949
              6 January 2013 11: 52
              I saw it myself. In the dining rooms, in the hall there were special tables on which lay sliced ​​free bread. I was then a teenager and we are a company, returning from the beach and handing over the empty bottles of 12 kopecks found in the park. dumped into the dining room. I even remember that a plate of pea soup cost 8 kopecks.
              And at school they gave milk for free, I don’t remember just with bread or a bun.
              It was 50 years ago. And it is even difficult to imagine what heights the USSR would have reached in its development if the country's leadership had wise leaders. But the capitalist West did not sleep, and thanks to it, the brainwashing of Soviet citizens was carried out unabated for a minute. The result is known. The former mighty and strong state of the USSR has turned into a third world country, with which, seriously, no one takes into account. And when the nuclear shield becomes obsolete and Russia will increasingly lose its defenses, it will be allowed territory within the "golden ring" and have a dozen double-barreled guns in service.
              1. halt
                6 January 2013 12: 54
                nashciot xliebushka ..eto tolko v Maskvie bilo tak ili v Saratovie, Kalugie, Brianske
                tozie? ... a cto kasaietsa 'promivanija' to takaja bila cenzura i propoganda cto dazie ja, pribalt nacal vierit cto rano il pozdno proletarii vsiex stran soiediniatsa. , i pobieda socializma vo vsiom mirie niemienujamaja.A s ostalnim soglasien
                1. +3
                  7 January 2013 22: 08
                  Quote: halt
                  nashciot xliebushka ..eto tolko v Maskvie bilo tak ili v Saratovie, Kalugie, Brianske

                  In the cities of the Vladimir region it was like this, bread, salt, pepper and mustard in the canteens were free. I can’t say for the entire USSR, but given the unified social policy of the state, as well as the planned nature of the economy, we can assume that this was the case in the country as a whole.
                  1. halt
                    8 January 2013 01: 09
                    a kto platil diengi piekariam, kolxoznikam raz ix produkcija darom razdavalas? da v Amerikie i shcas i garstica, i pieriec i sol i saxar biezplatnijie v Makdonaldax i tualet tozie biezplatno. Ieshcio v gorodie Chicago registracija nienuzna ..... interesno av MOskvie iejio uzie otmienili?
          2. +17
            6 January 2013 00: 19
            Quote: nutmeg
            1964, we would live in communism .. Agree to a subtle

            in 1991, Japanese billionaire Herosi Terawama, speaking to Soviet economists, said
            “You are not talking about the main thing, about your leading role in the world. In 1939, you Russians were smart, and we Japanese were fools. In 1949, you became even smarter, and we were fools so far. And in 1955 we got smarter, and you turned into five-year-olds. Our entire economic system is almost completely copied from yours, with the only difference being that we have capitalism, private producers, and we have never achieved more than 15% growth, but when you held public ownership of the means of production, you reached 30% or more. All of our firms have your slogans of the Stalin era. ”

            That's all essentially an assessment of the activities of Khrushchev.
            In 1939, a new one was developed in the USSR method of increasing the efficiency of the economy (MPE). MPE was used in most sectors of the economy. The MPE was effective both for the socialist and the capitalist economy, but for the socialist economy the effectiveness of the MPE was more than 2 times higher. In 1955, Japan borrowed MPE, which ensured its rapid economic growth due, first of all, to innovative technologies (the “Japanese miracle”), and the USSR rejected MPE in the same year, which led to subsequent economic degradation.
            In short, under Stalin, there was a method of thoughtful individual and collective material and moral incentives

            An employee of one of the "Stalinist" OKBs (nuclear physicist) recalls
            Material incentives in organizations involved in the development of new technology consisted of collective and individual bonuses paid immediately after the acceptance of the developed product by the state commission (literally on the same day), if an improvement in the characteristics of the product with respect to the terms of reference was noted in the commission act. For each characteristic, including product development time and development cost, there was a certain premium scale known to developers even before the start of design. For example, for each kilogram of product weight saved in OKB-590, where I had to work, I paid 500 rubles (half of the engineer’s monthly salary). This award was received by all members of the team participating in the project in the same amount regardless of position. There were individual prizes, the necessary condition for the payment of which was the availability of rationalization proposals or applications for the invention, thanks to which it became possible to improve the characteristics of the product. For each innovation, the authors were paid an additional amount multiple of the remuneration received by each member of the team, which did not cancel the usual remuneration for the economic effect obtained from the introduction of the invention or rationalization proposal. The project manager, as a rule, not holding an administrative position, also received an additional bonus. The moral incentives consisted in the fact that the persons who ensured that the staff received such bonuses accelerated their promotion and mainly project managers were appointed from among them. At the same time, regular quarterly and annual bonuses were applied.

            In 1955. these MPEs were canceled and a system was introduced known as - "equalization"
            1. +10
              6 January 2013 00: 24
              What has this led to? Read on
              The bonuses at the completion of the projects persisted and even increased, but lost any stimulating role. Now the size of the bonus depended on the official salary and on the subjective opinion of the management and did not depend on the quality of the product and its economic parameters. The requirements for production costs and development costs have disappeared from the technical task. The premium volume was fixed at 2% of the development cost. As a result, it became profitable not to reduce, but, on the contrary, to increase both the development cost and the cost of the designed product. In factories, the previously mandatory requirement to reduce production costs disappeared from planned tasks, which immediately led to the cessation of any work to improve technological processes. At the same time, upper limits are set on the value of piecework wages, on the amount of remuneration for rationalization proposals and inventions. The moral climate in the teams has changed. Now the salary was uniquely determined by the salary and did not depend on the quality of work, both collective and individual. The role of subjective factors increased during job promotions, which led to envy and squabbles. In other words, man has become a stranger to man, and sometimes an enemy.

              So, a slight imperceptible impact led to a halt in the main engine of the Soviet economy. For some time, the movement continued by inertia, then degradation began, and in the late 80s the economy collapsed completely. Given the global nature of the application of MPE, only the leader of the USSR, which N.S. was from 1953, could cancel it Khrushchev
              the liquidation of the MPE was carried out very accurately, competently and, most importantly, invisibly to others, including, most likely, the rest of the country's leaders. There is reason to believe that Khrushchev’s other actions were equally deeply thought out and had a common goal, including the famous report at the twentieth party congress. It is appropriate to quote Molotov’s statement about Khrushchev made by him in the 80s:

              “Khrushchev, he is a shoemaker in matters of theory, he is an opponent of Marxism-Leninism, he is the enemy of the communist revolution, hidden and cunning, very veiled.”
              1. halt
                6 January 2013 13: 02
                eto s kakix eto por japonskijie ekonomisti avtoritetami stali? /?
          3. vovan1949
            6 January 2013 11: 26
            Since the "fifth column" has switched to a direct insult, it means "our cause is just - we will win." By the way nutmeg, itr, ramzes and other representatives of this 5th column, have you read anything from Stalin's works? Or all your knowledge from daddy stories and fictional fabrications of Solzhenitsin, offended by the Soviet power? Or your reference book is "Mein Kampf"
            1. halt
              6 January 2013 13: 00
              ni stalienskix ni gitlievoskix 'trudov' niecitali ... licno ja iz principa. A vot Kapital dumaju cto moziet i stoit polistat, no eto v budushciem ...... Kto protiv Stalina, tie 5 kolona ..... mmmda, nie tot kontropogandist poshol, nie tot. Ranshie kak to po 'tonshie' cto li rabotali .....
            2. 0
              6 January 2013 15: 48
              Quote: vovan1949
              ramzes and other representatives of this 5 column

              And who are you to write me down in the 5th column. I see you were brought up by the Pravda newspapers, and you know the history of World War II from Zhukov's "Memories and Reflections". Google, you can learn something new for yourself. a clear analysis of our defeats in 2, and we will step on the same rake !!!
          4. Denzel13
            6 January 2013 14: 53
            Quote: nutmeg
            excerpts from the gulag read

            Oh damn it, one more turned to Solzhenitsyn as the source of the most "truthful" information. Give anyone the audience and the media, he will write this about "hardships and hardships" - Solzhenitsyn will cry with emotion, but in fact criminals. There are exceptions, but this only confirms the rule.
          5. +4
            6 January 2013 16: 50
            At the end of the war, Stalin ordered the termination of the use / production of synthetic substitutes in the food industry. In 1948, food cards were canceled, and in your country, in 1952. In the USSR, they did not know the falsification of alcohol; In Uzbekistan, it is true, they "made" Georgian cognac, but they didn’t get poisoned from the nature of the products. All the abomination came from the "crappy" West.
            PS Yes, I ate bread "from Nikita Sergeevich" in half with peas, but without sawdust.
      2. sincman
        5 January 2013 15: 05
        Khrushchev’s son (For the murder of an officer) was put on the wall and Khrushchev did not forgive Stalin. Khrushchev’s son was a brawler and a drunkard ... After the first big brawl, Stalin forgave him and had mercy ... And after the second, with the murder - no. No matter how asked him on his knees Khrushchev. For this, Stalin paid with his life ... a little later. At the same time, the country has lost a truly national leader! And she received Khrushchev.
        1. +7
          5 January 2013 17: 51
          In general, after the "death" of Stalin, Beria was supposed to take his place, but, as you can see, it turned out differently. And all because of whom?
        2. Adrenalin
          5 January 2013 18: 25
          Stalin took Khrushchev too softly; he should have been forever excluded from all power structures. Only in this case, he could not take revenge. Apparently Khrushchev did not care what would happen to the country.
        3. Beltar
          6 January 2013 01: 31
          What nafig still son? Pediviku that at least look.
          And what Stalin was going to disperse all this bastard of the party, so he thought about it back in the 30s, but because of Adolfich there was no time for this.
        4. yak69
          6 January 2013 20: 06
          Something similar happened after the hunchbacked - Yeltsman took revenge on the entire Politburo ... But this blow came directly to the peoples of the USSR in the first and second cases.
          I am sure that now these scum and traitors are basking in hell !!
      3. itr
        5 January 2013 16: 33
        How could a traitor and an enemy say so? “We will never accept Adenauer as the representative of Germany. If you take off his pants and look at his ass, you can make sure that Germany is divided. And if you look at it from the front, you can see that Germany will never rise. ”
        Khrushchev asked one American senator whom he liked: "Where are you from?" - From Minneapolis. Khrushchev went to the map of the world, drew a pencil around Minneapolis and said: "This is so that I don't forget that this city must survive when our missiles fly." laughing how you didn’t add him to Trotsky
        1. 0
          6 January 2013 00: 18
          Quote: itr

          How could a traitor and an enemy say so? “We will never accept Adenauer as the representative of Germany. If you take off his pants and look at his ass, you can make sure that Germany is divided. And if you look at it from the front, you can see that Germany will never rise. ”

          Khrushchev was not an enemy, Khrushchev was Stalin understood economic categories, was an economist, Khrushchev never. fool
      4. yak69
        6 January 2013 19: 53
        I agree completely - Khrushchev-scum and a traitor !!
        It was not for nothing that Stalin once said - "I do not believe in fifty-year-old revolutionaries." And the kids of the high officials were holding tightly by the tail - it was they, these bad boys, who got used to living beautifully and without problems, with mothers and servants. So they wanted to legitimize all this and fix it forever. All these Gaidars, Novikovs, Karaganovs, Prokhorovs, Mitrofanovs (further down the list), it was they who undermined our system there, at the top. The author forgot to mention the Khrushchev economic councils in each region (the prototype of Yeltsin's sovereignties). They (the world behind the scenes) were terribly frightened of the Stalinist political testament where he elaborated in detail a plan for a qualitatively new scientific and industrial leap in the USSR. If the father of nations had lived for five years, the Harvard project would have been completely destroyed.
        And yet, I am sure that humanity simply has no other way out than to move towards communism! Consumer society is the degradation and impasse of civilization. Only the comprehensive development of personality and the rejection of selfishness open the way to infinite development. These are not slogans, just think for yourself about it - what the constant consumption of comfort and the acquisition of everything and everything leads to and what the creative work and conscious desire of selfless help to another person lead to ....
    2. +2
      5 January 2013 10: 45
      Yes, I worked most of the library with a pencil in my hands.
    3. nutmeg
      5 January 2013 18: 33
      but we put an equal sign between Hitler and Stalin ... and as for the 'enormous popularity of the USSR', how could it not be, if in a third of Europe there were Soviet tanks ... Was it out of love for the Soviet Union that people rebelled in Hungary , Czechoslovakia, Poland?
      1. +9
        5 January 2013 18: 51
        Yeah, just as the "respectable" inhabitants of Libya, Iraq, Syria, etc., did not revolt out of love for Russia. Probably out of a big love for the United States. Technologies are generally known and not so diverse.
        1. nutmeg
          5 January 2013 18: 57
          Right now, not about Libya, Syria and Iraq ...
          1. +7
            5 January 2013 20: 08
            nevertheless, what is happening in Syria, Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan .... these are your Western business deeds .... and the peoples of these countries certainly do not consider themselves happy and satisfied! You - the West - debauchery, idiocy, cynicism, betrayal, inhumanity ... I can list for a long time!
            Tell me, Briton, what is the strength? Is it in the money? here’s the brother (Ukraine) says that in the money .... Well, here you have a lot of money and what? I’m thinking that power is in truth who has the truth and is stronger! Soon kirdyk your America Britain and all the rest of the vassals .... by the way themselves in the hole and drive yourself! AMORALS!
            1. halt
              5 January 2013 20: 34
              u arabov, polovina idiot na polovinu.Hy a nashciot kirdika dorogama moja ... Nachkar .. ja uzie liet tak tridcat kak slishu.Nashi problemi vriemiennijie, vashi problemi .... navsiegda.
              1. sergeybulkin
                5 January 2013 21: 58
                eto nashi problemi vriemiennijie, a vashi problemi .... navsiegda, your bourgeois pyramid builders will ruin your economy, well, what are they producing and selling in Europe now? And they don’t really produce anything! All manufactures emigrated to China, there the slave power is almost free. Everything is being taken from China. You can only produce and sell weapons indiscriminately. Yes, to fight with everyone whom the United States point to. That is all your ambition.
              2. +6
                5 January 2013 23: 31
                Your "temporary" problems will end and you are right of course - they will only end in destruction for you !!! You will destroy yourself !!!! You will soon be gay and lesbian - gray humanoids unable to offer anything to your children - who will not be !!!!!!!!! You have perverted your souls and bodies !!! You are just a gray mass !!! And for you halt, I can only say one thing 30 years you live and no mind at all !!! What will you do when you run out of pounds sterling? And we all know the answer - you will go to kill ... it is in your blood now (in the blood of the West - as dirty as the gutters of the central streets of Paris in the Middle Ages!) - Yes, yes, when in Europe there were gutters on the central streets, mud and the slops were thrown out into the street directly from the windows, when washing - for a European it was - a shameful thing, and so at these times WE are "RUSSIAN BARBARS" as you like to call us, we washed in the baths and looked after ourselves, lived in villages in harmony with nature !!! However, nothing has changed in essence, only in particulars .... but you are far from understanding what is happening !!! Dumb with all the progressive west on !!!
                1. halt
                  6 January 2013 11: 33
                  do tokogo dazie sovietskijie propogandisti v daliokijie 80-diesiatijie niedogovorilis.Vipei drug tabletku ot isteriki .... poliegciajiet
                  1. +6
                    6 January 2013 16: 50
                    Halt, get at least one fact, at least one argument to refute my words! Anyone can babble!

                    I'll give you a few facts: (in this context, "you" means - west)

                    - you give the rights of gays and lesbians - destroying society! IT IS A FACT!
                    - you erase the distinction between man and woman from the beginning of raising young children! IT IS A FACT!
                    - you invented and legalized juvenile justice - a delusional and monstrous mistake! IT IS A FACT!
                    - you "carry democracy" - these words have already become a synonym for people of free countries, meaning - death, destruction! THIS IS ALSO A FACT! (do not believe me, ask the people of those countries where your aviation and commandos have done a mess called "crap")
                    - And about Soviet propagandists - read the story, go to the library and study the materiel yourself! Believe me, you’re just being sober when you see and read about your Western hygiene with your own eyes ...

