Russian genetic map

We constantly hear that the Russians are not a people brazed by blood, akin to blood, but a conglomeration of people united by a common culture and territory. Everyone remembers Putin's winged phrases "There are no pure Russians!" And "scratch all Russian, you will certainly find the Tatar."

Say, we are “very different in blood,” “we didn’t sprout from one root”, but were a melting pot for Tatar, Caucasian, German, Finnish, Buryat, Mordovian and other peoples who have ever raided, entered, plodduvshihsya on our land, and we accepted them all, let them into the house, took them to our relatives.

It became, almost an axiom in the course of politicians, eroding the concept of Russian, and at the same time for everyone was the entrance ticket to the environment of the Russian people.

Such an approach, raised on the flag by numerous Russophobic a la "human rights" organizations and Russian Russophobic SMDIs, filled the air. But, Putin and others like him sooner or later will have to answer for their words of humiliation of the Russian people. The verdict of scientists is merciless:

1) In 2009, the complete “reading” (sequencing) of the genome of the representative of the Russian ethnos was completed. That is, the sequence of all six billion nucleotides in the Russian human genome has been determined. All his genetic management is now in full view.

(The human genome consists of 23 pairs of chromosomes: 23 - from the mother, 23 - from the father. Each chromosome contains one DNA molecule formed by a chain of 50-250 million nucleotides. Sequencing has been subjected to the Russian male genome. The Russian Genome has been deciphered on the basis of the National Research of the Kurchatov Institute Center, initiated by Mikhail Kovalchuk, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Kurchatov Institute Research and Development Center. According to information received from the Russian Academy of Sciences, only for the purchase of Kurchato sequencing equipment The VSK Institute has spent approximately $ 20 million. The National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute" has recognized scientific status in the world.)

It is known that this is the seventh gene decoded behind the Ural ridge: before that there were Yakuts, Buryats, Chinese, Kazakhs, Old Believers, Khanty. That is, all the prerequisites for the first ethnic map of Russia. But all these were, so to speak, composite genomes: pieces collected after decrypting the genetic material of different representatives of the same population.

The complete genetic portrait of a particular Russian man is only the eighth in the world. Now there is someone to compare Russians with: American, African, Korean, European ...

“We did not find in the Russian genome any noticeable Tatar introduction that disproves the theories about the destructive influence of the Mongolian yoke,” stresses the head of the genome direction at the Research Center Kurchatov Institute, academician Konstantin Skryabin. - Siberians are genetically identical to the Old Believers, they have one Russian genome. There are no differences between the genomes of Russians and Ukrainians - one genome. With the Poles, our differences are paltry. ”

Academician Konstantin Skryabin believes that “in five to six years a genetic map of all the peoples of the world will be compiled - this is a decisive step towards understanding the susceptibility of any ethnic group to drugs, diseases and products”. Feel what it costs ... Americans in 1990-e years gave the following estimates: the cost of sequencing one nucleotide - 1 dollars; according to other data - up to 3-5 dollars.

(Sequencing (reading of the letters of the genetic code) of the mitochondrial DNA and human Y-chromosome DNA is the most advanced DNA analysis methods to date .. Mitochondrial DNA is transmitted along the female line from generation to generation almost unchanged from the time when “the progenitor of humanity Eve "Climbed off a tree in East Africa. And the Y chromosome is present only in men and therefore is also transmitted almost unchanged to male offspring, whereas all other chromosomes are transmitted from father and mother to their children tasu tsya nature, like a deck of cards before dealing. Thus, in contrast to the indirect signs (appearance, body proportions), the sequencing of the mitochondrial DNA and Y-chromosome and no doubt, clearly shows that the degree of kinship of people.)

2) Outstanding anthropologist, researcher of human biological nature, A.P. At the end of the 19th century, Bogdanov wrote: “We use expressions all the time: this is purely Russian beauty, this is a hawk, a typical Russian face. You can make sure that not something fantastic, but the real lies in this general expression Russian physiognomy. In each of us, in the sphere of our "unconscious" there is a rather definite concept of the Russian type "(AP Bogdanov" Anthropological physiognomy ". M., 1878).

After a hundred years, and now the modern anthropologist V. Deryabin, using the latest method of mathematical multidimensional analysis of mixed characteristics, comes to the same conclusion: “The first and most important conclusion is the statement of the significant unity of Russians throughout Russia and the inability to identify even the relevant regional types, clearly limited from each other "(" Questions of Anthropology ". Issue. 88, 1995). What is the expression of this Russian anthropological unity, the unity of hereditary genetic traits expressed in the shape of a person, in the structure of his body?

First of all - the hair color and eye color, the shape of the structure of the skull. According to these characteristics, we Russians are different both from European nations and from Mongoloids. And we cannot even compare with blacks and Semites at all, the differences are too striking. Academician V.P. Alekseev proved a high degree of similarity in the structure of the skull of all representatives of the modern Russian people, clarifying that the “Proto-Slavonic type” is very stable and has its roots in the Neolithic, and possibly the Mesolithic period. According to the calculations of the anthropologist Deryabin, light eyes (gray, blue-gray, blue and blue) are found in Russians in 45 percent, in Western Europe only 35 percent are light-eyed. Dark, black hair is found in Russians in five percent, in the population of foreign Europe - in 45 percent. Not confirmed by the conventional wisdom of the "kurnososti" Russian. In 75 percentages, Russians have a straight nose profile.

The conclusion of anthropological scientists:
“Russians in their racial composition are typical Europoids, occupying a central position among the peoples of Europe in most anthropological features and differing in slightly lighter pigmentation of eyes and hair. It is also necessary to recognize the significant unity of the racial type of Russians in the whole of European Russia. ”
“Russian is European, but European with physical characteristics peculiar only to him. These signs constitute what we call the typical hare. ”

Anthropologists have seriously scratched Russian, and - no Tatar, that is Mongoloid, in Russian there. One of the typical signs of a Mongoloid is the epicantus, a Mongol fold at the inner corner of the eye. In typical Mongoloids, this fold is found in 95 percent, in the study of eight and a half thousand Russians, such a fold was found only in 12 people, and in embryonic form.

Another example. Russians literally have special blood - the predominance of the 1 and 2 groups, as evidenced by the long-term practice of blood transfusion stations. For Jews, for example, the predominant blood group is 4, more often the Rh-negative factor occurs. In biochemical blood tests, it turned out that the Russian, like all European nations, is peculiar to a particular PH-c gene, this gene is practically absent in Mongoloids (OV Borisova "Erythrocyte acid phosphatase polymorphism in various populations of the Soviet Union". "Questions of anthropology ". Issue. 53, 1976).

It turns out that no one can scratch a Russian, anyway, no Tatar, you will not find anyone else in it. This is confirmed by the Encyclopedia “Peoples of Russia”, in the chapter “The racial composition of the population of Russia” notes: “Representatives of the Caucasians make up more than 90 percent of the population of the country and about 9 percent are representatives of the forms mixed between Caucasians and Mongoloids. The number of pure Mongoloids does not exceed 1 million people. " ("Peoples of Russia". M., 1994).

It is easy to calculate that if Russian in Russia 84 percent, then all of them-only the people of the European type. The peoples of Siberia, the Volga region, the Caucasus, the Urals are a mixture of European and Mongol races. This was beautifully expressed by the anthropologist A.P. In the 19th century, Bogdanov, studying the peoples of Russia, wrote, refuting the present-day myth from his distant-distant, that the Russians had infused into their people alien blood in the epochs of invasions and colonization:

“Perhaps many Russians both married the natives and made them sedentary, but the majority of primitive Russian colonizers throughout Russia and Siberia were not like that. It was a commercial, industrial people who took care to arrange themselves in their own way, according to their own ideal of well-being. And this ideal of a Russian person is by no means such that it is easy to twist his life with some kind of “trash,” as the Russian person of a Gentile is still very often honoring. He will do business with him, he will be affectionate and friendly with him, he will come into contact with him in everything, in addition to be related, in order to introduce a foreign element into his family. To this, simple Russian people are still strong, and when it comes to the family, before rooting their home, here he has a kind of aristocracy. Often, villagers of different tribes live in the neighborhood, but marriages between them are rare. ”

For thousands of years, the Russian physical type remained stable and unchanged, and never was a cross between different tribes that at times inhabited our land. The myth has been dispelled, we must understand that the call of blood is not an empty sound, that our national understanding of the Russian type is the reality of the Russian breed. We must learn to see this breed, to admire it, to appreciate it in our near and far Russian relatives. And then, perhaps, our Russian appeal to completely strangers will be revived, but its people for us are a father, mother, brother, sister, son and daughter. After all, we are actually all from a single root, from one clan - the Russian clan.

3) Anthropologists were able to reveal the appearance of a typical Russian person. To do this, they had to transfer to a single scale all the photographs from the photo library of the Museum of Anthropology with full-face images and in profile of typical representatives of the population of the Russian regions of the country and, combining them through the pupils of their eyes, impose on each other. The final portraits turned out, of course, blurry, but gave an idea of ​​the appearance of the reference Russian people. This was the first truly sensational discovery. After all, similar attempts by French scientists led to the result, which they had to conceal from the citizens of their country: after thousands of combinations from the obtained photographs of standard Jacques and Marianna, they looked gray faceless ovals of faces. Such a picture, even among the farthest from the anthropology of the French, could be caused by an unnecessary question: is there really a French nation?

Unfortunately, anthropologists did not go further than creating photographic portraits of typical representatives of the Russian population in different regions of the country and did not impose them on each other in order to obtain the image of an absolute Russian person. In the end, they were forced to admit that they could have trouble at work for such a photo. By the way, the “regional” identikits of the Russian people were published in the wide press only in 2002, and before that they were published in small editions only in scientific journals for specialists. Now you can judge for yourself how similar they are to the typical cinematic Ivanushka and Marya.

Unfortunately, mostly black-and-white old archival photos of Russian people’s faces do not allow for the transfer of body height, build, skin color, hair and eyes of the Russian person. However, anthropologists have created a verbal portrait of Russian men and women. These are of medium build and of medium height, light brown-haired people with bright eyes - gray or blue. By the way, in the course of the research a verbal portrait of a typical Ukrainian was also obtained. The reference Ukrainian differs from Russian only in the color of skin, hair and eyes - he is a dark brown brunette with regular features and brown eyes. The snub nose was absolutely not typical for an Eastern Slav (found only in 7% of Russians and Ukrainians), this sign is more typical for Germans (25%).

4) In 2000, the Russian Foundation for Basic Research allocated approximately half a million rubles from state funds for research on the gene pool of the Russian people. A serious program with such funding is impossible to implement. But it was more significant, than just a financial decision, speaking about the change of scientific priorities of the country. Scientists from the laboratory of population human genetics of the Medical Genetics Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences who received the RFBR grant for the first time in Russia stories for three years they were able to fully concentrate on the study of the gene pool of the Russian people, and not of small nations. And limited funding only spurred their ingenuity. They supplemented their molecular genetic studies with an analysis of the frequency distribution of Russian surnames in the country. This method was very cheap, but its information content exceeded all expectations: a comparison of the geography of surnames with the geography of genetic DNA markers showed their almost complete coincidence.

Unfortunately, interpretations of the family analysis, which appeared in the media after the first publication of data in a specialized scientific journal, could create a false impression of the goals and results of the enormous work of scientists. The project manager, Doctor of Science Elena Balanovskaya, explained that the main thing was not that the Smirnov surname was more common among the Russian people than Ivanov, but that for the first time a complete list of truly Russian surnames was compiled by regions of the country. At first lists were compiled for five conditional regions - Northern, Central, Central-Western, Central-Eastern and Southern. In total, in all regions there were about 15 thousand Russian surnames, most of which were found only in one of the regions and were absent in the others. When superimposing regional lists on each other, scientists identified the entire 257 of the so-called "all-Russian surnames." Interestingly, at the final stage of the study, they decided to add the names of residents of the Krasnodar Territory to the list of the Southern Region, expecting that the predominance of the Ukrainian names of descendants of the Zaporozhye Cossacks, who were evicted here by Catherine II, would significantly reduce the all-Russian list. But this additional restriction reduced the list of all-Russian surnames to a total of 7 units - to 250. From which flowed the obvious and not for all the pleasant conclusion that the Kuban is inhabited mainly by Russian people. And what happened to the Ukrainians and whether there were any Ukrainians at all is a big question.

For three years, the participants in the Russian Genofund project have bypassed almost the entire European territory of the Russian Federation with a syringe and test tube and made a very representative sample of Russian blood.

However, cheap indirect methods of studying the genetics of the Russian people (by surnames and dermatoglyphics) were only auxiliary for the first in Russia study of the gene pool of titular nationality. His main molecular genetic results are available in the monograph "Russian gene pool" (Ed. "Ray"). Unfortunately, part of the study, due to the lack of public funding, was carried out by scientists jointly with foreign colleagues, who imposed a moratorium on many of the results until joint publications appeared in the scientific press. Describe these data in words, nothing prevents us. Thus, on the Y chromosome, the genetic distance between Russians and Finns is 30 units. And the genetic distance between the Russian people and the so-called Finno-Ugric peoples (Mari, Veps, etc.) living in the territory of the Russian Federation is equal to 2-3 units. Simply put, they are genetically almost identical. The results of the analysis of mitochondrial DNA show that Russians are from Tatars at the same genetic distance in 30 conventional units that separate us from the Finns, but between Ukrainians from Lviv and Tatars the genetic distance is only 10 units. And at the same time, Ukrainians from left-bank Ukraine are genetically as close to Russians as the Komi-Zyrians, Mordovians and Mari.

Based on materials,,,, http: //www.vechnayamolodost .ru,,
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  1. lotus04
    5 January 2013 08: 50
    Russian genetic map

    Yes, got it already !!! That they would not consider the genetic map of the Papuans from New Guinea. Dibiloids - damn it !!! Leave the nation alone, at least for five years. Gene. the pen-dos card would be better studied. There is something to see!

    The complete genetic portrait of a particular Russian man is only the eighth in the world. Now there is someone to compare Russians with: American, African, Korean, European ...

    And what is "American"? Isn't this a "combined hodgepodge of criminal elements" exiled and fled there?
    1. +13
      5 January 2013 08: 57
      SCIENTISTS, how good and easy it would be to live without you. Russian was Russian, Chukchi was Chukchi and no tests were required to understand this.
      1. Demon_Ex
        5 January 2013 12: 22
        Alexander, scientists have nothing to do with it, ordinary politics. If you need to zadolbite some nation, you must declare different from others. Believe scientists about the existence of the Russian genome, it is necessary to survive from the mind. Hitler and his associates also spoke of the superiority of the Aryan nation. To find a person who is pure in the genetic sense is now impossible. Rossi, Etruscans, Scythians or Pomors and Drevlyans who are Russian from them?
        1. Demon_Ex
          5 January 2013 13: 55
          Victims of ethnogenesis rushed to minus.
        2. +24
          5 January 2013 14: 07
          Well, yes there is raspberry, there is blackberry, but it’s impossible to say that there is cloudberry. If you couldn’t determine it, Western peppers would immediately begin to blow, and they themselves recognized that it was possible. It’s just that everyone is so blown up that the Russians are a mixture of tomatoes and cucumbers that we ourselves began to believe, but no, here are the facts for you — we keep our kind.
          1. 0
            5 January 2013 14: 18
            raspberries, blackberries, cloudberries - the essence of one is all the berries and are useful in their own way
            but no one forbids you to speak, but now you are writing this))
            1. +1
              5 January 2013 15: 39
              Of course about this, you are so insightful)))
          2. Demon_Ex
            5 January 2013 14: 38
            Look at your pedigree. And look who lived in Russia. And which of these peoples is truly Russian? And in what part of Russia such are found in an unclouded state. I understand that every nation has the right to self-determination, so are you determined by Russian spirit or just a DNA chain in the genome? I have a maternal grandmother, a descendant of the Cossack Ohrim, who left Siberia to conquer Siberia with Ermak, and my grandfather is a purebred Chuvash. My father’s grandfather is a Terek Cossack, and a grandmother from Russified Finns, I have written Russian in my USSR passport. Read Gumelev, he has written about ethnic groups in quite some detail.
            1. 0
              5 January 2013 16: 41
              I won’t be surprised if the purebred Russian is according to the genus of the hypnotus, but its language cannot be called Russian
            2. +17
              5 January 2013 18: 08
              Demon_Ex, in this you are right Yo yo like this -RUSSIAN GERMAN ORIGIN !!!!! Yes and proud of it - and I do not consider myself less RUSSIAN than pure russians !!!! Yes laughing By the way, I have a best friend-RUSSIAN POLISH ORIGIN !!!!!! Yes (BAD GAD wassat already horror !!! feel laughing likes to smoke my lighters after the get-togethers drinks - one word pshek !!! tongue laughing ) SO here - and I and he, for his MOTHERLAND RUSSIA, will tear anyone to fall, do not hesitate !!!!!! Yes and MOTHERLAND, we served honestly our own !!!!!
              1. sapulid
                6 January 2013 00: 09
                Quote: datur
                Demon_Ex, in this you are right Yo I like this -Russian GERMAN ORIGIN !!!!!


                Quote: datur
                So here - both I and he, for his MOTHERLAND RUSSIA, will tear anyone to fall, do not hesitate !!!!!! and MOTHERLAND, we served honestly our own !!!!!

                I agree to all 100%
                1. 0
                  6 January 2013 22: 25
                  Quote: sapulid

            3. +1
              5 January 2013 22: 27
              Gumilev derived his theories empirically, without summing up the evidence base.
            4. 0
              18 December 2022 20: 05
              There is no such nationality - a Cossack. Cossack - this class was among the Russian people, now there is no such class, despite the ever-increasing number of "Cossacks". Right now, 4,5 thousand Cossacks are fighting in the Donbass - these are the Cossacks.
          3. Mgydvin
            11 January 2013 08: 10
            It is passed from father to son ... So where is he the first and did he consider himself a Russian. And this gene can be in everyone ... Even in the Chinese, whom our men went to ... In principle, there were no pure nations, not relatives marry the same.
        3. Horde
          5 January 2013 15: 41
          Quote: Demon_Ex
          To find a person who is pure in the genetic sense is now impossible. Rossi, Etruscans, Scythians or Pomors and Drevlyans who are Russian from them?

          there are still RUSSIAN people !!!

        4. +6
          5 January 2013 18: 03
          . Rossi, Etruscans, Scythians or Pomors and Drevlyans who are Russian from them? === and a mustache together !!! Yes wink laughing
          1. Yoshkin Kot
            5 January 2013 22: 57
            hee hee hee, you still call us ukra 140 year old
          2. Slayer
            6 January 2013 10: 26
            Quote: datur
            Rossi, Etruscans, Scythians or Pomors and Drevlyans who of them are Russian? === and a mustache together !!

            Yes, no mustache, the Scythians lived right up to the Far East, you can’t say for sure whose ancestors they are, they can be both ancestors of the Russians and the ancestors of the Altai or Yakut, or they can be common ancestors)))
        5. Beltar
          5 January 2013 22: 58
          In fact, kinetic studies are necessary for historians, because it is possible to trace the paths of migration, and besides, there can be applications even for medical purposes, because different nations and, especially, races have different sensitivity to medicines and diseases.
        6. Igor Belov
          6 January 2013 01: 02
          Quote: Demon_Ex
          If you need to zadolbite some nation, you must declare different from others.

          And we are different from others. And for many hundreds and hundreds of years did not interfere with anyone.
          Quote: Demon_Ex
          Hitler and his associates spoke of the superiority of the Aryan nation.

          So the Slavs and we, their descendants, are the Aryans - the ancient and great people, and at least not smart to be proud of it. They try to assure us that we have not gone far from the monkeys, but they are afraid, like a devil! And I think that they are doing the right thing - no need to brighten a sleeping bear !!!
          1. GG2012
            6 January 2013 01: 28
            Quote: Igor Belov
            They try to assure us that we are not far from the monkeys,

            Even if we assume that we descended from monkeys, then, I am sure, we grazed among the Poplar, so that in a few thousand years, Our "Topol-M" would look ... clearly at Yerusalischig with Washington, ... Gond... sorry, London too.
        7. Alek IV
          6 January 2013 11: 25
          Demon_Ex. And you read the article carefully or immediately began to scribble comments. in the same place everything is clearly written: "Anthropologists have seriously scratched the Russian, and - there is no Tatar, that is, Mongoloid, in the Russians." "And the genetic distance between a Russian person and the so-called Finno-Ugric peoples (Mari, Vepsians, etc.) living on the territory of the Russian Federation is 2-3 units. Simply put, they are genetically almost identical. The results of the analysis of mitochondrial DNA show that Russians are from Tatars are at the same genetic distance of 30 conventional units, which separate us from the Finns, but the genetic distance between the Ukrainians from Lvov and the Tatars is only 10. And at the same time, the Ukrainians from the left-bank Ukraine are genetically similar to the Russians, like the Komi-Zyryans, Mordovians and Mari. "
          THOSE. Tatars, as the concept of the people does not differ from the Russian practically nothing (you can call yourself with the same authenticity as Russian, Tatar, Mordvinians, Veps or Komi).
          1. 0
            6 January 2013 17: 08
            Alek IV,
            When comparing the genotype of purely Russian and Tatar, no differences were found. From ancient times Eurasia was inhabited by our ethnos, which in time was divided by the West according to the religious principle.
      2. +16
        5 January 2013 12: 52
        An incomprehensible reaction, science is science, it is neither good nor bad.
        1. -11
          5 January 2013 15: 14
          Quote: viruskvartirus
          An incomprehensible reaction, science is science, it is neither good nor bad

          This is not science, but pseudoscientific nonsense
          1. GG2012
            5 January 2013 16: 47
            Quote: Rumata
            This is not science, but pseudoscientific nonsense

            The fact that genetics so far temporarily the fact of your origin from Reptiloids is not proven, the reality of this version will not be ruled out.
            It is also necessary to take into account the fact that the belief that you have been specially bred by Reptiloids has been living in the minds of peoples of the whole world for centuries.
            As they say, ... there is no smoke without fire, and people just won’t say that ...
            Moreover, this belief is reflected in almost all branches of human self-expression.
            For example: iconography - the image of St. George the Victorious killing snake (reptiloid).
            Contemporary sculptural art: the image of Prince Svyatoslav plunging the Jewish war, whose figure very reminiscent of image of a snake (reptiloid).
            Russian fairy tales: the story of the three-headed snake Gorynych, who has a new head instead of a severed head (very much like the Zionist financial system).
            And so on ...

            1. Alek IV
              6 January 2013 11: 47
              Quote: GG2012
              the image of Prince Svyatoslav pushing the Jewish war

              or here’s such a holy Christopher (jackal son) on the icons.
          2. +3
            6 January 2013 01: 53
            Yeah - genetics - a corrupt bourgeois prostitute! My friend, Lysenko’s laurels in this part of the world do not give rest ?! So it is and the liberalistic West recognizes genetics! If you don’t like Russian studies, if you think nonsense, then turn to the supposedly cultural and supposedly advanced experience of the wild west.
            1. +4
              6 January 2013 09: 57
              Quote: nnz226
              Yeah - genetics - a corrupt bourgeois prostitute! My friend, Lysenko’s laurels in this part of the world do not give rest ?! So it is and the liberalistic West recognizes genetics! If you don’t like Russian studies, if you think nonsense, then turn to the supposedly cultural and supposedly advanced experience of the wild west.

              Genetics itself is not nonsense, I say this as a geneticist by education, but what is written in the second half of the article is nonsense. And we'll talk about Russian "research" when there are publications, I have not found any results, probably it is very secret for a narrow circle of people ...
            2. Logs
              9 January 2013 23: 14
              I agree, nationality is more a spiritual concept, who you think you are in what culture you belong to that nation! Especially when it comes to nationality in Russia, except for Tatars, Chuvashs, Mari and other indigenous peoples, you can’t call Russians and patriots who always considered and will consider Russia their home, which for centuries also died with the Russians! The main thing is that when they say some Russia for the Russians they understand that in our big country there are many peoples who consider the Russian people to be their older brothers and who will also die if there is such an hour.
          3. Alek IV
            6 January 2013 11: 34
            read the source itself - the monograph "Russian gene pool." Maybe it will be clearer to you.
        2. 0
          5 January 2013 16: 57
          What is described scientifically in this article and what is the interpretation of the results of a study of the genomes of N thousand people?
          Immediately upon reading, the question arose: how was the age of the gene determined? When did the generalized genes stabilize in the test samples?
          What did the author want to say in the article? I did not understand him (if his plan was well-intentioned).
          1. SSR
            5 January 2013 17: 59
            Quote: Kite
            What did the author want to say in the article? I did not understand him (if his plan was well-intentioned).

            Likewise))) a year ago there was a similar "study" in which "genetics" prescribed that Ukrainians are related to the Turks for the most ... hi
            1. +3
              5 January 2013 18: 13
              Quote from S.S.R.
              Likewise))) a year ago there was a similar "study" in which the "genetics" prescribed that Ukrainians are related to the Turks for the most

              Recently, this is another lever of propaganda. You can't argue with genetics, this is a fact, the problem is that not every reader will be able to separate scientific research, with publications and open data, from "British scientists have proven that grandfather is the same grandmother, only grandfather"
          2. +1
            5 January 2013 22: 30
            The age of genes is determined by the age of the remains of ancient people.
            1. +1
              5 January 2013 23: 41
              I recall an old joke about how scientists of all countries could not identify the mummy, but the mummy itself gave its name to the colonel and the office. (The remains of ancient people may have preserved the gene material, but how did they report their nationality?)
              Quote: Setrac
              The age of genes is determined by the age of the remains of ancient people.
              1. 0
                6 January 2013 00: 05
                This immediately raises the question of how the age of the residues is determined, there are no answers, you understand the truth somewhere nearby (sorry for the offtopic)
                1. +2
                  6 January 2013 09: 59
                  Quote: Setrac
                  This immediately raises the question of how the age of the residues is determined, there are no answers,

                  So here and no? I was sure that there are methods, and not one, and they have been used in laboratories for many years, but it turns out there are no answers. Bad luck ...
        3. Alek IV
          6 January 2013 11: 32
          science - it is not in itself, people do it, but they can be all sorts.
      3. +8
        5 January 2013 13: 59
        Alexander Romanov,
        Well it was good, but it’s the same answer with evidence of information pressure, I don’t think that if we hadn’t been so eager to be divided recently, it would be so relevant. But in the light of everything that is happening in my opinion, it is necessary to research these studies as a mantra for all mass media. We are a single people, we are Russian, we Slavs, we live according to our own laws - we will rule out justice.
        1. +5
          5 January 2013 14: 06
          Quote: carver
          but this is the answer with evidence of information pressure,

          And the evidence to whom? I do not need them.
          With regards to Bandera you will not prove anything to them hi
          1. +4
            5 January 2013 15: 43
            Alexander Romanov,
            I am happy for you, and for myself, that you and I need to prove the greatness of my homeland and my ancestors
      4. +2
        5 January 2013 21: 00
        You're not right ! It was necessary to do this in order to prove to the Western heralds that the RUSSIAN nation is and that it is not Asian, but European.
      5. gas
        11 January 2013 14: 40
        I don’t understand what’s wrong with studying the genotype of a nation? "There are Jews, there are Germans, there are Russians, there is no such nation, those who claim themselves to be Russians are a mishmash of blood." - If you like this approach, please, it's your right. Live without scientists, but in some other country, I don't want such a future for Russia.
    2. +2
      5 January 2013 08: 59
      Don’t worry, this is just a HIT of discussions.
      1. Kaa
        5 January 2013 12: 27
        Quote: RedDragoN
        SCIENTISTS, how it was good and easy to live without you

        But what about without nuclear weapons, sarin-soman-herd and other radishes? But how to live without virologic weapons? Well you take away bread from millions of people !!!!
        Well, for starters. Do you all know that the naglitsans of our Indian brothers in North America exterminated ?! Acrome of what we teach (or not) at school (now at a university), there is also mitochondrial DNA, ( that’s why the fellow Jews introduced the idea of ​​halachism) "The female egg, from which the fetus develops during fertilization, contains the so-called mitochondrial DNA, which is inherited through the maternal line. Thus, a female child who inherits this mitochondrial DNA from the mother will in turn pass it on to her children. generation after generation, mitochondrial DNA is transmitted through the female line. Both men and women can perform a test to establish the maternal genetic line. "-http: // -4640 rubles - and you Jew or not laughing
        And now, "Don't play the fool, America ... "
        Altai in the south of Siberia is located right in the center of Russia. But the tiny mountain republic has claims to fame unknown until now - Native Americans can trace their origin to a remote region.
        DNA research has shown that genetic markers demonstrate the connection of people living in the Russian republic of Altai, southern Siberia, with the indigenous population of North America. The study of mutations indicated a common origin between 13000 and 14000 years ago - when people thought they were walking on ice from Russia to America. : Study of genetic markers of DNA in Altai and Siberia showed that the appearance of Native Americans happened about 13-14,000 years ago - This roughly coincides with the period when people from Siberia are believed to have crossed what is now called the Bering Strait and entered America. "Altai is one of the key places on the planet because it is a place where people have come and gone for thousands and thousands of years," said Dr. Theodore Sherr of Pennsylvania State University in the USA.
        Among the people who may have left Altai Krai are the forerunners of the first Native Americans.
        -came-tiny-mountain-region-Russia-DNA-research-reveals.html # ixzz2H5Opyvjt
        1. +6
          5 January 2013 12: 59
          Altai is generally an interesting territory ... it is there that the oldest subclades of the haplogroup r1a to which the Slavs belong are discovered.
          1. Kaa
            5 January 2013 13: 33
            Quote: viruskvartirus
            there, the oldest subclades of the haplogroup r1a, to which the Slavs belong, were discovered.

            Min Hertz (borrowed from A. Count Tolstoy), "Vladimir Orekhov, Andrey Poltoraus, Lev A. Zhivotovsky, Victor Spitsyn, Pavel Ivanov, Nikolai Yankovsky" Mitochondrial Diversity of the Russian DNA Sequence. "FEBS Letters 445: 1 (February 19, 1999): pp. 197-201. Abstract:
            "The article presents the results of the first regular study of the Russian population by sequestering mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). RussKie constitute one of the largest ethnic groups (more than 129 million). However, their genetic diversity is only characterized by RFLP and biochemical markers, although mtDNA sequence databases have already been created for many ethnic groups in the world. We received data on the sequence of 103 individuals living in three regions of Russia :. Kostroma, Kursk, Ryazan regions and the sequence of the fragment ........Further, believe me, it is interesting only for specialists ..... Among 64 different mitotypes identified during the study, 52 were unique in these samples. the index of genetic diversity (Nei, 1987) for Russians is 0,96. This value is within the established range for European populations (0,93 to 0,98). Genetic distances calculated from our data indicate that Russians form a cluster of Germans, Bulgarians, Swedes, Estonians, and Volga-Finns more distant from the Karelians and Finns, and very different from the Turks and especially the Mongols ".http: //
            1. bask
              5 January 2013 15: 26
              Quote: viruskvartirus

              Altai is generally an interesting territory ... it is there that the oldest subclades of the haplogroup r1a to which the Slavs belong are discovered.

              Gene-ethnogenesis of the European part of Russia. Russian, Tatars, Bashkir. [Media = http: //]
              1. Logs
                9 January 2013 23: 51
                It’s not an exact map who made it up, as if the Chuvash live on Mari land, the Udmurts in the Tatars there are Bashkirs, Ryazan in general near N. Novgorod? I don’t even want to comment.
                1. STIMUS94
                  11 January 2013 16: 51
                  correctly) )
            2. +2
              6 January 2013 00: 19
              Once again, in the comments to this article, I repeat that this article is the author’s interpretation (with political intent) of the results of the biological research.
              I consider myself Russian, I walk the earth for a long time and have been heavily watered with blood and then my ancestors, fertilized with their remains. But, you see, I have no desire to prove to anyone that I am a direct descendant of those who arrived on this earth on the very first whiteman. Moreover, I would not even be interested in the study of genetic material from burials on the Kulikovo, Borodino fields or Mamaev Kurgan in Stalingrad. Guess why? That is why I do not understand the plan of the author of the article, or rather do not perceive.
              1. +2
                8 January 2013 13: 18
                Buddy "Kite"!
                Ready to subscribe to EVERY word you say! You are just a little ahead of me in voicing thoughts! For what you - "reshpekt and uvazhuha" !!!
                I adhere to the same point of view.
                I can develop the idea of ​​the author of the article:
                Tomorrow, to all population registration authorities, purchase calipers, and conduct an absolute measurement of the frontal lobes of the skull in the registered (!) Part of the population! Including unborn babies! Send the results to the author’s e-mail. In, the material will be !!!
                1. Charon
                  8 January 2013 18: 16
                  Outdated methods. And wrong. In Germany, the skulls were measured. So what? Genetics have found that true Aryans are not them.
                  1. +1
                    9 January 2013 20: 24
                    There is an Aryan language that appeared only thanks to a more developed brain,
                    it was originally spoken by a tribe that hunted mammoths as a result of eating meat (which contains a complete set of amino acids as opposed to plant foods), this tribe began to develop a brain and a language appeared which was later called Aryan
                    Aryan is an Indo-European parent language spoken by the common ancestors of many peoples
                    that is, only speech can be "Aryan", but not the people and there is no "Aryan race", this is a fiction of theosophists which Hitler put as an ideology
              2. Yoshkin Kot
                8 January 2013 16: 49
                why should anyone prove it? Russian is Russian, which does not deny genetics
                1. Serge
                  11 January 2013 08: 55
                  Yoshkin Kot,
                  prove in order to justify that the territory of Russia belongs only to the Slavs, in these justifications I see that all the rest are not Slavic peoples - aliens

                  remember - the nationalists believe that the Chinese wall was built by the Russians, ostensibly for defense from the Chinese, and, accordingly, the border should pass along this very walls, after all, it is necessary to return the "original" territory
          2. bask
            5 January 2013 15: 23
            Quote: viruskvartirus
            Altai is generally an interesting territory ... it was there that the oldest subclades of the haplogroup r1a, to which the Slavs belong, were discovered.

            Geno-ethnogenesis In Russia, before the Urals .Russian., Tatars, Bashkirs.
          3. Igor Belov
            6 January 2013 01: 11
            Quote: viruskvartirus
            .. the oldest subclades found there

            And it’s not surprising, because it was in this way that part of the ancient Aryans migrated to India and Iran.
        2. Kaa
          5 January 2013 13: 07
          Quote: Kaa
          But how to live without virologic weapons?

          Well, from Amerovsky open:
          "1. Department of Defense Capabilities Support Response to Bioterrorism / Anna Johnson-Winegar, Karl Semancik, Robert S. Borovsky, Keith R. Merry, Brenda Wyler, Matt Eussen, John V. Wade 3 2. Modeling for Bioterrorism Incidents / Zygmunt F. Dembek 23
          3. Biological defense of weapons: the effect of levels / Ross D. Leclair, M. Louise M. Pitt 41 11. Medical countermeasures for filoviruses and other viral agents / Alan Schmaljohn, Michael Hevey 239
          12. Medical protection against weapons of protein toxin: a review and perspectives / Charles B. Millard 255 14. Nonspecific immunomodulators of therapy: CpG / DG Cerys Rees, Arthur M. Krieg, Richard W. Titball 317
          15. Decontamination / Robert J. Hawley, Joseph P. Kozlovac 333
          16. Identification and review of new threats / Luther E. Lindler, Eileen Choffnes, George W. Korch 351
          17. Department of Defense of Global Emerging Infections Biosecurity Program System / Julie A. Peacock, Patrick W. Kelley 361
          18. Information resources and database development for protection against biological weapons / Frank J. Quinoa, Murray Wolinsky, Elliot J. Lefkowitz 387.
          And the ent will weigh heavier: "" I know nothing better than "Appassionata", - Lenin said about the famous Beethoven sonata, - I am ready to listen to it every day. Amazing, inhuman music. I can always be proud to be naive to think: these are miracles that can do people!"
          Believe the opinion soldier paradoxically, nuclear weapons are an extinctive destructive joke ... if Muse visits, I’ll add ... within reasonable limits (not in case laughing )
          1. Kaa
            5 January 2013 14: 26
            Quote: Kaa
            “I don't know anything better than Appassionata,”

            "LONDON (AP) - Israel is trying to identify the identity of only Arabs' genes that could be used to develop biological weapons that may harm Arabs, but not Jews, Sunday Times reports. According to the publication, the program is based on data obtained in Institute of Biology at Nes Tziyona, which he described as the main subject of research for the chemical and biological weapons of Israel.According to the report, the researchers have identified `` characteristics in the genetic profile of some Arab communities, especially the Iraqi people. ''
            The idea of ​​such a study has caused controversy in Israel because of parallels with genetic experiments in Auschwitz by Nazi scientist Dr. Josef Mengele during World War II, the newspaper said.
            According to a recent AP report taken from the Sunday Times (London), it turns out that the Israelis announced or deliberately made a "leaked report" that their military was considering the development of so-called "ethnic weapons" This PR seemingly ignores the fact that it is "theoretically possible" was recognized over 25 years ago, if not earlier. This was originally brought to the attention of "potential clients" in connection with the publication of the article in the military review in November 1970. This magazine was published at the US Army General Staff College in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas under the title "Ethnic Weapons" by Carl A. Larson, which outlines the history, desirability, and capabilities of engineering biological pathogens that could only affect races which historically have no natural defenses against certain "enzyme inhibitors". Larson is listed as the head of the "Department of Human Genetics, Institute of Genetics, Lund, Sweden", a licensed physician. Hippocratic oath, apparently, is not introduced in Sweden.Larson explains that many of the chemical activities and functions in the human body are due to the interaction of enzymes. One of the most significant activities is the action of enzymatic reactions of chemical contraction and relaxation of muscle tissue. If the activity of these enzymes changes, the victim will be paralyzed from suffocation. It is no coincidence that an enzyme-blocking compound called FOS was synthesized in Germany in the 1930s when experimental insecticides killed people. This discovery led to the mass production of a substance called Trilon, which was later used to spectacularly effective extermination of a group of people whom the Nazis considered nothing more than insects.
            Article The Sunday Times it is said that Israeli researchers found a characteristic feature in the genetic profile some Arab communities, especially the Iraqi people "." This may be more acceptable to the West, since some consider the Iraqi races of the enemy, without considering other Arab races, to represent the gene pool, which may seem like a more "humane" way of doing more research. A possible example of field testing of ethnic weapons (or, at least an interesting case to study, could be the famous Four Corners virus, which seems to only affect Native Americans living in upstate New Mexico and Arizona.http: //
        3. -1
          5 January 2013 15: 20
          Quote: Kaa
          So from generation to generation, mitochondrial DNA is transmitted along the female line.