                    Well, "Western partner", continue to give you facts? I can continue ...
                    1. halt
                      6 January 2013 18: 43
                      nu iest paru procentov etix geev i lezbijanok..pust zivut kak xotiat .ni oni vied pogodu dielajut ....
                      nashciot stiraniij granei ..... ti voobshieto sam to ponial cto napisal ..? smile
                      nu a nashciot demokratii ... vied sam znaiesh, nietu dima biez ognia. Iesli bi tolko 'kucki separatistov' vostali bi, to davno oni bili bi podavliani ruskim oruzijiem..Vot tibie moij korotkij i jasnij otviet.
                      1. +4
                        7 January 2013 01: 37
                        About blurring the lines between men and women: for example, in kindergartens in Sweden, boys are dressed in dresses and taught to play with dolls and cry! and girls are taught to shoot from toy pistols, taught to offend boys! Ask what does this have to do with your nerd Britain ??? Yes, the most direct - you are Britain, Sweden, ... you are all "WEST" !!!!!!!!!! And about a couple of percent of fagots - so over there in America they are already being called to the CIA, they are in power, and you have a dime a dozen of them! and they roam the streets freely! the day is not far off when on your streets they will point fingers at heterosexuals and laugh !!!!! And you yourself are going to this !!! but about "there is no smoke without fire" - no, I do not know, tell me, about: what kind of smoke does not exist and without what kind of fire? Did you understand what you wrote yourself? laughing Where did they rise? Who? what separatists? what russian weapon? in general, I don’t understand how you state your thoughts! A total mess! fool
                      2. s1н7т
                        7 January 2013 04: 07
                        Nachkar, do not pay attention to anything ... It still does not understand.
                      3. nutmeg
                        7 January 2013 15: 15
                        These Swedes came to us to share their experience, but how they came so poor and left. Nashchet fagots, it’s as if there’s anything, but at least we know our 'heroes' in person, but you have them plunging into deep underground and this means that wait for a blow from a slicker ... As for smoke without fire ... then I just like you thought that in Egypt, only a handful of 'separatists' under the leadership of the CIA raised the border. But when Murcia wanted to 'push' himself the same rights as Mubarak's, half of Egypt took to the streets So America was right when she said that people need freedom and democracy. But you cannot understand this, to put it bluntly ... Born to crawl will not fly
                      4. +2
                        8 January 2013 12: 53
                        Democracy or not - the people of a sovereign state must decide for themselves! And you (the west) have no right to intervene !!! I know less about Egypt, but about Libya - it all started when Gaddafi wanted to withdraw his assets from Western banks (gold in the first place), and get rid of dollars !!! All this and the fear of Western leaders (Sarkozy and other abominations) and became the reason for the invasion of Libya! Western intelligence services funded terrorist bandits and called this rabble the opposition !!!
                        Before the legitimate leader of Gaddafi was overthrown and brutally murdered in Libya, the country was in order, peace! Libya was a socially equitable state, secular, educated !!! What do we see now? Ruins, unemployment, terror and lawlessness, humanitarian disaster, lack of sovereignty !!! - is it democracy ??? If you call it democracy, then I go out lousy democracy can be equated with fascism !!!!
                      5. nutmeg
                        8 January 2013 15: 54
                        In North Korea and Cuba, too, "order" and under Hitler in Germany, there was also order ........... and yet, was not a passenger plane blown up over Scotland by order of Gadafi?
                      6. Turdaun
                        8 January 2013 15: 39
                        Respected in the "Latin alphabet", your "well, there are a couple of percent" will soon grow very much as a percentage, and this is a DISADVANTAGE .... Around the cult of "gayism" and "lesbianism" is a real WAR against humanity and morality in general ...
                      7. nutmeg
                        8 January 2013 16: 01
                        we will live to see this 'soon in time' and see how everything will be there ... Recently I watched a good Russian TV series, it turns out that Yezhov was also gay ... and Tchaikovsky too. So they were, are and will be and nowhere from them to us.
      2. itr
        5 January 2013 18: 57
        And no other love is needed
        I prefer that they would be afraid of my country
        1. nutmeg
          5 January 2013 19: 15
          Well then, don’t piss that you have NATO bases near you
          1. +3
            6 January 2013 02: 06
            That's where such asshole like you come from. What do you have there, massively? Although, what am I asking. Of course yes! You Anglo-Saxons, stupid shitty people who plundered half the world with their colonial policies and still dare to teach us Russians who saved your asses in all wars. You creature and all your country are at the same time a piece of shit on the other side of the Atlantic.
            1. halt
              6 January 2013 11: 36
              .......... laughing
            2. Denzel13
              6 January 2013 22: 21
              Quote: GoldKonstantin
              That's where such asshole like you come from.

              These .... x .... individuals simply work out their salaries in the State Department, nothing more. They should be taken simply as those impurities that are regularly thrown into the landfill as unnecessary.
          2. +2
            6 January 2013 16: 31
            And we are not pissing, see for yourself do not piss yourself!
          3. +4
            6 January 2013 16: 57
            Nutmeg,))))) You are familiar with the catch phrase - "And we are going north ..." (Soviet cartoon about Mowgli)! I read your comment and the image of that little wolf cub appeared before my eyes)))))
            and about the bases - who pisses them then? It’s you, especially in Britain, howling with fear when our ships or somalets appear along your borders! ))))))))) I read something about your hysteria about this! Notice in your own newspapers! )))))
            1. halt
              6 January 2013 18: 47
              kromie Britanskix bieriegov bili ieshcio i Shviedskijie bieriega, i Finskijie ..... Tak cto shumok bil nieponaprasnu ....
              1. Denzel13
                6 January 2013 22: 23
                In Russian, on a Russian-language site, be so kind as to write. Do not litter the air.

                PS What is weakly ruined by the Russian-language clave?
              2. +2
                7 January 2013 01: 44
                Of course not in vain - I’m talking about this !!! you all pissed and crap like our aviation and navy saw in their eyes !!!! that's why everyone in the newspapers got hysterical !!! This is me to the fact that we are not afraid of your bases !!! For their destruction, we have all the resources !!! And thank God that Russia is a peace-loving nation !!! Otherwise, you would have been gone long ago !!!
            2. nutmeg
              7 January 2013 15: 22
              in which case, we will collect at least half a billion under our own flags, and who will become your flag .... Eastern Europe, the Baltic States, Ukraine. ? So my dear friend, we are afraid of nothing.
              1. 0
                8 January 2013 13: 55
                Half a billion .... laughing Do not make fun of it so much ??? In the West, there is not so much money to pay the warriors !!! And no one will fight for free !!! As for the Baltic states - do not identify yourself with the West !!! You are just their appendage !!! And then we, too, can identify ourselves with the rest of the world !!! (for example, take at least China)

                Only the Baltic states are not enough for you !!!
                Not to be unfounded:
                Lithuania: out of 3 inhabitants - 244 Russians, 600 - Belarusians and 188 - Ukrainians! (total 187 38 RUSICH = 935%)
                Latvia: out of 2 067 887 inhabitants 556 422 Russians, 68 174 - Belarusians and 45 699 - Ukrainians! (total 670 RUSICH = 295%)
                Estonia: out of 1 inhabitants, 294 are Russians, 000 are Belarusians and 320 are Ukrainians! (total 912 22 RUSICH = 000%)
                5 363 751 people - the Baltic states, 1 242 736 - Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians = 24% of all the Baltic states !!! That is, every 4th resident !!! Of these, at least half a million will stand up for arms for Russia !!!
                Russia with its population can not even be considered here, otherwise you will be completely scared !!! bully
                And your Western patrons - I repeat - will surrender you in spot-offs as soon as you cease to be of interest to them !!!

                Do you still have nothing to fear ??? good
                1. nutmeg
                  8 January 2013 16: 13
                  Well, according to you wrote numbers here, your eyes are scattered. So a quarter of the Slavs, the future citizens of Western civilization, are successfully working at enterprises in Germany, Great Britain, Norway, and so on. A quarter of Putin’s disclosure went to Mother Russia. Well, with the rest, if something happened, acted as the Americans did with the Japanese ...... wink
                  1. 0
                    8 January 2013 19: 33
                    Data taken from Wikipedia (2011) so don’t ... go !!! And about what the Americans did with the Japanese ... are you talking about a nuclear bomb? Oh yo yo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s better not to threaten us with ballistic missiles that will be better than yours !!!!
                    1. halt
                      8 January 2013 20: 09
                      niet .... s nacala voini s Japan, amerikanci japonciev zivushcix v USA pomiesstili v specialnijie lageria
          4. +1
            7 January 2013 04: 24
            Quote: nutmeg
            Well then, don’t piss that you have NATO bases near you

            Scared a hedgehog with a bare ass :)
            If necessary, we will join NATO in the very Netherlands!
        2. halt
          6 January 2013 12: 29
          da ..iesli bi ninado bilo bi bojatsa Rosii, skolko sriedstv mozno bilo bi napravit na stroitielstvo bolnic, dietskix domov, golodajushcim v Afrikie .... A shcas na vashi bulavii iskanderi nado ciem to otvietit, vot i prixi tardi PVO .....
          1. sergeybulkin
            6 January 2013 13: 17
            It’s interesting when it was such that Russia threatened Europe, all the time from Europe all sorts of fag ... es climb on us with the aim of robbing and stealing more slaves from Russia. Who are you listening to there? Their shizanutny, shell-shocked in Vietnam generals who need the enemy, so that they would not be sent to retire? Come to Russia and ask the people what they think about all this. Maces and iskanders are needed so that, God forbid, God forbid, you do not press the red button, so that you remember that the answer will be!
            1. halt
              6 January 2013 13: 23
              iesli nashi vojaki bili shizanutijie, do kantuzienijie ... vi davno uzie bi pol mira zaxvatili bi.Al ni tak ..? laughing
              1. +3
                6 January 2013 17: 08
                halt fool
                no, not so, of course! Because it’s you who capture the floor of the world!
                It is useless to talk with you! You only understand the language of power! Therefore, we have not yet been attacked - because you are afraid like gophers of a python!
                You all did not care what was going on while we were on our knees ... you just did everything so that we would disappear from world history forever ... however, as soon as you didn’t succeed, we began to rise from our knees to our feet - how your hips shook right there! You began the hysteria of the global headquarters, which continues to this day! laughing
                1. halt
                  6 January 2013 18: 50
                  vsiotaki bila Rosija nakalieni .... wink i nadobilo to vsiego -niciego, poddtolknut i vsio, da vot pozielieli ... Dumaju cto xorosho i sdielali, cto pozielieli ..
                  1. 0
                    8 January 2013 14: 12
                    we - yes, we were on our knees ... we managed to break us insidiously, meanly and in dishonest struggle, but not destroy !!! And now we are reborn !!! And you have become a litter for the West, and everyone is spreading ... everything is spreading .... !!!! Balts - you are like a slutty woman! laughing
      3. Alexander 1958
        5 January 2013 19: 43
        If you like to put equal signs put an equal sign between Hitler and the elite of Great Britain and the USA- DO NOT MISTAKE!
        Alexander 1958
        1. nutmeg
          5 January 2013 19: 48
          Well then, and Stalin in the same company ...
      4. +6
        5 January 2013 21: 09
        It’s a pity that you young man didn’t fall under Hitler’s bombs in 1940, and later the "Fritzes" would have got you, but "Uncle Joe" did not give Hitler this opportunity!
        Winston Churchill called Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin (Dzhugashvili)!
        And if it weren’t for the Soviet Union, then you would have washed the port! And in general it is not known what your islands were called!
        1. halt
          5 January 2013 21: 47
          nu a iesli bi ni Amerika s Anglijei gdie shcas bi bil Covietskij Sojuz ....?
          1. -2
            6 January 2013 00: 02
            Quote: halt
            bil bi Covietskij Sojuz
          2. wax
            6 January 2013 00: 49
            The USSR would have defeated the Fritz in any case.
            Plus set erroneously (instead of minus).
            1. halt
              6 January 2013 12: 14
              kak skazat, kak skazat, cto tam bilo bi .iesli bi nie vtoroi front ...
              1. +2
                6 January 2013 17: 29
                Do not tell me the second front! It was an ordinary performance! You opened a second front only when you felt that we could reach the Atlantic, then you crap and opened a second front! THIS IS ALSO A FACT!
                1. halt
                  6 January 2013 18: 53
                  ie ocien to isilionok vam ostalos ctob do atlantiki doiti, ... A nashcio vtorova fronta, stoboi soglasien. Otkrili bi po ranshie bit moziet i mi, pribalti kak v kokoij nibud Danii zili bi ....
                  1. +3
                    7 January 2013 01: 53
                    Goofy ... why are you a Baltic man flying the British flag? it turns out you are a Baltic who stood under the banner of others? but I thought you were born in Britain ... Yeah ... !!! Yeah, if you lived in some kind of Denmark ... and so your Balts live there a lot - they serve more precisely, they clean the shit for the Danes, as well as for the Finns, the Swedes, and the Norwegians! If the Balts love you so much in the West, then why do you live in shit? ask this question! You have been independent for 20 years! your dream came true Baltic - you are free and the west has come to you! However, in the USSR you were better off economically (free medicine, education, cheap housing), and now you are left with nothing !!! What did the west do for you ??? You have turned from full-fledged citizens into migrant workers, travel to foreign countries in search of income, because you cannot earn money at home !!! I sincerely feel sorry for you balts !!! However, if you have dreamed about such a west all your life, then congratulations, get and sign as they say !!! soldier
                    1. nutmeg
                      7 January 2013 12: 19
                      Unfortunately, 50 years of Soviet occupation have not passed without a trace, we will still be spitting blood for a long time. For 12 years in the States, I have not met a single Baltic, Pole, Russian or Ukrainian living in `` shit. '' Here in England there are such, but after all, something depends on the person himself ... Naschet is `` free '' in the USSR, then almost all of our salaries were taken away from taxes, that's why 'we had everything for free ... And we don't need to feel sorry for us
                      you yourself have a lot to regret ...
                      1. +1
                        8 January 2013 00: 35
                        well, about pity, maybe it's true! Just don't talk about the occupation ... no one occupied you! My grandfather came to Germany, protecting the Balts as well, from the fascist plague! And you are now saying that the Latvian or Estonian SS legions were your heroes! You have no conscience! no matter what you write here, no matter how hard you try ... the story is one, and the truth is one! You have chosen - the West - what is your business and right! Just look around and not there in Britain or America, but come to your homeland, and see how your compatriots live there ... I repeat 20 years of "freedom" (as you call it) and touching the West led to very indicative results, where is the independent economy? Where is she anyway? where is your production? Where? Where is the real independence? You were dependent on Russia - probably yes! But now you are dependent on the west! Sovereignty means independence in judgments, actions, deeds! What do we see now! The Baltic states - Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia - have turned into circus ponies - who do only what they are told to do, who are ready to run on their hind hooves to be praised and stroked, to finally be fed, and constantly looking to see if the owner approves of what they are doing! Only when your resource of necessity for the West is exhausted, your "owner" will hand over you with expenses! You are just a bargaining chip in a big global game !!! You are comfortable bases near our borders and nothing more !!! (if the higher states were located somewhere in the center of Africa, they wouldn't give a damn about you !!!
                        And tell us more about the salary !!! What kind of tax was it in the USSR? who and how much "took away" from you ??? In figures, please envision the arguments !!!

                        At the expense of America in particular, here's an example of how America lives, at least in Detroit:
                        This is not the only example !!! The Western model of the world’s device does not work !!! We are witnessing the beginning of the end of Western hegimony !!!
                        As for you - many years will pass or not, but you will understand that you were wrong!
                      2. nutmeg
                        8 January 2013 16: 33
                        about the occupation ....... the United States never disdained the Baltic states for the USSR About the SS legions ....... in Lithuania there was no time for them. Any Nazi symbols are punishable by law. About all sorts of 'resources' there ... no one knows what is there and how it will be there in ten years. About salaries and taxes .... you want the state to have everything for free, be ready. to give half of the salary to the state. Holland ...... 51 percent .... Well, there is Detroit ...... there you have such 'Detroits', single-industry towns that are subsidized by a wagon and one trolley
          3. +1
            6 January 2013 01: 46
            Quote: halt

            nu a iesli bi ni Amerika s Anglijei gdie shcas bi bil Covietskij Sojuz ....?

            laughing laughing laughing laughing
            Change the words Covietskij Sojuz. and Amerika s Anglijei in some places and then you will be right and you will not make people laugh!
          4. 0
            6 January 2013 17: 25
            If it were not for America and not Britain (that is, if you had not existed in nature), the Soviet Union would not have existed! There would be a Russian empire and world peace! good
            1. halt
              6 January 2013 18: 54
              nu ti eto niemciem prietienzii priedjavliai, eto snix vsio nacalos
        2. +2
          6 January 2013 17: 22
          Vlaleks48, the fact that the USSR saved all of Europe, and the whole world as a whole, is yes!
          Only here one should not forget one important thing - Hitler didn’t come to power himself; it was just the Anglo-Saxons who contributed to him! It was their plan to destroy our project (and, as a whole, the Russian world as a concept)! Only apparently their plans failed and Hitler got out of control - the Anglo-Saxons did not succeed in the plan, and they got a threat already for themselves !!!
          These Anglo-Saxons and even with Judas are the most insidious and cunning anti-people on the planet! They are always plotting something! Throughout the story from the Nativity of Christ, this is clearly visible!
          1. halt
            6 January 2013 18: 57
            ciort znajiet kak tam vsio bilo, ... kazdaja iz storon imieiet svoi argumenti
          2. nutmeg
            7 January 2013 12: 22
            and you try 'from the outside' to look at this red project of yours ..... I am sure that you will be horrified like us
      5. +4
        6 January 2013 00: 02
        Quote: nutmeg
        while we put an equal sign between Hitler and Stalin

        Who sets? Those to whom the Soviet Union and present-day Russia are across the throat?
        1. halt
          6 January 2013 12: 12
          poniemaiesh brat ... vas tolko 142 miliona, a teritorija vot kakaja bolshaja, ... Otsiuda i misli vsiakijie, shalnijie v golovu liezut .. Da i vam pora zadumatsa a nuzna li vam takaja bolshaja teritorija. Iesli soviet nuzien, obrashciaities ...
          1. sergeybulkin
            6 January 2013 13: 23
            Here, here is the territory with us - and envy is gnawing at you, you don’t understand one thing that a significant part of this territory is not suitable for normal life, to stand there is the same as building on the moon!
          2. +2
            6 January 2013 17: 49
            Think about your problems better than about us, and besides, our territory suits us, which cannot be said about you! Scotland wants to separate from you already because the Scots understood what scum they live with each other! Good luck Scotland! Soon your British flagship will turn into a thin red cross on a white background! and you will live on your ragged part of the island, and you will be crowded with Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis and Africans and even the Chinese will drive up! Viva england!
            1. halt
              6 January 2013 19: 00
              ctoto stixli uzie eti shotlandci, vidno poscitali cto nievigodno. Merzkij narod eti shotlandci ... imiejut takijie privilegii, cto im tam tolko pomalkivat ... merzkij narod.
      6. wax
        6 January 2013 00: 42
        Do not flatter yourself. When Russia, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland rise in the east, the Baltic countries will blow up the EU with their demands for a happy life.
        1. halt
          6 January 2013 13: 25
          ja vot tozie nadieju cto Rosija kogda nibud 'podnimitsa' .. Tolko vot dozivu li ...?
      7. +5
        6 January 2013 01: 41
        Quote: nutmeg

        and here we put an equal sign between Hitler and Stalin ...

        But why don’t you equal Hitler with Churchill? He killed a few people in the same India? What can you know about Stalin? Just what is written in your lying news stories and politicized, how would historians write?
        1. halt
          6 January 2013 11: 42
          Cercil gulagi nistroil. svoix liudei nieunictozal. s Gitlerom Evropu nie dielil ... A nashciot Indii i Kitaja to ja nidumaju cto vam bilo bi komfortno zit riadom so stranami v kotorix zivut po 2-3 miliarda ...
          1. Alexander 1958
            6 January 2013 19: 06
            Good afternoon! If you look at the map, you will see that we have long been living next to China and India, where there is a million-dollar bill and we don’t quarrel much.
            Quote: halt
            A nashciot Indii i Kitaja to ja nidumaju cto vam bilo bi komfortno zit riadom so stranami v kotorix zivut po 2-3 miliarda ...

            This will probably surprise you, but Russia and the USSR were not the initiators of either the First or Second World Wars. All these wars began as a result of the desire to redistribute the world market between Britain and the USA., And Germany and Russia and the USSR, only fought back, pushing Russia and Germany to solve their problems with the wrong hands., And now trying to put an equal sign between Hitler and Stalin. Raising Hitler, inciting him to the USSR and then saying that they are bad is the height of cynicism
            Alexander 1958
            1. halt
              7 January 2013 19: 42
              iniciatorom bila Germanija, i mi protiv iejio voievali iv piervuju i vo vtoruju mirovuju. No kak to vi s etoi Germanijei uz ocien bistro obshij jazik naxodili ..... Dazie gdieto cital cto u vas tam niemalo obshciego .Nu raz tak ,, dogda i dielitie sudbiu na polovinu.
          2. berimor
            6 January 2013 22: 26
            Come on! Your fat pig Churchill participated in the war against the Boers. And England there for the first time in the world launched concentration camps! By the way, I didn’t say that, but the Discovery broadcast, that's it! I remember how your polished gentlemen scolded Russia about the war in Chechnya, but something didn’t notice that someone in your parliament was tearing their hair out of pity for Ireland, which doesn’t want (historically by the way) to live next to such intelligent democrats
            So whose cow would moan. Your filthy England can only exist with the help of lies, bribery, betrayal and even an elementary violation of international laws and double standards. Remember the words of your beloved Churchill (I quote the main meaning): "... as long as Germany is winning, we will help Russia, and Russia will win, we will help Germany" This is your whole rotten truth. Divide and Conquer Principle
      8. +4
        6 January 2013 01: 59
        You are there in the United Kingdom in general, it seems like in a dense forest. Hitler is a bastard, but Stalin is not. In half of Europe, people chose socialism, not Moscow.
      9. 0
        6 January 2013 10: 22
        Quote: nutmeg
        and here we put an equal sign between Hitler and Stalin

        Correctly write "put". Since you speak only for yourself. I ask you to present your arguments why we should put an equal sign. I just ask you not to throw yourself into a direct comparison of personalities and crimes. And disassemble them in detail with reference to sources.
        1. halt
          6 January 2013 12: 08
          napisali bi xot raz cto mi tozie ni 'golubi mira' Cto mi tozie kak i VI isxodia iz svoix egoisticieskix interesov i napadali, i okupirovali i unictozali ... togda i vsie voprosi snialis bi.
          1. sergeybulkin
            6 January 2013 13: 31
            Rulers and generals attack and occupy, the army on their orders! The Russians didn’t like and didn’t want to fight!
            1. halt
              6 January 2013 19: 05
              to cto nieliubili i niexotieli .... vieriu. No to cto ciut nie polina voin, kak your odin istorik pisal, bili AGRESIVNIMI eto fakt, ot kotorogo vam nikuda niedietsa.
            2. Denzel13
              6 January 2013 22: 28
              Quote: sergeybulkin
              The Russians didn’t like and didn’t want to fight!

              But they always did it with high quality and with very specific results.
      10. +1
        6 January 2013 16: 29
        nutmeg. And who is calling you all to us? Sit calmly and do not rock the boat, and we won’t drive tanks everywhere. And then you climb with your missile defense. aircraft carriers, and then you will again scream and whimper: Russian tanks in Europe, Russian savages trample on our democracy ... But I won’t quote about who Stalin and Khrushchev wrote Starikov well. Read it yourself.
        1. halt
          6 January 2013 19: 08
          no vied toptali vied .... iv Budapeshte, iv Prage, iv Polshie .A cto kasaietsa ..okrain bivshiego SSSR to tam savsiem vsio zatoptano bilo ...
          1. 0
            8 January 2013 20: 10
            halt! Well, of course, you like fascist democracy more. And we did not trample anyone, Stalin created a zone of friendly states around the USSR, the usual security measures. What for? Or maybe it was we who began the Cold War and the arms race, used atomic bombs against peaceful cities? You guys are not democrats, you are aggressors, and since your goal is Russia, you will end very badly, like all your predecessors.
      11. s1н7т
        7 January 2013 04: 02
        Quote: nutmeg
        and here we put an equal sign between Hitler and Stalin

        You can put each other with cancer there, it’s somehow fucking us. Read the story, moron!
      12. Misantrop
        8 January 2013 18: 49
        Quote: nutmeg
        if in the third part of Europe Soviet tanks were ...

        And whose tanks were in the remaining 2/3 of Europe?
    4. nutmeg
      5 January 2013 19: 13
      author of the article JUDAH .... burn him in hell
      1. +6
        5 January 2013 20: 11
        You Judas yourself are an unintelligent person. How old are you?
        1. halt
          5 January 2013 20: 37
          izvini brat ... no Stalin u moix priedkov otnial vsio i vislal v Sibir.
          1. +8
            5 January 2013 23: 11
            my grandfather was also repressed .... however, he dunked a lot of Germans with a sniper rifle! (therefore, they didn’t give a medal of courage, although it was presented for the award ....) but before the war, our family was dispossessed of our grandfather! only no one ran away !!!!
            but I’ll draw some parallels:
            you say the west is better .... what? what has created a society of stupid consumers? Or maybe that human rights, taken separately, are more important than the rights of society? - Again, not true! Or maybe the fact that he lives well at the expense of the "world colonies" (wake up to call a spade a spade)? You (or rather your masters) gave birth to the devil. Russia never got involved in war itself !!! Afghanistan is the result of the policy of the traitor Khrushchev and his followers !!! In your western project, initially = barbaric and inhuman ideas! For the West to live and develop, it needs wars, it needs slaves .... why don't you leave all the countries in the world alone ?????? That a toad will strangle you if all countries develop their own way? You are walking around the world sowing seeds of discord, inciting wars, bringing death =, disease and hunger !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            In the Russian (call it what you want - Russian - red ... yes, whatever you like) project initially there was always one essence - hormonal with the nature of people, namely, we did not create colonies, we brought peace and prosperity to the developed lands, and also patronage for centuries ! We did not put ourselves above others, and we carefully and carefully and respectfully treated the cultures and customs of other peoples! You trampled everything in your path !!! We have grown up an empire capable of offering the world a great leap forward to the future - where there would be justice, kindness, respect ... !!!! But as often happens, you understand that if we achieve this, then your western project will crumble like a house of cards !!! that's why you, with all the cunning, began to save your "offspring" with all your might !!! Notice you are still saving !!! Only now we played a lot .... your model of the world order does not work !!! Higher economies are declining, people are getting poorer (and imagine what the people, accustomed to living in abundance for centuries and suddenly losing everything - you yourself will eat your rulers !!!!) will do, you have no alternative and cannot be !!!! There can be only one alternative to you - justice - but you and justice are incompatible concepts !!!
            If I'm wrong, then take care of your internal affairs and do not try to meddle in strangers! can you do that? of course not .... but about "kirdyk" - it will be necessary and arrange it yourself you yourself - and we will watch !!!! Because the truth is behind us !!!!
            1. +7
              6 January 2013 02: 14
              Why pay attention to these British trolls? Let them bend with anger there. Of course, the villains and barbarians of Russia again stand the Union, which is not beneficial to the West. Asshole has always been and always will be.
            2. halt
              6 January 2013 12: 01
              represirovan ..... bil bi represirovan za Stalina bi nivistupal ..
              'mirovix kolonij' .... davno oni uzie ni kolonii, i pretenzii k nam nikakix u nix k nam nietu
              potommu kak i bit niemoziet.
              Rosija SAMA v voini nivviazivalas a kak nashciot Finliandii, Polshi, PRISOIEDINIENII Pribaltiki ..? Kto s Gitlerom Evropu dielil?
              prinosili mir i procvietanijie ... Kuba, Severnaja Koreja, bivshijie strani vostocnoij Evropi .....
              vashi narodi biednieiet ...... biedniejiet po to slishkom xorosho zili, zazralis. No eto poprovimo.
              a nashciot kirdika ... on u nas nikogda nienastupit, potomu cto mi sami nikomu nizilajiem zla, i niezdiom kogda u sosieda sarai zagoritsa. Ciego i vam zielaju
              1. sergeybulkin
                6 January 2013 13: 38
                But why do you blame all the people for the mistakes of the rulers !!! We, too, are not enthusiastic about the Stalinist twists!
                1. s1н7т
                  7 January 2013 04: 16
                  You yourself are a Stalinist twist!
              2. +3
                6 January 2013 18: 06
                Well, you and the DEER ... there are no other words!
                you're talking about old colonies like india, canada, australia ... what about new ones? Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan .... are not actually called colonies, but in fact they are! Where is the world in these countries? you’re also trying to get into Syria, but are afraid of our air defense!
                And at the expense of the Baltic states and everything else - your propaganda is much better than the Soviet one cleans the brains of ordinary people!
                1. halt
                  6 January 2013 19: 13
                  a kak nashciot Polshi, Vengrii, GDR, Bulgarii, Ruminii, Pribaltiki, Cekoslovakii .... cji oni kolonijami bili do 90-nostix? Paxali mi na vas v potie lica, bez nas vidiel bi ti etu svaju voiennuju moshc, kak svoi ushi biez zierkala.
                  1. +4
                    7 January 2013 01: 28
                    Something these colonies lived much better than the USSR.
                    1. nutmeg
                      7 January 2013 12: 24
                      Although gold, but still a cell is a cell
                      1. +1
                        8 January 2013 12: 34
                        So you yourself admitted that the "golden cage" !!! Only a cage, then all this was not called !!! Compare with the current life of the Balts !!! Your Balts "escaped from the golden cage" and themselves ran into an ordinary rusting cage voluntarily !!! You like to talk about us as occupiers .... and what are the foreign military doing on your territory ??? Is this independence ??? I will say this - if after the secession from the USSR you would become neutral countries - you would have at least some respect !!! But you immediately ran to the new owner because the old one was wounded !!!!!!!
                      2. nutmeg
                        8 January 2013 16: 39
                        they ran because Zhyrinovsky spoke ...... and we will leave Lithuania to Šiauliai, Kaunas and Panevezys. At that time, as far as I remember, he was the speaker of the Duma., And millions voted for him.
                  2. +1
                    8 January 2013 12: 22
                    do you hear "dear" darling, did you "hate us" ??? You definitely don't know anything from history, just nothing at all! You were born in Britain, but you only know about the Balts by hearsay! So for your information, the RSFSR was a donor for the entire union, all the best went to the outskirts of the USSR !!! your favorite baltics were subsidized from the general budget! Just when a follower of Khrushchev's humpback appeared in the country, when the situation with the economy became not very good, you immediately began to howl, sold immediately to the West! (by the way, if the union had not been destroyed, now everyone would live much better together)! And at the expense of Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary - I repeat, learn the mat part
                    (HISTORY)! Just not the one that comes up with in your textbooks, but in the archives !!!
                    1. nutmeg
                      8 January 2013 16: 55
                      I don’t know what and how you subsidized there, but the Ocupats traveled to Moscow (Warsaw, Belgrade, Budapest) there on the train I met my future wife. True, the true, true Muscovites UTB did not really like .....
                      1. 0
                        9 January 2013 13: 29

                        Look at the video .... and close your mouth at last !!!! after that you definitely have nothing to say ghoul !!!
          2. vovan1949
            6 January 2013 12: 16
            So you halt should thank Stalin for the fact that your ancestors were not shot (but apparently it was necessary) and you were born.
            1. halt
              6 January 2013 13: 28
              da vot poviezlo ... nirastrieliali.
              1. +2
                6 January 2013 18: 16
                And about the repression ... so I do not defend Stalin in everything and I am not a devoted supporter of his cause! He was the bloody red king of the Soviet empire - and there was no other at that time! You can talk about the bloody regime as much as you like, only thanks to him and the will of Soviet citizens (albeit sometimes even fear) we as a nation have reached unprecedented heights! And I believe that despite the unprecedented rigidity and cruelty, Stalin still wanted to build a better world!
                But here one must not forget who contributed to the coming of Lenin to power! You guys - the Anglo-Saxons contributed to this! Read about your adventures in the Far East with the Americans, when your disant landed there ... what they did ... during the years of the civil war in Russia! no one will ever forgive you for this!
                Anglo-Saxony is the plague of the last 2 millennia!
              2. Denzel13
                6 January 2013 22: 32
                Quote: halt

                da vot poviezlo ... nirastrieliali.

                Not all cats are Pancake week, anything can happen. Not everyone has forgotten how to shoot.
                1. 0
                  8 January 2013 12: 51
                  Not everyone has forgotten how to shoot.
                  I won’t drive in - I’m already 4 stars on the epaulet, and the nonsense is, like our exuberant, from the 2nd chamber!
                  Is this a consequence of the holidays? Or - did the medicine run out ?!
            2. 0
              8 January 2013 17: 51
              that your ancestors were not shot
              Another, sick on the head!
      2. Denzel13
        6 January 2013 22: 30
        Quote: nutmeg
        author of the article JUDAH .... burn him in hell

        Gosdepovskikh sang along, living on handouts "from the table" were not asked.
    5. +4
      5 January 2013 23: 21
      Octavian avgust,
      Great article, in solidarity! And most importantly, it reveals the difference in understanding of socialism between Stalin and Khrushchev.
      Not only BER reveals management priorities, but without an understanding of all layers of society management, it is often not possible to understand the depth of actions of some leaders.
      1. +3
        7 January 2013 00: 19
        Why, brothers, this Halt ... fools around?
        Checked the box ... and all that?
        Brains do not have enough to Russify Claudia? Stick on stickers?
        He’s trying, Mlyn, brother ... he writes Latin in Russian ... he writes without errors, noticed?
        Well, grab, uh?
        Our repressant ... unfinished.
        He is still a friend .... and you, brothers, are being led ... on the occasion of the last priests of Gapon.
        1. nutmeg
          7 January 2013 12: 27
          and what to glue if everything is exactly banned .....
  2. itr
    5 January 2013 10: 13
    Khrushchev’s anti-popular reforms and experiments What nonsense !!!! Half of the country still lives in Khrushchev. Caribbean crisis ended normally! It says that the army was combat ready. Cosmos! Well, corn! and what? but a person cannot answer for everything and do it himself
    He himself did not sow it everywhere. He said to increase volumes. Well, the rams increased and reported
    In short, I fundamentally disagree with the author
    1. +23
      5 January 2013 10: 53
      The projects of building up the country, the so-called "Khrushchevs", were developed even before Khrushchev became the head of the country, as well as all nuclear and missile projects. N.S. came to the ready-made, hence the illusion of his priority in the technological breakthrough of the country at that time.
      1. +16
        5 January 2013 11: 21
        By the way, they wanted to build up solid houses, and not Khrushchevs, which were supposed to stand for 20 years according to planning!
        1. itr
          5 January 2013 13: 50
          20 years is not a term for a brick house
          Sorry for blurting out stupidity
          1. +2
            5 January 2013 18: 15
            The main material for the construction of the Khrushchev was planned (and used) not brick at all, but concrete panels. With an expiration date ... 20 years.
            1. itr
              5 January 2013 18: 27
              Michael, I meant it, sorry for not accuracy
            2. MG42
              5 January 2013 18: 43
              Quote: Mikhail3
              With an expiration date ... 20 years.