          First, mitochondrial DNA changes from generation to generation simply very slowly. secondly, if you track mitochondrial DNA, it will lead us to the so-called mitochondrial Eve, who lived in Africa 150 years ago and was black, and not the ancient Russians
          I do not approve of such articles, many inaccuracies and too many hints of eugenics
        4. 0
          5 January 2013 21: 34
          Kaa, is this a new trolling method? Quote what you didn't write?
    3. Kapitanyuk
      5 January 2013 12: 16
      The article pissed me off. My physiognomy is three times "not Russian", and now what? Am I not a Russian? Can Russians be characterized only by their genes? Author, go and drown yourself in your nationalism!
      1. +13
        5 January 2013 13: 36
        Quote: Kapitanyuk
        The article pissed me off. My physiognomy is three times "not Russian", and now what? Am I not a Russian? Can Russians be characterized only by their genes? Author, go and drown yourself in your nationalism!

        You are needlessly angry, Andrey. In my opinion, the main idea of ​​the article is to refute the idea that "if you scratch a Russian, you will find a Tatar". (There are very few "Tatar" genes) There are no bad words about "non-Russians".
        The article says - "We have scanty differences with the Poles", and this should be strange (for fans of traditional history) - the Poles did not suffer under the "Tatar-Mongol yoke", and the genes are the same.
        Quote: Kapitanyuk
        Russians can be characterized only by their genes?

        And everyone decides for himself. Recently I heard that Alexander Matrosov was not Russian. But this did not change anything for me (Russian) (Alexander Matrosov was a hero to me - he remained a hero).
        And if someone proves that General Vlasov is a descendant of Rurik, this also will not change anything for me (shit will remain shit) hi
        1. -10
          5 January 2013 15: 25
          Quote: tan0472
          But for me (Russian) this has not changed anything

          Are you sure you are Russian? Judging by the article, if you compare with the genes of that same "ideal Russian", it may turn out that you are a Tatar
          1. +3
            5 January 2013 17: 10
            Quote: Rumata
            Are you sure you are Russian? Judging by the article, if you compare with the genes of that same "ideal Russian", it may turn out that you are a Tatar

            So that I can answer your question, explain that YOU understand by the words "ideal Russian". I did not notice the word about "ideal" in the article. Cite, please, where it says about "ideal"?
          2. Cat basilio
            6 January 2013 03: 48
            Rumata. Go away.)
        2. Yoshkin Kot
          5 January 2013 23: 02
          just don’t have to carry nonsense! that Russian may not be an ethnic Rusak fact! but this does not negate the presence of ethnic Russians
        3. Alek IV
          6 January 2013 12: 14
          tan0472 - subscribe to every word. A person is determined by his actions or inaction. Judge them according to their deeds.
      2. +4
        5 January 2013 14: 24
        Well, if you have black skin, narrow eyes ... how could you identify Russian by your appearance or not? In general, the article is not about specifically Russians, but about the Slavic genotype and its distribution on the territory of the Russian world. And besides, it’s not Russian to explain that Russian is a state of mind. But even to preserve the integrity of the Russian world, justify the integrity of the Russian state, it is now simply necessary, and then Sitbiryak, Urals, Far Eastern residents, etc. will appear so soon. not only as Russians living in that territory, but as a separate type of nation. Do you need this? But there have already been attempts and more than once. So, don’t take it to heart that it’s not from nationalistic efforts to do this, it’s all just necessary to do for the homeland.
      3. +3
        5 January 2013 18: 25
        Kapitanyuk,come on Yes - crush 500g of our national product drinks and you spit on it all !!!! laughing
      4. Yoshkin Kot
        5 January 2013 22: 59
        do not fuck crap, if you are Russian, then you are Russian
        1. Natasha
          6 January 2013 03: 22
          After many of the comments written above, it becomes somehow inconvenient to proudly say that I am RUSSIAN, why people in Russia should be embarrassed or keep silent about this (about their nationality). Why it is necessary to speak somehow somehow harshly that there is such a genetically proven purely Russian nationality.
          1. Cat basilio
            6 January 2013 03: 40
            Natasha We are all in Russia. We don’t owe anything to anyone. We don’t owe Europe. Not obligated to the USA. Be proud that you are RUSSIAN. ....
            Our great-great-grandfathers shed blood in the First World War. Grandfathers and fathers of WWII ended up as WINNERS. Natasha We have something to be proud of. And you give birth to winners. And they did it, I WILL PUT ..)
            1. Cat basilio
              6 January 2013 04: 04
              A "trash". .. BEFORE.
              1. Cat basilio
                6 January 2013 04: 25
                Nata. Tell ours)) ..)))
          2. 0
            8 January 2013 09: 39
            give an example of a person with only one R1a gene please)
            so that there are no impurities of other genes
        2. GG2012
          6 January 2013 04: 18
          Quote: Yoshkin Cat

          do not fuck

          Here’s the hedgehog, the kitten, the flea, ... whatever the koment, then ... it scratches with its paw ... it spreads the flea!
    4. +2
      5 January 2013 12: 52
      Quote: lotus04
      .... What is an "American"? Isn't this a "combined hodgepodge of criminal elements" exiled and fled there?

      1. +5
        5 January 2013 18: 27
        AMERICA - MEETING OF THE Sailors wassat .--no!!! AMERICA - A COLLECTION OF DISPOSAL !!!! Yes
    5. +7
      5 January 2013 13: 53
      I do not agree, this must be done. This can scientifically send away all the freaks saying that there is no Russian nation, and show the unity and closeness of people living in the country, that our country is not a bunch of god knows who, but we are all somewhat related.
    6. sams
      5 January 2013 15: 45
      "This is a stunning discovery by genetic scientists about what they found in the blood of aliens and who they really are. Modern research has once and for all refuted the religious Darwinian theory of the origin of humanity from one common ancestor. Sources:" Methodology for distinguishing races by blood. .O. Manoilov. - VII International Conference "Molecular genetics of somatic cells", 2009 report "Natural focal induced mutagenesis and its pathological effect on the internal and external signs of the human body." Doctor of Biological Sciences P. Garyaev "Wave Genetics", "Blood groups. Syndrome of homeologic-chromosomal immunodeficiency (SGHID)." Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor F. Beloyartsev. A. Tyunyaev, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. During blood tests of people of different nationalities, scientists EO Manoilov and others found that when exposed to test reagents, the blood of the Slavs remains red, and among the Jews, Arabs, Turks, Armenians, Indians, Iranians, the “blood” of the aliens turns pale and turns blue-green Noah. This color of blood is inherent only in molluscs cephalopods, octopuses and cuttlefish. Today, everyone can personally see it with their own eyes. This reaction requires the following reagents:
      1% alcohol solution of methylene blue;
      1% alcohol solution of cresyl violet;
      1,5% silver nitrate;
      40% hydrochloric acid;
      1% solution of potassium permanganate.
      A detailed description of the test is set out in an article by E.O. Manoilova "Method for distinguishing races by blood."
      1. 0
        5 January 2013 16: 49
        Dear, on yourself this experience, first you suddenly spend a stranger)))
        Why post obvious nonsense here?
        1. sams
          5 January 2013 17: 29
          The Ivers themselves have long been researching their genetic differences from the goyim. There are "Closed Mailboxes" - research institutes of Ivers who study this. For example:

          Center for the Study and Treatment of Jewish Genetic Diseases
          at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Health Systems
          Erin O'Rourke, MS
          Tel: 1-800-334-7980
          Email [email protected]

          National Foundation for Jewish Genetic Diseases Inc.
          For support and information:
          250 Park Avenue, Suite 1000
          New York, NY 10017
          (212) 371-1030
          1. -1
            5 January 2013 18: 23
            Quote: sams
            For example:

            Center for the Study and Treatment of Jewish Genetic Diseases
            at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Health Systems
            Erin O'Rourke, MS
            Tel: 1-800-334-7980
            Email [email protected]

            What does it have to do with it? It is written in black and white that we are talking about diseases. the number of people with Huntington patients is higher among Europeans than among the rest of the planet’s population, about 30 times. Genetic diseases or their predisposition to them almost always revolve within the boundaries of certain groups. Africa has its own diseases, Europe has its own, there are diseases for which there is a higher predisposition among Jews, and among Japanese. Genetic diseases are now diagnosed in the first weeks of pregnancy, and in order to diagnose normally, one needs to find the cause, and in order to find the cause, risk groups are examined ...
            1. Cat basilio
              6 January 2013 04: 50
              You’ll leave sharply, live longer. Rumata. you are obvious like your socks.)
              1. GG2012
                6 January 2013 05: 55
                Quote: Ivor Basilio
                Rumata. you are obvious how are your socks

                Yes, it looks like Rumata is one tree with Pinocchio !!! The same profile and full face!
          2. 0
            8 January 2013 09: 40
            You can read more about what your comment
        2. +2
          8 January 2013 11: 12
          This is how it all works. Hello, Parteigenosse Himmler and compasses for measuring the skull ... It is a completely natural, inevitable step for those for whom the definition of Russianness is based on the features of the gene chain. Argumentation (according to this version of "logic") should be based primarily on gene analysis. And the words "genetically pure Russian", of course, must weigh immeasurably more than "dirty-blooded foreigner". As well as property, social status ... does it resemble anything? Also, the accursed foreigners are plotting against us. Still - you need to fight for the purity of the race! Doesn't it remind you of anything ?!
          I am absolutely convinced that the synopsis of this article (like many others) were written overseas. Because the Russians can only be defeated by other Russians. And for this, there is nothing better to come up with than to start dividing them according to the genome! And these same "Russian centers" ... how to trace their sources of funding? Oh, the men are summing up ...
          (Dear commentary author - this is me about the article. Your comment is just a little bit to the topic)
      2. Yariath
        5 January 2013 17: 27
        r'lyeh wassat
      3. sapulid
        6 January 2013 00: 20
        Quote: sams
        Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor F. Beloyartsev. A. Tyunyaev academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. During blood tests of people of different nationalities, scientists E.O. Manoilov et al. Established that under the influence of test reagents the blood of the Slavs remains red, and among Jews, Arabs, Turks, Armenians, Hindus, Iranians - from strangers “blood” turns pale and turns blue-green.

        Note that after a liter of vodka, all ethnic groups turn blue. Probably genomes are still close wink

        And, if you blow in half a liter of vodka, then "devils" appear, tinting reagents and stealing socks. Directly, trouble with them, if you drink regularly. lol
    7. +1
      5 January 2013 18: 01
      Gene. the pen-dos card would be better studied. There is something to see!
      --- And what is there to watch wink there are more latinos Yes and African Americans !!! laughing laughing !
    8. kvodrato
      5 January 2013 20: 11
      Quote: lotus04
      And what is "American"? Isn't this a "combined hodgepodge of criminal elements" exiled and fled there?

      I agree.
    9. B_O_B
      6 January 2013 11: 19
      Quote: "Now you can judge for yourself how similar they are to the typical cinematic Ivanushka and Marya."

      The names Ivan and Maria are not Russian, but Jewish.
    10. CouldBecome
      7 January 2013 13: 08
      After 5 years, you can try to make a Muscovite master card as a nation))))
    11. Lelik
      11 January 2013 14: 38
      What nonsense !!!

      You don’t even understand what it’s about ...

      A NATION is a historically established stable ethnic community of people based on a common language, territory, economic life, as well as a culture specific to a given nation ...

      This can be read in any dictionary.

      How can DNA be isolated from all this ???

      Language gene? Territory gene ?? Culture gene ???

      With the same success it is possible to isolate the DNA of the minibus driver ... or a lamppost.
  2. +7
    5 January 2013 08: 53
    Y chromosome
    All men and women on Earth have 46 chromosomes, 23 chromosome pairs. They are organized in pairs, in pairs, and laid in chromosomal DNA in the nucleus of each human cell. Only one pair from each pair, 23 chromosomes, are placed in the sperm head, and they are delivered as intended. After successful delivery, the DNA molecules unwind and intertwine, so they are copied. This is the method of transmitting hereditary information. This is how DNA is transmitted from parents to children, namely by untwisting, copying, plexus.

    One chromosomal pair is sexual. She passes the gender to the baby. In a man, this pair consists of Y- and X-chromosomes. In women, only from two X chromosomes.

    The sperm carries only one chromosome, equally likely - X or Y. The X chromosome slipped, intertwined in the woman with her X chromosome (and women have no other sex chromosome), the XX chromosome pair was obtained - a girl was born. The Y chromosome slipped through, intertwined again with X, the chromosome pair XY was obtained - a boy was born.

    In this story we will talk mainly about boys. So - about the Y chromosome. One that transfers heredity from father to son. And from the son - to his son. And so on, thousands and tens of thousands of years. But the chromosome is one, the very original Y-chromosome, it is transmitted to hundreds and thousands of generations, through hundreds and thousands of women. The mother of the child is not related to her if the child is a boy. He simply takes it into the fold, untwists it, weaves it with his own, and bears a boy. And the Y chromosome remains the same from the father, no matter who the father is.

    With this sorted out. The male Y-chromosome "shoots" thousands of women over tens of thousands of years, carrying hereditary information from the very first people, their direct ancestors.

    it is precisely on this chromosome that the genome is determined, the haplogroup prevails among the Slavs (Haplogroup is a group of similar haplotypes having a common ancestor) R1a1
    this haplogroup is not only among the Slavs)

    that is, the presence of the R1a1 gene does not mean that one people wears it
    1. +3
      5 January 2013 11: 51
      Everything is correct. after all, the Slavs are one of the oldest groups on earth and are the progenitor of many peoples.
      1. +1
        5 January 2013 12: 52
        according to the same genealogy DNA from the Slavs no peoples are happening
        the Kirghiz also have the R1a1 gene, but this does not mean that they are Russian))
        1. +7
          5 January 2013 14: 23
          It’s just that such peoples as the Kyrgyz, Uzbeks, and Tajiks are at the junction of the Mongoloid and Caucasoid races, and therefore I have signs of both.
      2. +1
        5 January 2013 20: 34
        Those. should all the descendants of the pre-Slavs be the same: for women, the ancestor's genome, for men, the forefather's genome ?? (if they are considered immutable and inherited through thousands of generations)
        Then where did the other types come from, is it not the result of sodomy? wink
  3. Fox
    5 January 2013 08: 55
    cool: if I am an Old Believer, then it’s not Russian? Or is the Old Believers a nation like that? But in principle, the Old Believers have all written this for a long time.
    1. Green 413-1685
      5 January 2013 09: 05
      Learn to read carefully. Where is it said there? "Siberians are genetically identical to Old Believers, they have one Russian genome" (C)
      1. Siberian
        5 January 2013 09: 19
        Quote: Green 413-1685
        Learn to read carefully. Where is it said there? "Siberians are genetically identical to Old Believers, they have one Russian genome" (C)

        So I'm a Russian starover ???? Cool, I’ll tell you about this grandmother-Aigul
        1. +8
          5 January 2013 11: 34
          The Old Believers were studied separately, since together with their faith they preserved their genetic connections for several centuries.
      2. 0
        10 January 2013 17: 24
        Oops on! And the Cossacks mastered these lands Old Believers? Baptized with two fingers! :) Hee ...
        Compare opu with your finger! Say that I have the same blood with Mordovians ... Ah, leave it!
  4. -2
    5 January 2013 08: 58
    read, read, confused. Well, nafig such articles, it’s important that the pot boiled
    1. bask
      5 January 2013 10: 52
      Quote: andrei332809

      read, read, confused. Well, nafig such articles, it’s important that the pot boiled

      Everything is clear .. Historical genetics is simply necessary now. In order to trace the development of the Russ migration over the course of 5 thousand years, the Chinese pyramids, sooner or later they will start digging up ... and then interesting and not Chinese mummies can be found there Ostoki. In 2010, a genome analysis was already carried out with Germany. Analysis ,,, Altai mummies, princesses, Almost complete coincidence with the genome of a modern Russian man living in the Arkhangelsk region. Only with the help of historical genetics will we finally restore the true history of Russia !!!
      1. 0
        5 January 2013 11: 24
        mummies of the Altai, princess ,, Almost complete coincidence with the genome of the modern Russian man living in the Arkhangelsk region
        strange, are you trying to say that the peoples of Altai and the Slavs are the same?
      2. +9
        5 January 2013 11: 55
        Hello bask!
        Speaking right. There is no arguing against genetics. Do you remember in the Zadornov film a good comment on genetics from the USA?
        Aryans once lived in Altai, therefore the princess is not local to today's Altai people.
        1. -4
          5 January 2013 12: 54
          The princess is local with them; go to the museum; make sure there are no Arians living in Altai
          1. +3
            5 January 2013 13: 03
            Only her hair is brown, and everything is fine.
          2. +8
            5 January 2013 18: 35
            Scientists analyzed the skull of this princess and found that it is closer to the Slavic race, and not to the Mongolian.
          3. Igor Belov
            6 January 2013 01: 23
            Quote: ser86
            go to the museum make sure

            Which museum do you need to go to? To Barnaul, Gorno-Altai or to Novosibirsk? Where do you think the princess’s body is now?
        2. bask
          5 January 2013 12: 56
          Quote: Ross
          for today's Altai people.

          The most ,, purebred ,, Mongoloids are Buryats. They have the only layer of fat on their faces. There is no Altaians in the world who have a Mongoloid race. All Mongoloid peoples left the foothills of Tibet, including the Chinese .. ,, Chinese mummy with brown hair ,, .. Excavations in 2006 ... Information from the Chinese 000. Some suggestions
          1. Cavas
            5 January 2013 13: 03
            Quote: bask
            The most ,, purebred ,, Mongoloids, this is Buryat

            Why is this?
            No, I do not pretend that I am a purebred Russian, but something from Russian is in me (a joke)
            I generally think that if the USSR had captured all of Europe, then this would have given its gene pool a very big leap (maybe by mistake, I think so)! hi
            1. Igor Belov
              6 January 2013 01: 27
              Quote: Cavas
              if the USSR captured all of Europe,

              Yes! There was not much left, and it was unfortunate that the Slavic project of Stalin was not brought to an end!
          2. -4
            5 January 2013 13: 05
            You can throw a link to read smile
        3. Igor Belov
          6 January 2013 01: 20
          Quote: Ross
          You can’t argue against genetics

          And once Khrushchev tried to ban it, as a science! No wonder he had a whole breakthrough of the most diverse nicknames !!!
    2. +9
      5 January 2013 10: 53
      Andrew! So you haven’t written the most important thing !!!! Russians have a special genome that allows them to withstand such a dose of alcohol, from which all other Europeans will stretch their legs !!!! Hence the chatter about Russian drunkenness! Well, Europeans cannot understand that our men can drink 0,5 and at least that! Well, they immediately faint! lol
      1. +3
        5 January 2013 12: 12
        Quote: Egoza
        Well, Europeans cannot understand that our men can drink 0,5 and at least that! Well, they immediately faint!

        A liter for two, this is only for a seed, eh-eh "when we were young and they carried wonderful nonsense", I have not been drinking for a long time and in principle, but it was true.
      2. bask
        5 January 2013 12: 45
        Quote: Egoza
        Russians have a special genome that

        That's right Egoza R1 is a purely Russian gene. Genetic map of Europe. ((((Many inaccuracies)) but still ...
        1. -4
          5 January 2013 12: 59
          You see, yellow is Slavic R1a, purple Finno-Ugric genes I
          pure yellow i.e. there is no pure Slavic, there is a mixture of genes, which suggests that Russians are a mixture of different peoples
          mainly Slavic R1a and Finno-Ugric I smile
          1. 0
            25 November 2013 02: 06
            The content of the R1a gene in the Slavs is the largest in the world.
        2. Mgydvin
          5 January 2013 19: 41
          It is strange that the pen-dos the Russian gene was marked yellow ...
        3. 0
          10 January 2013 17: 29
          R1A1 - Here is the chain ...
          In addition, it can be said that before World War II, a Russian was identified by blood analysis, 2% of Russians were in the 86st group, Europeans had a much lower rate, and there is now, even after a huge number of Russian children were taken out and youth.
      3. Yariath
        5 January 2013 17: 32
        nonsense, sad proud negative
      4. sapulid
        6 January 2013 00: 25
        Quote: Egoza
        Andrew! So you haven’t written the most important thing !!!! Russians have a special genome that allows them to withstand such a dose of alcohol, from which all other Europeans will stretch their legs !!!!

        Damn, then the Slavs settled Ireland? Drink liters !!! Let's demand the return of our historical lands! Yes
      5. Alek IV
        6 January 2013 12: 36
        Resistance to poisons can also be a sign of blood purity.
        Ancestors bleed the purity of Blood, because they knew that any mixing leads to diseases and vices.
  5. +10
    5 January 2013 08: 59
    Very interesting article! +
    1. +4
      5 January 2013 09: 03
      Quote: tronin.maxim
      Very interesting article!

      Managed to read to the end? laughing
      1. +9
        5 January 2013 09: 09
        1. +7
          5 January 2013 09: 28
          Quote: tronin.maxim

          Surprised, but no such nationality request Yes, and they fell to you a hundred years. Down he and Africa down hi
          Quote: tronin.maxim

          Well something like that
          1. bask
            5 January 2013 11: 07
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            Well something like that

            The reconstructed historical appearance of the Altai princess .. according to some sources, 1000 years BC, according to others, the 4th century BC. Europoid face ... And not some aliens ...
            1. Green 413-1685
              5 January 2013 11: 34
              Get ready. Schazz Romanov will explain to you that you have low intelligence and in general you are a clone. He loves these provocations, he himself admitted. But boor all the same announce you)))
            2. +9
              5 January 2013 11: 58
              An exact copy of the archaic! A little later I will post photos from their museum for comparison.
              1. bask
                5 January 2013 13: 19
                Quote: Ross

                An exact copy of the archaic! A little later I will post photos from their museum for comparison.

                General map of the World.
                1. Serge
                  5 January 2013 19: 13
                  small is hard to see winked
            3. +3
              5 January 2013 18: 05
              The ancestors of the Russians originally lived on the Great Russian Plain, and they didn’t come from anywhere and no ugrofinns until the 5 century A.D. on Russian lands was not found, ugrofin came to Eastern Europe during the era of the great migration of peoples associated with climate change. All this is reliably established by archeology and chronicles. The first mention of ugrofinns in the annals dates back to the 7 century A.D.
              1. -4
                5 January 2013 18: 57
                No, the ancestors of the Slavs came from Iran
                it’s just inconvenient for nationalists))
                1. +1
                  6 January 2013 17: 30
                  To be precise - the ancestors of the Slavs Hyksos, it seems so. But these are the ancestors of all the peoples who settled Eurasia.
                  1. 0
                    8 January 2013 09: 48
                    there is definitely a common ancestor
                2. 0
                  6 January 2013 20: 58
                  The ancestors of the Slavs and of all Europeans in general appeared on the Russian Plain for more than 50 000 years. From here they settled south (Afghanistan, Iran, India) to the east (Western China, Altai, the Far East) to the west (Southern, Western Europe).
                  The traces of this settlement are clearly recorded according to archaeological, linguistic, genetic, anthropological data and according to extant myths and legends.
                  1. +1
                    8 January 2013 09: 55
                    more than 50 years
                    . more precisely, these were the common ancestors of ancient peoples, i.e. Now every nation can consider them their ancestors
                    Ukrainians will say that these are the ancestors of Ukrainians)
                    Kyrgyz who have 50% of the R1a gene will say that they are the ancestors of the Kyrgyz)

                    how I settled, I agree with you, but these were the ancestors of the Pre-Slavs and not modern Russians
                3. 0
                  25 November 2013 02: 15
                  Most importantly, remember that modern Iranians are not the ancestors of the Slavs. Rather, brothers. Eastern Iranians have a lot of R1a, and western ones have a little. This suggests that R1a spread from Altai downward assimilating the border peoples and moved to India.
              2. Mgydvin
                5 January 2013 19: 49
                Eet you brother badly taught the ancestors of the Slavs of the tribe of Iranians and Syrians who met with the Bulgarians ... And the Finns who met with the Ugrians with the current Udmurts are Finno-Ugrians ...
                1. bask
                  7 January 2013 18: 19
                  Quote: Mgydvin
                  you brother badly taught history to the ancestors of the Slavs of the tribe of Iranians and Syrians who met with the Bulgarians ... And the Finns who met with the Ugrians with the current Udmurts are Finno-Ugrians ...

                  Another genetic map, the resettlement of our ancestors Gene R1a1.
              3. +3
                5 January 2013 21: 36
                Quote: Corsair5912
                The first mention of ugrofinns in the annals dates back to the 7 century A.D.

                Nicholas, perhaps I am ignorant in this matter, but in what annals of the 7th century AD e. is there a first mention of fino-ugres? And in what chronicle is there a mention of the Slavs living northeast of the Oka River in the 7th-8th centuries?
                At the reconstructions on the left, the classical finca-mer - all - Mordvin - Murom, on the right - Veps. However, if you want to, then these are classical Slavs or Russians. Neither confirm nor deny is possible
                1. Yoshkin Kot
                  5 January 2013 23: 16
                  yes to him on the drum that everything ever comes wherever
                2. 0
                  6 January 2013 21: 12
                  Read books by academician A.A. Tyunyaev, there he has a lot of references to literary sources and bibliography.
                  The point is not what I want and what I don’t want, but the fact that ALL are ugrophinous, not subjected to assimilation, pronounced Mongoloids and they have no external resemblance to reconstructions and Slavs. Take a trip to Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and admire the Mansi and Khanty, or the Kola Peninsula, the Nenets and Laplanders.
                  This is how the Ural ugrofin Mansi who do not have Russian genes look like.
                  1. +3
                    7 January 2013 10: 12
                    Quote: Corsair5912

                    Read books by academician A.A. Tyunyaeva,

                    I apologize again, Tyunyaev did not read. There will be an opportunity to get acquainted.
                    But for now, such an opinion;
                    Quote: Corsair5912
                    ALL ugrofinny, not subjected to assimilation, pronounced Mongoloids and they have no external resemblance to reconstructions and Slavs
                    I can’t admit. Of all the peoples of the Finno-Ugric language group, only Khanty and Mansi have Mongoloid features, which belong to the Ugric subgroup and constitute a minority in numerical terms. The main in number of people, who gave the name of this subgroup, the Ugrians i.e. Hungarians such features are not very pronounced. It is safe to say that the Ugrians were assimilated, but the Khanty and Mansi retained their original features in my opinion. Yakuts, for example, pronounced Mongoloids, but belong to the peoples of the Turkic language group, and not to the Finno-Ugric.

                    Quote: Corsair5912
                    they have no external resemblance to reconstructions and Slavs

                    Now back to the peoples of the Finnish language subgroup. These include:
                    Finns, Estonians, Karelians, Vepsians, Livs, Vod,
                    Mordovians, Mari, Meshchera, Muroma
                    These peoples have almost no Mongoloid features in appearance.
                    In the appearance of the Komi and Udmurts we will find Mongoloid signs. but this is due to many years of neighborhood with other northern peoples
                    Reconstructions are just more like representatives of the peoples of the Finno-Perm and Volga-Finnish subgroups than the Slavs. Just look at the Serbs, Czechs, Poles or even Western Ukrainians to make it clear; reconstruction data are very distantly related to the Slavs.
                    1. -2
                      7 January 2013 17: 23
                      The ugrofinians, who have been living for more than 1000 years on Russian and Scandinavian lands, have undergone strong assimilation by the Slavs and Swedes, purebred ugrofinns have survived only in the Far North. Compare the Finns and Laplanders who speak the same language and live on the Kola Peninsula. In Finland, Finnish 1000 years were ruled by the Swedes and they are closer to the Caucasians than to the Mongoloids.
                      In addition to assimilation, climate influence cannot be ruled out. Yusov Negroes are much lighter than their African ancestors, and they were brought to USA only 200-300 years ago.
                      They could not influence the genetics of the Slavs and Scandinavians, they were too weak and few in number, but the Caucasians influenced them to the maximum.
                      Is it really so hard to understand?
                    2. 0
                      7 January 2013 20: 32
                      Normal Today, 10: 12
                      Of all the peoples of the Finno-Ugric linguistic group, only Khanty and Mansi have Mongoloid traits ... Hungarians such features are not very pronounced
                      It cannot be otherwise.
                      The state of Hungary appeared as a result of the conquest of the Podunava Slavic population by the Hungarian army, who arrived without women and children, because the latter were completely cut out by the Pechenegs, while the Hungarian men were on the march by order of the Khazar kagan.
                      The Pechenegs acted, however, also on the orders of this kagan.
                      After returning from a campaign and not finding their kinsmen alive, the Hungarians, having weighed their strength, did not begin to fight the Khazar Kaganate, but went to the Danube.
                      They managed to conquer Pannonia and impose their language on the local Slavic population. However, due to their small number, the genetic trace was left not very deep, which explains the insignificance of Mongolian features.
                      Therefore, when modern scientists write that the Hungarian people developed in the environment of the Slavs and that is why they have so much in common with the Slavic cultures, they lie.
                      Modern Hungarians are the original Slavic people who lost their native language as a result of conquest by foreigners.
                      1. +3
                        7 January 2013 22: 12
                        Quote: Corsair5912
                        subjected to strong assimilation from the Slavs and Swedes, purebred ugrofinns survived only in the Far North

                        Quote: kosopuz
                        the genetic trace was not very deep, which explains the insignificance of the Mongolian features.

                        As is known, Mongoloid and Negroid genes are dominant in relation to Caucasoid. So the possibility of crowding out Mongolian features with Europe is close to zero. And through dozens of generations, Mongol features will be obvious. However, most peoples of the Finno-Ugric group do not have these traits at all.
                        Quote: kosopuz
                        However, due to its small number, the genetic trace was not very deep, which explains the insignificance of the Mongolian features.
                        Or maybe the conquerors of Mongoloid appearance were present initially to a very small extent?
                        Quote: Corsair5912
                        In addition to assimilation, climate influence cannot be ruled out. Yusov Negroes are much lighter than their African ancestors, and they were brought to USA only 200-300 years ago.
                        Well, you know .... There is nothing to argue about ... by your logic, the white population of Australia should already resemble the Australian aborigines, and the Anglo-Saxons and Jews in America should become like the Indians. After this "argument", you can do this:
                        Quote: Corsair5912
                        The ugrofin who have been living for more than 1000 years on Russian and Scandinavian lands,
                        not even pay attention. Sorry, but I no longer argue with you on this subject, since I do not consider it possible to take such allegations seriously. All the best. hi
                      2. +3
                        8 January 2013 10: 03
                        Slovaks yes, Serbs yes
                        Slovenes are also originally Slavic people - but there are no Hungarians, Hungarians are Ugric people
                  2. Serge
                    7 January 2013 10: 38
                    Mordva - Erzya fair-haired and gray-eyed, also Finno-Ugric people)
                    1. -2
                      7 January 2013 18: 01
                      Mordva - Erzya fair-haired and gray-eyed, also Finno-Ugric people)

                      These are Mongols of 1000 years assimilated by Caucasians. The language of the Ugro-Finns is the only thing left from their ancestors.
                  3. Mgydvin
                    11 January 2013 07: 52
                    Hungarians are also Finno-Ugrians if
                  4. 0
                    25 November 2013 02: 21
                    Ugro-Finns are generally ancient ancestors to us. Haplogroup N stood out from our common ancestor 40 years ago and occupied northern Russia, Yakutia, and Finland. The Finnish N gene also fell into the Baltic states as a result of assimilation with the Finno-Ugric peoples of these peoples.

                    Let me remind you that 40 years ago, Russia was covered by a glacier, and it was possible to exist on its territory only by hunting and fishing.

                    The ancestor of the Slavs broke away from our common ancestor with the Finno-Finns only 10 years ago, when the glacier departed, and began to populate the liberated territories of Russia.
              4. Serge
                7 January 2013 12: 03
                LIVING FACES OF ARKAIM

                Until now, we could only guess how the Arkaimians looked. Famous anthropologists Alexei Nechvaloda from Ufa and Alexander s from Samara made a scientific reconstruction of our four ancient countrymen according to the methodology of the famous scientist M.M. Gerasimova.

                The same as we

                However, a lot has already been said and written about all this. But the restored appearance of the inhabitants of the Country of Cities gives us other important information. As you can see, the Arkaimians, if they were now in our time, would have easily dissolved into the crowd. They really are very similar to us.
                Aleksey Nechvaloda and Aleksandr s attribute the Arkaim population to the most ancient Caucasians, specifying that two Caucasoid branches are mixed here - the Central European and the Mediterranean. Uraloid symptoms are also present.

                Which confirms the previously known opinion of scientists that the most ancient population in the Urals was of Finno-Ugric origin (Uraloids). It existed and developed here in the singular up to the Eneolithic (the era of the transition from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age) and the Bronze Age. Only in the Bronze Age does the Caucasian population appear here - “pits”. They begin to mix with the uraloid population. Moreover, women carry a large degree of uraloidity (anthropologists say that this is even noticeable in reconstructions), and men are more Caucasian.

                Anthropologists say that with the current possibilities of science (and with sufficient means, of course), even the genome of the inhabitants of Arkaim could be easily obtained.

                1. -1
                  7 January 2013 18: 10
                  The Ugroids and other Uraloids, in their anthropological type, are clearly distinct Mongoloids and they have no relation to Arkaim and cannot have, since they came to the Urals not earlier than 1 of the millennium BC.
                  And before that, there lived Caucasians who spoke the languages ​​of the Indo-European group, Scythians, Sarmatians, Roxolans, Pre-Slavs, etc.
                  1. Serge
                    8 January 2013 04: 12
                    Finno-Ugric peoples are Finnish and Ugric peoples, i.e. it’s not one people, there are two groups
                    1.Finno - Perm
                    2. Ugorskaya
                    Take a trip to Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and admire the Mansi and Khanty, or the Kola Peninsula, the Nenets and Laplanders.
                    Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Ugra is Ugoria, Ugoria is a land of Ugrians

                    Mordva belongs to the Finno-Perm group, the Volga-Finnish subgroup

                    Khanty, Mansi belong to the Ugric group, Ob subgroup

                    Assimilation (Latin assimilatio - assimilation) in sociology and ethnography is the loss of one part of a society (or a whole ethnos) of its distinctive features and the replacement borrowed from another part (another ethnos). In general, this is an ethnocultural shift in the self-consciousness of a certain social group, which previously represented a different community in terms of language, religion or culture.

                    those. Assimilation is a cultural not genetic concept, if, say, a Tajik fertilizes a Slav, then a Tajik is born by nation but not a Slav because
                    The Y chromosome transfers heredity from father to son. And from the son - to his son. And so on, thousands and tens of thousands of years. But the chromosome is one, the very original Y-chromosome, it is transmitted to hundreds and thousands of generations, through hundreds and thousands of women. The mother of the child is not related to her if the child is a boy. He simply takes it into the fold, untwists it, weaves it with his own, and bears a boy. And the Y chromosome remains the same from the father, no matter who the father is.
                    women do not have a Y chromosome
              5. 0
                8 January 2013 09: 45
                This is taken from the article "Who are we Slavs?"
                give an example from archeology please)
            4. +5
              6 January 2013 00: 11
              As promised, photo by Arkaimtsev, 2 millennium BC from the museum of Arkaim.

              1. bask
                6 January 2013 00: 33
                Quote: Ross

                As promised, photo by Arkaimtsev, 2 millennium BC from the museum of Arkaim.

                Ross Cool. We are just starting to discover the history of our homeland.
                1. +3
                  6 January 2013 00: 58
                  Here are a few more:


              2. +2
                6 January 2013 01: 01
                Unfortunately for some reason I get one by one ...
              3. +1
                7 January 2013 18: 16
                The girl has nothing in common with the Ugrofin Mongols, much closer to the Slavs of Vyatichi.
        2. +1
          5 January 2013 12: 32
          Quote: tronin.maxim
          LET'S FANTASY!