              Khrushchev built from thin-walled panels are designed for a lifetime 50 years, in addition, brick Khrushchevs still exist, they have even more resource. As practice has shown, everything costs and does not collapse = the main thing is to repair communications and the roof on time.
              1. Denzel13
                6 January 2013 22: 39
                Quote: MG42
                rated for 50 years

                MG42 with all due respect is a little different. 25 years before the overhaul, which implies the restoration of metal bonds in the panel structure. Has anyone ever seen the "Khrushchevs" do this? There is a resource, but this is just an over-limit margin of safety.
          2. MG42
            5 January 2013 19: 46
            Quote: itr
            20 years is not a term for a brick house

            Brick houses stand for 150 years and 200 are, and some more buildings of the 17th century cost more. People were able to build in tsarist Russia, and even then the brick was of much better quality.
        2. +1
          5 January 2013 15: 08
          Somewhere I heard that they planned to put panels from Khrushchev into road construction
          1. itr
            5 January 2013 15: 56
            Dimok in my opinion in Russia from these houses all roads are built
            1. vovan1949
              6 January 2013 12: 25
              One thing they missed was that apartments in these "Khrushchevs" were given completely free of charge.
              Is there anything similar in world practice?
              1. -1
                6 January 2013 15: 18
                Social housing for poor families and migrants in Western countries
                1. +2
                  7 January 2013 00: 31
                  Dimok ... go and get ...
                  and there we listen to you ...
                  if you're not gay, not bestial, not a victim abortion oh ... political repressions .. not a pedophile ... your fate is to live in cardboard boxes.
                  Our migrants ... miserable ..
                  Villages in Russia, abandoned - Mama Do not Cry. In the Oryol region - at least 20 I know.
                  In each house they will sell - they will give .. for next to nothing. If you want to buy. And you can ... move in.
                  Wooden hut. Investments will be required, of course. Transport will be needed.
                  But - nature, naturalschina.
                  Half of the city is a new building - undeveloped. Not bought.
                  I would like to believe that this is such a cunning plan ... but I do not believe it.
                  Social housing. Half of Russia still lives in the slums. And then it was a blessing. Uncle received in 1962 year. But the father told me that 4-ro families lived on 13 squares, fenced off cardboard boxes.
                  I do not like when about the Union they start to indulge - today's youth.
                  I don’t tuck myself into your party.
        3. 0
          8 January 2013 18: 02
          they wanted to build up solid houses,
          Honeys! No need to rattle! A reference to "good houses", if you please!
      2. itr
        5 January 2013 13: 49
        Projects developed damn you where everyone flies or lives in Russia the housing problem has not yet been solved
      3. -1
        7 January 2013 01: 36
        Jipo, The projects of the "Khrushchevs" are basically German, only simplified. Stalin was not going to build housing en masse.
    2. 0
      5 January 2013 16: 14
      Quote: itr
      What nonsense !!!!

      The author wrote as if he himself made plans for the destruction of the USSR. I agree with you. Now, too, the corner turns red smile
      1. itr
        5 January 2013 16: 54
        There was a mammoth
        You look what people write is the same nightmare
        Damn from the disorder I'll go buy a beer
        I just did not expect
        Herd instinct no less
        1. vovan1949
          6 January 2013 12: 31
          Here, go and have a drink and don’t spoil the site with all the rubbish soaked in your lying and duplicitous Western bourgeois propaganda. You still do not understand Russia, because you are Yanko-like and live in England. And England has never been a friend of Russia.
    3. +5
      5 January 2013 17: 53
      And the fact that he strangled the Soviet economy with this corn. Why was she needed at all? The USSR exported wheat and provided for itself, and this Khrushchev, by the way, has such a bug. So this same bug eats EVERYTHING except corn.
      1. itr
        5 January 2013 18: 21
        Golden Constantine
        Well, how can you strangle corn with something that wasn’t. Agriculture has been absent since 17
        Yes, he did a lot of things wrong, but damn what a traitor he is?
        Trotsky's pancake was attracted: The author of AU Trotsky, a pancake in the USSR, did not live for 29 years and received 40 on the head. He died in this world
        The only thing that was unlucky to Khrushchev was the lack of the amount of oil that appeared under Brezhnev. All Fuck. And not when agriculture was not in the USSR
        1. vovan1949
          6 January 2013 12: 51
          "And never when agriculture was not in the USSR" "
          Thank you, even laugh. Are you serious? Or out of harm? I do not admit the idea that in the 21st century a person can be so ignorant. In a country occupying 1/6 of the land there was no farming /? Yes......
          Listen, ytr2, and write something else funny?
          But seriously, I'm tired of reading your comments and even more so answering them, time is a pity.
        2. s1н7т
          7 January 2013 04: 24
          Quote: itr
          agriculture has been absent since 17

          Che, sick, or what ?! Or simply
      2. +4
        5 January 2013 19: 06
        The corn behind the Arctic Circle was not sown by Khrushchev, but by his licking (sorry for the expression), who are ready to crush his mother, just to please the authorities. By the way, the same ones that were planted by the innocent under Stalin in the thousands, if only the plan given by the same .... overfulfilled with lises. And which are now no less (or more). All is good on the supreme blame. if they themselves snout into a cannon. What did Khrushchev personally bring to each collective farm? Or did Stalin personally draw up firing lists in each district department of the NKVD?
    4. +3
      5 January 2013 18: 13
      And you spend a little time and try to analyze what gave and what took, for example, the creation of a cascade of power plants on the Volga. Corn?! Yes, this is the smallest, innocent prank. Compared to the Volga, even space fades, sorry. As if in the USSR for some time a small demon from the underworld itself gained power ...
      1. itr
        5 January 2013 18: 30
        Mikhail a country cannot live without electric energy
        Generally no one in the world
        So these power plants are extremely important now
        Here recently, part of Russia was given to the Chinese
        What do you think ?
        1. +4
          5 January 2013 19: 33
          By the nature of my previous studies, I understand something about electricity ... But is it nothing that we paid for electricity for more than half of ALL truly effective sown areas at that time? Ditched no more and no less than the climate of central Russia? Destroyed innumerable fish wealth, dead the river itself, which now does not have a tenth of that life in its waters? You can list and list what was destroyed for the sake of electricity, which was not too difficult and difficult (with the same money and effort) to get by other methods?
          My grandmother in such cases said - they burned down the house to bake a pig ... Regarding the "return of the part of Russia" - the translation of the arrows is valid!
          1. itr
            6 January 2013 08: 34
            What say
            If you love nature so much
            Go to the village there it will be easier
            1. s1н7т
              7 January 2013 04: 28
              Quote: itr
              Go to the village there it will be easier

              Come on ... th, probably feel better, moron!
    5. +5
      6 January 2013 01: 32
      The construction of "Khrushchevs" as an industrial one was planned even under Stalin, but even here this bald idiot managed to spoil everything: initially the project provided for a kitchen of 9-10 meters (as in old apartments it was so that the family could get together at the table to eat together), and 6 sq.m. it was planned as an office or a nursery for 1 child. And there are 2-3 rooms, taking into account the aforementioned kitchen and nursery, so this bald little figure ordered to remake the project - here we have "khrushchobs"! And for the transfer of the Crimea in 1954 (and not in 57, as in the article), this bastard only deserves a spit on the grave!
      1. +3
        6 January 2013 01: 43
        Crimea is time to return. I often go there, so people there are more and more dreaming of it. Publicly spit in a portrait of Khrushchev. Yes, of course he is a rare carrion. However, Gorbachev will give him a head start, that's for sure.
  3. +5
    5 January 2013 10: 17
    Piggy he is pig and his son settled in the United States. And the current government is different from the destroyer Khrushchev.
    1. bask
      5 January 2013 11: 39
      Quote: Farvil

      Piggy he is pig and his son settled in the United States. And the current government is different from the destroyer Khrushchev.

      Yes, the whole family of traitors and Pests. Khrushchev No. 1 hunchbacked. Marked will be No. 2 EBN No. 3 DAM No. 4 And in just 60 years ...... Ear to him .......
      1. +3
        5 January 2013 17: 56
        With such a face, as if it were not an ear, but ........ ahem (censorship)
    2. 0
      5 January 2013 17: 55
      Not a little topic, but Gorbachev already rules them. And they also had their Khrushchev. Think about who this radish is.
  4. +13
    5 January 2013 10: 20
    Gee .... history calls the names of Judas of the Russian land. I would very much like this to become known to every citizen of Russia ..
  5. +18
    5 January 2013 10: 20
    Many thanks to the author for chewing on elementary truths, which the majority did not suspect. That's right, after 1953 the USSR, as a powerful state, began to degrade at different rates of decline. We can say with confidence - he touched that created under Stalin, allowed the country to exist until 1991. The great and powerful country fell from the blows of internal enemies. And the first blows to the state were caused precisely by the Khrushchev clique.
    And now the largest and richest fragment of the USSR, Russia, is successfully and extremely clearly achieving it. By the efforts of the Authorities and sponsors from abroad.
    Here is such a finita to everything.
    1. +18
      5 January 2013 10: 44
      What a pity that there was no one to stop Gorbachev like Khrushchev at one time.
      1. +3
        5 January 2013 17: 57
        There were such people. But only they were quickly eliminated. Khrushchev might not have been in power at all, Zhukov supported him, for which he later paid.
  6. -10
    5 January 2013 10: 25
    The article is tendentious; the author is clearly passionately in love with Stalin. Everything is smeared with black paint in order to carry out the thought "Stalin is good (with him milk rivers and jelly banks, and the abolition of money as unnecessary) -Khrushchev is bad (hell and betrayal). For example, it confuses me that
    By this time, a special bureaucratic class had actually formed, which had round sums in rubles. Undoubtedly, many have accumulated significant amounts in the accounts of foreign banks.
    That is, under the Great Leader, in secret, such a class was formed from him and there was nothing such corruption (with accounts abroad) that only communism could defeat with the abolition of money! Bullshit IMHO! As well as much in the article ....
    1. +2
      5 January 2013 16: 39
      The point, probably, is not even in Stalin. It’s just that many people itch their hands to declare all traitors and freaks. They probably live easier this way - they don’t need to think. Around Masons, Jews, therefore all personal problems are attributed to them. The classic wrote about this - the windmill is declared the enemy and the title of knight is won.
      1. +1
        5 January 2013 21: 41
        You will not prove anything to anyone here, you can see the level of discussion for yourself, "Trotskyists, Jews, Masons and the fool himself." The argument is weak, it means we will strengthen it with our voice. After such articles on the forum there is always a splash of people who, despite the drooling, are in no hurry to take a tour to the Korea, preferring the Schengen zone to the embodiment of Stalin's paradise. smile
        1. -1
          6 January 2013 00: 17
          Yes, it's not about evidence - you just need to fight straightforward thinking. When people think in terms of "enemy" and "friend", without halftones, they are very easy to manipulate. All the same, you should at least try to move your brain.
  7. Horde
    5 January 2013 10: 31
    article plus, reveals the deep reasons for the degeneration of "leadership" and the future collapse of the USSR. If we accept the point of view that Khrushchev was a Trotskyist, then the senseless large-scale "assistance" in organizing and supporting small "friendly" communist parties around the world becomes understandable, remember Trotsky's thesis - "Russia should become a fire from which the whole world will burn." But if Khrushchev was a Trotskyist, then one should accept the existence of a criminal secret organization in which Khrushchev was. It is a well-known fact that the financing of Trotsky for the "revolution" was carried out by Rockefeller, who is the leader of the Jewish-Masonic kagal. The conspiracy against Russia and the Russian people to disintegrate the country by introducing into the soul of our people the principles of "social injustice" of equalization in labor was carried out adamantly and consistently, after the change of Khrushchev, Brezhnev continued this business. Remember Novocherkassk in 1962 hundreds of executed workers who opposed Khrushchev's policy and the words "NIKITA BLOOD" become clear.
    1. Andrew 1961
      5 January 2013 17: 09
      I don't know how Rockefeller "financed Trotsky," but about HUNDREDS !!! shot Novocherkassk workers, you, dear Horde, got excited - 26 people died. Have a look (, or inquire at Wekipedia. I completely agree with "Botanologist" - the history of the USSR is now being mercilessly altered, vilified in favor of today's puppet government. The annual understatement of the role of the USSR in the Second World War, de-Stalinization, and now dehrushchevization (sorry for the idiotic word). When jerks like the NTV journalist Pivovarov, who agreed that the commander, Marshal Zhukov G.K. - a war criminal, and the traitor general Vlasov is a hero, it becomes insulting and painful for the country that WE have lost. Unfortunately, history is written by the winner, and everyone knows who defeated the Soviet Union ...
      1. Horde
        5 January 2013 21: 27
        I don’t know how Rockefeller "financed Trotsky"

        Do not know and do not say!
        You, dear Horde, got excited, 26 people died.

        links to pedia in a dispute in a decent company are not viable and not convincing. Wikipedia is not a reliable source controlled by the way of world Zionism. Just because someone wrote on this site in a rush, called an encyclopedia does not mean at all that they are writing the truth. How can you know how many died after the shooting? Novocherkassk events are completely closed and even the fact of the shooting became known only after 30-40 years.
        1. Andrew 1961
          5 January 2013 22: 37
          As for Rockefeller, I don’t know and I don’t say how you correctly noted. As for the number of those killed in Novocherkassk, you yourself indicated that events would be disclosed in 40 years, i.e. in the early 2000s, when slops of lies and dirt began to pour on the already former USSR, the worse the better. Forgive me, do you really think that if hundreds of people died, the same Vekipedia, controlled (in which I completely agree with you), by forces hostile to everything Soviet and Russian, would not have trumpeted this? And they would be glad to write about hundreds and thousands of those who died. The bigger, the better! Here is the "terrible" Soviet Union !!! But here's the trouble! Eyewitnesses and participants of those terrible events are still alive. And they have not forgotten how to talk. Read it sometime. At leisure...
  8. USA95
    5 January 2013 10: 38
    In just five years, Khrushchev deprived the country of both a powerful fleet and modern aviation. Nikita Sergeyevich was the first to launch a navy under the press of reforms, where missile-carrying submarines were given priority in the development of the Navy. As a result, many cruisers and battleships, even just built or still under construction, had to be disposed of.

    By decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of March 25, 1958, 240 ships and vessels, including 6 destroyers, 12 submarines, 7 landing ships, 30 minesweepers, 89 torpedo boats, project 24 battleships, project 82 heavy cruisers, and crews of all, shared this fate. These warships were naturally demobilized and sent to work in the national economy.
  9. atomic
    5 January 2013 11: 01
    The real name of Khrushchev, Perllmutter (VM Demin. "From Rusich to the Russians), this explains a lot. Firstly, he released" Trotskyists "from the camps, which immediately began to penetrate the most important industries: television research institutes, art, trade, wherever it is not necessary to work physically, a class of "kitchen intellectual-dissident" was formed (read the catechism of the Jews of the USSR), which "fired" at the humpbacker. Secondly, the slogan "Let's catch up and surpass America" ​​was criminal (enemy). WWII, when our Motherland was straining, the United States on Lend-Lease and the capital of Shifof, Lebows, Kunnov, Barukhov, turned into a powerful economy, at that time unattainable for the USSR.
    And the "Khrushchevs", the "Caribbean crisis" - this is a forced matter, otherwise the secret enemy will become apparent and the people will sweep him away.
    1. +5
      5 January 2013 12: 47
      Yes, he’s not an ENEMY, but a simple fool is very cunning and very ambitious. When such types form the basis of power structures, do not wait for good. Neither Brezhnev (even during his senile period), nor Gorbi, nor Yeltsin allowed greater idiocy. Of the two ills of Russia, this is the main one, and the enemies skillfully use it.
      1. 0
        6 January 2013 01: 36
        Yes, the ENEMY - he, this bald Scotttina! In 1937, how zealous he was in the executions, for which he blamed Stalin! The same Stalin, on the next report of this bald creature, demanding an increase in the "standard" of the capital punishment, wrote a resolution: "Calm down," it's a pity that he did not spank this little thing along with Yezhov and his camarilla!
      2. 0
        7 January 2013 19: 26
        Yes, a fool with initiative is terrible, but one in the field is not a warrior, someone pushed, whispered. Gorbachev did what he could not do during the NEP, in the late 30s: the murders of Masherov, Kulakov, the incomprehensible illness of Aliev (the elder). The USSR was ditched by the grandchildren of those who survived the purges - the so-called intelligentsia, who raised their heads after the "Khrushchev thaw".
        "In fact, this is not a brain, but shit." (As VI Lenin was right).
        And to opponents from "Foggy Albion" one question, how much will they delay with declassifying archives ???
    2. -7
      5 January 2013 12: 58
      Enough of all the troubles, it’s enough to blame the Trotskyists, Jews, Illuminati, Masons, and all other dangerous conspirators.
      Guys, Russia is not a Martian settlement, we live in a large and diverse world. Foreign and domestic policy is very complex and diverse. And any step can be evaluated through 50 years as a betrayal, thoughtlessness or something else. Hindsight is strong.
      Even now, Putin’s steps are approved by some, and denied by others. Moreover, this is just our emotional reaction to certain steps, we will understand the truth in 20-30 years. And even then, provided that the world does not change radically. So the actions of any politician are an attempt to predict this or that scenario. Guessed - honor and respect, did not guess - a bunch of "geniuses" appear, who are very smart in the back.
      So let's not write and poop our history now. What she was, she was. And cast a shadow on the wattle fence - a complete g ...
      I regard the article as another information blow to the country. Someone is trying hard to prove to us that our whole story is sheer betrayal. This is a very dangerous game, and the people who play it do it not out of love of truth. The goals are much more disgusting.
      So, gentlemen with the "+" of this article, I'm not with you. You can continue to shake out the dirty laundry, but I prefer to live without hate.
      1. atomic
        5 January 2013 13: 38
        "If a person thinks that accidents happened in the history of mankind, then he is a complete idiot" Aristotle.
        1. +2
          5 January 2013 15: 56
          If a person thinks that accidents happened in the history of mankind, then he is a complete idiot "Aristotle

          And if a person thinks that all sorts of conspirators write the history of the world, then it is time for him to be treated.
          1. +1
            5 January 2013 18: 23
            The history of mankind is written mainly by people with great power. As a rule, they take this power from battle. They tear it out of my hands and don’t get ready. The main way to get power from the hands of those who do not want to give it away (for some reason there are so few willing! Brands of Aurelius are not in the queue for bestowal ...) is ... to plot!
            The one who does not think so - he does not read anything at all and does not think at all.
            1. 0
              5 January 2013 18: 59
              Mikhail 3, I’ve been dealing with elections for a long time, so don’t rubbish. A coup is a violent change of one powerful group to another. That is, it is impossible to come to the king’s castle, kill him and declare himself a new king. In the best case, they will be put in a madhouse, and most likely - on a count.
              First, take the trouble to enter the political elite, make your way to the very top, get close to the king, and earn authority from the security forces. And not just authority, but faith in oneself. Then you have a slight chance to try to become a conspirator. And not the fact that you will not be slaughtered around the corner at the banquet after the conspiracy.
              And if you have such opportunities, you in a democracy can simply win the election. Conspiracies are common to autocracies. The Kennedy story is more likely the exception, and it is not clear to the end which of the groups worked.
              1. +1
                5 January 2013 19: 18
                How do your arguments contradict the conspiracy? You are plotting and describing. "To come to the king's castle (an election specialist is a diagnosis. But can you still try to read something ?! Well, except for manuals on brainwashing and fooling ... this" castle "is called a palace ...) and slaughter it" - it's not a conspiracy. More precisely, a conspiracy ... that's how it was represented by kids no older than the third grade of the school in which I studied. In the fourth grade, they already began to guess that it was somehow more complicated.
                If you really want to think something like that, read Heinlein's quite children's and youth's book "Star Monster". It accurately, clearly, reasonably describes how democratic countries and their recognized leader, the SGA, are governed. Who has the power there. It's ridiculous to think that a person who suddenly finds himself in the highest post for 4 years can rule the country! Yes, from such a load, any genius will simply die ...
                In other countries, democracy is realized directly ... that causes their explosive degradation, it is calculated.
                “And if you have such opportunities, in a democratic country you can simply win the elections. Conspiracies are characteristic of autocracies,” were we talking about the USSR? So this pearl gives a new, absolutely enchanting breath to the term "nonsense" ...
                1. 0
                  5 January 2013 19: 35
                  election specialist is a diagnosis. but you can still try to read something ?! well, except for brainwashing and fooling aids
                  And you try. So that there are no illusions about fooling. And then we have a lot of theorists, and then they sit in polling stations and cry ... theorists ...