          They have one prevailing gene - this is the gene responsible for the all-consuming stomach, they are only outwardly people, but inside everything is just one big belly that grinds anything: their resources, other people's resources, their own continent, foreign continents, their indigenous peoples, began to eat other peoples. And everything that they do not do is put in their service and in the name of His Majesty the STOMACH, and the result of all this as a consequence, where they passed, there remains one stench and shit, and we will apparently have to remove it, since we have good shovels and are called they are "nuclear weapons".
      2. Green 413-1685
        5 January 2013 09: 18
        Here I look at all it is difficult for many to read articles and think before writing comments. Such clip thinking wins. And we are also indignant about the youth, saying that they don’t read books and do not know basic things. And if we ourselves go over the article, then in the best case, diagonally and davaaaaai to frighten the reviews, in fact, from the read they understand nothing.
        But this article VERY interesting, unfortunately few are now writing. Apparently they are afraid that they will be accused of Eugenics. Tolerate General People win?
        1. 0
          5 January 2013 09: 33
          Quote: Green 413-1685
          But this article is VERY interesting,

          Well, read on health, who is stopping you.
          Quote: Green 413-1685
          And if we ourselves go over the article, then in the best case, diagonally and davaaaaai to frighten the reviews, in fact, from the read they understand nothing.

          not everyone is as smart as you.
          1. Green 413-1685
            5 January 2013 09: 59
            I approve your self-criticism.
            1. -1
              5 January 2013 10: 17
              Quote: Green 413-1685
              I approve your self-criticism.

              By approval did you mean the minus you set laughing
              By the way, I read your posts and apart from insults in them, by and large there is nothing. This indicates your high intellect lol
              1. Green 413-1685
                5 January 2013 10: 27
                But reading you, you understand the meaning of the expression "fifth column". Either you and Yarbay and his company, you almost make friends with passion, then you got an article about the genetic community of the Russian people across your throat.
                And yes, before you measure other people's intellects, it’s better to watch your own.
                1. 0
                  5 January 2013 10: 36
                  Quote: Green 413-1685

                  But reading you, you understand the meaning of the expression "fifth column"

                  Write to the CIA agent right away wink
                  I mixed everything else in a heap, but I won’t comment. Do not forget to put the minus.
                  1. Green 413-1685
                    5 January 2013 10: 42
                    1. You and I did not drink to the brudenshaft and did not count spikelets in the field, so please do not go over to "you".
                    2. About your work in the CIA, this is not for me, write to the Lubyanka, they will decide where you are, to the "bloody dungeons" or immediately to Kashchenko.
                    3. Regarding the minuses, do not worry so much, with your nerves it is suicide.
                    1. -4
                      5 January 2013 10: 46
                      Quote: Green 413-1685
                      1. You and I did not drink to the brudenshaft and did not count spikelets in the field, so be so kind as not to use "you"

                      I won’t begin to cross, how many registered accounts do you have?
                      As I understand it, at least two or more?
                      1. Green 413-1685
                        5 January 2013 10: 56
                        Now, you’re behaving better. Although I’m not Makarenko, I taught you something))
                        One account, but why such curiosity? Or do you apparently think that if there is more than one disagreeing with you, then this is doubles? What is your egocentrism.
                      2. +2
                        5 January 2013 11: 05
                        Quote: Green 413-1685
                        What is your egocentrism

                        This is a translation, but how else to calculate
                        Quote: Green 413-1685
                        One account, but why such curiosity?

                        There were suspicions. The case is really one. I apologize hi
                      3. Cavas
                        5 January 2013 13: 51
                        Green 413-1685,
                        And you forgive me, I’m not in the least trying to protect Sasha, he has enough of his weapons!
                        But the TRUTH, I didn’t see you on the site and where did you get 5 penalty points from, you probably got in touch with the Jews !!))) laughing

                        PS Just do not pin up, otherwise I will also start "joking", you see, I gave you the theme !!! laughing
                      4. Green 413-1685
                        5 January 2013 14: 28
                        Yes, no secret, about a year ago, in the comments to one article, where three shots from the former southern "fraternal" republics (Yarbay and a couple more) actively taught how we here in Russia should interpret our history and relate to our southern neighbors. Well, I reminded them of their national affairs in the late 80s and early 90s. About murders, expulsion of Russian-speaking people, about total Russophobia, and so on. Since it was declared to me that I was a liar, and nothing of the kind happened. And no. Well, word for word I told them)) In short, the admins were able to appreciate the beauty of my style))))
                      5. Cavas
                        5 January 2013 14: 30
                        Quote: Green 413-1685
                        Well, the admins were able to appreciate the beauty of my style))))

                        Then it is clear, do not worry !!)) drinks
                      6. Ingvald_Bueny
                        5 January 2013 19: 12
                        Quote: Green 413-1685

                        Yes, no secret, about a year ago, in the comments to one article, where three shots from the former southern "fraternal" republics (Yarbay and a couple more) actively taught how we here in Russia should interpret our history and relate to our southern neighbors. Well, I reminded them of their national affairs in the late 80s and early 90s. About murders, expulsion of Russian-speaking people, about total Russophobia, and so on. Since it was declared to me that I was a liar, and nothing of the kind happened. And no. Well, word for word I told them)) In short, the admins were able to appreciate the beauty of my style))))

                        Respect to you and respect. drinks
                2. +2
                  5 January 2013 16: 10
                  It is not necessary to interfere with everything. Yarbay is a very competent person and opponent, although in many respects our points of view differ. By the way, Romanov was never released to the point of being insulted. So learn to communicate with your opponents culturally, and now "-"
    2. Karish
      5 January 2013 11: 07
      Quote: tronin.maxim
      Very interesting article! +

      I liked the same thing.
      I am after all fair-eyed and fair-haired. laughing
      1. +11
        5 January 2013 12: 26
        So, you have Russian roots, and taking into account Russian culture, our people. Listen to less obscurantists of rabbis, since you have Aryan features.
        1. Karish
          5 January 2013 13: 19
          Quote: hrych
          So, you have Russian roots, and taking into account Russian culture, our people

          Well, I have always respected Russia and Russian culture with the highest degree of respect.

          Quote: hrych
          Listen to less obscurantists of rabbis, since you have Aryan features.

          I’m disappointing, I was a Jew and will remain. (What does the rabbis have to do with it? I am absolutely secular)
          Cultivate your Aryan origin yourself, as I’m a Jew, I’ll smoke aside laughing
          1. +8
            5 January 2013 13: 40
            Smoke, but don’t smoke hash, Karish, otherwise nerve cells will die and turn into a Palestinian laughing
            1. Karish
              5 January 2013 14: 05
              Quote: hrych
              Smoke, but don’t smoke hash, Karish, otherwise nerve cells will die and turn into a Palestinian

              I have an allergy to grass (it happens sometimes), so that being a Palestinian is not fate wassat
              1. +6
                5 January 2013 14: 10
                As always, the doctor forbade smoking grass and you have to inject heroin laughing
              2. +4
                5 January 2013 18: 30
                Karish, DUK you and without grass are similar !!! laughing wassat laughing find yourself 10 differences between an Arab and a Jew !!! laughing
              3. GG2012
                5 January 2013 18: 35
                Quote: Karish
                I'm allergic to grass

                Why do you smoke any shmal ?! You would be cleaner to take. And there would be no allergy ... wassat wassat wassat
                1. Igor Belov
                  6 January 2013 01: 37
                  Quote: GG2012
                  You would be cleaner to take.

                  Direct deliveries from Afghanistan will be settled soon!
          2. OSTAP BENDER
            5 January 2013 14: 08
            Quote: Karish
            I’m like a Jew, I’ll smoke aside

            Karish, I beg you! How so on the sidelines? A spit in the Russian side? I was right, all the same, you smoke something with Bubble !!!! laughing
            1. Cavas
              5 January 2013 14: 26
              Quote: OSTAP BENDER
              Karish, I beg you! How so on the sidelines? A spit in the Russian side? I was right, all the same, you smoke something with Bubble !!!!

              No, here you are wrong, and he and Pupyrchago have waves.
              here you are not "right" for them doHur is needed!))) laughing
              The guys happen!)))
            2. Karish
              5 January 2013 14: 30
              Quote: OSTAP BENDER
              A spit in the Russian side?

              I generally treat Russians and Slavs remarkably (with the exception of my Ukrainian wife, and even then rarely laughing
              In your direction, T. Bender - I’ll spit with pleasure and not once. Catch tongue
              1. Cavas
                5 January 2013 14: 34
                Quote: Karish
                I generally treat Russians and Slavs remarkably (with the exception of my Ukrainian wife, and even then rarely

                I won’t even tease !!))
                but your son will be born a Jew !!!)) wassat
                Quote: Karish
                In your direction, T. Bender - I’ll spit with pleasure and not once. Catch

                And what else can you ???)))
                Ostap will break you, do not even argue, he Alishek does not love !! ё)) wassat
                1. Karish
                  5 January 2013 14: 41
                  Quote: Cavas
                  but your son will be born a Jew !!!))

                  Of course not (like her daughter), but whether to take a giyur or not, this is his choice, Univer will finish, will go to the Army as an officer for 7 years, he will decide, I even guess that hi :

                  Quote: Cavas
                  Ostap will break you, don't even argue

                  Breaker has not grown yet laughing
                  1. Cavas
                    5 January 2013 14: 43
                    Quote: Karish
                    Of course no

                    Damn, is it really just a traitor ???
                    Quote: Karish
                    Breaker has not grown yet

                    Well, this is for you to study!)) wassat
                    1. Karish
                      5 January 2013 14: 49
                      Quote: Cavas
                      Damn, is it really just a traitor ???

                      A traitor to whom?

                      Quote: Cavas
                      Well, this is for you to study!)

                      Well, well, an Internet warrior, have you already visited Syria? Can you tear your belly off your computer and already prove yourself somehow? laughing
                      1. Cavas
                        5 January 2013 15: 00
                        Quote: Karish
                        A traitor to whom?

                        Nations, they will not be a Jew, but again a Jew ????!)))
                        Quote: Karish
                        Well, well, an Internet warrior, have you already visited Syria? Can you tear your belly off your computer and already prove yourself somehow?

                        Let’s figure it out between Karishki yourself, dove !!!))) wassat

                      2. Karish
                        5 January 2013 15: 07
                        Quote: Cavas
                        Nations, they will not be a Jew, but again a Jew ????

                        They are plural in i.e. not Jews.
                        In my opinion, the only one that annoys you is you laughing
                        Quote: Cavas
                        let’s you figure it out between Karishki, doves !!!)

                        Some kind of inadequate answers to the questions posed.
                        Are you a latent homosexual? Something you constantly annoying this topic.
                      3. Cavas
                        5 January 2013 15: 17
                        Quote: Karish
                        They are plural in i.e. not Jews.
                        In my opinion, the only one that annoys you is you

                        AND WHAT IS YOUR WIFE STRINGING ME ME?)) wassat

                        Quote: Karish
                        Are you a latent homosexual? Something you constantly annoying this topic.

                        In a sense?
                        You have a wife - MAN ?????
                        Tohda I'm sorry !!)) laughing
                        The theme and our communication with you (God forbid) FINISH !!!

                        You better communicate with Alishka !!)))
                        I won’t pin on further, maybe the man will change his mind !!! ????
                      4. Horde
                        5 January 2013 17: 25
                        Kawas welcome!

                        the Arctic fox is fuller ... laughing
                      5. Cavas
                        5 January 2013 18: 34
                        Quote: Horde

                        Kawas welcome!

                        Arctic fox is fuller.

                        You know better who is fuller wassat I won’t even argue with you !!! laughing
                      6. bask
                        6 January 2013 00: 49
                        Quote: Horde

                        Arctic fox full

                        Yes .Foxa. Explicitly missing ......
                      7. Cavas
                        6 January 2013 00: 54
                        Quote: bask
                        Yes .Foxa. Explicitly missing ...

                        Yeah,????? why isn’t he even on Skype !!!
                      8. Igor Belov
                        6 January 2013 01: 54
                        I'm on my way...
                      9. 0
                        8 January 2013 10: 07
                        Kirkorov Bulgarian)
                2. OSTAP BENDER
                  5 January 2013 15: 14
                  Quote: Cavas
                  but your son will be born a Jew !!!))

                  It will be something like this!
                  1. Cavas
                    5 January 2013 15: 19
                    OSTAP BENDER,
                    Well it in FIG, let's leave this topic, we can get dirty !!)) request lol
                    1. OSTAP BENDER
                      5 January 2013 15: 22
                      Quote: Cavas
                      Well it in FIG, let's leave this topic, we can get dirty !!))

                      I agree!!!
                      1. Karish
                        5 January 2013 15: 41
                        Quote: OSTAP BENDER
                        Well, its in FIG, let's leave this topic, we can get dirty !!)

                        Mutually negative
                        Quote: OSTAP BENDER
                        I agree!!!

                        Cook in PM laughing
                  2. Karish
                    5 January 2013 15: 20
                    Quote: OSTAP BENDER
                    It will be something like this!

                    No, with your Oh ... and Russians, you yourself figure it out laughing
                    But he will pass the giyur.
                  3. -2
                    5 January 2013 16: 53
                    first you make the genome of this timati and then say that it is a Tatar-Jew
                    it seemed to me that you have the last word "Jew" in the dispute
                    1. OSTAP BENDER
                      5 January 2013 17: 17
                      Quote: ser86
                      and you first make the genome of this timati and then say that he is a Tatar-Jew it seemed to me that you have the last word "Jew" in the dispute

                      Now it’s clear huh-huh, but I’m racking my brains that it suits Ser86 and Ikrometalov in support of the Jews !!!! Pacey launched?
                      1. -1
                        5 January 2013 18: 58
                        what about the facts?
              2. OSTAP BENDER
                5 January 2013 15: 04
                Quote: Karish
                In your direction, T. Bender - I’ll spit with pleasure and not once. Catch

                And still you are getting old! Again, I'm right! From you, recently, rushing some sort of primitivism. Or is the payment small? laughing
                1. Karish
                  5 January 2013 15: 08
                  Quote: OSTAP BENDER
                  And still you are getting old! Again, I'm right! From you, recently, rushing some sort of primitivism. Or is the payment small?

                  Indeed, spitting in your direction is a primitive. Us .... be more creative laughing
                  Or is the payment small?

                  You can't even dream of my salary laughing
                  1. OSTAP BENDER
                    5 January 2013 15: 20
                    Quote: Karish
                    Indeed, spitting in your direction is a primitive. Us .... be more creative

                    All that you can, Dear Karish, is only to crow !!! laughing
                    Quote: Karish
                    You can't even dream of my salary

                    I do not interrupt handouts !!! tongue
                    1. Karish
                      5 January 2013 15: 25
                      Quote: OSTAP BENDER
                      All that you can, Dear Karish, is only to crow !!!

                      Another latent homosexual, discuss THIS with Cavas, you will have many points of contact laughing
                      Quote: OSTAP BENDER
                      I do not interrupt handouts !!!

                      So do I . To make money - to make money like that.
                      1. OSTAP BENDER
                        5 January 2013 15: 48
                        Quote: Karish
                        Another latent homosexual

                        It looks something like this!
                      2. bask
                        5 January 2013 16: 51
                        Quote: OSTAP BENDER

                        Quote: Karish
                        Another latent homosexual
                        It looks something like this!

                        Better taaaaaaaak .... !!!!! love [media = http: //]
                      3. Cavas
                        5 January 2013 15: 53
                        Quote: Karish
                        Another latent homosexual

                        See what complete knowledge of the subject. he loves to lick, but here it’s like that. !!))
                        Here they are Jewish boys, dreaming of a real Russian pin, but here they are unlikely to break off, WE LOVE WOMEN, unlike you ... !!))) laughing
                        Salam Alleykum !!!)))
                      4. Karish
                        5 January 2013 16: 05
                        Quote: Cavas
                        Here they are Jewish boys dreaming of a real Russian pin

                        Well, all the same, I was not mistaken - Mr. REAL RUSSIAN PIN, pierce Bender - dreams come true laughing

                        Quote: Cavas
                        WE LOVE WOMEN, unlike you ... !!)))

                        Freddie (Mercury) realized that he was gay in his youth - but he lived with women. He adored women - but could not do anything with his homosexuality. Perhaps he even had relations with women - but he slept only with men. He wrote wonderful love songs, passionately played on the set with women - he is still gay. Mary Austin loved all his life

                        You can continue to love women unlike you, we sleep with them laughing
                      5. +8
                        5 January 2013 16: 36
                        Quote: Karish
                        You can continue to love women, unlike you, we sleep with them
                        Sorry to wet the conversation. But Russians love their women exactly. And only you go down to stupid sex (by the way in a dream, you won’t do anything with a girl)
                      6. Karish
                        5 January 2013 16: 50
                        Quote: Mechanic
                        But Russians love their women exactly.

                        And only the whole backward world is stupidly fucking fool

                        Quote: Mechanic
                        And only you go down to stupid sex (by the way in a dream, you won’t do anything with a girl)

                        Do not judge by yourself. And anyway - little girl, go learn lessons. If you did not catch the essence of the post. Study a couple of chapters of the elementary mechanic.
                      7. +8
                        5 January 2013 16: 53
                        Quote: Karish
                        And anyway - little girl, go learn lessons. If you did not catch the essence of the post. Study a couple of chapters of the elementary mechanic.

                        Is it Mechanics ????? belay AHAHAHA, he has two higher tins wassat wassat wassat
                      8. +6
                        5 January 2013 17: 27
                        Quote: Alexander Romanov
                        Is it Mechanics ????? AHAHAHA, he has two higher tins
                        Sanya, yes, in this matter, no matter how many higher ones. You sleep with a girl either through a cut in a nightgown, or you love her all night.
                      9. +4
                        5 January 2013 17: 37
                        Quote: Mechanic
                        Sanya, yes, in this matter it doesn’t matter how much higher.

                        It is important, especially when the speaker does not have even half of what he is talking about.
                        Quote: Mechanic
                        You sleep with a girl either through a cut in a nightgown, or you love her all night.

                        I’m two-handed for the second, but where sex prevails. And not love we won’t hi
                      10. Karish
                        5 January 2013 17: 48
                        Quote: Mechanic
                        Sanya, yes, in this matter, no matter how many higher ones. You sleep with a girl either through a cut in a nightgown, or you love her all night

                        Eugene, if touched about education (sorry did not know about the two towers) But education and education (two different things, as they say in Odessa)
                        Quote: Mechanic
                        With a girl or through a cut in a nightgown, write off

                        Do not go down to the bottom repeating stupid things, then education will correspond to education. hi
                      11. +4
                        5 January 2013 17: 56
                        Quote: Karish
                        But education and education (two different things, as they say in Odessa)

                        Candidate of Sciences, so they say everywhere and in Odessa !!!
                        And sometimes there is education and education, but there is no love, but only sex.
                        Two huge differences.
                      12. OSTAP BENDER
                        5 January 2013 18: 09
                        Quote: Alexander Romanov
                        Candidate of sciences, they say that everywhere and in Odessa !!! And there is also education and education, but there is no love, but only sex. Two huge differences.

                        They have education and circumcision! And these are two big differences!
                      13. +5
                        5 January 2013 18: 10
                        Quote: Karish
                        Eugene, if touched about education (sorry did not know about the two towers) But education and education (two different things, as they say in Odessa)
                        Yes, I'm not offended drinks I just really do not like it when they begin to measure their pussy.
                        Quote: Karish
                        Do not go down to the bottom repeating stupid things, then education will correspond to education.
                        Yes, like no one said that education is not enough. By the way, Sanya was mistaken in my 1 tower + graduate school. Now I'm trying to finish my doctorate.
                      14. +3
                        5 January 2013 18: 17
                        [quote = Mechanic] By the way, Sanya was mistaken in my 1 tower + graduate school. Now I'm trying to finish my doctorate. [/ Quote

                        I greet you Eugene! With all my heart I wish you to successfully defend your doctoral degree, just as you defended your PhD !!! IMHO
                      15. OSTAP BENDER
                        5 January 2013 16: 41
                        Quote: Karish
                        Well, all the same, I was not mistaken - Mr. REAL RUSSIAN PIN, pierce Bender - dreams come true

                        Crowed Karish !!! laughing
                      16. Karish
                        5 January 2013 16: 53
                        Bender do not repeat.
                        Neither all the acquaintances, (although I am sure you know many personally) half of them you do not know. you are constantly back to them and in a bent position.
                      17. +4
                        5 January 2013 18: 19
                        Quote: OSTAP BENDER
                        Crowed Karish !!!

                        men are good already. No need to get personal, this is my request. We are one family here !!! IMHO
                      18. Cavas
                        5 January 2013 18: 27
                        Quote: Apollon
                        men are good already. No need to get personal, this is my request. We are one family here !!! IMHO

                        IMHO, Apollo, do not go !!!)) hi
                        If you don’t know a person, why climb ??? request
                      19. +5
                        5 January 2013 18: 42
                        Quote: Cavas
                        If you don’t know a person, why climb ???

                        I welcome you! Mat hi

                        You need to be tolerant of each other! IMHO This is my fundamental point of view.

                        We have always advocated the reconstruction of the USSR! So like and in a reduced form, here on the forum, HE IS RECREATED !!!

                        Let OUR FORUM be a model for all other online forums and sites!
                      20. Cavas
                        5 January 2013 18: 49
                        Quote: Apollon
                        I welcome you! Mat

                        You too! hi
                        Quote: Apollon
                        You need to be tolerant of each other! IMHO This is my fundamental point of view.

                        Yes, you are Apollo, let me call you badly somehow ... (do not perceive yourself in any way)
                        Quote: Apollon
                        We have always advocated the reconstruction of the USSR!

                        We are yes. but some do not like it! hi

                        Quote: Apollon
                        like here and in a reduced form, here on the forum, IT IS RECREATED !!!

                        yes so far no, but administrators separate THANKS for this !!!!

                      21. +3
                        5 January 2013 18: 55
                        Quote: Cavas
                        We are yes. but some do not like it!

                        Matt! buddy i at all, without exception, look, through the eyes of a citizen of the USSR! IMHO

                        such is my mentality. hi
                      22. GG2012
                        5 January 2013 18: 58
                        Quote: Apollon
                        Matt! buddy, I look at everyone, without exception, through the eyes of a citizen of the USSR! IMHO

                        They decided to kill us with their kindness ?! So to speak, to strangle us in their arms ?!
                        Famous Jewish tactics ...
                        How so! How so! Familiar ...
                      23. -1
                        5 January 2013 19: 04
                        Quote: GG2012
                        They decided to kill us with their kindness ?! So to speak, to strangle us in their arms ?!
                        Famous Jewish tactics ...
                        How so! How so! Familiar ...

                        1. You don’t need to take a break, you ran into something wrong.
                        2. I have neither tactics nor strategists here on the forum and did not have.
                        3. What you know and what not, these are your problems, not mine!
                      24. +1
                        5 January 2013 19: 22

                        They decided to kill us with their kindness ?!

                        "kill with naked" facts and reasoned logic! IMHO
                      25. GG2012
                        5 January 2013 19: 27
                        Quote: Apollon
                        "kill with naked" facts and reasoned logic! IMHO

                        I look hurt you, if you devoted my humble person ... already !!! ... two comments!
                        But tactics, all the same, can be seen ...
                      26. -3
                        5 January 2013 19: 30
                        Quote: GG2012
                        I look hurt you, if you devoted my humble person ... already !!! ... two comments!
                        But tactics, all the same, can be seen ...

                        it’s difficult to hurt me, and if anyone touches me it will not seem enough.
                        Your conclusions are only your property.
                      27. GG2012
                        5 January 2013 19: 37
                        Quote: Apollon
                        it’s difficult to hurt me, and if anyone touches me it will not seem enough.

                        Oh! You are so formidable !!!
                        And what ... Spetsnaz will send ?! laughing
                        As for the conclusions, ... then they are based on observations of you.
                        You are under the hood! bully bully laughing laughing
                      28. 0
                        5 January 2013 19: 44
                        Quote: GG2012
                        Oh! You are so formidable !!!
                        And what ... Spetsnaz will send ?!
                        As for the conclusions, ... then they are based on observations of you.
                        You are under the hood!

                        1 They confused the address buddy, I’m not Ivan the Terrible. He was the king and not I. He was afraid and why they’re not afraid of me
                        2: The Stirlitz was once under the hood at Müller, as Holtoff used to say.
                        If there are no questions and comments to me. I’m leaving the business completely and I don’t want to lose time on a pointless conversation with you.
                      29. Cavas
                        5 January 2013 19: 47
                        Quote: GG2012
                        Oh! You are so formidable !!!

                        Quote: Apollon
                        1 They confused the address buddy, I’m not Ivan the Terrible. He was the king and not I. He was afraid and why they’re not afraid of me

                        Well, everything is understood ???))
                        What otodnyak boys tortured, angry at each other ????))) wassat
                      30. GG2012
                        5 January 2013 19: 49
                        Quote: Apollon
                        1 They confused the address buddy, I’m not Ivan the Terrible. He was the king and not I. He was afraid and why they’re not afraid of me
                        2: The Stirlitz was once under the hood at Müller, as Holtoff used to say.

                        You are kind of tight on humor (I hope only today).
                        I’m teasing you ... and you feathers are half-baked, you stand in a rack ...
                        Happy you!
                      31. -2
                        5 January 2013 19: 54
                        Quote: GG2012
                        You are kind of tight on humor (I hope only today).
                        I’m teasing you ... and you feathers are half-baked, you stand in a rack ...
                        Happy you!

                        you will pin yourself at your leisure looking in the mirror laughing .
                        As for the rack, you probably know better. Maybe they got up more than once.
                      32. GG2012
                        5 January 2013 20: 01
                        Quote: Apollon
                        You will pin yourself up at leisure looking in the mirror.
                        As for the rack, you probably know better. Maybe they got up more than once.

                        Yeah! How did you speak ?! Chebak is formidable!
                        Who would speak about the mirror ... Narcissistic Apollon!
                        And at the expense of the rack you were not mistaken ... sometimes you have to put people like you in the rack ... hands on the wall and legs wider than shoulders ...
                      33. -6
                        5 January 2013 20: 05
                        Quote: GG2012
                        Yeah! How did you speak ?!

                        go for a walk or even better sleep! bullymaybe it will become easier. laughing

                        put a minus, GG2012, calmed down laughing
                      34. GG2012
                        5 January 2013 20: 20
                        Quote: Apollon
                        go for a walk or even better sleep! maybe it will become easier.

                        He himself began!
                        Alas, sober! BUT I'll drink it now!
                        I have a wonderful tincture on rose hips! I did it myself!

                        Quote: Apollon
                        put a minus? GG2012? Calmed down

                        Actually, on this thread, I haven’t set a single minus for you yet. Check with Moderators ...
                        Angry, you ... I'm not friends with you!
                      35. +3
                        5 January 2013 20: 36
                        Quote: GG2012
                        Actually, on this thread, I haven’t set a single minus for you yet. Check with Moderators ...

                        You got a minus and I fixed it. I'm not going to ask anyone anything
                        Okay notice drinks
                      36. GG2012
                        5 January 2013 20: 47
                        Quote: Apollon
                        Okay notice

                        I agree!
                        Tsum Vol! Simple
                        drinks drinks drinks
                      37. +1
                        5 January 2013 20: 27
                        Listen, you’re a point G, why are you all rude on the site, don’t like to put your minus, but don’t be rude,
                      38. GG2012
                        5 January 2013 20: 38
                        Quote: igor67
                        Listen, you are the point G; why are you rude to everyone here on the site?

                        I’m not being rude, but I am responding to rudeness.
                        And what did you think ... would I turn my other cheek?
                        No, really!
                        As for the point G, .. you originally came up with this, but only I have two G.
                        And yet ... paint the tank, but it’s somehow uncomfortable, old, broken, rusted ...
                      39. Cavas
                        5 January 2013 19: 51
                        Quote: GG2012
                        Oh! You are so formidable !!!

                        Quote: Apollon
                        1 They confused the address buddy, I’m not Ivan the Terrible. He was the king and not I. He was afraid and why they’re not afraid of me

                        Well, everything is understood ???))
                        What otodnyak boys tortured, angry at each other ????))) wassat
                      40. +1
                        5 January 2013 19: 58
                        Quote: Cavas
                        What otodnyak boys tortured, angry at each other ????)

                        yes no Mat. apparently full, not finished! laughing
                      41. Cavas
                        5 January 2013 20: 14
                        Quote: Apollon
                        yes no Mat. apparently full, not finished!

                        Tie it up !! Yo!))) drinks

                        After the decimal point (in the demo), the appeal is not to you (YOU) !!! drinks
                      42. +3
                        5 January 2013 20: 40
                        Cavas-saitahvot is the only correct demotivator, after Dynamo Kiev we lost to Spartak, we beat windows in the train number one Kiev Moscow, in the early 80s
                      43. Cavas
                        5 January 2013 20: 45
                        Quote: igor67
                        Cavas-saitahvot is the only correct demotivator, after Dynamo Kiev we lost to Spartak, we beat windows in the train number one Kiev Moscow, in the early 80s

                        Igor and what kind of match?
                        I remember another when Spartak (in the 1st half, he won 2-0, and then he seemed to lose)
                        I may be wrong! request
                        But Kievans have always played a lot !!! good
                      44. +3
                        5 January 2013 20: 58
                        If I remember correctly in 85 or the USSR championship or the cup, it was summer, not googling, before the collapse of the union I loved football and naturally Dynamo from Dnipro, I saw the whole team and Lobanovsky at the airport at 86 when they took the European cup, I became at the door so because of me everyone bypassed me and looked like a statue, Lobanovsky tall looked at me from top to bottom
                      45. Cavas
                        5 January 2013 21: 05
                        Igor, I watched directly the match in Kiev, WHEN THE KIEVLIANS PLAYED WITH (MYSELF) with the Greeks (they accused them of giving a bribe), the goalkeeper (I don’t remember his last name (since Budun was, in the sense of a goalkeeper), he heard his conversation, then someone else stood at the gate, and this one in front of me ((well, in the sense (in front of the spare shop)) "was warming up"!
                        And Lobanovskiy fellow man so raised the football !!!! good drinks
                      46. +3
                        5 January 2013 21: 29
                        I found the 2009 Channel One Cup finals (in Israel there were lump summits), now I’ll try to find the Kiev 2008 final with Spartak, this was a game
                      47. Cavas
                        5 January 2013 21: 40
                        Quote: igor67
                        I found the finale

                        Igor, maybe. I'm wrong, ???
                        But Gusev (the commentator) I HATE, and he goes with you (wherever he goes laughing ) from 44 seconds !!!
                      48. Cavas
                        5 January 2013 19: 05
                        Quote: Apollon
                        such is my mentality

                        You can have it! hi
                        Well, there are some ... who obseraut Russia that. if they are so "smart", they still cannot win Armenia !!))) request
                        But only blah. blah and are engaged like Israel, like we all can. but it doesn’t work !!)) wassat

                      49. +1
                        5 January 2013 19: 10
                        Quote: Cavas
                        You can have it!
                        Well, there are some ... who obseraut Russia that. if they are so "smart", they still cannot win Armenia !!)))
                        But only blah. blah and are engaged like Israel, like we all can. but it doesn’t work !!))

                        Russia and the people of Russia are not allowed to anyone .................... as you noticed! I abstained even in writing this word, and therefore put an ellipsis.
                        Those who do this first of all humiliate themselves and their state.
                      50. Cavas
                        5 January 2013 19: 23
                        Quote: Apollon
                        Those who do this first of all humiliate themselves and their state.

                        Yes, I don’t need it anymore !!
                        IT destroyed itself by showing its mask !!)) good
                      51. Serge
                        5 January 2013 19: 17
                        I remember reading that Jews and Arabs are actually one people
                      52. +4
                        5 January 2013 20: 30
                        That damn topic is called Russian genetics, shortened, again moving to the Jews, what's the connection? Jews Arabs? What is the connection
                      53. +1
                        5 January 2013 22: 08
                        Quote: igor67

                        Fascism, however.
                      54. sapulid
                        6 January 2013 00: 53
                        Quote: igor67
                        That damn topic is called Russian genetics, shortened, again moving to the Jews, what connection

                        And if the heating pipe burst in Tuva, then who is to blame? It's time to get used to the fact that the slogan "Hit live, save Russia" always arises from among the nationalists plundering the country. It is necessary to find the same guilty when they themselves have done it.

                        In fact, references to scientific data in the article are doubtful and require detailed verification. So, I’m interested in who the samples were taken from and how were the persons who passed the samples selected? Where and how did sampling take place? How and by whom was the study carried out? Who made the genetic map and how?

                        The definition of an ethnic group by last name is just an idiot. Among the Yakuts Ivanov and Sidorov more than among the Russians ...

                        If a study was done in a similar way, then the results are not surprising.
                      55. +1
                        5 January 2013 20: 54
                        Quote: Apollon
                        We are one family here !!! IMHO

                        This expression is familiar:
                        Yeah, the family is not without a freak, let it stay. And then - compromise after compromise, and more freaks have accumulated ...
                      56. -1
                        5 January 2013 19: 00
                        I look at the topic of homosexuals touches you to the depths, let's say your soul))
                      57. GG2012
                        5 January 2013 19: 11
                        Quote: ser86
                        I look...

                        Learn to use the "Quote" function, and then it will be clear to whom exactly you are addressing.
                        Educated, you are our ...
                        As for the topic you named, ... sometimes you go to the forum and you see that you are at someone's gay parade ... and as Ostap Bender said, you understand that "We are strangers at this" celebration of life "!
                      58. GG2012
                        5 January 2013 17: 39
                        Quote: Karish
                        Well, all the same, I was not mistaken - Mr. REAL RUSSIAN PIN, pierce Bender - dreams come true

                        Pancake! I am amazed! A creature with such a working mouth tells us all what kind of Peduards we are ...
                        What is going on with the world!
                      59. Cavas
                        5 January 2013 17: 56
                        Quote: GG2012
                        Pancake! I am amazed! A creature with such a working mouth tells us all what kind of Peduards we are ...
                        What is going on with the world!

                        Well, firstly, you are wrong, he is far from a glare, he is Karishek !!)) laughing !!
                      60. bask
                        5 January 2013 21: 54
                        Quote: OSTAP BENDER

                        Quote: Karish
                        Another latent homosexual
                        It looks approximate

                        Stop! . They say women from the West .. Tolerasts and they have already gotten them .. There are no real men !!!!!
                2. +4
                  5 January 2013 17: 25
                  OSTAP BENDER,
                  Hello and Happy New Year! Here I think we need to stop, genetics by blood to whom it tries ... Do you need? Goebbels argued about the purity of the race, the purity of blood, such articles should not be published, this is fascism, if you live in Russia you consider yourself Russian and thank God, either in Ukraine or in Israel, there will never be any need to divide people into the world! Never! And not only "Jews" are to blame laughing , and also those who want to divide people according to now on blood kinetics
                  1. +1
                    5 January 2013 17: 30
                    Quote: igor67
                    Here I think it is necessary to stop on this, blood kinetics to whom it tries ... It is necessary?

                    Hi Igor, how many years I lived, I knew that I was Russian, and then scientists come and they say, I need to clarify fool There are people who spent 20 million bucks on what everyone already knows. Money down the drain hi
              3. +3
                5 January 2013 18: 32
                I generally treat Russians and Slavs remarkably (with the exception of my Ukrainian wife, and even then it is rare - to see she didn’t cook kosher for you !!!! laughing
                1. GG2012
                  5 January 2013 18: 43
                  Quote: datur
                  In general, I treat Russians and Slavs remarkably (with the exception of my Ukrainian wife,

                  So after all, Karish sits all day and night on the Internet ...
                  On FIG Wife Internet - Sex Terminator ?!
                  Here's the wife, probably with Ravin, and took a walk ... what what what
            3. Igor Belov
              6 January 2013 01: 39
              Quote: OSTAP BENDER
              A spit in the Russian side?

              Or maybe just nothing? They say that after smoking, the sydny sushny hollows ...
          3. YuDDP
            5 January 2013 20: 45
            So, a Jew is not a nation, but a religion. Read your professor from Tel Aviv University. Moreover, it is enough to pass the exam to become a Jew. And the fact that you are a secular person, well, I am the same. Only I go to the Orthodox church, like all my ancestors, and you go to the synagogue.
        2. +4
          5 January 2013 20: 48
          Quote: Karish
          I'm still fair-eyed and fair-haired

          Quote: hrych
          So, you have Russian roots, and taking into account Russian culture, our people.

          And in the eye?
          Brown-haired, though already white from such a life, brown eyes mean not Russia?
          By the way, a joke from life, word ches
          Evening, bus, the Chinese come in and draw a picture of an elderly Kazakh woman. Reaction: Come in large numbers here, Narrow-eyed Russia!
          Met as a joke in the press, but here it was in life!
      2. Igor Belov
        6 January 2013 01: 34
        Quote: Karish
        I am after all fair-eyed and fair-haired.

        ??????????????? request Is this with the Israeli flag? belay
  6. WW3
    5 January 2013 09: 05
    We did not find any noticeable Tatar introductions in the Russian genome, which refutes the theory of the destructive influence of the Mongol yoke, ”emphasizes academician Konstantin Skryabin, head of the genomic research center at the Kurchatov Institute.