                  It is ridiculous to think that a person who suddenly finds himself in the highest post at 4 years old can rule the country!

                  To this end, the Government, branch ministries, law enforcement and control agencies were invented. Specifically, in Russia there is also the Presidential Administration and a number of other bodies.
                  In the times of Khrushchev, there was also someone to give and implement commands to.

                  And what about your theory of the world behind the scenes government - I would divide it this way: 70% of financial management is in the hands of people who control the Fed. But "visible" politics is a different world. Here is the camp of Islamists, and Russia, and Asia, and the Atlanticists represented by Europe and the United States. And the main vectors of the policy of each of this camp depend on the expectations of the elites, on which the ruler depends. Because you can deceive the elite once, there will be no second. And these elites are not a club of masons, but all sorts of different people who have opposite interests. That we have seen repeatedly, even on the Berezovsky-Abramovich ships, even on the ships of Strauss-Kahn and the maid, and many other places. And your coups and conspiracies will not last even 10 days if the elites do not support the conspirators. There is a second way - genocide - but this is ugly and unpopular. Yes, and unpromising.
                  So your books by the famous science fiction writer Heinlein can give any scenario, the most sophisticated, but practice always mills any theory so that nothing remains.
              2. Cavas
                5 January 2013 19: 37
                Quote: Botanologist
                Michael3, I’ve been dealing with elections for a long time

                I wonder for whom ???
                Well, just in case ??? !!! laughing
                1. -1
                  6 January 2013 00: 23
                  I wonder for whom ???

                  Self-nominated, Fair Russia, Narodnaya Volya (there was such, Baburin), EdRo (infrequently), the Communist Party. In general, who pays. My guys in Ukraine practiced this summer. Spit for a long time.
                  Something like that.
                  1. Cavas
                    6 January 2013 00: 26
                    Quote: Botanologist

                    You know, I'm not even surprised that you are losing !!)) laughing
                    1. -1
                      6 January 2013 01: 49
                      I'm not even surprised that you lose !!)

                      Yes, I was not going to surprise anyone. And who are we losing? Winnings more often hi. When the candidates were not involved in amateur performances and listened to specialists.
        2. -1
          5 January 2013 16: 50
          You better think about the goals of writing this article. Over the past 25 years, we have wiped the whole history - we got rid of the myths of the CPSU, then from the myths of the USSR, then from the myths of liberals, and so on to infinity. Today we have a simple picture - all the rulers were tyrants or traitors, all the wealth was stolen by the Jews, all industry was destroyed, we are a raw materials appendage, etc. This is the result of your revision of history. Continue in the same spirit.
      2. Horde
        5 January 2013 14: 10
        Enough of all the troubles, it’s enough to blame the Trotskyists, Jews, Illuminati, Masons, and all other dangerous conspirators.

        offer to close your eyes? Well, and the fact that the Russian rich oligarchs, the owners of the largest pieces of the public domain are all the same, how can this fact be regarded?

        Hindsight is strong.

        Yes, not "everyone is strong in hindsight," but "the big is seen at a distance." Even some ten years ago, Svanidze and Mlechin were angry and broadcast on all the media and television, how bad it was under Stalin, but there were healthy forces in society Mukhin Yu .AND. who was able to raise his voice for Stalin, for Beria, for the truth, against Khrushchev, against lies and propaganda, and this voice was heard. Now more and more people see that Stalin was building the country, and such as Khrushchev and his last ones, who brought the country to capitalism led the country on an inclined.

        Even now, Putin’s steps are being approved by someone, while others are being denied.

        so say if Putin led ALL the people to communism, in fact, in Putin’s communism, the PAYMENT countless number of elected others either plow like damned or beggar-die.

        So let's not write and poop our history now. What she was, she was. And cast a shadow on the wattle fence - a complete g ...

        Honest and objective character made by the author of the article, you name the full g ...? It is people like you who urge people to know nothing and remember nothing, but the number of minuses against your identifier says that people don’t think so. And wants to find out why so many victims and efforts were spent in the 20th century by the Russian people, and few reap the benefits and not Russian.
        1. +2
          5 January 2013 16: 24
          offer to close your eyes?

          Yes, for God's sake, look. Just do not lose your objectivity.

          The number of minuses against your identifier says that people don’t think so.

          I had no doubt that my post would be nominated. But this is not a reason not to express their opinion.

          You did not read Suvorov (aka Rezun)? So read it and realize that this article is from a series of similar ones. The technique of combating myths and stereotypes is well established. Do you know what goals are set in the information war? The first is the destruction of national myths and stereotypes. Further - the atomization of society. In Russia, just now this stage has been reached - each on its own. Everyone hates each other - the people of the oligarchs, the poor rich, Russian migrants, sick doctors, parents of teachers and so on. Well, power, of course. Therefore, the tasks are simple - to continue to turn history over, to prove that our whole life and our whole history are sheer bad pleasing. For a normal people cannot have in power only traitors, tyrants and others.
          So this article is an attempt to prove to everyone that in Russia there are only idiots and de-bills.
          Do you like it - continue. Let's discuss everyone, starting with Rurik, and come to the conclusion that our whole story is a story of misunderstanding, theft and betrayal. And we admit that it is stupid to be proud of such a country. Do you want that?

          So no need to look for betrayal where it comes to stupidity. Do not multiply entities unnecessarily.
          1. Horde
            5 January 2013 16: 56
            You did not read Suvorov (aka Rezun)?

            I read Borka, funny, "if Hitler attacked the Union, then Stalin would have attacked Germany" very paradoxical thinks.

            So read it and realize that this article is from a series of similar ones. The technique of combating myths and stereotypes is well established. Do you know what goals are set in the information war? The first is the destruction of national myths and stereotypes

            This article echoes other studies of the history of the 20th century by Kara Murza, Mukhin, Starikov, Platonov, and my modest observations allow us to draw similar conclusions.
            Everyone hates each other - the people of the oligarchs, the poor rich, Russian migrants, sick doctors, parents of teachers and so on. Well, power, of course. Therefore, the tasks are simple - to continue to turn history over, to prove that our whole life and our whole history are sheer bad pleasing. For a normal people cannot have in power only traitors, tyrants and others.

            you don’t need to, just bring everything together, so the teachers, doctors, parents have nothing to do with it. We argue JUSTICE with the highest justice on which Stalin built our state of the USSR. Having passed all the hardships, having endured the need, terrible trials, war, monstrous losses, our people under the leadership of Stalin could find the TRUE WAY along which we followed, we were able to gain RESPECT and authority from the WHOLE WORLD. But then Khrushchev came and our people went astray.
            1. Horde
              5 January 2013 17: 54
              I’m Borka,

              Victor Rezun ... negative
            2. 0
              5 January 2013 19: 10
              We reason JUSTICE with justice higher

              So if you decide to talk about justice, then first make a complete geopolitical picture of that time. Together with myths, stereotypes, national archetype and other interesting things. Answer the questions - why Khrushchev did not love Stalin, how much his character allowed him to make informed decisions, how much the virgin land raising corresponds with the peasant character of Khrushchev and his craving for a countryman, which decisions were impulsive and which were deliberate, and much more.

              And then we are arguing here on Kara-Murza, Starikov and others. Add Vasiliev with Limonov - and a complete set.

              "We are here thinking about Gogol, we are quoting Zursmansor ... We seem to ourselves such clever thinkers. And then such a prodigy comes along and sees - both according to Gogol we are, and according to Zursmansor d.e.r. ".
              Strugatsky. Also, by the way, the Jews.
              1. Horde
                5 January 2013 20: 41
                Quote: Botanologist
                If you decide to talk about justice, then first make a complete geopolitical picture of that time.

                I don’t need to make any kind of map in order to understand that Khrushchev is a liar, an opportunist, a mediocrity and an executioner. Otherwise, his whole policy cannot be estimated. The guy was tough and not far off. During the revolution and after it becomes clear that such a definition of human society in this world, it’s not the STRONG AND SMART that survive, and certainly not the DECORATIVE and DECORATIVE, but the most ADAPTED and Vile. All the best and the strong perishes, the adapted remain i.e. VIRUSES.
                1. 0
                  6 January 2013 00: 33
                  I don’t need to draw up a map to understand that Khrushchev is a liar, an opportunist, a mediocrity and an executioner

                  You still do not understand my post. I don’t care who Khrushchev was. I don’t care who thinks about him.
                  I believe that the very fact of an article in which the revision of history begins again is a dangerous sign. No one will just start an informational topic. It means that someone ordered a PR. Tomorrow there will be an article about Yeltsin's wife, then about Beria's daughter, but in the end there is only one goal - to confuse the people, to remove moral guidelines.
                  I never scold the bosses with whom I worked. If he didn't want to, he left, and that's it. If he worked, then he liked it. And there is no need to scold the country in which you live. I don't like it - the "iron wall" was broken by the efforts of one such lover of historical revisions.
                  Understand - there is an information war. Why did I write about the elections - this is the same in miniature. First, an article about rampant crime is ordered, and at the exit, through 10 steps, the competitor becomes a demon. Though not a criminal. And so with the country - at first we scold some general secretary, but after a year it turns out that it’s time to hang everyone up and start on our own.
                  These are dangerous games.
                  And Khrushchev love or not - he is in my figs, and you as you want. But I do not encourage such topics.
                  1. vovan1949
                    6 January 2013 13: 18
                    No, dear Botanist. Just such articles are needed and more. As a counterbalance to the stream of lies and slander that pours on us around the clock from all the media. Reading such articles, many people begin to understand what country they currently live in. Many people open their eyes to our entire history. For example, in our workshop over the past few months, two people, 54 and 63 years old, who were ardent haters of Stalin and Soviet power, changed their views by 180 degrees. One has a higher education, the other a secondary technical. And the Internet "opened" their eyes. People want to know what our bourgeois media and our rulers hide and keep silent about.
                    So the article is a huge plus. And again, more such articles.
                    1. -1
                      6 January 2013 16: 33
                      Many open their eyes to our entire history

                      I’m talking about this - a certain amount of such information stuffing turns our entire history into a complete misunderstanding. We only have time to open our eyes.

                      People want to know what our bourgeois media and our rulers are hiding and hiding.

                      I am not against history. I am opposed to interpretations of history. And when such pseudo-historical articles appear, I wonder who needs it. Pseudo-historical - because serious historians do not give estimates, they restore the facts. And everything, and not a set of convenient for them. And it turns out that of all the rulers of Russia, only Catherine was a patriot, and even then a German by birth and her husband, the Russian Tsar, stabbed with a fork. Some kind of story turns out, based on the hatred of the Russian people to all power, without exception. What people on this site gladly confirm.
                      And as for the one who hides and hides something, you correctly wrote what is tyrnet. It’s hard to hide something.
    3. -2
      5 January 2013 16: 02
      and your last name is Rabinovich
  10. -18
    5 January 2013 11: 16
    The article is one-sided, pulled by Stalinism-like dampness from the grave. Political education lecture for the village club.

    1. Rezun
      5 January 2013 11: 49
      Dampness pulls from you ... Get out of the village club ....
      1. -5
        5 January 2013 16: 03
        treacherous pogonyalovo - this is a diagnosis
    2. slava.iwasenko
      5 January 2013 16: 09
      Amer pulls from you
  11. sad32wqesadf
    5 January 2013 11: 22
    It just can't be !!! The FSB has created this database about any resident of Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries. Really was really scared
    there are a lot of interesting things about me (addresses, phone numbers, even my photos of a different nature) - I wonder where they dug up this. In general, there are good sides - this
    Information can be deleted from the site.
    I advise you to hurry, you never know how to fumble there ...
  12. +19
    5 January 2013 11: 28
    Khrushchev besides all the thief! I personally knew the lady to whom he presented the diamonds from the Faceted Chamber. After his resignation, "friends from the KGB" came to the lady and politely asked to return. And looking at Khrushch and others, they began to actively put their hand into the pocket of the state! It was Khrushch who undermined the faith in the honesty of the Communist Party, after which the people stopped supporting it. If everything had continued according to Stalin's plan, it is quite possible that we would have built a communist society.
    1. -3
      5 January 2013 23: 24
      and others began to actively launch a hand into the pocket of the state
      Medam !!!
      Do not be too lazy to "google" how much junk from Germany was taken out (put a foot in the pocket of the state), great heroes such as Zhukov G.K., Pokryshkina A.I. and others like them ...
      Or did they have different views on morality ?! Or - for them: morality is materialistic ?!
      1. +4
        6 January 2013 00: 54
        Ward № 6!
        I know very well. Moreover, the famous Ruslanova was imprisoned for speculation with all sorts of bruliks and manufactories, which her husband took out. And on the complaint of the artists of the Bolshoi Theater. But then they made her "politically repressed"!
        So for the fact that I.V. Stalin gave these leaders hands, they avenged him, supporting Khrushchev. It's easy to fight the dead! Although it is possible that they believed that Khrushchev could be easily controlled. Miscalculated, however!
      2. wax
        6 January 2013 01: 16
        Germany attacked the USSR and took out of our country so much valuables that no soldier's "expropriations" and subsequent reparations can equal this damage to our country. In addition, it should be borne in mind that Stalin, if we talk about Zhukov, very much appreciated it in principle.
        But you will take an interest in, for example, cultural property being plundered in Iraq, which did not attack the United States, did not export anything from the United States, by American warriors or under their cover. And look for an assessment of this outrage by the presidents of the United States.
      3. vovan1949
        6 January 2013 13: 21
        For the damage that Germany caused to the USSR, it was necessary to take out all of it. Together with rivers and lakes.
  13. +5
    5 January 2013 11: 45
    Quote: Horde
    If we accept the point of view that Khrushchev was a Trotskyist

    Tomorrow they will write that Khrushchev, according to his cousin, is a descendant of Maya. If we accept this point of view, the corn epic will become clear. Bullshit !, gentlemen!
    IMHO Khrushchev-flesh from the flesh -birth of the system, a vivid example of the rise to power of a cook.
    The state founded by Lenin, built by I.V. Stalin, could exist only during their lifetime, required fine tuning, and kept a huge number of hidden mechanisms, the launch of which led to the self-destruction of the state.
    -national issue
    - the emergence of new elites
    Isolation from the outside world (and as a result, technology lag)
    -frames (Frames decide everything !! - And didn’t Stalin see Khrushchev’s Trotskyism?)
    - order is ensured by tough methods (as soon as the people thought that "weakened", and Khrushchev had to shoot in Novocherkassk)
    Khrushchev spoke at the 20th congress (after all, he told the truth !!! and far from all! Blood was washed off on his hands!) And the social system began to pour in like a house of cards. Didn’t have to talk? Well, everything would have lasted 5 years longer.
    Brezhnev with 5 or 6 stars on his chest, Gorbachev (well, a traitor for the party, if he had leaked the country), the dancing Yeltsin are all Trotskyists? No, this is the Communist Party.
    Ordinary communists, my father, have always thought that they are the Party.
    No, "their circle is narrow."
    1. Baboon
      5 January 2013 11: 58
      Yes, it’s useless to argue here)) But really, the activities of Khrushchev had a negative impact on the country in many ways, my opinion was that he was simply not ready to rule the country, so he would have led one small district and would have sufficed from it, well, why was it necessary at the 20th congress something to wave? They could calmly engage in the development of the country, without any air shocks, and from this congress it was only worse for the country.
      1. Adrenalin
        5 January 2013 18: 35
        For some reason it seems to me that Khrushchev wanted to be no less great than Stalin, but how can this be achieved? He definitely didn’t want to do that. He turned everything upside down, declared Joseph Vissarionovich a bloody tyrant. And after that, as a hero, he told the "truth." You are right, he would have to lead the collective farm, not the country.
    2. atomic
      5 January 2013 12: 21
      Leiba Davidovich Bronstein (Leon Trotsky) was the founder of the Communist Party. He sailed from the USA with 257 accomplices, funded by the banker Yakkov Schiff, and Stalin, oddly enough, was not a proponent of Marxism (Karl Marx, real name Karl Mordecai). The idea of ​​Stalin's communism boiled down to the following: "Soviet people in the future must work four hours a day, and the rest of the time he will educate himself."
      1. Baboon
        5 January 2013 12: 29
        Who made the revolution and whose money has long been known for, but where does this infa about the name of Khrushchev come from? And by the way, do you think Marx really belonged to the Russian Empire? If so, does Gorbaty also have a fake name?
        1. atomic
          5 January 2013 12: 40
          At the expense of the name of Khrushchev, I refer to Demin Valery Mikhailovich "From the Russians to the Russians", the book is included in the more fundamental work "Education and the collapse of the Russian Empire."
        2. +8
          5 January 2013 13: 01
          Quote: Babon
          And by the way, do you think Marx really belonged to the Russian Empire?