    This makes me happy... good
    There are no differences between the genomes of Russians and Ukrainians - one genome

    In general, I will put "+" on the optimistic news.
    1. Siberian
      5 January 2013 09: 26
      Do not be in a hurry to rejoice - study the problem to the end. as usual, samples were taken from separately taken Russians and separately taken Ukrainians ... I have already come across similar "research". Most of the population most likely does not fit this framework ...
      1. Baboon
        5 January 2013 13: 39
        I’m reading it too, and I don’t see any Volga peoples here, and there are several republics, and in the Urals I didn’t check any of the nationalities.
      2. 0
        6 January 2013 10: 49
        Quote: SIBERIAN
        I have already encountered similar "research"

        It is very surprising that I came across!
        And if you come across it, you should know that only confirming it or refuting it, essno depending on its orientation, is included in the final document.
        But in essence, it is not the study itself voiced in the article that is discussed here, but the interpretation of its presentation.
        After all, a completely neutral scientific research can be presented as such, mother do not worry!
  7. +6
    5 January 2013 09: 09
    Something it reminds me of. winked Attempts to divide people by blood were made by the unknown Adolf. What he ended up, I hope you do not need to remind !?
    1. -1
      5 January 2013 09: 14
      And at the same time, Ukrainians from left-bank Ukraine are genetically as close to Russians as Komi-Zyryans, Mordovians and Maris.

      of course this does not say that these nations are one people
      in general, the article says that science has once again proved that people have one common ancestor and there are no pure Russians because different genes are present in people
      a cross between genes this is a cross between blood
    2. Siberian
      5 January 2013 09: 23
      Quote: sergo0000
      Something it reminds me of. winked Attempts to divide people by blood were made by the unknown Adolf. What he ended up, I hope you do not need to remind !?

      history is cyclical, fools always give way to fools. Measure skulls yesterday, now according to the genotypes of people were divided. Now, to the religious, racial, social division of people, the genetic division is also added ...
    3. +2
      5 January 2013 13: 54
      Quote: sergo0000
      Something it reminds me of. Attempts to divide people by blood were made by the notorious Adolf. What he ended up, I hope you do not need to remind !?

      Hitler believed that one blood (race) is better than another. The article does not say that Russian blood is better than any other.
  8. fenix57
    5 January 2013 09: 11
    Scientists are not familiar to me: Scriabin, Bogdanov, Deryabin. But I like: "The Russian is a European, but a European with physical characteristics peculiar only to him. These characteristics make up what we call - the type of the common hare". And that means it's not true: "There are no pure Russians!" and “scrape every Russian, you will certainly find a Tatar”. RUSSIAN WE RUSSIAN
    1. -8
      5 January 2013 09: 18
      "pure Russian" is a person only with the Russian genome, but there haven't been such for a long time, now everybody has other genomes besides the Russian genome
      1. +4
        5 January 2013 09: 32
        Quote: ser86
        "pure Russian" is a person with only a Russian genome

        Well then, you should call him not Russian, but a Rusak. The Russian concept is broader, broader than just the nationality of IMHO. It is not for nothing that other peoples are called a noun: Pole, Chinese, Japanese, German, and Russian by the adjective ...
  9. +4
    5 January 2013 09: 13
    I agree that Putin must answer for his words sooner or later.
    But I do not agree with many statements from this article. What means:
    ..... Mordovian and other peoples who have ever run, entered, strayed on our land, and we all received them. let into the house. took to relatives.

    For the information of the authors, the names of the rivers Moscow, Protva, Bolva, Lysva have a Finno-Ugric etymology. The ending "VA" in the languages ​​of the Finno-Ugric group means "WATER" And Oka in translation into Russian means RIVER.
    So this is another question, who got lost and who let someone into the house.
    There are also doubts that there are no external differences between Ukrainians and Russians. There is no need to carry out complex scientific research.
    It is enough to go to the Kiev, Leningrad and Yaroslavl stations of the capital and carefully look at the passengers. An attentive observer will immediately notice the difference in appearance between a Ukrainian from Kiev and a Russian from the Valdai Upland.
    1. +1
      5 January 2013 09: 15
      I agree with you))
    2. +3
      5 January 2013 12: 31
      Put apparently had in mind the genesis of the word Tatar from the name of Great Scythia or Tartaria (from Tartar - the abyss), originally Tartar - Scythian or Aryan. Those. GDP meant that scratching a Russian will get a Scythian. Joke.
    3. 0
      5 January 2013 22: 13
      Quote: Normal
      It is enough to go to the Kiev, Leningrad and Yaroslavl stations of the capital and carefully look at the passengers. An attentive observer will immediately notice the difference in appearance between a Ukrainian from Kiev and a Russian from the Valdai Upland.

      Interesting scientific method laughing
      1. 0
        7 January 2013 21: 35
        Quote: There was a mammoth
        Interesting scientific method

        And who is talking about science?
        Or do you think that there is no difference in appearance?
  10. +7
    5 January 2013 09: 19
    By the way, I like Pelagia. She has such a look, bright, spilled such, Russian Siberian. Russia’s rushing straight from it,
  11. boris.uryadkin
    5 January 2013 09: 24
    Who needs this? Who is scrabbling Russian under his tail or not Russian? And it scratches at those who blow into the USA pipe, rustles with a clumsy language, fulfills dolars. Listen to my kinship. On the maternal side, great-great-grandmother Tatar, great-grandmother Chuvash, grandmother Mordovian and my mother is Russian. My father Sapyolkin is an ancient Russian family, and his mother is Belarusan.
    1. Yoshkin Kot
      5 January 2013 23: 32
      and? that you are Russian, no one doubts, but at the same time to deny that there is a Russian genome is Russophobia
  12. rash4961
    5 January 2013 09: 29
    some crap. there’s nothing more to learn or something. I remember when the Fuhrer were still puzzled scientists.
  13. fenix57
    5 January 2013 09: 34
    My father is Russian, my mother is from Poltava, who should I consider myself to be, if not Russian. angry
    1. Yoshkin Kot
      5 January 2013 23: 33
      such as a polavishchina not Russian land? and there live non-Russians? okts!
  14. patriot2
    5 January 2013 09: 44
    Good article, although many people do not understand the scientific terms. The conclusion is simple: Russian people are original and have ancient historical roots (older than those of many European peoples). Our ancestors were in no hurry to enter into mixed marriages - they did not erode the Russian nation. Now the process of erosion of the Russian gene pool is taking place. Apparently the strong Russian genome for the current authorities only hinders their migration policy and the policy of turning the entire Russian people into slaves. They need a stupid performer, unfortunately for the authorities, not all Russians have a narrow-minded mind and a huge passion for drinking and smoking, not everyone has degraded and turned into an obedient semi-literate mass desired by the current "elite". Although there are more such individuals.
  15. CCA
    5 January 2013 09: 48
    In general, the article carries a scientific and cognitive load. Fewer paragraphs not related to scientific research would be perceived more correctly ...
  16. +2
    5 January 2013 09: 57
    The information is not new, filed quite lively. It's good.
    And that the first face of the state betrays another blunder, after he recognized the so-called tragedy of Katyn, there is nothing to be surprised. Political gain prevails. Although the Soviet government was not involved in the destruction of captured Poles.
    1. +10
      5 January 2013 10: 07
      When did Putin recognize Katyn?

      "Katyn. A lie that has become history"
      1. -9
        5 January 2013 10: 38
        Here! a typical example of how a lie is made into a "truth"
        now we are trying to write all sorts of Vedas and Veles books
    2. +2
      5 January 2013 14: 05
      Quote: erased
      ... recognized so called the tragedy of Katyn

      Tragedy is a tragedy.
      Quote: erased
      Political gain prevails

      And this is the main thing now in Katyn. Poles all want Russian guilt before the Poles. For me, we don’t need to pay attention to the hysteria of the Poles. And yet, on the way to the venerable Catholic cross to create a museum about the atrocities of the Poles in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, starting with the Crusaders. Do not forget about the fate of captured Red Army soldiers. So that the Poles see history not only what they want.
  17. +8
    5 January 2013 10: 27
    I read the article to the end, even re-read some places in order to understand the essence. There are some inconsistencies (either there are no differences in the genomes with the Ukrainians, then the Western Ukrainian already differs from the Tatar much less than the Eastern Ukrainian, who, in turn, is still very different from Russian, almost like a Mordvin or Veps) Does anyone understand what I said?
    All this research is, of course, needed. But for the general public, at present, they are of purely academic interest. It is good to distinguish cattle by blood - this one gives milk well, this one gives meat, and that one gives wool. But, as life has proved over thousands of years, people belong to this or that nationality, to a greater extent, in spirit, in faith and in language, and only to a small extent in blood. Look at the "atypical" Russian face - A.S. Pushkin, and nobody hesitates to call him the Great Russian Poet!
    1. +1
      5 January 2013 10: 53
      Mihaylo Tishayshiy
      Bunin, by the way, is also of Tatar origin, so what? Yes, such examples are full. As for the blood. So look how many mixed Russian-Tatar families are in Volgograd and Astrakhan. And nothing . They live soul to soul and beautiful children are raised.
      1. +6
        5 January 2013 11: 13
        The article is about genetics, not politics.
      2. bask
        5 January 2013 13: 37
        Quote: Aron Zaavi
        and. So look how many mixed Russian-Tatar families are in Volgograd and Astrakhan. And nothing . They live soul to soul and beautiful children are raised.

        In Stalingrad, such families are 0..And in Astrakhan there is, but the percentage is very small ... Tatars prefer to marry only Tatars .. With a rare exception ...
        1. 0
          5 January 2013 15: 26
          baskIn two years of work at WKO, I have learned full of mixed families.
    2. +6
      5 January 2013 12: 52
      Mihaylo Tishayshiy Today, 10:27 a new
      There are some inconsistencies (either there are no differences in the genomes with the Ukrainians, then the Western Ukrainian already differs from the Tatar much less than the Eastern Ukrainian, who, in turn, is still very different from Russian, almost like a Mordvin or Veps) Does anyone understand what I said?
      the Psheks of their lackeys, and families could not protect from attacks of Crimeans. And Little Russia was populated by the Potemkin Muscovites
      1. +2
        5 January 2013 14: 06
        Quote: Vasya
        the Psheks of their lackeys, and families could not protect from attacks of Crimeans. And Little Russia was populated by the Potemkin Muscovites

        Vasya, golden words ,, svidomitam "in the ears.
      2. 0
        5 January 2013 14: 44
        Vasily, yes, I understand that if you carry out a genetic analysis of Ukrainians by region, then the vinaigrette will turn out to be the same! And I also know why this is so. I do not assess the research of scientists, in their conclusions, perhaps, there are no discrepancies, especially since the results, according to this article, have not yet been announced. I write a comment on a specific article and just make fun of the article itself, where the problem is obvious. After all, the author writes it with a pretense of scientific character, referring to scientists and their research. And science, even if it is not from the category of "exact", requires the accuracy of formulations and decomposition of everything on the shelves. And the author has shelves of some kind of "sikos - nakos"
    3. 0
      5 January 2013 14: 09
      Quote: Mihaylo Tishayshiy
      Look at the "atypical" Russian face - A.S. Pushkin, and nobody hesitates to call him the Great Russian Poet!

      He wrote in Russian and therefore he is called a Russian poet (and Dahl wrote in Russian, but was a Danish by origin).
      And there is much more Russian blood in Pushkin than African (in percentage terms)
  18. +5
    5 January 2013 10: 47
    Genetics as a science has just begun. 20-30 years is not a fig. Now they write one thing, tomorrow there will be refutations, etc. For example, I am half Russian, half Ukrainian (50-50 in pure form). My friends generally have a lot of nations mixed in one person. I really do not remember "pure" Russians yet. Therefore, let them draw whatever passports they want, the question is - to whom exactly they are applicable.
    What, have they already collected all the DNA of all Russians in the Russian Federation and carried out the analysis?
    For me, Suvorov (of Tatar origin) is much more Russian than General Vlasov and than the Babskiy battalion Serdyukov. So Russian is a way of thinking.
    1. +3
      5 January 2013 11: 58
      Such articles very easily drive a wedge on a forum between like-minded people. winked
      Who needs it !?
      1. +4
        5 January 2013 16: 08
        That's it, Sergey ..
        I read the comments - added ..
        I thought I was on the Military Review forum.
        It turned out - at a rally ... of young naturalist geneticists. Sometimes not very young. Sometimes very toothy. Many .. breaker .. it has grown, then no.
        The presentation of purely theoretical research caused a terrible skirmish.
        In the heat of ... a genetic-mitochodrial battle ... for the right to consider the primitive Eve, who had fallen off a tree somewhere in Africa - as a mother (although the main mitochondrial deposits are in Altai) - they missed an important one.
        An obscure reference to the words of Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich - ".. Putin's catchphrases" There are no pure Russians! " and "scratch every Russian, you will certainly find a Tatar .."
        The last quote is not Putin, so .. let's draw conclusions.
        And also from the first quote.
        I'm deep in the drum ... where I have there ... mitochondrial DNA, and what kind of caliber it is.
        Likewise, I have a drum that Onotole Wasserman is a Jew. BUT Russian.
        But the fact that Chubais - a Jew, but NOT Russian - me .. hooks.
        Based on the article - VV .. Putin - a Rusak, give way. Low sturdy with blond eyes and hair (leftovers, true)
        It is all the more incomprehensible to bring such phrases.
        We must wait further.
        ..PS. And why is everyone sure that Eve got down from the tree? Isn’t it still sitting there?
        ........ the followers of Vedic Russia ... believe - well, in a completely different way.
  19. +4
    5 January 2013 10: 56
    This article should never be read by liberal-minded people! They will immediately grasp the statement that the Russians are Europeans, which means that we need to unite with our "brothers", the Poles, the Dutch and other Swedes, preferably as a younger brother.
    1. +4
      5 January 2013 13: 00
      Rashid Today, 10:56 AM new
      1 This article should never be read by liberal-minded people! They will immediately grasp the statement that the Russians are Europeans, which means that we need to unite with our "brothers", the Poles, the Dutch and other Swedes, preferably as a younger brother.
      you are mistaken. these wild people (Europeans), our descendants, albeit degrading, even before PX This is how criminals were exiled from Europe to America and Australia
  20. +7
    5 January 2013 10: 58
    I sit here and dust my hair with ash. crying The fact that I got brown eyes from the grandfather of a Ukrainian is half the trouble. It’s worse that my wife, though all Russians are Russian, got some kind of steppe blood: Asian hair, brown eyes and the very cut of her eyes is very suspicious. recourse
    Even worse, the wife’s girlfriend is Tatar, whose name I hardly remember even from the tenth time. And she, damn it, blonde with blue eyes! request
    And what should I do now?!
    The only way out is to send the authors of such articles to the forest! stop
  21. 0
    5 January 2013 11: 10
    It would be clear if such work was carried out by some kind of small people, suffering from an inferiority complex, seeking roots, national identity! Why do the Russians? I recall the activities of the idler cat.
  22. sad32wqesadf
    5 January 2013 11: 21
    It just can't be !!! The FSB has created this database about any resident of Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries. Really was really scared
    there are a lot of interesting things about me (addresses, phone numbers, even my photos of a different nature) - I wonder where they dug up this. In general, there are good sides - this
    Information can be deleted from the site.
    I advise you to hurry, you never know how to fumble there ...
  23. +4
    5 January 2013 11: 38
    Here it is a lack of modern education! Both at school and at the university they give us such a mess ... As Pushkin said, we all learned a little about what and how ...
    Perth1 persecuted the Old Believers - do not be baptized with two fingers and accept everything foreign (he actively scolded smoking, the dominance of the Germans and the reproach of Russian customs). The Old Believers began to go to Siberia to the north and the Don.
    The article is necessary as well as research - an answer to shit and cosmopolitan people. ”The main thing is that the authors should not be accused of chauvinism ...

    Everyone remembers Putin's catchphrases “There are no pure Russians!” and "scratch every Russian, you will certainly find a Tatar."There is a concept in marketing - a crisis can begin with an ill-conceived phrase by the Country Leader. Yes, and for example, recent history, we were convinced of this ...
    1. Yoshkin Kot
      5 January 2013 12: 05
      Yes, the Old Believers were needed to Peter, not just as a subject of persecution, but as subjects bearing taxes and hardships, the Old Believers mowed away from taxes and the army, that’s the state, those who mowed laughing
      1. +3
        5 January 2013 12: 40
        If there is no massacre, torn tongues, that’s true. What was done after the capture of Solovki, although it was still done by Pope Pedra.
        1. Yoshkin Kot
          5 January 2013 23: 36
          about the times. about morals !, and what would you do with squinting from the army now? and if war? tvov?
          1. +2
            6 January 2013 00: 09
            The issue of schism is very complicated and cannot be resolved in two phrases, but the fact that there are no Russian chronicles of ancient times is the main merit of Nikon and Alyoshka from the Kobyla clan.
            1. Yoshkin Kot
              6 January 2013 10: 21
              and nevertheless, the persecutor was not the Church, but the State, for, as indicated above, they mowed down the duties of subjects, having invented an excuse for themselves
            2. Yoshkin Kot
              8 January 2013 16: 56
  24. +11
    5 January 2013 11: 41
    In my understanding, it is possible to determine a person’s belonging to a particular nationality as follows.

    1.By Blood and Origin
    2. By what language he thinks.
    3. In what language does it write, basically.
    4. Does the tradition and mentality of his people.

    Confucius-nature of people is the same; customs and traditions are distinguished!
    1. sapulid
      6 January 2013 01: 10
      Quote: Apollon
      In my understanding, it is possible to determine a person’s belonging to a particular nationality as follows.

      1.By Blood and Origin

      What is it like? Pushkin, arap?

      Quote: Apollon
      .Because what language he thinks.

      What about the bilingual children? My son speaks and writes in Russian, English and German.

      Quote: Apollon
      4. Does the tradition and mentality of his people.

      My son follows the customs of the three nations. And who do you think he is?

      1. Yoshkin Kot
        6 January 2013 10: 23
        I do not understand why Our All arap? the arap was his maternal grandfather, and nationality and ethnicity are considered by masculine, tea we are not Jews. does the person belong to the nationality with which he identifies himself? yah!!!! there is matzo on the ear, the "Russians" will be delighted
  25. Yoshkin Kot
    5 January 2013 12: 03
    about how the Marxists pushed laughing
    1. +1
      5 January 2013 13: 37
      Quote: Yoshkin Cat

      oh how

      With the return .... now it will be "fun" ...
      1. Yoshkin Kot
        5 January 2013 23: 07
        not ah! ban!
  26. +3
    5 January 2013 13: 03
    the article is good and necessary. I read the comments, how much cereal is in my head. Here, both the Ukrainian pope and the Old Believers are already an ethnic group. Read Avdeev.
  27. +7
    5 January 2013 13: 07
    Russian is not an appearance. This is a state of mind. You can be Chinese, but Russian. You can have the appearance of a typical Rusich, but turn out to be a Jew or an Ottoman. It all depends on education
    1. Cavas
      5 January 2013 13: 13
      Quote: Vasya
      Russian is not an appearance. This is a state of mind.