          HATED AND DESIRED !!! And by the way, he didn’t hide it at all!
    3. Horde
      5 January 2013 12: 40
      IMHO Khrushchev-flesh from the flesh -birth of the system, a vivid example of the rise to power of a cook.

      people are judged by his deeds, and Nikita has done a lot of cases.
      - during his leadership in the thirties of the Communist Party of Ukraine, Nikita became famous for his cruel, slaughtering policy towards "enemies of the people" and dispossession of kulaks, a well-known fact in a letter to Stalin Nikita proposes to increase the norms for the "dispossessed" and accordingly increase the norms for those convicted and executed for that Stalin replied, "Quit the fool."
      - under Stalin, the principle of socialism began to be implemented "from each according to his ability, to each according to his work" Khrushchev canceled this.
      Khrushchev quarreled with China, with Yugoslavia, with Albania, as a foolish, but rather criminal policy. Such strong communist parties as the French lost their masses and Humanite their readers after Nikita spoke at the 20th Congress.
      Plus, all the arguments presented in Samsonov’s article, as well as many other modern studies, make me think that Nikita Sergeyevich was not the one who pretended to be — it was not a thoughtless volunteer, as he was exposed after his resignation, but rather a cunning, disguised and intelligent ENEMY. It is precisely such people who pursued a brutal COLLECTIVIZATION policy, precisely such as he slowed down and restrained, as INDUSTRIALIZED as they could, precisely such as he selected personnel for the army, to lead the party and the state, and it was from this submission that the vile policy of DETERMINING the image began Stalin: So, Khrushchev was not a communist-Stalin, but an enemy of socialism and the Russian people, the Trotskyite.
    4. sergeybulkin
      5 January 2013 12: 41
      In general, there is also some truth in this, if they had not gnawed each other's throats for power - who would rule, but think more about the matter, communism might already be.
      1. Horde
        5 January 2013 12: 55
        Quote: sergeybulkin
        In general, there is also some truth in this, if they had not gnawed each other's throats for power - who would rule, but think more about the matter, communism might already be.

        you don’t understand that this was not just a squabble for power in order to have your own selfish personal interests, but there was a large-scale struggle for the possession of resources by the MOST STRONGEST AND MOST REASONABLE west of the country.
  14. +12
    5 January 2013 11: 53
    It was under Khrushchev, with his report "on the cult" of Stalin's personality, that irreparable damage was done to bilateral relations between the USSR and China.
  15. -8
    5 January 2013 12: 00
    Article minus. Arguments at the kindergarten level. Well, the author achieved his goal: he received a bunch of pluses from cheers-patriots.
    1. sergeybulkin
      5 January 2013 13: 02
      These are not "arguments", they are historical facts.
    2. +2
      5 January 2013 16: 06
      from patriots is good. It’s bad if the praise is from traitors and loonies who have mythical Zhidomasons in everything and not domestic cattle.
    3. +1
      5 January 2013 18: 00
      Less to you, for the same arguments.
  16. sergeybulkin
    5 January 2013 12: 06
    It is surprising that there are still people who understand the history of the USSR as it is, and not how it is painted by bourgeois-enemy propaganda.
    I myself have talked many times with representatives of the older generations, all as one they call Khrushchev a traitor, and contemptuously "this maize", "Khrushch". It says a lot.
    But this is now history, and we will never see socialism or communism, let alone our ears. We will now plow until the end of the century for the bourgeoisie for a bowl of stew, as in all other "developed" countries.
    1. -7
      5 January 2013 12: 30
      Quote: sergeybulkin
      plow the bourgeoisie for a bowl of stew, as in all other "developed" countries

      well, drive to Europe and see how the wipers get 1300 euros each and no more rubbish rubbish
      1. Baboon
        5 January 2013 12: 35
        Well, for 1300 euros there is still not much to live there.
        1. Horde
          5 January 2013 13: 02
          drive to Europe and see how the wipers get 1300 euros

          look how people live in Europe. PRICES ARE THAT MONEY IS NOT ENOUGH. This is the policy of a united Europe.

      2. biglow
        5 January 2013 12: 56
        live in Europe for a year on such a salary and returning to Russia, you will quickly understand the difference. these your 1300 euros is a minimum wage that only allows you not to die of hunger and that's all, and this is with full employment
        1. atomic
          5 January 2013 13: 16
          I have a friend in Germany, a salary of 2000 euros, this year wants to move to Stary Oskol. He complains, there is not enough money, there is no freedom at home, work, on Friday a pub and around are Turks and Negroes.
      3. sergeybulkin
        5 January 2013 13: 06
        Woah ... it’s just that you didn’t have enough, drive to Europe and live ... well, let's say in Germany for 1300 euros a month, and then a year, where do you live? In the heating main? It is forbidden there.
      4. +3
        5 January 2013 14: 27
        wow wow, drive the janitor to Europe where milk is 160 r and gasoline is 60 and live like a bourgeois
      5. +2
        5 January 2013 18: 01
        In the ass of the euro! It will crash in one day along with that green toilet paper.
      6. +2
        5 January 2013 18: 34
        People drove, and a lot. You do not smack nonsense, please, the iron curtain (if you did not notice) is no more. About happy Zabugorje, with milk rivers in the jelly banks, to sing already is somehow silly ...
      7. wax
        6 January 2013 01: 25
        And try in Europe for this money to place a child in a kindergarten (not ours, but an analogue) - most likely you will have to borrow for bread.
      8. +5
        6 January 2013 02: 05
        For Europe, we will always be second-class people.
    2. +5
      5 January 2013 13: 34
      Quote: sergeybulkin
      we will not see socialism and communism, especially as our ears. We will now plow until the end of the century for the bourgeoisie for a bowl of stew, as in all other "developed" countries.

      I disagree! While the contemporaries of I.V. Stalin, when people saw where the current "democratic course" was leading, their eyes opened. They lied to us that under Stalin everything was bad and the USSR was bad. Only now old people start talking to young people, rushing to warn them, remember everything that was good ... Just before, only the Stalinists did it, and now all those who did not belong to them begin to do it. That is why the current authorities are so afraid, that the whole truth will be revealed, and people will again demand the return of socialism. That is why the West is screaming about the revival of the USSR. And Stalin was right when he said that the wind of history will carry away all the rubbish, and our descendants will again return to the cause of our fathers. You just need to actively restore the connection between generations, do not wave it off and TALK with children, grandchildren, their friends, neighbors ... Then everything will move off the ground.
      1. sergeybulkin
        5 January 2013 15: 36
        Dreams, dreams ... I also love to dream and remember how it was before perestroika, family, little son, good wife, home, favorite job, where is it all now? Nothing was left, everything collapsed with the beginning of perestroika, but all this was thought forever.
  17. -11
    5 January 2013 12: 32
    - “Trotskyists” acting in the interests of the USA and Great Britain

    come on

    - a special bureaucratic class has formed

    so with whom did he form?

    -Iosif Vissarionovich put forward the idea of ​​a gradual transformation of the Communist Party: it was supposed to lose the role of “manager” of the state, becoming the forge of managerial personnel, the educational function of the party was to come to the fore.

    Documentation is possible

    - which allowed us to transfer humanity to a new stage of development, to open a kind of “Golden Age” of the planet

    Is communism that golden age?

    Millions of people, both in the USSR and abroad, sincerely accepting the ideals of communism

    I will disappoint you. 99% of members of the Communist Party did not believe in the ideals of communism; I generally am silent about ordinary people

    - “Stakhanovites” and lazy people received the same

    there was no Stakhanov movement, there was propaganda

    Relations under Khrushchev began to resemble camp

    and under Stalin, the sanatorium was in the gulag

    -Therefore, the USSR needed a powerful fleet in order not to be afraid of the aggression of the great sea powers - the United States and Great Britain, and to be able to defend its interests anywhere in the World Ocean.

    we could not compete at sea with the Anglo-Saxons, it was necessary to look for other ways to parity

    Since the USSR has good ballistic missiles, then supposedly in other directions it is possible to seriously reduce costs, including aviation.

    I thought correctly

    - The officer corps under Khrushchev was simply tattered.

    why in peacetime contain a huge army

    -Khrushchevsky consolidation of collective farms

    well, they promoted communism

    -Khrushchev also managed to carry out a “second collectivization” - by the decision of the December plenum of the Central Committee of 1959, they called for the purchase of livestock, and private plots and subsidiary plots were prohibited. Ostensibly, the household prevents the peasants from giving all their best on collective farms. Thus, they dealt a blow to the welfare of the villagers, who, due to their subsidiary farms, could receive additional income.

    You already decide what to praise you. When Stalin socialized everything well, and when Khrushchev bad. The author has a clear contradiction.

    -Course for the rehabilitation of peoples

    here, of course, Khrushchev "got lost", no doubt

    error in foreign policy under Khrushchev was a break in relations with China

    Here is the fault in the Chinese

    The author idolizes Stalin, I hope they have not yet reached the altar with the altar. Recently I read the book "The Name of Russia - Stalin", where very similar nonsense is described, I recommend to all Stalinists to read it.
    1. sincman
      5 January 2013 15: 39
      Dude, if not laziness, read the books of Nikolai Starikov. In them, he meticulously and in an understandable (folk) language delivers all those events. And with links to a lot of documents. That questions did not arise. I think after reading you will have no doubt.
      1. -2
        5 January 2013 16: 29
        Thanks for the tip, you +. Although I prefer more serious literature, I will try to get acquainted with the respected Starikov.
        1. +1
          6 January 2013 00: 18
          Serious - is Solzhenitsyn and others like him?
    2. Cheloveck
      6 January 2013 01: 26
      Quote: rkka
      Documentation is possible

      Decisions of the XIX Congress of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and documents of the last Stalin plenum.
      (You won’t find it on the Internet, you need to go to the library)
    3. vovan1949
      6 January 2013 14: 12
      "" Is this communism that golden age? "
      Yes, rkka, yes! Is there an alternative? So will capitalism be another 100, 500, 1000 years? So there will be a bunch of masters and billions of slaves? What do you think?
  18. +7
    5 January 2013 12: 34
    Yes, Khrushchev was a rare nits.
    Stalin made an unforgivable mistake without preparing a receiver.
    1. +6
      5 January 2013 12: 57
      Stalin at that historical moment did not need any receiver ... not before that he was, there were more important things to do, to raise the country ....
      Imagine a Stalin-man who was afraid of everything living and nonliving ...
      The head of a mighty state that defeated a fierce enemy in the great war spent several hours (which played a fatal role) lying on the couch without waiting for simple medical help ..... really, none of those present here have suspicions thoughts about his death ....
      1. vovan1949
        6 January 2013 14: 17
        Were you afraid? I am making fun. Afraid of scoundrels of all stripes. And millions cried at his death. From fear? Or from something else?
    2. +1
      5 January 2013 16: 12
      In his old age, STALIN stopped using his own axiom "Cadres decide everything!", Did not prepare successors, dismissed old reliable cadres and believed such scum as Mikitka.
      That. how worthy the life of the representative of the Stalinist guard, remaining faithful to the ideals of the party and communism, V.M. Molotov and L.M. Kaganovich argues that it was with such people in power that the USSR achieved tremendous success.
  19. +13
    5 January 2013 13: 08
    Ivan Tarasov! +++++
    You know, I am very lucky in life! I saw and knew many real SOVIET PEOPLE! What Khrushch got up to - Oleg Koshevoy's mother - her distant relative lived in our house, and when it was necessary to "hide" from the ubiquitous correspondents, she came to her. How she cried !!! - Khrushch forbade her to marry, because "we need an eternally grieving mother of a hero." And soon in France, where she spoke at some congress, she received a note: "You are all lying" Koshevoy fled to America! "She came home, and there in the apartment there is a box with a crystal chandelier, and at the bottom there is a note -" Gift from Oleg Koshevoy. "(The miners worked the shift by order of Khrushch and gave her a gift with this money) Aunt Lena fell with a stroke, then her legs were taken away and she died. And immediately the falsifications began - there was no Young Guard, and in general, these are Ukrainian nationalists there fought!
    My teacher was connected to Kovpak. He always visited all his partisans and tried to help them financially. Honestly, Kovpak wanted to raise people, only the old one was already, and I didn’t want to substitute people either, because knew how vindictive and vengeful Khrushchev was, and what he was capable of, the pre-war years showed!
    And these "questions" to Gagarin? "You flew there, how did you not meet God there?" I did everything to turn people away from the CPSU!
  20. djon3volta
    5 January 2013 13: 21
    according to the American TIME magazine, I. Stalin was recognized as the man of the year 1942. In 2007, V. Putin was awarded this nomination.
    1. -1
      5 January 2013 16: 14
      compared horseradish with a finger, God's gift - fried eggs Putin. All these rpgings - h ... nya
  21. +2
    5 January 2013 13: 25
    Yes. not everything was all right in the "Danish" kingdom. Wonder how a primitive semi-literate SAMODUR could be at the helm of a huge state and, of course, what could be expected from this, he twisted what is called "more than a horse"! For one transfer of Crimea to Ukraine and the Ukrainianization that began there immediately, it should be HANGED!

  22. 3dmaxsev
    5 January 2013 13: 38
    I completely agree with the author, the collapse of the USSR began precisely with the coming of Khrushchev to power. And it's not even about missiles, airplanes or agriculture, he encroached on the sacred: faith in justice, which Stalin achieved with incredible work and perseverance. And this famous congress with the debunking of the "personality cult" is like a blow below the belt, a revolution in the consciousness of the people. It is enough to compare the people of that time: with what enthusiasm they worked, believed in a happy future, with what persistence they defended the country. What do we see now? Only complete apathy and indifference among the majority.
  23. Nechai
    5 January 2013 13: 40
    Quote: itr
    Half of the country still lives in Khrushchev.

    Both the projects and the production base were created by "Comrade Khru" Only from that conceived and built in real life there is little in common. Heaven and earth! The apartments were supposed to be open-plan. The interior decoration fell on the shoulders of the tenant, according to his taste. He could or could hire cooperative finishing brigades created for this purpose. And how about 50% of ONE-ROOM apartments in the built "Khrushchevs" and how it affected the demography, first of all in the RSFSR, should I say or not? Protective belts - fucked up. Fishermen in Platinum Hydroelectric Power Plants, Excluded from Projects!
    The very attitude of the authorities towards the people has changed, the author is 100% right !!! As in Novocherkassk, the plant director told the workers? - not enough money for meat patties? EAT with a liver! In 1958, Nikit Sergeyevich, who arrived in Kuybyshev and arranged a demonstration of the city’s working people in his honor, threw cobblestones on squares B and B of Kuibyshev. The dog-tattered ran away!
    Quote: baskoy
    Yes, he’s not an ENEMY, but a simple fool is very cunning and very ambitious.

    Otnyut not No! He realized in time what a long-awaited personal fur workshop could give him, in comparison with the possession of all-embracing POWER! And the "cunning and very ambitious" people, endowed with power, do you think they cannot commit hostile acts towards society?
    His "one million two hundred" dealt a blow to the combat capability of the USSR Armed Forces! There was a LOSS of combat experience, traditions and the very spirit of the Army of the WINNERS!
    1. itr
      5 January 2013 16: 08
      Panel houses are not possible to make a free breading. Do you live in a free-planning house yourself? In the courtyard of 2013, there was nowhere to live in the USSR after the war, what do you write
      I read and wonder at us that there are people from the moon on the site.
      What cooperatives
      Who NEP dispersed ??
      What are you ???
      so who is not a traitor ???
  24. +1
    5 January 2013 14: 02
    Khrushchev is a small, bald pygmy who in Canada was fed corn ... ugh, a vile creature.
  25. fenix57
    5 January 2013 14: 04
    Article +++++ is unambiguous. hi And under what political system do we now have the honor of living, eh? what
    1. sergeybulkin
      5 January 2013 14: 29
      The current system is called - "Wild Capitalism" ie ungovernable. I would even say anarchy.
    2. Volkhov
      5 January 2013 20: 20
      Trade Zionism.
  26. vardex
    5 January 2013 14: 12
    Khrushchev was just an idiot and to all things stupid, he really inflicted severe damage to the USSR. With him, citizens began to perceive the building of communism with irony, with him there were proverbs - a hand washes a hand - work is not a wolf in the woods will not run away - vodka is our enemy and we we will destroy it --- our friend’s work and we don’t touch it, and so on, guys like that. And about Stalin that he is a tyrant bastard, a murderer is a very controversial issue. Time will pass and we will regret that we allow many to insult Stalin. Stalin is the USSR-USSR is us, the people who lived in this country .......
    1. 0
      6 January 2013 02: 33
      We are already sorry.
  27. +1
    5 January 2013 14: 37
    Good article. It is clear now that in 85 and later it was impossible to do anything for the country. Perestroika was nothing more than a "galvanization of a corpse." So the beginning of the collapse of the USSR can be considered the beginning of the 70s, and not the end of the 80s ...
  28. +2
    5 January 2013 14: 40
    The article is correct. The shortsightedness of the so-called "de-Stalinization", but in reality the struggle against Russia, made possible the arrival of the leadership who had betrayed the great country.
  29. fenix57
    5 January 2013 14: 43
    Thank you sergeybulkin. Taperec I'm calm. drinks Life has become easier, life has become more fun. laughing
  30. +3
    5 January 2013 15: 43
    A joke.
    Khrushchev sends journalists to the virgin lands to make a report on the successes of collective farmers in growing corn. They come to the place and see: corn knee-deep. Reporters in shock:
    - What are we going to show Nikita Sergeevich !?
    Collective farmers say:
    - Nonsense. Take off - kneel down and walk across the field.
    Reporters bring the film to view Khrushchev. And he asks them:
    - And what is it that they go so strangely?
    -Yes they are on horseback laughing
    But if without irony then the article is a plus. I found out a lot of new things. And a little pleasant
  31. +7
    5 January 2013 15: 56
    Mikitka is an illiterate, cowardly and vicious lackey, ill-cultivated intrigue and meanness seized power. It is scary that Mikitka is a fool with fiery energy and crazy initiative. And without brakes and sane associates with their own opinions.
    Now they make a hero and a democrat out of him.
    However, they forget or not even remember:

    1. Khrushchev is the bloodiest executioner, who has always exceeded plans of repression on his own initiative and required additional “limits”. To ward off well-deserved accusations from itself, it was Khrushchev who launched the deceitful version of the terrible Beria, which was completely untrue. Hence the "grow and legs" of Stalin's revelations.

    2. it is the Khrushchev who led the Moscow Party Organization, not L.M. Kaganovich, blew up the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. And by his method he turned onto another.

    3. It was Khrushchev who betrayed and trampled all who brought him to the people and supported him: STALIN, Kaganovich, Zhukov, etc.

    4. Having reduced the prison terms to policemen, Vlasovites, Bandera, etc. and leaving them without losing their rights, he began to create a fifth column inside the country

    On the one hand, living with him was entertaining: every morning no one could say what innovations would come to his mind.
    After the "corn bread" and everything that he had done, ALL dismissed his dismissal "with a sense of deep satisfaction." I remember perfectly!

    For the sake of justice:
    1. He did nevertheless a lot of good. Though filthy - outweighs.
    2. He was not an enemy of the party and the USSR, simply - "the hat is not according to Senka" and "he is not a zrobish pan”.

    God punished him: his son Sergei applied for American citizenship. More humiliation and in the next world can not come up with.
  32. Alf
    5 January 2013 17: 03
    Quote: Greyfox
    That is, under the Great Leader, in secret, such a class was formed from him and there was nothing such corruption (with accounts abroad) that only communism could defeat with the abolition of money! Bullshit IMHO! As well as much in the article ....

    It is for this reason that Stalin staged another purge in the years 47-50, which was directed against such an "elite." By the way, for some reason they don't talk about this purge, apparently, so as not to name the reasons.
    The 47-year monetary reform was directed precisely against these rich people.
    Up to a certain amount, money was exchanged 1: 1, and above this one 1:10, and the bar was set so that people who honestly received their money remained at their own.
  33. 0
    5 January 2013 17: 45
    Hey, hey, all of you who throw mud at the Union! Yes, after Stalin was removed from the road, the same program to liquidate the USSR began. "Khrushchev and Co" did this. If Stalin continued his rule, both Khrushchev and all the communist liberals would have ended up in places not so distant, and which of them needed it? Nikita Sergeevich, we hate you! Apart from virgin lands and "kAmunizma" nothing good happened. So the article is correct - after Stalin's death, traitors were registered in the USSR! All of them who came after, except, perhaps, Brezhnev and Andropov, systematically disintegrated the Union with US money. Why did Khrushchev so zealously try to catch up and overtake them? Why did he plunge the country into an unnecessary arms race? And did Gorbachev and his retinue proclaim perestroika?
  34. Alf
    5 January 2013 18: 11
    Quote: Greyfox
    That is, under the Great Leader, in secret, such a class was formed from him and there was nothing such corruption (with accounts abroad) that only communism could defeat with the abolition of money! Bullshit IMHO! As well as much in the article ....

    It was the appearance of such an elite that caused the purge of 47-50 years, directed precisely against the upper classes.
    By the way, for some reason they do not like to talk about this purge now, apparently, I do not want to state its reasons.
    Also, at the same time as the purge, Stalin carried out a monetary reform of the 47th year,
    knocking out the monetary component from under this elite. The fact is that up to a certain limit, money was exchanged in a ratio of 1: 1, and then 1:10. Moreover, the bar was set in such a way that people who honestly earn their money remained "with their own people."
  35. +4
    5 January 2013 21: 03
    Good article. Put a plus.
    My family has always had a positive attitude towards I.V. Stalin and fiercely hated Khrushchev. And the reasons are spelled out in the article and they are correct.
    I watched a documentary film on YouTube somewhere and there was talk about Khrushchev’s son. So there they told (I don’t remember the name) that when Khrushchev was shot down he was captured by the Germans. And if Yakov Dzhugashvili refused to cooperate with the Germans and died in the camps, then Khrushchev's son agreed and was engaged in agitation on the front-line soldiers and officers of the Red Army to surrender.
    This was reported to Stalin, he ordered the partisans Ponomarenko to inspire him and liquidate, which was done. Khrushchev’s son was stolen from the Germans dragged to a partisan camp and asked for confirmation for liquidation. Somehow (I don’t remember or Stalin himself told him) Khrushchev recognized and begged not to kill his son. But the leader remained adamant.
    He already avenged Judas to the dead.
  36. pavlo
    5 January 2013 21: 47
    In my opinion, one of the most important reasons for the assassination of Stalin was his disagreement about becoming the only currency in the world secured by gold-dollar. Khrushchev, on the other hand, came to power when he came to power!
  37. -6
    5 January 2013 22: 17
    Nonsense is complete! I didn’t read anything more idiotic.
  38. +2
    5 January 2013 22: 58
    Therefore, it is necessary to recall the first “perestroika”, which was headed by N. S. Khrushchev, and which was supposed to destroy the USSR in the 1960 years. However, then she did not completely go through, they were able to neutralize Khrushchev.

    Rave! Khrushchev is a tyrant and careerist, but he, unlike the traitor Gorbachev, did not strive for the collapse of the USSR!
    1. wax
      6 January 2013 02: 01
      If you write that Khrushchev is a tyrant and a careerist, then you are thereby confirming the beginning of the degradation of the USSR under him. The next tyrant and careerist and part-time drunkard was EBN. Two tyrants, two elderly and Gorby turned out to be enough to stop the historical experiment in building a fair democratic (socialist) society in which mutual assistance, conscience, honor were not empty words. The presence of the USSR allowed the people of Western countries to make very serious progress in ensuring their rights. With the fall of the USSR, all the best in world and domestic politics began to degrade. Soon, the works of Lenin and Stalin will again be in demand for understanding the springs of capitalist management, focused only on profit.
  39. +1
    5 January 2013 23: 57
    The author’s opinion regarding Joseph Visarionovich, which is true in essence, has a touch of primitivism. A kind of agitation attributing to the Leader what was and what could not be in essence.

    With regard to the tyrant and pest Khrushchev, personally, I basically agree with A. Samsonov, because I found this time at that age when you begin to listen to the conversations of elders and draw some conclusions. Even in the fertile Kuban, cereals were on the cards, white bread was only with children. Therefore, people like me were transferred in turn until the sellers, understanding everything perfectly well, asked at least to replace the children. I remember the maniacal dominance of corn, yellow and decaying bread made from it ... I remember my neighbors, a front-line colonel and a "cap-three", whose obscenities towards the "corn creature" fell silent only when youngsters appeared on the horizon ...
    1. +3
      6 January 2013 01: 14
      That's right, dear Doubler! So it was. And not only in the Kuban.
      Khrushchev - wildly envied I.V. Stalin and puffed up to somehow reach ... Well, of course! I.V. Stalin was a generalissimo, and Khrushchev? - There was one colonel in KVIRTU, very similar to Khrushchev. He was made up, filmed, the film was aged, and the result was a "documentary" film of how Khrushchev walks along the banks of the Dnieper, thinking before taking Kiev! There, the entire school was sobbing with laughter!
      Many of Khrushchev's wild projects also arose from this feeling. How many wonderful great construction projects were there under I.V. Stalin, so Khrushch set up there too ... He defiled the virgin lands !!! Just I.V. Stalin never undertook to solve a problem without thoroughly delving into it! ALL authors of the memoirs note that he knew many technical issues and always asked very accurate questions. And you could argue with him. IVS read a lot and always PREPARED for conversations. And Khrushch decided to cover everything with a raid. Yes, even with the same corn - he came to a millionaire collective farm, began to talk about how Americans grow it. And the chairman answered him: "Yes, we are harvesting twice as much using our technology!" And then he sat down in a puddle! ... It was not for nothing that the people said that Khrushch was running around the mausoleum with a cot, they all hoped that he would be allowed to spend the night next to Lenin!
  40. 0
    6 January 2013 00: 14
    I fully support the minusants. The author says something about the challenges of imperialism. Forgets that, in 1961, Khrushchev's missile fleet answered these calls! Exactly. And the post-war doctrine of Comrade Stalin meant the construction of five dozen light cruisers-raiders "a la tirpitz". This is in the era of jet aircraft and radar. In our history, Khrushchev will never be included in the lineup of great personalities, at least for the Crimea. But let's separate flies and cutlets. Let's not create an alternative history with our own hands. Let's leave that to our smaller brothers in the CIS.
  41. 0
    6 January 2013 00: 48
    Make a fool pray to God ..
    Khrushchev did his best, although my opinion is that he did not even know what he was doing.
  42. Anthrax
    6 January 2013 01: 04
    Khrushchev cut uselessly a huge army.
    He cut down on military spending and sent millions of men to work, rather than building up walking.
    As a result, only under Khrushchev, for the first time under the Soviet Government, the housing issue began to be addressed.
    People began to receive separate, albeit small, apartments.
    Under the great Stalin, people only vegetated in communal apartments.
    1. +4
      6 January 2013 02: 10
      Quote: ANTHRAX
      Under the great Stalin, people only vegetated in communal apartments.

      I now live in a three-room apartment in "Stalin". It’s not bad in terms of layout in comparison with the "Khrushchev", I can tell you, the structure. It will definitely stand for a hundred years.
      1. Anthrax
        6 January 2013 09: 53
        Now compare the number of Khrushchev houses and the number of stalin houses in your city.
        In my city there are 20-30 times more Khrushchev houses, and there are hundreds of times more people living in them than stalinkas.
        Moreover, Stalin was in power more than 2 times more than Khrushchev.
        Under Khrushchev, ordinary people got the opportunity to have a separate apartment.
        Under Stalin, only Stalinist aristocrats had an apartment, and ordinary people lived in communal apartments.
        After the army was reduced, not only ordinary people appeared in apartments, but in general, the standard of living began to rise, cars stopped being official, life began to change for the better, people became a little richer.
        DPRK is still Stalinism.
        Half the countries are moving in formation, a small country does great things, launches satellites and makes nuclear missiles.
        Only living there is creepy.
        Hunger and concentration camp.
        1. +3
          7 January 2013 03: 39
          Quote: ANTHRAX
          Now compare the number of Khrushchev houses and the number of stalin houses in your city.
          In my city there are 20-30 times more Khrushchev houses, and there are hundreds of times more people living in them than stalinkas.
          Moreover, Stalin was in power more than 2 times more than Khrushchev.

          Truth? In which city do you live? What about the fact that five years from the reign of Stalin fell on the war?
          Fascist invaders occupied 1,5 million square meters. km of the territory of our country. Six Soviet republics were completely and partially occupied. Before the war, it was the most industrially developed and most populated part of the country. 88 million people lived here - 45% of the total population of the Soviet Union, 71% of all-Union production of pig iron was produced, 58% - steel, 57% - rolled ferrous metals, 63% - coal. This territory accounted for 47% of the total cultivated area of ​​the country, 45% of the livestock.

          During the war, 1710 cities, more than 70 thousand villages and villages, about 32 thousand industrial enterprises were destroyed, 98 thousand collective farms, 1876 state farms and 2890 MTS were ruined. Only direct damage to our country amounted to 2 trillion. 569 billion rubles
          The first post-war five-year plan was generally fulfilled thanks to the heroic efforts of the entire Soviet people. The mines of Donbass, Zaporizhstal, Dneproges and many others were restored. The level of industrial production in 1950 exceeded the pre-war level by 73%, and the production of means of production doubled. The fixed assets of industry during the five-year plan increased by 1940% in comparison with 34, labor productivity by 37%.
          But you have some sort of manic tendency to consider army reduction a boon. Slope? :)
    2. vovan1949
      6 January 2013 14: 41
      Interesting idea! Imagine: the Battle of Stalingrad is going on, the forces of the country are at the limit, and at this time Stalin is "solving the housing problem"
  43. wax
    6 January 2013 02: 12
    Not long before his death, speaking about Khrushchev, Churchill said: "Khrushchev is the only politician in the history of mankind who declared war on the dead. But more than that, he managed to lose it."
    But being an enemy of the USSR, Churchill was very happy about Khrushchev’s speech on the Stalin personality cult, because I immediately realized that this was a stronger nuclear bomb, which was laid under the very foundation of the USSR.
  44. wax
    6 January 2013 02: 34
    toriya-kultura / 3602-fathers-sin-khrushchev

    Top link about the reason for Khrushchev's hatred of Stalin
    The second link - reviews about Stalin outstanding people
  45. +4
    6 January 2013 10: 26
    I lived under Nykite, who only did not curse him, the military, whom he humiliated and left with nothing, the railroad workers, whom he deprived of epaulettes and a decent salary, and the peasants, whom he deprived of cattle on a personal farmstead and made a tax on apple trees and pears in garden- it concerns the people. In 65,66, I met in Syzran with a member of the anti-party group Saburov, who was appointed director of the soot plant. I didn’t talk about politics with him, he and his wife treated us cadets with delicious food, were interested in our successes, and called us future Stalinist falcons. There were very pleasant memories.
  46. +4
    6 January 2013 10: 30
    I tested Khrushchev's experiments on my own skin, I was 11-12 years old then, I was born in 1952, therefore, since my parents were at work, the Stalinist discipline still persisted, I had to stand in long lines for bread, though I still don’t understand. urine, after the removal of Khrushchev from power, bread also suddenly appeared in abundance. As for the army, however, I have repeatedly heard from front-line officers about the defeat that Khrushchev caused by firing the officer corps; in their place, already under Brezhnev, inexperienced commanders came, wearing so-called "white gloves" who were not so persevering As front-line soldiers, it was with them that all the inconsistencies in our army began, and soon there was an all-corroding "hazing", which accelerated the fall of the army. As a result, in the Soviet Army of the 90s, I mean the commanding staff, there was not a single decisive person who would take responsibility and did not allow the USSR to be taken away to national apartments. Of course, in those already distant times, I did not understand everything, but I was not a fool, and such facts as the lack of bread, against the background of international festivals and man's breakthrough into space, were striking dissonance. Now we can only guess about those hidden springs that operated in the ruling "elites" of the USSR at that time. You can believe, or not believe the facts and conclusions that are set out in the article, but the question has long been open: who is Khrushchev, an enemy who has crowded into our ranks, or an unwise, impulsive person, by the will of fate, ascended to the top of the power of the greatest country in the world and in a rage broke firewood?
  47. Yoshkin Kot
    6 January 2013 10: 56
    n-dya, and the article is enchanting delirium! I can’t discuss how to discuss this ?????
  48. jury08
    6 January 2013 12: 52
    When you begin to measure the happiness of the people not with rockets, aircraft carriers and dead enemies and dissenters, but with available bread, milk and population growth !!!!
    1. +3
      6 January 2013 14: 36
      Quote: jury08
      and increase in population !!!!

      So it was!
  49. 0
    6 January 2013 16: 36
    the author also forgot that under Khrushchev allowed abortion and contraception
  50. -1
    6 January 2013 19: 16
    Here everyone writes that Khrushchev’s son fled to the United States, saying that Judas and the son of Judah. But everyone forgets about Stalin’s daughter, who fled to America in 1967, and not in 1991 as Khrushchev’s son
    1. 0
      6 January 2013 19: 56
      Quote: DimOK
      Here everyone writes that Khrushchev’s son fled to the United States, saying that Judas and the son of Judah. But everyone forgets about Stalin’s daughter, who fled to America in 1967, and not in 1991 as Khrushchev’s son

      A son is not a defendant for a father. Although the son of Khrushchev was a decent bastard, like his dad
  51. rocketman
    6 January 2013 20: 00
    Quote: GoldKonstantin
    In general, after the "death" of Stalin, Beria was supposed to take his place, but, as you can see, it turned out differently. And all because of whom?