      I think somewhere you're right, but not so simple!
      A lot of people "mow" under the Russians, referring to the type we all grew up in the Union, but when you start to see their nationalistic insides, you understand that they are even just non-humans !!!
      A kind of image that lives in a virtual and tries to prove to everyone. that he is the best in this world.
      I call them differently ---... darned .... used !!!)) hi
    2. YuDDP
      5 January 2013 21: 09
      Mowgli still remember.
    3. Yoshkin Kot
      5 January 2013 23: 09
      blah blah blah! Russian is not only about what you said, but also a real ethnic fact, and people like you are united in a circle of ethnic Russians, becoming, part of us. but not replacing us with ourselves
    4. Yoshkin Kot
      6 January 2013 10: 26
      how romantic, but only with this approach, the Russians cease to be Russian and slender ranks go, some to the Komsomol, some to dolbloslavie
  28. zevs379
    5 January 2013 13: 15
    I suggest not to confuse the concept: Russian is a worldview, a worldview, and a Genetic Slovenian is physical data! Mixing it in a heap we get the "Law on the Purity of Blood" - and where do we go?
  29. +4
    5 January 2013 13: 24
    primary race, blood. Religion, teachings, methods of control. You were given an article on the primacy of knowledge, you again mixed everything together.
  30. zevs379
    5 January 2013 13: 31
    Based on personal observations, one of the main features of the Russian is an ironic and wary attitude towards Jews and hatred of Jews laughing
    1. 0
      5 January 2013 13: 40
      maybe you should try to get to the bottom of the reasons?
  31. Lech e-mine
    5 January 2013 13: 58
    Scrape me guys scrub me harder -AAAAAA
    I am still RUSSIAN.
    No one will break in me the Russian spirit of Putin or anyone else
    1. Yoshkin Kot
      5 January 2013 23: 38
      Yeah, you see the darers are nicer, cut
  32. +1
    5 January 2013 14: 27
    I am Russian, a tall blond with light (though greenish) eyes. And the children are blond. So I'm a purebred rusich? And my blond uncle, from birth, darkened his hair by the age of 40, is he not Rusich? The article is interesting, but much does not fit. Vaguely like that with the methodology and conclusions.
    Genetics is in its infancy. It will be used in many areas of life. I believe that someday in the future, before the treatment of any disease (even the flu) they will begin to do a genetic analysis. And archaeologists, historians, will help write a true History of mankind. For now, this may become an occasion for speculation of any kind to the Nazis and nationalists. Hitler also sought purity of blood. I'll wait with conclusions.
    1. 0
      5 January 2013 14: 44
      Let's compare two people, two enemies who attacked their homeland. Napoleon and Hitler. From one, propaganda made almost a savior, a little naughty girl, mixed the second with mud and made a fiend of hell and a household name for evil. One simply went to conquer the country, the second began to delve into genetics. If a trip to the East for Western propaganda is a worthy thing, then interest in genetics is punished to the fullest.
  33. +1
    5 January 2013 14: 54
    An interesting article, but for some reason without a signature.
    The human genome is like a passport, but we Russians are used to hitting the face, not the passport, a genetics-selling girl of imperialism.
    Put article plus, but there was an unpleasant aftertaste, again harsh hints of exclusivity, why yell about the fact that every Russian feels with his gut, somehow it is not beautiful.
    1. 0
      5 January 2013 15: 49
      And they killed a Chinese-like (actually a Yakut or Buryat), a chess athlete.
      “but we Russians are used to hitting in the face, not our passports.” and A.S. Pushkin, who mowed down in the markets as a gypsy, would also get in the face, from you who are accustomed to hitting in the "face".
      1. 0
        6 January 2013 11: 03
        Quote: Penzuck
        Pushkin, who mowed down in the markets as a gypsy, would also get in the face, from you who are accustomed to hitting in the "face".

        I don’t know how the famous pilot, you can even say AS, Pushkin, but it threatens you.
        Quote: Old Rocketman
        The human genome is like a passport, but we Russians are used to hitting the face, not the passport,

        And face faces in Russia are beaten for deeds, and not for a passport, what kind of Russian are you, if you don’t penetrate elementary things.
    2. YuDDP
      5 January 2013 21: 11
      Article 7 years. It was printed in Kommersant-Vlast
    3. 0
      6 January 2013 11: 11
      Quote: Old Rocketman
      genetics-selling girl of imperialism

      Well this is not new.
      But when for money it’s a corrupt girl, and if for free, just like that?
      I’ll say that a very, very pretty girl named genetics.
  34. Galina
    5 January 2013 15: 05
    I read the comments and wonder! The article is a normal essay on the topic. It does not pretend to be any ideological calculations. Therefore, the squabble came out: everyone understands in his own way, judges - ryadil, based on his own ideas.
    And I'm glad that such an article came out. There are links to researchers. You who are living in Russia are not aware of what is happening here, here, in Ukraine. What kind of articles and videos on the Internet have they released! And all with a hint of science. And with the participation of some secret European laboratories. And the main ideas of such Ukrainian articles are as follows:
    1) Russian as such does not exist, nor does the Russian language exist. I can’t give a link to one such widely distributed article, since I did not copy it in time. But it was written smartly, beautifully, very convincingly. Obviously, an intelligent man wrote.
    2) Ukrainians are a very special nation, which has nothing in common with "non-existent" Russians. And here again all sorts of "smart" articles with pseudo-scientific calculations.
    For a long time I thought longingly: well, when will an article be published that will give a reasoned rebuff to all the provocations of Ukrainian nationalists, because this should be the work of geneticists, not political talkers. And now, finally, a competent article has appeared, I hope that its authorship is not fictitious. Moreover, there is no chauvinistic provocation in it. Moreover, the article is written carefully, no challenge.
    Talking with opponents on the national question (and this is both colleagues and students), I often find myself thinking that I have few arguments. On their part - arrogance, emotions and links to some scientific research. Therefore, this article is a plus. It was time for her to go out.
  35. +1
    5 January 2013 15: 23
    Quote: Galina
    Talking with opponents on the national question (and this is both colleagues and students), I often find myself thinking that I have few arguments

    Do not think that you now have trump cards in your hands, and now you prove something to someone! After all, they do not seek the truth, and do not want the truth. Political speculation is not refuted by scientific truths.
    Nationalism is a disease that is treated with other medicines.
    1. +3
      5 January 2013 15: 47
      Tolerasty is a disease, and nationalism is the norm and a synonym for it "Love for the Motherland".
      1. Alek IV
        6 January 2013 13: 22
        5-points grunt. Be Hello !!!
  36. Lech e-mine
    5 January 2013 15: 37
    A people that does not have its own identity IS MANURE ON WHICH OTHER PEOPLES WILL GROW - WHOSE WORDS? doctor laughing
  37. -1
    5 January 2013 15: 44
    Offhand: Our geneticists took the 1st Russian (Eastern), 2nd Russian (Ukrainian or Southern), 3rd Russian (Pole, who is Western Russian, who may not be quite Pole), so there shouldn't be any special differences between them. I'll reveal the secret. One of my typical Russian acquaintances (dark-haired, like a Ukrainian, with gray-green eyes, like a "Finno-Ugric"), by the time of his maturity had a red beard with a mustache. smile So it is not surprising that a randomly recorded gene "surfaced".
  38. -1
    5 January 2013 15: 59
    Quote: Leha e-mine
    A people that does not have its own identity IS MANURE ON WHICH OTHER PEOPLES WILL GROW - WHOSE WORDS? doctor laughing

    If this is a question for me ....
    I don't know the author of the words (Lenin liked the words "shit", "dung"). I agree with the essence of the words.
    I talked about something else - Ukrainian Nazism cannot be remade with such a clever phrase.
    The time will come and we will have to apply the "methods and recipes" of our grandfathers.
  39. 0
    5 January 2013 16: 06
    The article has too much irrelevant hash. Yes, in many countries genome research is being carried out in order to use this data in the future, mainly for drugs and diagnostics, and when we talk about genes, it can be compared with Tatars or Chinese, although for me it is stupid.
    BUT there is no need to braid the appearance of a person here, his eye and hair color, since in this regard the article is nonsense. In addition to the genetic code itself, HUNDREDS of factors related to epigenetics and other similar areas of genetics affect external signs. In addition to the genetic code itself, there is its expression, the inactivation of entire chromosomes, the "shutdown" of entire gene clusters. So you can be Russian, but with dark skin color, black hair and brown eyes.
    The author began for health, finished for peace. trying to scientifically prove some of his theories about Russians. Thank God, he did not begin to compare with the mitochondrial Eve and claim that all the peoples on earth went from the Russians, and it happens ...
    Here is one example of what the author does not even mention and maybe not in the know BD% D0% B5% D1% 82% D0

    % B8% D0% BA% D0% B0
  40. 0
    5 January 2013 16: 21
    this is the seventh decrypted by the gene behind the Ural ridge: before that there were Yakuts, Buryats, Chinese, Kazakhs, Old BelieversKhanty.

    Well now it’s clear why such money is spent on research.
    First, with smart faces, study the genome of the Old Believer (a Russian person baptized with two fingers), and then a Russian (baptized with a pinch) and declare "no differences", but what should have been?
  41. Doom
    5 January 2013 17: 35
    Scrape the Russian you will find the Tatar it is about the Russian Russian nobility and not about Russian laughing descendants of serf scratches for the presence of Turkic and European blood is not necessary)
    1. Ingvald_Bueny
      5 January 2013 19: 19
      Quote: doom
      Scrape the Russian, you will find the Tatar it is about the Russian Russian nobility and not about the Russian descendants of the serf scratches for the presence of Turkic and European bloods)

      Your message is a slight irony, or poorly hidden stupidity?
      1. Doom
        5 January 2013 20: 25
        Your message is a slight irony, or poorly hidden stupidity?

        What is the irony? Among the Russian nobility more than 120 well-known Tatar families. About them and the saying scratch the Russian ....
        1. Yoshkin Kot
          6 January 2013 10: 30
          from ten thousand noble families laughing
  42. Ostanin
    5 January 2013 18: 27
    “We did not find any noticeable Tatar contributions in the genome of Russian, which refutes theories about the destructive influence of the Mongol yoke, - emphasizes the head of the genomic direction at the Kurchatov Institute, Academician Konstantin Skryabin" - Here is another nail in the coffin of the myth about the Mongol-Tatar yoke in Russia, or rather, scratch a Tatar — you will find a Russian.
    1. 11Goor11
      6 January 2013 00: 47
      scratch the Tatar - you will find a Russian.

      one hundred thousand pluses!
      This is the main conclusion from the article.
      Only the Tatars in this sense need to add the Germans and Poles and the Balts and a significant part of the former Vikings!
      And of course, the absolute truth that Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians are one and the same people.
      1. Yoshkin Kot
        6 January 2013 10: 34
        and carefully read the article weakly? Tatars are Tatars, and Russians are Russians, were you a writer, not a reader?
        1. caiman crocodilus
          6 January 2013 20: 39
          The Russian married a Tatar, they had a son who married a Russian, they again had a son who married a Russian, they had a son who married a Tatar, and they had a son. Question: who is he by nationality?
          1. Yoshkin Kot
            7 January 2013 18: 23
            tea we are not Jews, he is 100% Russian
      2. 0
        6 January 2013 21: 20
        The Vikings have nothing to do with the Slavs, these are Scandinavians with completely different genetics. Do not confuse the Vikings with the Vikings, this is not the same thing.
    2. +2
      6 January 2013 21: 39
      There are many genetic maps of the distribution of the "Russian" gene, here is one of them.
      Haplogroup R1A distribution in Europe. Slavic populations have a relatively high percentage of R1A
  43. Mgydvin
    5 January 2013 19: 59
    In short, fraternity is equality of friendship ... Russian genes are almost no worse than the genes of Americans, Chinese Chechens, polar bears, crocodiles Genes)))
  44. +2
    5 January 2013 20: 27
    I am RUSSIAN, and that says it all, my comments are unnecessary.
  45. +1
    5 January 2013 20: 57
    There is a double impression from the article. It seems that you cannot argue with science and at the same time there is some rejection; such an internal resistance.Setaki "RUSSIAN" is something more than a genetic code.
    1. Yoshkin Kot
      6 January 2013 10: 36
      one does not interfere with the other, but supports, but if the Russians destroy the genetic Russians and their faith, the perversion will turn out like a rootless Soviet man
  46. +5
    5 January 2013 21: 19
    Well, I don’t know, I don’t know! Although I currently live in Ukraine, in front of me every time there are pictures of life and the people of my native village of Nikolsky, in the Oryol region. They were of medium height, mostly fair-haired, of good physique, but athletic physicians were often met, eyes were mostly gray or blue, although brown were also met, personally I had green, protective eyes, they were not full, as were thin, they were all muscular , this was caused by a massive passion for sports, swimming and diving in the summer, we were like fish in the water, in winter running and skiing and skiing from the hills around the Rybnitsa River flowing into the Oka River, there were pretty decent coolness, the difference reached more than a hundred meters, It was considered very shameful, it was unsuccessful to move down the hill. Children’s skiing stayed for a lifetime, once they got to the North, namely Intu, in the first winter they easily complied with the first category in cross-country skiing, and it happened to move from quite steep mountains of the northern Urals. Alcohol then was not in fashion among young people, it was considered prestigious to have sports categories, there were no frank fools and morons among us then, even a worker often studied at a technical school or institute and often switched to managerial or engineering work. It was considered honorable to serve in the Soviet Army and come from there with a full chest of military signs, and besides to have diplomas and thanks from the command of the unit, I personally keep them still, although many years have passed. I don’t remember such a case when we were interested in the nationality of those around me, I had friends of Georgians and Ukrainians, and slept with Azerbaijanian Samedov in a bachelor's dormitory in the neighboring beds, I don’t think he would shoot me at a meeting, as in other things and I'm into it. That's how we lived, it was the end of 60, the beginning of 70 years. It still doesn’t fit in my head what happened to us, why we were separated by borders, ended up in different states, and often enemies, even managed to fight each other with a friend. After all, we lived so well, albeit not always in abundance, but so sincerely! Is it really not clear that those who divided us want us only harm. I don’t think that a simple Georgian in Saakashvili Georgia lives so well, for sure people of my age remember life in the USSR with nostalgia. What are we going to do?
  47. Mgydvin
    5 January 2013 21: 58
    WORLD WITHOUT BORDERS ... I wonder if monkeys have these genes?))
    We are all relatives to each other, only we began to forget about it
  48. Yoshkin Kot
    5 January 2013 23: 25
    n-dya, lord, to summarize! how many Herods believe that there are no Russians! which in other things does not deny the Indians who became Russian in Spirit! according to the Russian Faith!
    but how enraged they are by the fact of the presence of ethnic Russians, how much they and their predecessors tried, puffed, but there is no DYE! And we will survive!

    I slept with Azerbaijani Samedov in a bachelor's dormitory on neighboring beds, I don’t think he would shoot me at a meeting, as in other things

    ??? no, he will not shoot at you; he will kill your children first, then your wife. because of you
  49. caiman crocodilus
    6 January 2013 20: 30
    The author of the article is trying to convey the idea that there are very Russian and not very Russian. Thus, it pours water on the mill of intra-Russian nationalism and separatism. Now, tens of millions of Russians whose ancestors lived for centuries in the Volga region, Siberia, the Caucasus, the northern coastal region and the Far East and whose veins certainly flow the blood of local peoples (yes, imagine, mixed marriages have always been) should feel flawed ?

    And yes, by the way, if you look at yourself in the mirror you see a cheekbone physiognomy with blond eyes and brown hair, and in your passport you’ll just have purely Russian names, this doesn’t mean at all that you are a pure water! Examples of thousands!

    Good luck in your research, comrade British scientist!
  50. +4
    7 January 2013 09: 17
    And I am Russian of Estonian-German descent, fair-haired, blue-eyed. He served in the Russian Army and was ready for Russia (as to this day) to give his life! I consider myself a patriot and proud that I live in Russia!
    1. 0
      10 January 2013 17: 52
      I have an example: A man, a German by blood, served in the Russian army, took the oath, I hope that he still lives and works in the Russian Federation.
      Tall, fair-haired, blue-eyed, with a straight nose :)
  51. serg1978
    8 January 2013 17: 06
    Until recently, Ukrainian geneticists and historians argued that Adam was Ukrainian. Now, thanks to the latest research from the Russian Foundation
    fundamental research", which spent 0,5 million STATE BUDGET funds on them (as the TopVar article states, and with this money (the method, according to the article, was very cheap, but its information content exceeded all expectations) (which I believe - the results of cheap methods always exceed all expectations) - “participants of the Russian Gene Pool project walked around almost the entire European territory of the Russian Federation with a syringe and a test tube and made a very representative sample of Russian blood” (don’t believe them - they are vampires).
    I personally believe in this - I myself have come across them more than once on the way to work - on a bus, a tram, a gateway...
    Thanks to their work, the conclusions of Ukrainian scientists were refuted and we know for sure - ADAM WAS RUSSIAN, AND JESUS ​​WAS RUSSIAN. AND GOD IS RUSSIAN.
    God with us.
    1. +1
      9 January 2013 20: 26
      serg1978, plus)
      oh how proud I am of the Slavic-Aryans laughing
  52. Ivanushra
    10 January 2013 22: 18
    “Perhaps many Russians both married the natives and made them sedentary, but the majority of primitive Russian colonizers throughout Russia and Siberia were not like that. It was a commercial, industrial people who took care to arrange themselves in their own way, according to their own ideal of well-being. And this ideal of a Russian person is by no means such that it is easy to twist his life with some kind of “trash,” as the Russian person of a Gentile is still very often honoring. He will do business with him, he will be affectionate and friendly with him, he will come into contact with him in everything, in addition to be related, in order to introduce a foreign element into his family. To this, simple Russian people are still strong, and when it comes to the family, before rooting their home, here he has a kind of aristocracy. Often, villagers of different tribes live in the neighborhood, but marriages between them are rare. ”
    Oh, what a shame that we are being knocked down with articles like this. I'm not for chauvinism, because... the next point is fascism.
    1. Mgydvin
      11 January 2013 08: 17
      There are 6 nations in me and girls love nothing My sexy gene love
  53. kukuruzo
    11 January 2013 13: 49
    The article began with Putin’s words... oh, otherwise I would have read it

    The article began with Putin’s words... oh, otherwise I would have read it
  54. 0
    12 November 2019 11: 56
    Again this pseudoscientific garbage.
  55. 0
    11 June 2020 13: 40
    We are all descendants of Adam and Eve, even those who are Afro-African, in the sense of blacks.