    Because of the partyocracy, which Stalin and Beria wanted to remove from power. Because of Khrushchev, who was supported by Zhukov and Kaganovich.
    Quote: rkka
    well, drive to Europe and see how the wipers get 1300 euros each and no more rubbish rubbish

    The fact of the matter is that it is difficult even to get a job as a janitor - unemployment in Spain, for example, has reached 25%.
    Quote: Ivan Tarasov
    Stalin made an unforgivable mistake by not preparing a receiver

    He prepared it - it was Lavrenty Pavlovich Beria, but Stalin could not allow the USSR to be ruled by Georgians twice in a row. Therefore, formally the weak Malenkov was placed at the helm, with the strong Beria. However, Beria's mistake was that he was going to arrest Ignatiev, the Minister of the MGB, for the MURDER of Stalin. For this he was immediately killed.
    Quote: Pelican
    He forgets that Khrushchev’s missile fleet responded to these calls in 1961! Exactly.

    Oh, they made me laugh! For your information, until 1963, this entire “fleet” consisted of one rocket, which took XNUMX HOURS to prepare for launch. At this point, the Americans already had “Minutemen”.
    Quote: ANTHRAX
    As a result, only under Khrushchev, for the first time under the Soviet Government, the housing issue began to be addressed.
    People began to receive separate, albeit small, apartments.
    Under the great Stalin, people only vegetated in communal apartments.

    My grandfather and grandmother, ordinary workers at a metal plant in Yenakievo, received a three-room Stalinist apartment in 1950. Now my aunt and her son, a disabled child, live there.
    Quote: ANTHRAX
    Under Stalin, only Stalinist aristocrats had an apartment, and ordinary people lived in communal apartments.

    see above. It was under Stalin that reinforced concrete panels were built - factories for the production of reinforced concrete panels. Khrushchev, as always, appropriated other people's laurels.
    Quote: ANTHRAX
    After the army was reduced, not only ordinary people appeared in apartments, but in general, the standard of living began to rise, cars stopped being official, life began to change for the better, people became a little richer.

    I can imagine how we would live if the same unfairly slandered Beria remained in power. As if communism would come.
  52. mechanic11
    6 January 2013 21: 03
    The lies about Khrushev continue. The same as about Stalin. The leveling movement for some reason continued even after Khrushchev. Khrushchev was able to take revenge on missiles in Cuba - the Caribbean crisis - a real swing with the USA. Was Putin able to do something similar? Yes, it’s hard for him to work even with Colombian partisans (what kind of Caribbean crisis is the loot at stake). What kind of apartments in Yenakievo-Putin is giving out apartments in Kuzbass? What is there to discuss now, in 20 years of the collapse of the USSR nothing was created, so should Khrushchev be kicked (with mistakes and accomplishments? )
  53. ENESEI
    7 January 2013 01: 19
    With his adventurist activities, Khrushchev brought the entire WORLD to the brink of nuclear war, when he blatantly lied to the Americans that there were no missiles in Cuba. But an American U-2 reconnaissance plane discovered and photographed Soviet ballistic missiles on Cuban territory, and then it became clear to everyone what a liar Khrushchev was. It was only thanks to the efforts of John Kennedy that the Cuban Missile Crisis was resolved. But the Pentagon leadership was unhappy that their plan to start a nuclear war with the USSR was thwarted and they believed that Kennedy’s actions were undermining the prestige of the United States and therefore a conspiracy was organized to physically eliminate Kennedy.
  54. ENESEI
    7 January 2013 02: 13
    An eyewitness and participant in the Kharkov battle of 1942 was M. Lobanovsky, one of the few survivors then. And this is how he describes the events of that time: “In the spring of 1942, the Southwestern Front under the command of Marshal Timoshenko stabilized with great difficulty. Our troops literally dug into the ground, creating a defense in depth. True, near Kharkov, a huge protrusion formed in the front line in our direction, in which the troops of Army Group South of F. Bock were concentrated. Not wanting extra
    losses, the Germans waited and did not take active military action. The "status quo" was disrupted by our
    troops. Having the idea to “straighten” the Kharkov ledge, N.S. Khrushchev, as a member of the Military Council of the front, twice behind Timoshenko’s back sent dispatches to Stalin with a proposal to go on the offensive in this sector. The rate rejected them. Finally, for the third time, Stalin gave up, deciding that “maybe they know better there, on the spot.” On May 12, our troops rose from the trenches and went on the offensive with the only goal: to straighten the Kharkov arc at the front. But this was a strategic mistake. F. Bock was just waiting for this; The German intelligence station operated at the headquarters of our fronts very effectively. It is possible that the very idea of ​​“straightening” was instilled in Khrushchev by her. Our troops rising from the trenches in the bare steppe did not pose a serious obstacle to the next German push to the east. Within three days, several tank divisions literally plowed open 10 of our armies. By May 29th everything
    it was over. The event was called the “Kharkov battle or battle.” But it was a massacre, a beating of our units and formations. However, little is known about this drama, since there was no one to tell about it after the war. The Germans did not take prisoners - there was no time. In their post-war memoirs, our generals avoided this dramatic episode, and if they mentioned it, it was in one or two lines: “our troops suffered heavy losses.” It was then that the 6th Army of F. Paulus began to move uncontrollably towards the Don, Volga, and Stalingrad.” Khrushchev's mediocre and criminal activities caused the unjustified loss and death of hundreds of thousands of defenders of our Motherland. These events were directly related to the fate of my grandfather, and it was at this time that my mother received a funeral for her father.
  55. +2
    7 January 2013 02: 58
    Respect to the author)))) strong, it’s stupid to argue)))) grandfather Stalin was right))) the most terrible enemy is the internal enemy. He didn’t finish off the bastards (((the fact that Beria was slapped is sad, one atomic project was worth it... and The saddest thing is that everything happened again ((((Yes, it’s a shame for the country.
  56. +1
    7 January 2013 03: 02
    Undoubtedly, many have accumulated significant sums in foreign bank accounts.
    And this is about the USSR under Stalin? The author is not far off. He doesn’t see beyond modern cliches. Of course, there was speculative capital, but most of it was with criminal elements and not in the accounts of foreign banks.
    Khrushchev did a lot of harm, of course. But to compare with Gorbachev, you need a rich imagination! And they stopped it on time.
    1. 0
      10 January 2013 15: 01
      Under Stalin, many grabbed during the war. The monetary reform of 1947 reduced many party members and generals financially, because was carried out without their notification.
    2. 0
      15 February 2024 18: 07
      Stalin is not God who sees everything
  57. s1н7т
    7 January 2013 04: 40
    “At the October plenum of 1952, Stalin expressed the opinion that around 1962-1965, while maintaining the current pace of development of the national economy, the transition of the USSR from socialism to communism will become possible. And this transition will begin with the elimination of money in the Union. They will only remain for foreign trade."

    However, I bow down! This guy didn't mince words.
    A well-worn question arises: what country did we screw up...
    And after all, those writing here, bitch, voted for Putin and United Russia.
    Here it is, the 5th column.
    1. 0
      15 February 2024 18: 06
      I always vote for Zyugan or Grudinin
  58. pauk
    7 January 2013 21: 45
    how many people - so many opinions...
  59. vardex
    7 January 2013 23: 10
    I will give you a couple of quotes from the capitalist camp (from the camp which owns all the national wealth, the media, the power in the country and on whose orders they write "history" for you and people like you)
    The former US ambassador to the USSR, BIM, a talented spy who recruited a lot of political scum in the USSR, wrote in his memoirs that when “they brought him a heap of untidy sheets signed by Solzhenitsyn, he did not know what to do with this schizophrenic delirium”. When he “put dozens of talented and experienced editors in editing and revising these“ materials ”, he received the“ literary work “The Gulag Archipelago”.
    In his book The Art of Intelligence, former CIA chief Allen Dulles wrote: “In an attempt to cast a shadow over the liquidation of the enemy fifth column in the country, Khrushchev and his accomplices launched the legend of the so-called mass repression, as a result of which millions of people allegedly died innocently.
    The US Ambassador to Moscow (1937-1938) Davis wrote in his diary in the summer of 1941: Today, thanks to the FBI, we would know that Hitler's agents were operating everywhere, even in the USA .. The German entry into Prague was accompanied by active support for Gehlen's military organizations. The same thing happened in Norway (Quisling), Slovakia (Tiso), Belgium (De Grelle) ... However, we do not see anything like this in Russia. “Where are Hitler’s Russian accomplices?” I am often asked. “They were shot,” I answer.
    Even Thatcher called the company of slandering Stalin "howling jackals"

    The triumphant pygmies of post-Sovietism, who destroyed Russian (Soviet) communism, in every possible way belittle and distort the actions of the giants of the Soviet past in order to justify their betrayal of this past and themselves look like giants in the eyes of their duped contemporaries.
    1. 0
      8 January 2013 20: 25
      Good comment, vardex!
  60. 0
    8 January 2013 01: 01
    You’ve said a lot of things here, but I want to remind you that Khrushchev’s bastard... wink
  61. Alek IV
    8 January 2013 19: 59
    Khrushchev, preparing his sensational report, requested data on repression from the then Minister of Internal Affairs Sergei Kruglov, the USSR Prosecutor General Roman Rudenko and the Minister of Justice Konstantin Gorshenin. In February 1954, they sent an official letter to Khrushchev, which, in particular, stated:
    "According to the data available in the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, for the period from 1921 to the present, the OGPU Collegium, the NKVD troika, the Special Meeting, the Military Collegium, the courts and the military tribunals of 3 777 380 people were convicted of, including: VMN penalties - Note KM.RU) - 642 980 people, to content in camps and prisons for a period of 25 years and below - 2 369 220 people, to link and expulsion - 765 180 people.
    Out of the total number of those arrested, tentatively convicted: 2 900 000 people - by the OGPU College, NKVD troika and Special Meeting; 877 000 people - courts, military tribunals, the Special Collegium and the Military Collegium.
    Currently, prisoners convicted of counterrevolutionary crimes are held in camps and prisons - 467 946 people and, moreover, are in exile after serving the sentence for counterrevolutionary crimes directed by the directive of the Ministry of State Security and the USSR Prosecutor's Office (signed by Abakumov and Safonov), - 62 462 person.
    The scale of repression is really huge, but there are no 120 millions, like Karjakin, or 100 millions, like Solzhenitsyn, and even 60-70 millions are out of the question. Is it because Khrushchev did not then make public these statistics? After all, starting to expose the "personality cult", it is more expedient to hang on Stalin a kind of "multimillion" atrocity - let it be not an exact list of victims, but only a kind of "estimate." And at the same time, to extort from the Soviet archives Khrushchev's personal involvement in the repressions.
    Further: if we analyze the total number of victims of repression, it would be nice to clarify some important points. To begin with, the real criminals and opponents of the then authorities were surely included in the list of the repressed. What, from 1921 to February 1954 in the USSR there was no crime? Or there were no oppositionists who fought with the Soviet authorities? It means that among those almost 650 000 who were shot, and more than three million people who were behind bars or in exile, there were both real criminals and irreconcilable oppositionists.
    Further: if in the letter of Khrushchev’s ministers and the prosecutor the count of victims of repression has been carried out since 1921, this means that it is not Stalin who is responsible for a significant part of the crimes, but the “Leninist Guard”, which immediately after the Great October Socialist Revolution launched terror against the White Guards , clergy, “world-eating kulaks,” etc.,
  62. Alek IV
    8 January 2013 20: 21
    And here’s a little more about Khrushchev’s tricks. about the so-called monetary reform of 1961.
    They often try to present the 1961 monetary reform as an ordinary denomination, like the one carried out in 1998. To the uninitiated, everything looked extremely simple: the old Stalinist “foot wrappers” were replaced with new Khrushchev “candy wrappers”, smaller in size, but more expensive at face value. The 1947 banknotes in circulation were exchanged without restrictions for newly issued ones at a ratio of 10:1, and the prices of all goods, tariff rates of wages, pensions, scholarships and benefits, payment obligations and contracts were changed in the same ratio. This was allegedly done only “ order to facilitate money circulation and give greater value to money.”
    The 1961 reform was in fact a full-fledged devaluation of the ruble, in which the ruble was devalued by 2,25 times. But then it was a state secret. With such a change in the scale of prices, the ruble exchange rate should have been 40 kopecks per dollar, but the price was set at 1 kopecks.
    Khrushchev's reform brought irreparable harm to the economy. The cunning denomination of 1961 brought the country two troubles - dependence on oil exports and chronic food shortages, leading to corruption in trade. These 2 troubles subsequently became one of the main factors that ultimately destroyed the Soviet Union.
  63. 0
    10 January 2013 14: 45
    Khrushchev officially renounced his Trotskyist views in 1928, while studying together with Stalin's wife
  64. seafarer
    22 January 2013 08: 03
    I completely agree with the author of the article - it was with Khrushchev that the collapse of the USSR began.
    But there is one more “act” of Khrushchev, which is not mentioned either in the article or in the comments - this is the soldering of the nation.
    I was amazed when I learned that during the Second World War, alcohol consumption was less than 1 liter per capita. And this takes into account the daily "People's Commissars".
    And under Khrushchev, propaganda for “cultural drinking” was launched, as a result of which alcohol consumption in the country increased over the 10th year to 5 liters per person.
    In fact, it was at his instigation that the people got drunk.
  65. vladsolo56
    22 January 2013 08: 08
    One-sided and little reasoned so very weak
  66. Horde
    April 7 2013 16: 09
    the fact that Khrushchev is an enemy, a Trotskyist, Samsonov himself has already written about it, it’s clear to everyone, we just need to move on. WHO STANDED BEHIND KHRUSHCHEV? Did he ALONE collapse the USSR? What kind of people helped Khrushchev? To come up with and calculate such a far-reaching combination with EQUALIZATION, in order to reduce to zero the ENTHUSIAMS of the Russian people, or VIRTUAL LINE, in order to waste the STRENGTH OF THE PEOPLE; for this, it is necessary to CLEARLY PLAN the situation for the future. One gets the impression that EXPERIMENTS are being PLACED on our country, and we are the people We let ourselves play, everything happens according to someone’s EVIL DEVILICAL INTENTION. After so many years, KHRUSHCHEV’S NEGATIVITY becomes visible, but it’s not only that Khrushchev was removed, but HIS COURSE remained. For myself, I made a conclusion a long time ago - THERE IS AN INTERNAL ENEMY IN THE COUNTRY. They They were able not only to turn the direction of the country in the direction they needed, but they were able to remove the RUSSIAN LEADERSHIP and replace all areas of life in our country from CULTURE to EDUCATION, to subordinate the ECONOMY AND ARMY. They ruined the country and continue to fool our people. Everything around is built on LIES. THESE ARE ALIENS.
  67. +2
    2 September 2015 13: 30
    It is inappropriate here to describe all the destructive work of Khrushchev. I will only draw attention to the following facts:
    1. Before the war, Khrushchev was recruited by “metro engineer” John Morgan. Morgan “asked” one of the construction managers to arrange a meeting with Khrushchev. The result is unknown, but Khrushchev soon forbade this leader to meet with Morgan, and Morgan left our country soon after.
    2. The day before Khrushchev’s “cult” report in 1956, Allen Dulles gave an interview to one of the American publications, where he said that the USSR was forced to change Stalin’s policies.
    3. Without information, analytical and organizational support, Khrushchev, who did not have the necessary abilities for this, would never have been able to beat such capable and intelligent political bison as Beria, Molotov, Malenkov, Bulganin. It is possible that the organizing “tips” came through the husband of Khrushchev’s daughter Adzhubey, whom he appointed head. editor of Izvestia.
    4. During a trip to England after the “20th Congress of Traitors,” Khrushchev wished to informally meet with Churchill. At his request, this meeting was arranged by... D. Morgan. Morgan was the only witness and interpreter at this meeting. At the meeting, Churchill criticized Nikita for disrespecting the merits of the great Stalin.
    5. Khrushchev’s son Sergei, former deputy chief designer of the Proton rocket Chelomey, moved to the United States.
    Did Khrushchev consciously want to destroy the USSR? Perhaps not, but what he did to Great Russia, to the Russian peasantry, the countryside, to the Russian demographic potential - what today is the basis of ALL our troubles - cannot be regarded simply as stupidity, nonsense... This indicates, if not revenge of the “stole”, then, at least, on his external management (perhaps due to the serious incriminating “dossier” that was available on him).
  68. 0
    5 November 2015 04: 45
    Everything is just like that!
  69. 0
    2 January 2017 13: 59
    I just can’t understand - with such a betrayal of the entire Central Committee of the CPSU, it turns out that the USSR was doomed to destruction in advance, long before 1953?
  70. 0
    23 January 2024 06: 38
    And the son of Judah went to the states
  71. 0
    15 February 2024 17: 55
    It is unlikely that Stalin was removed; rather, the doctor was not called in time.
  72. 0
    15 February 2024 18: 02
    In 1936 Stalin stopped the repressions in the form of a defeat in the civil rights of sections of the population (start-disenfranchised) in 1937, he learned about the conspiracy of Trotsky/Bronstein with the Tukha to change the state system and, as a result, the company of 1937-39. According to Goder with the patronymic Izrailevich Trotsky, the hand of the Rothschild Zionists. Read Tomsinov in Garant. Mid-1980s Trotskyists staged perestroika....
    M.A. Bulgakov: “The Germans are defeated, said the bastards. We are defeated, said the smart bastards.” White Guard.
  73. 0
    16 March 2024 10: 38
    How is the refusal of money and increased payments to the Stakhanovites combined?

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